/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (�) 2012-17 Miranda NG project (https://miranda-ng.org), Copyright (c) 2000-08 Miranda ICQ/IM project, Copyright 2007 Artem Shpynov all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "m_skinbutton.h" #include <m_toptoolbar.h> #include "modern_sync.h" struct { char *pszButtonID, *pszButtonName, *pszServiceName; char *pszTooltipUp, *pszTooltipDn; int icoDefIdx, defResource, defResource2; BOOL bVisByDefault; HANDLE hButton; } static BTNS[] = { { "MainMenu", LPGEN("Main menu"), "CList/ShowMainMenu", LPGEN("Main menu"), NULL, 100, IDI_RESETVIEW, IDI_RESETVIEW, TRUE }, { "StatusMenu", LPGEN("Status menu"), "CList/ShowStatusMenu", LPGEN("Status menu"), NULL, 105, IDI_RESETVIEW, IDI_RESETVIEW, TRUE }, { "AccoMgr", LPGEN("Accounts"), MS_PROTO_SHOWACCMGR, LPGEN("Accounts..."), NULL, 282, IDI_ACCMGR, IDI_ACCMGR, TRUE }, { "ShowHideOffline", LPGEN("Show/Hide offline contacts"), MS_CLIST_TOGGLEHIDEOFFLINE, LPGEN("Hide offline contacts"), LPGEN("Show offline contacts"), 110, IDI_RESETVIEW, IDI_RESETVIEW, TRUE }, { "FindUser", LPGEN("Find user"), "FindAdd/FindAddCommand", LPGEN("Find user"), NULL, 140, IDI_RESETVIEW, IDI_RESETVIEW, TRUE }, { "Options", "Options", "Options/OptionsCommand", "Options", NULL, 150, IDI_RESETVIEW, IDI_RESETVIEW, TRUE }, { "UseGroups", LPGEN("Use/Disable groups"), MS_CLIST_TOGGLEGROUPS, LPGEN("Use groups"), LPGEN("Disable groups"), 160, IDI_RESETVIEW, IDI_RESETVIEW, FALSE }, { "EnableSounds", LPGEN("Enable/Disable sounds"), MS_CLIST_TOGGLESOUNDS, LPGEN("Enable sounds"), LPGEN("Disable sounds"), 170, IDI_RESETVIEW, IDI_RESETVIEW, FALSE }, { "Minimize", LPGEN("Minimize"), "CList/ShowHide", LPGEN("Minimize"), NULL, 180, IDI_RESETVIEW, IDI_RESETVIEW, FALSE } }; static void SetButtonPressed(int i, int state) { CallService(MS_TTB_SETBUTTONSTATE, (WPARAM)BTNS[i].hButton, state ? TTBST_PUSHED : 0); } void Modern_InitButtons() { for (int i = 0; i < _countof(BTNS); i++) { TTBButton tbb = { 0 }; if (BTNS[i].pszButtonID) { tbb.name = LPGEN(BTNS[i].pszButtonName); tbb.pszService = BTNS[i].pszServiceName; tbb.pszTooltipUp = LPGEN(BTNS[i].pszTooltipUp); tbb.pszTooltipDn = LPGEN(BTNS[i].pszTooltipDn); char buf[255]; if (i != 0) { mir_snprintf(buf, "%s%s%s", TTB_OPTDIR, BTNS[i].pszButtonID, "_dn"); tbb.hIconHandleUp = RegisterIcolibIconHandle(buf, "Toolbar", BTNS[i].pszTooltipUp, L"icons\\toolbar_icons.dll", BTNS[i].icoDefIdx, g_hInst, BTNS[i].defResource); } else tbb.hIconHandleUp = RegisterIcolibIconHandle(buf, "Toolbar", BTNS[i].pszTooltipUp, NULL, 0, NULL, SKINICON_OTHER_MAINMENU); if (BTNS[i].pszTooltipDn) { mir_snprintf(buf, "%s%s%s", TTB_OPTDIR, BTNS[i].pszButtonID, "_up"); tbb.hIconHandleDn = RegisterIcolibIconHandle(buf, "Toolbar", BTNS[i].pszTooltipDn, L"icons\\toolbar_icons.dll", BTNS[i].icoDefIdx + 1, g_hInst, BTNS[i].defResource2); } else tbb.hIconHandleDn = NULL; } else tbb.dwFlags |= TTBBF_ISSEPARATOR; tbb.dwFlags |= (BTNS[i].bVisByDefault ? TTBBF_VISIBLE : 0); BTNS[i].hButton = TopToolbar_AddButton(&tbb); } SetButtonPressed(3, db_get_b(NULL, "CList", "HideOffline", SETTING_HIDEOFFLINE_DEFAULT)); SetButtonPressed(6, db_get_b(NULL, "CList", "UseGroups", SETTING_USEGROUPS_DEFAULT)); SetButtonPressed(7, db_get_b(NULL, "Skin", "UseSound", SETTING_ENABLESOUNDS_DEFAULT)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define MTBM_LAYEREDPAINT (WM_USER+20) struct ModernToolbarCtrl : public TTBCtrl { XPTHANDLE mtbXPTheme; }; struct { HBITMAP mtb_hBmpBackground; COLORREF mtb_bkColour; WORD mtb_backgroundBmpUse; BOOL mtb_useWinColors; } static tbdat = { NULL, CLCDEFAULT_BKCOLOUR, CLCDEFAULT_BKBMPUSE, CLCDEFAULT_USEWINDOWSCOLOURS }; static int ehhToolBarSettingsChanged(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam) { DBCONTACTWRITESETTING *cws = (DBCONTACTWRITESETTING*)lParam; if (hContact != NULL) return 0; if (!strcmp(cws->szModule, "CList")) { if (!strcmp(cws->szSetting, "HideOffline")) SetButtonPressed(3, cws->value.bVal); else if (!strcmp(cws->szSetting, "UseGroups")) SetButtonPressed(6, cws->value.bVal); } else if (!strcmp(cws->szModule, "Skin")) { if (!strcmp(cws->szSetting, "UseSound")) SetButtonPressed(7, cws->value.bVal); } return 0; } static int ehhToolBarBackgroundSettingsChanged(WPARAM, LPARAM) { if (tbdat.mtb_hBmpBackground) { DeleteObject(tbdat.mtb_hBmpBackground); tbdat.mtb_hBmpBackground = NULL; } if (g_CluiData.fDisableSkinEngine) { tbdat.mtb_bkColour = cliGetColor("ToolBar", "BkColour", CLCDEFAULT_BKCOLOUR); if (db_get_b(NULL, "ToolBar", "UseBitmap", CLCDEFAULT_USEBITMAP)) { ptrW tszBitmapName(db_get_wsa(NULL, "ToolBar", "BkBitmap")); if (tszBitmapName) tbdat.mtb_hBmpBackground = Bitmap_Load(tszBitmapName); } tbdat.mtb_useWinColors = db_get_b(NULL, "ToolBar", "UseWinColours", CLCDEFAULT_USEWINDOWSCOLOURS); tbdat.mtb_backgroundBmpUse = db_get_b(NULL, "ToolBar", "BkBmpUse", CLCDEFAULT_BKBMPUSE); } PostMessage(pcli->hwndContactList, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); return 0; } static BOOL sttDrawToolBarBackground(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, RECT *rect, ModernToolbarCtrl* pMTBInfo) { BOOL bFloat = (GetParent(hwnd) != pcli->hwndContactList); if (g_CluiData.fDisableSkinEngine || !g_CluiData.fLayered || bFloat) { HBRUSH hbr; RECT rc; if (rect) rc = *rect; else GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); if (!(tbdat.mtb_backgroundBmpUse && tbdat.mtb_hBmpBackground) && tbdat.mtb_useWinColors) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; if (xpt_IsThemed(pMTBInfo->mtbXPTheme)) hr = xpt_DrawTheme(pMTBInfo->mtbXPTheme, pMTBInfo->hWnd, hdc, 0, 0, &rc, &rc); if (hr == S_FALSE) { hbr = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE); FillRect(hdc, &rc, hbr); } } else if (!tbdat.mtb_hBmpBackground && !tbdat.mtb_useWinColors) { hbr = CreateSolidBrush(tbdat.mtb_bkColour); FillRect(hdc, &rc, hbr); DeleteObject(hbr); } else DrawBackGround(hwnd, hdc, tbdat.mtb_hBmpBackground, tbdat.mtb_bkColour, tbdat.mtb_backgroundBmpUse); } return TRUE; } static void sttDrawNonLayeredSkinedBar(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc) { RECT rc = { 0 }; GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); rc.right++; rc.bottom++; HDC hdc2 = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); HBITMAP hbmp = ske_CreateDIB32(rc.right, rc.bottom); HBITMAP hbmpo = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdc2, hbmp); if (GetParent(hwnd) != pcli->hwndContactList) { HBRUSH br = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE); FillRect(hdc2, &rc, br); } else ske_BltBackImage(hwnd, hdc2, &rc); SendMessage(hwnd, MTBM_LAYEREDPAINT, (WPARAM)hdc2, 0); BitBlt(hdc, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, hdc2, rc.left, rc.top, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(hdc2, hbmpo); DeleteObject(hbmp); DeleteDC(hdc2); SelectObject(hdc, (HFONT)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); ValidateRect(hwnd, NULL); } static LRESULT CALLBACK toolbarWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ModernToolbarCtrl* pMTBInfo = (ModernToolbarCtrl*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, 0); switch (msg) { case WM_ERASEBKGND: return (g_CluiData.fDisableSkinEngine) ? sttDrawToolBarBackground(hwnd, (HDC)wParam, NULL, pMTBInfo) : 0; case WM_NCPAINT: case WM_PAINT: { PAINTSTRUCT ps; BOOL bFloat = (GetParent(hwnd) != pcli->hwndContactList); if (g_CluiData.fDisableSkinEngine || !g_CluiData.fLayered || bFloat) { BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); if ((!g_CluiData.fLayered || bFloat) && !g_CluiData.fDisableSkinEngine) sttDrawNonLayeredSkinedBar(hwnd, ps.hdc); else sttDrawToolBarBackground(hwnd, ps.hdc, &ps.rcPaint, pMTBInfo); EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); } } return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); case WM_NOTIFY: if (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code == BUTTONNEEDREDRAW) pcli->pfnInvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE); return 0; case MTBM_LAYEREDPAINT: { RECT MyRect = { 0 }; HDC hDC = (HDC)wParam; GetWindowRect(hwnd, &MyRect); RECT rcClient; GetClientRect(hwnd, &rcClient); SkinDrawGlyph(hDC, &rcClient, &rcClient, "Bar,ID=ToolBar,Part=Background"); for (int i = 0; i < pMTBInfo->pButtonList->realCount; i++) { RECT childRect; POINT Offset; TTBCtrlButton* mtbi = (TTBCtrlButton*)pMTBInfo->pButtonList->items[i]; GetWindowRect(mtbi->hWindow, &childRect); Offset.x = childRect.left - MyRect.left; Offset.y = childRect.top - MyRect.top; SendMessage(mtbi->hWindow, BUTTONDRAWINPARENT, (WPARAM)hDC, (LPARAM)&Offset); } } return 0; case WM_DESTROY: xpt_FreeThemeForWindow(hwnd); CallService(MS_SKINENG_REGISTERPAINTSUB, (WPARAM)hwnd, 0); break; } return mir_callNextSubclass(hwnd, toolbarWndProc, msg, wParam, lParam); } static int ToolBar_LayeredPaintProc(HWND hWnd, HDC hDC, RECT *, HRGN, DWORD, void *) { return SendMessage(hWnd, MTBM_LAYEREDPAINT, (WPARAM)hDC, 0); } void CustomizeToolbar(HWND hwnd) { mir_subclassWindow(hwnd, toolbarWndProc); SendMessage(hwnd, TTB_SETCUSTOMDATASIZE, 0, sizeof(ModernToolbarCtrl)); ModernToolbarCtrl* pMTBInfo = (ModernToolbarCtrl*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, 0); CLISTFrame Frame = { sizeof(Frame) }; Frame.tname = L"Toolbar"; Frame.hWnd = hwnd; Frame.align = alTop; Frame.Flags = F_VISIBLE | F_NOBORDER | F_LOCKED | F_UNICODE | F_NO_SUBCONTAINER; Frame.height = 18; Frame.hIcon = Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_OTHER_FRAME); pMTBInfo->hFrame = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_CLIST_FRAMES_ADDFRAME, (WPARAM)&Frame, 0); CallService(MS_SKINENG_REGISTERPAINTSUB, (WPARAM)hwnd, (LPARAM)ToolBar_LayeredPaintProc); pMTBInfo->mtbXPTheme = xpt_AddThemeHandle(hwnd, L"TOOLBAR"); pMTBInfo->bHardUpdate = TRUE; Modern_InitButtons(); } #define TTB_OPTDIR "TopToolBar" static char szUrl[] = "https://miranda-ng.org/p/TopToolBar"; static wchar_t szWarning[] = LPGENW("To view a toolbar in Clist_modern you need the TopToolBar plugin. Click Yes to download it or No to continue"); static void CopySettings(const char* to, const char* from, int defValue) { db_set_b(NULL, TTB_OPTDIR, to, db_get_b(NULL, "ModernToolBar", from, defValue)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CustomizeButton(HANDLE ttbid, HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam); static int Toolbar_ModuleReloaded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { PLUGININFOEX *pInfo = (PLUGININFOEX*)wParam; if (!mir_strcmpi(pInfo->shortName, "TopToolBar")) TopToolbar_SetCustomProc(CustomizeButton, 0); return 0; } static int Toolbar_ModulesLoaded(WPARAM, LPARAM) { CallService(MS_BACKGROUNDCONFIG_REGISTER, (WPARAM)(LPGEN("Toolbar background")"/ToolBar"), 0); HookEvent(ME_DB_CONTACT_SETTINGCHANGED, ehhToolBarSettingsChanged); TopToolbar_SetCustomProc(CustomizeButton, 0); BYTE bOldSetting = 0; if (!db_get_b(NULL, "Compatibility", "TTB_Upgrade", 0)) { if (bOldSetting = db_get_b(NULL, "CLUI", "ShowButtonBar", 1)) { CopySettings("BUTTWIDTH", "option_Bar0_BtnWidth", 20); CopySettings("BUTTHEIGHT", "option_Bar0_BtnHeight", 20); CopySettings("BUTTGAP", "option_Bar0_BtnSpace", 1); CopySettings("BUTTAUTOSIZE", "option_Bar0_Autosize", 1); CopySettings("BUTTMULTI", "option_Bar0_Multiline", 1); db_unset(NULL, "CLUI", "ShowButtonBar"); db_delete_module(0, "ModernToolBar"); } db_set_b(NULL, "Compatibility", "TTB_Upgrade", 1); } if (!ServiceExists(MS_TTB_REMOVEBUTTON) && bOldSetting == 1) if (IDYES == MessageBox(NULL, TranslateW(szWarning), TranslateT("Toolbar upgrade"), MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO)) Utils_OpenUrl(szUrl); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT ToolbarLoadModule() { HookEvent(ME_BACKGROUNDCONFIG_CHANGED, ehhToolBarBackgroundSettingsChanged); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULELOAD, Toolbar_ModuleReloaded); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, Toolbar_ModulesLoaded); return S_OK; }