#ifndef commonheaders_h__ #define commonheaders_h__ /* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (C) 2012-20 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org), Copyright (c) 2000-08 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #pragma once /* #ifndef DB_USEHELPERFUNCTIONS // to supress static inline db helpers #define DB_NOHELPERFUNCTIONS #endif */ #ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS // to suppress secure warnings in VC2005 #endif #ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE // to suppress secure deprecate warnings in VC2005 #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #endif #if defined (_DEBUG) #define TRACE(str) { log0(str); } #else #define TRACE(str) #endif #if defined (_DEBUG) #define TRACEVAR(str,n) { log1(str,n); } #else #define TRACEVAR(str,n) #endif #if defined (_DEBUG) #define TRACET(str) OutputDebugString(str) #else #define TRACET(str) #endif #define SERVICE(serviceproc) static INT_PTR serviceproc(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) #define EVENTHOOK(eventhookproc) static int eventhookproc(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) #define CLINTERFACE static #include <windows.h> #include <Shlwapi.h> #include <vssym32.h> #include <UxTheme.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <time.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <io.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <newpluginapi.h> #include <m_system.h> #include <win2k.h> #include <m_database.h> #include <m_langpack.h> #include <m_options.h> #include <m_protosvc.h> #include <m_clist.h> #include <m_skin.h> #include <m_skin_eng.h> #include <m_message.h> #include <m_skinbutton.h> #include <m_contacts.h> #include <m_avatars.h> #include <m_icolib.h> #include <m_fontservice.h> #include <m_hotkeys.h> #include <m_metacontacts.h> #include <m_timezones.h> #include <m_extraicons.h> #include <m_xstatus.h> #include <m_cluiframes.h> #include <m_protoint.h> #include <m_netlib.h> #include <m_toptoolbar.h> #include <m_metacontacts.h> #include <m_variables.h> #include <m_smileyadd.h> #include <m_folders.h> #include <m_seenplugin.h> #define TEXT_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH 1024 #include "modern_global_structure.h" #include "modern_defsettings.h" #include "modern_clist.h" #include "modern_clc.h" #include "modern_row.h" #include "modern_skinselector.h" #include "modern_skinengine.h" #include "modern_statusbar.h" #include "cluiframes.h" #include "modern_commonprototypes.h" #include "modern_rowheight_funcs.h" #include "modern_cache_funcs.h" #include "modern_log.h" #include "resource.h" struct CMPlugin : public PLUGIN<CMPlugin> { CMPlugin(); ClcLineInfo secondLine, thirdLine; void ReadSettings(); int Load() override; int Unload() override; }; #define DEFAULT_SKIN_FOLDER "Skins\\Modern contact list" extern wchar_t SkinsFolder[MAX_PATH]; //macros to free data and set it pointer to nullptr #define mir_free_and_nil(x) {mir_free((void*)x); x = 0;} // shared vars #define CLUI_FRAME_AUTOHIDENOTIFY 512 #define CLUI_FRAME_SHOWALWAYS 1024 #ifndef CS_DROPSHADOW #define CS_DROPSHADOW 0x00020000 #endif #define MENU_MIRANDAMENU 0xFFFF1234 #define MENU_STATUSMENU 0xFFFF1235 #define MENU_MINIMIZE 0xFFFF1236 #define UM_CREATECLC (WM_USER+1) #define UM_SETALLEXTRAICONS (WM_USER+2) #define UM_UPDATE (WM_USER+50) // Define constants for CLUI_SizingOnBorder SC_SIZE #define SCF_NONE 0 #define SCF_LEFT 1 #define SCF_RIGHT 2 #define SCF_TOP 3 #define SCF_BOTTOM 6 char* __cdecl strstri(char *a, const char *b); // Register of plugin's user // // wParam = (WPARAM)szSetting - string that describes a user // format: Category/ModuleName, // eg: "Contact list background/CLUI", // "Status bar background/StatusBar" // lParam = (LPARAM)dwFlags // #define MS_BACKGROUNDCONFIG_REGISTER "ModernBkgrCfg/Register" // // Notification about changed background // wParam = ModuleName // lParam = 0 #define ME_BACKGROUNDCONFIG_CHANGED "ModernBkgrCfg/Changed" HBITMAP ske_CreateDIB32(int cx, int cy); int CLUI_ShowWindowMod(HWND hwnd, int cmd); void MakeButtonSkinned(HWND hWnd); #ifndef LWA_COLORKEY #define LWA_COLORKEY 0x00000001 #endif #ifndef AC_SRC_ALPHA #define AC_SRC_ALPHA 0x01 #endif #define strsetA(a,b) {if (a) mir_free_and_nill(a); a=mir_strdup(b);} #define strsetT(a,b) {if (a) mir_free_and_nill(a); a=mir_wstrdup(b);} void TRACE_ERROR(); HICON LoadSmallIcon(HINSTANCE hInstance, int idx); BOOL DestroyIcon_protect(HICON icon); #ifndef ETDT_ENABLETAB #define ETDT_DISABLE 0x00000001 #define ETDT_ENABLE 0x00000002 #define ETDT_USETABTEXTURE 0x00000004 #define ETDT_ENABLETAB (ETDT_ENABLE | ETDT_USETABTEXTURE) #endif enum { STATE_DLL_LOADING = 0, STATE_CLUI_LOADING, STATE_NORMAL, STATE_PREPARETOEXIT, STATE_EXITING }; #define MirandaLoading() ((g_CluiData.bSTATE<STATE_NORMAL)) #define MirandaExiting() ((g_CluiData.bSTATE>STATE_NORMAL)) #define SORTBY_NAME 0 #define SORTBY_STATUS 1 #define SORTBY_LASTMSG 2 #define SORTBY_PROTO 3 #define SORTBY_RATE 4 #define SORTBY_NAME_LOCALE 5 #define SORTBY_LAST_ONLINE 6 #define SORTBY_NOTHING 10 #define DT_FORCENATIVERENDER 0x10000000 #define _BOOL(a) (a != 0) /* modern_animated_avatars.c */ int AniAva_InitModule(); // HAVE TO BE AFTER GDI+ INITIALIZED int AniAva_UnloadModule(); int AniAva_UpdateOptions(); //reload options, //hot enable/disable engine int AniAva_AddAvatar(MCONTACT hContact, wchar_t * szFilename, int width, int heigth); // adds avatars to be displayed int AniAva_SetAvatarPos(MCONTACT hContact, RECT *rc, int overlayIdx, BYTE bAlpha); // update avatars pos int AniAva_InvalidateAvatarPositions(MCONTACT hContact); // reset positions of avatars to be drawn (still be painted at same place) int AniAva_RemoveInvalidatedAvatars(); // all avatars without validated position will be stop painted and probably removed int AniAva_RemoveAvatar(MCONTACT hContact); // remove avatar int AniAva_RedrawAllAvatars(BOOL updateZOrder); // request to repaint all void AniAva_UpdateParent(); int AniAva_RenderAvatar(MCONTACT hContact, HDC hdcMem, RECT *rc); #define CCI_NAME 1 #define CCI_GROUP (1<<1) #define CCI_PROTO (1<<2) #define CCI_STATUS (1<<3) #define CCI_LINES (1<<4) #define CCI_HIDDEN (1<<4) #define CCI_NOHIDEOFFLINE (1<<5) #define CCI_NOPROTO (1<<6) #define CCI_HIDESUBCONTACT (1<<7) #define CCI_I (1<<8) #define CCI_APPARENT (1<<9) #define CCI_NOTONLIST (1<<10) #define CCI_IDLETS (1<<11) #define CCI_CCONTACT (1<<12) #define CCI_EXPAND (1<<13) #define CCI_UNKNOWN (1<<14) #define CCI_TIME (1<<15) #define CCI_OTHER ~( CCI_NAME|CCI_GROUP|CCI_PROTO|CCI_STATUS|CCI_LINES|CCI_TIME ) #define CCI_ALL (0xFFFFFFFF) /* move to list module */ typedef void(*ItemDestuctor)(void*); const ROWCELL* rowAddCell(ROWCELL* &, int); void rowDeleteTree(ROWCELL *cell); BOOL rowParse(ROWCELL* &cell, ROWCELL* parent, char *tbuf, int &hbuf, int &sequence, ROWCELL** RowTabAccess); void rowSizeWithReposition(ROWCELL* &root, int width); #define UNPACK_POINT(X) { (short)LOWORD(X), (short)HIWORD(X) } #endif // commonheaders_h__