/* * astyle --force-indent=tab=4 --brackets=linux --indent-switches * --pad=oper --one-line=keep-blocks --unpad=paren * * Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* * * Copyright 2000-2010 Miranda ICQ/IM project, * all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people * listed in contributors.txt. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * you should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * part of clist_ng plugin for Miranda. * * (C) 2005-2010 by silvercircle _at_ gmail _dot_ com and contributors * * $Id: gfx.cpp 134 2010-10-01 10:23:10Z silvercircle $ * * clist_ng low level graphics code */ #include <commonheaders.h> #include <math.h> #ifdef _USE_D2D ID2D1Factory* Gfx::pD2DFactory = 0; #endif COLORREF Gfx::txtColor = 0; //Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput Gfx::gdiPlusStartupInput; //ULONG_PTR Gfx::gdiPlusToken; /** * Create a 32bit RGBA bitmap, compatible for rendering with alpha channel. * Required by anything which would render on a transparent aero surface. * the image is a "bottom up" bitmap, as it has a negative * height. This is a requirement for some UxTheme APIs (e.g. * DrawThemeTextEx). * * @param rc RECT &: the rectangle describing the target area. * @param dc The device context for which the bitmap should be created. * * @return HBITMAP: handle to the bitmap created. */ BYTE* Gfx::m_p = nullptr; size_t Gfx::m_sAllocated = 0; HBITMAP Gfx::createRGBABitmap(const LONG cx, const LONG cy) { BITMAPINFO dib = {0}; dib.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); dib.bmiHeader.biWidth = cx; dib.bmiHeader.biHeight = -cy; // use a "topdown" bitmap (0,0 = left, top corner) dib.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; dib.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; dib.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; return(CreateDIBSection(0, &dib, DIB_RGB_COLORS, NULL, NULL, 0 )); } /** * initialize Direct2D, create the factory */ void Gfx::D2D_Init() { #ifdef _USE_D2D HRESULT hr = D2D1CreateFactory(D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE_SINGLE_THREADED, &pD2DFactory); #endif } void Gfx::D2D_Release() { #ifdef _USE_D2D pD2DFactory->Release(); #endif } void Gfx::deSaturate(HBITMAP hBitmap, bool fReduceContrast) { BITMAP bmp; DWORD dwLen; BYTE bMin = 255, bMax = 0, bRamp = 0, bMaxAdjust, bMinAdjust; int x, y; GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(bmp), &bmp); if (bmp.bmBitsPixel != 32) return; dwLen = bmp.bmWidth * bmp.bmHeight * (bmp.bmBitsPixel / 8); if (dwLen > m_sAllocated) { m_p = (BYTE *)realloc(m_p, dwLen); m_sAllocated = dwLen; } memset(m_p, 0, dwLen); GetBitmapBits(hBitmap, dwLen, m_p); if(fReduceContrast) { for (y = 0; y < bmp.bmHeight; ++y) { BYTE *px = m_p + bmp.bmWidth * 4 * y; for (x = 0; x < bmp.bmWidth; ++x) { BYTE avg = (px[0] + px[1] + px[2]) / 3; bMin = min(avg, bMin); bMax = max(avg, bMax); px += 4; } } bRamp = (bMax + bMin) / 2; bMaxAdjust = (bMax - bRamp) / 2; bMinAdjust = (bRamp - bMin) / 2; } for (y = 0; y < bmp.bmHeight; ++y) { BYTE *px = m_p + bmp.bmWidth * 4 * y; for (x = 0; x < bmp.bmWidth; ++x) { BYTE avg = (px[0] + px[1] + px[2]) / 3; //if(fReduceContrast) // avg = (avg < bRamp ? avg + bMinAdjust : avg - bMaxAdjust); px[0] = px[1] = px[2] = avg; px += 4; } } SetBitmapBits(hBitmap, bmp.bmWidth * bmp.bmHeight * 4, m_p); } void Gfx::setBitmapAlpha(HBITMAP hBitmap, BYTE bAlpha) { BITMAP bmp; DWORD dwLen; int x, y; GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(bmp), &bmp); if (bmp.bmBitsPixel != 32) return; dwLen = bmp.bmWidth * bmp.bmHeight * (bmp.bmBitsPixel / 8); if (dwLen > m_sAllocated) { m_p = (BYTE *)realloc(m_p, dwLen); m_sAllocated = dwLen; } memset(m_p, 0, dwLen); GetBitmapBits(hBitmap, dwLen, m_p); for (y = 0; y < bmp.bmHeight; ++y) { BYTE *px = m_p + bmp.bmWidth * 4 * y; for (x = 0; x < bmp.bmWidth; ++x) { px[3] = bAlpha; px += 4; } } SetBitmapBits(hBitmap, bmp.bmWidth * bmp.bmHeight * 4, m_p); } /** * render text using UxTheme (vista+) DrawTextEx() API * @param hdc device context * @param hTheme a valid theme handle * @param szText text to draw * @param rc rectangle where to draw * @param dtFlags flags (same as DrawText()) * @param iGlowSize glow size if we want glow, if 0 use solid color * @param clr color to use * @param fForceAero force using composited text with glow * @return return value of DrawText() */ int Gfx::renderText(HDC hdc, HANDLE hTheme, const TCHAR *szText, RECT *rc, DWORD dtFlags, const int iGlowSize, int length, bool fForceAero) { if(hTheme || fForceAero) { DTTOPTS dto = {0}; dto.dwSize = sizeof(dto); if(iGlowSize && (cfg::isAero || fForceAero)) { dto.iGlowSize = iGlowSize; dto.dwFlags = DTT_COMPOSITED|DTT_GLOWSIZE; } else { dto.dwFlags = DTT_TEXTCOLOR|DTT_COMPOSITED;//|DTT_SHADOWTYPE|DTT_SHADOWOFFSET|DTT_SHADOWCOLOR|DTT_BORDERSIZE|DTT_BORDERCOLOR; dto.crText = txtColor; } dto.iBorderSize = 10; return(Api::pfnDrawThemeTextEx(hTheme, hdc, BP_PUSHBUTTON, PBS_NORMAL, szText, length, dtFlags, rc, &dto)); } else { ::SetTextColor(hdc, txtColor); return(::DrawText(hdc, szText, -1, rc, dtFlags)); } } void Gfx::preMultiply(HBITMAP hBitmap, int mode) { DWORD dwLen; int width, height, x, y; BITMAP bmp; BYTE alpha; GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(bmp), &bmp); width = bmp.bmWidth; height = bmp.bmHeight; dwLen = width * height * 4; if (dwLen > m_sAllocated) { m_p = (BYTE *)realloc(m_p, dwLen); m_sAllocated = dwLen; } if(m_p) { GetBitmapBits(hBitmap, dwLen, m_p); for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) { BYTE *px = m_p + width * 4 * y; for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) { if(mode) { alpha = px[3]; px[0] = px[0] * alpha/255; px[1] = px[1] * alpha/255; px[2] = px[2] * alpha/255; } else px[3] = 255; px += 4; } } dwLen = SetBitmapBits(hBitmap, dwLen, m_p); } } /** * render a image item on the given target surface. * * @param hdc target HDC * @param item image item * @param rc target rectangle (client coordinates) */ void __fastcall Gfx::renderImageItem(HDC hdc, TImageItem *item, RECT *rc) { BYTE l = item->bLeft, r = item->bRight, t = item->bTop, b = item->bBottom; LONG width = rc->right - rc->left; LONG height = rc->bottom - rc->top; BOOL isGlyph = (item->dwFlags & IMAGE_GLYPH) && Skin::glyphItem; HDC hdcSrc = isGlyph ? Skin::glyphItem->hdc : item->hdc; LONG srcOrigX = isGlyph ? item->glyphMetrics[0] : 0; LONG srcOrigY = isGlyph ? item->glyphMetrics[1] : 0; if(item->dwFlags & IMAGE_FLAG_DIVIDED) { // top 3 items Api::pfnAlphaBlend(hdc, rc->left, rc->top, l, t, hdcSrc, srcOrigX, srcOrigY, l, t, item->bf); Api::pfnAlphaBlend(hdc, rc->left + l, rc->top, width - l - r, t, hdcSrc, srcOrigX + l, srcOrigY, item->inner_width, t, item->bf); Api::pfnAlphaBlend(hdc, rc->right - r, rc->top, r, t, hdcSrc, srcOrigX + (item->width - r), srcOrigY, r, t, item->bf); // middle 3 items Api::pfnAlphaBlend(hdc, rc->left, rc->top + t, l, height - t - b, hdcSrc, srcOrigX, srcOrigY + t, l, item->inner_height, item->bf); if(item->dwFlags & IMAGE_FILLSOLID && item->fillBrush) { RECT rcFill; rcFill.left = rc->left + l; rcFill.top = rc->top +t; rcFill.right = rc->right - r; rcFill.bottom = rc->bottom - b; FillRect(hdc, &rcFill, item->fillBrush); } else Api::pfnAlphaBlend(hdc, rc->left + l, rc->top + t, width - l - r, height - t - b, hdcSrc, srcOrigX + l, srcOrigY + t, item->inner_width, item->inner_height, item->bf); Api::pfnAlphaBlend(hdc, rc->right - r, rc->top + t, r, height - t - b, hdcSrc, srcOrigX + (item->width - r), srcOrigY + t, r, item->inner_height, item->bf); // bottom 3 items Api::pfnAlphaBlend(hdc, rc->left, rc->bottom - b, l, b, hdcSrc, srcOrigX, srcOrigY + (item->height - b), l, b, item->bf); Api::pfnAlphaBlend(hdc, rc->left + l, rc->bottom - b, width - l - r, b, hdcSrc, srcOrigX + l, srcOrigY + (item->height - b), item->inner_width, b, item->bf); Api::pfnAlphaBlend(hdc, rc->right - r, rc->bottom - b, r, b, hdcSrc, srcOrigX + (item->width - r), srcOrigY + (item->height - b), r, b, item->bf); } else { switch(item->bStretch) { case IMAGE_STRETCH_H: // tile image vertically, stretch to width { LONG top = rc->top; do { if(top + item->height <= rc->bottom) { Api::pfnAlphaBlend(hdc, rc->left, top, width, item->height, hdcSrc, srcOrigX, srcOrigY, item->width, item->height, item->bf); top += item->height; } else { Api::pfnAlphaBlend(hdc, rc->left, top, width, rc->bottom - top, hdcSrc, srcOrigX, srcOrigY, item->width, rc->bottom - top, item->bf); break; } } while (TRUE); break; } case IMAGE_STRETCH_V: // tile horizontally, stretch to height { LONG left = rc->left; do { if(left + item->width <= rc->right) { Api::pfnAlphaBlend(hdc, left, rc->top, item->width, height, hdcSrc, srcOrigX, srcOrigY, item->width, item->height, item->bf); left += item->width; } else { Api::pfnAlphaBlend(hdc, left, rc->top, rc->right - left, height, hdcSrc, srcOrigX, srcOrigY, rc->right - left, item->height, item->bf); break; } } while (TRUE); break; } case IMAGE_STRETCH_B: // stretch the image in both directions... Api::pfnAlphaBlend(hdc, rc->left, rc->top, width, height, hdcSrc, srcOrigX, srcOrigY, item->width, item->height, item->bf); break; default: break; } } } /** * colorize an image item (both standalone items with their own bitmap and glyph items). * * @param item image item to colorize * @param clr color to use (note: BGRA format required, although, alpha is ignored) * @param hue hue adjustment (in degrees, -180 .. +180 * @param saturation scalar value (0.0 ... 1.0) * @param value scalar value (0.0 ... 1.0) * * note: this isn't performance critical as it only runs at skin loading time or when * the user changes colorization options, never during rendering. * * if clr == 0, hsv transformation will be applied, otherwise it's rgb colorization. */ void Gfx::colorizeGlyph(TImageItem *item, const COLORREF clr, float hue, float saturation, float value) { LONG stride = 0, line, pixel; HBITMAP hBitmap = 0; LONG x, y, x1, y1; BITMAP bmp = {0}; DWORD dwLen; BYTE* pOrig, *pLine, alpha; float v_s_u = 0, v_s_w = 0, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; if(0 == clr) { // do hsv transformation v_s_u = value * saturation * cos(hue * M_PI/180); v_s_w = value * saturation * sin(hue * M_PI/180); } else { // rgb colorization BYTE rValue = GetRValue(clr); BYTE gValue = GetGValue(clr); BYTE bValue = GetBValue(clr); r = (float)rValue / 2.55; g = (float)gValue / 2.55; b = (float)bValue / 2.55; } if(item) { /* * colorize a rectangular glyph */ if(item->dwFlags & IMAGE_GLYPH) { hBitmap = Skin::glyphItem->hbm; x = item->glyphMetrics[0]; y = item->glyphMetrics[1]; x1 = x + item->glyphMetrics[2] - 1; y1 = y + item->glyphMetrics[3] - 1; GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(bmp), &bmp); if (bmp.bmBitsPixel != 32) return; dwLen = bmp.bmWidth * bmp.bmHeight * 4; if (dwLen > m_sAllocated) { m_p = (BYTE *)realloc(m_p, dwLen); dwLen = (DWORD)m_sAllocated; } memset(m_p, 0, dwLen); pOrig = m_p; GetBitmapBits(hBitmap, dwLen, m_p); stride = bmp.bmWidthBytes; m_p += ((y * stride) + (4 * x)); for(line = y; line <= y1; line++) { pLine = m_p; for(pixel = x; pixel <= x1; pixel++) { alpha = m_p[3]; if(alpha > 0) { if(0 == clr) hsvTransformPixel(m_p, value, v_s_u, v_s_w, alpha); else rgbTransformPixel(m_p, r, g, b, alpha); } m_p += 4; } m_p = pLine + stride; } SetBitmapBits(hBitmap, dwLen, pOrig); } else if (item->hbm) { GetObject(item->hbm, sizeof(bmp), &bmp); if (bmp.bmBitsPixel != 32) return; dwLen = bmp.bmWidth * bmp.bmHeight * 4; if (dwLen > m_sAllocated) { m_p = (BYTE *)realloc(m_p, dwLen); m_sAllocated = dwLen; } memset(m_p, 0, dwLen); pOrig = m_p; GetBitmapBits(item->hbm, dwLen, m_p); for(pixel = 0; pixel < (bmp.bmWidth * bmp.bmHeight); pixel++) { alpha = m_p[3]; if(alpha > 0) { if(0 == clr) hsvTransformPixel(m_p, value, v_s_u, v_s_w, alpha); else rgbTransformPixel(m_p, r, g, b, alpha); } m_p += 4; } SetBitmapBits(item->hbm, dwLen, pOrig); } } }