/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (C) 2012-23 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org), Copyright (c) 2000-03 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #pragma once #define INTM_XSTATUSCHANGED (WM_USER+26) #define INTM_METACHANGEDEVENT (WM_USER+27) #define INTM_CODEPAGECHANGED (WM_USER+28) #define INTM_AVATARCHANGED (WM_USER+30) #define INTM_STATUSMSGCHANGED (WM_USER+31) #define INTM_SORTCLC (WM_USER+32) #define INTM_STATUSCHANGED (WM_USER+33) #define INTM_METACHANGED (WM_USER+34) #define INTM_FORCESORT (WM_USER+36) #define DEFAULT_TITLEBAR_HEIGHT 18 #define CLS_SKINNEDFRAME 0x0800 //this control will be the main contact list (v. 2004/11/02) #define TIMERID_RENAME 10 #define TIMERID_DRAGAUTOSCROLL 11 #define TIMERID_INFOTIP 13 #define TIMERID_SORT 15 #define TIMERID_REFRESH 18 #define TIMERID_PAINT 19 #define CONTACTF_ONLINE 1 //#define CONTACTF_INVISTO 2 //#define CONTACTF_VISTO 4 #define CONTACTF_NOTONLIST 8 #define CONTACTF_CHECKED 16 #define CONTACTF_IDLE 32 #define CONTACTF_STICKY 64 #define CONTACTF_PRIORITY 128 #define STATUSMSG_XSTATUSID 1 #define STATUSMSG_XSTATUSNAME 2 #define STATUSMSG_CLIST 4 #define STATUSMSG_YIM 8 #define STATUSMSG_GG 16 #define STATUSMSG_XSTATUS 32 #define STATUSMSG_NOTFOUND 0 #define SMSG_MAXLEN 700 #define EXTRAIMAGECACHESIZE 1000 // extra cache contact flags #define ECF_RTLNICK 1 #define ECF_RTLSTATUSMSG 2 #define ECF_FORCEAVATAR 4 #define ECF_HIDEAVATAR 8 #define ECF_FORCEOVERLAY 16 #define ECF_HIDEOVERLAY 32 #define ECF_FORCELOCALTIME 64 #define ECF_HIDELOCALTIME 128 #define ECF_HASREALTIMEZONE 1024 // other contact flags (struct ClCContact; #define ECF_AVATAR 1 #define ECF_SECONDLINE 2 #define DSPF_CENTERSTATUSICON 1 #define DSPF_DIMIDLE 2 #define DSPF_NOFFLINEAVATARS 4 #define DSPF_SHOWLOCALTIME 8 #define DSPF_LOCALTIMESELECTIVE 16 #define DSPF_DONTSEPARATEOFFLINE 32 #define DSPF_CENTERGROUPNAMES 64 /* Extra icons settings */ typedef struct _OrderTreeData { uint8_t ID; const wchar_t * Name; uint8_t Position; BOOL Visible; BOOL fReserved; } *PORDERTREEDATA, ORDERTREEDATA; struct TExtraCache { MCONTACT hContact; HANDLE hTimeZone; wchar_t *statusMsg; uint8_t bStatusMsgValid; uint32_t dwCFlags; uint32_t dwDFlags; // display flags for caching only uint32_t dwLastMsgTime; uint32_t msgFrequency; StatusItems_t *status_item, *proto_status_item; }; struct ClcCacheEntry : public ClcCacheEntryBase {}; struct ClcContact : public ClcContactBase { BOOL bIsMeta; uint8_t xStatus; int xStatusIcon; MCONTACT hSubContact; char *metaProto; uint32_t codePage; uint16_t wStatus; int avatarLeft, extraIconRightBegin; int isRtl; uint32_t cFlags; uint8_t bSecondLine; AVATARCACHEENTRY *ace; TExtraCache *pExtra; }; #define DRAGSTAGE_NOTMOVED 0 #define DRAGSTAGE_ACTIVE 1 #define DRAGSTAGEM_STAGE 0x00FF #define DRAGSTAGEF_MAYBERENAME 0x8000 #define DRAGSTAGEF_OUTSIDE 0x4000 #define FONTID_CONTACTS 0 #define FONTID_INVIS 1 #define FONTID_OFFLINE 2 #define FONTID_NOTONLIST 3 #define FONTID_GROUPS 4 #define FONTID_GROUPCOUNTS 5 #define FONTID_DIVIDERS 6 #define FONTID_OFFINVIS 7 #define FONTID_STATUS 8 #define FONTID_FRAMETITLE 9 #define FONTID_EVENTAREA 10 #define FONTID_TIMESTAMP 11 #define FONTID_LAST FONTID_TIMESTAMP struct ClcData : public ClcDataBase { int *row_heights; int row_heights_size; int row_heights_allocated; int row_border; int min_row_heigh, group_row_height; int currentFontID; int rightMargin; uint8_t SelectMode; uint8_t isMultiSelect; HWND hwndParent; uint32_t lastSort; uint32_t lastRepaint; int oldSelection; bool bNeedPaint, bisEmbedded, bHideSubcontacts, bForceScroll; }; //#define CLUI_FRAME_SHOWTOPBUTTONS 1 #define CLUI_FRAME_SHOWBOTTOMBUTTONS 2 #define CLUI_SHOWCLIENTICONS 4 //#define CLUI_SHOWVISI 8 #define CLUI_FRAME_CLISTSUNKEN 16 #define CLUI_SHOWXSTATUS 32 #define CLUI_FRAME_BUTTONSFLAT 64 #define CLUI_FRAME_BUTTONSCLASSIC 128 #define CLUI_USEMETAICONS 256 #define CLUI_FRAME_AUTOHIDENOTIFY 512 #define CLUI_FRAME_USEXSTATUSASSTATUS 1024 #define CLUI_STICKYEVENTS 2048 #define CLUI_FRAME_SBARSHOW 4096 #define CLUI_STATUSASTEXT 8192 #define CLUI_FULLROWSELECT 16384 #define CLUI_FRAME_EVENTAREASUNKEN 32768 //#define CLUI_FRAME_BUTTONBARSUNKEN 65536 #define CLUI_FRAME_AVATARS 0x20000 #define CLUI_FRAME_AVATARSLEFT 0x40000 #define CLUI_FRAME_GDIPLUS 0x80000 #define CLUI_FRAME_AVATARBORDER 0x100000 #define CLUI_FRAME_STATUSICONS 0x200000 #define CLUI_FRAME_AVATARSRIGHTWITHNICK 0x400000 #define CLUI_FRAME_TRANSPARENTAVATAR 0x800000 #define CLUI_FRAME_ROUNDAVATAR 0x1000000 #define CLUI_FRAME_ALWAYSALIGNNICK 0x2000000 #define CLUI_FRAME_AVATARSRIGHT 0x4000000 #define CLUI_FRAME_SHOWSTATUSMSG 0x8000000 #define CLUI_FRAME_OVERLAYICONS 0x10000000 #define CLUI_FRAME_SELECTIVEICONS 0x20000000 #define CLUI_FRAME_ROUNDEDFRAME 0x40000000 #define CLUI_FRAME_NOGROUPICON 0x80000000 #define MULTIROW_NEVER 0 #define MULTIROW_ALWAYS 1 #define MULTIROW_IFSPACE 2 #define MULTIROW_IFNEEDED 3 #define CLC_GROUPALIGN_LEFT 0 #define CLC_GROUPALIGN_RIGHT 1 #define CLC_GROUPALIGN_AUTO 2 struct TCluiData { uint32_t dwFlags; uint32_t topOffset, bottomOffset; int statusBarHeight; int soundsOff; uint8_t bAvatarServiceAvail; HICON hIconConnecting; uint32_t winFlags; uint32_t winFlagsEx; int notifyActive; int hIconNotify; HMENU hMenuNotify; int iLastEventAdded; int wNextMenuID; MCONTACT hUpdateContact; uint32_t sortTimer; BOOL forceResize; BOOL neeedSnap; COLORREF avatarBorder; HBRUSH hBrushAvatarBorder, hBrushColorKey; HBRUSH hBrushCLCBk; uint32_t avatarRadius; int avatarSize; BOOL bForceRefetchOnPaint; uint8_t dualRowMode; uint8_t avatarPadding; uint8_t cornerRadius; uint8_t isTransparent; uint8_t alpha, autoalpha; uint8_t fadeinout; uint8_t autosize; uint8_t gapBetweenFrames; uint8_t titleBarHeight; uint8_t bClipBorder, bRowSpacing; HBITMAP bmpBackground, hbmBgOld, hbmBg; HBITMAP hbmToolbar, hbmToolbarOld; HDC hdcBg; HDC hdcPic; HDC hdcToolbar; HBITMAP hbmPicOld; BITMAP bminfoBg; SIZE dcSize; POINT ptW; BOOL bWallpaperMode; BOOL bNoOfflineAvatars; BOOL bEventAreaEnabled; BOOL bFullTransparent; BOOL bDblClkAvatars; BOOL bApplyIndentToBg; BOOL bEqualSections; uint32_t bFilterEffective; BOOL bCenterStatusIcons; BOOL bSkinnedToolbar; BOOL bSkinnedStatusBar; BOOL bUsePerProto; BOOL bOverridePerStatusColors; BOOL bDontSeparateOffline; wchar_t groupFilter[2048]; char protoFilter[2048]; char varFilter[2048]; uint32_t lastMsgFilter; char current_viewmode[256], old_viewmode[256]; uint8_t boldHideOffline; uint32_t statusMaskFilter; uint32_t stickyMaskFilter; uint32_t filterFlags; COLORREF colorkey; BOOL bMetaEnabled; BOOL bSecIMAvail; BOOL bNoTrayTips; BOOL bShowLocalTime; BOOL bShowLocalTimeSelective; BOOL bShowXStatusOnSbar; BOOL bLayeredHack; HPEN hPen3DBright, hPen3DDark; uint8_t bSkinnedButtonMode; uint8_t bFirstRun; uint8_t bUseDCMirroring; uint8_t bCLeft, bCRight, bCTop, bCBottom; uint8_t fullyInited; uint8_t bAutoExpandGroups; SIZE szOldCTreeSize; uint8_t bWantFastGradients, bUseFastGradients; uint8_t sortOrder[3]; uint8_t bGroupAlign; uint8_t bSkinnedScrollbar; uint32_t langPackCP; BOOL fOnDesktop; int group_padding; uint32_t t_now; BOOL realTimeSaving; wchar_t tszProfilePath[MAX_PATH]; FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME st; }; #define SORTBY_NAME 1 #define SORTBY_PROTO 2 #define SORTBY_STATUS 3 #define SORTBY_LASTMSG 4 #define SORTBY_FREQUENCY 5 #define SORTBY_PRIOCONTACTS 6 struct IconDesc { char *szName; char *szDesc; int uId; // icon ID }; struct NotifyMenuItemExData { MCONTACT hContact; int iIcon; // icon index in the image list HICON hIcon; // corresponding icon handle MEVENT hDbEvent; }; // #define NOTIFY_HEIGHT 24 struct CluiTopButton { int ctrlid; char *pszButtonID, *pszButtonDn, *pszButtonName; int isPush, isVis, isAction; HANDLE hButton; HWND hwndButton; }; struct TrayIconInfo { union { HICON hIcon; int iIcon; }; }; struct protoMenu { char protoName[50]; UINT menuID; BOOL added; HICON hIcon; }; // clcitems.c void RebuildEntireList(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat); uint32_t INTSORT_GetLastMsgTime(MCONTACT hContact); // clcmsgs.c LRESULT ProcessExternalMessages(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); // clcutils.c void SetGroupExpand(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, ClcGroup *group, int newState); void BeginRenameSelection(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat); int HitTest(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, int testx, int testy, ClcContact **contact, ClcGroup **group, uint32_t *flags); void ScrollTo(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, int desty, int noSmooth); void RecalcScrollBar(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat); size_t MY_pathToRelative(const wchar_t *pSrc, wchar_t *pOut); size_t MY_pathToAbsolute(const wchar_t *pSrc, wchar_t *pOut); int GetDropTargetInformation(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, POINT pt); void LoadClcOptions(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, BOOL bFirst); uint8_t GetCachedStatusMsg(TExtraCache* p, char *szProto); void GetExtendedInfo(ClcContact *contact, struct ClcData *dat); LRESULT CALLBACK NewStatusBarWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void HideShowNotifyFrame(); uint32_t GetCLUIWindowStyle(uint8_t style); void ApplyCLUIBorderStyle(); int FrameNCCalcSize(HWND hwnd, WNDPROC oldWndProc, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL hasTitleBar); int FrameNCPaint(HWND hwnd, WNDPROC oldWndProc, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL hasTitleBar); void FreeProtocolData( void ); void SetButtonStates(); void ConfigureCLUIGeometry(int mode); void IcoLibReloadIcons(); int CompareContacts(const ClcContact* p1, const ClcContact* p2); void PaintNotifyArea(HDC hDC, RECT *rc); int AvatarChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void ConfigureFrame(); void ConfigureEventArea(); void ClearIcons(int mode); void SkinDrawBg(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc); int GetBasicFontID(ClcContact *contact); int CLVM_GetContactHiddenStatus(MCONTACT hContact, char *szStatus, struct ClcData *dat); void CreateViewModeFrame(); void ReloadExtraInfo(MCONTACT hContact); void LoadAvatarForContact(ClcContact *p); void ApplyViewMode(const char *name); void ClcSetButtonState(int ctrlId, int status); HWND ClcGetButtonWindow(int ctrlid); // clcpaint.c void PaintClc(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, HDC hdc, RECT *rcPaint); void __inline PaintItem(HDC hdcMem, ClcGroup *group, ClcContact *contact, int indent, int y, struct ClcData *dat, int index, HWND hwnd, uint32_t style, RECT *clRect, BOOL *bFirstNGdrawn, int groupCountsFontTopShift, int rowHeight); void Reload3dBevelColors(); void ReloadThemedOptions(); void SetButtonToSkinned(); void RTL_DetectAndSet(ClcContact *contact, MCONTACT hContact); void RTL_DetectGroupName(ClcContact *group); void CLN_LoadAllIcons(BOOL mode); void ReloadSkinItemsToCache(); // clcopts.c int ClcOptInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void CluiProtocolStatusChanged(int, const char*); void LoadSkinItemToCache(struct TExtraCache *cEntry); // Docking.c int Docking_IsDocked(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); // Buttons #define BUTTONSETIMLICON (WM_USER+20) #define BUTTONSETSKINNED (WM_USER+21) #define BUTTONSETBTNITEM (WM_USER+22) #define BUTTONSETTTBUTTON (WM_USER+23) // Menus void IMG_DeleteItems(); int CoolSB_SetupScrollBar(); #define NIIF_INTERN_UNICODE 0x00000100 #define SETTING_WINDOWSTYLE_DEFAULT 0 #define SETTING_TRAYICON_SINGLE 0 #define SETTING_TRAYICON_CYCLE 1 #define SETTING_TRAYICON_MULTI 2 #define SETTING_STATE_HIDDEN 0 #define SETTING_STATE_MINIMIZED 1 #define SETTING_STATE_NORMAL 2 #define SETTING_BRINGTOFRONT_DEFAULT 0 #define SETTING_WINDOWSTYLE_TOOLWINDOW 1 #define SETTING_WINDOWSTYLE_THINBORDER 2 #define SETTING_WINDOWSTYLE_NOBORDER 3 #define CLCHT_ONAVATAR 0x2000 #define CLCHT_ONITEMSPACE 0x4000 #define CLM_SETEXTRAIMAGEINT (CLM_FIRST+101) #define CLM_SETSTICKY (CLM_FIRST+100) #define CLM_ISMULTISELECT (CLM_FIRST+102) #define CLM_SETEXTRAIMAGEINTMETA (CLM_FIRST+104) #define CLM_GETSTATUSMSG (CLM_FIRST+105) #define CLM_SETHIDESUBCONTACTS (CLM_FIRST+106) #define CLM_TOGGLEPRIORITYCONTACT (CLM_FIRST+107) #define CLM_QUERYPRIORITYCONTACT (CLM_FIRST+108) #define IDC_RESETMODES 110 #define IDC_SELECTMODE 108 #define IDC_CONFIGUREMODES 109 #define NR_CLIENTS 40 typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PGF)(HDC, PTRIVERTEX, ULONG, PVOID, ULONG, ULONG); #define IDC_STBHIDEOFFLINE IDC_TBHIDEOFFLINE - 20 #define IDC_STBHIDEGROUPS IDC_TBHIDEGROUPS - 20 #define IDC_STBSOUND IDC_TBSOUND - 20 #define IDC_STBFINDANDADD IDC_TBFINDANDADD - 20 #define IDC_STBOPTIONS IDC_TBOPTIONS - 20 #define IDC_STBMINIMIZE IDC_TBMINIMIZE - 20 #define IDC_STABSRMMSLIST IDC_TABSRMMSLIST - 20 #define IDC_STABSRMMMENU IDC_TABSRMMMENU - 20 #define IDC_STBSELECTVIEWMODE IDC_TBSELECTVIEWMODE - 20 #define IDC_STBCLEARVIEWMODE IDC_TBCLEARVIEWMODE - 20 #define IDC_STBCONFIGUREVIEWMODE IDC_TBCONFIGUREVIEWMODE - 20 #define IDC_STBTOPMENU IDC_TBTOPMENU - 20 #define IDC_STBTOPSTATUS IDC_TBTOPSTATUS - 20 #define IDC_STBFOLDER IDC_TBFOLDER - 20 #define IDC_STBPOPUP IDC_TBPOPUP - 20 #define IDC_STBACCOUNTS IDC_TBACCOUNTS - 20