 * astyle --force-indent=tab=4 --brackets=linux --indent-switches
 *		  --pad=oper --one-line=keep-blocks  --unpad=paren
 * Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
 * Copyright 2000-2010 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
 * all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
 * listed in contributors.txt.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * you should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 * part of clist_nicer plugin for Miranda.
 * (C) 2005-2010 by silvercircle _at_ gmail _dot_ com and contributors
 * $Id: clcitems.cpp 12968 2010-10-16 20:10:55Z Michael.Kunz@s2005.TU-Chemnitz.de $

#include <commonheaders.h>

extern int ( *saveAddContactToGroup )(struct ClcData *dat, ClcGroup *group, HANDLE hContact);
extern int ( *saveAddInfoItemToGroup )(ClcGroup *group, int flags, const TCHAR *pszText);
extern ClcGroup* ( *saveRemoveItemFromGroup )(HWND hwnd, ClcGroup *group, ClcContact *contact, int updateTotalCount);
extern ClcGroup* ( *saveAddGroup )(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, const TCHAR *szName, DWORD flags, int groupId, int calcTotalMembers);

static void TZ_LoadTimeZone(HANDLE hContact, struct TExtraCache *c, const char *szProto);

//routines for managing adding/removal of items in the list, including sorting

ClcContact* CreateClcContact( void )
	ClcContact* p = (ClcContact*)mir_alloc( sizeof( ClcContact ));
	if ( p != NULL ) {
		ZeroMemory(p, sizeof(ClcContact));
		//p->clientId = -1;
		p->extraCacheEntry = -1;
		p->avatarLeft = p->extraIconRightBegin = -1;
		p->isRtl = 0;
		p->ace = 0;
	return p;

int AddInfoItemToGroup(ClcGroup *group, int flags, const TCHAR *pszText)
	int i = saveAddInfoItemToGroup(group, flags, pszText);
	ClcContact* p = group->cl.items[i];
	p->codePage = 0;
	//p->clientId = -1;
	p->bIsMeta = 0;
	p->xStatus = 0;
	p->ace = NULL;
	p->extraCacheEntry = -1;
	p->avatarLeft = p->extraIconRightBegin = -1;
	return i;

ClcGroup *AddGroup(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, const TCHAR *szName, DWORD flags, int groupId, int calcTotalMembers)
	ClcGroup *p = saveAddGroup( hwnd, dat, szName, flags, groupId, calcTotalMembers);
	if ( p && p->parent )
		RTL_DetectGroupName( p->parent->cl.items[ p->parent->cl.count-1] );

	return p;

ClcGroup *RemoveItemFromGroup(HWND hwnd, ClcGroup *group, ClcContact *contact, int updateTotalCount)
	if (contact->extraCacheEntry >= 0 && contact->extraCacheEntry < cfg::nextCacheEntry)
		if (cfg::eCache[contact->extraCacheEntry].floater && cfg::eCache[contact->extraCacheEntry].floater->hwnd)
			ShowWindow(cfg::eCache[contact->extraCacheEntry].floater->hwnd, SW_HIDE);

	return(saveRemoveItemFromGroup(hwnd, group, contact, updateTotalCount));

void LoadAvatarForContact(ClcContact *p)
	DWORD dwFlags;

	if (p->extraCacheEntry >= 0 && p->extraCacheEntry < cfg::nextCacheEntry)
		dwFlags = cfg::eCache[p->extraCacheEntry].dwDFlags;
		dwFlags = cfg::getDword(p->hContact, "CList", "CLN_Flags", 0);

	if (cfg::dat.dwFlags & CLUI_FRAME_AVATARS)
		p->cFlags = (dwFlags & ECF_HIDEAVATAR ? p->cFlags & ~ECF_AVATAR : p->cFlags | ECF_AVATAR);
		p->cFlags = (dwFlags & ECF_FORCEAVATAR ? p->cFlags | ECF_AVATAR : p->cFlags & ~ECF_AVATAR);

	p->ace = NULL;
	if (cfg::dat.bAvatarServiceAvail && (p->cFlags & ECF_AVATAR) && (!cfg::dat.bNoOfflineAvatars || p->wStatus != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)) {
		p->ace = (struct avatarCacheEntry *)CallService(MS_AV_GETAVATARBITMAP, (WPARAM)p->hContact, 0);
		if (p->ace != NULL && p->ace->cbSize != sizeof(struct avatarCacheEntry))
			p->ace = NULL;
		if (p->ace != NULL)
			p->ace->t_lastAccess = cfg::dat.t_now;
	if (p->ace == NULL)
		 p->cFlags &= ~ECF_AVATAR;

int AddContactToGroup(struct ClcData *dat, ClcGroup *group, HANDLE hContact)
	int i = saveAddContactToGroup( dat, group, hContact );
	ClcContact* p = group->cl.items[i];

	p->wStatus = cfg::getWord(hContact, p->proto, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE);
	p->xStatus = cfg::getByte(hContact, p->proto, "XStatusId", 0);

	if (p->proto)
		p->bIsMeta = !strcmp(p->proto, cfg::dat.szMetaName);
		p->bIsMeta = FALSE;
	if (p->bIsMeta && cfg::dat.bMetaAvail && !(cfg::dat.dwFlags & CLUI_USEMETAICONS)) {
		p->hSubContact = (HANDLE) CallService(MS_MC_GETMOSTONLINECONTACT, (WPARAM) hContact, 0);
		p->metaProto = GetContactProto(p->hSubContact);
		p->iImage = CallService(MS_CLIST_GETCONTACTICON, (WPARAM) p->hSubContact, 0);
	else {
		p->iImage = CallService(MS_CLIST_GETCONTACTICON, (WPARAM) hContact, 0);
		p->metaProto = NULL;

	p->codePage = cfg::getDword(hContact, "Tab_SRMsg", "ANSIcodepage", cfg::getDword(hContact, "UserInfo", "ANSIcodepage", CP_ACP));
	p->bSecondLine = cfg::getByte(hContact, "CList", "CLN_2ndline", cfg::dat.dualRowMode);

	if (dat->bisEmbedded)
		p->extraCacheEntry = -1;
	else {
		p->extraCacheEntry = cfg::getCache(p->hContact, p->proto);
		GetExtendedInfo( p, dat);
		if (p->extraCacheEntry >= 0 && p->extraCacheEntry < cfg::nextCacheEntry) {
			cfg::eCache[p->extraCacheEntry].proto_status_item = GetProtocolStatusItem(p->bIsMeta ? p->metaProto : p->proto);
			if (cfg::getByte(p->hContact, "CList", "floating", 0) && g_floatoptions.enabled) {
				if (cfg::eCache[p->extraCacheEntry].floater == NULL)
				else {
					ShowWindow(cfg::eCache[p->extraCacheEntry].floater->hwnd, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE);
					FLT_Update(dat, p);
		// notify other plugins to re-supply their extra images (icq for xstatus, mBirthday etc...)
		pcli->pfnSetAllExtraIcons(pcli->hwndContactTree, hContact);

	RTL_DetectAndSet( p, p->hContact);

	p->avatarLeft = p->extraIconRightBegin = -1;
	p->flags |= cfg::getByte(p->hContact, "CList", "Priority", 0) ? CONTACTF_PRIORITY : 0;

	return i;

void RebuildEntireList(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat)
	DWORD style = GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
	ClcGroup *group;
	DBVARIANT dbv = {0};

	RowHeight::getMaxRowHeight(dat, hwnd);

	dat->list.expanded = 1;
	dat->list.hideOffline = cfg::getByte("CLC", "HideOfflineRoot", 0);
	dat->list.cl.count = 0;
	dat->list.totalMembers = 0;
	dat->selection = -1;
	dat->SelectMode = cfg::getByte("CLC", "SelectMode", 0);
		for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
			DWORD groupFlags;
			TCHAR *szGroupName = pcli->pfnGetGroupName(i, &groupFlags);
			if (szGroupName == NULL)
			pcli->pfnAddGroup(hwnd, dat, szGroupName, groupFlags, i, 0);

	HANDLE hContact = db_find_first();
	while (hContact) {
		if (style & CLS_SHOWHIDDEN || !CLVM_GetContactHiddenStatus(hContact, NULL, dat)) {
			ZeroMemory((void *)&dbv, sizeof(dbv));
			if (cfg::getTString(hContact, "CList", "Group", &dbv))
				group = &dat->list;
			else {
				group = pcli->pfnAddGroup(hwnd, dat, dbv.ptszVal, (DWORD) - 1, 0, 0);

			if (group != NULL) {
				if ( !(style & CLS_NOHIDEOFFLINE) && (style & CLS_HIDEOFFLINE || group->hideOffline)) {
					char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact);
					if (szProto == NULL) {
						if ( !pcli->pfnIsHiddenMode(dat, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE))
							AddContactToGroup(dat, group, hContact);
					else if ( !pcli->pfnIsHiddenMode(dat, (WORD) cfg::getWord(hContact, szProto, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)))
						AddContactToGroup(dat, group, hContact);
				else AddContactToGroup(dat, group, hContact);
		hContact = db_find_next(hContact);

		group = &dat->list;
		group->scanIndex = 0;
		for (; ;) {
			if (group->scanIndex == group->cl.count) {
				group = group->parent;
				if (group == NULL)
			else if (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->type == CLCIT_GROUP) {
				if (group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->group->cl.count == 0)
					group = pcli->pfnRemoveItemFromGroup(hwnd, group, group->cl.items[group->scanIndex], 0);
				else {
					group = group->cl.items[group->scanIndex]->group;
					group->scanIndex = 0;

	pcli->pfnSortCLC(hwnd, dat, 0);
	pcli->pfnSetAllExtraIcons(pcli->hwndContactTree, 0);

	if ( !dat->bisEmbedded)

 * status msg in the database has changed.
 * get it and store it properly formatted in the extra data cache

BYTE GetCachedStatusMsg(int iExtraCacheEntry, char *szProto)
	DBVARIANT dbv = {0};

	if (iExtraCacheEntry < 0 || iExtraCacheEntry > cfg::nextCacheEntry)
		return 0;

	TExtraCache *cEntry = &cfg::eCache[iExtraCacheEntry];

	cEntry->bStatusMsgValid = STATUSMSG_NOTFOUND;
	HANDLE hContact = cEntry->hContact;

	int result = cfg::getTString(hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg", &dbv);
	if ( !result && lstrlen(dbv.ptszVal) > 1)
		cEntry->bStatusMsgValid = STATUSMSG_CLIST;
	else {
		if ( !szProto)
			szProto = GetContactProto(hContact);
		if (szProto) {
			if ( !result )
				DBFreeVariant( &dbv );
			if ( !( result = cfg::getTString(hContact, szProto, "YMsg", &dbv)) && lstrlen(dbv.ptszVal) > 1)
				cEntry->bStatusMsgValid = STATUSMSG_YIM;
			else if ( !(result = cfg::getTString(hContact, szProto, "StatusDescr", &dbv)) && lstrlen(dbv.ptszVal) > 1)
				cEntry->bStatusMsgValid = STATUSMSG_GG;
			else if ( !(result = cfg::getTString(hContact, szProto, "XStatusMsg", &dbv)) && lstrlen(dbv.ptszVal) > 1)
				cEntry->bStatusMsgValid = STATUSMSG_XSTATUS;

	if (cEntry->bStatusMsgValid == STATUSMSG_NOTFOUND) { // no status msg, consider xstatus name (if available)
		if ( !result )
			DBFreeVariant( &dbv );
		result = cfg::getTString(hContact, szProto, "XStatusName", &dbv);
		if ( !result && lstrlen(dbv.ptszVal) > 1) {
			int iLen = lstrlen(dbv.ptszVal);
			cEntry->bStatusMsgValid = STATUSMSG_XSTATUSNAME;
			cEntry->statusMsg = (TCHAR *)realloc(cEntry->statusMsg, (iLen + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR));
			_tcsncpy(cEntry->statusMsg, dbv.ptszVal, iLen + 1);
		else {
			int xStatus;
			WPARAM xStatus2;
			TCHAR xStatusName[128];
			char szServiceName[128];

			mir_snprintf(szServiceName, 128, "%s%s", szProto, PS_GETCUSTOMSTATUSEX);

			CUSTOM_STATUS cst = {0};
			cst.cbSize = sizeof(CUSTOM_STATUS);
			cst.flags = CSSF_MASK_STATUS;
			cst.status = &xStatus;
			if (ServiceExists(szServiceName) && !CallService(szServiceName, (WPARAM)hContact, (LPARAM)&cst) && xStatus > 0) {
 				cst.wParam = &xStatus2;
				cst.ptszName = xStatusName;
				if ( !CallService(szServiceName, (WPARAM)hContact, (LPARAM)&cst)) {
					TCHAR *szwXstatusName = TranslateTS(xStatusName);
					cEntry->statusMsg = (TCHAR *)realloc(cEntry->statusMsg, (lstrlen(szwXstatusName) + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR));
					_tcsncpy(cEntry->statusMsg, szwXstatusName, lstrlen(szwXstatusName) + 1);
					cEntry->bStatusMsgValid = STATUSMSG_XSTATUSNAME;

	if (cEntry->bStatusMsgValid > STATUSMSG_XSTATUSNAME) {
		int j = 0, i;
		cEntry->statusMsg = (TCHAR *)realloc(cEntry->statusMsg, (lstrlen(dbv.ptszVal) + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR));
		for (i = 0; dbv.ptszVal[i]; i++) {
			if (dbv.ptszVal[i] == (TCHAR)0x0d)
			cEntry->statusMsg[j] = dbv.ptszVal[i] == (wchar_t)0x0a ? (wchar_t)' ' : dbv.ptszVal[i];
		cEntry->statusMsg[j] = (TCHAR)0;
	if ( !result )
		DBFreeVariant( &dbv );

	if (cEntry->bStatusMsgValid != STATUSMSG_NOTFOUND) {
		WORD infoTypeC2[12];
		ZeroMemory(infoTypeC2, sizeof(WORD) * 12);
		int iLen = min(lstrlenW(cEntry->statusMsg), 10);
		GetStringTypeW(CT_CTYPE2, cEntry->statusMsg, iLen, infoTypeC2);
		cEntry->dwCFlags &= ~ECF_RTLSTATUSMSG;
		for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
			if (infoTypeC2[i] == C2_RIGHTTOLEFT) {
				cEntry->dwCFlags |= ECF_RTLSTATUSMSG;

	if (cEntry->hTimeZone == NULL)
		TZ_LoadTimeZone(hContact, cEntry, szProto);
	return cEntry->bStatusMsgValid;;

 * load time zone information for the contact
 * if TzName is set, use it. It has to be a standard windows time zone name
 * Currently, it can only be set by using UserInfoEx plugin
 * Fallback: use ordinary GMT offsets (incorrect, in some cases due to DST
 * differences.

static void TZ_LoadTimeZone(HANDLE hContact, struct TExtraCache *c, const char *szProto)
	DWORD flags = 0;
	if (cfg::dat.bShowLocalTimeSelective) flags |= TZF_DIFONLY;
		c->hTimeZone = tmi.createByContact(hContact, flags);

void ReloadExtraInfo(HANDLE hContact)
	if (hContact && pcli->hwndContactTree) {
		int index = cfg::getCache(hContact, NULL);
		if (index >= 0 && index < cfg::nextCacheEntry) {
			char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact);

			TZ_LoadTimeZone(hContact, &cfg::eCache[index], szProto);
			InvalidateRect(pcli->hwndContactTree, NULL, FALSE);

 * autodetect RTL property of the nickname, evaluates the first 10 characters of the nickname only

void RTL_DetectAndSet(ClcContact *contact, HANDLE hContact)
	WORD infoTypeC2[12];
	int i, index;
	TCHAR *szText = NULL;
	DWORD iLen;

	ZeroMemory(infoTypeC2, sizeof(WORD) * 12);

	if (contact == NULL) {
		szText = pcli->pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0);
		index = cfg::getCache(hContact, NULL);
	else {
		szText = contact->szText;
		index = contact->extraCacheEntry;
	if (index >= 0 && index < cfg::nextCacheEntry) {
		iLen = min(lstrlenW(szText), 10);
		GetStringTypeW(CT_CTYPE2, szText, iLen, infoTypeC2);
		cfg::eCache[index].dwCFlags &= ~ECF_RTLNICK;
		for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
			if (infoTypeC2[i] == C2_RIGHTTOLEFT) {
				cfg::eCache[index].dwCFlags |= ECF_RTLNICK;

void RTL_DetectGroupName(ClcContact *group)
	WORD infoTypeC2[12];
	int i;
	DWORD iLen;

	group->isRtl = 0;

	if (group->szText) {
		iLen = min(lstrlenW(group->szText), 10);
		GetStringTypeW(CT_CTYPE2, group->szText, iLen, infoTypeC2);
		for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
			if (infoTypeC2[i] == C2_RIGHTTOLEFT) {
				group->isRtl = 1;

 * check for exteneded user information - email, phone numbers, homepage
 * set extra icons accordingly

void GetExtendedInfo(ClcContact *contact, struct ClcData *dat)
	if (dat->bisEmbedded || contact == NULL)

	if (contact->proto == NULL || contact->hContact == 0)

	int index = contact->extraCacheEntry;

	cfg::eCache[index].msgFrequency = cfg::getDword(contact->hContact, "CList", "mf_freq", 0x7fffffff);

	if (index >= 0 && index < cfg::nextCacheEntry) {
		if (cfg::eCache[index].valid)
		cfg::eCache[index].valid = TRUE;

	cfg::eCache[index].isChatRoom = cfg::getByte(contact->hContact, contact->proto, "ChatRoom", 0);

void LoadSkinItemToCache(struct TExtraCache *cEntry, const char *szProto)
	HANDLE hContact = cEntry->hContact;

	if (cfg::getByte(hContact, "EXTBK", "VALID", 0)) {
		if (cEntry->status_item == NULL)
			cEntry->status_item = reinterpret_cast<StatusItems_t *>(malloc(sizeof(StatusItems_t)));
		ZeroMemory(cEntry->status_item, sizeof(StatusItems_t));
		strcpy(cEntry->status_item->szName, "{--CONTACT--}"); // mark as "per contact" item
		cEntry->status_item->IGNORED = 0;

		cEntry->status_item->TEXTCOLOR = cfg::getDword(hContact, "EXTBK", "TEXT", RGB(20, 20, 20));
		cEntry->status_item->COLOR = cfg::getDword(hContact, "EXTBK", "COLOR1", RGB(224, 224, 224));
		cEntry->status_item->COLOR2 = cfg::getDword(hContact, "EXTBK", "COLOR2", RGB(224, 224, 224));
		cEntry->status_item->ALPHA = (BYTE)cfg::getByte(hContact, "EXTBK", "ALPHA", 100);

		cEntry->status_item->MARGIN_LEFT = (DWORD)cfg::getByte(hContact, "EXTBK", "LEFT", 0);
		cEntry->status_item->MARGIN_RIGHT = (DWORD)cfg::getByte(hContact, "EXTBK", "RIGHT", 0);
		cEntry->status_item->MARGIN_TOP = (DWORD)cfg::getByte(hContact, "EXTBK", "TOP", 0);
		cEntry->status_item->MARGIN_BOTTOM = (DWORD)cfg::getByte(hContact, "EXTBK", "BOTTOM", 0);

		cEntry->status_item->COLOR2_TRANSPARENT = (BYTE)cfg::getByte(hContact, "EXTBK", "TRANS", 1);
		cEntry->status_item->BORDERSTYLE = cfg::getDword(hContact, "EXTBK", "BDR", 0);

		cEntry->status_item->CORNER = cfg::getByte(hContact, "EXTBK", "CORNER", 0);
		cEntry->status_item->GRADIENT = cfg::getByte(hContact, "EXTBK", "GRAD", 0);
	else if (cEntry->status_item) {
		cEntry->status_item = NULL;

void ReloadSkinItemsToCache()
	for (int i = 0; i < cfg::nextCacheEntry; i++) {
		char *szProto = GetContactProto(cfg::eCache[i].hContact);
		if (szProto)
			LoadSkinItemToCache(&cfg::eCache[i], szProto);

* checks the currently active view mode filter and returns true, if the contact should be hidden
* if no view mode is active, it returns the CList/Hidden setting
* also cares about sub contacts (if meta is active)

int __fastcall CLVM_GetContactHiddenStatus(HANDLE hContact, char *szProto, struct ClcData *dat)
	int dbHidden = cfg::getByte(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 0);		// default hidden state, always respect it.
	int filterResult = 1;
	DBVARIANT dbv = {0};
	char szTemp[64];
	TCHAR szGroupMask[256];
	DWORD dwLocalMask;

	// always hide subcontacts (but show them on embedded contact lists)

	if (cfg::dat.bMetaAvail && dat != NULL && dat->bHideSubcontacts && cfg::dat.bMetaEnabled && cfg::getByte(hContact, cfg::dat.szMetaName, "IsSubcontact", 0))
		return 1;

	if ( !cfg::dat.bFilterEffective)
		return dbHidden;

	if (szProto == NULL)
		szProto = GetContactProto(hContact);
	// check stickies first (priority), only if we really have stickies defined (CLVM_STICKY_CONTACTS is set).
	if (cfg::dat.bFilterEffective & CLVM_STICKY_CONTACTS) {
		if ((dwLocalMask = cfg::getDword(hContact, "CLVM", cfg::dat.current_viewmode, 0)) != 0) {
			if (cfg::dat.bFilterEffective & CLVM_FILTER_STICKYSTATUS) {
				WORD wStatus = cfg::getWord(hContact, szProto, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE);
				return !((1 << (wStatus - ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)) & HIWORD(dwLocalMask));
			return 0;
	// check the proto, use it as a base filter result for all further checks
	if (cfg::dat.bFilterEffective & CLVM_FILTER_PROTOS) {
		mir_snprintf(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp), "%s|", szProto);
		filterResult = strstr(cfg::dat.protoFilter, szTemp) ? 1 : 0;
	if (cfg::dat.bFilterEffective & CLVM_FILTER_GROUPS) {
		if ( !cfg::getTString(hContact, "CList", "Group", &dbv)) {
			_sntprintf(szGroupMask, safe_sizeof(szGroupMask), _T("%s|"), &dbv.ptszVal[1]);
			filterResult = (cfg::dat.filterFlags & CLVM_PROTOGROUP_OP) ? (filterResult | (_tcsstr(cfg::dat.groupFilter, szGroupMask) ? 1 : 0)) : (filterResult & (_tcsstr(cfg::dat.groupFilter, szGroupMask) ? 1 : 0));
		else if (cfg::dat.filterFlags & CLVM_INCLUDED_UNGROUPED)
			filterResult = (cfg::dat.filterFlags & CLVM_PROTOGROUP_OP) ? filterResult : filterResult & 1;
			filterResult = (cfg::dat.filterFlags & CLVM_PROTOGROUP_OP) ? filterResult : filterResult & 0;
	if (cfg::dat.bFilterEffective & CLVM_FILTER_STATUS) {
		WORD wStatus = cfg::getWord(hContact, szProto, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE);
		filterResult = (cfg::dat.filterFlags & CLVM_GROUPSTATUS_OP) ? ((filterResult | ((1 << (wStatus - ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)) & cfg::dat.statusMaskFilter ? 1 : 0))) : (filterResult & ((1 << (wStatus - ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)) & cfg::dat.statusMaskFilter ? 1 : 0));
	if (cfg::dat.bFilterEffective & CLVM_FILTER_LASTMSG) {
		DWORD now;
		int iEntry = cfg::getCache(hContact, szProto);
		if (iEntry >= 0 && iEntry <= cfg::nextCacheEntry) {
			now = cfg::dat.t_now;
			now -= cfg::dat.lastMsgFilter;
			if (cfg::dat.bFilterEffective & CLVM_FILTER_LASTMSG_OLDERTHAN)
				filterResult = filterResult & (cfg::eCache[iEntry].dwLastMsgTime < now);
			else if (cfg::dat.bFilterEffective & CLVM_FILTER_LASTMSG_NEWERTHAN)
				filterResult = filterResult & (cfg::eCache[iEntry].dwLastMsgTime > now);
	return (dbHidden | !filterResult);