/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (c) 2012-14 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org), Copyright (c) 2000-03 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <commonheaders.h> #include "../cluiframes/cluiframes.h" extern HIMAGELIST hCListImages; extern ButtonItem *g_ButtonItems; extern PLUGININFOEX pluginInfo; static INT_PTR GetClistVersion(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { static char g_szVersionString[256]; mir_snprintf(g_szVersionString, SIZEOF(g_szVersionString), "%s, %d.%d.%d.%d", pluginInfo.shortName, HIBYTE(HIWORD(pluginInfo.version)), LOBYTE(HIWORD(pluginInfo.version)), HIBYTE(LOWORD(pluginInfo.version)), LOBYTE(LOBYTE(pluginInfo.version))); if (!IsBadWritePtr((LPVOID)lParam, 4)) *((DWORD *)lParam) = pluginInfo.version; return (INT_PTR)g_szVersionString; } void FreeProtocolData(void) { // free protocol data int nParts = SendMessage(pcli->hwndStatus, SB_GETPARTS, 0, 0); for (int nPanel = 0; nPanel < nParts; nPanel++) { ProtocolData *PD = (ProtocolData *)SendMessage(pcli->hwndStatus, SB_GETTEXT, nPanel, 0); if (PD != NULL && !IsBadCodePtr((FARPROC)PD)) { SendMessage(pcli->hwndStatus, SB_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)nPanel | SBT_OWNERDRAW, 0); if (PD->RealName) mir_free(PD->RealName); if (PD) mir_free(PD); } } } int g_maxStatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; char g_maxProto[100] = ""; void CluiProtocolStatusChanged(int, const char*) { int maxOnline = 0, onlineness = 0; WORD maxStatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; DBVARIANT dbv = { 0 }; int iIcon = 0; HICON hIcon = 0; int rdelta = cfg::dat.bCLeft + cfg::dat.bCRight; BYTE windowStyle; if (pcli->hwndStatus == 0 || cfg::shutDown) return; int protoCount; PROTOACCOUNT **accs; ProtoEnumAccounts(&protoCount, &accs); if (protoCount == 0) return; FreeProtocolData(); g_maxStatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; g_maxProto[0] = 0; int borders[3]; SendMessage(pcli->hwndStatus, SB_GETBORDERS, 0, (LPARAM)&borders); int *partWidths = (int*)_alloca((protoCount + 1)*sizeof(int)); int partCount; if (cfg::dat.bEqualSections) { RECT rc; GetClientRect(pcli->hwndStatus, &rc); rc.right -= borders[0] * 2; int toshow = 0; for (int i = 0; i < protoCount; i++) if (pcli->pfnGetProtocolVisibility(accs[i]->szModuleName)) toshow++; if (toshow > 0) { for (int part = 0, i = 0; i < protoCount; i++) { if (!pcli->pfnGetProtocolVisibility(accs[i]->szModuleName)) continue; partWidths[part] = ((rc.right - rc.left - rdelta) / toshow)*(part + 1) + cfg::dat.bCLeft; if (part == toshow - 1) partWidths[part] += cfg::dat.bCRight; part++; } } partCount = toshow; } else { SIZE textSize; BYTE showOpts = cfg::getByte("CLUI", "SBarShow", 1); TCHAR szName[32]; HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL); HFONT hofont = reinterpret_cast<HFONT>(SelectObject(hdc, (HFONT)SendMessage(pcli->hwndStatus, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0))); // count down since built in ones tend to go at the end partCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < protoCount; i++) { int idx = pcli->pfnGetAccountIndexByPos(i); if (idx == -1) continue; PROTOACCOUNT *pa = accs[idx]; if (!pcli->pfnGetProtocolVisibility(pa->szModuleName)) continue; int x = 2; if (showOpts & 1) x += 16; if (showOpts & 2) { mir_tstrncpy(szName, pa->tszAccountName, SIZEOF(szName)); szName[SIZEOF(szName) - 1] = 0; if ((showOpts & 4) && mir_tstrlen(szName) < sizeof(szName) - 1) mir_tstrcat(szName, _T(" ")); GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, szName, (int)mir_tstrlen(szName), &textSize); x += textSize.cx + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER) * 4; // The SB panel doesnt allocate enough room } if (showOpts & 4) { TCHAR* modeDescr = pcli->pfnGetStatusModeDescription(CallProtoService(accs[i]->szModuleName, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0), 0); GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, modeDescr, (int)mir_tstrlen(modeDescr), &textSize); x += textSize.cx + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER) * 4; // The SB panel doesnt allocate enough room } partWidths[partCount] = (partCount ? partWidths[partCount - 1] : cfg::dat.bCLeft) + x + 2; partCount++; } SelectObject(hdc, hofont); ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); } if (partCount == 0) { SendMessage(pcli->hwndStatus, SB_SIMPLE, TRUE, 0); return; } SendMessage(pcli->hwndStatus, SB_SIMPLE, FALSE, 0); partWidths[partCount - 1] = -1; windowStyle = cfg::getByte("CLUI", "WindowStyle", 0); SendMessage(pcli->hwndStatus, SB_SETMINHEIGHT, 18 + cfg::dat.bClipBorder + ((windowStyle == SETTING_WINDOWSTYLE_THINBORDER || windowStyle == SETTING_WINDOWSTYLE_NOBORDER) ? 3 : 0), 0); SendMessage(pcli->hwndStatus, SB_SETPARTS, partCount, (LPARAM)partWidths); // count down since built in ones tend to go at the end char *szMaxProto = NULL; for (int i = 0, partCount = 0; i < protoCount; i++) { int idx = pcli->pfnGetAccountIndexByPos(i); if (idx == -1) continue; PROTOACCOUNT *pa = accs[idx]; if (!pcli->pfnGetProtocolVisibility(pa->szModuleName)) continue; int status = CallProtoService(pa->szModuleName, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0); ProtocolData *PD = (ProtocolData*)mir_alloc(sizeof(ProtocolData)); PD->RealName = mir_strdup(pa->szModuleName); PD->protopos = partCount; { int flags; flags = SBT_OWNERDRAW; if (cfg::getByte("CLUI", "SBarBevel", 1) == 0) flags |= SBT_NOBORDERS; SendMessageA(pcli->hwndStatus, SB_SETTEXTA, partCount | flags, (LPARAM)PD); } int caps2 = CallProtoService(pa->szModuleName, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAGNUM_2, 0); int caps1 = CallProtoService(pa->szModuleName, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAGNUM_1, 0); if ((caps1 & PF1_IM) && (caps2 & (PF2_LONGAWAY | PF2_SHORTAWAY))) { onlineness = GetStatusOnlineness(status); if (onlineness > maxOnline) { maxStatus = status; maxOnline = onlineness; szMaxProto = pa->szModuleName; } } partCount++; } // update the clui button WORD wStatus = 0; if (!db_get(NULL, "CList", "PrimaryStatus", &dbv)) { if (dbv.type == DBVT_ASCIIZ && mir_strlen(dbv.pszVal) > 1) { wStatus = (WORD)CallProtoService(dbv.pszVal, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0); iIcon = IconFromStatusMode(dbv.pszVal, (int)wStatus, 0, &hIcon); } mir_free(dbv.pszVal); } else { wStatus = maxStatus; iIcon = IconFromStatusMode((wStatus >= ID_STATUS_CONNECTING && wStatus < ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) ? szMaxProto : NULL, (int)wStatus, 0, &hIcon); g_maxStatus = (int)wStatus; if (szMaxProto) strncpy_s(g_maxProto, SIZEOF(g_maxProto), szMaxProto, _TRUNCATE); } /* * this is used globally (actually, by the clist control only) to determine if * any protocol is "in connection" state. If true, then the clist discards redraws * and uses timer based sort and redraw handling. This can improve performance * when connecting multiple protocols significantly. */ TCHAR *szStatus = pcli->pfnGetStatusModeDescription(wStatus, 0); /* * set the global status icon and display the global (most online) status mode on the * status mode button */ if (szStatus && pcli->hwndContactList) { HWND hwndClistBtn = GetDlgItem(pcli->hwndContactList, IDC_TBGLOBALSTATUS); if (IsWindow(hwndClistBtn)) { SetWindowText(hwndClistBtn, szStatus); if (!hIcon) SendMessage(hwndClistBtn, BUTTONSETIMLICON, (WPARAM)hCListImages, (LPARAM)iIcon); else SendMessage(hwndClistBtn, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)hIcon); InvalidateRect(hwndClistBtn, NULL, TRUE); } HWND hwndTtbStatus = ClcGetButtonWindow(IDC_TBTOPSTATUS); if (IsWindow(hwndTtbStatus)) { if (g_ButtonItems == NULL) { if (!hIcon) SendMessage(hwndTtbStatus, BUTTONSETIMLICON, (WPARAM)hCListImages, (LPARAM)iIcon); else SendMessage(hwndTtbStatus, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)hIcon); } InvalidateRect(hwndTtbStatus, NULL, TRUE); } } }