# define __ROWHEIGHT_FUNCS_H__

#define ICON_HEIGHT 16

class RowHeight
	static BOOL Alloc(ClcData *dat, int size);
	static BOOL	Init(ClcData *dat);
	static void	Free(ClcData *dat);
	static void	Clear(ClcData *dat);

	// Calc and store max row height
	static int getMaxRowHeight(ClcData *dat, const HWND hwnd);

	// Calc and store row height
	static int getRowHeight(ClcData *dat, ClcContact *contact, int item, DWORD style)
		if (!Alloc(dat, item + 1))
			return -1;

		int height = dat->fontInfo[GetBasicFontID(contact)].fontHeight;

		if (!dat->bisEmbedded) {
			if (contact->bSecondLine != MULTIROW_NEVER && contact->bSecondLine != MULTIROW_IFSPACE && contact->type == CLCIT_CONTACT) {
				if ((contact->bSecondLine == MULTIROW_ALWAYS || ((cfg::dat.dwFlags & CLUI_FRAME_SHOWSTATUSMSG && contact->bSecondLine == MULTIROW_IFNEEDED) && (contact->xStatus > 0 || contact->pExtra->bStatusMsgValid > STATUSMSG_XSTATUSID))))
					height += (dat->fontInfo[FONTID_STATUS].fontHeight + cfg::dat.avatarPadding);

			// Avatar size
			if (contact->cFlags & ECF_AVATAR && contact->type == CLCIT_CONTACT && contact->ace != nullptr && !(contact->ace->dwFlags & AVS_HIDEONCLIST))
				height = max(height, cfg::dat.avatarSize + cfg::dat.avatarPadding);

		// Checkbox size
		if ((style & CLS_CHECKBOXES && contact->type == CLCIT_CONTACT) ||
			 (style & CLS_GROUPCHECKBOXES && contact->type == CLCIT_GROUP) ||
			 (contact->type == CLCIT_INFO && contact->flags & CLCIIF_CHECKBOX)) {
			height = max(height, dat->checkboxSize);

		// Min size
		height = max(height, contact->type == CLCIT_GROUP ? dat->group_row_height : dat->min_row_heigh);
		height += cfg::dat.bRowSpacing;

		dat->row_heights[item] = height;
		return height;

	// Calc and store row height for all itens in the list
	static void calcRowHeights(ClcData *dat, HWND hwnd);

	// Calc item top Y (using stored data)
	static int getItemTopY(ClcData *dat, int item);

	// Calc item bottom Y (using stored data)
	static int getItemBottomY(ClcData *dat, int item);

	// Calc total height of rows (using stored data)
	static int getTotalHeight(ClcData *dat);

	// Return the line that pos_y is at or -1 (using stored data). Y start at 0
	static int hitTest(ClcData *dat, int pos_y);

	// Returns the height of the chosen row
	static int getHeight(ClcData *dat, int item);

#endif // __ROWHEIGHT_FUNCS_H__