#include "stdafx.h" static int CompareServices(const CCloudService *p1, const CCloudService *p2) { return mir_strcmp(p1->GetModule(), p2->GetModule()); } LIST<CCloudService> Services(10, CompareServices); void InitServices() { Services.insert(new CDropboxService(hNetlibConnection)); Services.insert(new CGDriveService(hNetlibConnection)); Services.insert(new COneDriveService(hNetlibConnection)); Services.insert(new CYandexService(hNetlibConnection)); PROTOCOLDESCRIPTOR pd = { sizeof(pd) }; size_t count = Services.getCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { CCloudService *service = Services[i]; CMStringA moduleName = MODULE; moduleName.AppendFormat("/%s", service->GetModule()); pd.type = PROTOTYPE_VIRTUAL; pd.szName = moduleName.GetBuffer(); Proto_RegisterModule(&pd); CMStringA serviceName = moduleName + PSS_FILE; CreateServiceFunctionObj(serviceName, ProtoSendFile, service); moduleName += "/Interceptor"; pd.szName = moduleName.GetBuffer(); pd.type = PROTOTYPE_FILTER; Proto_RegisterModule(&pd); serviceName = moduleName + PSS_FILE; CreateServiceFunctionObj(serviceName, ProtoSendFileInterceptor, service); } } CCloudService::CCloudService(HNETLIBUSER hConnection) : hConnection(hConnection) { } const wchar_t* CCloudService::GetText() const { return _A2T(GetModule()); } int CCloudService::GetIconId() const { return 0; } void CCloudService::OpenUploadDialog(MCONTACT hContact) { char *proto = GetContactProto(hContact); if (!mir_strcmpi(proto, META_PROTO)) hContact = CallService(MS_MC_GETMOSTONLINECONTACT, hContact); auto it = InterceptedContacts.find(hContact); if (it == InterceptedContacts.end()) { HWND hwnd = (HWND)CallService(MS_FILE_SENDFILE, hContact, 0); InterceptedContacts[hContact] = hwnd; } else SetActiveWindow(it->second); } void CCloudService::Report(MCONTACT hContact, const wchar_t *data) { if (db_get_b(NULL, MODULE, "UrlAutoSend", 1)) SendToContact(hContact, data); if (db_get_b(NULL, MODULE, "UrlPasteToMessageInputArea", 0)) PasteToInputArea(hContact, data); if (db_get_b(NULL, MODULE, "UrlCopyToClipboard", 0)) PasteToClipboard(data); } char* CCloudService::PreparePath(const char *oldPath, char *newPath) { if (oldPath == nullptr) mir_strcpy(newPath, ""); else if (*oldPath != '/') { CMStringA result("/"); result.Append(oldPath); result.Replace("\\", "/"); mir_strcpy(newPath, result); } else mir_strcpy(newPath, oldPath); return newPath; } char* CCloudService::PreparePath(const wchar_t *oldPath, char *newPath) { return PreparePath(ptrA(mir_utf8encodeW(oldPath)), newPath); } char* CCloudService::HttpStatusToError(int status) { switch (status) { case HTTP_CODE_OK: return "OK"; case HTTP_CODE_BAD_REQUEST: return "Bad input parameter. Error message should indicate which one and why"; case HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED: return "Bad or expired token. This can happen if the user or Dropbox revoked or expired an access token. To fix, you should re-authenticate the user"; case HTTP_CODE_FORBIDDEN: return "Bad OAuth request (wrong consumer key, bad nonce, expired timestamp...). Unfortunately, re-authenticating the user won't help here"; case HTTP_CODE_NOT_FOUND: return "File or folder not found at the specified path"; case HTTP_CODE_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED: return "Request method not expected (generally should be GET or POST)"; case HTTP_CODE_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS: return "Your app is making too many requests and is being rate limited. 429s can trigger on a per-app or per-user basis"; case HTTP_CODE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: return "If the response includes the Retry-After header, this means your OAuth 1.0 app is being rate limited. Otherwise, this indicates a transient server error, and your app should retry its request."; } return "Unknown error"; } void CCloudService::HttpResponseToError(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *response) { if (response->dataLength) throw Exception(response->pData); throw Exception(HttpStatusToError(response->resultCode)); } void CCloudService::HandleHttpError(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *response) { if (response == nullptr) throw Exception(HttpStatusToError()); if (!HTTP_CODE_SUCCESS(response->resultCode)) HttpResponseToError(response); } JSONNode CCloudService::GetJsonResponse(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *response) { HandleHttpError(response); JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(response->pData); if (root.isnull()) throw Exception(HttpStatusToError()); HandleJsonError(root); return root; }