/* CmdLine plugin for Miranda IM Copyright � 2007 Cristian Libotean This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #define STATE_UNKNOWN -1 #define STATE_OFF 0 #define STATE_ON 1 #define STATE_TOGGLE 2 #define PROXY_SOCKS4 1 #define PROXY_SOCKS5 2 #define PROXY_HTTP 3 #define PROXY_HTTPS 4 #define VALUE_UNKNOWN -1 #define VALUE_ERROR 0 #define VALUE_BYTE 1 #define VALUE_WORD 2 #define VALUE_DWORD 3 #define VALUE_STRING 4 #define VALUE_WIDE 5 __inline static int matches(char *command, char *lower) { return ((mir_strcmp(lower, command) == 0) || (mir_strcmp(lower, Translate(command)) == 0)); } int Get2StateValue(char *state) { char lower[512]; strncpy_s(lower, state, sizeof(lower)); _strlwr(lower); //if ((mir_strcmp(lower, "enable") == 0) || (mir_strcmp(lower, "show") == 0) || (mir_strcmp(lower, "on") == 0)) if ((matches("enable", lower)) || (matches("show", lower)) || (matches("on", lower))) { return STATE_ON; } //if ((mir_strcmp(lower, "disable") == 0) || (mir_strcmp(lower, "hide") == 0) || (mir_strcmp(lower, "off") == 0)) if ((matches("disable", lower)) || (matches("hide", lower)) || (matches("off", lower))) { return STATE_OFF; } //if (mir_strcmp(lower, "toggle") == 0) if (matches("toggle", lower)) { return STATE_TOGGLE; } return STATE_UNKNOWN; } int AccountName2Protocol(const char *accountName, OUT char *uniqueProtocolName, size_t length) { int count; PROTOACCOUNT **accounts = NULL; Proto_EnumAccounts(&count, &accounts); strncpy_s(uniqueProtocolName, length, accountName, _TRUNCATE); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (accounts[i]->bIsEnabled) { if (_stricmp(accountName, _T2A(accounts[i]->tszAccountName)) == 0) { strncpy_s(uniqueProtocolName, length, accounts[i]->szModuleName, _TRUNCATE); return 0; } } } return 1; } void HandleWrongParametersCount(PCommand command, PReply reply) { reply->code = MIMRES_WRONGPARAMSCOUNT; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Wrong number of parameters for command '%s'."), command->command); } void HandleUnknownParameter(PCommand command, char *param, PReply reply) { reply->code = MIMRES_UNKNOWNPARAM; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Unknown parameter '%s' for command '%s'."), param, command->command); } int ParseValueParam(char *param, void *&result) { if (mir_strlen(param) > 0) { switch (*param) { case 's': { size_t len = mir_strlen(param); //- 1 + 1 result = (char*)malloc(len * sizeof(char)); strcpy((char*) result, param + 1); return VALUE_STRING; } case 'w': { size_t len = mir_strlen(param); result = (WCHAR *)malloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR)); char *buffer = (char*)malloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR)); strncpy_s(buffer, len, param + 1, _TRUNCATE); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, buffer, -1, (WCHAR *) result, (int) len); free(buffer); return VALUE_WIDE; } case 'b': { result = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)); char *stop; long tmp = strtol(param + 1, &stop, 10); * ((char *) result) = tmp; return (*stop == 0) ? VALUE_BYTE : VALUE_ERROR; } case 'i': { result = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); char *stop; long tmp = strtol(param + 1, &stop, 10); * ((int *) result) = tmp; return (*stop == 0) ? VALUE_WORD : VALUE_ERROR; } case 'd': { result = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long)); char *stop; * ((long *) result) = strtol(param + 1, &stop, 10); return (*stop == 0) ? VALUE_DWORD : VALUE_ERROR; } default: return VALUE_UNKNOWN; } } else return VALUE_ERROR; } int ParseStatusParam(char *status) { char *lower = NEWSTR_ALLOCA(status); _strlwr(lower); if ( !mir_strcmp(lower, "offline")) return ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; else if ( !mir_strcmp(lower, "online")) return ID_STATUS_ONLINE; else if ( !mir_strcmp(lower, "away")) return ID_STATUS_AWAY; else if ( !mir_strcmp(lower, "dnd")) return ID_STATUS_DND; else if ( !mir_strcmp(lower, "na")) return ID_STATUS_NA; else if ( !mir_strcmp(lower, "occupied")) return ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED; else if ( !mir_strcmp(lower, "freechat")) return ID_STATUS_FREECHAT; else if ( !mir_strcmp(lower, "invisible")) return ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE; else if ( !mir_strcmp(lower, "onthephone")) return ID_STATUS_ONTHEPHONE; else if ( !mir_strcmp(lower, "outtolunch")) return ID_STATUS_OUTTOLUNCH; else return 0; } char *PrettyStatusMode(int status, char *buffer, int size) { TCHAR *data = pcli->pfnGetStatusModeDescription(status, 0); if (data) strncpy_s(buffer, size, _T2A(data), _TRUNCATE); else *buffer = 0; return buffer; } void HandleStatusCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply) { switch (argc) { case 2: { INT_PTR status = CallService(MS_CLIST_GETSTATUSMODE, 0, 0); char pretty[128]; PrettyStatusMode(status, pretty, sizeof(pretty)); CMStringA perAccountStatus; int count; PROTOACCOUNT **accounts = NULL; Proto_EnumAccounts(&count, &accounts); char pn[128]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (accounts[i]->bIsEnabled) { INT_PTR status = CallProtoService(accounts[i]->szModuleName, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0); PrettyStatusMode(status, pn, sizeof(pn)); perAccountStatus.AppendChar('\n'); perAccountStatus.Append(_T2A(accounts[i]->tszAccountName)); perAccountStatus.Append(": "); perAccountStatus.Append(pn); } } reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Current global status: %s.%s"), pretty, perAccountStatus.c_str()); return; } case 3: { int status = ParseStatusParam(argv[2]); if (status) { INT_PTR old = CallService(MS_CLIST_GETSTATUSMODE, 0, 0); char po[128]; if (ServiceExists(MS_KS_ANNOUNCESTATUSCHANGE)) { announce_status_change(NULL, status, NULL); } PrettyStatusMode(old, po, sizeof(po)); CallService(MS_CLIST_SETSTATUSMODE, status, 0); char pn[128]; PrettyStatusMode(status, pn, sizeof(pn)); reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Changed global status to '%s' (previous status was '%s')."), pn, po); } else{ HandleUnknownParameter(command, argv[2], reply); } return; } case 4: { int status = ParseStatusParam(argv[2]); if (status) { char protocol[128]; char *account = argv[3]; AccountName2Protocol(account, protocol, sizeof(protocol)); INT_PTR old = CallProtoService(protocol, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0); char po[128]; if (ServiceExists(MS_KS_ANNOUNCESTATUSCHANGE)) { announce_status_change(protocol, status, NULL); } PrettyStatusMode(old, po, sizeof(po)); INT_PTR res = CallProtoService(protocol, PS_SETSTATUS, status, 0); char pn[128]; PrettyStatusMode(status, pn, sizeof(pn)); switch (res) { case 0: reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Changed '%s' status to '%s' (previous status was '%s')."), account, pn, po); return; case CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND: reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("'%s' doesn't seem to be a valid account."), account); return; default: reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Failed to change status for account '%s' to '%s'."), account, pn); return; } } else{ HandleUnknownParameter(command, argv[2], reply); } return; } default: HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } } void HandleAwayMsgCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply) { switch (argc) { case 3: { char *awayMsg = argv[2]; int count = 0; PROTOACCOUNT **accounts = NULL; Proto_EnumAccounts(&count, &accounts); CMStringA szReply; int i; INT_PTR status; INT_PTR res = 0; char *protocol; char pn[128]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!accounts[i]->bIsEnabled) continue; if (i != 0) szReply.AppendChar('\n'); protocol = accounts[i]->szModuleName; if ((CallProtoService(protocol, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAGNUM_1, 0) & PF1_MODEMSGSEND) != 0) //if the protocol supports away messages { status = CallProtoService(protocol, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0); ptrW wszAwayMsg(mir_a2u(awayMsg)); res = CallProtoService(protocol, PS_SETAWAYMSG, status, wszAwayMsg); PrettyStatusMode(status, pn, sizeof(pn)); if (res) szReply.AppendFormat(Translate("Failed to set '%S' status message to '%s' (status is '%s')."), accounts[i]->tszAccountName , awayMsg, pn); else szReply.AppendFormat(Translate("Successfully set '%S' status message to '%s' (status is '%s')."), accounts[i]->tszAccountName, awayMsg, pn); } else szReply.AppendFormat(Translate("Account '%S' does not support away messages, skipping."), accounts[i]->tszAccountName); } strncpy_s(reply->message, szReply, _TRUNCATE); reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; return; } case 4: { char *awayMsg = argv[2]; char protocol[128]; char *account = argv[3]; AccountName2Protocol(account, protocol, sizeof(protocol)); char pn[128]; INT_PTR res = CallProtoService(protocol, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAGNUM_1, 0); if ((res & PF1_MODEMSGSEND) != 0) //if the protocol supports away messages { INT_PTR status = CallProtoService(protocol, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0); res = CallProtoService(protocol, PS_SETAWAYMSG, status, (LPARAM)awayMsg); PrettyStatusMode(status, pn, sizeof(pn)); } else if (CallProtoService(protocol, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0) == CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND) { res = CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND; } else { res = -2; } switch (res) { case 0: reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Changed '%s' status message to '%s' (status is '%s')."), account, awayMsg, pn); return; case CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND: reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("'%s' doesn't seem to be a valid account."), account); return; case -2: reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Account '%s' does not support away messages, skipping."), account); return; default: reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Failed to change status message for account '%s' to '%s' (status is '%s')."), account, awayMsg, pn); return; } } default: HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } } void Set2StateReply(PReply reply, int state, int failure, char *successTrue, char *failureTrue, char *successFalse, char *failureFalse) { if (state) { if (failure) { reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate(failureTrue)); } else{ reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate(successTrue)); } } else{ if (failure) { reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate(failureFalse)); } else{ reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate(successFalse)); } } } void HandlePopupsCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply) { switch (argc) { case 2: { int state = CallService(MS_POPUP_QUERY, PUQS_GETSTATUS, 0); Set2StateReply(reply, state, 0, LPGEN("Popups are currently enabled."), "", LPGEN("Popups are currently disabled."), ""); return; } case 3: { int failure; int state = 0; switch (Get2StateValue(argv[2])) { case STATE_ON: failure = CallService(MS_POPUP_QUERY, PUQS_ENABLEPOPUPS, 0); state = TRUE; break; case STATE_OFF: failure = CallService(MS_POPUP_QUERY, PUQS_DISABLEPOPUPS, 0); state = FALSE; break; case STATE_TOGGLE: { int state = CallService(MS_POPUP_QUERY, PUQS_GETSTATUS, 0); failure = CallService(MS_POPUP_QUERY, (state) ? PUQS_DISABLEPOPUPS : PUQS_ENABLEPOPUPS, 0); state = 1 - state; break; } default: HandleUnknownParameter(command, argv[2], reply); return; } Set2StateReply(reply, state, failure, LPGEN("Popups were enabled successfully."), LPGEN("Popups could not be enabled."), LPGEN("Popups were disabled successfully."), LPGEN("Popups could not be disabled.")); return; } default: HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } } void HandleSoundsCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply) { switch (argc) { case 2: { int state = db_get_b(NULL, "Skin", "UseSound", 1); Set2StateReply(reply, state, 0, LPGEN("Sounds are currently enabled."), "", LPGEN("Sounds are currently disabled."), ""); return; } case 3: { int state = 0; switch (Get2StateValue(argv[2])) { case STATE_ON: db_set_b(NULL, "Skin", "UseSound", 1); state = TRUE; break; case STATE_OFF: db_set_b(NULL, "Skin", "UseSound", 0); state = FALSE; break; case STATE_TOGGLE: state = db_get_b(NULL, "Skin", "UseSound", 1); state = 1 - state; db_set_b(NULL, "Skin", "UseSound", state); break; default: HandleUnknownParameter(command, argv[2], reply); return; } Set2StateReply(reply, state, 0, LPGEN("Sounds were enabled successfully."), "", LPGEN("Sounds were disabled successfully."), ""); return; } default: HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } } void HandleClistCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply) { switch (argc) { case 2: { int state = IsWindowVisible(pcli->hwndContactList); Set2StateReply(reply, state, 0, LPGEN("Contact list is currently shown."), "", LPGEN("Contact list is currently hidden."), ""); return; } case 3: { int state = 0; HWND hClist = pcli->hwndContactList; switch (Get2StateValue(argv[2])) { case STATE_ON: { ShowWindow(hClist, SW_SHOW); state = TRUE; break; } case STATE_OFF: { ShowWindow(hClist, SW_HIDE); state = FALSE; break; } case STATE_TOGGLE: { state = IsWindowVisible(hClist); state = 1 - state; ShowWindow(hClist, (state) ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); break; } default: HandleUnknownParameter(command, argv[2], reply); return; } Set2StateReply(reply, state, 0, LPGEN("Contact list was shown successfully."), "", LPGEN("Contact list was hidden successfully."), ""); return; } default: HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } } void HandleQuitCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply) { switch (argc) { case 2: { CallService("CloseAction", 0, 0); //try another quit method HWND hWndMiranda = pcli->hwndContactList; PostMessage(hWndMiranda, WM_COMMAND, ID_ICQ_EXIT, 0); reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Issued a quit command.")); break; } case 3: { char lower[128]; strncpy_s(lower, argv[2], sizeof(lower)); _strlwr(lower); if (mir_strcmp(lower, "wait") == 0) { CallService("CloseAction", 0, 0); //try another quit method HWND hWndMiranda = pcli->hwndContactList; PostMessage(hWndMiranda, WM_COMMAND, ID_ICQ_EXIT, 0); reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Issued a quit and wait command.")); SetEvent(heServerBufferFull); bWaitForUnload = 1; while (bWaitForUnload) { Sleep(250); //wait for Miranda to quit. } } else{ HandleUnknownParameter(command, argv[2], reply); } break; } default: HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } } void HandleExchangeCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply) { switch (argc) { case 3: { char lower[128]; strncpy_s(lower, argv[2], sizeof(lower)); _strlwr(lower); if (mir_strcmp(lower, "check") == 0) { INT_PTR ret = CallService(MS_EXCHANGE_CHECKEMAIL, 0, 0); if (ret != CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND) { reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Issued check email command to Exchange plugin.")); } else{ reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Exchange plugin is not running.")); } } else{ HandleUnknownParameter(command, argv[2], reply); } return; } default: HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } } void HandleYAMNCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply) { switch (argc) { case 3: { char lower[128]; strncpy_s(lower, argv[2], sizeof(lower)); _strlwr(lower); if (mir_strcmp(lower, "check") == 0) { if (ServiceExists(MS_YAMN_FORCECHECK)) { CallService(MS_YAMN_FORCECHECK, 0, 0); reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Issued check email command to YAMN plugin.")); } else{ reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("YAMN plugin is not running.")); } } else{ HandleUnknownParameter(command, argv[2], reply); } return; } default: HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } } void HandleCallServiceCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply) { switch (argc) { case 5: { char *service = argv[2]; if (ServiceExists(service)) { void *wParam = NULL; void *lParam = NULL; INT_PTR res1 = ParseValueParam(argv[3], wParam); INT_PTR res2 = ParseValueParam(argv[4], lParam); if ((res1 != 0) && (res2 != 0)) { //very dangerous but the user asked INT_PTR res = CallService(service, ((res1 == 1) ? *((long *) wParam) : (WPARAM) wParam), (LPARAM) ((res2 == 1) ? *((long *) lParam) : (LPARAM) lParam)); reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("CallService call successful: service '%s' returned %p."), service, res); } else{ reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Invalid parameter '%s' passed to CallService command."), (wParam) ? argv[4] : argv[3]); } free(wParam); free(lParam); } else{ reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Service '%s' does not exist."), service); } break; } default: HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } } void ParseMessage(char buffer[512], const char *message) { unsigned int j = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mir_strlen(message); ++i) { char c = message[i]; if (c == '\\' && i < (mir_strlen(message) - 1) && message[i+1] == 'n') { c = '\n'; i++; } buffer[j++] = c; } buffer[j] = '\0'; } MCONTACT ParseContactParam(char *contact) { char name[512]; char account[128]; char protocol[128]; char *p = strrchr(contact, ':'); if (p == 0) return GetContactFromID(contact, (char*)NULL); *p = 0; strncpy_s(name, contact, _TRUNCATE); strncpy_s(account, p+1, _TRUNCATE); *p = ':'; AccountName2Protocol(account, protocol, sizeof(protocol)); return GetContactFromID(name, protocol); } void HandleMessageCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply) { if (argc >= 4) { char message[512]; ParseMessage(message, argv[argc - 1]); //get the message CMStringA szReply; ACKDATA *ack = NULL; for (int i = 2; i < argc - 1; i++) { char *contact = argv[i]; MCONTACT hContact = ParseContactParam(contact); if (i != 3) szReply.AppendChar('\n'); if (hContact) { bShouldProcessAcks = TRUE; HANDLE hProcess = (HANDLE)CallContactService(hContact, PSS_MESSAGE, 0, (LPARAM)message); const int MAX_COUNT = 60; int counter = 0; while (((ack = GetAck(hProcess)) == NULL) && (counter < MAX_COUNT)) { SleepEx(250, TRUE); counter++; } bShouldProcessAcks = FALSE; if (counter < MAX_COUNT) { if (ack->result == ACKRESULT_SUCCESS) { if (ack->szModule) { szReply.AppendFormat(Translate("Message sent to '%s'."), contact); DBEVENTINFO e = {0}; char module[128]; e.cbSize = sizeof(DBEVENTINFO); e.eventType = EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE; e.flags = DBEF_SENT; e.pBlob = (PBYTE) message; e.cbBlob = (DWORD) mir_strlen((char *) message) + 1; strncpy_s(module, ack->szModule, sizeof(module)); e.szModule = module; e.timestamp = (DWORD) time(NULL); db_event_add(ack->hContact, &e); } else szReply.AppendFormat(Translate("Message to '%s' was marked as sent but the account seems to be offline"), contact); } else szReply.AppendFormat(Translate("Could not send message to '%s'."), contact); } else szReply.AppendFormat(Translate("Timed out while waiting for acknowledgment for contact '%s'."), contact); } else szReply.AppendFormat(Translate("Could not find contact handle for contact '%s'."), contact); } strncpy_s(reply->message, szReply, _TRUNCATE); } else HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } bool ParseDatabaseData(DBVARIANT *var, char *buffer, int size, int free) { switch (var->type) { case DBVT_BYTE: mir_snprintf(buffer, size, Translate("byte:%d"), var->bVal); return true; case DBVT_WORD: mir_snprintf(buffer, size, Translate("word:%d"), var->wVal); return true; case DBVT_DWORD: mir_snprintf(buffer, size, Translate("dword:%ld"), var->dVal); return true; case DBVT_ASCIIZ: mir_snprintf(buffer, size, Translate("string:'%s'"), var->pszVal); if (free) { mir_free(var->pszVal); } return true; case DBVT_WCHAR: mir_snprintf(buffer, size, Translate("wide string:'%S'"), var->pwszVal); if (free) { mir_free(var->pwszVal); } return true; case DBVT_UTF8: mir_snprintf(buffer, size, Translate("utf8:'%s'"), var->pszVal); if (free) { mir_free(var->pszVal); } return true; case DBVT_BLOB: mir_snprintf(buffer, size, Translate("blob:N/A")); if (free) { mir_free(var->pbVal); } return true; default: mir_snprintf(buffer, size, Translate("unknown value")); return false; } } void HandleDatabaseCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply) { if (argc >= 3) //we have something to parse { char dbcmd[128]; strncpy_s(dbcmd, argv[2], sizeof(dbcmd)); dbcmd[sizeof(dbcmd) - 1] = 0; _strlwr(dbcmd); if (mir_strcmp(dbcmd, "delete") == 0) { if (argc == 5) { char *module = argv[3]; char *key = argv[4]; db_unset(NULL, module, key); reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Setting '%s/%s' deleted."), module, key); } else{ HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } } else if (mir_strcmp(dbcmd, "set") == 0) { if (argc == 6) { char *module = argv[3]; char *key = argv[4]; void *value = NULL; char *wrote = NULL; int type = ParseValueParam(argv[5], value); switch (type) { case VALUE_STRING: db_set_s(NULL, module, key, (char *) value); wrote = Translate("string"); break; case VALUE_BYTE: db_set_b(NULL, module, key, (* (char *) value)); wrote = Translate("byte"); break; case VALUE_WORD: db_set_w(NULL, module, key, (* (WORD *) value)); wrote = Translate("word"); break; case VALUE_DWORD: db_set_dw(NULL, module, key, (* (DWORD *) value)); wrote = Translate("dword"); break; case VALUE_WIDE: db_set_ws(NULL, module, key, (WCHAR *) value); wrote = Translate("wide string"); break; default: HandleUnknownParameter(command, argv[5], reply); return; } reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Wrote '%s:%s' to database entry '%s/%s'."), wrote, argv[5] + 1, module, key); free(value); } else{ HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } } else if (mir_strcmp(dbcmd, "get") == 0) { if (argc == 5) { char *module = argv[3]; char *key = argv[4]; DBVARIANT var = {0}; int res = db_get(NULL, module, key, &var); if (!res) { char buffer[1024]; if (ParseDatabaseData(&var, buffer, sizeof(buffer), TRUE)) { reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), "'%s/%s' - %s.", module, key, buffer); } else{ reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Could not retrieve setting '%s/%s': %s."), module, key, buffer); } } else{ reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Setting '%s/%s' was not found."), module, key); } } else{ HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } } else{ HandleUnknownParameter(command, dbcmd, reply); } } else{ HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } } int ParseProxyType(char *type) { char lower[128]; strncpy_s(lower, type, sizeof(lower)); lower[sizeof(lower) - 1] = 0; _strlwr(lower); if (mir_strcmp(lower, "socks4") == 0) { return PROXY_SOCKS4; } else if (mir_strcmp(lower, "socks5") == 0) { return PROXY_SOCKS5; } else if (mir_strcmp(lower, "http") == 0) { return PROXY_HTTP; } else if (mir_strcmp(lower, "https") == 0) { return PROXY_HTTPS; } else return 0; } char *PrettyProxyType(int type, char *buffer, int size) { char *pretty = ""; switch (type) { case PROXY_SOCKS4: pretty = "SOCKS4"; break; case PROXY_SOCKS5: pretty = "SOCKS5"; break; case PROXY_HTTP: pretty = "HTTP"; break; case PROXY_HTTPS: pretty = "HTTPS"; break; default: pretty = "Unknown"; } strncpy_s(buffer, size, pretty, _TRUNCATE); return buffer; } void HandleProtocolProxyCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply, char *module, char *protocol) { char proxycmd[128]; strncpy_s(proxycmd, argv[3], sizeof(proxycmd)); proxycmd[sizeof(proxycmd) - 1] = 0; _strlwr(proxycmd); char buffer[1024]; if (mir_strcmp(proxycmd, "status") == 0) {//status command switch (argc) { case 4: { int value = db_get_b(NULL, module, "NLUseProxy", 0); reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(buffer, _countof(buffer), "%s proxy status is %s", protocol, (value) ? "enabled" : "disabled"); break; } case 5: { int state = Get2StateValue(argv[4]); switch (state) { case STATE_OFF: { db_set_b(NULL, module, "NLUseProxy", 0); reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(buffer, _countof(buffer), Translate("'%s' proxy was disabled."), protocol); break; } case STATE_ON: { db_set_b(NULL, module, "NLUseProxy", 1); reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(buffer, _countof(buffer), Translate("'%s' proxy was enabled."), protocol); break; } case STATE_TOGGLE: { int value = db_get_b(NULL, module, "NLUseProxy", 0); value = 1 - value; db_set_b(NULL, module, "NLUseProxy", value); reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(buffer, _countof(buffer), (value) ? Translate("'%s' proxy was enabled.") : Translate("'%s' proxy was disabled.")); break; } default: HandleUnknownParameter(command, argv[4], reply); return; } break; } default: HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); return; } } else if (mir_strcmp(proxycmd, "server") == 0) { switch (argc) { case 4: { char host[256], type[256]; GetStringFromDatabase(NULL, module, "NLProxyServer", "<unknown>", host, sizeof(host)); int port = db_get_w(NULL, module, "NLProxyPort", 0); PrettyProxyType(db_get_b(NULL, module, "NLProxyType", 0), type, sizeof(type)); reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(buffer, _countof(buffer), Translate("%s proxy server: %s %s:%d."), protocol, type, host, port); break; } case 7: { int type = ParseProxyType(argv[4]); char *host = argv[5]; long port; char *stop = NULL; port = strtol(argv[6], &stop, 10); if ((*stop == 0) && (type > 0)) { db_set_s(NULL, module, "NLProxyServer", host); db_set_w(NULL, module, "NLProxyPort", port); db_set_b(NULL, module, "NLProxyType", type); reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(buffer, _countof(buffer), Translate("%s proxy set to %s %s:%d."), protocol, argv[4], host, port); } else { reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(buffer, _countof(buffer), Translate("%s The port or the proxy type parameter is invalid."), protocol); } break; } default: HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); return; } } else{ HandleUnknownParameter(command, proxycmd, reply); return; } if (reply->message[0] != 0) { mir_strncat(reply->message, "\n", _countof(reply->message) - mir_strlen(reply->message)); mir_strncat(reply->message, buffer, _countof(reply->message) - mir_strlen(reply->message)); reply->message[_countof(reply->message) - 1] = 0; } else{ mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), buffer); } } void HandleProxyCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply) { if (argc >= 4) { char account[128]; char protocol[128]; strncpy_s(account, argv[2], sizeof(account)); account[sizeof(account) - 1] = 0; AccountName2Protocol(account, protocol, sizeof(protocol)); int count = 0; PROTOACCOUNT **accounts = NULL; Proto_EnumAccounts(&count, &accounts); int i; int global = (mir_strcmp(protocol, "GLOBAL") == 0); reply->message[0] = 0; int found = 0; if (global) { HandleProtocolProxyCommand(command, argv, argc, reply, "Netlib", protocol); found = 1; } char *match; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (accounts[i]->bIsEnabled) { match = accounts[i]->szModuleName; if ((global) || (mir_strcmp(protocol, match) == 0)) { HandleProtocolProxyCommand(command, argv, argc, reply, match, match); found = 1; } } } if (!found) { reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("'%s' doesn't seem to be a valid account."), account); } } else{ HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } } int ContactMatchSearch(MCONTACT hContact, char *contact, char *id, char *account, TArgument *argv, int argc) { int matches = 1; char lwrName[2048] = "\0"; char lwrAccount[128] = "\0"; char lwrKeyword[512] = "\0"; char lwrID[512] = "\0"; char *pos; strncpy_s(lwrName, contact, sizeof(lwrName)); strncpy_s(lwrAccount, account, sizeof(lwrAccount)); if (id) { strncpy_s(lwrID, id, sizeof(lwrID)); } _strlwr(lwrName); _strlwr(lwrAccount); _strlwr(lwrID); for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { strncpy_s(lwrKeyword, argv[i], sizeof(lwrKeyword)); _strlwr(lwrKeyword); pos = strstr(lwrKeyword, "account:"); if (pos) { pos += 8; if (strstr(lwrAccount, pos) == NULL) { matches = 0; break; } } else{ pos = strstr(lwrKeyword, "status:"); if (pos) { int searchStatus = ParseStatusParam(pos + 7); char protocol[128]; AccountName2Protocol(account, protocol, sizeof(protocol)); WORD contactStatus = db_get_w(hContact, protocol, "Status", ID_STATUS_ONLINE); if (searchStatus != contactStatus) { matches = 0; break; } } else{ pos = strstr(lwrKeyword, "id:"); if (pos) { pos += 3; if (strstr(lwrID, pos) == NULL) { matches = 0; break; } } else if ((strstr(lwrName, lwrKeyword) == NULL)) { matches = 0; break; } } } } return matches; } void __cdecl OpenMessageWindowThread(void *data) { MCONTACT hContact = (MCONTACT) data; if (hContact) { CallServiceSync(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGET, hContact, 0); } } void HandleContactsCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply) { if (argc >= 3) { if (_stricmp(argv[2], "list") == 0) { char buffer[1024]; char protocol[128]; int count = 0; reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { GetContactProto(hContact, protocol, sizeof(protocol)); char *contact = GetContactName(hContact, protocol); char *id = GetContactID(hContact, protocol); if (ContactMatchSearch(hContact, contact, id, protocol, &argv[3], argc - 3)) { mir_snprintf(buffer, _countof(buffer), "%s:[%s]:%s (%08d)", contact, id, protocol, hContact); if (count) { mir_strncat(reply->message, "\n", _countof(reply->message) - mir_strlen(reply->message)); mir_strncat(reply->message, buffer, _countof(reply->message) - mir_strlen(reply->message)); } else{ strncpy_s(reply->message, buffer, _countof(reply->message)); } if (mir_strlen(reply->message) > 4096) { SetEvent(heServerBufferFull); Sleep(750); //wait a few milliseconds for the event to be processed count = 0; *reply->message = 0; } count++; } free(contact); free(id); } } else if (_stricmp(argv[2], "open") == 0) { if (argc > 3) { char protocol[128]; reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; *reply->message = 0; for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { GetContactProto(hContact, protocol, sizeof(protocol)); char *contact = GetContactName(hContact, protocol); char *id = GetContactID(hContact, protocol); if (ContactMatchSearch(hContact, contact, id, protocol, &argv[3], argc - 3)) mir_forkthread(OpenMessageWindowThread, (void*)hContact); free(contact); free(id); } } else if (argc == 3) { reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; *reply->message = 0; for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { MEVENT hUnreadEvent = db_event_firstUnread(hContact); if (hUnreadEvent != NULL) mir_forkthread(OpenMessageWindowThread, (void*)hContact); } } else HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } else HandleUnknownParameter(command, argv[2], reply); } else HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } void AddHistoryEvent(DBEVENTINFO *dbEvent, char *contact, PReply reply) { char timestamp[256]; TimeZone_ToString(dbEvent->timestamp, "D, s", timestamp, sizeof(timestamp)); char *sender = (dbEvent->flags & DBEF_SENT) ? Translate("[me]") : contact; char *message = DbGetEventTextA(dbEvent,CP_ACP); static char buffer[8192]; mir_snprintf(buffer, _countof(buffer), "[%s] %15s: %s", timestamp, sender, message); if (reply->message[0] != 0) { mir_strncat(reply->message, "\n", _countof(reply->message) - mir_strlen(reply->message)); mir_strncat(reply->message, buffer, _countof(reply->message) - mir_strlen(reply->message)); } else{ strncpy_s(reply->message, buffer, _countof(reply->message)); } if (mir_strlen(reply->message) > (_countof(reply->message) / 2)) { SetEvent(heServerBufferFull); Sleep(750); mir_strcpy(reply->message, "\n"); } mir_free(message); } void HandleHistoryCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply) { if (argc >= 3) { char *cmd = argv[2]; switch (argc) { case 3: { if (_stricmp(cmd, "unread") == 0) { char buffer[4096]; int count; int contacts = 0; DBEVENTINFO dbEvent = { sizeof(dbEvent) }; reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("No unread messages found.")); for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { MEVENT hEvent = db_event_firstUnread(hContact); if (hEvent != NULL) { count = 0; while (hEvent != NULL) { if (!db_event_get(hEvent, &dbEvent)) if (!(dbEvent.flags & DBEF_READ)) count++; hEvent = db_event_next(hContact, hEvent); } char protocol[128]; GetContactProto(hContact, protocol, sizeof(protocol)); char *contact = GetContactName(hContact, protocol); mir_snprintf(buffer, _countof(buffer), Translate("%s:%s - %d unread events."), contact, protocol, count); if (contacts > 0) { mir_strncat(reply->message, "\n", _countof(reply->message) - mir_strlen(reply->message)); mir_strncat(reply->message, buffer, _countof(reply->message) - mir_strlen(reply->message)); } else strncpy_s(reply->message, buffer, _countof(reply->message)); contacts++; free(contact); } } } else if (_stricmp(cmd, "show") == 0) HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); else HandleUnknownParameter(command, cmd, reply); break; } case 4: { char *contact = argv[3]; MCONTACT hContact = ParseContactParam(contact); if (hContact) { if (_stricmp(cmd, "unread") == 0) { MEVENT hEvent = db_event_firstUnread(hContact); reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; while (hEvent) { DBEVENTINFO dbEvent = { sizeof(dbEvent) }; if (!db_event_get(hEvent, &dbEvent)) //if successful call if (!(dbEvent.flags & DBEF_READ)) AddHistoryEvent(&dbEvent, contact, reply); hEvent = db_event_next(hContact, hEvent); } } else if (_stricmp(cmd, "show") == 0) { reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Contact '%s' has %d events in history."), contact, db_event_count(hContact)); } else HandleUnknownParameter(command, cmd, reply); } else { reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Could not find contact handle for contact '%s'."), contact); } break; } case 6: { char *contact = argv[3]; MCONTACT hContact = ParseContactParam(contact); if (hContact) { if (_stricmp(cmd, "show") == 0) { char *stop1 = NULL; char *stop2 = NULL; long start = strtol(argv[4], &stop1, 10); long stop = strtol(argv[5], &stop2, 10); if (!(*stop1) && !(*stop2)) { int size = db_event_count(hContact); if (start < 0) { start = size + start + 1; } if (stop < 0) { stop = size + stop + 1; } reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; int count = stop - start + 1; if (count > 0) { int index = 0; MEVENT hEvent = db_event_first(hContact); DBEVENTINFO dbEvent = { sizeof(DBEVENTINFO) }; char message[4096]; dbEvent.pBlob = (PBYTE) message; while (hEvent) { dbEvent.cbBlob = sizeof(message); if (!db_event_get(hEvent, &dbEvent)) // if successful call { dbEvent.pBlob[dbEvent.cbBlob] = 0; if ((index >= start) && (index <= stop)) AddHistoryEvent(&dbEvent, contact, reply); } if (index > stop) break; hEvent = db_event_next(hContact, hEvent); index++; } } } else HandleUnknownParameter(command, (*stop1) ? argv[4] : argv[5], reply); } else if (_stricmp(cmd, "unread") == 0) HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); else HandleUnknownParameter(command, cmd, reply); } else{ reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Could not find contact handle for contact '%s'."), contact); } break; } default: HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); break; } } else HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } void HandleVersionCommand(PCommand command, TArgument*, int argc, PReply reply) { if (argc == 2) { reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; if (ServiceExists(MS_CRASHDUMPER_GETINFO)) { char *data; CallService(MS_CRASHDUMPER_GETINFO, (WPARAM)FALSE, (LPARAM)&data); mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), data); mir_free(data); } else{ char miranda[512]; DWORD v = pluginInfo.version; CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GETVERSIONTEXT, (WPARAM) sizeof(miranda), (LPARAM) miranda); mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), "Miranda %s\nCmdLine v.%d.%d.%d.%d", miranda, ((v >> 24) & 0xFF), ((v >> 16) & 0xFF), ((v >> 8) & 0xFF), (v & 0xFF)); } } else{ HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } } void HandleSetNicknameCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply) { if (argc == 4) { char protocol[512], nickname[512]; mir_strcpy(protocol, argv[2]); mir_strcpy(nickname, argv[3]); int res = CallProtoService(protocol, PS_SETMYNICKNAME, SMNN_TCHAR, (LPARAM) nickname); if (res == 0) { reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; *reply->message = 0; } else { reply->code = MIMRES_FAILURE; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Error setting nickname to '%s' for protocol '%s'"), nickname, protocol); } } else { HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } } void HandleIgnoreCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply) { if (argc >= 4) { BOOL block = FALSE; if (_stricmp(argv[2], "block") == 0) { block = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(argv[2], "unblock") == 0) { block = FALSE; } else { HandleUnknownParameter(command, argv[2], reply); return; } for (int i = 3; i < argc; i++) { MCONTACT hContact = ParseContactParam(argv[i]); if (hContact) { CallService(block ? MS_IGNORE_IGNORE : MS_IGNORE_UNIGNORE, (WPARAM) hContact, IGNOREEVENT_ALL); } } reply->code = MIMRES_SUCCESS; *reply->message = 0; } else { HandleWrongParametersCount(command, reply); } } void HandleCommand(PCommand command, TArgument *argv, int argc, PReply reply) { switch (command->ID) { case MIMCMD_STATUS: HandleStatusCommand(command, argv, argc, reply); return; case MIMCMD_AWAYMSG: HandleAwayMsgCommand(command, argv, argc, reply); return; case MIMCMD_POPUPS: HandlePopupsCommand(command, argv, argc, reply); return; case MIMCMD_SOUNDS: HandleSoundsCommand(command, argv, argc, reply); return; case MIMCMD_CLIST: HandleClistCommand(command, argv, argc, reply); return; case MIMCMD_QUIT: HandleQuitCommand(command, argv, argc, reply); return; case MIMCMD_EXCHANGE: HandleExchangeCommand(command, argv, argc, reply); return; case MIMCMD_YAMN: HandleYAMNCommand(command, argv, argc, reply); return; case MIMCMD_CALLSERVICE: HandleCallServiceCommand(command, argv, argc, reply); return; case MIMCMD_MESSAGE: HandleMessageCommand(command, argv, argc, reply); return; case MIMCMD_DATABASE: HandleDatabaseCommand(command, argv, argc, reply); return; case MIMCMD_PROXY: HandleProxyCommand(command, argv, argc, reply); return; case MIMCMD_CONTACTS: HandleContactsCommand(command, argv, argc, reply); return; case MIMCMD_HISTORY: HandleHistoryCommand(command, argv, argc, reply); break; case MIMCMD_VERSION: HandleVersionCommand(command, argv, argc, reply); return; case MIMCMD_SETNICKNAME: HandleSetNicknameCommand(command, argv, argc, reply); return; case MIMCMD_IGNORE: HandleIgnoreCommand(command, argv, argc, reply); return; default: reply->code = MIMRES_NOTFOUND; mir_snprintf(reply->message, _countof(reply->message), Translate("Command '%s' is not currently supported."), command->command); } }