/* Miranda IM Help Plugin Copyright (C) 2002 Richard Hughes, 2005-2007 H. Herkenrath This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (Help-License.txt); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include struct EditStreamData { PBYTE pbBuff; int cbBuff; int iCurrent; }; #ifndef EDITOR struct HyperlinkData { CHARRANGE range; char *szLink; } static *hyperlink = NULL; static int hyperlinkCount = 0; #endif static DWORD CALLBACK EditStreamInRtf(DWORD dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG *pcb) { struct EditStreamData *esd = (struct EditStreamData*)dwCookie; *pcb = min(esd->cbBuff - esd->iCurrent, cb); CopyMemory(pbBuff, esd->pbBuff, *pcb); esd->iCurrent += *pcb; return 0; } #ifdef EDITOR static DWORD CALLBACK EditStreamOutRtf(DWORD dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG *pcb) { struct EditStreamData *esd = (struct EditStreamData*)dwCookie; PBYTE buf = (PBYTE)mir_realloc(esd->pbBuff, esd->cbBuff + cb + 1); if (buf == NULL) return 0; esd->pbBuff = buf; esd->cbBuff += cb; CopyMemory(esd->pbBuff + esd->iCurrent, pbBuff, cb); esd->iCurrent += cb; esd->pbBuff[esd->iCurrent] = '\0'; *pcb = cb; return 0; } #endif struct { const char *szSym; char ch; } static const htmlSymbolChars[] = { { "lt", '<' }, { "gt", '>' }, { "amp", '&' }, { "quot", '\"' }, { "nbsp", ' ' }, }; struct { const char *szName; const char *szClr; } static const htmlColourNames[] = { { "black", "000000" }, { "maroon", "800000" }, { "green", "008000" }, { "olive", "808000" }, { "navy", "000080" }, { "purple", "800080" }, { "teal", "008080" }, { "silver", "C0C0C0" }, { "gray", "808080" }, { "red", "FF0000" }, { "lime", "00FF00" }, { "yellow", "FFFF00" }, { "blue", "0000FF" }, { "fuchsia", "FF00FF" }, { "aqua", "00FFFF" }, { "white", "FFFFFF" }, }; // a quick test to see who's read their comp.lang.c FAQ: #define stringize2(n) #n #define stringize(n) stringize2(n) struct { const char *szHtml; const char *szRtf; } static const simpleHtmlRtfConversions[] = { { "i", "i" }, { "/i", "i0" }, { "b", "b" }, { "/b", "b0" }, { "u", "ul" }, { "/u", "ul0" }, { "big", "fs" stringize(TEXTSIZE_BIG) }, { "/big", "fs" stringize(TEXTSIZE_NORMAL) }, { "small", "fs" stringize(TEXTSIZE_SMALL) }, { "/small", "fs" stringize(TEXTSIZE_NORMAL) }, { "/font", "cf0" } }; // mir_free() the return value char *GetHtmlTagAttribute(const char *pszTag, const char *pszAttr) { int iAttrName, iAttrNameEnd, iAttrEquals, iAttrValue, iAttrValueEnd, iAttrEnd; int attrLen = lstrlenA(pszAttr); for (iAttrName = 0; !isspace(pszTag[iAttrName]) && pszTag[iAttrName] != '>'; iAttrName++); for (;;) { for (; isspace(pszTag[iAttrName]); iAttrName++); if (pszTag[iAttrName] == '>' || pszTag[iAttrName] == '\0') break; for (iAttrNameEnd = iAttrName; isalnum(pszTag[iAttrNameEnd]); iAttrNameEnd++); for (iAttrEquals = iAttrNameEnd; isspace(pszTag[iAttrEquals]); iAttrEquals++); if (pszTag[iAttrEquals] != '=') { iAttrName = iAttrEquals; continue; } for (iAttrValue = iAttrEquals + 1; isspace(pszTag[iAttrValue]); iAttrValue++); if (pszTag[iAttrValue] == '>' || pszTag[iAttrValue] == '\0') break; if (pszTag[iAttrValue] == '"' || pszTag[iAttrValue] == '\'') { for (iAttrValueEnd = iAttrValue + 1; pszTag[iAttrValueEnd] && pszTag[iAttrValueEnd] != pszTag[iAttrValue]; iAttrValueEnd++); iAttrValue++; iAttrEnd = iAttrValueEnd + 1; } else { for (iAttrValueEnd = iAttrValue; pszTag[iAttrValueEnd] && pszTag[iAttrValueEnd] != '>' && !isspace(pszTag[iAttrValueEnd]); iAttrValueEnd++); iAttrEnd = iAttrValueEnd; } if (pszTag[iAttrValueEnd] == '\0') break; if (attrLen == iAttrNameEnd - iAttrName && !_strnicmp(pszAttr, pszTag + iAttrName, attrLen)) { char *szValue; szValue = (char*)mir_alloc(iAttrValueEnd - iAttrValue + 1); if (szValue != NULL) { CopyMemory(szValue, pszTag + iAttrValue, iAttrValueEnd - iAttrValue); szValue[iAttrValueEnd - iAttrValue] = '\0'; } return szValue; } iAttrName = iAttrEnd; } return NULL; } void StreamInHtml(HWND hwndEdit, const char *szHtml, UINT codepage, COLORREF clrBkgrnd) { EDITSTREAM stream; struct EditStreamData esd; struct ResizableCharBuffer header, body; COLORREF *colourTbl = NULL; int colourTblCount = 0; const char *pszHtml; char *szThisTagHref = NULL; int keywordAtBeginning = 1, paragraphBefore = 0, lineBreakBefore = 1; int charCount = 0; ZeroMemory(&stream, sizeof(stream)); ZeroMemory(&esd, sizeof(esd)); ZeroMemory(&header, sizeof(header)); ZeroMemory(&body, sizeof(body)); #ifndef EDITOR FreeHyperlinkData(); #endif AppendToCharBuffer(&header, "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg%u\\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0 Tahoma;}}", codepage); for (pszHtml = szHtml; *pszHtml != '\0';) { if (*pszHtml == '<') { const char *pszTagEnd; int iNameEnd, i; char szTagName[16]; pszTagEnd = strchr(pszHtml + 1, '>'); if (pszTagEnd == NULL) break; for (iNameEnd = 1; pszHtml[iNameEnd] != '\0' && pszHtml[iNameEnd] != '>' && !isspace(pszHtml[iNameEnd]); iNameEnd++); CopyMemory(szTagName, pszHtml + 1, min(sizeof(szTagName), iNameEnd)); szTagName[min(sizeof(szTagName), iNameEnd) - 1] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(simpleHtmlRtfConversions); i++) { if (!lstrcmpiA(szTagName, simpleHtmlRtfConversions[i].szHtml)) { AppendToCharBuffer(&body, "\\%s ", simpleHtmlRtfConversions[i].szRtf); break; } } if (i == sizeof(simpleHtmlRtfConversions)) { if (!lstrcmpiA(szTagName, "br")) { AppendToCharBuffer(&body, "\\par "); charCount++; // linebreaks are characters lineBreakBefore = 1; } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szTagName, "p") || !lstrcmpiA(szTagName, "/p")) { if (charCount) paragraphBefore = 1; } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szTagName, "a")) { mir_free(szThisTagHref); // does NULL check szThisTagHref = GetHtmlTagAttribute(pszHtml, "href"); #ifdef EDITOR if (szThisTagHref != NULL) AppendToCharBuffer(&body, "\\strike "); #else if (szThisTagHref != NULL) { struct HyperlinkData *buf = (struct HyperlinkData*)mir_realloc(hyperlink, sizeof(struct HyperlinkData)*(hyperlinkCount + 1)); if (buf != NULL) { // hyperlinkCount increased at hyperlink = buf; hyperlink[hyperlinkCount].range.cpMin = paragraphBefore ? (charCount + 2) : charCount; hyperlink[hyperlinkCount].range.cpMax = -1; hyperlink[hyperlinkCount].szLink = NULL; } else { mir_free(szThisTagHref); szThisTagHref = NULL; } } #endif } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szTagName, "/a")) { if (szThisTagHref) { #ifdef EDITOR AppendToCharBuffer(&body, ":%s\\strike0 ", szThisTagHref); mir_free(szThisTagHref); #else mir_utf8decodecp(szThisTagHref, CP_ACP, NULL); hyperlink[hyperlinkCount].range.cpMax = charCount; hyperlink[hyperlinkCount].szLink = szThisTagHref; hyperlinkCount++; #endif szThisTagHref = NULL; } } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szTagName, "font")) { char *szColour = GetHtmlTagAttribute(pszHtml, "color"); if (szColour != NULL) { int i, freeColour = 1; if (szColour[0] != '#' || lstrlenA(szColour) != 7) { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(htmlColourNames); i++) { if (!lstrcmpiA(szColour, htmlColourNames[i].szName)) { mir_free(szColour); szColour = (char*)htmlColourNames[i].szClr; freeColour = 0; break; } } } else szColour++; if (szColour != NULL) { COLORREF colour; char szRed[3], szGreen[3], szBlue[3]; szRed[0] = szColour[0]; szRed[1] = szColour[1]; szRed[2] = '\0'; szGreen[0] = szColour[2]; szGreen[1] = szColour[3]; szGreen[2] = '\0'; szBlue[0] = szColour[4]; szBlue[1] = szColour[5]; szBlue[2] = '\0'; colour = RGB(strtol(szRed, NULL, 16), strtol(szGreen, NULL, 16), strtol(szBlue, NULL, 16)); if (freeColour) mir_free(szColour); #ifndef EDITOR if (colour != clrBkgrnd) { // ensure color is visible #else UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(clrBkgrnd); #endif // !defined EDITOR for (i = 0; i < colourTblCount; i++) if (colourTbl[i] == colour) break; if (i == colourTblCount) { COLORREF *buf = (COLORREF*)mir_realloc(colourTbl, (colourTblCount + 1)*sizeof(COLORREF)); if (buf != NULL) { colourTbl = buf; colourTblCount++; colourTbl[i] = colour; } } AppendToCharBuffer(&body, "\\cf%d ", i + 2); #ifndef EDITOR } #endif } } } // endif font } pszHtml = pszTagEnd + 1; } else if (*pszHtml == '&') { const char *pszTagEnd; char szTag[16]; int i; pszTagEnd = strchr(pszHtml + 1, ';'); if (pszTagEnd == NULL) break; CopyMemory(szTag, pszHtml + 1, min(sizeof(szTag), pszTagEnd - pszHtml)); szTag[min(sizeof(szTag), pszTagEnd - pszHtml) - 1] = '\0'; if (szTag[0] == '#') { int ch; if (szTag[1] == 'x' || szTag[1] == 'X') ch = strtol(szTag + 2, NULL, 16); else ch = strtol(szTag + 1, NULL, 10); if (ch >= 0x100) AppendToCharBuffer(&body, "\\u%d", ch); else AppendToCharBuffer(&body, "\\'%02x ", ch); } else { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(htmlSymbolChars); i++) { if (!lstrcmpiA(szTag, htmlSymbolChars[i].szSym)) { AppendCharToCharBuffer(&body, htmlSymbolChars[i].ch); charCount++; break; } } } pszHtml = pszTagEnd + 1; } else if (*pszHtml != ' ' || (!lineBreakBefore && !paragraphBefore)) { lineBreakBefore = 0; if (paragraphBefore) { AppendToCharBuffer(&body, "\\par\\par "); charCount += 2; // linebreaks are characters paragraphBefore = 0; } if ((BYTE)*pszHtml >= ' ') charCount++; if (*pszHtml == '\\' || *pszHtml == '{' || *pszHtml == '}') AppendCharToCharBuffer(&body, '\\'); AppendCharToCharBuffer(&body, *pszHtml++); } else pszHtml++; } mir_free(szThisTagHref); // does NULL check { COLORREF clr = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_HOTLIGHT) ? GetSysColor(COLOR_HOTLIGHT) : RGB(0, 0, 255); AppendToCharBuffer(&header, "{\\colortbl ;\\red%d\\green%d\\blue%d;", GetRValue(clr), GetGValue(clr), GetBValue(clr)); for (int i = 0; i < colourTblCount; i++) AppendToCharBuffer(&header, "\\red%d\\green%d\\blue%d;", GetRValue(colourTbl[i]), GetGValue(colourTbl[i]), GetBValue(colourTbl[i])); } AppendToCharBuffer(&header, "}\\pard\\fs16\\uc0"); if (keywordAtBeginning) AppendCharToCharBuffer(&header, ' '); mir_free(colourTbl); // does NULL check if (header.sz != NULL) { AppendToCharBuffer(&header, "%s}", body.sz ? body.sz : ""); esd.pbBuff = (PBYTE)header.sz; esd.cbBuff = header.iEnd; stream.dwCookie = (DWORD)&esd; stream.pfnCallback = (EDITSTREAMCALLBACK)EditStreamInRtf; SendMessage(hwndEdit, EM_STREAMIN, SF_RTF, (LPARAM)&stream); mir_free(header.sz); } mir_free(body.sz); // does NULL check #ifndef EDITOR CHARFORMAT cf; ZeroMemory(&cf, sizeof(cf)); cf.cbSize = sizeof(cf); cf.dwMask = CFM_UNDERLINE | CFM_COLOR; // CFE_LINK always uses RGB(0,0,255) instead of GetSysColor(COLOR_HOTLIGHT) cf.dwEffects = CFE_UNDERLINE; // and ignores CFM_COLOR, so selfimplementing cf.crTextColor = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_HOTLIGHT) ? GetSysColor(COLOR_HOTLIGHT) : RGB(0, 0, 255); for (int i = 0; i < hyperlinkCount; i++) { SendMessage(hwndEdit, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&hyperlink[i].range); SendMessage(hwndEdit, EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, (LPARAM)&cf); } SendMessage(hwndEdit, EM_SETSEL, 0, 0); #endif } #ifndef EDITOR void FreeHyperlinkData(void) { for (int i = 0; i= hyperlink[i].range.cpMin && cpPos <= hyperlink[i].range.cpMax) { if (pcpMin) *pcpMin = hyperlink[i].range.cpMin; if (pcpMax) *pcpMax = hyperlink[i].range.cpMax; if (ppszLink) *ppszLink = hyperlink[i].szLink; return 1; } if (pcpMin) *pcpMin = -1; if (pcpMax) *pcpMax = -1; if (ppszLink) *ppszLink = NULL; return 0; } #endif // !defined EDITOR #ifdef EDITOR struct RtfGroupStackData { BYTE bold, italic, underline, strikeout; BYTE isDestination, isColourTbl, isFontTbl; int colour; int fontSize; int unicodeSkip; int charset; }; char *StreamOutHtml(HWND hwndEdit) { EDITSTREAM stream; struct EditStreamData esd; struct ResizableCharBuffer htmlOut, hyperlink, *output; COLORREF *colourTbl = NULL; int colourTblCount = 0; struct RtfGroupStackData *groupStack; int groupLevel; int inFontTag = 0, inAnchorTag = 0, inBigTag = 0, inSmallTag = 0, lineBreakBefore = 0; char *pszRtf; int *fontTblCharsets = NULL; int fontTblCount = 0; int normalTextSize = 0; void *buf; ZeroMemory(&stream, sizeof(stream)); ZeroMemory(&esd, sizeof(esd)); ZeroMemory(&htmlOut, sizeof(htmlOut)); ZeroMemory(&hyperlink, sizeof(hyperlink)); ZeroMemory(&output, sizeof(output)); stream.dwCookie = (DWORD)&esd; stream.pfnCallback = EditStreamOutRtf; SendMessage(hwndEdit, EM_STREAMOUT, (WPARAM)(CP_UTF8 << 16) | SF_USECODEPAGE | SF_RTFNOOBJS | SFF_PLAINRTF, (LPARAM)&stream); if (esd.pbBuff == NULL) return NULL; output = &htmlOut; groupStack = (struct RtfGroupStackData*)mir_calloc(sizeof(struct RtfGroupStackData)); if (groupStack != NULL) { groupLevel = 0; groupStack[0].unicodeSkip = 1; for (pszRtf = (char*)esd.pbBuff; *pszRtf != '\0';) { if (*pszRtf == '{') { buf = (struct RtfGroupStackData*)mir_realloc(groupStack, sizeof(struct RtfGroupStackData)*(groupLevel + 2)); if (buf == NULL) break; groupStack = (struct RtfGroupStackData*)buf; groupStack[groupLevel] = groupStack[groupLevel]; groupLevel++; pszRtf++; } else if (*pszRtf == '}') { groupLevel--; if (groupStack[groupLevel].bold != groupStack[groupLevel + 1].bold) AppendToCharBuffer(output, groupStack[groupLevel].bold ? "" : ""); if (groupStack[groupLevel].italic != groupStack[groupLevel + 1].italic) AppendToCharBuffer(output, groupStack[groupLevel].bold ? "" : ""); if (groupStack[groupLevel].underline != groupStack[groupLevel + 1].underline) AppendToCharBuffer(output, groupStack[groupLevel].bold ? "" : ""); if (groupStack[groupLevel].strikeout != groupStack[groupLevel + 1].strikeout && groupStack[groupLevel + 1].strikeout) if (inAnchorTag) { AppendToCharBuffer(output, ""); inAnchorTag = 0; } if (groupStack[groupLevel].colour != groupStack[groupLevel + 1].colour) if (inFontTag) { AppendToCharBuffer(output, ""); inFontTag = 0; } if (groupStack[groupLevel].fontSize != groupStack[groupLevel + 1].fontSize) { if (inBigTag) { AppendToCharBuffer(output, ""); inBigTag = 0; } if (inSmallTag) { AppendToCharBuffer(output, ""); inSmallTag = 0; } if (groupStack[groupLevel].fontSize"); inSmallTag = 1; } else if (groupStack[groupLevel].fontSize>normalTextSize) { AppendToCharBuffer(output, ""); inBigTag = 1; } } if (groupLevel == 0) break; pszRtf++; } else if (*pszRtf == '\\' && pszRtf[1] == '*') { groupStack[groupLevel].isDestination = 1; pszRtf += 2; } else if (*pszRtf == '\\' && pszRtf[1] == '\'') { char szHex[3] = "\0\0"; char szChar[2]; szHex[0] = pszRtf[2]; if (pszRtf[2]) szHex[1] = pszRtf[3]; else pszRtf--; szChar[0] = (char)strtol(szHex, NULL, 16); szChar[1] = '\0'; if (groupStack[groupLevel].charset) { WCHAR szwChar[2]; CHARSETINFO csi; TranslateCharsetInfo((PDWORD)groupStack[groupLevel].charset, &csi, TCI_SRCCHARSET); MultiByteToWideChar(csi.ciACP, 0, szChar, 1, szwChar, 2); AppendToCharBuffer(output, "&#%u;", (WORD)szwChar[0]); } else AppendToCharBuffer(output, "&#%u;", (BYTE)szChar[0]); pszRtf += 4; } else if (*pszRtf == '\\' && isalpha(pszRtf[1])) { char szControlWord[32]; int iWordEnd; int hasParam = 0; int param = -1; for (iWordEnd = 1; isalpha(pszRtf[iWordEnd]); iWordEnd++); CopyMemory(szControlWord, pszRtf + 1, min(sizeof(szControlWord), iWordEnd)); szControlWord[min(sizeof(szControlWord), iWordEnd) - 1] = '\0'; if (isdigit(pszRtf[iWordEnd]) || pszRtf[iWordEnd] == '-') { hasParam = 1; param = strtol(pszRtf + iWordEnd, &pszRtf, 10); } else pszRtf = pszRtf + iWordEnd; if (*pszRtf == ' ') pszRtf++; if (!lstrcmpiA(szControlWord, "colortbl")) { groupStack[groupLevel].isColourTbl = 1; buf = (COLORREF*)mir_realloc(colourTbl, sizeof(COLORREF)); if (buf != NULL) { colourTbl = (COLORREF*)buf; colourTblCount = 1; colourTbl[0] = 0; } groupStack[groupLevel].isDestination = 1; } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szControlWord, "fonttbl")) { groupStack[groupLevel].isFontTbl = 1; groupStack[groupLevel].isDestination = 1; } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szControlWord, "stylesheet")) { groupStack[groupLevel].isDestination = 1; } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szControlWord, "red")) { if (!hasParam || !colourTblCount) break; colourTbl[colourTblCount - 1] &= ~RGB(255, 0, 0); colourTbl[colourTblCount - 1] |= RGB(param, 0, 0); } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szControlWord, "green")) { if (!hasParam || !colourTblCount) break; colourTbl[colourTblCount - 1] &= ~RGB(0, 255, 0); colourTbl[colourTblCount - 1] |= RGB(0, param, 0); } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szControlWord, "blue")) { if (!hasParam || !colourTblCount) break; colourTbl[colourTblCount - 1] &= ~RGB(0, 0, 255); colourTbl[colourTblCount - 1] |= RGB(0, 0, param); } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szControlWord, "f")) { if (groupStack[groupLevel].isFontTbl) { buf = (int*)mir_realloc(fontTblCharsets, sizeof(int)*(fontTblCount + 1)); if (buf != NULL) { fontTblCharsets = (int*)buf; fontTblCharsets[fontTblCount] = 0; fontTblCount++; } } else { if (hasParam && param >= 0 && param"); if (hasParam && param) { int i; char szColour[7]; wsprintfA(szColour, "%02x%02x%02x", GetRValue(colourTbl[param]), GetGValue(colourTbl[param]), GetBValue(colourTbl[param])); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(htmlColourNames); i++) { if (!lstrcmpiA(szColour, htmlColourNames[i].szClr)) { AppendToCharBuffer(output, "", htmlColourNames[i].szName); break; } } if (i == sizeof(htmlColourNames)) AppendToCharBuffer(output, "", szColour); inFontTag = 1; groupStack[groupLevel].colour = param; } else groupStack[groupLevel].colour = 0; } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szControlWord, "fs")) { if (normalTextSize == 0 && hasParam) { normalTextSize = param; groupStack[0].fontSize = normalTextSize; } if (inBigTag) { AppendToCharBuffer(output, ""); inBigTag = 0; } if (inSmallTag) { AppendToCharBuffer(output, ""); inSmallTag = 0; } if (hasParam) { groupStack[groupLevel].fontSize = param; if (groupStack[groupLevel].fontSize"); inSmallTag = 1; } else if (groupStack[groupLevel].fontSize>normalTextSize) { AppendToCharBuffer(output, ""); inBigTag = 1; } } } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szControlWord, "uc")) { if (hasParam) groupStack[groupLevel].unicodeSkip = param; } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szControlWord, "u")) { if (hasParam) { AppendToCharBuffer(output, "&#%u;", param); pszRtf += groupStack[groupLevel].unicodeSkip; } } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szControlWord, "b")) { if (!hasParam || param) { groupStack[groupLevel].bold = 1; AppendToCharBuffer(output, ""); } else { groupStack[groupLevel].bold = 0; AppendToCharBuffer(output, ""); } } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szControlWord, "i")) { if (!hasParam || param) { groupStack[groupLevel].italic = 1; AppendToCharBuffer(output, ""); } else { groupStack[groupLevel].italic = 0; AppendToCharBuffer(output, ""); } } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szControlWord, "ul")) { if (!hasParam || param) { groupStack[groupLevel].underline = 1; AppendToCharBuffer(output, ""); } else { groupStack[groupLevel].underline = 0; AppendToCharBuffer(output, ""); } } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szControlWord, "ulnone")) { groupStack[groupLevel].underline = 0; AppendToCharBuffer(output, ""); } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szControlWord, "strike")) { if (!hasParam || param) { groupStack[groupLevel].strikeout = 1; mir_free(hyperlink.sz); // does NULL check hyperlink.iEnd = hyperlink.cbAlloced = 0; hyperlink.sz = NULL; output = &hyperlink; } else { groupStack[groupLevel].strikeout = 0; if (hyperlink.iEnd && hyperlink.sz != NULL) { char *pszColon; output = &htmlOut; pszColon = strchr(hyperlink.sz, ':'); if (pszColon == NULL) pszColon = ""; else *pszColon++ = '\0'; AppendToCharBuffer(output, "%s", pszColon, hyperlink.sz); mir_free(hyperlink.sz); hyperlink.iEnd = hyperlink.cbAlloced = 0; hyperlink.sz = NULL; } } } else if (!lstrcmpiA(szControlWord, "par")) { if (lineBreakBefore) AppendToCharBuffer(output, "
"); lineBreakBefore = 1; // richedit puts a \par right at the end } } else { int i; if (*pszRtf == '\\') pszRtf++; if (!groupStack[groupLevel].isDestination) { if (lineBreakBefore && (BYTE)*pszRtf >= ' ') { AppendToCharBuffer(output, "
"); lineBreakBefore = 0; } if (*pszRtf == ' ') AppendCharToCharBuffer(output, *pszRtf); else { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(htmlSymbolChars); i++) { if (*pszRtf == htmlSymbolChars[i].ch) { AppendToCharBuffer(output, "&%s;", htmlSymbolChars[i].szSym); break; } } if (i == sizeof(htmlSymbolChars)) AppendCharToCharBuffer(output, *pszRtf); } } else if (groupStack[groupLevel].isColourTbl && *pszRtf == ';') { buf = (COLORREF*)mir_realloc(colourTbl, sizeof(COLORREF)*(colourTblCount + 2)); if (buf != NULL) { colourTbl = (COLORREF*)buf; colourTbl[colourTblCount] = 0; colourTblCount++; } } pszRtf++; } } mir_free(groupStack); } mir_free(colourTbl); // does NULL check mir_free(fontTblCharsets); // does NULL check mir_free(hyperlink.sz); // does NULL check mir_free(esd.pbBuff); return htmlOut.sz; } #endif // defined EDITOR