/* Miranda IM Country Flags Plugin Copyright (C) 2006-2007 H. Herkenrath This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (Flags-License.txt); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "flags.h" extern HINSTANCE hInst; extern int nCountriesCount; extern struct CountryListEntry *countries; static HANDLE hServiceIpToCountry; /************************* Bin Records ****************************/ #define DATARECORD_SIZE (sizeof(DWORD)+sizeof(DWORD)+sizeof(WORD)) // mir_free() the return value static BYTE* GetDataHeader(BYTE *data,DWORD cbDataSize,DWORD *pnDataRecordCount) { BYTE *recordData; /* uncompressed size stored in first DWORD */ *pnDataRecordCount=(*(DWORD*)data)/DATARECORD_SIZE; recordData=(BYTE*)mir_alloc(*(DWORD*)data); if (recordData != NULL) Huffman_Uncompress(data+sizeof(DWORD),recordData,cbDataSize-sizeof(DWORD),*(DWORD*)data); return recordData; } static int GetDataRecord(BYTE *data,DWORD index,DWORD *pdwFrom,DWORD *pdwTo) { data+=index*DATARECORD_SIZE; *pdwFrom=*(DWORD*)data; data+=sizeof(DWORD); if (pdwTo != NULL) *pdwTo=*(DWORD*)data; data+=sizeof(DWORD); return (int)*(WORD*)data; } /************************* Record Cache ***************************/ static CRITICAL_SECTION csRecordCache; static DWORD nDataRecordsCount; /* protected by csRecordCache */ static BYTE *dataRecords; /* protected by csRecordCache */ #define UNLOADDELAY 30*1000 /* time after which the data records are being unloaded */ static void CALLBACK UnloadRecordCache(LPARAM lParam) { EnterCriticalSection(&csRecordCache); mir_free(dataRecords); dataRecords=NULL; LeaveCriticalSection(&csRecordCache); } // function assumes it has got the csRecordCache mutex static BOOL EnsureRecordCacheLoaded(BYTE **pdata,DWORD *pcount) { HRSRC hrsrc; DWORD cb; EnterCriticalSection(&csRecordCache); if (dataRecords == NULL) { /* load record data list from resources */ hrsrc=FindResource(hInst,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_IPTOCOUNTRY),_T("BIN")); cb=SizeofResource(hInst,hrsrc); dataRecords=(BYTE*)LockResource(LoadResource(hInst,hrsrc)); if (cb<=sizeof(DWORD) || dataRecords == NULL) { LeaveCriticalSection(&csRecordCache); return FALSE; } /* uncompress record data */ dataRecords=GetDataHeader(dataRecords,cb,&nDataRecordsCount); if (dataRecords == NULL || !nDataRecordsCount) { LeaveCriticalSection(&csRecordCache); return FALSE; } } *pdata=dataRecords; *pcount=nDataRecordsCount; return TRUE; } static void LeaveRecordCache(void) { /* mark for unload */ CallFunctionBuffered(UnloadRecordCache,0,FALSE,UNLOADDELAY); LeaveCriticalSection(&csRecordCache); } /************************* Services *******************************/ INT_PTR ServiceIpToCountry(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { BYTE *data; DWORD dwFrom,dwTo; DWORD low=0,i,high; int id; if (EnsureRecordCacheLoaded(&data,&high)) { /* binary search in record data */ GetDataRecord(data,low,&dwFrom,NULL); --high; if (wParam>=dwFrom) /* only search if wParam valid */ while (low<=high) { i=low+((high-low)/2); /* analyze record */ id=GetDataRecord(data,i,&dwFrom,&dwTo); if (dwFrom<=wParam && dwTo>=wParam) { LeaveRecordCache(); return id; } if (wParam>dwTo) low=i+1; else high=i-1; } LeaveRecordCache(); } return 0xFFFF; /* Unknown */ } /************************* Bin Converter **************************/ #ifdef BINCONV #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct { const char *szMir; const char *szCSV; } static const differentCountryNames[]={ {"British Virgin Islands","VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH"}, {"Brunei","BRUNEI DARUSSALAM"}, {"Cape Verde Islands","CAPE VERDE"}, {"Cocos-Keeling Islands","COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS"}, {"Chile, Republic of","CHILE"}, {"Congo, Democratic Republic of (Zaire)","THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO"}, {"Congo, Republic of the","CONGO"}, {"Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)","COTE D'IVOIRE"}, {"Diego Garcia","BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY"}, {"Guam, US Territory of","GUAM"}, {"Iran (Islamic Republic of)","ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN"}, {"Korea, North","REPUBLIC OF KOREA"}, {"Laos","LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC"}, {"Reunion Island","REUNION"}, {"Russia","RUSSIAN FEDERATION"}, {"Saipan Island (Northern Mariana Islands)","NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS"}, {"Tanzania","UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA"}, {"USA","UNITED STATES"}, {"Macau","MACAO"}, {"Macedonia (F.Y.R.O.M.)","THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA"}, {"Micronesia, Federated States of","FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA"}, {"Mayotte Island","MAYOTTE"}, {"Moldova, Republic of","REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA"}, {"Vietnam","VIET NAM"}, {"Virgin Islands (USA)","VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S."}, {"Vatican City","HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)"}, {"Serbia, Republic of","SERBIA"}, {"Montenegro, Republic of","MONTENEGRO"}, }; #define ALLOC_STEP (800*1024) /* approx. size of data output */ struct ResizableByteBuffer { BYTE *buf; DWORD cbLength,cbAlloced; }; static void AppendToByteBuffer(struct ResizableByteBuffer *buffer,const void *append,DWORD cbAppendSize) { if (buffer->cbAlloced<=buffer->cbLength+cbAppendSize) { BYTE* buf=(BYTE*)mir_realloc(buffer->buf,buffer->cbAlloced+ALLOC_STEP+cbAppendSize); if (buf == NULL) return; buffer->buf=buf; buffer->cbAlloced+=ALLOC_STEP+cbAppendSize; OutputDebugStringA("reallocating memory...\n"); /* all ascii */ } CopyMemory(&buffer->buf[buffer->cbLength],append,cbAppendSize); buffer->cbLength+=cbAppendSize; } static int EnumIpDataLines(const char *pszFileCSV,const char *pszFileOut) { FILE *fp; char line[1024],out[512],*pszFrom,*pszTo,*pszTwo,*pszCountry,*buf; int i,j; DWORD dwOut; WORD wOut; struct ResizableByteBuffer buffer; ZeroMemory(&buffer,sizeof(buffer)); fp=fopen(pszFileCSV,"rt"); if (fp != NULL) { OutputDebugStringA("Running IP data convert...\n"); /* all ascii */ while (!feof(fp)) { if (fgets(line,sizeof(line),fp) == NULL) break; /* get line data */ pszFrom=line+1; pszTo=strchr(pszFrom,','); *(pszTo-1)='\0'; pszTo+=2; pszTwo=strchr(pszTo,','); *(pszTwo-1)='\0'; pszTwo+=2; pszCountry=strchr(pszTwo,',')+1; pszCountry=strchr(pszCountry,',')+2; buf=strchr(pszCountry,'"'); *buf=pszTwo[2]='\0'; /* corrections */ if (!lstrcmpi(pszCountry,"ANTARCTICA")) continue; if (!lstrcmpi(pszCountry,"TIMOR-LESTE")) continue; if (!lstrcmpi(pszCountry,"PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED")) lstrcpy(pszCountry,"ISRAEL"); else if (!lstrcmpi(pszCountry,"UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS")) lstrcpy(pszCountry,"UNITED STATES"); else if (!lstrcmpi(pszCountry,"SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS")) lstrcpy(pszCountry,"UNITED KINGDOM"); else if (!lstrcmpi(pszTwo,"JE")) /* map error */ lstrcpy(pszCountry,"UNITED KINGDOM"); else if (!lstrcmpi(pszTwo,"AX")) /* �land Island belongs to Finland */ lstrcpy(pszCountry,"FINLAND"); else if (!lstrcmpi(pszTwo,"ME")) lstrcpy(pszCountry,"MONTENEGRO"); else if (!lstrcmpi(pszTwo,"RS") || !lstrcmpi(pszTwo,"CS")) lstrcpy(pszCountry,"SERBIA"); /* convert */ for(i=0;i<nCountriesCount;i++) { /* map different writings */ for(j=0;j<SIZEOF(differentCountryNames);j++) if (!lstrcmpi(countries[i].szName,differentCountryNames[j].szMir)) { buf=(char*)differentCountryNames[j].szCSV; break; } if (j == SIZEOF(differentCountryNames)) buf=(char*)countries[i].szName; /* check country */ if (!lstrcmpiA(pszCountry,buf)) { dwOut=(DWORD)atoi(pszFrom); AppendToByteBuffer(&buffer,(void*)&dwOut,sizeof(DWORD)); dwOut=(DWORD)atoi(pszTo); AppendToByteBuffer(&buffer,(void*)&dwOut,sizeof(DWORD)); wOut=(WORD)countries[i].id; AppendToByteBuffer(&buffer,(void*)&wOut,sizeof(WORD)); break; } } /* not in list */ if (i == nCountriesCount) { mir_snprintf(out, SIZEOF(out), "Unknown: %s-%s [%s, %s]\n", pszFrom, pszTo, pszTwo, pszCountry); OutputDebugStringA(out); /* all ascii */ } } fclose(fp); OutputDebugStringA("Done!\n"); /* all ascii */ if (buffer.buf != NULL) { HANDLE hFileOut; DWORD cbWritten=0; BYTE *compressed; DWORD cbCompressed; /* compress whole data */ OutputDebugStringA("Compressing...\n"); /* all ascii */ compressed=(BYTE*)mir_alloc(buffer.cbAlloced+384); if (compressed != NULL) { cbCompressed=Huffman_Compress(buffer.buf,compressed,buffer.cbLength); OutputDebugStringA("Done!\n"); /* all ascii */ OutputDebugStringA("Writing to file...\n"); /* all ascii */ hFileOut=CreateFile(pszFileOut,GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ,NULL,CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); if (hFileOut != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { /* store data length count at beginning */ dwOut=buffer.cbLength; WriteFile(hFileOut,&dwOut,sizeof(DWORD),&cbWritten,NULL); /* store compressed data records */ WriteFile(hFileOut,compressed,cbCompressed,&cbWritten,NULL); CloseHandle(hFileOut); } OutputDebugStringA("Done!\n"); /* all ascii */ mir_free(compressed); } mir_free(buffer.buf); } return 0; } return 1; } static void BinConvThread(void *unused) { /* debug version only */ if (MessageBox(NULL,_T("Looking for 'ip-to-country.csv' in current directory.\n" "It will be converted into 'ip-to-country.bin'.\n" "See debug output for more details.\n" "This process may take very long."),_T("Bin Converter"),MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_SETFOREGROUND|MB_TOPMOST|MB_TASKMODAL) == IDOK) { EnumIpDataLines("ip-to-country.csv","ip-to-country.bin"); MessageBox(NULL,_T("Done!\n'ip-to-country.bin' has been created in current directory."),_T("Bin Converter"),MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_SETFOREGROUND|MB_TOPMOST|MB_TASKMODAL); } } #endif // BINCONV /************************* Misc ***********************************/ void InitIpToCountry(void) { /* Record Cache */ InitializeCriticalSection(&csRecordCache); nDataRecordsCount=0; dataRecords=NULL; /* Services */ hServiceIpToCountry=CreateServiceFunction(MS_FLAGS_IPTOCOUNTRY,ServiceIpToCountry); #ifdef BINCONV mir_forkthread(BinConvThread,NULL); #endif } void UninitIpToCountry(void) { /* Record Cache */ DeleteCriticalSection(&csRecordCache); mir_free(dataRecords); /* does NULL check */ /* Servcies */ DestroyServiceFunction(hServiceIpToCountry); }