/* Miranda Crash Dumper Plugin Copyright (C) 2008 - 2012 Boris Krasnovskiy All Rights Reserved This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "stdafx.h" extern wchar_t* vertxt; extern wchar_t* profname; extern wchar_t* profpath; void CreateMiniDump(HANDLE hDumpFile, PEXCEPTION_POINTERS exc_ptr) { MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION exceptionInfo; exceptionInfo.ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); exceptionInfo.ExceptionPointers = exc_ptr; exceptionInfo.ClientPointers = false; MiniDumpWriteDump(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcessId(), hDumpFile, MiniDumpNormal, &exceptionInfo, nullptr, nullptr); } void WriteBBFile(CMStringW &buffer, bool hdr) { static const wchar_t header[] = L"[spoiler=VersionInfo][quote]"; static const wchar_t footer[] = L"[/quote][/spoiler]"; buffer.Append(hdr ? header : footer); } void WriteUtfFile(HANDLE hDumpFile, char *bufu) { DWORD bytes; static const unsigned char bytemark[] = { 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF }; WriteFile(hDumpFile, bytemark, 3, &bytes, nullptr); WriteFile(hDumpFile, bufu, (uint32_t)mir_strlen(bufu), &bytes, nullptr); } BOOL CALLBACK LoadedModules64(LPCSTR, DWORD64 ModuleBase, ULONG ModuleSize, PVOID UserContext) { const HMODULE hModule = (HMODULE)ModuleBase; wchar_t path[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(hModule, path, MAX_PATH); CMStringW &buffer = *(CMStringW*)UserContext; buffer.AppendFormat(L"%s %p - %p", path, (void*)ModuleBase, (void*)(ModuleBase + ModuleSize)); GetVersionInfo(hModule, buffer); wchar_t timebuf[30] = L""; GetLastWriteTime(path, timebuf, 30); buffer.AppendFormat(L" [%s]\r\n", timebuf); return TRUE; } struct FindData { DWORD64 Offset; IMAGEHLP_MODULE64* pModule; }; BOOL CALLBACK LoadedModulesFind64(LPCSTR ModuleName, DWORD64 ModuleBase, ULONG ModuleSize, PVOID UserContext) { FindData *data = (FindData*)UserContext; if ((uint32_t)(data->Offset - ModuleBase) < ModuleSize) { const size_t len = _countof(data->pModule->ModuleName); strncpy(data->pModule->ModuleName, ModuleName, len); data->pModule->ModuleName[len - 1] = 0; data->pModule->BaseOfImage = ModuleBase; const HMODULE hModule = (HMODULE)ModuleBase; GetModuleFileNameA(hModule, data->pModule->LoadedImageName, _countof(data->pModule->LoadedImageName)); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void GetLinkedModulesInfo(wchar_t *moduleName, CMStringW &buffer) { HANDLE hDllFile = CreateFile(moduleName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr); if (hDllFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; HANDLE hDllMapping = CreateFileMapping(hDllFile, nullptr, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, nullptr); if (hDllMapping == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hDllFile); return; } LPVOID dllAddr = MapViewOfFile(hDllMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); __try { PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS nthdrs = ImageNtHeader(dllAddr); ULONG tableSize; PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR importData = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)ImageDirectoryEntryToData(dllAddr, FALSE, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT, &tableSize); if (importData) { CMStringW wszEnvPath; uint32_t dwLen = GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"Path", nullptr, 0); wszEnvPath.Preallocate(dwLen + 1); GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"Path", wszEnvPath.GetBuffer(), dwLen); while (importData->Name) { char *szImportModule = (char*)ImageRvaToVa(nthdrs, dllAddr, importData->Name, nullptr); if (!SearchPathW(wszEnvPath, _A2T(szImportModule), nullptr, NULL, nullptr, nullptr)) buffer.AppendFormat(L" Plugin statically linked to missing module: %S\r\n", szImportModule); importData++; //go to next record } } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {} UnmapViewOfFile(dllAddr); CloseHandle(hDllMapping); CloseHandle(hDllFile); } static int CompareDlls(const wchar_t *p1, const wchar_t *p2) { return mir_wstrcmpi(p1, p2); } static void GetPluginsString(CMStringW &buffer, unsigned &flags) { buffer.AppendFormat(L"Service Mode: %s\r\n", g_plugin.bServiceMode ? L"Yes" : L"No"); CMStringW szViewerName(db_get_wsm(0, "SRMM", "Logger", L"built-in")); buffer.AppendFormat(L"SRMM Log Viewer: %s\r\n", szViewerName.c_str()); wchar_t path[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(nullptr, path, MAX_PATH); LPTSTR fname = wcsrchr(path, '\\'); if (fname == nullptr) fname = path; mir_snwprintf(fname, MAX_PATH - (fname - path), L"\\plugins\\*.dll"); WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(path, &FindFileData); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; size_t count = 0, ucount = 0; CMStringW ubuffer, tmp; LIST<wchar_t> arDlls(10, CompareDlls); do { bool loaded = false; mir_snwprintf(fname, MAX_PATH - (fname - path), L"\\plugins\\%s", FindFileData.cFileName); HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle(path); if (hModule == nullptr && g_plugin.bServiceMode) { hModule = LoadLibrary(path); loaded = true; } if (hModule == nullptr) { if ((flags & VI_FLAG_PRNVAR) && IsPluginOnWhiteList(_T2A(FindFileData.cFileName))) { wchar_t timebuf[30] = L""; GetLastWriteTime(&FindFileData.ftLastWriteTime, timebuf, 30); ubuffer.AppendFormat(L"\xa4 %s v.%s%d.%d.%d.%d%s [%s] - %S %s\r\n", FindFileData.cFileName, (flags & VI_FLAG_FORMAT) ? L"[b]" : L"", 0, 0, 0, 0, (flags & VI_FLAG_FORMAT) ? L"[/b]" : L"", timebuf, "<unknown>", L""); GetLinkedModulesInfo(path, ubuffer); ubuffer.Append(L"\r\n"); ++ucount; } continue; } const PLUGININFOEX *pi = GetMirInfo(hModule); if (pi != nullptr) { wchar_t timebuf[30] = L""; GetLastWriteTime(&FindFileData.ftLastWriteTime, timebuf, 30); const wchar_t *unica = !(((PLUGININFOEX*)pi)->flags & UNICODE_AWARE) ? L"|ANSI|" : L""; int v1, v2, v3, v4; DWORD unused, verInfoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(path, &unused); if (verInfoSize != 0) { UINT blockSize; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *fi; void *pVerInfo = mir_alloc(verInfoSize); GetFileVersionInfo(path, 0, verInfoSize, pVerInfo); VerQueryValue(pVerInfo, L"\\", (LPVOID*)&fi, &blockSize); v1 = HIWORD(fi->dwFileVersionMS), v2 = LOWORD(fi->dwFileVersionMS), v3 = HIWORD(fi->dwFileVersionLS), v4 = LOWORD(fi->dwFileVersionLS); mir_free(pVerInfo); } else { uint32_t ver = pi->version; v1 = HIBYTE(HIWORD(ver)), v2 = LOBYTE(HIWORD(ver)), v3 = HIBYTE(LOWORD(ver)), v4 = LOBYTE(LOWORD(ver)); } tmp.Format(L"\xa4 %s v.%s%d.%d.%d.%d%s [%s] - %S %s\r\n", FindFileData.cFileName, (flags & VI_FLAG_FORMAT) ? L"[b]" : L"", v1, v2, v3, v4, (flags & VI_FLAG_FORMAT) ? L"[/b]" : L"", timebuf, pi->shortName ? pi->shortName : "", unica); arDlls.insert(tmp.Detach()); if (mir_wstrcmpi(FindFileData.cFileName, L"weather.dll") == 0) flags |= VI_FLAG_WEATHER; ++count; } if (loaded) FreeLibrary(hModule); } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData)); FindClose(hFind); buffer.AppendFormat(L"\r\n%sActive Plugins (%u):%s\r\n", (flags & VI_FLAG_FORMAT) ? L"[b]" : L"", count, (flags & VI_FLAG_FORMAT) ? L"[/b]" : L""); for (auto &str : arDlls) { buffer.Append(str); mir_free(str); } if (ucount) { buffer.AppendFormat(L"\r\n%sUnloadable Plugins (%u):%s\r\n", (flags & VI_FLAG_FORMAT) ? L"[b]" : L"", ucount, (flags & VI_FLAG_FORMAT) ? L"[/b]" : L""); buffer.Append(ubuffer); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct ProtoCount : public MZeroedObject { ProtoCount(char *p) : szProto(p) {} char *szProto; int countse; int countsd; bool nloaded; static int Compare(const ProtoCount *p1, const ProtoCount *p2) { return mir_strcmp(p1->szProto, p2->szProto); } }; static void GetProtocolStrings(CMStringW &buffer) { int protoCount; PROTOCOLDESCRIPTOR **protoList; Proto_EnumProtocols(&protoCount, &protoList); OBJLIST<ProtoCount> arProtos(10, &ProtoCount::Compare); // add first all declared protocols, both old & new for (int i = 0; i < protoCount; i++) switch (protoList[i]->type) { case PROTOTYPE_PROTOCOL: case PROTOTYPE_PROTOWITHACCS: arProtos.insert(new ProtoCount(protoList[i]->szName)); } // try to gather all missing protocols from accounts for (auto &pa : Accounts()) { ProtoCount *p = arProtos.find((ProtoCount*)&pa->szProtoName); if (p == nullptr) continue; p->nloaded = pa->bDynDisabled; if (pa->IsEnabled()) ++p->countse; else ++p->countsd; } for (auto &p : arProtos) if (p->countsd != 0 || p->countse != 0) buffer.AppendFormat(L"%-24S %d - Enabled %d - Disabled %sLoaded\r\n", p->szProto, p->countse, p->countsd, p->nloaded ? L"Not " : L""); } static void GetWeatherStrings(CMStringW &buffer, unsigned flags) { wchar_t path[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(nullptr, path, MAX_PATH); LPTSTR fname = wcsrchr(path, L'\\'); if (fname == nullptr) fname = path; mir_snwprintf(fname, MAX_PATH - (fname - path), L"\\plugins\\weather\\*.ini"); WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(path, &FindFileData); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; do { if (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) continue; mir_snwprintf(fname, MAX_PATH - (fname - path), L"\\plugins\\weather\\%s", FindFileData.cFileName); HANDLE hDumpFile = CreateFile(path, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr); if (hDumpFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { char buf[8192]; DWORD bytes = 0; ReadFile(hDumpFile, buf, 8190, &bytes, nullptr); buf[bytes] = 0; char *ver = strstr(buf, "Version="); if (ver != nullptr) { char *endid = strchr(ver, '\r'); if (endid != nullptr) *endid = 0; else { endid = strchr(ver, '\n'); if (endid != nullptr) *endid = 0; } ver += 8; } char *id = strstr(buf, "Name="); if (id != nullptr) { char *endid = strchr(id, '\r'); if (endid != nullptr) *endid = 0; else { endid = strchr(id, '\n'); if (endid != nullptr) *endid = 0; } id += 5; } wchar_t timebuf[30] = L""; GetLastWriteTime(&FindFileData.ftLastWriteTime, timebuf, 30); buffer.AppendFormat(L" %s v.%s%S%s [%s] - %S\r\n", FindFileData.cFileName, (flags & VI_FLAG_FORMAT) ? L"[b]" : L"", ver, (flags & VI_FLAG_FORMAT) ? L"[/b]" : L"", timebuf, id); CloseHandle(hDumpFile); } } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData)); FindClose(hFind); } static void GetIconStrings(CMStringW& buffer) { wchar_t path[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(nullptr, path, MAX_PATH); LPTSTR fname = wcsrchr(path, L'\\'); if (fname == nullptr) fname = path; mir_snwprintf(fname, MAX_PATH - (fname - path), L"\\Icons\\*.*"); WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(path, &FindFileData); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; do { if (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) continue; wchar_t timebuf[30] = L""; GetLastWriteTime(&FindFileData.ftLastWriteTime, timebuf, 30); buffer.AppendFormat(L" %s [%s]\r\n", FindFileData.cFileName, timebuf); } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData)); FindClose(hFind); } void PrintVersionInfo(CMStringW& buffer, unsigned flags) { GetProcessorString(buffer); buffer.Append(L"\r\n"); GetFreeMemoryString(buffer); buffer.Append(L"\r\n"); char szOsVer[200]; OS_GetDisplayString(szOsVer, _countof(szOsVer)); buffer.Append(_A2T(szOsVer)); buffer.Append(L"\r\n"); GetInternetExplorerVersion(buffer); buffer.Append(L"\r\n"); GetAdminString(buffer); buffer.Append(L"\r\n"); GetLanguageString(buffer); buffer.Append(L"\r\n"); wchar_t *profpathfull = Utils_ReplaceVarsW(profpath); if (flags & VI_FLAG_PRNVAR) { GetFreeDiskString(profpathfull, buffer); buffer.Append(L"\r\n"); } buffer.AppendFormat(L"\r\nMiranda NG Version: %s", vertxt); GetWow64String(buffer); buffer.Append(L"\r\n"); wchar_t path[MAX_PATH], mirtime[30]; GetModuleFileName(nullptr, path, MAX_PATH); GetLastWriteTime(path, mirtime, 30); buffer.AppendFormat(L"Build time: %s\r\n", mirtime); wchar_t profpn[MAX_PATH]; mir_snwprintf(profpn, L"%s\\%s", profpathfull, profname); buffer.AppendFormat(L"Profile: %s\r\n", profpn); if (auto *pDb = db_get_current()) if (auto *dbLink = pDb->GetDriver()) buffer.AppendFormat(L"Database driver: %s\r\n", dbLink ->szFullName); if (flags & VI_FLAG_PRNVAR) { WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(profpn, &FindFileData); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(hFind); unsigned __int64 fsize = (unsigned __int64)FindFileData.nFileSizeHigh << 32 | FindFileData.nFileSizeLow; buffer.AppendFormat(L"Profile size: %I64u Bytes\r\n", fsize), GetLastWriteTime(&FindFileData.ftCreationTime, mirtime, 30); buffer.AppendFormat(L"Profile creation date: %s\r\n", mirtime); } } mir_free(profpathfull); GetLanguagePackString(buffer); buffer.Append(L"\r\n"); GetPluginsString(buffer, flags); if (flags & VI_FLAG_WEATHER) { buffer.AppendFormat(L"\r\n%sWeather ini files:%s\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", (flags & VI_FLAG_FORMAT) ? L"[b]" : L"", (flags & VI_FLAG_FORMAT) ? L"[/b]" : L""); GetWeatherStrings(buffer, flags); } if (flags & VI_FLAG_PRNVAR && !g_plugin.bServiceMode) { buffer.AppendFormat(L"\r\n%sProtocols and Accounts:%s\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", (flags & VI_FLAG_FORMAT) ? L"[b]" : L"", (flags & VI_FLAG_FORMAT) ? L"[/b]" : L""); GetProtocolStrings(buffer); } if (flags & VI_FLAG_PRNVAR) { buffer.AppendFormat(L"\r\n%sIcon Packs:%s\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", (flags & VI_FLAG_FORMAT) ? L"[b]" : L"", (flags & VI_FLAG_FORMAT) ? L"[/b]" : L""); GetIconStrings(buffer); } if (flags & VI_FLAG_PRNDLL) { __try { buffer.Append(L"\r\nLoaded Modules:\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"); EnumerateLoadedModules64(GetCurrentProcess(), LoadedModules64, &buffer); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {} } } void CreateCrashReport(HANDLE hDumpFile, PEXCEPTION_POINTERS exc_ptr, const wchar_t* msg) { if (exc_ptr->ContextRecord == nullptr || (exc_ptr->ContextRecord->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_CONTROL) == 0) return; CONTEXT context = *exc_ptr->ContextRecord; STACKFRAME64 frame = {}; #if defined(_AMD64_) #define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 frame.AddrPC.Offset = context.Rip; frame.AddrFrame.Offset = context.Rbp; frame.AddrStack.Offset = context.Rsp; #elif defined(_IA64_) #define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64 frame.AddrPC.Offset = context.StIIP; frame.AddrFrame.Offset = context.AddrBStore; frame.AddrStack.Offset = context.SP; #else #define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 frame.AddrPC.Offset = context.Eip; frame.AddrFrame.Offset = context.Ebp; frame.AddrStack.Offset = context.Esp; #endif frame.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat; frame.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat; frame.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat; wchar_t curtime[30]; GetISO8061Time(nullptr, curtime, 30); CMStringW buffer; buffer.AppendFormat(L"Miranda Crash Report from %s. Crash Dumper v.%d.%d.%d.%d\r\n", curtime, __MAJOR_VERSION, __MINOR_VERSION, __RELEASE_NUM, __BUILD_NUM); int crashpos = buffer.GetLength(); ReadableExceptionInfo(exc_ptr->ExceptionRecord, buffer); buffer.Append(L"\r\n"); const HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); if (&SymSetOptions) SymSetOptions(SYMOPT_UNDNAME | SYMOPT_DEFERRED_LOADS | SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES); SymInitialize(hProcess, nullptr, TRUE); buffer.Append(L"\r\nStack Trace:\r\n---------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"); for (int i = 81; --i;) { char symbuf[sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64) + MAX_SYM_NAME * sizeof(wchar_t) + 4] = {}; PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 pSym = (PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64)symbuf; pSym->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64); pSym->MaxNameLength = MAX_SYM_NAME; IMAGEHLP_LINE64 Line = {}; Line.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(Line); IMAGEHLP_MODULE64 Module = {}; Module.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_MODULE64_V2); char undName[MAX_SYM_NAME] = ""; char undFullName[MAX_SYM_NAME] = ""; DWORD64 offsetFromSmybol = 0; DWORD offsetFromLine = 0; if (!StackWalk64(IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE, hProcess, GetCurrentThread(), &frame, &context, nullptr, SymFunctionTableAccess64, SymGetModuleBase64, nullptr)) break; if (frame.AddrPC.Offset == frame.AddrReturn.Offset) break; if (frame.AddrPC.Offset != 0) { if (SymGetSymFromAddr64(hProcess, frame.AddrPC.Offset, &offsetFromSmybol, pSym)) { UnDecorateSymbolName(pSym->Name, undName, MAX_SYM_NAME, UNDNAME_NAME_ONLY); UnDecorateSymbolName(pSym->Name, undFullName, MAX_SYM_NAME, UNDNAME_COMPLETE); } SymGetLineFromAddr64(hProcess, frame.AddrPC.Offset, &offsetFromLine, &Line); SymGetModuleInfo64(hProcess, frame.AddrPC.Offset, &Module); if (Module.ModuleName[0] == 0) { FindData data; data.Offset = frame.AddrPC.Offset; data.pModule = &Module; EnumerateLoadedModules64(hProcess, LoadedModulesFind64, &data); } } const char *name; if (undFullName[0] != 0) name = undFullName; else if (undName[0] != 0) name = undName; else if (pSym->Name[0] != 0) name = pSym->Name; else name = "(function-name not available)"; const char *lineFileName = Line.FileName ? Line.FileName : "(filename not available)"; const char *moduleName = Module.ModuleName[0] ? Module.ModuleName : "(module-name not available)"; if (crashpos != 0) { HMODULE hModule = (HMODULE)Module.BaseOfImage; const PLUGININFOEX *pi = GetMirInfo(hModule); if (pi != nullptr) { if (pi->shortName) { CMStringW crashcause; crashcause.AppendFormat(L"\r\nLikely cause of the crash plugin: %S\r\n\r\n", pi->shortName); buffer.Insert(crashpos, crashcause); } crashpos = 0; } } buffer.AppendFormat(L"%p (%S %p): %S (%d): %S\r\n", (void*)frame.AddrPC.Offset, moduleName, (void*)Module.BaseOfImage, lineFileName, Line.LineNumber, name); } SymCleanup(hProcess); buffer.Append(L"\r\n"); PrintVersionInfo(buffer, VI_FLAG_PRNDLL); int len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, buffer.c_str(), -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr); char* dst = (char*)(len > 8192 ? malloc(len) : alloca(len)); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, buffer.c_str(), -1, dst, len, nullptr, nullptr); WriteUtfFile(hDumpFile, dst); if (len > 8192) free(dst); if (g_plugin.getByte("ShowCrashMessageBox", 1) && msg && IDYES == MessageBox(nullptr, msg, L"Miranda Crash Dumper", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL | MB_DEFBUTTON2 | MB_TOPMOST)) Utils_ClipboardCopy(buffer); }