	Copyright (C) 1997 Network Associates Inc. and affiliated companies.
	All rights reserved.

	$Id: pgpPublicKey.h,v 1.10 1999/03/10 02:54:43 heller Exp $
#ifndef Included_pgpPublicKey_h	/* [ */
#define Included_pgpPublicKey_h

#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
#include "pgpOptionList.h"

	Encryption/Signature Message Formats

enum PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_
	kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_PGP		= 1,
	kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_PKCS1	= 2,
	kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_X509		= 3,
	kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_IKE		= 4,

	PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_ )
PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_, PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat );

#pragma import on

	Public-key operations

	Return a context for public-key operations based on the specified key.
	The specified message format is used for all operations with this
PGPError 	PGPNewPublicKeyContext( PGPKeyRef publicKeyRef,
					PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat messageFormat,
					PGPPublicKeyContextRef *outRef );

	Dispose of a public-key context.
PGPError 	PGPFreePublicKeyContext( PGPPublicKeyContextRef ref );

	Determine maximum sizes for inputs and outputs.
PGPError	PGPGetPublicKeyOperationSizes( PGPPublicKeyContextRef ref,
					PGPSize *maxDecryptedBufferSize,
					PGPSize *maxEncryptedBufferSize,
					PGPSize *maxSignatureSize );

	Encrypt one block of data, using PKCS-1 padding.  Output buffer must
	be of size maxEncryptedBufferSize from PGPGetPublicKeyEncryptionSize.
	outSize is a return parameter.  For some formatting modes the actual
	output size may be less than the maximum possible.
PGPError	PGPPublicKeyEncrypt( PGPPublicKeyContextRef ref,
					void const *in, PGPSize inSize, void *out,
					PGPSize *outSize );

	Verify a signature on a message hash.  Returns kPGPError_NoErr on
	correct verification, else an error code.  The message hash is
	finalized and freed by this call (and should not have been finalized
	prior to the call).
PGPError	PGPPublicKeyVerifySignature( PGPPublicKeyContextRef ref,
					PGPHashContextRef hashContext,
					void const *signature, PGPSize signatureSize );

	Verify a signature on a low-level buffer.  Returns kPGPError_NOErr
	correct verification, else an error code.  Not valid with
    kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_PGP contexts.

PGPError	PGPPublicKeyVerifyRaw( PGPPublicKeyContextRef ref,
					void const *signedData, PGPSize signedDataSize,
					void const *signature, PGPSize signatureSize );

	Private-key operations

	Return a context for private-key operations based on the specified
	key (which must have a private part).  The specified message
	format is used for all operations with this context.  Unlocks key
	data using passphrase.
PGPError	PGPNewPrivateKeyContext( PGPKeyRef privateKeyRef,
					PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat messageFormat,
					PGPPrivateKeyContextRef *outRef,
					PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);

	Dispose of a private-key context.  All sensitive data is wiped before
	being deleted.
PGPError 	PGPFreePrivateKeyContext( PGPPrivateKeyContextRef ref );

	Determine maximum sizes for inputs and outputs.
PGPError	PGPGetPrivateKeyOperationSizes( PGPPrivateKeyContextRef ref,
					PGPSize *maxDecryptedBufferSize,
					PGPSize *maxEncryptedBufferSize,
					PGPSize *maxSignatureSize);

	Decrypt one block of data.  Output buffer must be of size at least
	maxDecryptedBufferSize from PGPGetPrivateKeyDecryptionSize.
	outSize is a return parameter.  For some formatting modes the actual
	output size may be less than the maximum possible.
PGPError	PGPPrivateKeyDecrypt( PGPPrivateKeyContextRef ref,
					void const *in, PGPSize inSize, void *out,
					PGPSize *outSize );

	Sign a message hash.  Output signature buffer must be of size at
	least maxSignatureSize from PGPGetPrivateKeyDecryptionSize.
	signatureSize is a return parameter.  For some formatting modes
	the actual signature size may be less than the maximum possible.
	The message hash is finalized and freed by this call (and should
	not have been finalized prior to the call).
PGPError	PGPPrivateKeySign( PGPPrivateKeyContextRef ref,
					PGPHashContextRef hashContext,
					void *signature, PGPSize *signatureSize );

	Sign a low level signedData buffer.  Output signature buffer must be
    of size at least maxSignatureSize from PGPGetPrivateKeyDecryptionSize.
	signatureSize is a return parameter.  Not valid with
    kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_PGP contexts.

PGPError	PGPPrivateKeySignRaw( PGPPrivateKeyContextRef ref,
					void const *signedData, PGPSize signedDataSize,
					void const *signature, PGPSize *signatureSize );

	Miscellaneous operations

Given the size of a prime modulus in bits, this returns an appropriate
size for an exponent in bits, such that the work factor to find a
discrete log modulo the modulus is approximately equal to half the
length of the exponent.  This makes the exponent an appropriate size
for a subgroup in a discrete log signature scheme.  For encryption
schemes, where decryption attacks can be stealthy and undetected, we
use 3/2 times the returned exponent size.

PGPError	PGPDiscreteLogExponentBits( PGPUInt32 modulusBits,
					PGPUInt32 *exponentBits );

#pragma import reset

#endif /* ] Included_pgpPublicKey_h */


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