#ifndef CRYPTOPP_CPU_H #define CRYPTOPP_CPU_H #ifdef CRYPTOPP_GENERATE_X64_MASM #define CRYPTOPP_X86_ASM_AVAILABLE #define CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64 1 #define CRYPTOPP_BOOL_SSE2_ASM_AVAILABLE 1 #define NAMESPACE_END #else #include "config.h" #ifdef CRYPTOPP_MSVC6PP_OR_LATER #include <emmintrin.h> #endif NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) #if defined(CRYPTOPP_X86_ASM_AVAILABLE) || (_MSC_VER >= 1400 && CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64) #define CRYPTOPP_CPUID_AVAILABLE // these should not be used directly extern CRYPTOPP_DLL bool g_x86DetectionDone; extern CRYPTOPP_DLL bool g_hasSSE2; extern CRYPTOPP_DLL bool g_hasISSE; extern CRYPTOPP_DLL bool g_hasMMX; extern CRYPTOPP_DLL bool g_hasSSSE3; extern CRYPTOPP_DLL bool g_isP4; extern CRYPTOPP_DLL word32 g_cacheLineSize; CRYPTOPP_DLL void CRYPTOPP_API DetectX86Features(); CRYPTOPP_DLL bool CRYPTOPP_API CpuId(word32 input, word32 *output); #if CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64 inline bool HasSSE2() {return true;} inline bool HasISSE() {return true;} inline bool HasMMX() {return true;} #else inline bool HasSSE2() { if (!g_x86DetectionDone) DetectX86Features(); return g_hasSSE2; } inline bool HasISSE() { if (!g_x86DetectionDone) DetectX86Features(); return g_hasISSE; } inline bool HasMMX() { if (!g_x86DetectionDone) DetectX86Features(); return g_hasMMX; } #endif inline bool HasSSSE3() { if (!g_x86DetectionDone) DetectX86Features(); return g_hasSSSE3; } inline bool IsP4() { if (!g_x86DetectionDone) DetectX86Features(); return g_isP4; } inline int GetCacheLineSize() { if (!g_x86DetectionDone) DetectX86Features(); return g_cacheLineSize; } #else inline int GetCacheLineSize() { return CRYPTOPP_L1_CACHE_LINE_SIZE; } inline bool HasSSSE3() {return false;} inline bool IsP4() {return false;} // assume MMX and SSE2 if intrinsics are enabled #if CRYPTOPP_BOOL_SSE2_INTRINSICS_AVAILABLE || CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64 inline bool HasSSE2() {return true;} inline bool HasISSE() {return true;} inline bool HasMMX() {return true;} #else inline bool HasSSE2() {return false;} inline bool HasISSE() {return false;} inline bool HasMMX() {return false;} #endif #endif // #ifdef CRYPTOPP_X86_ASM_AVAILABLE || _MSC_VER >= 1400 #endif #ifdef CRYPTOPP_GENERATE_X64_MASM #define AS1(x) x*newline* #define AS2(x, y) x, y*newline* #define AS3(x, y, z) x, y, z*newline* #define ASS(x, y, a, b, c, d) x, y, a*64+b*16+c*4+d*newline* #define ASL(x) label##x:*newline* #define ASJ(x, y, z) x label##y*newline* #define ASC(x, y) x label##y*newline* #define AS_HEX(y) y##h #elif defined(__GNUC__) // define these in two steps to allow arguments to be expanded #define GNU_AS1(x) #x ";" #define GNU_AS2(x, y) #x ", " #y ";" #define GNU_AS3(x, y, z) #x ", " #y ", " #z ";" #define GNU_ASL(x) "\n" #x ":" #define GNU_ASJ(x, y, z) #x " " #y #z ";" #define AS1(x) GNU_AS1(x) #define AS2(x, y) GNU_AS2(x, y) #define AS3(x, y, z) GNU_AS3(x, y, z) #define ASS(x, y, a, b, c, d) #x ", " #y ", " #a "*64+" #b "*16+" #c "*4+" #d ";" #define ASL(x) GNU_ASL(x) #define ASJ(x, y, z) GNU_ASJ(x, y, z) #define ASC(x, y) #x " " #y ";" #define CRYPTOPP_NAKED #define AS_HEX(y) 0x##y #else #define AS1(x) __asm {x} #define AS2(x, y) __asm {x, y} #define AS3(x, y, z) __asm {x, y, z} #define ASS(x, y, a, b, c, d) __asm {x, y, _MM_SHUFFLE(a, b, c, d)} #define ASL(x) __asm {label##x:} #define ASJ(x, y, z) __asm {x label##y} #define ASC(x, y) __asm {x label##y} #define CRYPTOPP_NAKED __declspec(naked) #define AS_HEX(y) 0x##y #endif #ifdef CRYPTOPP_GENERATE_X64_MASM #define ASM_MOD(x, y) ((x) MOD (y)) #define XMMWORD_PTR XMMWORD PTR #else // GNU assembler doesn't seem to have mod operator #define ASM_MOD(x, y) ((x)-((x)/(y))*(y)) // GAS 2.15 doesn't support XMMWORD PTR. it seems necessary only for MASM #define XMMWORD_PTR #endif #if CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X86 #define AS_REG_1 ecx #define AS_REG_2 edx #define AS_REG_3 esi #define AS_REG_4 edi #define AS_REG_5 eax #define AS_REG_6 ebx #define AS_REG_7 ebp #define AS_REG_1d ecx #define AS_REG_2d edx #define AS_REG_3d esi #define AS_REG_4d edi #define AS_REG_5d eax #define AS_REG_6d ebx #define AS_REG_7d ebp #define WORD_SZ 4 #define WORD_REG(x) e##x #define WORD_PTR DWORD PTR #define AS_PUSH_IF86(x) AS1(push e##x) #define AS_POP_IF86(x) AS1(pop e##x) #define AS_JCXZ jecxz #elif CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64 #ifdef CRYPTOPP_GENERATE_X64_MASM #define AS_REG_1 rcx #define AS_REG_2 rdx #define AS_REG_3 r8 #define AS_REG_4 r9 #define AS_REG_5 rax #define AS_REG_6 r10 #define AS_REG_7 r11 #define AS_REG_1d ecx #define AS_REG_2d edx #define AS_REG_3d r8d #define AS_REG_4d r9d #define AS_REG_5d eax #define AS_REG_6d r10d #define AS_REG_7d r11d #else #define AS_REG_1 rdi #define AS_REG_2 rsi #define AS_REG_3 rdx #define AS_REG_4 rcx #define AS_REG_5 r8 #define AS_REG_6 r9 #define AS_REG_7 r10 #define AS_REG_1d edi #define AS_REG_2d esi #define AS_REG_3d edx #define AS_REG_4d ecx #define AS_REG_5d r8d #define AS_REG_6d r9d #define AS_REG_7d r10d #endif #define WORD_SZ 8 #define WORD_REG(x) r##x #define WORD_PTR QWORD PTR #define AS_PUSH_IF86(x) #define AS_POP_IF86(x) #define AS_JCXZ jrcxz #endif // helper macro for stream cipher output #define AS_XMM_OUTPUT4(labelPrefix, inputPtr, outputPtr, x0, x1, x2, x3, t, p0, p1, p2, p3, increment)\ AS2( test inputPtr, inputPtr)\ ASC( jz, labelPrefix##3)\ AS2( test inputPtr, 15)\ ASC( jnz, labelPrefix##7)\ AS2( pxor xmm##x0, [inputPtr+p0*16])\ AS2( pxor xmm##x1, [inputPtr+p1*16])\ AS2( pxor xmm##x2, [inputPtr+p2*16])\ AS2( pxor xmm##x3, [inputPtr+p3*16])\ AS2( add inputPtr, increment*16)\ ASC( jmp, labelPrefix##3)\ ASL(labelPrefix##7)\ AS2( movdqu xmm##t, [inputPtr+p0*16])\ AS2( pxor xmm##x0, xmm##t)\ AS2( movdqu xmm##t, [inputPtr+p1*16])\ AS2( pxor xmm##x1, xmm##t)\ AS2( movdqu xmm##t, [inputPtr+p2*16])\ AS2( pxor xmm##x2, xmm##t)\ AS2( movdqu xmm##t, [inputPtr+p3*16])\ AS2( pxor xmm##x3, xmm##t)\ AS2( add inputPtr, increment*16)\ ASL(labelPrefix##3)\ AS2( test outputPtr, 15)\ ASC( jnz, labelPrefix##8)\ AS2( movdqa [outputPtr+p0*16], xmm##x0)\ AS2( movdqa [outputPtr+p1*16], xmm##x1)\ AS2( movdqa [outputPtr+p2*16], xmm##x2)\ AS2( movdqa [outputPtr+p3*16], xmm##x3)\ ASC( jmp, labelPrefix##9)\ ASL(labelPrefix##8)\ AS2( movdqu [outputPtr+p0*16], xmm##x0)\ AS2( movdqu [outputPtr+p1*16], xmm##x1)\ AS2( movdqu [outputPtr+p2*16], xmm##x2)\ AS2( movdqu [outputPtr+p3*16], xmm##x3)\ ASL(labelPrefix##9)\ AS2( add outputPtr, increment*16) NAMESPACE_END #endif