/*____________________________________________________________________________ Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Network Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. $Id: pgpTLS.h,v 1.32 1999/01/25 11:31:49 wprice Exp $ ____________________________________________________________________________*/ #ifndef Included_PGPtls_h /* [ */ #define Included_PGPtls_h #include "pgpPubTypes.h" PGP_BEGIN_C_DECLARATIONS #if PRAGMA_IMPORT_SUPPORTED #pragma import on #endif typedef struct PGPtlsContext * PGPtlsContextRef; typedef const struct PGPtlsContext * PGPtlsConstContextRef; #define kInvalidPGPtlsContextRef ((PGPtlsContextRef) NULL) #define PGPtlsContextRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPtlsContextRef ) typedef struct PGPtlsSession * PGPtlsSessionRef; typedef const struct PGPtlsSession * PGPtlsConstSessionRef; #define kInvalidPGPtlsSessionRef ((PGPtlsSessionRef) NULL) #define PGPtlsSessionRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPtlsSessionRef ) typedef PGPFlags PGPtlsFlags; #define kPGPtlsFlags_ServerSide 0x01 #define kPGPtlsFlags_ClientSide 0x02 #define kPGPtlsFlags_RequestClientCert 0x04 #define kPGPtlsFlags_NonBlockingIO 0x08 enum PGPtlsCipherSuiteNum_ { kPGPtls_TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL = 0, kPGPtls_TLS_PGP_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAST_CBC_SHA = 1, kPGPtls_TLS_PGP_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAST_CBC_SHA = 2, kPGPtls_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA = 3, kPGPtls_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA = 4, kPGPtls_TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA = 5, kPGPtls_TLS_RSA_WITH_IDEA_CBC_SHA = 6, kPGPtls_TLS_PGP_RSA_WITH_CAST_CBC_SHA = 7, kPGPtls_TLS_PGP_DHE_DSS_WITH_NULL_SHA = 8, kPGPtls_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_NULL_SHA = 9, PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPtlsCipherSuiteNum_ ) }; PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPtlsCipherSuiteNum_, PGPtlsCipherSuiteNum ); enum PGPtlsProtocolState_ { kPGPtls_IdleState = 0, kPGPtls_FatalErrorState = 1, kPGPtls_ClosedState = 2, kPGPtls_HandshakeState = 3, kPGPtls_ReadyState = 4, PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPtlsProtocolState_ ) }; PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPtlsProtocolState_, PGPtlsProtocolState ); enum PGPtlsPrime_ { kPGPtls_DHPrime1024 = 0, kPGPtls_DHPrime1536 = 1, kPGPtls_DHPrime2048 = 2, kPGPtls_DHPrime3072 = 3, kPGPtls_DHPrime4096 = 4, PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPtlsPrime_ ) }; PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPtlsPrime_, PGPtlsPrime ); enum PGPtlsAlert_ { kPGPtls_AT_CloseNotify = 0, kPGPtls_AT_UnexpectedMessage = 10, /* FATAL */ kPGPtls_AT_BadRecordMAC = 20, /* FATAL */ kPGPtls_AT_DecryptionFailed = 21, /* FATAL */ kPGPtls_AT_RecordOverflow = 22, /* FATAL */ kPGPtls_AT_DecompressionFailure = 30, /* FATAL */ kPGPtls_AT_HandshakeFailure = 40, /* FATAL */ kPGPtls_AT_NoCertificate = 41, /* SSL3 */ kPGPtls_AT_BadCertificate = 42, kPGPtls_AT_UnsupportedCert = 43, kPGPtls_AT_CertRevoked = 44, kPGPtls_AT_CertExpired = 45, kPGPtls_AT_CertUnknown = 46, kPGPtls_AT_IllegalParameter = 47, /* FATAL */ kPGPtls_AT_UnknownCA = 48, /* FATAL */ kPGPtls_AT_AccessDenied = 49, /* FATAL */ kPGPtls_AT_DecodeError = 50, /* FATAL */ kPGPtls_AT_DecryptError = 51, kPGPtls_AT_ExportRestriction = 60, /* FATAL */ kPGPtls_AT_ProtocolVersion = 70, /* FATAL */ kPGPtls_AT_InsufficientSecurity = 71, /* FATAL */ kPGPtls_AT_InternalError = 80, /* FATAL */ kPGPtls_AT_UserCancelled = 90, kPGPtls_AT_NoRenegotiation = 100, kPGPtls_AT_None = 255, PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPtlsAlert_ ) }; PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPtlsAlert_, PGPtlsAlert ); /* The Send and Receive function pointers should return kPGPError_TLSWouldBlock when the socket is non-blocking and the call would block. The Send and Receive functions passed in will need to translate the platform-specific socket error in appropriate cases by using calls such as WSAGetLastError() on Win32. Remember to call PGPtlsSendQueueIdle for non-blocking sockets also if kPGPError_TLSWouldBlock is returned from a send on a non-blocking socket. */ typedef PGPInt32 (* PGPtlsReceiveProcPtr)(void *inData, void *outBuffer, PGPInt32 inBufferSize); typedef PGPInt32 (* PGPtlsSendProcPtr)(void *inData, const void *inBuffer, PGPInt32 inBufferLength); PGPError PGPNewTLSContext( PGPContextRef context, PGPtlsContextRef *outRef ); PGPError PGPFreeTLSContext( PGPtlsContextRef ref ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ The following function activates or deactivates the session key cache for TLS sessions. This defaults to on but can be deactivated with this function to force all connections to proceed through the entire handshake. ____________________________________________________________________________*/ PGPError PGPtlsSetCache( PGPtlsContextRef ref, PGPBoolean useCache ); PGPError PGPtlsClearCache( PGPtlsContextRef ref ); PGPError PGPNewTLSSession( PGPtlsContextRef ref, PGPtlsSessionRef *outRef ); PGPError PGPFreeTLSSession( PGPtlsSessionRef ref ); PGPError PGPCopyTLSSession( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, PGPtlsSessionRef *outRef ); /* Default options are client side and no client cert request */ PGPError PGPtlsSetProtocolOptions( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, PGPtlsFlags options ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ The following function must be called to cleanly close a TLS connection. If it is not called, the session will not be able to be resumed from the session cache. In the event the application determines any problem with the connection such as the remote key not being valid, call this function with dontCache set to true in order to not cache the session keys. ____________________________________________________________________________*/ PGPError PGPtlsClose( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, PGPBoolean dontCache ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ The following function must be called to initiate the PGPtls session. Once a TLS session has been assigned to a socket, no data can be sent over that socket by the application until the handshake is completed. Handshake completion is indicated by completion of this call without error or by checking the state of the PGPtlsSession. It will be kPGPtls_ReadyState when the application layer may send and receive data securely. This function performs all negotiation of the TLS connection. ____________________________________________________________________________*/ PGPError PGPtlsHandshake( PGPtlsSessionRef ref ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ The following function should be called before PGPtlsHandshake. In the general case, the remoteID will be an IP address. This is provided to PGPtls in order to allow it to cache the current session and be able to look it up later. If the remoteID passed into a future session is the same as a previously cached session, PGPtls will attempt to resume the session. ____________________________________________________________________________*/ PGPError PGPtlsSetRemoteUniqueID( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, PGPUInt32 remoteID ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ The following function sets the local private authenticating key. The passphrase and key are retained in memory. By default, no key is specified and a client side session will return no key in the client key exchange message to the server. It is an error not to specify a key on a server side TLS session. This function must be passed either PGPOPassphrase or PGPOPasskeyBuffer. You may pass in just a PGP key, PGP w/ X.509 cert, or both -- and they must be the same -- the cert must be from the key. For an X.509 cert, the inCertChain keyset must contain the keys of all keys in the certificate chain for that certificate up to the root. To disable X.509 certs, simply pass nothing (ie. kPGPInvalidSigRef). The inCertChain keyset must remain valid for the lifetime of the TLS connection. ____________________________________________________________________________*/ PGPError PGPtlsSetLocalPrivateKey( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, PGPKeyRef inKey, PGPSigRef inX509Cert, PGPKeySetRef inCertChain, PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ The following function sets the preferred cipher suite. There is no guarantee that cipher will actually be negotiated, but it will be attempted in preference to others. ____________________________________________________________________________*/ PGPError PGPtlsSetPreferredCipherSuite( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, PGPtlsCipherSuiteNum cipher ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ The following function sets the desired DH prime. The requested primes are drawn from a set of primes hard-coded into PGPtls. New primes can be added in a fully compatible fashion since the server sends the prime to the client, but this version of the API does not support passing in a desired prime. The default prime if this function is not called is kPGPtls_DHPrime2048. ____________________________________________________________________________*/ PGPError PGPtlsSetDHPrime( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, PGPtlsPrime prime ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ The following function gets the authenticated remote key after a successful handshake. You must call this function after a successful handshake to verify that the remote key is authorized to make the connection. ____________________________________________________________________________*/ PGPError PGPtlsGetRemoteAuthenticatedKey( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, PGPKeyRef * outKey, PGPKeySetRef * outKeySet ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ The following function returns the negotiated symmetric cipher. This function will return an error if called before a successful handshake. ____________________________________________________________________________*/ PGPError PGPtlsGetNegotiatedCipherSuite( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, PGPtlsCipherSuiteNum *outCipher ); PGPError PGPtlsGetState( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, PGPtlsProtocolState *outState ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ The following two functions process data through TLS. It is an error to call these functions without having set a Read function pointer or Write function pointer. Most applications will never need to use these functions as the function pointers are automatically configured by PGPsockets, and these functions are automatically called by the PGPsockets implementations of PGPWrite and PGPRead whenever a PGPtlsSessionRef has been set for a given socket. ____________________________________________________________________________*/ PGPError PGPtlsReceive( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, void * outBuffer, PGPSize * bufferSize ); PGPError PGPtlsSend( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, const void * inBuffer, PGPSize inBufferLength ); PGPError PGPtlsSetReceiveCallback( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, PGPtlsReceiveProcPtr tlsReceiveProc, void * inData ); PGPError PGPtlsSetSendCallback( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, PGPtlsSendProcPtr tlsSendProc, void * inData ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ The following function is necessary *only* on a non-blocking socket. If a call to PGPtlsSend returns kPGPError_TLSWouldBlock, call the following function repeatedly until that error is no longer returned in order to make sure data is sent. Another call to PGPtlsSend will also call this function automatically and queue any new data if necessary. ____________________________________________________________________________*/ PGPError PGPtlsSendQueueIdle( PGPtlsSessionRef ref ); PGPSize PGPtlsReceiveBufferSize( PGPtlsSessionRef ref ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ The following function gets the ID of the fatal alert which caused the TLS session to abort and go into the kPGPtls_FatalErrorState. ____________________________________________________________________________*/ PGPError PGPtlsGetAlert( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, PGPtlsAlert *outAlert ); #if PRAGMA_IMPORT_SUPPORTED #pragma import reset #endif PGP_END_C_DECLARATIONS #endif /* ] Included_PGPtls_h */ /*__Editor_settings____ Local Variables: tab-width: 4 End: vi: ts=4 sw=4 vim: si _____________________*/