#include "../commonheaders.h" #define PGP_WIN32 0x800 #include "sdk8/include/pgpEncode.h" #include "sdk8/include/pgpErrors.h" #include "sdk8/include/pgpKeys.h" #include "sdk8/include/pgpOptionList.h" #include "sdk8/include/pgpUserInterface.h" #include "sdk8/include/pgpUtilities.h" #include "sdk8/include/pgpFeatures.h" #include "pgpw.h" PGPContextRef pgpContext; PGPKeyDBRef pgpKeyDB = 0; LPSTR pszPassphrase = 0; LPSTR pgpErrMsg = 0; #define pgpErrMsgLen 512 extern UINT pgpVer; #if !defined(_WIN64) #pragma comment(lib, "pgpsdk.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "pgpsdknl.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "pgpsdkui.lib") void ClearPGPError() { *pgpErrMsg = '\0'; } bool CheckPGPError(PGPError err) { if (IsPGPError(err)) { PGPSize ErrMsgLen = pgpErrMsgLen; PGPGetErrorString(err, ErrMsgLen, pgpErrMsg); return 1; } else { *pgpErrMsg = '\0'; return 0; } } #endif #define _pgp_memcpy memmove int __cdecl _pgp_init() { if (!pgpErrMsg) pgpErrMsg = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR,pgpErrMsgLen); pgpVer = 0; #if defined(_WIN64) return 0; #else __try { if (CheckPGPError(PGPsdkInit(0)) || CheckPGPError(PGPsdkUILibInit(0))) return 0; PGPNewContext(kPGPsdk20APIVersion, &pgpContext); } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { return 0; } pgpVer = PGPGetPGPsdkVersion(); return 1; #endif } int __cdecl _pgp_done() { pgpVer = 0; #if defined(_WIN64) return 0; #else __try { if(pgpErrMsg) LocalFree(pgpErrMsg); if (pszPassphrase) PGPFreeData(pszPassphrase); if (pgpKeyDB) PGPFreeKeyDB(pgpKeyDB); PGPFreeContext(pgpContext); PGPsdkUILibCleanup(); PGPsdkCleanup(); pszPassphrase = pgpErrMsg = 0; pgpKeyDB = 0; pgpContext = 0; } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { return 0; } return 1; #endif } int __cdecl _pgp_open_keyrings(LPSTR PubRingPath, LPSTR SecRingPath) { #if defined(_WIN64) return 0; #else _pgp_close_keyrings(); if ((!PubRingPath || !*PubRingPath) && !ShowSelectKeyringsDlg(0,PubRingPath,SecRingPath)) return 0; PGPFileSpecRef PubKeyRing, SecKeyRing; PGPNewFileSpecFromFullPath(pgpContext, PubRingPath, &PubKeyRing); PGPNewFileSpecFromFullPath(pgpContext, SecRingPath, &SecKeyRing); PGPError err = PGPOpenKeyDBFile(pgpContext, kPGPOpenKeyDBFileOptions_None, PubKeyRing, SecKeyRing, &pgpKeyDB); PGPFreeFileSpec(SecKeyRing); PGPFreeFileSpec(PubKeyRing); if (CheckPGPError(err)) return 0; return 1; #endif } int __cdecl _pgp_close_keyrings() { #if !defined(_WIN64) if (pgpKeyDB) { PGPFreeKeyDB(pgpKeyDB); pgpKeyDB = 0; } #endif return 1; } int __cdecl _pgp_get_version() { return pgpVer; } LPSTR __cdecl _pgp_get_error() { return pgpErrMsg; } LPSTR __cdecl _pgp_encrypt_keydb(LPCSTR szPlainMsg, PVOID pgpKeyID) { #if defined(_WIN64) return 0; #else PGPKeyID *RemoteKeyID = (PGPKeyID *) pgpKeyID; LPSTR szEncMsg = 0; PGPSize dwEncMsgLen; ClearPGPError(); if (!pgpKeyDB) return 0; PGPKeyDBObjRef PublicKey; PGPFindKeyByKeyID(pgpKeyDB, RemoteKeyID, &PublicKey); PGPError err = PGPEncode(pgpContext, PGPOInputBuffer(pgpContext, szPlainMsg, mir_tstrlen(szPlainMsg)), PGPOArmorOutput(pgpContext, TRUE), PGPOAllocatedOutputBuffer(pgpContext, (LPVOID *)&szEncMsg, 16384, &dwEncMsgLen), PGPOEncryptToKeyDBObj(pgpContext, PublicKey), PGPOVersionString(pgpContext, szVersionStr), PGPOLastOption(pgpContext)); if (CheckPGPError(err)) return 0; LPSTR szMsg = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR,dwEncMsgLen+1); _pgp_memcpy(szMsg, szEncMsg, dwEncMsgLen); szMsg[dwEncMsgLen] = 0; PGPFreeData((LPVOID)szEncMsg); return szMsg; #endif } LPSTR __cdecl _pgp_decrypt_keydb(LPCSTR szEncMsg) { #if defined(_WIN64) return 0; #else LPSTR szPlainMsg = 0; PGPSize dwPlainMsgLen; ClearPGPError(); if (!pgpKeyDB) return 0; int iTry = 0; do { if (!pszPassphrase && PGPPassphraseDialog(pgpContext, PGPOUIOutputPassphrase(pgpContext, &pszPassphrase), PGPOLastOption(pgpContext)) == kPGPError_UserAbort) { iTry = 3; break; } PGPError err = PGPDecode(pgpContext, PGPOInputBuffer(pgpContext, szEncMsg, mir_tstrlen(szEncMsg)), PGPOAllocatedOutputBuffer(pgpContext, (LPVOID *)&szPlainMsg, 16384, &dwPlainMsgLen), PGPOKeyDBRef(pgpContext, pgpKeyDB), PGPOPassphrase(pgpContext, pszPassphrase), PGPOLastOption(pgpContext)); if (CheckPGPError(err)) iTry = 3; else if (!dwPlainMsgLen) { PGPFreeData(pszPassphrase); pszPassphrase = 0; iTry++; } } while(!dwPlainMsgLen && iTry<3); if(iTry == 3) return 0; LPSTR szMsg = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR,dwPlainMsgLen+1); _pgp_memcpy(szMsg, szPlainMsg, dwPlainMsgLen); szMsg[dwPlainMsgLen] = 0; PGPFreeData((LPVOID)szPlainMsg); return szMsg; #endif } PGPError _pgp_import_key(PGPKeyDBRef *keyDB, LPCSTR pgpKey) { #if defined(_WIN64) return 0; #else return PGPImport( pgpContext, keyDB, PGPOInputBuffer( pgpContext, pgpKey, mir_tstrlen(pgpKey) ), PGPOLastOption(pgpContext )); #endif } LPSTR __cdecl _pgp_encrypt_key(LPCSTR szPlainMsg, LPCSTR pgpKey) { #if defined(_WIN64) return 0; #else LPSTR szEncMsg = 0; PGPSize dwEncMsgLen; PGPUInt32 dwKeys; PGPKeyDBRef PublicKeyDB; if (CheckPGPError(_pgp_import_key(&PublicKeyDB,pgpKey))) return 0; PGPKeyIterRef KeyIterRef; PGPNewKeyIterFromKeyDB(PublicKeyDB, &KeyIterRef); PGPKeyDBObjRef PublicKey; PGPKeyIterNextKeyDBObj(KeyIterRef, kPGPKeyDBObjType_Key, &PublicKey); PGPCountKeysInKeyDB(PublicKeyDB, &dwKeys); if(dwKeys==0) { PGPFreeKeyIter(KeyIterRef); PGPFreeKeyDB(PublicKeyDB); return 0; } PGPError err = PGPEncode(pgpContext, PGPOInputBuffer(pgpContext, szPlainMsg, mir_tstrlen(szPlainMsg)), PGPOArmorOutput(pgpContext, TRUE), PGPOAllocatedOutputBuffer(pgpContext, (LPVOID *)&szEncMsg, 16384, &dwEncMsgLen), PGPOEncryptToKeyDBObj(pgpContext, PublicKey), PGPOVersionString(pgpContext, szVersionStr), PGPOLastOption(pgpContext)); PGPFreeKeyIter(KeyIterRef); PGPFreeKeyDB(PublicKeyDB); if (CheckPGPError(err)) return 0; LPSTR szMsg = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR,dwEncMsgLen+1); _pgp_memcpy(szMsg, szEncMsg, dwEncMsgLen); szMsg[dwEncMsgLen] = 0; PGPFreeData((LPVOID)szEncMsg); return szMsg; #endif } LPSTR __cdecl _pgp_decrypt_key(LPCSTR szEncMsg, LPCSTR pgpKey) { #if defined(_WIN64) return 0; #else LPSTR szPlainMsg = 0; PGPSize dwPlainMsgLen; PGPUInt32 dwKeys; PGPKeyDBRef PrivateKeyDB; if (CheckPGPError(_pgp_import_key(&PrivateKeyDB,pgpKey))) return 0; PGPCountKeysInKeyDB(PrivateKeyDB, &dwKeys); if(dwKeys==0) { PGPFreeKeyDB(PrivateKeyDB); return 0; } int iTry = 0; do { if (!pszPassphrase && PGPPassphraseDialog(pgpContext, PGPOUIOutputPassphrase(pgpContext, &pszPassphrase), PGPOLastOption(pgpContext)) == kPGPError_UserAbort) { iTry = 3; break; } PGPError err = PGPDecode(pgpContext, PGPOInputBuffer(pgpContext, szEncMsg, mir_tstrlen(szEncMsg)), PGPOAllocatedOutputBuffer(pgpContext, (LPVOID *)&szPlainMsg, 16384, &dwPlainMsgLen), PGPOKeyDBRef(pgpContext, PrivateKeyDB), PGPOPassphrase(pgpContext, pszPassphrase), PGPOLastOption(pgpContext)); if (CheckPGPError(err)) iTry = 3; else if (!dwPlainMsgLen) { PGPFreeData(pszPassphrase); pszPassphrase = 0; iTry++; } } while(!dwPlainMsgLen && iTry<3); PGPFreeKeyDB(PrivateKeyDB); if(iTry == 3) return 0; LPSTR szMsg = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR,dwPlainMsgLen+1); _pgp_memcpy(szMsg, szPlainMsg, dwPlainMsgLen); szMsg[dwPlainMsgLen] = 0; PGPFreeData((LPVOID)szPlainMsg); return szMsg; #endif } int __cdecl _pgp_size_keyid() { return sizeof(PGPKeyID); } PVOID __cdecl _pgp_select_keyid(HWND hDlg,LPSTR szKeyID) { #if defined(_WIN64) return 0; #else PGPKeyDBRef ContactKeyDB; PGPError err; err = PGPRecipientDialog(pgpContext, pgpKeyDB, TRUE, &ContactKeyDB, PGPOUIParentWindowHandle(pgpContext, hDlg), PGPOUIWindowTitle(pgpContext, "Select Contact's Key"), PGPOLastOption(pgpContext)); if (err == kPGPError_UserAbort) return 0; PGPUInt32 dwKeys; PGPCountKeysInKeyDB(ContactKeyDB, &dwKeys); if (!dwKeys) return 0; if (dwKeys > 1) MessageBox(hDlg, "You selected more than one key. Only the first key will be used.", szModuleName, MB_ICONINFORMATION); static PGPKeyID KeyID; PGPKeyIterRef KeyIterRef; PGPNewKeyIterFromKeyDB(ContactKeyDB, &KeyIterRef); PGPKeyDBObjRef KeyDBObjRef; PGPKeyIterNextKeyDBObj(KeyIterRef, kPGPKeyDBObjType_Key, &KeyDBObjRef); PGPSize dwFilled; PGPGetKeyDBObjDataProperty(KeyDBObjRef, kPGPKeyProperty_KeyID, &KeyID, sizeof(PGPKeyID), &dwFilled); PGPGetKeyIDString(&KeyID, kPGPKeyIDString_Abbreviated, szKeyID); PGPFreeKeyIter(KeyIterRef); PGPFreeKeyDB(ContactKeyDB); return (PVOID)&KeyID; #endif } BOOL ShowSelectKeyringsDlg(HWND hParent, LPSTR PubRingPath, LPSTR SecRingPath) { // set keyring paths OPENFILENAME ofn={0}; ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = hParent; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.Flags = OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_NONETWORKBUTTON; ofn.lpstrFile = PubRingPath; ofn.lpstrFilter = "Public key rings (pubring.pkr)\0pubring.pkr\0All files (*.*)\0*.*\0"; ofn.lpstrTitle = "Open Public Keyring"; if (!GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) return FALSE; ofn.lpstrFile = SecRingPath; ofn.lpstrFilter = "Secret key rings (secring.skr)\0secring.skr\0All files (*.*)\0*.*\0"; ofn.lpstrTitle = "Open Secret Keyring"; if (!GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }