/*____________________________________________________________________________ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation All rights reserved. This file contains miscellaneous utility functions needed for the PGPsdk. $Id: pgpUtilities.h,v 2004/05/05 17:02:51 vinnie Exp $ ____________________________________________________________________________*/ #ifndef Included_pgpUtilities_h /* [ */ #define Included_pgpUtilities_h #include #include "pgpBase.h" #include "pflTypes.h" #include "pgpPubTypes.h" #include "pgpMemoryMgr.h" #if PGP_MACINTOSH /* [ */ #include #elif PGP_OSX struct FSSpec; #endif /* ] PGP_MACINTOSH */ #if PGP_MACINTOSH #pragma options align=mac68k /* [ */ #endif enum { kPGPsdk20APIVersion = 0x01000000, kPGPsdkAPIVersion = kPGPsdk20APIVersion }; enum PGPNotificationReason_ { kPGPNotification_KeyDBChanged = 0, kPGPNotification_PassphraseCacheChanged = 1, PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPNotificationReason_ ) }; PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPNotificationReason_, PGPNotificationReason ); typedef PFLLanguage PGPLanguage; enum PGPLanguage_ { kPGPLanguage_Default = 0, kPGPLanguage_English = 1, kPGPLanguage_Japanese = 2, kPGPLanguage_German = 3, kPGPLanguage_Spanish = 4, PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPLanguage_ ) }; #if PGP_MACINTOSH || PGP_OSX /* [ */ #define kPGPMacFileCreator_PGPkeys 'pgpK' #define kPGPMacFileCreator_PGPtools 'pgpM' #define kPGPMacFileCreator_PGPnet 'PGPn' #define kPGPMacFileCreator_PGPdisk 'pgpD' #define kPGPMacFileCreator_PGPadmin 'PGPa' #define kPGPMacFileCreator_DecryptedBinary '\?\?\?\?' #define kPGPMacFileCreator_DecryptedText 'ttxt' #define kPGPMacFileType_ArmorFile 'TEXT' #define kPGPMacFileType_EncryptedData 'pgEF' #define kPGPMacFileType_SignedData 'pgSF' #define kPGPMacFileType_DetachedSig 'pgDS' #define kPGPMacFileType_RandomSeed 'pgRS' #define kPGPMacFileType_PrivRing 'pgRR' #define kPGPMacFileType_PubRing 'pgPR' #define kPGPMacFileType_Groups 'pgGR' #define kPGPMacFileType_NetHosts 'pgHO' #define kPGPMacFileType_NetRules 'pgRU' #define kPGPMacFileType_Preferences 'pref' #define kPGPMacFileType_DecryptedText 'TEXT' #define kPGPMacFileType_DecryptedBinary 'BINA' #define kPGPMacFileType_KeyShares 'pgSK' #define kPGPMacFileType_Exported509Keys 'pgX5' #endif /* ] PGP_MACINTOSH */ PGP_BEGIN_C_DECLARATIONS /*____________________________________________________________________________ PGPsdk initialization Call PGPsdkXXXInit() before using that particular library. Call PGPsdkXXXCleanup() when you are done (but after disposing of any PGPContexts). You may call PGPsdkXXXInit multiple times (with no effect), but be sure to call the matching PGPsdkXXXCleanup() for each call to PGPsdkXXXInit(). ____________________________________________________________________________*/ #define kPGPFlags_ForceLocalExecution 0x2 #define kPGPFlags_SuppressCacheThread 0x4 PGPError PGPsdkInit( PGPFlags options ) ; PGPError PGPsdkSetLanguage( PGPFileSpecRef langStringsHome, PGPLanguage lang ); PGPError PGPsdkCleanup( void ); PGPError PGPsdkNetworkLibInit( PGPFlags options ); PGPError PGPsdkNetworkLibCleanup( void ); PGPError PGPsdkUILibInit( PGPFlags options ); PGPError PGPsdkUILibCleanup( void ); PGPError PGPLoadPluginModule( PGPContextRef context, PGPFileSpecRef moduleFile, PGPFileSpecRef sigFile, PGPUInt32 *nCipher, PGPUInt32 *nHash, PGPUInt32 *nPubkey ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ PGPsdk version information A version in the PGPsdk is expressed as follows: Major version (1 byte) Minor version (1 byte) Bug fix revision (1 byte) Reserved (1 byte) example: 1.7.1 = 0x01070100 ____________________________________________________________________________*/ PGPUInt32 PGPGetPGPsdkVersion( void ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ PGPsdk version string Return a C string of the form: "PGPsdk 3.0 Copyright (C) 2003 PGP Corporation ____________________________________________________________________________*/ #undef PGPGetPGPsdkVersionString PGPError PGPGetPGPsdkVersionString( PGPChar8 versionString[ 256 ] ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ PGPsdk API version information The API version of the PGPsdk is distinct from the externally visible version number. The API version is revised only when API changes are made, while the external version is changed whenever any code is changed, API or otherwise. The format of the API version is identical to the format of the external version. A change in the major API version implies incompatability with previous API versions while a change in the minor version implies API additions which maintain backwards compatability. _____________________________________________________________________________*/ PGPUInt32 PGPGetPGPsdkAPIVersion( void ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ PGPsdk context manipulation _____________________________________________________________________________*/ typedef struct PGPCustomContextInfo { PGPUInt32 sdkAPIVersion; /* Use kPGPsdkAPIVersion */ PGPMemoryMgrRef memoryMgr; PGPUserValue userValue; } PGPCustomContextInfo; PGPError PGPNewContext( PGPUInt32 sdkAPIVersion, PGPContextRef *newContext ); PGPError PGPNewContextCustom( const PGPCustomContextInfo *contextInfo, PGPContextRef *newContext ); PGPError PGPFreeContext( PGPContextRef context ); PGPError PGPGetContextUserValue( PGPContextRef context, PGPUserValue *userValue ); PGPError PGPSetContextUserValue( PGPContextRef context, PGPUserValue userValue ); PGPError PGPContextGetRandomBytes(PGPContextRef context, void *buf, PGPSize len ); PGPUInt32 PGPContextReserveRandomBytes(PGPContextRef context, PGPUInt32 minSize ); PGPMemoryMgrRef PGPPeekContextMemoryMgr( PGPContextRef context ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ PGP file management All files in PGP are represented using an opage data type PGPFileSpecRef. These data types are created using a fully qualified path or, on the Macintosh, an FSSpec. The ____________________________________________________________________________*/ #if PGP_MACINTOSH || PGP_OSX /* [ */ PGPError PGPNewFileSpecFromFSSpec( PGPContextRef context, const struct FSSpec *spec, PGPFileSpecRef *ref ); PGPError PGPGetFSSpecFromFileSpec( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef, struct FSSpec *spec ); #endif #if ! PGP_MACINTOSH #undef PGPNewFileSpecFromFullPath PGPError PGPNewFileSpecFromFullPath( PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar8 *path, PGPFileSpecRef *ref ); /* ** The full path is an allocated object which needs to be deallocated with ** PGPFreeData() */ #undef PGPGetFullPathFromFileSpec PGPError PGPGetFullPathFromFileSpec( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef, PGPChar8 **fullPathPtr); #endif PGPError PGPCopyFileSpec( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef, PGPFileSpecRef *ref ); PGPError PGPFreeFileSpec( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef ); #undef PGPRenameFile PGPError PGPRenameFile( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef, const PGPChar8 *newName ); PGPError PGPDeleteFile( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ PGP time/date functions ____________________________________________________________________________*/ PGPTime PGPGetTime(void); /* these use time_t type as returned by time() in Std C libraries */ time_t PGPGetStdTimeFromPGPTime( PGPTime theTime ); PGPTime PGPGetPGPTimeFromStdTime( time_t theTime ); /* year, month, day may be NULL if desired */ void PGPGetYMDFromPGPTime( PGPTime theTime, PGPUInt16 *year, PGPUInt16 *month, PGPUInt16 *day ); #if PGP_MACINTOSH || PGP_OSX /* [ */ PGPUInt32 PGPTimeToMacTime( PGPTime theTime ); PGPTime PGPTimeFromMacTime( PGPUInt32 theTime ); #endif /* ] PGP_MACINTOSH */ /*____________________________________________________________________________ MacBinary support Examine the input file to see if it's a MacBinary file. If it is not a MacBinary file, then the original file is unaltered. Otherwise, the file is converted and the original file is deleted. The resulting file is designated by 'outPGPSpec' and may have a different name than the original. If the file is a TEXT file, appropriate line-end conversion is done. creator and type code pointers may be null but otherwise contain the mac creator and type. This routine can be called on a Mac, but generally doesn't need to be. ____________________________________________________________________________*/ PGPError PGPMacBinaryToLocal( PGPFileSpecRef inSpec, PGPFileSpecRef * outSpec, PGPUInt32 * macCreator, PGPUInt32 * macTypeCode ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ Notification callbacks on PGPKeyDB changes from SDK Service _____________________________________________________________________________*/ typedef void (*PGPNotificationHandlerProc)( PGPUserValue userValue, PGPNotificationReason reason, PGPUInt32 param1, PGPUInt32 param2 ); PGPError PGPSetNotificationCallback( PGPNotificationHandlerProc proc, PGPUserValue userValue ); /*____________________________________________________________________________ Disk and File Wipe Pattern Support ____________________________________________________________________________*/ PGPError PGPNewWipePatternContext ( PGPContextRef context, PGPInt32 numPasses, PGPWipePatternContextRef *outRef); /* fill a 1024 byte, long word alligned buffer with a pattern to wipe with */ PGPError PGPWipePatternNext( PGPWipePatternContextRef ref, void * buffer, PGPSize bufferSize); PGPError PGPWipePatternRewind( PGPWipePatternContextRef wipeRef); PGPError PGPFreeWipePatternContext(PGPWipePatternContextRef ref); PGPError PGPWipeFile( PGPContextRef context, PGPInt32 numPasses, PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...); /*____________________________________________________________________________ PGP TAR/UnTAR functions that work with TAR cache ____________________________________________________________________________*/ enum PGPTARCacheObjAttributeType_ { kPGPTARCacheObjAttribute_Invalid = 0, kPGPTARCacheObjAttribute_File = 1, kPGPTARCacheObjAttribute_SymLink = 2, kPGPTARCacheObjAttribute_Directory = 3, kPGPTARCacheObjAttribute_Deleted = 4, PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPTARCacheObjAttributeType_ ) } ; PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPTARCacheObjAttributeType_, PGPTARCacheObjAttributeType ); enum PGPTARCacheObjProperty_ { kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Invalid = 0, /* string properties */ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Name = 100, kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_User = 101, kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Group = 102, kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Contents = 103, kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Link = 104, kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Size = 105, /* PGPUInt64 */ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_FilePos = 106, /* PGPFileOffset */ /* PGPTime properties */ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Date = 200, /* Numeric properties */ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Mode = 302, kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Attribute = 303, PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPTARCacheObjProperty_ ) } ; PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPTARCacheObjProperty_, PGPTARCacheObjProperty ); enum PGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_ { kPGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_None = 0, kPGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_Mutable = (1UL << 0 ), kPGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_Create = (1UL << 1 ), kPGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_PreloadAll = (1UL << 2 ), PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_ ) } ; PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_, PGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions ); PGPError PGPOpenTARCacheFile( PGPContextRef context, PGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions options, PGPFileSpecRef tarcache, void *sessionKey, PGPSize sessionKeyBufferSize, PGPSize *sessionKeySize, /* can be NULL if not kPGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_Create */ PGPTARCacheRef *outRef, PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...); PGPError PGPFreeTARCache(PGPTARCacheRef ref); PGPError PGPNewTARCacheIter( PGPTARCacheRef tar, PGPTARCacheIterRef *outRef); PGPError PGPFreeTARCacheIter( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter); PGPInt32 PGPTARCacheIterIndex( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter); PGPError PGPTARCacheIterRewind( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter); PGPError PGPTARCacheIterMove( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter, PGPInt32 relOffset, PGPTARCacheObjRef *outRef); PGPError PGPTARCacheIterNextTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter, PGPTARCacheObjRef *outRef); PGPError PGPTARCacheIterPrevTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter, PGPTARCacheObjRef *outRef); PGPError PGPTARCacheIterGetTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter, PGPTARCacheObjRef *outRef); PGPError PGPGetTARCacheObjNumericProperty( PGPTARCacheObjRef obj, PGPTARCacheObjProperty whichProperty, PGPInt32 *prop ); PGPError PGPGetTARCacheObjTimeProperty( PGPTARCacheObjRef obj, PGPTARCacheObjProperty whichProperty, PGPTime *prop); PGPError PGPGetTARCacheObjDataProperty( PGPTARCacheObjRef obj, PGPTARCacheObjProperty whichProperty, void *buffer, PGPSize bufferSize, PGPSize *dataSize); PGPError PGPGetTARCacheObjAllocatedDataProperty( PGPTARCacheObjRef obj, PGPTARCacheObjProperty whichProperty, void **buffer, PGPSize *dataSize); PGPError PGPDeleteTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheObjRef tarObj ); PGPError PGPExportTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheObjRef tarObj, PGPFileSpecRef fileRef, PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...); PGPError PGPCountObjsInTARCache( PGPTARCacheRef ref, PGPUInt32 *numItems ); PGPError PGPImportTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheRef tarCache, PGPFileSpecRef fileRef, PGPTARCacheObjRef *outRef, PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...); /*____________________________________________________________________________ FIPS 140-2 Support ____________________________________________________________________________*/ enum PGPsdkSelfTest_ { kPGPsdkSelfTest_Invalid = 0, kPGPsdkSelfTest_FirstTest = 1, kPGPsdkSelfTest_3DES = 1, kPGPsdkSelfTest_DSA = 2, kPGPsdkSelfTest_AES = 3, kPGPsdkSelfTest_RSA = 4, kPGPsdkSelfTest_SHA = 5, kPGPsdkSelfTest_HMAC = 6, kPGPsdkSelfTest_EC = 7, kPGPsdkSelfTest_PRNG = 8, kPGPsdkSelfTest_Integrity = 9, kPGPsdkSelfTest_LastTest = kPGPsdkSelfTest_Integrity, PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPsdkSelfTest_ ) }; PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPsdkSelfTest_, PGPsdkSelfTest ); PGPError PGPEnableFIPSMode(void); PGPError PGPGetSDKErrorState(void); PGPError PGPResetSDKErrorState(void); PGPError PGPRunSDKSelfTest(PGPsdkSelfTest whichTest); PGPError PGPRunAllSDKSelfTests(void); PGP_END_C_DECLARATIONS #if PGP_MACINTOSH #pragma options align=reset /* ] */ #endif #endif /* ] Included_pgpUtilities_h */ /*__Editor_settings____ Local Variables: tab-width: 4 End: vi: ts=4 sw=4 vim: si _____________________*/