/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (�) 2012-17 Miranda NG project (https://miranda-ng.org) all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" void CDb3Mmap::Map() { DWORD dwProtectMode, dwAccess; if (cb && cb->bAggressive) dwProtectMode = PAGE_WRITECOPY, dwAccess = FILE_MAP_COPY; else if (m_bReadOnly) dwProtectMode = PAGE_READONLY, dwAccess = FILE_MAP_READ; else dwProtectMode = PAGE_READWRITE, dwAccess = FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS; m_hMap = CreateFileMapping(m_hDbFile, nullptr, dwProtectMode, 0, m_dwFileSize, nullptr); if (m_hMap) { m_pDbCache = (PBYTE)MapViewOfFile(m_hMap, dwAccess, 0, 0, 0); if (!m_pDbCache) DatabaseCorruption(L"%s (MapViewOfFile failed. Code: %d)"); } else DatabaseCorruption(L"%s (CreateFileMapping failed. Code: %d)"); } void CDb3Mmap::ReMap(DWORD needed) { KillTimer(nullptr, m_flushBuffersTimerId); log3("remapping %d + %d (file end: %d)", m_dwFileSize, needed, m_dbHeader.ofsFileEnd); if (needed > 0) { if (needed > m_ChunkSize) { if (needed + m_dwFileSize > m_dbHeader.ofsFileEnd + m_ChunkSize) DatabaseCorruption(L"%s (Too large increment)"); else { DWORD x = m_dbHeader.ofsFileEnd / m_ChunkSize; m_dwFileSize = (x + 1)*m_ChunkSize; } } else m_dwFileSize += m_ChunkSize; } UnmapViewOfFile(m_pDbCache); m_pDbCache = nullptr; CloseHandle(m_hMap); Map(); } void CDb3Mmap::DBMoveChunk(DWORD ofsDest, DWORD ofsSource, int bytes) { int x = 0; //log3("move %d %08x->%08x",bytes,ofsSource,ofsDest); if (ofsDest + bytes > m_dwFileSize) ReMap(ofsDest + bytes - m_dwFileSize); if (ofsSource + bytes > m_dwFileSize) { x = ofsSource + bytes - m_dwFileSize; log0("buggy move!"); } if (x > 0) memset((m_pDbCache + ofsDest + bytes - x), 0, x); if (ofsSource < m_dwFileSize) memmove(m_pDbCache + ofsDest, m_pDbCache + ofsSource, bytes - x); logg(); } //we are assumed to be in a mutex here PBYTE CDb3Mmap::DBRead(DWORD ofs, int *bytesAvail) { // buggy read if (ofs >= m_dwFileSize) { //log2("read from outside %d@%08x",bytesRequired,ofs); if (bytesAvail != nullptr) *bytesAvail = m_ChunkSize; return m_pNull; } //log3((ofs+bytesRequired > m_dwFileSize)?"read %d@%08x, only %d avaliable":"read %d@%08x",bytesRequired,ofs,m_dwFileSize-ofs); if (bytesAvail != nullptr) *bytesAvail = m_dwFileSize - ofs; return m_pDbCache + ofs; } //we are assumed to be in a mutex here void CDb3Mmap::DBWrite(DWORD ofs, PVOID pData, int bytes) { //log2("write %d@%08x",bytes,ofs); if (ofs + bytes > m_dwFileSize) ReMap(ofs + bytes - m_dwFileSize); memmove(m_pDbCache + ofs, pData, bytes); logg(); } //we are assumed to be in a mutex here void CDb3Mmap::DBFill(DWORD ofs, int bytes) { //log2("zerofill %d@%08x",bytes,ofs); if ((ofs + bytes) <= m_dwFileSize) memset((m_pDbCache + ofs), 0, bytes); logg(); } static VOID CALLBACK DoBufferFlushTimerProc(HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD) { for (int i = 0; i < g_Dbs.getCount(); i++) { CDb3Mmap *db = g_Dbs[i]; if (db->m_flushBuffersTimerId != idEvent) continue; if (!db->m_pDbCache) return; KillTimer(nullptr, db->m_flushBuffersTimerId); log0("tflush1"); if (FlushViewOfFile(db->m_pDbCache, 0) == 0) { if (db->m_flushFailTick == 0) db->m_flushFailTick = GetTickCount(); else if (GetTickCount() - db->m_flushFailTick > 5000) db->DatabaseCorruption(nullptr); } else db->m_flushFailTick = 0; log0("tflush2"); } } void CDb3Mmap::DBFlush(int setting) { if (!setting) { log0("nflush1"); if (m_safetyMode && m_pDbCache) { if (FlushViewOfFile(m_pDbCache, 0) == 0) { if (m_flushFailTick == 0) m_flushFailTick = GetTickCount(); else if (GetTickCount() - m_flushFailTick > 5000) DatabaseCorruption(nullptr); } else m_flushFailTick = 0; } log0("nflush2"); return; } KillTimer(nullptr, m_flushBuffersTimerId); m_flushBuffersTimerId = SetTimer(nullptr, m_flushBuffersTimerId, 50, DoBufferFlushTimerProc); } int CDb3Mmap::InitMap(void) { m_dwFileSize = GetFileSize(m_hDbFile, nullptr); // Align to chunk if (!m_bReadOnly) { DWORD x = m_dwFileSize % m_ChunkSize; if (x) m_dwFileSize += m_ChunkSize - x; } Map(); // zero region for reads outside the file m_pNull = (PBYTE)calloc(m_ChunkSize, 1); return 0; } DWORD CDb3Mmap::GetSettingsGroupOfsByModuleNameOfs(DBContact *dbc, DWORD ofsModuleName) { DWORD ofsThis = dbc->ofsFirstSettings; while (ofsThis) { DBContactSettings *dbcs = (DBContactSettings*)DBRead(ofsThis, nullptr); if (dbcs->signature != DBCONTACTSETTINGS_SIGNATURE) DatabaseCorruption(nullptr); if (dbcs->ofsModuleName == ofsModuleName) return ofsThis; ofsThis = dbcs->ofsNext; } return 0; }