/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (c) 2012-18 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) CDb3Mmap::GetContactCount(void) { mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); return m_dbHeader.contactCount; } STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) CDb3Mmap::GetContactSize(void) { return sizeof(DBCachedContact); } STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) CDb3Mmap::DeleteContact(MCONTACT contactID) { if (contactID == 0) // global contact cannot be removed return 1; mir_cslockfull lck(m_csDbAccess); DWORD ofsContact = GetContactOffset(contactID); DBContact *dbc = (DBContact*)DBRead(ofsContact, nullptr); if (dbc->signature != DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE) return 1; if (ofsContact == m_dbHeader.ofsUser) { log0("FATAL: del of user chain attempted."); return 1; } lck.unlock(); log0("del contact"); // call notifier while outside mutex NotifyEventHooks(hContactDeletedEvent, contactID, 0); // get back in lck.lock(); // delete settings chain DWORD ofsThis = dbc->ofsFirstSettings; DWORD ofsFirstEvent = dbc->ofsFirstEvent; while (ofsThis) { DBContactSettings *dbcs = (DBContactSettings*)DBRead(ofsThis, nullptr); DWORD ofsNext = dbcs->ofsNext; DeleteSpace(ofsThis, offsetof(DBContactSettings, blob) + dbcs->cbBlob); ofsThis = ofsNext; } // delete event chain ofsThis = ofsFirstEvent; while (ofsThis) { DBEvent *dbe = (DBEvent*)DBRead(ofsThis, nullptr); DWORD ofsNext = dbe->ofsNext; DeleteSpace(ofsThis, offsetof(DBEvent, blob) + dbe->cbBlob); ofsThis = ofsNext; } // find previous contact in chain and change ofsNext if (m_dbHeader.ofsFirstContact == ofsContact) { m_dbHeader.ofsFirstContact = dbc->ofsNext; DBWrite(0, &m_dbHeader, sizeof(m_dbHeader)); } else { DWORD ofsNext = dbc->ofsNext; ofsThis = m_dbHeader.ofsFirstContact; DBContact *dbcPrev = (DBContact*)DBRead(ofsThis, nullptr); while (dbcPrev->ofsNext != ofsContact) { if (dbcPrev->ofsNext == 0) DatabaseCorruption(nullptr); ofsThis = dbcPrev->ofsNext; dbcPrev = (DBContact*)DBRead(ofsThis, nullptr); } dbcPrev->ofsNext = ofsNext; DBWrite(ofsThis, dbcPrev, sizeof(DBContact)); } // delete contact DeleteSpace(ofsContact, sizeof(DBContact)); // decrement contact count m_dbHeader.contactCount--; DBWrite(0, &m_dbHeader, sizeof(m_dbHeader)); DBFlush(0); // free cache item m_cache->FreeCachedContact(contactID); if (contactID == m_hLastCachedContact) m_hLastCachedContact = 0; return 0; } STDMETHODIMP_(MCONTACT) CDb3Mmap::AddContact() { DWORD ofsNew; log0("add contact"); DBContact dbc = { 0 }; dbc.signature = DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE; { mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); ofsNew = CreateNewSpace(sizeof(DBContact)); dbc.ofsNext = m_dbHeader.ofsFirstContact; dbc.dwContactID = m_dwMaxContactId++; m_dbHeader.ofsFirstContact = ofsNew; m_dbHeader.contactCount++; DBWrite(ofsNew, &dbc, sizeof(DBContact)); DBWrite(0, &m_dbHeader, sizeof(m_dbHeader)); DBFlush(0); } DBCachedContact *cc = m_cache->AddContactToCache(dbc.dwContactID); cc->dwOfsContact = ofsNew; NotifyEventHooks(hContactAddedEvent, dbc.dwContactID, 0); return dbc.dwContactID; } STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CDb3Mmap::IsDbContact(MCONTACT contactID) { DBCachedContact *cc = m_cache->GetCachedContact(contactID); if (cc == nullptr) return FALSE; mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); DBContact *dbc = (DBContact*)DBRead(cc->dwOfsContact, nullptr); if (dbc->signature == DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE) { m_cache->AddContactToCache(contactID); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // metacontacts support static int SortEvent(const DBEvent *p1, const DBEvent *p2) { return (LONG)p1->timestamp - (LONG)p2->timestamp; } BOOL CDb3Mmap::MetaMergeHistory(DBCachedContact *ccMeta, DBCachedContact *ccSub) { mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); DBContact *dbMeta = (DBContact*)DBRead(ccMeta->dwOfsContact, nullptr); DBContact *dbSub = (DBContact*)DBRead(ccSub->dwOfsContact, nullptr); if (dbMeta->signature != DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE || dbSub->signature != DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE) return 1; // special cases if (dbSub->ofsFirstEvent == 0) // hurrah, nothing to do return 0; LIST<DBEvent> arEvents(20000, SortEvent); BOOL ret = 0; __try { if (dbMeta->ofsFirstEvent == 0) { // simply chain history to a meta dbMeta->eventCount = dbSub->eventCount; dbMeta->ofsFirstEvent = dbSub->ofsFirstEvent; dbMeta->ofsLastEvent = dbSub->ofsLastEvent; dbMeta->ofsFirstUnread = dbSub->ofsFirstUnread; dbMeta->tsFirstUnread = dbSub->tsFirstUnread; } else { // there're events in both meta's & sub's event chains // relink sub's event chain to meta without changing events themselves for (DWORD ofsMeta = dbMeta->ofsFirstEvent; ofsMeta != 0;) { DBEvent *pev = (DBEvent*)DBRead(ofsMeta, nullptr); if (pev->signature != DBEVENT_SIGNATURE) { // broken chain, don't touch it ret = 2; __leave; } arEvents.insert(pev); ofsMeta = pev->ofsNext; } for (DWORD ofsSub = dbSub->ofsFirstEvent; ofsSub != 0;) { DBEvent *pev = (DBEvent*)DBRead(ofsSub, nullptr); if (pev->signature != DBEVENT_SIGNATURE) { // broken chain, don't touch it ret = 2; __leave; } arEvents.insert(pev); ofsSub = pev->ofsNext; } // all events are in memory, valid & sorted in the right order. // ready? steady? go! dbMeta->eventCount = arEvents.getCount(); DBEvent *pFirst = arEvents[0]; dbMeta->ofsFirstEvent = DWORD(PBYTE(pFirst) - m_pDbCache); pFirst->ofsPrev = 0; dbMeta->ofsFirstUnread = pFirst->markedRead() ? 0 : dbMeta->ofsFirstEvent; DBEvent *pLast = arEvents[arEvents.getCount() - 1]; dbMeta->ofsLastEvent = DWORD(PBYTE(pLast) - m_pDbCache); pLast->ofsNext = 0; for (int i = 1; i < arEvents.getCount(); i++) { DBEvent *pPrev = arEvents[i - 1], *pNext = arEvents[i]; pPrev->ofsNext = DWORD(PBYTE(pNext) - m_pDbCache); pNext->ofsPrev = DWORD(PBYTE(pPrev) - m_pDbCache); if (dbMeta->ofsFirstUnread == 0 && !pNext->markedRead()) dbMeta->ofsFirstUnread = pPrev->ofsNext; } } // remove any traces of history from sub dbSub->ofsFirstEvent = dbSub->ofsLastEvent = dbSub->ofsFirstUnread = dbSub->tsFirstUnread = 0; } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ret = 3; } FlushViewOfFile(m_pDbCache, 0); return ret; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CDb3Mmap::MetaSplitHistory(DBCachedContact *ccMeta, DBCachedContact *ccSub) { mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); DBContact dbMeta = *(DBContact*)DBRead(ccMeta->dwOfsContact, nullptr); DBContact dbSub = *(DBContact*)DBRead(ccSub->dwOfsContact, nullptr); if (dbMeta.signature != DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE || dbSub.signature != DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE) return 1; if (dbMeta.ofsFirstEvent == 0) // nothing to do return 0; BOOL ret = 0; __try { if (ret = WipeContactHistory(&dbSub)) __leave; DWORD dwOffset = dbMeta.ofsFirstEvent; DBEvent *evMeta = nullptr, *evSub = nullptr; dbMeta.eventCount = 0; dbMeta.ofsFirstEvent = dbMeta.ofsLastEvent = dbMeta.ofsFirstUnread = dbMeta.tsFirstUnread = 0; while (dwOffset != 0) { DBEvent *evCurr = (DBEvent*)DBRead(dwOffset, nullptr); if (evCurr->signature != DBEVENT_SIGNATURE) break; DWORD dwNext = evCurr->ofsNext; evCurr->ofsNext = 0; // extract it to sub's chain if (evCurr->contactID == ccSub->contactID) { dbSub.eventCount++; if (evSub != nullptr) { evSub->ofsNext = dwOffset; evCurr->ofsPrev = DWORD(PBYTE(evSub) - m_pDbCache); } else { dbSub.ofsFirstEvent = dwOffset; evCurr->ofsPrev = 0; } if (dbSub.ofsFirstUnread == 0 && !evCurr->markedRead()) { dbSub.ofsFirstUnread = dwOffset; dbSub.tsFirstUnread = evCurr->timestamp; } dbSub.ofsLastEvent = dwOffset; evSub = evCurr; } else { dbMeta.eventCount++; if (evMeta != nullptr) { evMeta->ofsNext = dwOffset; evCurr->ofsPrev = DWORD(PBYTE(evMeta) - m_pDbCache); } else { dbMeta.ofsFirstEvent = dwOffset; evCurr->ofsPrev = 0; } if (dbMeta.ofsFirstUnread == 0 && !evCurr->markedRead()) { dbMeta.ofsFirstUnread = dwOffset; dbMeta.tsFirstUnread = evCurr->timestamp; } dbMeta.ofsLastEvent = dwOffset; evMeta = evCurr; } dwOffset = dwNext; } DBWrite(ccSub->dwOfsContact, &dbSub, sizeof(DBContact)); DBWrite(ccMeta->dwOfsContact, &dbMeta, sizeof(DBContact)); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ret = 3; } FlushViewOfFile(m_pDbCache, 0); return ret; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // initial cycle to fill the contacts' cache struct COldMeta { COldMeta(DWORD _id, DBCachedContact *_cc) : hMetaID(_id), cc(_cc) {} DWORD hMetaID; DBCachedContact *cc; }; void CDb3Mmap::FillContacts() { OBJLIST<COldMeta> arMetas(10, NumericKeySortT); for (DWORD dwOffset = m_dbHeader.ofsFirstContact; dwOffset != 0;) { DBContact *p = (DBContact*)DBRead(dwOffset, nullptr); if (p->signature != DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE) break; DWORD dwContactID; if (m_dbHeader.version >= DB_095_VERSION) { dwContactID = p->dwContactID; if (dwContactID >= m_dwMaxContactId) m_dwMaxContactId = dwContactID + 1; } else dwContactID = m_dwMaxContactId++; DBCachedContact *cc = m_cache->AddContactToCache(dwContactID); cc->dwOfsContact = dwOffset; CheckProto(cc, ""); DBVARIANT dbv; dbv.type = DBVT_DWORD; cc->nSubs = (0 != GetContactSetting(dwContactID, META_PROTO, "NumContacts", &dbv)) ? -1 : dbv.dVal; if (cc->nSubs != -1) { cc->pSubs = (MCONTACT*)mir_alloc(cc->nSubs*sizeof(MCONTACT)); for (int i = 0; i < cc->nSubs; i++) { char setting[100]; mir_snprintf(setting, "Handle%d", i); cc->pSubs[i] = (0 != GetContactSetting(dwContactID, META_PROTO, setting, &dbv)) ? 0 : dbv.dVal; } } cc->nDefault = (0 != GetContactSetting(dwContactID, META_PROTO, "Default", &dbv)) ? -1 : dbv.dVal; cc->parentID = (0 != GetContactSetting(dwContactID, META_PROTO, "ParentMeta", &dbv)) ? 0 : dbv.dVal; // whether we need conversion or not if (!GetContactSetting(dwContactID, META_PROTO, "MetaID", &dbv)) arMetas.insert(new COldMeta(dbv.dVal, cc)); dwOffset = p->ofsNext; } // no need in conversion? quit then if (m_bReadOnly || arMetas.getCount() == 0) return; DBVARIANT dbv; dbv.type = DBVT_DWORD; for (MCONTACT hh = FindFirstContact(); hh; hh = FindNextContact(hh)) { if (GetContactSetting(hh, META_PROTO, "MetaLink", &dbv)) continue; COldMeta *p = arMetas.find((COldMeta*)&dbv.dVal); if (p == nullptr) continue; if (GetContactSetting(hh, META_PROTO, "ContactNumber", &dbv)) continue; DBCONTACTWRITESETTING dbws = { META_PROTO }; dbws.value.type = DBVT_DWORD; DBCachedContact *ccMeta = p->cc; if (int(dbv.dVal) < ccMeta->nSubs) { ccMeta->pSubs[dbv.dVal] = hh; char setting[100]; mir_snprintf(setting, "Handle%d", dbv.dVal); dbws.szSetting = setting; dbws.value.dVal = hh; WriteContactSetting(ccMeta->contactID, &dbws); } // store contact id instead of the old mc number dbws.szSetting = "ParentMeta"; dbws.value.dVal = ccMeta->contactID; WriteContactSetting(hh, &dbws); // wipe out old data from subcontacts DeleteContactSetting(hh, META_PROTO, "ContactNumber"); DeleteContactSetting(hh, META_PROTO, "MetaLink"); } for (auto &p : arMetas) { DBCachedContact *ccMeta = p->cc; MCONTACT hContact = ccMeta->contactID; // we don't need it anymore if (!GetContactSetting(hContact, META_PROTO, "MetaID", &dbv)) { DeleteContactSetting(hContact, META_PROTO, "MetaID"); WipeContactHistory((DBContact*)DBRead(ccMeta->dwOfsContact, nullptr)); } for (int k = 0; k < ccMeta->nSubs; k++) { DBCachedContact *ccSub = m_cache->GetCachedContact(ccMeta->pSubs[k]); if (ccSub) { ccSub->parentID = hContact; MetaMergeHistory(ccMeta, ccSub); } } } } DWORD CDb3Mmap::GetContactOffset(MCONTACT contactID, DBCachedContact **pcc) { if (contactID == 0) { if (pcc) *pcc = nullptr; return m_dbHeader.ofsUser; } DBCachedContact *cc = m_cache->GetCachedContact(contactID); if (pcc) *pcc = cc; return (cc == nullptr) ? 0 : cc->dwOfsContact; }