/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (C) 2012-21 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct VarDescr { VarDescr(LPCSTR var, LPCSTR value) : szVar(mir_strdup(var)), szValue(mir_strdup(value)), iLen(0) {} VarDescr(LPCSTR var, LPSTR value) : szVar(mir_strdup(var)), szValue(value), iLen(0) {} VarDescr(LPCSTR var, PBYTE value, int len) : szVar(mir_strdup(var)), szValue((char*)memcpy(mir_alloc(len), value, len)), iLen(len) {} ptrA szVar, szValue; int iLen; }; int CDb3Mmap::InitCrypt() { if (m_dbHeader.version == DB_OLD_VERSION) return 0; return MDatabaseCommon::InitCrypt(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Saving encryption key in a database STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CDb3Mmap::ReadCryptoKey(MBinBuffer &buf) { DBVARIANT dbv = {}; dbv.type = DBVT_BLOB; if (GetContactSetting(0, "CryptoEngine", "StoredKey", &dbv)) return FALSE; buf.append(dbv.pbVal, dbv.cpbVal); return TRUE; } STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CDb3Mmap::StoreCryptoKey() { size_t iKeyLength = m_crypto->getKeyLength(); BYTE *pKey = (BYTE*)_alloca(iKeyLength); m_crypto->getKey(pKey, iKeyLength); DBCONTACTWRITESETTING dbcws = { "CryptoEngine", "StoredKey" }; dbcws.value.type = DBVT_BLOB; dbcws.value.cpbVal = (WORD)iKeyLength; dbcws.value.pbVal = pKey; WriteContactSetting(0, &dbcws); SecureZeroMemory(pKey, iKeyLength); return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Saving encryption flag STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CDb3Mmap::ReadEncryption() { DBVARIANT dbv = {}; dbv.type = DBVT_BYTE; return (GetContactSetting(0, "CryptoEngine", "DatabaseEncryption", &dbv)) ? false : dbv.bVal != 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Saving provider in a database STDMETHODIMP_(CRYPTO_PROVIDER *) CDb3Mmap::ReadProvider() { DBVARIANT dbv = {}; dbv.type = DBVT_BLOB; if (GetContactSetting(0, "CryptoEngine", "Provider", &dbv)) return nullptr; if (dbv.type != DBVT_BLOB) return nullptr; auto *pProvider = Crypto_GetProvider(LPCSTR(dbv.pbVal)); FreeVariant(&dbv); return pProvider; } STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CDb3Mmap::StoreProvider(CRYPTO_PROVIDER *pProvider) { DBCONTACTWRITESETTING dbcws = { "CryptoEngine", "Provider" }; dbcws.value.type = DBVT_BLOB; dbcws.value.pbVal = (PBYTE)pProvider->pszName; dbcws.value.cpbVal = (WORD)mir_strlen(pProvider->pszName) + 1; WriteContactSetting(0, &dbcws); return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CDb3Mmap::EnableEncryption(BOOL bEnable) { if (bEnable == m_bEncrypted) return TRUE; HANDLE hSave1 = g_hevSettingChanged; g_hevSettingChanged = nullptr; HANDLE hSave2 = g_hevEventAdded; g_hevEventAdded = nullptr; HANDLE hSave3 = g_hevEventDeleted; g_hevEventDeleted = nullptr; HANDLE hSave4 = g_hevEventFiltered; g_hevEventFiltered = nullptr; mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); ToggleSettingsEncryption(0); ToggleEventsEncryption(0); for (MCONTACT contactID = FindFirstContact(); contactID; contactID = FindNextContact(contactID)) { ToggleSettingsEncryption(contactID); ToggleEventsEncryption(contactID); } m_bEncrypted = !m_bEncrypted; DBCONTACTWRITESETTING dbcws = { "CryptoEngine", "DatabaseEncryption" }; dbcws.value.type = DBVT_BYTE; dbcws.value.bVal = m_bEncrypted; WriteContactSetting(0, &dbcws); g_hevSettingChanged = hSave1; g_hevEventAdded = hSave2; g_hevEventDeleted = hSave3; g_hevEventFiltered = hSave4; return TRUE; } void CDb3Mmap::ToggleSettingsEncryption(MCONTACT contactID) { DWORD ofsContact = GetContactOffset(contactID); if (ofsContact == 0) return; DBContact *contact = (DBContact*)DBRead(ofsContact, nullptr); if (contact->ofsFirstSettings == 0) return; // fast cycle through all settings DBContactSettings *setting = (DBContactSettings*)DBRead(contact->ofsFirstSettings, nullptr); DWORD offset = contact->ofsFirstSettings; char *szModule = GetModuleNameByOfs(setting->ofsModuleName); if (szModule == nullptr) return; while (true) { OBJLIST<VarDescr> arSettings(10); char szSetting[256]; int bytesRemaining, len; DWORD ofsBlobPtr = offset + offsetof(DBContactSettings, blob), ofsNext = setting->ofsNext; PBYTE pBlob = (PBYTE)DBRead(ofsBlobPtr, &bytesRemaining); while (pBlob[0]) { NeedBytes(1); len = pBlob[0]; memcpy(szSetting, pBlob + 1, len); szSetting[len] = 0; NeedBytes(1 + pBlob[0]); MoveAlong(1 + pBlob[0]); NeedBytes(5); switch (pBlob[0]) { case DBVT_ASCIIZ: len = *(PWORD)(pBlob + 1); // we need to convert a string into utf8 and encrypt it if (!m_bEncrypted) { BYTE bSave = pBlob[len + 3]; pBlob[len + 3] = 0; arSettings.insert(new VarDescr(szSetting, mir_utf8encode((LPCSTR)pBlob + 3))); pBlob[len + 3] = bSave; } NeedBytes(3 + len); break; case DBVT_UTF8: len = *(PWORD)(pBlob + 1); // we need to encrypt these strings if (!m_bEncrypted) { BYTE bSave = pBlob[len + 3]; pBlob[len + 3] = 0; arSettings.insert(new VarDescr(szSetting, (LPCSTR)pBlob + 3)); pBlob[len + 3] = bSave; } NeedBytes(3 + len); break; case DBVT_ENCRYPTED: len = *(PWORD)(pBlob + 1); // we need to decrypt these strings if (m_bEncrypted && !IsSettingEncrypted(szModule, szSetting)) arSettings.insert(new VarDescr(szSetting, pBlob + 3, len)); NeedBytes(3 + len); break; case DBVT_BLOB: NeedBytes(3 + *(PWORD)(pBlob + 1)); break; } NeedBytes(3); MoveAlong(1 + GetSettingValueLength(pBlob)); NeedBytes(1); } for (auto &p : arSettings) { if (!m_bEncrypted) { size_t encodedLen; BYTE *pResult = m_crypto->encodeString(p->szValue, &encodedLen); if (pResult != nullptr) { DBCONTACTWRITESETTING dbcws = { szModule, p->szVar }; dbcws.value.type = DBVT_ENCRYPTED; dbcws.value.pbVal = pResult; dbcws.value.cpbVal = (WORD)encodedLen; WriteContactSetting(contactID, &dbcws); mir_free(pResult); } } else { size_t realLen; ptrA decoded(m_crypto->decodeString((PBYTE)(char*)p->szValue, p->iLen, &realLen)); if (decoded != nullptr) { DBCONTACTWRITESETTING dbcws = { szModule, p->szVar }; dbcws.value.type = DBVT_UNENCRYPTED; dbcws.value.pszVal = decoded; dbcws.value.cchVal = (WORD)realLen; WriteContactSetting(contactID, &dbcws); } } } if (!ofsNext) break; setting = (DBContactSettings*)DBRead(offset = ofsNext, nullptr); if ((szModule = GetModuleNameByOfs(setting->ofsModuleName)) == nullptr) break; } } void CDb3Mmap::ToggleEventsEncryption(MCONTACT contactID) { DWORD ofsContact = GetContactOffset(contactID); if (ofsContact == 0) return; DBContact contact = *(DBContact*)DBRead(ofsContact, nullptr); if (contact.ofsFirstEvent == 0 || contact.signature != DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE) return; // fast cycle through all events for (DWORD offset = contact.ofsFirstEvent; offset != 0;) { DBEvent evt = *(DBEvent*)DBRead(offset, nullptr); if (evt.signature != DBEVENT_SIGNATURE) return; size_t len; DWORD ofsDest; mir_ptr<BYTE> pBlob; BYTE *pSource = DBRead(offset + offsetof(DBEvent, blob), nullptr); if (!m_bEncrypted) { // we need more space if ((pBlob = m_crypto->encodeBuffer(pSource, evt.cbBlob, &len)) == nullptr) return; ofsDest = ReallocSpace(offset, offsetof(DBEvent, blob) + evt.cbBlob, offsetof(DBEvent, blob) + (DWORD)len); if (evt.ofsNext) { DBEvent *e = (DBEvent*)DBRead(evt.ofsNext, nullptr); e->ofsPrev = ofsDest; DBWrite(evt.ofsNext, e, sizeof(DBEvent)); } if (evt.ofsPrev) { DBEvent *e = (DBEvent*)DBRead(evt.ofsPrev, nullptr); e->ofsNext = ofsDest; DBWrite(evt.ofsPrev, e, sizeof(DBEvent)); } if (contact.ofsFirstEvent == offset) contact.ofsFirstEvent = ofsDest; if (contact.ofsLastEvent == offset) contact.ofsLastEvent = ofsDest; if (contact.ofsFirstUnread == offset) contact.ofsFirstUnread = ofsDest; evt.flags |= DBEF_ENCRYPTED; } else { if ((pBlob = (BYTE*)m_crypto->decodeBuffer(pSource, evt.cbBlob, &len)) == nullptr) return; ofsDest = offset; // reuse the old space evt.flags &= ~DBEF_ENCRYPTED; if (len < evt.cbBlob) DBFill(ofsDest + offsetof(DBEvent, blob) + (DWORD)len, evt.cbBlob - (DWORD)len); } evt.cbBlob = (DWORD)len; DBWrite(ofsDest, &evt, offsetof(DBEvent, blob)); DBWrite(ofsDest + offsetof(DBEvent, blob), pBlob, (DWORD)len); offset = evt.ofsNext; } DBWrite(ofsContact, &contact, sizeof(DBContact)); }