/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2012 Miranda NG project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include /* tree diagram DBHeader |-->end of file (plain offset) |-->first contact (DBContact) | |-->next contact (DBContact) | | \--> ... | |-->first settings (DBContactSettings) | | |-->next settings (DBContactSettings) | | | \--> ... | | \-->module name (DBModuleName) | \-->first/last/firstunread event |-->user contact (DBContact) | |-->next contact = NULL | |-->first settings as above | \-->first/last/firstunread event as above \-->first module name (DBModuleName) \-->next module name (DBModuleName) \--> ... */ #define DB_THIS_VERSION 0x00000700u #define DB_SETTINGS_RESIZE_GRANULARITY 128 #define WSOFS_END 0xFFFFFFFF #define WS_ERROR 0xFFFFFFFF struct DBSignature { char name[15]; BYTE eof; }; struct ModuleName { char *name; DWORD ofs; }; #include struct DBHeader { BYTE signature[16]; // 'Miranda ICQ DB',0,26 DWORD version; //as 4 bytes, ie = 0x0102030a //this version is 0x00000700 DWORD ofsFileEnd; //offset of the end of the database - place to write //new structures DWORD slackSpace; //a counter of the number of bytes that have been //wasted so far due to deleting structures and/or //re-making them at the end. We should compact when //this gets above a threshold DWORD contactCount; //number of contacts in the chain,excluding the user DWORD ofsFirstContact; //offset to first DBContact in the chain DWORD ofsUser; //offset to DBContact representing the user DWORD ofsFirstModuleName; //offset to first struct DBModuleName in the chain }; #define DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE 0x43DECADEu struct DBContact { DWORD signature; DWORD ofsNext; //offset to the next contact in the chain. zero if //this is the 'user' contact or the last contact //in the chain DWORD ofsFirstSettings; //offset to the first DBContactSettings in the //chain for this contact. DWORD eventCount; //number of events in the chain for this contact DWORD ofsFirstEvent,ofsLastEvent; //offsets to the first and last DBEvent in //the chain for this contact DWORD ofsFirstUnreadEvent; //offset to the first (chronological) unread event //in the chain, 0 if all are read DWORD timestampFirstUnread; //timestamp of the event at ofsFirstUnreadEvent }; #define DBMODULENAME_SIGNATURE 0x4DDECADEu struct DBModuleName { DWORD signature; DWORD ofsNext; //offset to the next module name in the chain BYTE cbName; //number of characters in this module name char name[1]; //name, no nul terminator }; #define DBCONTACTSETTINGS_SIGNATURE 0x53DECADEu struct DBContactSettings { DWORD signature; DWORD ofsNext; //offset to the next contactsettings in the chain DWORD ofsModuleName; //offset to the DBModuleName of the owner of these //settings DWORD cbBlob; //size of the blob in bytes. May be larger than the //actual size for reducing the number of moves //required using granularity in resizing BYTE blob[1]; //the blob. a back-to-back sequence of DBSetting //structs, the last has cbName = 0 }; #define DBEVENT_SIGNATURE 0x45DECADEu struct DBEvent { DWORD signature; DWORD ofsPrev,ofsNext; //offset to the previous and next events in the //chain. Chain is sorted chronologically DWORD ofsModuleName; //offset to a DBModuleName struct of the name of //the owner of this event DWORD timestamp; //seconds since 00:00:00 01/01/1970 DWORD flags; //see m_database.h, db/event/add WORD eventType; //module-defined event type DWORD cbBlob; //number of bytes in the blob BYTE blob[1]; //the blob. module-defined formatting }; #include struct DBCachedGlobalValue { char* name; DBVARIANT value; }; struct DBCachedContactValue { char* name; DBVARIANT value; DBCachedContactValue* next; }; struct DBCachedContactValueList { HANDLE hContact; HANDLE hNext; DBCachedContactValue* first; DBCachedContactValue* last; }; #define MAXCACHEDREADSIZE 65536 struct CDb3Base : public MIDatabase, public MIDatabaseChecker, public MZeroedObject { CDb3Base(const TCHAR* tszFileName); ~CDb3Base(); int Load(bool bSkipInit); int Create(void); int CreateDbHeaders(const DBSignature&); int CheckDbHeaders(); void DatabaseCorruption(TCHAR *text); __forceinline HANDLE getFile() const { return m_hDbFile; } protected: STDMETHODIMP_(void) SetCacheSafetyMode(BOOL); STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) GetContactCount(void); STDMETHODIMP_(HANDLE) FindFirstContact(const char* szProto = NULL); STDMETHODIMP_(HANDLE) FindNextContact(HANDLE hContact, const char* szProto = NULL); STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) DeleteContact(HANDLE hContact); STDMETHODIMP_(HANDLE) AddContact(void); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) IsDbContact(HANDLE hContact); STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) GetEventCount(HANDLE hContact); STDMETHODIMP_(HANDLE) AddEvent(HANDLE hContact, DBEVENTINFO *dbe); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) DeleteEvent(HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hDbEvent); STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) GetBlobSize(HANDLE hDbEvent); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetEvent(HANDLE hDbEvent, DBEVENTINFO *dbe); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) MarkEventRead(HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hDbEvent); STDMETHODIMP_(HANDLE) GetEventContact(HANDLE hDbEvent); STDMETHODIMP_(HANDLE) FindFirstEvent(HANDLE hContact); STDMETHODIMP_(HANDLE) FindFirstUnreadEvent(HANDLE hContact); STDMETHODIMP_(HANDLE) FindLastEvent(HANDLE hContact); STDMETHODIMP_(HANDLE) FindNextEvent(HANDLE hDbEvent); STDMETHODIMP_(HANDLE) FindPrevEvent(HANDLE hDbEvent); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) EnumModuleNames(DBMODULEENUMPROC pFunc, void *pParam); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetContactSetting(HANDLE hContact, DBCONTACTGETSETTING *dbcgs); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetContactSettingStr(HANDLE hContact, DBCONTACTGETSETTING *dbcgs); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetContactSettingStatic(HANDLE hContact, DBCONTACTGETSETTING *dbcgs); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) FreeVariant(DBVARIANT *dbv); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) WriteContactSetting(HANDLE hContact, DBCONTACTWRITESETTING *dbcws); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) DeleteContactSetting(HANDLE hContact, DBCONTACTGETSETTING *dbcgs); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) EnumContactSettings(HANDLE hContact, DBCONTACTENUMSETTINGS* dbces); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) SetSettingResident(BOOL bIsResident, const char *pszSettingName); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) EnumResidentSettings(DBMODULEENUMPROC pFunc, void *pParam); protected: STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) Start(DBCHeckCallback *callback); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CheckDb(int phase, int firstTime); STDMETHODIMP_(VOID) Destroy(); protected: virtual DWORD GetSettingsGroupOfsByModuleNameOfs(DBContact *dbc,DWORD ofsContact,DWORD ofsModuleName) = 0; virtual void InvalidateSettingsGroupOfsCacheEntry(DWORD ofsSettingsGroup) {} virtual int WorkInitialCheckHeaders(void); virtual void DBMoveChunk(DWORD ofsDest, DWORD ofsSource, int bytes) = 0; virtual PBYTE DBRead(DWORD ofs, int bytesRequired, int *bytesAvail) = 0; virtual void DBWrite(DWORD ofs, PVOID pData, int bytes) = 0; virtual void DBFill(DWORD ofs, int bytes) = 0; virtual void DBFlush(int setting) = 0; virtual int InitCache(void) = 0; protected: virtual void EncodeCopyMemory(void *dst, void *src, size_t size); virtual void DecodeCopyMemory(void *dst, void *src, size_t size); virtual void EncodeDBWrite(DWORD ofs, void *src, int size); virtual void DecodeDBWrite(DWORD ofs, void *src, int size); public: // Check functions int WorkInitialChecks(int); int WorkModuleChain(int); int WorkUser(int); int WorkContactChain(int); int WorkAggressive(int); int WorkFinalTasks(int); protected: TCHAR* m_tszProfileName; HANDLE m_hDbFile; DBHeader m_dbHeader; DWORD m_ChunkSize; bool m_safetyMode, m_bReadOnly; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // database stuff public: UINT_PTR m_flushBuffersTimerId; DWORD m_flushFailTick; PBYTE m_pDbCache; HANDLE m_hMap; protected: DWORD m_dwFileSize; CRITICAL_SECTION m_csDbAccess; int CheckProto(HANDLE hContact, const char *proto); DWORD CreateNewSpace(int bytes); void DeleteSpace(DWORD ofs, int bytes); DWORD ReallocSpace(DWORD ofs, int oldSize, int newSize); __forceinline PBYTE DBRead(HANDLE hContact, int bytesRequired, int *bytesAvail) { return DBRead((DWORD)hContact, bytesRequired, bytesAvail); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // settings int m_codePage; HANDLE m_hCacheHeap; HANDLE m_hLastCachedContact; char* m_lastSetting; DBCachedContactValueList *m_lastVL; LIST m_lContacts; LIST m_lGlobalSettings; LIST m_lSettings, m_lResidentSettings; HANDLE hSettingChangeEvent, hContactDeletedEvent, hContactAddedEvent; char* InsertCachedSetting(const char* szName, size_t cbNameLen); char* GetCachedSetting(const char *szModuleName,const char *szSettingName, int moduleNameLen, int settingNameLen); void SetCachedVariant(DBVARIANT* s, DBVARIANT* d); void FreeCachedVariant(DBVARIANT* V); DBVARIANT* GetCachedValuePtr(HANDLE hContact, char* szSetting, int bAllocate); int GetContactSettingWorker(HANDLE hContact,DBCONTACTGETSETTING *dbcgs,int isStatic); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // contacts DBCachedContactValueList* AddToCachedContactList(HANDLE hContact, int index); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // modules HANDLE m_hModHeap; LIST m_lMods, m_lOfs; HANDLE hEventAddedEvent, hEventDeletedEvent, hEventFilterAddedEvent; ModuleName *m_lastmn; void AddToList(char *name, DWORD len, DWORD ofs); DWORD FindExistingModuleNameOfs(const char *szName); int InitModuleNames(void); DWORD GetModuleNameOfs(const char *szName); char *GetModuleNameByOfs(DWORD ofs); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // checker int PeekSegment(DWORD ofs, PVOID buf, int cbBytes); int ReadSegment(DWORD ofs, PVOID buf, int cbBytes); int ReadWrittenSegment(DWORD ofs, PVOID buf, int cbBytes); int SignatureValid(DWORD ofs, DWORD signature); void FreeModuleChain(); DWORD ConvertModuleNameOfs(DWORD ofsOld); void ConvertOldEvent(DBEvent*& dbei); int WorkSettingsChain(DWORD ofsContact, DBContact *dbc, int firstTime); int WorkEventChain(DWORD ofsContact, DBContact *dbc, int firstTime); DWORD WriteSegment(DWORD ofs, PVOID buf, int cbBytes); DWORD WriteEvent(DBEvent *dbe); void WriteOfsNextToPrevious(DWORD ofsPrev,DBContact *dbc,DWORD ofsNext); void FinishUp(DWORD ofsLast,DBContact *dbc); DBCHeckCallback *cb; DWORD sourceFileSize, ofsAggrCur; }; struct CDb3Mmap : public CDb3Base { CDb3Mmap(const TCHAR* ptszFileName); ~CDb3Mmap(); protected: virtual DWORD GetSettingsGroupOfsByModuleNameOfs(DBContact *dbc,DWORD ofsContact,DWORD ofsModuleName); virtual void DBMoveChunk(DWORD ofsDest, DWORD ofsSource, int bytes); virtual PBYTE DBRead(DWORD ofs, int bytesRequired, int *bytesAvail); virtual void DBWrite(DWORD ofs, PVOID pData, int bytes); virtual void DBFill(DWORD ofs, int bytes); virtual void DBFlush(int setting); virtual int InitCache(void); protected: PBYTE m_pNull; void Map(); void ReMap(DWORD needed); }; typedef int (CDb3Base::*CheckWorker)(int);