/* Miranda Database Tool Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Richard Hughes This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" void ProcessingDone(void); static void Finalize(time_t& ts) { opts.dbChecker->Destroy(); opts.dbChecker = NULL; if (opts.hOutFile) { CloseHandle(opts.hOutFile); opts.hOutFile = NULL; } if (errorCount && !opts.bBackup && !opts.bCheckOnly) { time_t dlg_ts = time(NULL); if (IDYES == MessageBox(NULL, TranslateT("Errors were encountered, however you selected not to backup the original database. It is strongly recommended that you do so in case important data was omitted. Do you wish to keep a backup of the original database?"), TranslateT("Miranda Database Tool"), MB_YESNO)) opts.bBackup = 1; ts += time(NULL) - dlg_ts; } if (opts.bBackup) { TCHAR dbPath[MAX_PATH], dbFile[MAX_PATH]; mir_tstrcpy(dbPath, opts.filename); TCHAR* str2 = _tcsrchr(dbPath, '\\'); if (str2 != NULL) { mir_tstrcpy(dbFile, str2 + 1); *str2 = 0; } else { mir_tstrcpy(dbFile, dbPath); dbPath[0] = 0; } for (int i = 1;; i++) { if (i == 1) mir_sntprintf(opts.backupFilename, _countof(opts.backupFilename), TranslateT("%s\\Backup of %s"), dbPath, dbFile); else mir_sntprintf(opts.backupFilename, _countof(opts.backupFilename), TranslateT("%s\\Backup (%d) of %s"), dbPath, i, dbFile); if (_taccess(opts.backupFilename, 0) == -1) break; } if (!MoveFile(opts.filename, opts.backupFilename)) AddToStatus(STATUS_WARNING, TranslateT("Unable to rename original file")); } else if (!opts.bCheckOnly) if (!DeleteFile(opts.filename)) AddToStatus(STATUS_WARNING, TranslateT("Unable to delete original file")); if (!opts.bCheckOnly) if (!MoveFile(opts.outputFilename, opts.filename)) AddToStatus(STATUS_WARNING, TranslateT("Unable to rename output file")); } void __cdecl WorkerThread(void *) { int task, firstTime; time_t ts = time(NULL); AddToStatus(STATUS_MESSAGE, TranslateT("Database worker thread activated")); mir_tstrcpy(opts.workingFilename, opts.filename); if (opts.bCheckOnly) { mir_tstrcpy(opts.outputFilename, TranslateT("<check only>")); opts.hOutFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } else { mir_tstrcpy(opts.outputFilename, opts.filename); *_tcsrchr(opts.outputFilename, '.') = 0; mir_tstrcat(opts.outputFilename, TranslateT(" (Output).dat")); opts.hOutFile = CreateFile(opts.outputFilename, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (opts.hOutFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { AddToStatus(STATUS_FATAL, TranslateT("Can't create output file (%u)"), GetLastError()); ProcessingDone(); return; } } DWORD sp = 0; firstTime = 0; DBCHeckCallback callback; callback.cbSize = sizeof(callback); callback.spaceUsed = 1; callback.spaceProcessed = 0; callback.pfnAddLogMessage = AddToStatus; callback.hOutFile = opts.hOutFile; callback.bCheckOnly = opts.bCheckOnly; callback.bBackup = opts.bBackup; callback.bAggressive = opts.bAggressive; callback.bEraseHistory = opts.bEraseHistory; callback.bMarkRead = opts.bMarkRead; callback.bConvertUtf = opts.bConvertUtf; opts.dbChecker->Start(&callback); for (task = 0;;) { if (callback.spaceProcessed / (callback.spaceUsed / 1000 + 1) > sp) { sp = callback.spaceProcessed / (callback.spaceUsed / 1000 + 1); SetProgressBar(sp); } WaitForSingleObject(hEventRun, INFINITE); if (WaitForSingleObject(hEventAbort, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { AddToStatus(STATUS_FATAL, TranslateT("Processing aborted by user")); break; } int ret = opts.dbChecker->CheckDb(task, firstTime); firstTime = 0; if (ret == ERROR_OUT_OF_PAPER) { Finalize(ts); AddToStatus(STATUS_MESSAGE, TranslateT("Elapsed time: %d sec"), time(NULL) - ts); if (errorCount) AddToStatus(STATUS_SUCCESS, TranslateT("All tasks completed but with errors (%d)"), errorCount); else AddToStatus(STATUS_SUCCESS, TranslateT("All tasks completed successfully")); break; } else if (ret == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { task++; firstTime = 1; } else if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; } ProcessingDone(); }