#include "headers.h" #include TCHAR dbname[MAX_PATH]; static UINT_PTR timer_id; INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcProgress(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { HWND prog = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PROGRESS); TranslateDialogDefault( hwndDlg ); SendMessage(prog, PBM_SETPOS, 0, 0); } break; case WM_COMMAND: if ( HIWORD( wParam ) == BN_CLICKED && LOWORD( wParam ) == IDCANCEL ) { // in the progress dialog, use the user data to indicate that the user has pressed cancel SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)1); return TRUE; } break; } return FALSE; } INT_PTR DBSaveAs(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HWND progress_dialog = 0; TCHAR fname_buff[MAX_PATH], szFilter[128]; int i; OPENFILENAME ofn = {0}; CallService(MS_DB_GETPROFILENAMET,MAX_PATH,(LPARAM)fname_buff); i = mir_sntprintf(szFilter, 64, _T("%s (*.dat)"), TranslateT("Miranda Databases")) + 1; _tcscpy(szFilter + i, _T("*.dat")); i += 6; i += mir_sntprintf(szFilter + i, 48, _T("%s (*.*)"), TranslateT("All Files")) + 1; _tcscpy(szFilter + i, _T("*")); szFilter[i + 2] = 0; ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.lpstrFile = fname_buff; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.Flags = OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilter; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrDefExt = _T("dat"); if (GetSaveFileName(&ofn)) Backup(fname_buff); return 0; } struct FileNameFound_Tag { TCHAR Name[MAX_PATH]; FILETIME CreationTime; }FileNameFound; int RotateBackups(HWND progress_dialog, DWORD start_time) { TCHAR backupfilename1[MAX_PATH] = {0}, backupfilename2[MAX_PATH] = {0}, backupfolderTmp[MAX_PATH] = {0}; TCHAR* backupfolder; unsigned int i = 0; HWND prog = GetDlgItem(progress_dialog, IDC_PROGRESS); MSG msg; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFind; backupfolder = Utils_ReplaceVarsT(options.folder); mir_sntprintf(backupfolderTmp, SIZEOF(backupfolderTmp), _T("%s\\*"), backupfolder); hFind = FindFirstFile(backupfolderTmp, &FindFileData); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 0; _tcscpy(FileNameFound.Name, _T("")); while (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData)) { if (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) continue; else if (_tcsicmp(&FindFileData.cFileName[_tcslen(FindFileData.cFileName)-4], _T(".bak")) == 0) { if (_tcsicmp(FileNameFound.Name, _T("")) == 0) { _tcscpy(FileNameFound.Name, FindFileData.cFileName); FileNameFound.CreationTime = FindFileData.ftCreationTime; } else if ((FindFileData.ftCreationTime.dwHighDateTime < FileNameFound.CreationTime.dwHighDateTime) || (FindFileData.ftCreationTime.dwHighDateTime == FileNameFound.CreationTime.dwHighDateTime && FindFileData.ftCreationTime.dwLowDateTime < FileNameFound.CreationTime.dwLowDateTime)) { _tcscpy(FileNameFound.Name, FindFileData.cFileName); FileNameFound.CreationTime = FindFileData.ftCreationTime; } i++; while(PeekMessage(&msg, progress_dialog, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) != 0) { if (!IsDialogMessage(progress_dialog, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } SendMessage(prog, PBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM)(int)(100 * (options.num_backups - i) / options.num_backups), 0); UpdateWindow(progress_dialog); } } FindClose(hFind); if (i >= options.num_backups) { mir_sntprintf(backupfilename1, MAX_PATH, _T("%s\\%s"), backupfolder, FileNameFound.Name); DeleteFile(backupfilename1); } mir_free(backupfolder); return 0; } int Backup(TCHAR* backup_filename) { TCHAR source_file[MAX_PATH] = {0}, dest_file[MAX_PATH] = {0}; TCHAR* backupfolder,* pathtmp,* puText; HWND progress_dialog; DWORD start_time = GetTickCount(); int i; size_t dest_file_len; CallService(MS_DB_GETPROFILENAMET, MAX_PATH, (LPARAM)dbname); if (backup_filename == NULL) { int err = 0; SYSTEMTIME st; TCHAR buffer[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1]; DWORD size = sizeof(buffer); backupfolder = Utils_ReplaceVarsT(options.folder); // ensure the backup folder exists (either create it or return non-zero signifying error) err = CreateDirectoryTree(backupfolder); if(err != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS && err != 0) { return 1; } GetLocalTime(&st); GetComputerName(buffer, &size); mir_sntprintf(dest_file, MAX_PATH, _T("%s\\%s_%02d.%02d.%02d@%02d-%02d-%02d_%s.bak"), backupfolder, dbname, st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, buffer); mir_free(backupfolder); } else lstrcpyn(dest_file, backup_filename, MAX_PATH); if (!options.disable_popups) ShowPopup(dbname, TranslateT("Backup in Progress")); if (!options.disable_progress) { progress_dialog = CreateDialog(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_COPYPROGRESS), 0, (DLGPROC)DlgProcProgress); SetDlgItemText(progress_dialog, IDC_PROGRESSMESSAGE, TranslateT("Rotating backup files...")); } RotateBackups(progress_dialog, start_time); SetDlgItemText(progress_dialog, 0xDAED, TranslateT("Copying database file...")); SendMessage(progress_dialog, PBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM)(int)(0), 0); UpdateWindow(progress_dialog); mir_sntprintf(source_file, MAX_PATH, _T("%s\\%s"), profilePath, dbname); pathtmp = Utils_ReplaceVarsT(source_file); if (CopyFile(pathtmp, dest_file, 0)) { SendMessage(progress_dialog, PBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM)(int)(100), 0); UpdateWindow(progress_dialog); DBWriteContactSettingDword(0, "AutoBackups", "LastBackupTimestamp", (DWORD)time(0)); if (!options.disable_popups) { dest_file_len = lstrlen(dest_file); if(dest_file_len > 50) { puText = mir_alloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * (dest_file_len + 2)); for(i = (int)dest_file_len - 1; dest_file[i] != _T('\\'); i--); lstrcpyn(puText, dest_file, i + 2); lstrcat(puText, _T("\n")); lstrcat(puText, dest_file + i + 1); } else puText = mir_tstrdup(dest_file); ShowPopup(puText, TranslateT("Database backuped")); mir_free(puText); } } else DeleteFile(dest_file); mir_free(pathtmp); DestroyWindow(progress_dialog); return 0; } VOID CALLBACK TimerProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime) { time_t t = time(0), diff = t - (time_t)DBGetContactSettingDword(0, "AutoBackups", "LastBackupTimestamp", (DWORD)t); if(diff > (time_t)(options.period * (options.period_type == PT_MINUTES ? 60 : (options.period_type == PT_HOURS ? 60 * 60 : 60 * 60 * 24 )))) Backup(NULL); } int SetBackupTimer(void) { if(options.backup_types & BT_PERIODIC) { if(timer_id == 0) timer_id = SetTimer(0, 0, 1000 * 60, TimerProc); } else if(timer_id != 0) { KillTimer(0, timer_id); timer_id = 0; } return 0; } INT_PTR ABService(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { Backup((TCHAR*)wParam); return 0; }