/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (�) 2012-15 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org) all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "commonheaders.h" STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) CDbxKyoto::GetEventCount(MCONTACT contactID) { DBCachedContact *cc = m_cache->GetCachedContact(contactID); return (cc == NULL) ? 0 : cc->dbc.dwEventCount; } STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) CDbxKyoto::AddEvent(MCONTACT contactID, DBEVENTINFO *dbei) { if (dbei == NULL || dbei->cbSize != sizeof(DBEVENTINFO)) return 0; if (dbei->timestamp == 0) return 0; DBEvent dbe; dbe.dwSignature = DBEVENT_SIGNATURE; dbe.contactID = contactID; // store native or subcontact's id dbe.ofsModuleName = GetModuleNameOfs(dbei->szModule); dbe.timestamp = dbei->timestamp; dbe.flags = dbei->flags; dbe.wEventType = dbei->eventType; dbe.cbBlob = dbei->cbBlob; BYTE *pBlob = dbei->pBlob; MCONTACT contactNotifyID = contactID; DBCachedContact *cc, *ccSub = NULL; if ((cc = m_cache->GetCachedContact(contactID)) == NULL) return 0; if (cc->IsSub()) { ccSub = cc; if ((cc = m_cache->GetCachedContact(cc->parentID)) == NULL) return 0; // set default sub to the event's source if (!(dbei->flags & DBEF_SENT)) db_mc_setDefault(cc->contactID, contactID, false); contactID = cc->contactID; // and add an event to a metahistory if (db_mc_isEnabled()) contactNotifyID = contactID; } if (m_safetyMode) if (NotifyEventHooks(hEventFilterAddedEvent, contactNotifyID, (LPARAM)dbei)) return NULL; mir_ptr<BYTE> pCryptBlob; if (m_bEncrypted) { size_t len; BYTE *pResult = m_crypto->encodeBuffer(pBlob, dbe.cbBlob, &len); if (pResult != NULL) { pCryptBlob = pBlob = pResult; dbe.cbBlob = (DWORD)len; dbe.flags |= DBEF_ENCRYPTED; } } DWORD dwEventId; { mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); dwEventId = ++m_dwMaxEventId; BYTE *pDest = (BYTE*)_alloca(sizeof(DBEvent) + dbe.cbBlob); memcpy(pDest, &dbe, sizeof(DBEvent)); memcpy(pDest + sizeof(DBEvent), pBlob, dbe.cbBlob); m_dbEvents.set((LPCSTR)&dwEventId, sizeof(int), (LPCSTR)pDest, sizeof(DBEvent) + dbe.cbBlob); // add a sorting key DBEventSortingKey key2 = { contactID, dbe.timestamp, dwEventId }; m_dbEventsSort.set((LPCSTR)&key2, sizeof(key2), "", 1); cc->Advance(dwEventId, dbe); m_dbContacts.set((LPCSTR)&contactID, sizeof(int), (LPCSTR)&cc->dbc, sizeof(DBContact)); // insert an event into a sub's history too if (ccSub != NULL) { key2.dwContactId = ccSub->contactID; m_dbEventsSort.set((LPCSTR)&key2, sizeof(key2), "", 1); ccSub->Advance(dwEventId, dbe); m_dbContacts.set((LPCSTR)&ccSub->contactID, sizeof(int), (LPCSTR)&ccSub->dbc, sizeof(DBContact)); } } // Notify only in safe mode or on really new events if (m_safetyMode) NotifyEventHooks(hEventAddedEvent, contactNotifyID, dwEventId); return dwEventId; } STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CDbxKyoto::DeleteEvent(MCONTACT contactID, MEVENT hDbEvent) { if (hDbEvent == 0) return INVALID_CONTACT_ID; DBCachedContact *cc = m_cache->GetCachedContact(contactID); if (cc == NULL || cc->dbc.dwEventCount == 0) return 1; DBEvent *dbe; { mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); VisitorCopyRec visitor; if (!m_dbEvents.accept((LPCSTR)&hDbEvent, sizeof(MEVENT), &visitor, false)) return 1; dbe = (DBEvent*)visitor.vbuf_; DWORD dwSavedContact = dbe->contactID; DBEventSortingKey key2 = { contactID, dbe->timestamp, hDbEvent }; m_dbEvents.remove((LPCSTR)&hDbEvent, sizeof(MEVENT)); // remove a sorting key m_dbEventsSort.remove((LPCSTR)&key2, sizeof(key2)); // remove a sub's history entry too if (contactID != dwSavedContact) { key2.dwContactId = dwSavedContact; m_dbEventsSort.remove((LPCSTR)&key2, sizeof(key2)); } // update a contact cc->dbc.dwEventCount--; if (cc->dbc.dwFirstUnread == hDbEvent) FindNextUnread(cc, key2); } // call notifier while outside mutex NotifyEventHooks(hEventDeletedEvent, contactID, hDbEvent); return 0; } STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) CDbxKyoto::GetBlobSize(MEVENT hDbEvent) { DBEvent dbe; mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); if (-1 == m_dbEvents.get((LPCSTR)&hDbEvent, sizeof(MEVENT), (LPSTR)&dbe, sizeof(dbe))) return -1; return (dbe.dwSignature == DBEVENT_SIGNATURE) ? dbe.cbBlob : 0; } STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CDbxKyoto::GetEvent(MEVENT hDbEvent, DBEVENTINFO *dbei) { if (hDbEvent == 0 || dbei == NULL || dbei->cbSize != sizeof(DBEVENTINFO)) return 1; if (dbei->cbBlob > 0 && dbei->pBlob == NULL) { dbei->cbBlob = 0; return 1; } mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); VisitorCopyRec visitor; if (!m_dbEvents.accept((LPCSTR)&hDbEvent, sizeof(MEVENT), &visitor, false)) return 1; DBEvent *dbe = (DBEvent*)visitor.vbuf_; if (dbe->dwSignature != DBEVENT_SIGNATURE) return 1; dbei->szModule = GetModuleNameByOfs(dbe->ofsModuleName); dbei->timestamp = dbe->timestamp; dbei->flags = dbe->flags; dbei->eventType = dbe->wEventType; int bytesToCopy = (dbei->cbBlob < dbe->cbBlob) ? dbei->cbBlob : dbe->cbBlob; dbei->cbBlob = dbe->cbBlob; if (bytesToCopy && dbei->pBlob) { BYTE *pSrc = (BYTE*)visitor.vbuf_ + sizeof(DBEvent); if (dbe->flags & DBEF_ENCRYPTED) { dbei->flags &= ~DBEF_ENCRYPTED; size_t len; BYTE* pBlob = (BYTE*)m_crypto->decodeBuffer(pSrc, dbe->cbBlob, &len); if (pBlob == NULL) return 1; memcpy(dbei->pBlob, pBlob, bytesToCopy); if (bytesToCopy > (int)len) memset(dbei->pBlob + len, 0, bytesToCopy - len); mir_free(pBlob); } else memcpy(dbei->pBlob, pSrc, bytesToCopy); } return 0; } void CDbxKyoto::FindNextUnread(DBCachedContact *cc, DBEventSortingKey &key2) { key2.dwEventId++; { mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); m_evCursor->jump((LPCSTR)&key2, sizeof(key2)); while (m_evCursor->step()) { size_t size; const char *pRec; delete[] m_evCursor->get(&size, &pRec, &size); DBEvent *dbe = (DBEvent*)pRec; if (!dbe->markedRead()) { cc->dbc.dwFirstUnread = key2.dwEventId; cc->dbc.tsFirstUnread = key2.ts; return; } } } cc->dbc.dwFirstUnread = cc->dbc.tsFirstUnread = 0; } STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CDbxKyoto::MarkEventRead(MCONTACT contactID, MEVENT hDbEvent) { if (hDbEvent == 0) return -1; DBCachedContact *cc = m_cache->GetCachedContact(contactID); if (cc == NULL) return -1; mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); VisitorCopyRec visitor; if (!m_dbEvents.accept((LPCSTR)&hDbEvent, sizeof(MEVENT), &visitor, false)) return -1; DBEvent *dbe = (DBEvent*)visitor.vbuf_; if (dbe->dwSignature != DBEVENT_SIGNATURE) return -1; if (dbe->markedRead()) return dbe->flags; DBEventSortingKey key2 = { contactID, dbe->timestamp, hDbEvent }; dbe->flags |= DBEF_READ; m_dbEvents.set((LPCSTR)&hDbEvent, sizeof(MEVENT), visitor.vbuf_, visitor.vsiz_); FindNextUnread(cc, key2); m_dbContacts.set((LPCSTR)&contactID, sizeof(int), (LPCSTR)&cc->dbc, sizeof(cc->dbc)); NotifyEventHooks(hEventMarkedRead, contactID, (LPARAM)hDbEvent); return dbe->flags; } STDMETHODIMP_(MCONTACT) CDbxKyoto::GetEventContact(MEVENT hDbEvent) { if (hDbEvent == 0) return INVALID_CONTACT_ID; mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); VisitorCopyRec visitor; if (!m_dbEvents.accept((LPCSTR)&hDbEvent, sizeof(MEVENT), &visitor, false)) return 1; DBEvent *dbe = (DBEvent*)visitor.vbuf_; return (dbe->dwSignature == DBEVENT_SIGNATURE) ? dbe->contactID : INVALID_CONTACT_ID; } STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) CDbxKyoto::FindFirstEvent(MCONTACT contactID) { DBEventSortingKey keyVal = { contactID, 0, 0 }; { mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); m_evCursor->jump((LPCSTR)&keyVal, sizeof(keyVal)); if (!m_evCursor->kbuf_) return m_evLast = 0; keyVal = *(DBEventSortingKey*)m_evCursor->kbuf_; } m_tsLast = keyVal.ts; m_evLast = (keyVal.dwContactId == contactID) ? keyVal.dwEventId : 0; return m_evLast; } STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) CDbxKyoto::FindFirstUnreadEvent(MCONTACT contactID) { DBCachedContact *cc = m_cache->GetCachedContact(contactID); return (cc == NULL) ? 0 : cc->dbc.dwFirstUnread; } STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) CDbxKyoto::FindLastEvent(MCONTACT contactID) { DBEventSortingKey keyVal = { contactID, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF }; { mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); m_evCursor->jump_back((LPCSTR)&keyVal, sizeof(keyVal)); if (!m_evCursor->kbuf_) return m_evLast = 0; keyVal = *(DBEventSortingKey*)m_evCursor->kbuf_; } m_tsLast = keyVal.ts; m_evLast = (keyVal.dwContactId == contactID) ? keyVal.dwEventId : 0; return m_evLast; } STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) CDbxKyoto::FindNextEvent(MCONTACT contactID, MEVENT hDbEvent) { if (hDbEvent == 0) return m_evLast = 0; DBEventSortingKey keyVal = { contactID, 0, hDbEvent + 1 }; { mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); if (m_evLast != hDbEvent) { DBEvent dbe; if (-1 == m_dbEvents.get((LPCSTR)&hDbEvent, sizeof(MEVENT), (LPSTR)&dbe, sizeof(dbe))) return 0; m_tsLast = keyVal.ts = dbe.timestamp; } else keyVal.ts = m_tsLast; m_evCursor->jump((LPCSTR)&keyVal, sizeof(keyVal)); if (!m_evCursor->kbuf_) return m_evLast = 0; keyVal = *(DBEventSortingKey*)m_evCursor->kbuf_; } m_tsLast = keyVal.ts; m_evLast = (keyVal.dwContactId == contactID) ? keyVal.dwEventId : 0; return m_evLast; } STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) CDbxKyoto::FindPrevEvent(MCONTACT contactID, MEVENT hDbEvent) { if (hDbEvent == 0) return m_evLast = 0; DBEventSortingKey keyVal = { contactID, 0, hDbEvent - 1 }; { mir_cslock lck(m_csDbAccess); if (m_evLast != hDbEvent) { DBEvent dbe; if (-1 == m_dbEvents.get((LPCSTR)&hDbEvent, sizeof(MEVENT), (LPSTR)&dbe, sizeof(dbe))) return 0; m_tsLast = keyVal.ts = dbe.timestamp; } else keyVal.ts = m_tsLast; m_evCursor->jump_back((LPCSTR)&keyVal, sizeof(keyVal)); if (!m_evCursor->kbuf_) return m_evLast = 0; keyVal = *(DBEventSortingKey*)m_evCursor->kbuf_; } m_tsLast = keyVal.ts; m_evLast = (keyVal.dwContactId == contactID) ? keyVal.dwEventId : 0; return m_evLast; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // low-level history cleaner int CDbxKyoto::WipeContactHistory(DBContact*) { // drop subContact's history if any return 0; }