* Cache hash database
* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 FAL Labs
* This file is part of Kyoto Cabinet.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
* 3 of the License, or any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
* If not, see .
#ifndef _KCCACHEDB_H // duplication check
#define _KCCACHEDB_H
namespace kyotocabinet { // common namespace
* On-memory hash database with LRU deletion.
* @note This class is a concrete class to operate a hash database on memory. This class can be
* inherited but overwriting methods is forbidden. Before every database operation, it is
* necessary to call the CacheDB::open method in order to open a database file and connect the
* database object to it. To avoid data missing or corruption, it is important to close every
* database file by the CacheDB::close method when the database is no longer in use. It is
* forbidden for multible database objects in a process to open the same database at the same
* time. It is forbidden to share a database object with child processes.
class CacheDB : public BasicDB {
friend class PlantDB;
class Cursor;
struct Record;
struct TranLog;
struct Slot;
class Repeater;
class Setter;
class Remover;
class ScopedVisitor;
/** An alias of list of cursors. */
typedef std::list CursorList;
/** An alias of list of transaction logs. */
typedef std::list TranLogList;
/** The number of slot tables. */
static const int32_t SLOTNUM = 16;
/** The default bucket number. */
static const size_t DEFBNUM = 1048583LL;
/** The mininum number of buckets to use mmap. */
static const size_t ZMAPBNUM = 32768;
/** The maximum size of each key. */
static const uint32_t KSIZMAX = 0xfffff;
/** The size of the record buffer. */
static const size_t RECBUFSIZ = 48;
/** The size of the opaque buffer. */
static const size_t OPAQUESIZ = 16;
/** The threshold of busy loop and sleep for locking. */
static const uint32_t LOCKBUSYLOOP = 8192;
* Cursor to indicate a record.
class Cursor : public BasicDB::Cursor {
friend class CacheDB;
* Constructor.
* @param db the container database object.
explicit Cursor(CacheDB* db) : db_(db), sidx_(-1), rec_(NULL) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&db_->mlock_, true);
* Destructor.
virtual ~Cursor() {
if (!db_) return;
// ScopedRWLock lock(&db_->mlock_, true);
* Accept a visitor to the current record.
* @param visitor a visitor object.
* @param writable true for writable operation, or false for read-only operation.
* @param step true to move the cursor to the next record, or false for no move.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
* @note The operation for each record is performed atomically and other threads accessing
* the same record are blocked. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not
* be performed in this function.
bool accept(Visitor* visitor, bool writable = true, bool step = false) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&db_->mlock_, true);
if (db_->omode_ == 0) {
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
if (writable && !(db_->omode_ & OWRITER)) {
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::NOPERM, "permission denied");
return false;
if (sidx_ < 0 || !rec_) {
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::NOREC, "no record");
return false;
uint32_t rksiz = rec_->ksiz & KSIZMAX;
char* dbuf = (char*)rec_ + sizeof(*rec_);
const char* rvbuf = dbuf + rksiz;
size_t rvsiz = rec_->vsiz;
char* zbuf = NULL;
size_t zsiz = 0;
if (db_->comp_) {
zbuf = db_->comp_->decompress(rvbuf, rvsiz, &zsiz);
if (zbuf) {
rvbuf = zbuf;
rvsiz = zsiz;
size_t vsiz;
const char* vbuf = visitor->visit_full(dbuf, rksiz, rvbuf, rvsiz, &vsiz);
delete[] zbuf;
if (vbuf == Visitor::REMOVE) {
uint64_t hash = db_->hash_record(dbuf, rksiz) / SLOTNUM;
Slot* slot = db_->slots_ + sidx_;
Repeater repeater(Visitor::REMOVE, 0);
db_->accept_impl(slot, hash, dbuf, rksiz, &repeater, db_->comp_, false);
} else if (vbuf == Visitor::NOP) {
if (step) step_impl();
} else {
uint64_t hash = db_->hash_record(dbuf, rksiz) / SLOTNUM;
Slot* slot = db_->slots_ + sidx_;
Repeater repeater(vbuf, vsiz);
db_->accept_impl(slot, hash, dbuf, rksiz, &repeater, db_->comp_, false);
if (step) step_impl();
return true;
* Jump the cursor to the first record for forward scan.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool jump() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&db_->mlock_, true);
if (db_->omode_ == 0) {
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < SLOTNUM; i++) {
Slot* slot = db_->slots_ + i;
if (slot->first) {
sidx_ = i;
rec_ = slot->first;
return true;
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::NOREC, "no record");
sidx_ = -1;
rec_ = NULL;
return false;
* Jump the cursor to a record for forward scan.
* @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
* @param ksiz the size of the key region.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool jump(const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz) {
_assert_(kbuf && ksiz <= MEMMAXSIZ);
// ScopedRWLock lock(&db_->mlock_, true);
if (db_->omode_ == 0) {
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
if (ksiz > KSIZMAX) ksiz = KSIZMAX;
uint64_t hash = db_->hash_record(kbuf, ksiz);
int32_t sidx = hash % SLOTNUM;
hash /= SLOTNUM;
Slot* slot = db_->slots_ + sidx;
size_t bidx = hash % slot->bnum;
Record* rec = slot->buckets[bidx];
Record** entp = slot->buckets + bidx;
uint32_t fhash = db_->fold_hash(hash) & ~KSIZMAX;
while (rec) {
uint32_t rhash = rec->ksiz & ~KSIZMAX;
uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & KSIZMAX;
if (fhash > rhash) {
entp = &rec->left;
rec = rec->left;
} else if (fhash < rhash) {
entp = &rec->right;
rec = rec->right;
} else {
char* dbuf = (char*)rec + sizeof(*rec);
int32_t kcmp = db_->compare_keys(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rksiz);
if (kcmp < 0) {
entp = &rec->left;
rec = rec->left;
} else if (kcmp > 0) {
entp = &rec->right;
rec = rec->right;
} else {
sidx_ = sidx;
rec_ = rec;
return true;
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::NOREC, "no record");
sidx_ = -1;
rec_ = NULL;
return false;
* Jump the cursor to a record for forward scan.
* @note Equal to the original Cursor::jump method except that the parameter is std::string.
bool jump(const std::string& key) {
return jump(key.c_str(), key.size());
* Jump the cursor to the last record for backward scan.
* @note This is a dummy implementation for compatibility.
bool jump_back() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&db_->mlock_, true);
if (db_->omode_ == 0) {
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::NOIMPL, "not implemented");
return false;
* Jump the cursor to a record for backward scan.
* @note This is a dummy implementation for compatibility.
bool jump_back(const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz) {
_assert_(kbuf && ksiz <= MEMMAXSIZ);
// ScopedRWLock lock(&db_->mlock_, true);
if (db_->omode_ == 0) {
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::NOIMPL, "not implemented");
return false;
* Jump the cursor to a record for backward scan.
* @note This is a dummy implementation for compatibility.
bool jump_back(const std::string& key) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&db_->mlock_, true);
if (db_->omode_ == 0) {
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::NOIMPL, "not implemented");
return false;
* Step the cursor to the next record.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool step() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&db_->mlock_, true);
if (db_->omode_ == 0) {
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
if (sidx_ < 0 || !rec_) {
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::NOREC, "no record");
return false;
bool err = false;
if (!step_impl()) err = true;
return !err;
* Step the cursor to the previous record.
* @note This is a dummy implementation for compatibility.
bool step_back() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&db_->mlock_, true);
if (db_->omode_ == 0) {
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::NOIMPL, "not implemented");
return false;
* Get the database object.
* @return the database object.
CacheDB* db() {
return db_;
* Step the cursor to the next record.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool step_impl() {
rec_ = rec_->next;
if (!rec_) {
for (int32_t i = sidx_ + 1; i < SLOTNUM; i++) {
Slot* slot = db_->slots_ + i;
if (slot->first) {
sidx_ = i;
rec_ = slot->first;
return true;
db_->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::NOREC, "no record");
sidx_ = -1;
rec_ = NULL;
return false;
return true;
/** Dummy constructor to forbid the use. */
Cursor(const Cursor&);
/** Dummy Operator to forbid the use. */
Cursor& operator =(const Cursor&);
/** The inner database. */
CacheDB* db_;
/** The index of the current slot. */
int32_t sidx_;
/** The current record. */
Record* rec_;
* Tuning options.
enum Option {
TSMALL = 1 << 0, ///< dummy for compatibility
TLINEAR = 1 << 1, ///< dummy for compatibility
TCOMPRESS = 1 << 2 ///< compress each record
* Status flags.
enum Flag {
FOPEN = 1 << 0, ///< dummy for compatibility
FFATAL = 1 << 1 ///< dummy for compatibility
* Default constructor.
explicit CacheDB() :
flock_(), error_(), logger_(NULL), logkinds_(0), mtrigger_(NULL),
omode_(0), curs_(), path_(""), type_(TYPECACHE),
opts_(0), bnum_(DEFBNUM), capcnt_(-1), capsiz_(-1),
opaque_(), embcomp_(ZLIBRAWCOMP), comp_(NULL), slots_(), rttmode_(true), tran_(false) {
* Destructor.
* @note If the database is not closed, it is closed implicitly.
virtual ~CacheDB() {
if (omode_ != 0) close();
if (!curs_.empty()) {
CursorList::const_iterator cit = curs_.begin();
CursorList::const_iterator citend = curs_.end();
while (cit != citend) {
Cursor* cur = *cit;
cur->db_ = NULL;
* Accept a visitor to a record.
* @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
* @param ksiz the size of the key region.
* @param visitor a visitor object.
* @param writable true for writable operation, or false for read-only operation.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
* @note The operation for each record is performed atomically and other threads accessing the
* same record are blocked. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not be
* performed in this function.
bool accept(const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, Visitor* visitor, bool writable = true) {
_assert_(kbuf && ksiz <= MEMMAXSIZ && visitor);
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
if (writable && !(omode_ & OWRITER)) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::NOPERM, "permission denied");
return false;
if (ksiz > KSIZMAX) ksiz = KSIZMAX;
uint64_t hash = hash_record(kbuf, ksiz);
int32_t sidx = hash % SLOTNUM;
hash /= SLOTNUM;
Slot* slot = slots_ + sidx;
accept_impl(slot, hash, kbuf, ksiz, visitor, comp_, rttmode_);
return true;
* Accept a visitor to multiple records at once.
* @param keys specifies a string vector of the keys.
* @param visitor a visitor object.
* @param writable true for writable operation, or false for read-only operation.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
* @note The operations for specified records are performed atomically and other threads
* accessing the same records are blocked. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation
* must not be performed in this function.
bool accept_bulk(const std::vector& keys, Visitor* visitor,
bool writable = true) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
if (writable && !(omode_ & OWRITER)) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::NOPERM, "permission denied");
return false;
ScopedVisitor svis(visitor);
size_t knum = keys.size();
if (knum < 1) return true;
struct RecordKey {
const char* kbuf;
size_t ksiz;
uint64_t hash;
int32_t sidx;
RecordKey* rkeys = new RecordKey[knum];
std::set sidxs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < knum; i++) {
const std::string& key = keys[i];
RecordKey* rkey = rkeys + i;
rkey->kbuf = key.data();
rkey->ksiz = key.size();
if (rkey->ksiz > KSIZMAX) rkey->ksiz = KSIZMAX;
rkey->hash = hash_record(rkey->kbuf, rkey->ksiz);
rkey->sidx = rkey->hash % SLOTNUM;
rkey->hash /= SLOTNUM;
std::set::iterator sit = sidxs.begin();
std::set::iterator sitend = sidxs.end();
while (sit != sitend) {
Slot* slot = slots_ + *sit;
for (size_t i = 0; i < knum; i++) {
RecordKey* rkey = rkeys + i;
Slot* slot = slots_ + rkey->sidx;
accept_impl(slot, rkey->hash, rkey->kbuf, rkey->ksiz, visitor, comp_, rttmode_);
sit = sidxs.begin();
sitend = sidxs.end();
while (sit != sitend) {
Slot* slot = slots_ + *sit;
delete[] rkeys;
return true;
* Iterate to accept a visitor for each record.
* @param visitor a visitor object.
* @param writable true for writable operation, or false for read-only operation.
* @param checker a progress checker object. If it is NULL, no checking is performed.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
* @note The whole iteration is performed atomically and other threads are blocked. To avoid
* deadlock, any explicit database operation must not be performed in this function.
bool iterate(Visitor *visitor, bool writable = true, ProgressChecker* checker = NULL) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, true);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
if (writable && !(omode_ & OWRITER)) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::NOPERM, "permission denied");
return false;
ScopedVisitor svis(visitor);
int64_t allcnt = count_impl();
if (checker && !checker->check("iterate", "beginning", 0, allcnt)) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
return false;
int64_t curcnt = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < SLOTNUM; i++) {
Slot* slot = slots_ + i;
Record* rec = slot->first;
while (rec) {
Record* next = rec->next;
uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & KSIZMAX;
char* dbuf = (char*)rec + sizeof(*rec);
const char* rvbuf = dbuf + rksiz;
size_t rvsiz = rec->vsiz;
char* zbuf = NULL;
size_t zsiz = 0;
if (comp_) {
zbuf = comp_->decompress(rvbuf, rvsiz, &zsiz);
if (zbuf) {
rvbuf = zbuf;
rvsiz = zsiz;
size_t vsiz;
const char* vbuf = visitor->visit_full(dbuf, rksiz, rvbuf, rvsiz, &vsiz);
delete[] zbuf;
if (vbuf == Visitor::REMOVE) {
uint64_t hash = hash_record(dbuf, rksiz) / SLOTNUM;
Repeater repeater(Visitor::REMOVE, 0);
accept_impl(slot, hash, dbuf, rksiz, &repeater, comp_, false);
} else if (vbuf != Visitor::NOP) {
uint64_t hash = hash_record(dbuf, rksiz) / SLOTNUM;
Repeater repeater(vbuf, vsiz);
accept_impl(slot, hash, dbuf, rksiz, &repeater, comp_, false);
rec = next;
if (checker && !checker->check("iterate", "processing", curcnt, allcnt)) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
return false;
if (checker && !checker->check("iterate", "ending", -1, allcnt)) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
return false;
trigger_meta(MetaTrigger::ITERATE, "iterate");
return true;
* Scan each record in parallel.
* @param visitor a visitor object.
* @param thnum the number of worker threads.
* @param checker a progress checker object. If it is NULL, no checking is performed.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
* @note This function is for reading records and not for updating ones. The return value of
* the visitor is just ignored. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not
* be performed in this function.
bool scan_parallel(Visitor *visitor, size_t thnum, ProgressChecker* checker = NULL) {
_assert_(visitor && thnum <= MEMMAXSIZ);
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
if (thnum < 1) thnum = 1;
thnum = std::pow(2.0, (int32_t)(std::log(thnum * std::sqrt(2.0)) / std::log(2.0)));
if (thnum > (size_t)SLOTNUM) thnum = SLOTNUM;
ScopedVisitor svis(visitor);
int64_t allcnt = count_impl();
if (checker && !checker->check("scan_parallel", "beginning", -1, allcnt)) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
return false;
class ThreadImpl : public Thread {
explicit ThreadImpl() :
db_(NULL), visitor_(NULL), checker_(NULL), allcnt_(0), slots_(), error_() {}
void init(CacheDB* db, Visitor* visitor, ProgressChecker* checker, int64_t allcnt) {
db_ = db;
visitor_ = visitor;
checker_ = checker;
allcnt_ = allcnt;
void add_slot(Slot* slot) {
const Error& error() {
return error_;
void run() {
CacheDB* db = db_;
Visitor* visitor = visitor_;
ProgressChecker* checker = checker_;
int64_t allcnt = allcnt_;
Compressor* comp = db->comp_;
std::vector::iterator sit = slots_.begin();
std::vector::iterator sitend = slots_.end();
while (sit != sitend) {
Slot* slot = *sit;
Record* rec = slot->first;
while (rec) {
Record* next = rec->next;
uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & KSIZMAX;
char* dbuf = (char*)rec + sizeof(*rec);
const char* rvbuf = dbuf + rksiz;
size_t rvsiz = rec->vsiz;
char* zbuf = NULL;
size_t zsiz = 0;
if (comp) {
zbuf = comp->decompress(rvbuf, rvsiz, &zsiz);
if (zbuf) {
rvbuf = zbuf;
rvsiz = zsiz;
size_t vsiz;
visitor->visit_full(dbuf, rksiz, rvbuf, rvsiz, &vsiz);
delete[] zbuf;
rec = next;
if (checker && !checker->check("scan_parallel", "processing", -1, allcnt)) {
db->set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
error_ = db->error();
CacheDB* db_;
Visitor* visitor_;
ProgressChecker* checker_;
int64_t allcnt_;
std::vector slots_;
Error error_;
bool err = false;
bool orttmode = rttmode_;
rttmode_ = false;
ThreadImpl* threads = new ThreadImpl[thnum];
for (int32_t i = 0; i < SLOTNUM; i++) {
ThreadImpl* thread = threads + (i % thnum);
thread->add_slot(slots_ + i);
for (size_t i = 0; i < thnum; i++) {
ThreadImpl* thread = threads + i;
thread->init(this, visitor, checker, allcnt);
for (size_t i = 0; i < thnum; i++) {
ThreadImpl* thread = threads + i;
if (thread->error() != Error::SUCCESS) {
*error_ = thread->error();
err = true;
delete[] threads;
rttmode_ = orttmode;
if (err) return false;
if (checker && !checker->check("scan_parallel", "ending", -1, allcnt)) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
return false;
trigger_meta(MetaTrigger::ITERATE, "scan_parallel");
return true;
* Get the last happened error.
* @return the last happened error.
Error error() const {
return error_;
* Set the error information.
* @param file the file name of the program source code.
* @param line the line number of the program source code.
* @param func the function name of the program source code.
* @param code an error code.
* @param message a supplement message.
void set_error(const char* file, int32_t line, const char* func,
Error::Code code, const char* message) {
_assert_(file && line > 0 && func && message);
error_->set(code, message);
if (logger_) {
Logger::Kind kind = code == Error::BROKEN || code == Error::SYSTEM ?
Logger::ERROR : Logger::INFO;
if (kind & logkinds_)
report(file, line, func, kind, "%d: %s: %s", code, Error::codename(code), message);
* Open a database file.
* @param path the path of a database file.
* @param mode the connection mode. CacheDB::OWRITER as a writer, CacheDB::OREADER as a
* reader. The following may be added to the writer mode by bitwise-or: CacheDB::OCREATE,
* which means it creates a new database if the file does not exist, CacheDB::OTRUNCATE, which
* means it creates a new database regardless if the file exists, CacheDB::OAUTOTRAN, which
* means each updating operation is performed in implicit transaction, CacheDB::OAUTOSYNC,
* which means each updating operation is followed by implicit synchronization with the file
* system. The following may be added to both of the reader mode and the writer mode by
* bitwise-or: CacheDB::ONOLOCK, which means it opens the database file without file locking,
* CacheDB::OTRYLOCK, which means locking is performed without blocking, CacheDB::ONOREPAIR,
* which means the database file is not repaired implicitly even if file destruction is
* detected.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
* @note Every opened database must be closed by the CacheDB::close method when it is no
* longer in use. It is not allowed for two or more database objects in the same process to
* keep their connections to the same database file at the same time.
bool open(const std::string& path, uint32_t mode = OWRITER | OCREATE) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, true);
if (omode_ != 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "already opened");
return false;
report(_KCCODELINE_, Logger::DEBUG, "opening the database (path=%s)", path.c_str());
omode_ = mode;
size_t bnum = nearbyprime(bnum_ / SLOTNUM);
size_t capcnt = capcnt_ > 0 ? capcnt_ / SLOTNUM + 1 : (1ULL << (sizeof(capcnt) * 8 - 1));
size_t capsiz = capsiz_ > 0 ? capsiz_ / SLOTNUM + 1 : (1ULL << (sizeof(capsiz) * 8 - 1));
if (capsiz > sizeof(*this) / SLOTNUM) capsiz -= sizeof(*this) / SLOTNUM;
if (capsiz > bnum * sizeof(Record*)) capsiz -= bnum * sizeof(Record*);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < SLOTNUM; i++) {
initialize_slot(slots_ + i, bnum, capcnt, capsiz);
comp_ = (opts_ & TCOMPRESS) ? embcomp_ : NULL;
std::memset(opaque_, 0, sizeof(opaque_));
trigger_meta(MetaTrigger::OPEN, "open");
return true;
* Close the database file.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool close() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, true);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
report(_KCCODELINE_, Logger::DEBUG, "closing the database (path=%s)", path_.c_str());
tran_ = false;
for (int32_t i = SLOTNUM - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
destroy_slot(slots_ + i);
omode_ = 0;
trigger_meta(MetaTrigger::CLOSE, "close");
return true;
* Synchronize updated contents with the file and the device.
* @param hard true for physical synchronization with the device, or false for logical
* synchronization with the file system.
* @param proc a postprocessor object. If it is NULL, no postprocessing is performed.
* @param checker a progress checker object. If it is NULL, no checking is performed.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
* @note The operation of the postprocessor is performed atomically and other threads accessing
* the same record are blocked. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not
* be performed in this function.
bool synchronize(bool hard = false, FileProcessor* proc = NULL,
ProgressChecker* checker = NULL) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
bool err = false;
if ((omode_ & OWRITER) && checker &&
!checker->check("synchronize", "nothing to be synchronized", -1, -1)) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
return false;
if (proc) {
if (checker && !checker->check("synchronize", "running the post processor", -1, -1)) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "checker failed");
return false;
if (!proc->process(path_, count_impl(), size_impl())) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "postprocessing failed");
err = true;
trigger_meta(MetaTrigger::SYNCHRONIZE, "synchronize");
return !err;
* Occupy database by locking and do something meanwhile.
* @param writable true to use writer lock, or false to use reader lock.
* @param proc a processor object. If it is NULL, no processing is performed.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
* @note The operation of the processor is performed atomically and other threads accessing
* the same record are blocked. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not
* be performed in this function.
bool occupy(bool writable = true, FileProcessor* proc = NULL) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, writable);
bool err = false;
if (proc && !proc->process(path_, count_impl(), size_impl())) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "processing failed");
err = true;
trigger_meta(MetaTrigger::OCCUPY, "occupy");
return !err;
* Begin transaction.
* @param hard true for physical synchronization with the device, or false for logical
* synchronization with the file system.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool begin_transaction(bool hard = false) {
uint32_t wcnt = 0;
while (true) {
// mlock_.lock_writer();
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
// mlock_.unlock();
return false;
if (!(omode_ & OWRITER)) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::NOPERM, "permission denied");
// mlock_.unlock();
return false;
if (!tran_) break;
// mlock_.unlock();
if (wcnt >= LOCKBUSYLOOP) {
} else {
tran_ = true;
trigger_meta(MetaTrigger::BEGINTRAN, "begin_transaction");
// mlock_.unlock();
return true;
* Try to begin transaction.
* @param hard true for physical synchronization with the device, or false for logical
* synchronization with the file system.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool begin_transaction_try(bool hard = false) {
// mlock_.lock_writer();
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
// mlock_.unlock();
return false;
if (!(omode_ & OWRITER)) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::NOPERM, "permission denied");
// mlock_.unlock();
return false;
if (tran_) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::LOGIC, "competition avoided");
// mlock_.unlock();
return false;
tran_ = true;
trigger_meta(MetaTrigger::BEGINTRAN, "begin_transaction_try");
// mlock_.unlock();
return true;
* End transaction.
* @param commit true to commit the transaction, or false to abort the transaction.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool end_transaction(bool commit = true) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, true);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
if (!tran_) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not in transaction");
return false;
if (!commit) disable_cursors();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < SLOTNUM; i++) {
if (!commit) apply_slot_trlogs(slots_ + i);
adjust_slot_capacity(slots_ + i);
tran_ = false;
trigger_meta(commit ? MetaTrigger::COMMITTRAN : MetaTrigger::ABORTTRAN, "end_transaction");
return true;
* Remove all records.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool clear() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, true);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < SLOTNUM; i++) {
Slot* slot = slots_ + i;
std::memset(opaque_, 0, sizeof(opaque_));
trigger_meta(MetaTrigger::CLEAR, "clear");
return true;
* Get the number of records.
* @return the number of records, or -1 on failure.
int64_t count() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return -1;
return count_impl();
* Get the size of the database file.
* @return the size of the database file in bytes, or -1 on failure.
int64_t size() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return -1;
return size_impl();
* Get the path of the database file.
* @return the path of the database file, or an empty string on failure.
std::string path() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return "";
return path_;
* Get the miscellaneous status information.
* @param strmap a string map to contain the result.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool status(std::map* strmap) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, true);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
(*strmap)["type"] = strprintf("%u", (unsigned)TYPECACHE);
(*strmap)["realtype"] = strprintf("%u", (unsigned)type_);
(*strmap)["path"] = path_;
(*strmap)["libver"] = strprintf("%u", LIBVER);
(*strmap)["librev"] = strprintf("%u", LIBREV);
(*strmap)["fmtver"] = strprintf("%u", FMTVER);
(*strmap)["chksum"] = strprintf("%u", 0xff);
(*strmap)["opts"] = strprintf("%u", opts_);
(*strmap)["bnum"] = strprintf("%lld", (long long)bnum_);
(*strmap)["capcnt"] = strprintf("%lld", (long long)capcnt_);
(*strmap)["capsiz"] = strprintf("%lld", (long long)capsiz_);
(*strmap)["recovered"] = strprintf("%d", false);
(*strmap)["reorganized"] = strprintf("%d", false);
if (strmap->count("opaque") > 0)
(*strmap)["opaque"] = std::string(opaque_, sizeof(opaque_));
if (strmap->count("bnum_used") > 0) {
int64_t cnt = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < SLOTNUM; i++) {
Slot* slot = slots_ + i;
Record** buckets = slot->buckets;
size_t bnum = slot->bnum;
for (size_t j = 0; j < bnum; j++) {
if (buckets[j]) cnt++;
(*strmap)["bnum_used"] = strprintf("%lld", (long long)cnt);
(*strmap)["count"] = strprintf("%lld", (long long)count_impl());
(*strmap)["size"] = strprintf("%lld", (long long)size_impl());
return true;
* Create a cursor object.
* @return the return value is the created cursor object.
* @note Because the object of the return value is allocated by the constructor, it should be
* released with the delete operator when it is no longer in use.
Cursor* cursor() {
return new Cursor(this);
* Write a log message.
* @param file the file name of the program source code.
* @param line the line number of the program source code.
* @param func the function name of the program source code.
* @param kind the kind of the event. Logger::DEBUG for debugging, Logger::INFO for normal
* information, Logger::WARN for warning, and Logger::ERROR for fatal error.
* @param message the supplement message.
void log(const char* file, int32_t line, const char* func, Logger::Kind kind,
const char* message) {
_assert_(file && line > 0 && func && message);
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (!logger_) return;
logger_->log(file, line, func, kind, message);
* Set the internal logger.
* @param logger the logger object.
* @param kinds kinds of logged messages by bitwise-or: Logger::DEBUG for debugging,
* Logger::INFO for normal information, Logger::WARN for warning, and Logger::ERROR for fatal
* error.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool tune_logger(Logger* logger, uint32_t kinds = Logger::WARN | Logger::ERROR) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, true);
if (omode_ != 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "already opened");
return false;
logger_ = logger;
logkinds_ = kinds;
return true;
* Set the internal meta operation trigger.
* @param trigger the trigger object.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool tune_meta_trigger(MetaTrigger* trigger) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, true);
if (omode_ != 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "already opened");
return false;
mtrigger_ = trigger;
return true;
* Set the optional features.
* @param opts the optional features by bitwise-or: DirDB::TCOMPRESS to compress each record.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool tune_options(int8_t opts) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, true);
if (omode_ != 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "already opened");
return false;
opts_ = opts;
return true;
* Set the number of buckets of the hash table.
* @param bnum the number of buckets of the hash table.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool tune_buckets(int64_t bnum) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, true);
if (omode_ != 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "already opened");
return false;
bnum_ = bnum >= 0 ? bnum : DEFBNUM;
return true;
* Set the data compressor.
* @param comp the data compressor object.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool tune_compressor(Compressor* comp) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, true);
if (omode_ != 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "already opened");
return false;
embcomp_ = comp;
return true;
* Set the capacity by record number.
* @param count the maximum number of records.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool cap_count(int64_t count) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, true);
if (omode_ != 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "already opened");
return false;
capcnt_ = count;
return true;
* Set the capacity by memory usage.
* @param size the maximum size of memory usage.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool cap_size(int64_t size) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, true);
if (omode_ != 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "already opened");
return false;
capsiz_ = size;
return true;
* Switch the mode of LRU rotation.
* @param rttmode true to enable LRU rotation, false to disable LRU rotation.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
* @note This function can be called while the database is opened.
bool switch_rotation(bool rttmode) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, true);
rttmode_ = rttmode;
return true;
* Get the opaque data.
* @return the pointer to the opaque data region, whose size is 16 bytes.
char* opaque() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return NULL;
return opaque_;
* Synchronize the opaque data.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool synchronize_opaque() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, true);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
if (!(omode_ & OWRITER)) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::NOPERM, "permission denied");
return false;
return true;
* Report a message for debugging.
* @param file the file name of the program source code.
* @param line the line number of the program source code.
* @param func the function name of the program source code.
* @param kind the kind of the event. Logger::DEBUG for debugging, Logger::INFO for normal
* information, Logger::WARN for warning, and Logger::ERROR for fatal error.
* @param format the printf-like format string.
* @param ... used according to the format string.
void report(const char* file, int32_t line, const char* func, Logger::Kind kind,
const char* format, ...) {
_assert_(file && line > 0 && func && format);
if (!logger_ || !(kind & logkinds_)) return;
std::string message;
strprintf(&message, "%s: ", path_.empty() ? "-" : path_.c_str());
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
vstrprintf(&message, format, ap);
logger_->log(file, line, func, kind, message.c_str());
* Report a message for debugging with variable number of arguments.
* @param file the file name of the program source code.
* @param line the line number of the program source code.
* @param func the function name of the program source code.
* @param kind the kind of the event. Logger::DEBUG for debugging, Logger::INFO for normal
* information, Logger::WARN for warning, and Logger::ERROR for fatal error.
* @param format the printf-like format string.
* @param ap used according to the format string.
void report_valist(const char* file, int32_t line, const char* func, Logger::Kind kind,
const char* format, va_list ap) {
_assert_(file && line > 0 && func && format);
if (!logger_ || !(kind & logkinds_)) return;
std::string message;
strprintf(&message, "%s: ", path_.empty() ? "-" : path_.c_str());
vstrprintf(&message, format, ap);
logger_->log(file, line, func, kind, message.c_str());
* Report the content of a binary buffer for debugging.
* @param file the file name of the epicenter.
* @param line the line number of the epicenter.
* @param func the function name of the program source code.
* @param kind the kind of the event. Logger::DEBUG for debugging, Logger::INFO for normal
* information, Logger::WARN for warning, and Logger::ERROR for fatal error.
* @param name the name of the information.
* @param buf the binary buffer.
* @param size the size of the binary buffer
void report_binary(const char* file, int32_t line, const char* func, Logger::Kind kind,
const char* name, const char* buf, size_t size) {
_assert_(file && line > 0 && func && name && buf && size <= MEMMAXSIZ);
if (!logger_) return;
char* hex = hexencode(buf, size);
report(file, line, func, kind, "%s=%s", name, hex);
delete[] hex;
* Trigger a meta database operation.
* @param kind the kind of the event. MetaTrigger::OPEN for opening, MetaTrigger::CLOSE for
* closing, MetaTrigger::CLEAR for clearing, MetaTrigger::ITERATE for iteration,
* MetaTrigger::SYNCHRONIZE for synchronization, MetaTrigger::BEGINTRAN for beginning
* transaction, MetaTrigger::COMMITTRAN for committing transaction, MetaTrigger::ABORTTRAN
* for aborting transaction, and MetaTrigger::MISC for miscellaneous operations.
* @param message the supplement message.
void trigger_meta(MetaTrigger::Kind kind, const char* message) {
if (mtrigger_) mtrigger_->trigger(kind, message);
* Set the database type.
* @param type the database type.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
bool tune_type(int8_t type) {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, true);
if (omode_ != 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "already opened");
return false;
type_ = type;
return true;
* Get the library version.
* @return the library version, or 0 on failure.
uint8_t libver() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return 0;
return LIBVER;
* Get the library revision.
* @return the library revision, or 0 on failure.
uint8_t librev() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return 0;
return LIBREV;
* Get the format version.
* @return the format version, or 0 on failure.
uint8_t fmtver() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return 0;
return FMTVER;
* Get the module checksum.
* @return the module checksum, or 0 on failure.
uint8_t chksum() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return 0;
return 0xff;
* Get the database type.
* @return the database type, or 0 on failure.
uint8_t type() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return 0;
return type_;
* Get the options.
* @return the options, or 0 on failure.
uint8_t opts() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return 0;
return opts_;
* Get the data compressor.
* @return the data compressor, or NULL on failure.
Compressor* comp() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return NULL;
return comp_;
* Check whether the database was recovered or not.
* @return true if recovered, or false if not.
bool recovered() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
return false;
* Check whether the database was reorganized or not.
* @return true if reorganized, or false if not.
bool reorganized() {
// ScopedRWLock lock(&mlock_, false);
if (omode_ == 0) {
set_error(_KCCODELINE_, Error::INVALID, "not opened");
return false;
return false;
* Set the power of the alignment of record size.
* @note This is a dummy implementation for compatibility.
bool tune_alignment(int8_t apow) {
return true;
* Set the power of the capacity of the free block pool.
* @note This is a dummy implementation for compatibility.
bool tune_fbp(int8_t fpow) {
return true;
* Set the size of the internal memory-mapped region.
* @note This is a dummy implementation for compatibility.
bool tune_map(int64_t msiz) {
return true;
* Set the unit step number of auto defragmentation.
* @note This is a dummy implementation for compatibility.
bool tune_defrag(int64_t dfunit) {
return true;
* Perform defragmentation of the file.
* @note This is a dummy implementation for compatibility.
bool defrag(int64_t step = 0) {
return true;
* Get the status flags.
* @note This is a dummy implementation for compatibility.
uint8_t flags() {
return 0;
* Get the alignment power.
* @note This is a dummy implementation for compatibility.
uint8_t apow() {
return 0;
* Get the free block pool power.
* @note This is a dummy implementation for compatibility.
uint8_t fpow() {
return 0;
* Get the bucket number.
* @note This is a dummy implementation for compatibility.
int64_t bnum() {
return 1;
* Get the size of the internal memory-mapped region.
* @note This is a dummy implementation for compatibility.
int64_t msiz() {
return 0;
* Get the unit step number of auto defragmentation.
* @note This is a dummy implementation for compatibility.
int64_t dfunit() {
return 0;
* Record data.
struct Record {
uint32_t ksiz; ///< size of the key
uint32_t vsiz; ///< size of the value
Record* left; ///< left child record
Record* right; ///< right child record
Record* prev; ///< privious record
Record* next; ///< next record
* Transaction log.
struct TranLog {
bool full; ///< flag whether full
std::string key; ///< old key
std::string value; ///< old value
/** constructor for a full record */
explicit TranLog(const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz) :
full(true), key(kbuf, ksiz), value(vbuf, vsiz) {
/** constructor for an empty record */
explicit TranLog(const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz) : full(false), key(kbuf, ksiz) {
* Slot table.
struct Slot {
Mutex lock; ///< lock
Record** buckets; ///< bucket array
size_t bnum; ///< number of buckets
size_t capcnt; ///< cap of record number
size_t capsiz; ///< cap of memory usage
Record* first; ///< first record
Record* last; ///< last record
size_t count; ///< number of records
size_t size; ///< total size of records
TranLogList trlogs; ///< transaction logs
size_t trsize; ///< size before transaction
* Repeating visitor.
class Repeater : public Visitor {
/** constructor */
explicit Repeater(const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz) : vbuf_(vbuf), vsiz_(vsiz) {}
/** process a full record */
const char* visit_full(const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz,
const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz, size_t* sp) {
_assert_(kbuf && ksiz <= MEMMAXSIZ && vbuf && vsiz <= MEMMAXSIZ && sp);
*sp = vsiz_;
return vbuf_;
const char* vbuf_; ///< region of the value
size_t vsiz_; ///< size of the value
* Setting visitor.
class Setter : public Visitor {
/** constructor */
explicit Setter(const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz) : vbuf_(vbuf), vsiz_(vsiz) {}
/** process a full record */
const char* visit_full(const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz,
const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz, size_t* sp) {
_assert_(kbuf && ksiz <= MEMMAXSIZ && vbuf && vsiz <= MEMMAXSIZ && sp);
*sp = vsiz_;
return vbuf_;
/** process an empty record */
const char* visit_empty(const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, size_t* sp) {
_assert_(kbuf && ksiz <= MEMMAXSIZ && sp);
*sp = vsiz_;
return vbuf_;
const char* vbuf_; ///< region of the value
size_t vsiz_; ///< size of the value
* Removing visitor.
class Remover : public Visitor {
/** visit a record */
const char* visit_full(const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz,
const char* vbuf, size_t vsiz, size_t* sp) {
_assert_(kbuf && ksiz <= MEMMAXSIZ && vbuf && vsiz <= MEMMAXSIZ && sp);
return REMOVE;
* Scoped visitor.
class ScopedVisitor {
/** constructor */
explicit ScopedVisitor(Visitor* visitor) : visitor_(visitor) {
/** destructor */
~ScopedVisitor() {
Visitor* visitor_; ///< visitor
* Accept a visitor to a record.
* @param slot the slot of the record.
* @param hash the hash value of the key.
* @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
* @param ksiz the size of the key region.
* @param visitor a visitor object.
* @param comp the data compressor.
* @param rtt whether to move the record to the last.
void accept_impl(Slot* slot, uint64_t hash, const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz, Visitor* visitor,
Compressor* comp, bool rtt) {
_assert_(slot && kbuf && ksiz <= MEMMAXSIZ && visitor);
size_t bidx = hash % slot->bnum;
Record* rec = slot->buckets[bidx];
Record** entp = slot->buckets + bidx;
uint32_t fhash = fold_hash(hash) & ~KSIZMAX;
while (rec) {
uint32_t rhash = rec->ksiz & ~KSIZMAX;
uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & KSIZMAX;
if (fhash > rhash) {
entp = &rec->left;
rec = rec->left;
} else if (fhash < rhash) {
entp = &rec->right;
rec = rec->right;
} else {
char* dbuf = (char*)rec + sizeof(*rec);
int32_t kcmp = compare_keys(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf, rksiz);
if (kcmp < 0) {
entp = &rec->left;
rec = rec->left;
} else if (kcmp > 0) {
entp = &rec->right;
rec = rec->right;
} else {
const char* rvbuf = dbuf + rksiz;
size_t rvsiz = rec->vsiz;
char* zbuf = NULL;
size_t zsiz = 0;
if (comp) {
zbuf = comp->decompress(rvbuf, rvsiz, &zsiz);
if (zbuf) {
rvbuf = zbuf;
rvsiz = zsiz;
size_t vsiz;
const char* vbuf = visitor->visit_full(dbuf, rksiz, rvbuf, rvsiz, &vsiz);
delete[] zbuf;
if (vbuf == Visitor::REMOVE) {
if (tran_) {
TranLog log(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf + rksiz, rec->vsiz);
if (!curs_.empty()) escape_cursors(rec);
if (rec == slot->first) slot->first = rec->next;
if (rec == slot->last) slot->last = rec->prev;
if (rec->prev) rec->prev->next = rec->next;
if (rec->next) rec->next->prev = rec->prev;
if (rec->left && !rec->right) {
*entp = rec->left;
} else if (!rec->left && rec->right) {
*entp = rec->right;
} else if (!rec->left) {
*entp = NULL;
} else {
Record* pivot = rec->left;
if (pivot->right) {
Record** pentp = &pivot->right;
pivot = pivot->right;
while (pivot->right) {
pentp = &pivot->right;
pivot = pivot->right;
*entp = pivot;
*pentp = pivot->left;
pivot->left = rec->left;
pivot->right = rec->right;
} else {
*entp = pivot;
pivot->right = rec->right;
slot->size -= sizeof(Record) + rksiz + rec->vsiz;
} else {
bool adj = false;
if (vbuf != Visitor::NOP) {
char* zbuf = NULL;
size_t zsiz = 0;
if (comp) {
zbuf = comp->compress(vbuf, vsiz, &zsiz);
if (zbuf) {
vbuf = zbuf;
vsiz = zsiz;
if (tran_) {
TranLog log(kbuf, ksiz, dbuf + rksiz, rec->vsiz);
} else {
adj = vsiz > rec->vsiz;
slot->size -= rec->vsiz;
slot->size += vsiz;
if (vsiz > rec->vsiz) {
Record* old = rec;
rec = (Record*)xrealloc(rec, sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + vsiz);
if (rec != old) {
if (!curs_.empty()) adjust_cursors(old, rec);
if (slot->first == old) slot->first = rec;
if (slot->last == old) slot->last = rec;
*entp = rec;
if (rec->prev) rec->prev->next = rec;
if (rec->next) rec->next->prev = rec;
dbuf = (char*)rec + sizeof(*rec);
std::memcpy(dbuf + ksiz, vbuf, vsiz);
rec->vsiz = vsiz;
delete[] zbuf;
if (rtt && slot->last != rec) {
if (!curs_.empty()) escape_cursors(rec);
if (slot->first == rec) slot->first = rec->next;
if (rec->prev) rec->prev->next = rec->next;
if (rec->next) rec->next->prev = rec->prev;
rec->prev = slot->last;
rec->next = NULL;
slot->last->next = rec;
slot->last = rec;
if (adj) adjust_slot_capacity(slot);
size_t vsiz;
const char* vbuf = visitor->visit_empty(kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz);
if (vbuf != Visitor::NOP && vbuf != Visitor::REMOVE) {
char* zbuf = NULL;
size_t zsiz = 0;
if (comp) {
zbuf = comp->compress(vbuf, vsiz, &zsiz);
if (zbuf) {
vbuf = zbuf;
vsiz = zsiz;
if (tran_) {
TranLog log(kbuf, ksiz);
slot->size += sizeof(Record) + ksiz + vsiz;
rec = (Record*)xmalloc(sizeof(*rec) + ksiz + vsiz);
char* dbuf = (char*)rec + sizeof(*rec);
std::memcpy(dbuf, kbuf, ksiz);
rec->ksiz = ksiz | fhash;
std::memcpy(dbuf + ksiz, vbuf, vsiz);
rec->vsiz = vsiz;
rec->left = NULL;
rec->right = NULL;
rec->prev = slot->last;
rec->next = NULL;
*entp = rec;
if (!slot->first) slot->first = rec;
if (slot->last) slot->last->next = rec;
slot->last = rec;
if (!tran_) adjust_slot_capacity(slot);
delete[] zbuf;
* Get the number of records.
* @return the number of records, or -1 on failure.
int64_t count_impl() {
int64_t sum = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < SLOTNUM; i++) {
Slot* slot = slots_ + i;
ScopedMutex lock(&slot->lock);
sum += slot->count;
return sum;
* Get the size of the database file.
* @return the size of the database file in bytes.
int64_t size_impl() {
int64_t sum = sizeof(*this);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < SLOTNUM; i++) {
Slot* slot = slots_ + i;
ScopedMutex lock(&slot->lock);
sum += slot->bnum * sizeof(Record*);
sum += slot->size;
return sum;
* Initialize a slot table.
* @param slot the slot table.
* @param bnum the number of buckets.
* @param capcnt the capacity of record number.
* @param capsiz the capacity of memory usage.
void initialize_slot(Slot* slot, size_t bnum, size_t capcnt, size_t capsiz) {
Record** buckets;
if (bnum >= ZMAPBNUM) {
buckets = (Record**)mapalloc(sizeof(*buckets) * bnum);
} else {
buckets = new Record*[bnum];
for (size_t i = 0; i < bnum; i++) {
buckets[i] = NULL;
slot->buckets = buckets;
slot->bnum = bnum;
slot->capcnt = capcnt;
slot->capsiz = capsiz;
slot->first = NULL;
slot->last = NULL;
slot->count = 0;
slot->size = 0;
* Destroy a slot table.
* @param slot the slot table.
void destroy_slot(Slot* slot) {
Record* rec = slot->last;
while (rec) {
Record* prev = rec->prev;
rec = prev;
if (slot->bnum >= ZMAPBNUM) {
} else {
delete[] slot->buckets;
* Clear a slot table.
* @param slot the slot table.
void clear_slot(Slot* slot) {
Record* rec = slot->last;
while (rec) {
if (tran_) {
uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & KSIZMAX;
char* dbuf = (char*)rec + sizeof(*rec);
TranLog log(dbuf, rksiz, dbuf + rksiz, rec->vsiz);
Record* prev = rec->prev;
rec = prev;
Record** buckets = slot->buckets;
size_t bnum = slot->bnum;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bnum; i++) {
buckets[i] = NULL;
slot->first = NULL;
slot->last = NULL;
slot->count = 0;
slot->size = 0;
* Apply transaction logs of a slot table.
* @param slot the slot table.
void apply_slot_trlogs(Slot* slot) {
const TranLogList& logs = slot->trlogs;
TranLogList::const_iterator it = logs.end();
TranLogList::const_iterator itbeg = logs.begin();
while (it != itbeg) {
const char* kbuf = it->key.c_str();
size_t ksiz = it->key.size();
const char* vbuf = it->value.c_str();
size_t vsiz = it->value.size();
uint64_t hash = hash_record(kbuf, ksiz) / SLOTNUM;
if (it->full) {
Setter setter(vbuf, vsiz);
accept_impl(slot, hash, kbuf, ksiz, &setter, NULL, false);
} else {
Remover remover;
accept_impl(slot, hash, kbuf, ksiz, &remover, NULL, false);
* Addjust a slot table to the capacity.
* @param slot the slot table.
void adjust_slot_capacity(Slot* slot) {
if ((slot->count > slot->capcnt || slot->size > slot->capsiz) && slot->first) {
Record* rec = slot->first;
uint32_t rksiz = rec->ksiz & KSIZMAX;
char* dbuf = (char*)rec + sizeof(*rec);
char stack[RECBUFSIZ];
char* kbuf = rksiz > sizeof(stack) ? new char[rksiz] : stack;
std::memcpy(kbuf, dbuf, rksiz);
uint64_t hash = hash_record(kbuf, rksiz) / SLOTNUM;
Remover remover;
accept_impl(slot, hash, dbuf, rksiz, &remover, NULL, false);
if (kbuf != stack) delete[] kbuf;
* Get the hash value of a record.
* @param kbuf the pointer to the key region.
* @param ksiz the size of the key region.
* @return the hash value.
uint64_t hash_record(const char* kbuf, size_t ksiz) {
_assert_(kbuf && ksiz <= MEMMAXSIZ);
return hashmurmur(kbuf, ksiz);
* Fold a hash value into a small number.
* @param hash the hash number.
* @return the result number.
uint32_t fold_hash(uint64_t hash) {
return ((hash & 0xffffffff00000000ULL) >> 32) ^ ((hash & 0x0000ffffffff0000ULL) >> 16) ^
((hash & 0x000000000000ffffULL) << 16) ^ ((hash & 0x00000000ffff0000ULL) >> 0);
* Compare two keys in lexical order.
* @param abuf one key.
* @param asiz the size of the one key.
* @param bbuf the other key.
* @param bsiz the size of the other key.
* @return positive if the former is big, or negative if the latter is big, or 0 if both are
* equivalent.
int32_t compare_keys(const char* abuf, size_t asiz, const char* bbuf, size_t bsiz) {
_assert_(abuf && asiz <= MEMMAXSIZ && bbuf && bsiz <= MEMMAXSIZ);
if (asiz != bsiz) return (int32_t)asiz - (int32_t)bsiz;
return std::memcmp(abuf, bbuf, asiz);
* Escape cursors on a shifted or removed records.
* @param rec the record.
void escape_cursors(Record* rec) {
ScopedMutex lock(&flock_);
if (curs_.empty()) return;
CursorList::const_iterator cit = curs_.begin();
CursorList::const_iterator citend = curs_.end();
while (cit != citend) {
Cursor* cur = *cit;
if (cur->rec_ == rec) cur->step_impl();
* Adjust cursors on re-allocated records.
* @param orec the old address.
* @param nrec the new address.
void adjust_cursors(Record* orec, Record* nrec) {
_assert_(orec && nrec);
ScopedMutex lock(&flock_);
if (curs_.empty()) return;
CursorList::const_iterator cit = curs_.begin();
CursorList::const_iterator citend = curs_.end();
while (cit != citend) {
Cursor* cur = *cit;
if (cur->rec_ == orec) cur->rec_ = nrec;
* Disable all cursors.
void disable_cursors() {
ScopedMutex lock(&flock_);
CursorList::const_iterator cit = curs_.begin();
CursorList::const_iterator citend = curs_.end();
while (cit != citend) {
Cursor* cur = *cit;
cur->sidx_ = -1;
cur->rec_ = NULL;
/** Dummy constructor to forbid the use. */
CacheDB(const CacheDB&);
/** Dummy Operator to forbid the use. */
CacheDB& operator =(const CacheDB&);
/** The file lock. */
Mutex flock_;
/** The last happened error. */
TSD error_;
/** The internal logger. */
Logger* logger_;
/** The kinds of logged messages. */
uint32_t logkinds_;
/** The internal meta operation trigger. */
MetaTrigger* mtrigger_;
/** The open mode. */
uint32_t omode_;
/** The cursor objects. */
CursorList curs_;
/** The path of the database file. */
std::string path_;
/** The database type. */
uint8_t type_;
/** The options. */
uint8_t opts_;
/** The bucket number. */
int64_t bnum_;
/** The capacity of record number. */
int64_t capcnt_;
/** The capacity of memory usage. */
int64_t capsiz_;
/** The opaque data. */
char opaque_[OPAQUESIZ];
/** The embedded data compressor. */
Compressor* embcomp_;
/** The data compressor. */
Compressor* comp_;
/** The slot tables. */
Slot slots_[SLOTNUM];
/** The flag whether in LRU rotation. */
bool rttmode_;
/** The flag whether in transaction. */
bool tran_;
/** An alias of the cache tree database. */
typedef PlantDB GrassDB;
} // common namespace
#endif // duplication check