/* Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2000-2003 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "commonheaders.h" int ProfileManager(char *szDbDest,int cbDbDest); int ShouldAutoCreate(void); int CreateDbHeaders(HANDLE hFile); int InitialiseDbHeaders(void); int InitSettings(void); void UninitSettings(void); int InitContacts(void); int InitEvents(void); int InitCrypt(void); int InitModuleNames(void); void UninitModuleNames(void); int InitCache(void); void UninitCache(void); int InitIni(void); void UninitIni(void); int InitPreset(void); void UninitPreset(void); int InitDialogs(void); void InitSecurity(void); void UnloadSecurity(void); HANDLE hDbFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; CRITICAL_SECTION csDbAccess; struct DBHeader dbHeader; TCHAR szDbPath[MAX_PATH]; static void UnloadDatabase(void) { // update profile last modified time DWORD bytesWritten; SetFilePointer(hDbFile,0,NULL,FILE_BEGIN); WriteFile(hDbFile,dbHeader.signature,sizeof(1),&bytesWritten,NULL); CloseHandle(hDbFile); } DWORD CreateNewSpace(int bytes) { DWORD ofsNew; ofsNew = dbHeader.ofsFileEnd; dbHeader.ofsFileEnd += bytes; DBWrite(0,&dbHeader,sizeof(dbHeader)); log2("newspace %d@%08x",bytes,ofsNew); return ofsNew; } void DeleteSpace(DWORD ofs,int bytes) { if (ofs+bytes == dbHeader.ofsFileEnd) { log2("freespace %d@%08x",bytes,ofs); dbHeader.ofsFileEnd = ofs; } else { log2("deletespace %d@%08x",bytes,ofs); dbHeader.slackSpace += bytes; } DBWrite(0,&dbHeader,sizeof(dbHeader)); DBFill(ofs,bytes); } DWORD ReallocSpace(DWORD ofs,int oldSize,int newSize) { DWORD ofsNew; if (oldSize >= newSize) return ofs; if (ofs+oldSize == dbHeader.ofsFileEnd) { ofsNew = ofs; dbHeader.ofsFileEnd += newSize-oldSize; DBWrite(0,&dbHeader,sizeof(dbHeader)); log3("adding newspace %d@%08x+%d",newSize,ofsNew,oldSize); } else { ofsNew = CreateNewSpace(newSize); DBMoveChunk(ofsNew,ofs,oldSize); DeleteSpace(ofs,oldSize); } return ofsNew; } void UnloadDatabaseModule(void) { //UninitIni(); UninitPreset(); UninitSettings(); UninitModuleNames(); UninitCache(); UnloadDatabase(); UnloadSecurity(); DeleteCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); } INT_PTR GetProfileName(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR *p = _tcsrchr(szDbPath, '\\'); if ( p == 0 ) return 1; p++; _tcsncpy((TCHAR*)lParam, p, (size_t) wParam); return 0; } int LoadDatabaseModule(void) { InitializeCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); log0("DB logging running"); { DWORD dummy = 0; hDbFile = CreateFile(szDbPath,GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); if ( hDbFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { return 1; } if ( !ReadFile(hDbFile,&dbHeader,sizeof(dbHeader),&dummy,NULL)) { CloseHandle(hDbFile); return 1; } } InitSecurity(); CheckDbHeaders(&dbHeader); TCHAR szDBName[MAX_PATH]; GetProfileName((WPARAM)50, (LPARAM)szDBName); if (bEncoding && !g_Db->CheckPassword(dbHeader.checkWord, szDBName)) return 1; if (InitCache()) return 1; if (InitModuleNames()) return 1; if (InitContacts()) return 1; if (InitSettings()) return 1; if (InitEvents()) return 1; if (InitCrypt()) return 1; if (InitPreset()) return 1; if (InitDialogs()) return 1; return 0; } static DWORD DatabaseCorrupted = 0; static TCHAR *msg = NULL; static DWORD dwErr = 0; void __cdecl dbpanic(void *arg) { if (msg) { TCHAR err[256]; if (dwErr == ERROR_DISK_FULL) msg = TranslateT("Disk is full. Miranda will now shutdown."); mir_sntprintf(err, SIZEOF(err), msg, TranslateT("Database failure. Miranda will now shutdown."), dwErr); MessageBox(0,err,TranslateT("Database Error"),MB_SETFOREGROUND|MB_TOPMOST|MB_APPLMODAL|MB_ICONWARNING|MB_OK); } else MessageBox(0,TranslateT("Miranda has detected corruption in your database. This corruption maybe fixed by DBTool. Please download it from http://www.miranda-im.org. Miranda will now shutdown."), TranslateT("Database Panic"),MB_SETFOREGROUND|MB_TOPMOST|MB_APPLMODAL|MB_ICONWARNING|MB_OK); TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(),255); } void DatabaseCorruption(TCHAR *text) { int kill = 0; EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); if (DatabaseCorrupted == 0) { DatabaseCorrupted++; kill++; msg = text; dwErr = GetLastError(); } else { /* db is already corrupted, someone else is dealing with it, wait here so that we don't do any more damage */ LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); Sleep(INFINITE); return; } LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); if (kill) { _beginthread(dbpanic,0,NULL); Sleep(INFINITE); } } #ifdef DBLOGGING void DBLog(const char *file,int line,const char *fmt,...) { FILE *fp; va_list vararg; char str[1024]; va_start(vararg,fmt); mir_vsnprintf(str,sizeof(str),fmt,vararg); va_end(vararg); fp = fopen("c:\\mirandadatabase.log.txt","at"); fprintf(fp,"%u: %s %d: %s\n",GetTickCount(),file,line,str); fclose(fp); } #endif