/* Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2000-2003 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "commonheaders.h" extern BOOL safetyMode; DWORD GetModuleNameOfs(const char *szName); char *GetModuleNameByOfs(DWORD ofs); static HANDLE hEventDeletedEvent,hEventAddedEvent,hEventFilterAddedEvent; int InitEvents(void) { hEventDeletedEvent = CreateHookableEvent(ME_DB_EVENT_DELETED); hEventAddedEvent = CreateHookableEvent(ME_DB_EVENT_ADDED); hEventFilterAddedEvent = CreateHookableEvent(ME_DB_EVENT_FILTER_ADD); return 0; } STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) CDdxMmap::GetEventCount(HANDLE hContact) { LONG ret; EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); if (hContact == 0) hContact = (HANDLE)dbHeader.ofsUser; DBContact *dbc = (DBContact*)DBRead(hContact, sizeof(DBContact), NULL); if (dbc->signature != DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE) ret = -1; else ret = dbc->eventCount; LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); return ret; } STDMETHODIMP_(HANDLE) CDdxMmap::AddEvent(HANDLE hContact, DBEVENTINFO *dbei) { DBEvent dbe,*dbeTest; DWORD ofsNew,ofsModuleName,ofsContact,ofsThis; BOOL neednotify; if (dbei == NULL || dbei->cbSize != sizeof(DBEVENTINFO)) return 0; if (dbei->timestamp == 0) return 0; if (NotifyEventHooks(hEventFilterAddedEvent, (WPARAM)hContact, (LPARAM)dbei)) return 0; EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); if (hContact == 0) ofsContact = dbHeader.ofsUser; else ofsContact = (DWORD)hContact; DBContact dbc = *(DBContact*)DBRead(ofsContact,sizeof(DBContact),NULL); if (dbc.signature!=DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE) { LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); return 0; } ofsNew = CreateNewSpace(offsetof(DBEvent,blob)+dbei->cbBlob); ofsModuleName = GetModuleNameOfs(dbei->szModule); dbe.signature = DBEVENT_SIGNATURE; dbe.ofsModuleName = ofsModuleName; dbe.timestamp = dbei->timestamp; dbe.flags = dbei->flags; dbe.eventType = dbei->eventType; dbe.cbBlob = dbei->cbBlob; //find where to put it - sort by timestamp if (dbc.eventCount == 0) { dbe.ofsPrev = (DWORD)hContact; dbe.ofsNext = 0; dbe.flags |= DBEF_FIRST; dbc.ofsFirstEvent = dbc.ofsLastEvent = ofsNew; } else { dbeTest = (DBEvent*)DBRead(dbc.ofsFirstEvent,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); // Should new event be placed before first event in chain? if (dbei->timestamp < dbeTest->timestamp) { dbe.ofsPrev = (DWORD)hContact; dbe.ofsNext = dbc.ofsFirstEvent; dbe.flags |= DBEF_FIRST; dbc.ofsFirstEvent = ofsNew; dbeTest = (DBEvent*)DBRead(dbe.ofsNext,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); dbeTest->flags &= ~DBEF_FIRST; dbeTest->ofsPrev = ofsNew; DBWrite(dbe.ofsNext,dbeTest,sizeof(DBEvent)); } else { // Loop through the chain, starting at the end ofsThis = dbc.ofsLastEvent; dbeTest = (DBEvent*)DBRead(ofsThis, sizeof(DBEvent), NULL); for (;;) { // If the new event's timesstamp is equal to or greater than the // current dbevent, it will be inserted after. If not, continue // with the previous dbevent in chain. if (dbe.timestamp >= dbeTest->timestamp) { dbe.ofsPrev = ofsThis; dbe.ofsNext = dbeTest->ofsNext; dbeTest->ofsNext = ofsNew; DBWrite(ofsThis, dbeTest, sizeof(DBEvent)); if (dbe.ofsNext == 0) dbc.ofsLastEvent = ofsNew; else { dbeTest = (DBEvent*)DBRead(dbe.ofsNext, sizeof(DBEvent), NULL); dbeTest->ofsPrev = ofsNew; DBWrite(dbe.ofsNext, dbeTest, sizeof(DBEvent)); } break; } ofsThis = dbeTest->ofsPrev; dbeTest = (DBEvent*)DBRead(ofsThis, sizeof(DBEvent), NULL); } } } dbc.eventCount++; if (!(dbe.flags&(DBEF_READ|DBEF_SENT))) { if (dbe.timestamp<dbc.timestampFirstUnread || dbc.timestampFirstUnread == 0) { dbc.timestampFirstUnread = dbe.timestamp; dbc.ofsFirstUnreadEvent = ofsNew; } neednotify = TRUE; } else neednotify = safetyMode; DBWrite(ofsContact,&dbc,sizeof(DBContact)); DBWrite(ofsNew,&dbe,offsetof(DBEvent,blob)); EncodeDBWrite(ofsNew+offsetof(DBEvent,blob),dbei->pBlob,dbei->cbBlob); DBFlush(0); LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); log1("add event @ %08x",ofsNew); // Notify only in safe mode or on really new events if (neednotify) NotifyEventHooks(hEventAddedEvent, (WPARAM)hContact, (LPARAM)ofsNew); return (HANDLE)ofsNew; } STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CDdxMmap::DeleteEvent(HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hDbEvent) { DBContact dbc; DWORD ofsContact,ofsThis; DBEvent dbe,*dbeNext,*dbePrev; EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); if (hContact == 0) ofsContact = dbHeader.ofsUser; else ofsContact = (DWORD)hContact; dbc = *(DBContact*)DBRead(ofsContact,sizeof(DBContact),NULL); dbe = *(DBEvent*)DBRead(hDbEvent,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); if (dbc.signature != DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE || dbe.signature != DBEVENT_SIGNATURE) { LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); return 1; } log1("delete event @ %08x",wParam); LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); //call notifier while outside mutex NotifyEventHooks(hEventDeletedEvent, (WPARAM)hContact, (LPARAM)hDbEvent); //get back in EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); dbc = *(DBContact*)DBRead(ofsContact,sizeof(DBContact),NULL); dbe = *(DBEvent*)DBRead(hDbEvent,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); //check if this was the first unread, if so, recalc the first unread if (dbc.ofsFirstUnreadEvent == (DWORD)hDbEvent) { dbeNext = &dbe; for (;;) { if (dbeNext->ofsNext == 0) { dbc.ofsFirstUnreadEvent = 0; dbc.timestampFirstUnread = 0; break; } ofsThis = dbeNext->ofsNext; dbeNext = (DBEvent*)DBRead(ofsThis,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); if (!(dbeNext->flags&(DBEF_READ|DBEF_SENT))) { dbc.ofsFirstUnreadEvent = ofsThis; dbc.timestampFirstUnread = dbeNext->timestamp; break; } } } //get previous and next events in chain and change offsets if (dbe.flags&DBEF_FIRST) { if (dbe.ofsNext == 0) { dbc.ofsFirstEvent = dbc.ofsLastEvent = 0; } else { dbeNext = (DBEvent*)DBRead(dbe.ofsNext,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); dbeNext->flags |= DBEF_FIRST; dbeNext->ofsPrev = dbe.ofsPrev; DBWrite(dbe.ofsNext,dbeNext,sizeof(DBEvent)); dbc.ofsFirstEvent = dbe.ofsNext; } } else { if (dbe.ofsNext == 0) { dbePrev = (DBEvent*)DBRead(dbe.ofsPrev,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); dbePrev->ofsNext = 0; DBWrite(dbe.ofsPrev,dbePrev,sizeof(DBEvent)); dbc.ofsLastEvent = dbe.ofsPrev; } else { dbePrev = (DBEvent*)DBRead(dbe.ofsPrev,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); dbePrev->ofsNext = dbe.ofsNext; DBWrite(dbe.ofsPrev,dbePrev,sizeof(DBEvent)); dbeNext = (DBEvent*)DBRead(dbe.ofsNext,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); dbeNext->ofsPrev = dbe.ofsPrev; DBWrite(dbe.ofsNext,dbeNext,sizeof(DBEvent)); } } //delete event DeleteSpace((DWORD)hDbEvent,offsetof(DBEvent,blob)+dbe.cbBlob); //decrement event count dbc.eventCount--; DBWrite(ofsContact,&dbc,sizeof(DBContact)); DBFlush(0); //quit LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); return 0; } STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) CDdxMmap::GetBlobSize(HANDLE hDbEvent) { LONG ret; EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); DBEvent *dbe = (DBEvent*)DBRead(hDbEvent,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); if (dbe->signature != DBEVENT_SIGNATURE) ret = -1; else ret = dbe->cbBlob; LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); return ret; } void CDdxMmap::EncodeContactEvents(HANDLE hContact) { HANDLE hEvent = FindFirstEvent(hContact); if (hEvent == 0) return; do { EncodeEvent(hEvent); } while (hEvent = FindNextEvent(hEvent)); } extern Cryptor* CryptoEngine; extern void* key; void CDdxMmap::EncodeEvent(HANDLE hEvent) { DBEvent *dbe = (DBEvent*)DBRead((DWORD)hEvent,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); if (dbe->signature = DBEVENT_SIGNATURE) CryptoEngine->EncryptMem(DBRead((DWORD)hEvent + offsetof(DBEvent,blob), dbe->cbBlob, NULL), dbe->cbBlob, key); } void CDdxMmap::DecodeEvent(HANDLE hEvent) { DBEvent *dbe = (DBEvent*)DBRead((DWORD)hEvent,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); if (dbe->signature = DBEVENT_SIGNATURE) CryptoEngine->DecryptMem(DBRead((DWORD)hEvent + offsetof(DBEvent,blob), dbe->cbBlob, NULL), dbe->cbBlob, key); } void CDdxMmap::DecodeContactEvents(HANDLE hContact) { HANDLE hEvent; hEvent = FindFirstEvent(hContact); if (hEvent == 0) return; do { DecodeEvent(hEvent); } while (hEvent = FindNextEvent(hEvent)); } STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CDdxMmap::GetEvent(HANDLE hDbEvent, DBEVENTINFO *dbei) { int bytesToCopy,i; if (dbei == NULL||dbei->cbSize!=sizeof(DBEVENTINFO)) return 1; if (dbei->cbBlob>0 && dbei->pBlob == NULL) { dbei->cbBlob = 0; return 1; } EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); DBEvent *dbe = (DBEvent*)DBRead(hDbEvent,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); if (dbe->signature != DBEVENT_SIGNATURE) { LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); return 1; } dbei->szModule = GetModuleNameByOfs(dbe->ofsModuleName); dbei->timestamp = dbe->timestamp; dbei->flags = dbe->flags; dbei->eventType = dbe->eventType; if (dbei->cbBlob<dbe->cbBlob) bytesToCopy = dbei->cbBlob; else bytesToCopy = dbe->cbBlob; dbei->cbBlob = dbe->cbBlob; if (bytesToCopy && dbei->pBlob) { for (i = 0;;i += MAXCACHEDREADSIZE) { if (bytesToCopy-i <= MAXCACHEDREADSIZE) { DecodeCopyMemory(dbei->pBlob+i,DBRead(DWORD(hDbEvent)+offsetof(DBEvent,blob)+i,bytesToCopy-i,NULL),bytesToCopy-i); break; } DecodeCopyMemory(dbei->pBlob+i,DBRead(DWORD(hDbEvent)+offsetof(DBEvent,blob)+i,MAXCACHEDREADSIZE,NULL),MAXCACHEDREADSIZE); } } LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); return 0; } STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CDdxMmap::MarkEventRead(HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hDbEvent) { LONG ret; DBEvent *dbe; DBContact dbc; DWORD ofsThis; EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); if (hContact == 0) hContact = (HANDLE)dbHeader.ofsUser; dbc = *(DBContact*)DBRead(hContact,sizeof(DBContact),NULL); dbe = (DBEvent*)DBRead(hDbEvent,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); if (dbe->signature!=DBEVENT_SIGNATURE || dbc.signature!=DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE) { LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); return -1; } if (dbe->flags&DBEF_READ || dbe->flags&DBEF_SENT) { ret = (INT_PTR)dbe->flags; LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); return ret; } log1("mark read @ %08x",wParam); dbe->flags |= DBEF_READ; DBWrite((DWORD)hDbEvent,dbe,sizeof(DBEvent)); ret = (int)dbe->flags; if (dbc.ofsFirstUnreadEvent == (DWORD)hDbEvent) { for (;;) { if (dbe->ofsNext == 0) { dbc.ofsFirstUnreadEvent = 0; dbc.timestampFirstUnread = 0; break; } ofsThis = dbe->ofsNext; dbe = (DBEvent*)DBRead(ofsThis,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); if (!(dbe->flags&(DBEF_READ|DBEF_SENT))) { dbc.ofsFirstUnreadEvent = ofsThis; dbc.timestampFirstUnread = dbe->timestamp; break; } } } DBWrite(DWORD(hContact),&dbc,sizeof(DBContact)); DBFlush(0); LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); return ret; } STDMETHODIMP_(HANDLE) CDdxMmap::GetEventContact(HANDLE hDbEvent) { HANDLE ret; EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); DBEvent *dbe = (DBEvent*)DBRead(hDbEvent,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); if (dbe->signature != DBEVENT_SIGNATURE) { LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); return (HANDLE)-1; } while( !(dbe->flags & DBEF_FIRST)) dbe = (DBEvent*)DBRead(dbe->ofsPrev,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); ret = (HANDLE)dbe->ofsPrev; LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); return ret; } STDMETHODIMP_(HANDLE) CDdxMmap::FindFirstEvent(HANDLE hContact) { HANDLE ret; EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); if (hContact == 0) hContact = (HANDLE)dbHeader.ofsUser; DBContact *dbc = (DBContact*)DBRead(hContact,sizeof(DBContact),NULL); if (dbc->signature != DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE) ret = 0; else ret = (HANDLE)dbc->ofsFirstEvent; LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); return ret; } STDMETHODIMP_(HANDLE) CDdxMmap::FindFirstUnreadEvent(HANDLE hContact) { HANDLE ret; EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); if (hContact == 0) hContact = (HANDLE)dbHeader.ofsUser; DBContact *dbc = (DBContact*)DBRead(hContact,sizeof(DBContact),NULL); if (dbc->signature != DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE) ret = 0; else ret = (HANDLE)dbc->ofsFirstUnreadEvent; LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); return ret; } STDMETHODIMP_(HANDLE) CDdxMmap::FindLastEvent(HANDLE hContact) { HANDLE ret; EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); if (hContact == 0) hContact = (HANDLE)dbHeader.ofsUser; DBContact *dbc = (DBContact*)DBRead(hContact,sizeof(DBContact),NULL); if (dbc->signature != DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE) ret = 0; else ret = (HANDLE)dbc->ofsLastEvent; LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); return ret; } STDMETHODIMP_(HANDLE) CDdxMmap::FindNextEvent(HANDLE hDbEvent) { HANDLE ret; EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); DBEvent *dbe = (DBEvent*)DBRead(hDbEvent,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); if (dbe->signature != DBEVENT_SIGNATURE) ret = 0; else ret = (HANDLE)dbe->ofsNext; LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); return ret; } STDMETHODIMP_(HANDLE) CDdxMmap::FindPrevEvent(HANDLE hDbEvent) { HANDLE ret; EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); DBEvent *dbe = (DBEvent*)DBRead(hDbEvent,sizeof(DBEvent),NULL); if (dbe->signature!=DBEVENT_SIGNATURE) ret = 0; else if (dbe->flags&DBEF_FIRST) ret = 0; else ret = (HANDLE)dbe->ofsPrev; LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess); return ret; }