/* Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2000-2003 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "commonheaders.h" static INT_PTR EnumModuleNames(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); typedef struct { char *name; DWORD ofs; } ModuleName; HANDLE hModHeap = NULL; static SortedList lMods, lOfs; static int ModCompare( ModuleName *mn1, ModuleName *mn2 ) { return strcmp( mn1->name, mn2->name ); } static int OfsCompare( ModuleName *mn1, ModuleName *mn2 ) { return ( mn1->ofs - mn2->ofs ); } void AddToList(char *name, DWORD len, DWORD ofs) { int index; ModuleName *mn = (ModuleName*)HeapAlloc(hModHeap,0,sizeof(ModuleName)); mn->name = name; mn->ofs = ofs; if (li.List_GetIndex(&lMods,mn,&index)) DatabaseCorruption( _T("%s (Module Name not unique)")); li.List_Insert(&lMods,mn,index); if (li.List_GetIndex(&lOfs,mn,&index)) DatabaseCorruption( _T("%s (Module Offset not unique)")); li.List_Insert(&lOfs,mn,index); } int InitModuleNames(void) { struct DBModuleName *dbmn; DWORD ofsThis; int nameLen; char *mod; hModHeap = HeapCreate(0, 0, 0); lMods.sortFunc = (FSortFunc)ModCompare; lMods.increment = 50; lOfs.sortFunc = (FSortFunc)OfsCompare; lOfs.increment = 50; ofsThis = dbHeader.ofsFirstModuleName; dbmn=(struct DBModuleName*)DBRead(ofsThis,sizeof(struct DBModuleName),NULL); while(ofsThis) { if(dbmn->signature!=DBMODULENAME_SIGNATURE) DatabaseCorruption(NULL); nameLen=dbmn->cbName; mod = (char*)HeapAlloc(hModHeap,0,nameLen+1); CopyMemory(mod,DBRead(ofsThis+offsetof(struct DBModuleName,name),nameLen,NULL),nameLen); mod[nameLen] = 0; AddToList(mod, nameLen, ofsThis); ofsThis=dbmn->ofsNext; dbmn=(struct DBModuleName*)DBRead(ofsThis,sizeof(struct DBModuleName),NULL); } CreateServiceFunction(MS_DB_MODULES_ENUM,EnumModuleNames); return 0; } void UninitModuleNames(void) { HeapDestroy(hModHeap); li.List_Destroy(&lMods); li.List_Destroy(&lOfs); } static DWORD FindExistingModuleNameOfs(const char *szName) { static ModuleName *lastmn = NULL; ModuleName mn, *pmn; int index; mn.name = (char*)szName; mn.ofs = 0; if (lastmn && ModCompare(&mn,lastmn) == 0) return lastmn->ofs; if (li.List_GetIndex(&lMods,&mn,&index)) { pmn = (ModuleName*)lMods.items[index]; lastmn = pmn; return pmn->ofs; } return 0; } //will create the offset if it needs to DWORD GetModuleNameOfs(const char *szName) { struct DBModuleName dbmn; int nameLen; DWORD ofsNew,ofsExisting; char *mod; ofsExisting=FindExistingModuleNameOfs(szName); if(ofsExisting) return ofsExisting; nameLen = (int)strlen(szName); //need to create the module name ofsNew=CreateNewSpace(nameLen+offsetof(struct DBModuleName,name)); dbmn.signature=DBMODULENAME_SIGNATURE; dbmn.cbName=nameLen; dbmn.ofsNext=dbHeader.ofsFirstModuleName; dbHeader.ofsFirstModuleName=ofsNew; DBWrite(0,&dbHeader,sizeof(dbHeader)); DBWrite(ofsNew,&dbmn,offsetof(struct DBModuleName,name)); DBWrite(ofsNew+offsetof(struct DBModuleName,name),(PVOID)szName,nameLen); DBFlush(0); //add to cache mod = (char*)HeapAlloc(hModHeap,0,nameLen+1); strcpy(mod,szName); AddToList(mod, nameLen, ofsNew); //quit return ofsNew; } char *GetModuleNameByOfs(DWORD ofs) { static ModuleName *lastmn = NULL; ModuleName mn, *pmn; int index; if (lastmn && lastmn->ofs == ofs) return lastmn->name; mn.name = NULL; mn.ofs = ofs; if (li.List_GetIndex(&lOfs,&mn,&index)) { pmn = (ModuleName*)lOfs.items[index]; lastmn = pmn; return pmn->name; } DatabaseCorruption(NULL); return NULL; } static INT_PTR EnumModuleNames(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { int i; int ret; ModuleName *pmn; for(i = 0; i < lMods.realCount; i++) { pmn = (ModuleName *)lMods.items[i]; ret=((DBMODULEENUMPROC)lParam)(pmn->name,pmn->ofs,wParam); if(ret) return ret; } return 0; }