/* dbx_tree: tree database driver for Miranda IM Copyright 2007-2010 Michael "Protogenes" Kunz, This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "Interface.h" #include "BlockManager.h" #include "Logger.h" CBlockManager::CBlockManager( CFileAccess & FileAccess, CEncryptionManager & EncryptionManager ) : m_BlockSync(), m_FileAccess(FileAccess), m_EncryptionManager(EncryptionManager), m_BlockTable(1024), m_FreeBlocks() { m_Optimize.Thread = NULL; m_Optimize.Source = 0; m_Optimize.Dest = 0; m_CacheInfo.Growth = 0; m_CacheInfo.Size = 0; m_CacheInfo.LastPurge = time(NULL); m_PendingHead = NULL; m_PendingTail = NULL; m_PendingLast = NULL; m_LastFlush = time(NULL); m_BytesPending = 20; m_FirstFreeIndex = 0; m_SaveMode = true; m_ReadOnly = m_FileAccess.ReadOnly(); memset(m_Cache, 0, sizeof(m_Cache)); } CBlockManager::~CBlockManager() { m_BlockSync.BeginWrite(); if (m_Optimize.Thread) { m_Optimize.Thread->FreeOnTerminate(false); m_Optimize.Thread->Terminate(); m_BlockSync.EndWrite(); m_Optimize.Thread->WaitFor(); delete m_Optimize.Thread; } else { m_BlockSync.EndWrite(); } _PendingFlush(true); for (uint32_t buddy = 0; buddy < cCacheBuddyCount; buddy++) { TCacheEntry * i = m_Cache[buddy]; while (i) { free(i->Cache); TCacheEntry * tmp = i; i = i->Next; free(tmp); } } } // Optimize File Size void CBlockManager::ExecuteOptimize() { /* TBlockHeadFree h = {0,0}; uint8_t * buf = (uint8_t*)malloc(1 << 18); // 256kb uint32_t bufuse = 0; uint32_t bufsize = 1 << 18; uint32_t lastflush = 0; { int i = 0; while (!m_Optimize.Thread->Terminated() && (i < 600)) { ++i; Sleep(100); // wait for Miranda to start } } TransactionBeginWrite(); while (!m_Optimize.Thread->Terminated() && (m_Optimize.Source < m_FileAccess.Size()) && !m_ReadOnly) { m_FileAccess.Read(&h, m_Optimize.Source, sizeof(h)); if (h.ID == cFreeBlockID) { _RemoveFreeBlock(m_Optimize.Source, h.Size); m_Optimize.Source += h.Size; } else { if (bufsize < bufuse + h.Size) { buf = (uint8_t*)realloc(buf, bufuse + h.Size); bufsize = bufuse + h.Size; } m_FileAccess.Read(buf + bufuse, m_Optimize.Source, h.Size); m_BlockTable[h.ID >> 2].Addr = (m_Optimize.Dest + bufuse) >> 2; m_Optimize.Source += h.Size; bufuse += h.Size; } if ((m_BlockSync.Waiting() > 0) || (bufuse + 1024 >= bufsize) || (m_Optimize.Source >= m_FileAccess.Size())) // buffer is nearly full or EOF { if (m_Optimize.Dest != m_Optimize.Source) // move blocks { TBlockHeadFree h = {cFreeBlockID, m_Optimize.Source - m_Optimize.Dest}; TBlockTailFree t = {m_Optimize.Source - m_Optimize.Dest, cFreeBlockID}; m_FileAccess.Write(buf, m_Optimize.Dest, bufuse); m_FileAccess.Write(&h, m_Optimize.Dest + bufuse, sizeof(h)); m_FileAccess.Invalidate(m_Optimize.Dest + bufuse + sizeof(h), m_Optimize.Source - m_Optimize.Dest - bufuse - sizeof(h) - sizeof(t)); m_FileAccess.Write(&t, m_Optimize.Dest + bufuse - sizeof(t), sizeof(t)); if (m_SaveMode) { m_FileAccess.CloseTransaction(); m_FileAccess.Flush(); m_FileAccess.UseJournal(false); m_FileAccess.Write(buf, m_Optimize.Dest, bufuse); m_FileAccess.Write(&h, m_Optimize.Dest + bufuse, sizeof(h)); m_FileAccess.Invalidate(m_Optimize.Dest + bufuse + sizeof(h), m_Optimize.Source - m_Optimize.Dest - bufuse - sizeof(h) - sizeof(t)); m_FileAccess.Write(&t, m_Optimize.Dest + bufuse - sizeof(t), sizeof(t)); m_FileAccess.Flush(); m_FileAccess.CleanJournal(); m_FileAccess.UseJournal(true); } m_Optimize.Dest += bufuse; bufuse = 0; } if (m_BlockSync.Waiting() > 0) { unsigned int w = m_BlockSync.Waiting(); m_BlockSync.EndWrite(); Sleep(w * 64 + 1); m_BlockSync.BeginWrite(); m_FileAccess.UseJournal(m_SaveMode); } } } if (m_Optimize.Source >= m_FileAccess.Size()) m_FileAccess.Size(m_Optimize.Dest); m_Optimize.Thread = NULL; m_Optimize.Source = 0; m_Optimize.Dest = 0; if (m_SaveMode) TransactionEndWrite(); else m_BlockSync.EndWrite(); free(buf); */ m_Optimize.Thread = NULL; } inline void CBlockManager::_PendingAdd(uint32_t BlockID, uint32_t Addr, uint32_t Size, TCacheEntry * Cache) { TPendingOperation * p = NULL; if (BlockID == cFreeBlockID) { p = (TPendingOperation*)malloc(sizeof(TPendingOperation)); p->BlockID = cFreeBlockID; p->Addr = Addr; p->Size = Size; p->CacheEntry = NULL; p->EncryptionBuffer = NULL; m_BytesPending += 24 + sizeof(TBlockHeadFree) + sizeof(TBlockTailFree); if (Addr & cPendingInvalidate) m_BytesPending += 12; } else { if (Cache->Pending) { p = Cache->Pending; _PendingRemove(Cache->Pending, false); } else { p = (TPendingOperation*)malloc(sizeof(TPendingOperation)); } p->BlockID = BlockID; p->Addr = Addr; p->Size = Size; p->CacheEntry = Cache; p->EncryptionBuffer = NULL; m_BytesPending += 12 + Size; Cache->Pending = p; } p->Next = NULL; p->Prev = m_PendingTail; if (m_PendingTail) m_PendingTail->Next = p; m_PendingTail = p; if (!m_PendingHead) m_PendingHead = p; } inline void CBlockManager::_PendingRemove(TPendingOperation * Pending, bool Free) { if (Pending->Prev) Pending->Prev->Next = Pending->Next; else m_PendingHead = Pending->Next; if (Pending->Next) Pending->Next->Prev = Pending->Prev; else m_PendingTail = Pending->Prev; free(Pending->EncryptionBuffer); if (m_PendingLast == Pending) m_PendingLast = Pending->Prev; Pending->CacheEntry->Pending = NULL; if (Free) free(Pending); } inline void CBlockManager::_PendingFlush(bool FullFlush) { TPendingOperation * i = NULL; if (m_ReadOnly) return; if (FullFlush) { if (m_SaveMode) { _PendingFlush(false); // write to journal m_FileAccess.Flush(); m_FileAccess.UseJournal(false); m_FileAccess.Size(m_FileAccess.Size()); // resize real file } else { m_FileAccess.UseJournal(false); } i = m_PendingHead; } else if (m_PendingLast) { i = m_PendingLast->Next; m_FileAccess.UseJournal(m_SaveMode); } else { i = m_PendingHead; m_FileAccess.UseJournal(m_SaveMode); } while (i) { if (i->BlockID == cFreeBlockID) { uint32_t addr = i->Addr & ~cPendingInvalidate; if (addr + i->Size <= m_FileAccess.Size()) { TBlockHeadFree h = {cFreeBlockID, i->Size}; TBlockTailFree t = {i->Size, cFreeBlockID}; m_FileAccess.Write(&h, addr, sizeof(h)); if (i->Addr & cPendingInvalidate) m_FileAccess.Invalidate(addr + sizeof(h), i->Size - sizeof(h) - sizeof(t)); m_FileAccess.Write(&t, addr + i->Size - sizeof(t), sizeof(t)); } } else { if (i->BlockID && !i->EncryptionBuffer && m_EncryptionManager.IsEncrypted(i->BlockID)) { i->EncryptionBuffer = (TBlockHeadOcc*) malloc(i->Size); memcpy(i->EncryptionBuffer, i->CacheEntry->Cache, i->Size); m_EncryptionManager.Encrypt(i->EncryptionBuffer + 1, i->Size - sizeof(TBlockHeadOcc) - sizeof(TBlockTailOcc), i->BlockID, 0); } if (i->EncryptionBuffer) { m_FileAccess.Write(i->EncryptionBuffer, i->Addr, i->Size); } else { m_FileAccess.Write(i->CacheEntry->Cache, i->Addr, i->Size); } } i = i->Next; } // while if (FullFlush) { m_FileAccess.Flush(); if (m_SaveMode) m_FileAccess.CleanJournal(); m_BytesPending = 20; m_LastFlush = time(NULL); i = m_PendingHead; while (i) { free(i->EncryptionBuffer); if (i->CacheEntry) i->CacheEntry->Pending = NULL; TPendingOperation * tmp = i; i = i->Next; free(tmp); } m_PendingHead = NULL; m_PendingTail = NULL; m_PendingLast = NULL; } else { m_PendingLast = m_PendingTail; m_FileAccess.CloseTransaction(); } } inline CBlockManager::TCacheEntry * CBlockManager::_CacheInsert(uint32_t Idx, TBlockHeadOcc * Cache, bool Virtual) { TCacheEntry * res; uint32_t myidx = ROR_32(Idx, cCacheBuddyBits); res = (TCacheEntry *)malloc(sizeof(TCacheEntry)); res->Cache = Cache; res->Pending = NULL; res->Idx = myidx; res->Forced = Virtual; TCacheEntry * volatile * last = &m_Cache[Idx % cCacheBuddyCount]; TCacheEntry * i; do { i = *last; while (i && (i->Idx < myidx)) { last = &i->Next; i = i->Next; } if (i && (i->Idx == myidx)) { free(res); free(Cache); i->LastUse = time(NULL) >> 2; return i; } res->Next = i; } while (i != CMPXCHG_Ptr(*last, res, i)); res->LastUse = time(NULL) >> 2; m_BlockTable[Idx].InCache = true; if (!Virtual) XADD_32(m_CacheInfo.Growth, res->Cache->Size); return res; } inline CBlockManager::TCacheEntry * CBlockManager::_CacheFind(uint32_t Idx) { TCacheEntry * i = m_Cache[Idx % cCacheBuddyCount]; uint32_t myidx = ROR_32(Idx, cCacheBuddyBits); while (i && (i->Idx < myidx)) i = i->Next; if (i && (i->Idx == myidx)) return i; else return NULL; } inline void CBlockManager::_CacheErase(uint32_t Idx) { TCacheEntry * i = m_Cache[Idx % cCacheBuddyCount]; TCacheEntry * volatile * l = &m_Cache[Idx % cCacheBuddyCount]; uint32_t myidx = ROR_32(Idx, cCacheBuddyBits); while (i->Idx < myidx) { l = &i->Next; i = i->Next; } *l = i->Next; free(i->Cache); free(i); } inline void CBlockManager::_CachePurge() { _PendingFlush(true); uint32_t ts = time(NULL); if (m_CacheInfo.Size + m_CacheInfo.Growth > cCachePurgeSize) { ts = ts - (ts - m_CacheInfo.LastPurge) * cCachePurgeSize / (m_CacheInfo.Size + 2 * m_CacheInfo.Growth); } else if (m_CacheInfo.Growth > m_CacheInfo.Size) { ts = ts - (ts - m_CacheInfo.LastPurge) * m_CacheInfo.Size / m_CacheInfo.Growth; } else if (m_CacheInfo.Size > m_CacheInfo.Growth) { ts = ts - (ts - m_CacheInfo.LastPurge) * m_CacheInfo.Growth / m_CacheInfo.Size; } else { ts = m_CacheInfo.LastPurge; } m_CacheInfo.Size += m_CacheInfo.Growth; m_CacheInfo.Growth = 0; m_CacheInfo.LastPurge = time(NULL); for (uint32_t buddy = 0; buddy < cCacheBuddyCount; buddy++) { TCacheEntry * i = m_Cache[buddy]; TCacheEntry * volatile * l = &m_Cache[buddy]; while (i) { if (!i->Forced && !i->KeepInCache && i->Idx && ((i->LastUse << 2) < ts)) { uint32_t idx = ROL_32(i->Idx, cCacheBuddyBits); m_CacheInfo.Size -= i->Cache->Size; m_BlockTable[idx].InCache = false; free(i->Cache); *l = i->Next; TCacheEntry * tmp = i; i = i->Next; free(tmp); } else { l = &i->Next; i = i->Next; } } } } inline uint32_t CBlockManager::_GetAvailableIndex() { uint32_t id; if (m_FirstFreeIndex) { id = m_FirstFreeIndex; m_FirstFreeIndex = m_BlockTable[id].Addr; TBlockTableEntry b = {false, false, 0}; m_BlockTable[id] = b; } else { id = static_cast<uint32_t>(m_BlockTable.size()); if (id > (1 << 12)) m_BlockTable.resize(id + (1 << 12)); else m_BlockTable.resize(id * 2); for (uint32_t i = static_cast<uint32_t>(m_BlockTable.size() - 1); i > id; --i) { TBlockTableEntry b = {true, true, m_FirstFreeIndex}; m_BlockTable[i] = b; m_FirstFreeIndex = i; } } return id; } inline void CBlockManager::_InsertFreeBlock(uint32_t Addr, uint32_t Size, bool InvalidateData, bool Reuse) { if (Addr + Size == m_FileAccess.Size()) { if (Reuse) // in FindFreePosition we would want to use that block m_FileAccess.Size(Addr); } else { if (Reuse) m_FreeBlocks.insert(std::make_pair(Size, Addr)); if (!m_ReadOnly) _PendingAdd(cFreeBlockID, InvalidateData ? Addr | cPendingInvalidate : Addr, Size, NULL); } } inline void CBlockManager::_RemoveFreeBlock(uint32_t Addr, uint32_t Size) { TFreeBlockMap::iterator i = m_FreeBlocks.find(Size); while ((i != m_FreeBlocks.end()) && (i->first == Size)) { if (i->second == Addr) { m_FreeBlocks.erase(i); i = m_FreeBlocks.end(); } else { ++i; } } } inline uint32_t CBlockManager::_FindFreePosition(uint32_t Size) { // try to find free block TFreeBlockMap::iterator f; TFreeBlockMap::iterator e = m_FreeBlocks.end(); if (m_FreeBlocks.size()) { f = m_FreeBlocks.find(Size); if (f == e) { if (m_FreeBlocks.rbegin()->first > Size * 2) { f = m_FreeBlocks.end(); --f; } } } else { f = e; } uint32_t addr = 0; if (f == e) // no block found - expand file { addr = m_FileAccess.Size(); m_FileAccess.Size(addr + Size); } else { addr = f->second; if (f->first != Size) { _InsertFreeBlock(addr + Size, f->first - Size, false, true); } _InsertFreeBlock(addr, Size, false, false); m_FreeBlocks.erase(f); } return addr; } inline bool CBlockManager::_InitOperation(uint32_t BlockID, uint32_t & Addr, TCacheEntry * & Cache) { if (!BlockID || (BlockID & 3) || ((BlockID >> 2) >= m_BlockTable.size())) return false; uint32_t idx = BlockID >> 2; TBlockTableEntry dat = m_BlockTable[idx]; if (dat.Deleted) // deleted or FreeIDList item return false; Addr = dat.Addr << 2; if (dat.InCache) { Cache = _CacheFind(idx); } else if (Addr) { TBlockHeadOcc h; m_FileAccess.Read(&h, Addr, sizeof(h)); TBlockHeadOcc * block = (TBlockHeadOcc *) malloc(h.Size); m_FileAccess.Read(block, Addr, h.Size); m_EncryptionManager.Decrypt(block + 1, h.Size - sizeof(TBlockHeadOcc) - sizeof(TBlockTailOcc), BlockID, 0); Cache = _CacheInsert(idx, block, false); } else { return false; } return Cache != NULL; } inline void CBlockManager::_UpdateBlock(uint32_t BlockID, TCacheEntry * CacheEntry, uint32_t Addr) { CacheEntry->KeepInCache = m_ReadOnly; if (!CacheEntry->Forced) { if (!m_ReadOnly) _PendingAdd(BlockID, Addr, CacheEntry->Cache->Size, CacheEntry); } } uint32_t CBlockManager::ScanFile(uint32_t FirstBlockStart, uint32_t HeaderSignature, uint32_t FileSize) { TBlockHeadOcc h, lasth = {0, 0, 0}; uint32_t p; uint32_t res = 0; bool invalidateblock = false; p = FirstBlockStart; m_FirstBlockStart = FirstBlockStart; m_Optimize.Source = 0; m_Optimize.Dest = 0; { // insert header cache element void * header = malloc(FirstBlockStart); m_FileAccess.Read(header, 0, FirstBlockStart); _CacheInsert(0, (TBlockHeadOcc*)header, false); } TransactionBeginWrite(); while (p < FileSize) { m_FileAccess.Read(&h, p, sizeof(h)); if (CLogger::Instance().Level() >= CLogger::logERROR || !h.Size) { LOG(logCRITICAL, _T("Block-structure of file is corrupt!")); return 0; } if (h.ID == cFreeBlockID) { if (m_Optimize.Dest == 0) m_Optimize.Dest = p; if (lasth.ID == cFreeBlockID) { lasth.Size += h.Size; invalidateblock = true; } else { lasth = h; } } else { if (lasth.ID == cFreeBlockID) { if (m_Optimize.Source == 0) m_Optimize.Source = p; _InsertFreeBlock(p - lasth.Size, lasth.Size, invalidateblock, true); } lasth = h; invalidateblock = false; while ((h.ID >> 2) >= m_BlockTable.size()) m_BlockTable.resize(m_BlockTable.size() << 1); m_BlockTable[h.ID >> 2].Addr = p >> 2; if (h.Signature == HeaderSignature) res = h.ID; } p = p + h.Size; } m_FirstFreeIndex = 0; for (uint32_t i = static_cast<uint32_t>(m_BlockTable.size() - 1); i > 0; --i) { if (m_BlockTable[i].Addr == 0) { TBlockTableEntry b = {true, true, m_FirstFreeIndex}; m_BlockTable[i] = b; m_FirstFreeIndex = i; } } TransactionEndWrite(); if (m_Optimize.Source && !m_FileAccess.ReadOnly()) { m_Optimize.Thread = new COptimizeThread(*this); m_Optimize.Thread->Priority(CThread::tpLowest); m_Optimize.Thread->FreeOnTerminate(true); m_Optimize.Thread->Resume(); } return res; } void * CBlockManager::_CreateBlock(uint32_t & BlockID, const uint32_t Signature, uint32_t Size) { uint32_t idx = _GetAvailableIndex(); BlockID = idx << 2; Size = m_EncryptionManager.AlignSize(BlockID, (Size + 3) & 0xfffffffc); // align on cipher after we aligned on 4 bytes TBlockHeadOcc h = {BlockID, Size + sizeof(TBlockHeadOcc) + sizeof(TBlockTailOcc), Signature}; TBlockTailOcc t = {BlockID}; TBlockHeadOcc * block = (TBlockHeadOcc*) malloc(Size + sizeof(h) + sizeof(t)); *block = h; memset(block + 1, 0, Size); *(TBlockTailOcc*)(((uint8_t*)(block + 1)) + Size) = t; TCacheEntry * ce = _CacheInsert(idx, block, false); if (m_ReadOnly) { TBlockTableEntry b = {false, true, 0}; m_BlockTable[idx] = b; } else { uint32_t addr = _FindFreePosition(Size + sizeof(h) + sizeof(t)); TBlockTableEntry b = {false, true, addr >> 2 }; m_BlockTable[idx] = b; _UpdateBlock(BlockID, ce, addr); } return ce->Cache + 1; } void * CBlockManager::_CreateBlockVirtual(uint32_t & BlockID, const uint32_t Signature, uint32_t Size) { uint32_t idx = _GetAvailableIndex(); BlockID = idx << 2; Size = m_EncryptionManager.AlignSize(BlockID, (Size + 3) & 0xfffffffc); // align on cipher after we aligned on 4 bytes TBlockHeadOcc h = {BlockID, Size + sizeof(TBlockHeadOcc) + sizeof(TBlockTailOcc), Signature}; TBlockTailOcc t = {BlockID}; TBlockHeadOcc * block = (TBlockHeadOcc*) malloc(Size + sizeof(h) + sizeof(t)); *block = h; memset(block + 1, 0, Size); *(TBlockTailOcc*)(((uint8_t*)(block + 1)) + Size) = t; return _CacheInsert(idx, block, true)->Cache + 1; } bool CBlockManager::DeleteBlock(uint32_t BlockID) { uint32_t idx = BlockID >> 2; uint32_t addr; uint32_t size; TCacheEntry * ce; if (!_InitOperation(BlockID, addr, ce)) return false; if (!ce->Forced) XADD_32(m_CacheInfo.Size, 0 - ce->Cache->Size); if (ce->Pending) _PendingRemove(ce->Pending, true); size = ce->Cache->Size; _CacheErase(idx); if (addr == 0) // Block in memory only { TBlockTableEntry b = {false, false, 0}; m_BlockTable[idx] = b; } else if (m_ReadOnly) { m_BlockTable[idx].Deleted = true; m_BlockTable[idx].InCache = false; } else { _InsertFreeBlock(addr, size, true, true); TBlockTableEntry b = {false, false, 0}; m_BlockTable[idx] = b; } return true; } uint32_t CBlockManager::_ResizeBlock(uint32_t BlockID, void * & Buffer, uint32_t Size) { uint32_t idx = BlockID >> 2; uint32_t addr; TCacheEntry * ce; if (Size == 0) return 0; if (!_InitOperation(BlockID, addr, ce)) return 0; Size = m_EncryptionManager.AlignSize(BlockID, (Size + 3) & 0xfffffffc); // align on cipher after we aligned on 4 bytes uint32_t os = ce->Cache->Size; uint32_t ns = Size + sizeof(TBlockHeadOcc) + sizeof(TBlockTailOcc); if (ns == ce->Cache->Size) { Buffer = ce->Cache + 1; return Size; } ce->Cache = (TBlockHeadOcc*) realloc(ce->Cache, ns); ce->Cache->Size = ns; TBlockTailOcc t = {BlockID}; *(TBlockTailOcc*)(((uint8_t*)(ce->Cache + 1)) + Size) = t; XADD_32(m_CacheInfo.Size, ns - os); Buffer = ce->Cache + 1; ce->KeepInCache = m_ReadOnly; if (!m_ReadOnly && addr) { _InsertFreeBlock(addr, os, true, true); addr = _FindFreePosition(ns); m_BlockTable[idx].Addr = addr >> 2; _UpdateBlock(BlockID, ce, addr); // write down } return Size; } bool CBlockManager::IsForcedVirtual(uint32_t BlockID) { TCacheEntry * ce = _CacheFind(BlockID >> 2); return ce && ce->Forced; } bool CBlockManager::WriteBlockToDisk(uint32_t BlockID) { uint32_t addr; TCacheEntry * ce; if (!_InitOperation(BlockID, addr, ce)) return false; if (!ce->Forced) return true; ce->Forced = false; XADD_32(m_CacheInfo.Size, ce->Cache->Size); if (!m_ReadOnly) { addr = _FindFreePosition(ce->Cache->Size); m_BlockTable[BlockID >> 2].Addr = addr >> 2; _UpdateBlock(BlockID, ce, addr); } return true; } bool CBlockManager::MakeBlockVirtual(uint32_t BlockID) { uint32_t addr; TCacheEntry * ce; if (!_InitOperation(BlockID, addr, ce)) return false; if (ce->Forced) return true; if (ce->Pending) // don't write down, we kill it anyway _PendingRemove(ce->Pending, true); ce->Forced = true; XADD_32(m_CacheInfo.Size, 0 - ce->Cache->Size); if (!m_ReadOnly) { _InsertFreeBlock(addr, ce->Cache->Size, true, true); m_BlockTable[BlockID >> 2].Addr = 0; } return true; } void * CBlockManager::_ReadBlock(uint32_t BlockID, uint32_t & Size, uint32_t & Signature) { uint32_t addr; TCacheEntry * ce; if ((BlockID == 0) && (Signature == -1)) { Size = m_FirstBlockStart; return m_Cache[0]->Cache; } if (!_InitOperation(BlockID, addr, ce)) return NULL; if ((Signature != 0) && (Signature != ce->Cache->Signature)) { Signature = ce->Cache->Signature; return NULL; } Signature = ce->Cache->Signature; if ((Size != 0) && (Size != ce->Cache->Size - sizeof(TBlockHeadOcc) - sizeof(TBlockTailOcc))) { Size = ce->Cache->Size - sizeof(TBlockHeadOcc) - sizeof(TBlockTailOcc); return NULL; } Size = ce->Cache->Size - sizeof(TBlockHeadOcc) - sizeof(TBlockTailOcc); return ce->Cache + 1; } bool CBlockManager::UpdateBlock(uint32_t BlockID, uint32_t Signature) { uint32_t addr; TCacheEntry * ce; if ((BlockID == 0) && (Signature == -1)) { if (!m_ReadOnly) _PendingAdd(0, 0, m_FirstBlockStart, m_Cache[0]); return true; } if (!_InitOperation(BlockID, addr, ce)) return false; if (Signature) ce->Cache->Signature = Signature; _UpdateBlock(BlockID, ce, addr); return true; } // make file writeable: // write all cached blocks to file and check for the old addresses // remove virtual only from file // update m_FreeBlocks along the way