/* dbx_tree: tree database driver for Miranda IM Copyright 2007-2010 Michael "Protogenes" Kunz, This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "Interface.h" #include "Entities.h" CVirtuals::CVirtuals(CBlockManager & BlockManager, TNodeRef RootNode) : CFileBTree<TVirtualKey, 4>::CFileBTree(BlockManager, RootNode, cVirtualNodeSignature) { } CVirtuals::~CVirtuals() { } TDBTEntityHandle CVirtuals::_DeleteRealEntity(TDBTEntityHandle hRealEntity) { TDBTEntityHandle result; TVirtualKey key; TEntity * entity; bool copies = false; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; key.RealEntity = hRealEntity; key.Virtual = 0; iterator i = LowerBound(key); result = i->Virtual; i.setManaged(); Delete(*i); while ((i) && (i->RealEntity == hRealEntity)) { key = *i; Delete(key); key.RealEntity = result; Insert(key); entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(key.Virtual, size, sig); if (entity) { entity->VParent = result; m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(key.Virtual); copies = true; } // TODO log } entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(result, size, sig); if (entity) { entity->Flags = entity->Flags & ~(DBT_NF_HasVirtuals | DBT_NF_IsVirtual); if (copies) entity->Flags |= DBT_NF_HasVirtuals; m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(result); } // TODO log return result; } bool CVirtuals::_InsertVirtual(TDBTEntityHandle hRealEntity, TDBTEntityHandle hVirtual) { TVirtualKey key; key.RealEntity = hRealEntity; key.Virtual = hVirtual; Insert(key); return true; } void CVirtuals::_DeleteVirtual(TDBTEntityHandle hRealEntity, TDBTEntityHandle hVirtual) { TVirtualKey key; key.RealEntity = hRealEntity; key.Virtual = hVirtual; Delete(key); } TDBTEntityHandle CVirtuals::getParent(TDBTEntityHandle hVirtual) { TEntity * entity; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; CBlockManager::ReadTransaction trans(m_BlockManager); entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hVirtual, size, sig); if (!entity || ((entity->Flags & DBT_NF_IsVirtual) == 0)) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; return entity->VParent; } TDBTEntityHandle CVirtuals::getFirst(TDBTEntityHandle hRealEntity) { TEntity * entity; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; CBlockManager::ReadTransaction trans(m_BlockManager); entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hRealEntity, size, sig); if (!entity || ((entity->Flags & DBT_NF_HasVirtuals) == 0)) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; TVirtualKey key; key.RealEntity = hRealEntity; key.Virtual = 0; iterator i = LowerBound(key); if (i && (i->RealEntity == hRealEntity)) key.Virtual = i->Virtual; else key.Virtual = 0; return key.Virtual; } TDBTEntityHandle CVirtuals::getNext(TDBTEntityHandle hVirtual) { TEntity * entity; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; CBlockManager::ReadTransaction trans(m_BlockManager); entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hVirtual, size, sig); if (!entity || ((entity->Flags & DBT_NF_IsVirtual) == 0)) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; TVirtualKey key; key.RealEntity = entity->VParent; key.Virtual = hVirtual + 1; iterator i = LowerBound(key); if ((i) && (i->RealEntity == entity->VParent)) key.Virtual = i->Virtual; else key.Virtual = 0; return key.Virtual; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CEntities::CEntities(CBlockManager & BlockManager, TDBTEntityHandle RootEntity, TNodeRef EntityRoot, CVirtuals::TNodeRef VirtualRoot) : CFileBTree<TEntityKey, 6>::CFileBTree(BlockManager, EntityRoot, cEntityNodeSignature), m_Virtuals(BlockManager, VirtualRoot), m_sigEntityDelete(), m_sigInternalDeleteEvents(), m_sigInternalDeleteSettings(), m_sigInternalMergeSettings(), m_sigInternalTransferEvents() { if (RootEntity == 0) m_RootEntity = _CreateRootEntity(); else m_RootEntity = RootEntity; } CEntities::~CEntities() { } TDBTEntityHandle CEntities::_CreateRootEntity() { TEntity * entity; TEntityKey key = {0,0,0}; CBlockManager::WriteTransaction trans(m_BlockManager); entity = m_BlockManager.CreateBlock<TEntity>(key.Entity, cEntitySignature); entity->Flags = DBT_NF_IsGroup | DBT_NF_IsRoot; m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(key.Entity); Insert(key); return key.Entity; } void CEntities::_InternalTransferContacts(TDBTEntityHandle OldAccount, TDBTEntityHandle NewAccount) { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); TEntityKey key = {0,0,0}; iterator i = LowerBound(key); while (i) { sig = cEntitySignature; TEntity * entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(i->Entity, size, sig); if (entity && (entity->Account == OldAccount)) { entity->Account = NewAccount; m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(i->Entity); } ++i; } } uint32_t CEntities::_getSettingsRoot(TDBTEntityHandle hEntity) { /*CSettingsTree::TNodeRef*/ uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); TEntity * entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hEntity, size, sig); if (!entity) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; return entity->Settings; } bool CEntities::_setSettingsRoot(TDBTEntityHandle hEntity, /*CSettingsTree::TNodeRef*/ uint32_t NewRoot) { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); TEntity * entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hEntity, size, sig); if (!entity) return false; entity->Settings = NewRoot; m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(hEntity); return true; } uint32_t CEntities::_getEventsRoot(TDBTEntityHandle hEntity) { /*CEventsTree::TNodeRef*/ uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); TEntity * entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hEntity, size, sig); if (!entity) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; return entity->Events; } bool CEntities::_setEventsRoot(TDBTEntityHandle hEntity, /*CEventsTree::TNodeRef*/ uint32_t NewRoot) { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); TEntity * entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hEntity, size, sig); if (!entity) return false; entity->Events = NewRoot; m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(hEntity); return true; } uint32_t CEntities::_getEventCount(TDBTEntityHandle hEntity) { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); TEntity * entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hEntity, size, sig); if (!entity) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; return entity->EventCount; } uint32_t CEntities::_adjustEventCount(TDBTEntityHandle hEntity, int32_t Adjust) { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); TEntity * entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hEntity, size, sig); if (!entity) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; if (((Adjust < 0) && ((uint32_t)(-Adjust) <= entity->EventCount)) || ((Adjust > 0) && ((0xffffffff - entity->EventCount) > (uint32_t)Adjust))) { entity->EventCount += Adjust; m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(hEntity); } return entity->EventCount; } bool CEntities::_getFirstUnreadEvent(TDBTEntityHandle hEntity, uint32_t & hEvent, uint32_t & Timestamp) { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); TEntity * entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hEntity, size, sig); if (!entity) return false; Timestamp = entity->FirstUnreadEventTimestamp; hEvent = entity->FirstUnreadEventHandle; return true; } bool CEntities::_setFirstUnreadEvent(TDBTEntityHandle hEntity, uint32_t hEvent, uint32_t Timestamp) { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); TEntity * entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hEntity, size, sig); if (!entity) return false; entity->FirstUnreadEventTimestamp = Timestamp; entity->FirstUnreadEventHandle = hEvent; m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(hEntity); return true; } TDBTEntityHandle CEntities::getParent(TDBTEntityHandle hEntity) { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); CBlockManager::ReadTransaction trans(m_BlockManager); TEntity * entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hEntity, size, sig); if (!entity) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; return entity->ParentEntity; } TDBTEntityHandle CEntities::setParent(TDBTEntityHandle hEntity, TDBTEntityHandle hParent) { TEntity *entity, *newparent, *oldparent; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; CBlockManager::WriteTransaction trans(m_BlockManager); entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hEntity, size, sig); newparent = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hParent, size, sig); if (!entity || !newparent) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; oldparent = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(entity->ParentEntity, size, sig); if (!oldparent) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; // update parents if (--oldparent->ChildCount == 0) oldparent->Flags &= ~DBT_NF_HasChildren; if (++newparent->ChildCount == 1) newparent->Flags |= DBT_NF_HasChildren; m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(entity->ParentEntity); m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(hParent); // update rest TEntityKey key; int dif = newparent->Level - entity->Level + 1; if (dif == 0) // no level difference, update only moved Entity { key.Entity = hEntity; key.Level = entity->Level; key.Parent = entity->ParentEntity; Delete(key); key.Parent = hParent; Insert(key); entity->ParentEntity = hParent; m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(hEntity); } else { TDBTEntityIterFilter filter = {0,0,0,0}; filter.cbSize = sizeof(filter); filter.Options = DBT_NIFO_OSC_AC | DBT_NIFO_OC_AC; TDBTEntityIterationHandle iter = IterationInit(filter, hEntity); key.Entity = IterationNext(iter); while ((key.Entity != 0) && (key.Entity != DBT_INVALIDPARAM)) { size = sizeof(TEntity); sig = cEntitySignature; TEntity * child = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(key.Entity, size, sig); if (child) { key.Level = child->Level; key.Parent = child->ParentEntity; Delete(key); if (key.Entity == hEntity) { key.Parent = hParent; entity->ParentEntity = hParent; } child->Level += dif; key.Level += dif; m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(key.Entity); Insert(key); } // TODO log key.Entity = IterationNext(iter); } IterationClose(iter); } /// TODO raise event return entity->ParentEntity; } uint32_t CEntities::getChildCount(TDBTEntityHandle hEntity) { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); CBlockManager::ReadTransaction trans(m_BlockManager); TEntity * entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hEntity, size, sig); if (!entity) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; return entity->ChildCount; } uint32_t CEntities::getFlags(TDBTEntityHandle hEntity) { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); CBlockManager::ReadTransaction trans(m_BlockManager); TEntity * entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hEntity, size, sig); if (!entity) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; return entity->Flags; } uint32_t CEntities::getAccount(TDBTEntityHandle hEntity) { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); CBlockManager::ReadTransaction trans(m_BlockManager); TEntity * entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hEntity, size, sig); if (!entity) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; if (entity->Flags & DBT_NF_IsVirtual) return getAccount(entity->VParent); else if (entity->Flags & (DBT_NF_IsAccount | DBT_NF_IsGroup | DBT_NF_IsRoot)) return 0; return entity->Flags; } TDBTEntityHandle CEntities::CreateEntity(const TDBTEntity & Entity) { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); TDBTEntityHandle haccount = 0; CBlockManager::WriteTransaction trans(m_BlockManager); TEntity * parent = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(Entity.hParentEntity, size, sig); if (!parent) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; // check account specification if ((Entity.fFlags == 0) && (Entity.hAccountEntity != m_RootEntity)) // TODO disable root account thing, after conversion { TEntity * account = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(Entity.hAccountEntity, size, sig); if (!account || !(account->Flags & DBT_NF_IsAccount)) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; if (account->Flags & DBT_NF_IsVirtual) { haccount = VirtualGetParent(Entity.hAccountEntity); } else { haccount = Entity.hAccountEntity; } } TDBTEntityHandle hentity; TEntity * entityblock = m_BlockManager.CreateBlock<TEntity>(hentity, cEntitySignature); if (!entityblock) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; TEntityKey key; entityblock->Level = parent->Level + 1; entityblock->ParentEntity = Entity.hParentEntity; entityblock->Flags = Entity.fFlags; entityblock->Account = haccount; m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(hentity); key.Level = entityblock->Level; key.Parent = entityblock->ParentEntity; key.Entity = hentity; Insert(key); if (parent->ChildCount == 0) parent->Flags = parent->Flags | DBT_NF_HasChildren; ++parent->ChildCount; m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(Entity.hParentEntity); return hentity; } unsigned int CEntities::DeleteEntity(TDBTEntityHandle hEntity) { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); TDBTEntityHandle haccount = 0; CBlockManager::WriteTransaction trans(m_BlockManager); TEntity * entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hEntity, size, sig); if (!entity) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; TEntity * parent = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(entity->ParentEntity, size, sig); if (!parent) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; m_sigEntityDelete.emit(this, hEntity); if (entity->Flags & DBT_NF_HasVirtuals) { // move virtuals and make one of them real TDBTEntityHandle newreal = m_Virtuals._DeleteRealEntity(hEntity); TEntity * realblock = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(newreal, size, sig); if (realblock) { realblock->EventCount = entity->EventCount; realblock->Events = entity->Events; m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(newreal); m_sigInternalTransferEvents.emit(this, hEntity, newreal); m_sigInternalMergeSettings.emit(this, hEntity, newreal); if (entity->Flags & DBT_NF_IsAccount) _InternalTransferContacts(hEntity, newreal); } // TODO log } else { m_sigInternalDeleteEvents.emit(this, hEntity); m_sigInternalDeleteSettings.emit(this, hEntity); if ((entity->Flags & DBT_NF_IsAccount) && !(entity->Flags & DBT_NF_IsVirtual)) _InternalTransferContacts(hEntity, m_RootEntity); } TEntityKey key; key.Level = entity->Level; key.Parent = entity->ParentEntity; key.Entity = hEntity; Delete(key); if (entity->Flags & DBT_NF_HasChildren) // keep the children { parent->Flags |= DBT_NF_HasChildren; parent->ChildCount += entity->ChildCount; TDBTEntityIterFilter filter = {0,0,0,0}; filter.cbSize = sizeof(filter); filter.Options = DBT_NIFO_OSC_AC | DBT_NIFO_OC_AC; TDBTEntityIterationHandle iter = IterationInit(filter, hEntity); if (iter != DBT_INVALIDPARAM) { IterationNext(iter); key.Entity = IterationNext(iter); while ((key.Entity != 0) && (key.Entity != DBT_INVALIDPARAM)) { size = sizeof(TEntity); sig = cEntitySignature; TEntity * child = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(key.Entity, size, sig); if (child) { key.Parent = child->ParentEntity; key.Level = child->Level; Delete(key); if (key.Parent == hEntity) { key.Parent = entity->ParentEntity; child->ParentEntity = entity->ParentEntity; } key.Level--; m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(key.Entity); Insert(key); } key.Entity = IterationNext(iter); } IterationClose(iter); } } if (--parent->ChildCount == 0) parent->Flags = parent->Flags & (~DBT_NF_HasChildren); m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(entity->ParentEntity); m_BlockManager.DeleteBlock(hEntity); // we needed this block, delete it now return 0; } TDBTEntityIterationHandle CEntities::IterationInit(const TDBTEntityIterFilter & Filter, TDBTEntityHandle hParent) { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); TDBTEntityHandle haccount = 0; CBlockManager::ReadTransaction trans(m_BlockManager); TEntity * parent = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hParent, size, sig); if (!parent) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; PEntityIteration iter = new TEntityIteration; iter->filter = Filter; iter->q = new std::deque<TEntityIterationItem>; iter->parents = new std::deque<TEntityIterationItem>; iter->accounts = new std::deque<TEntityIterationItem>; #ifdef _MSC_VER iter->returned = new stdext::hash_set<TDBTEntityHandle>; #else iter->returned = new __gnu_cxx::hash_set<TDBTEntityHandle>; #endif iter->returned->insert(hParent); TEntityIterationItem it; it.Flags = parent->Flags; it.Handle = hParent; it.Level = parent->Level; it.Options = Filter.Options & 0x000000ff; it.LookupDepth = 0; iter->q->push_back(it); return (TDBTEntityIterationHandle)iter; } TDBTEntityHandle CEntities::IterationNext(TDBTEntityIterationHandle Iteration) { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); CBlockManager::ReadTransaction trans(m_BlockManager); PEntityIteration iter = reinterpret_cast<PEntityIteration>(Iteration); TEntityIterationItem item; TDBTEntityHandle result = 0; if (iter->q->empty()) { std::deque <TEntityIterationItem> * tmp = iter->q; iter->q = iter->parents; iter->parents = tmp; } if (iter->q->empty()) { std::deque <TEntityIterationItem> * tmp = iter->q; iter->q = iter->accounts; iter->accounts = tmp; } if (iter->q->empty() && (iter->filter.Options & DBT_NIFO_GF_USEROOT) && (iter->returned->find(m_RootEntity) == iter->returned->end())) { item.Handle = m_RootEntity; item.Level = 0; item.Options = 0; item.Flags = 0; item.LookupDepth = 255; iter->filter.Options = iter->filter.Options & ~DBT_NIFO_GF_USEROOT; iter->q->push_back(item); } if (iter->q->empty()) return 0; do { item = iter->q->front(); iter->q->pop_front(); std::deque<TEntityIterationItem> tmp; TEntityIterationItem newitem; // children if ((item.Flags & DBT_NF_HasChildren) && (item.Options & DBT_NIFO_OSC_AC)) { TEntityKey key; key.Parent = item.Handle; key.Level = item.Level + 1; newitem.Level = item.Level + 1; newitem.LookupDepth = item.LookupDepth; newitem.Options = (iter->filter.Options / DBT_NIFO_OC_AC * DBT_NIFO_OSC_AC) & (DBT_NIFO_OSC_AC | DBT_NIFO_OSC_AO | DBT_NIFO_OSC_AOC | DBT_NIFO_OSC_AOP); if (iter->filter.Options & DBT_NIFO_GF_DEPTHFIRST) { key.Entity = 0xffffffff; CEntities::iterator c = UpperBound(key); while ((c) && (c->Parent == item.Handle)) { newitem.Handle = c->Entity; if (iter->returned->find(newitem.Handle) == iter->returned->end()) { TEntity * tmp = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(newitem.Handle, size, sig); if (tmp) { newitem.Flags = tmp->Flags; if (((newitem.Flags & DBT_NF_IsGroup) == 0) || ((DBT_NF_IsGroup & iter->filter.fHasFlags) == 0)) // if we want only groups, we don't need to trace down Entities... { iter->q->push_front(newitem); iter->returned->insert(newitem.Handle); } } } --c; } } else { key.Entity = 0; CEntities::iterator c = LowerBound(key); while ((c) && (c->Parent == item.Handle)) { newitem.Handle = c->Entity; if (iter->returned->find(newitem.Handle) == iter->returned->end()) { TEntity * tmp = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(newitem.Handle, size, sig); if (tmp) { newitem.Flags = tmp->Flags; if (((newitem.Flags & DBT_NF_IsGroup) == 0) || ((DBT_NF_IsGroup & iter->filter.fHasFlags) == 0)) // if we want only groups, we don't need to trace down Entities... { iter->q->push_back(newitem); iter->returned->insert(newitem.Handle); } } } ++c; } } } // parent... if ((item.Options & DBT_NIFO_OSC_AP) && (item.Handle != m_RootEntity)) { newitem.Handle = getParent(item.Handle); if ((iter->returned->find(newitem.Handle) == iter->returned->end()) && (newitem.Handle != DBT_INVALIDPARAM)) { TEntity * tmp = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(newitem.Handle, size, sig); if (tmp) { newitem.Level = item.Level - 1; newitem.LookupDepth = item.LookupDepth; newitem.Options = (iter->filter.Options / DBT_NIFO_OP_AC * DBT_NIFO_OSC_AC) & (DBT_NIFO_OSC_AC | DBT_NIFO_OSC_AP | DBT_NIFO_OSC_AO | DBT_NIFO_OSC_AOC | DBT_NIFO_OSC_AOP); newitem.Flags = tmp->Flags; if ((newitem.Flags & iter->filter.fDontHasFlags & DBT_NF_IsGroup) == 0) // if we don't want groups, stop it { iter->parents->push_back(newitem); iter->returned->insert(newitem.Handle); } } } } // virtual lookup, original Entity is the next one if ((item.Flags & DBT_NF_IsVirtual) && (item.Options & DBT_NIFO_OSC_AO) && (((iter->filter.Options >> 28) >= item.LookupDepth) || ((iter->filter.Options >> 28) == 0))) { newitem.Handle = VirtualGetParent(item.Handle); if ((iter->returned->find(newitem.Handle) == iter->returned->end()) && (newitem.Handle != DBT_INVALIDPARAM)) { TEntity * tmp = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(newitem.Handle, size, sig); if (tmp) { newitem.Level = tmp->Level; newitem.Options = 0; newitem.Flags = tmp->Flags; if ((item.Options & DBT_NIFO_OSC_AOC) == DBT_NIFO_OSC_AOC) newitem.Options |= DBT_NIFO_OSC_AC; if ((item.Options & DBT_NIFO_OSC_AOP) == DBT_NIFO_OSC_AOP) newitem.Options |= DBT_NIFO_OSC_AP; newitem.LookupDepth = item.LookupDepth + 1; iter->q->push_front(newitem); iter->returned->insert(newitem.Handle); } } } if (((iter->filter.fHasFlags & item.Flags) == iter->filter.fHasFlags) && ((iter->filter.fDontHasFlags & item.Flags) == 0)) { result = item.Handle; // account lookup if (((item.Flags & (DBT_NF_IsAccount | DBT_NF_IsGroup | DBT_NF_IsRoot)) == 0) && ((item.Options & DBT_NIFO_OC_USEACCOUNT) == DBT_NIFO_OC_USEACCOUNT)) { TDBTEntityHandle acc = item.Handle; if (item.Flags & DBT_NF_IsVirtual) acc = VirtualGetParent(item.Handle); acc = getAccount(acc); std::deque<TEntityIterationItem>::iterator acci = iter->accounts->begin(); while ((acci != iter->accounts->end()) && (acc != 0)) { if (acci->Handle == acc) acc = 0; acci++; } if (acc != 0) { TEntity * tmp = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(acc, size, sig); if (tmp) { newitem.Options = 0; newitem.LookupDepth = 0; newitem.Handle = acc; newitem.Flags = tmp->Flags; newitem.Level = tmp->Level; iter->accounts->push_back(newitem); } } } } } while ((result == 0) && !iter->q->empty()); if (result == 0) result = IterationNext(Iteration); return result; } unsigned int CEntities::IterationClose(TDBTEntityIterationHandle Iteration) { PEntityIteration iter = reinterpret_cast<PEntityIteration>(Iteration); delete iter->q; delete iter->parents; delete iter->accounts; delete iter->returned; delete iter; return 0; } TDBTEntityHandle CEntities::VirtualCreate(TDBTEntityHandle hRealEntity, TDBTEntityHandle hParent) { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); TDBTEntityHandle haccount = 0; CBlockManager::WriteTransaction trans(m_BlockManager); TEntity * realentity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hRealEntity, size, sig); if (!realentity || (realentity->Flags & (DBT_NF_IsGroup | DBT_NF_IsRoot))) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; TDBTEntity entity = {0,0,0,0}; entity.hParentEntity = hParent; entity.fFlags = DBT_NF_IsVirtual | (realentity->Flags & DBT_NF_IsAccount); entity.hAccountEntity = 0; TDBTEntityHandle result = CreateEntity(entity); if (result == DBT_INVALIDPARAM) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; TEntity * entityblock = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(result, size, sig); if (!entityblock) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; if (realentity->Flags & DBT_NF_IsVirtual) { hRealEntity = realentity->VParent; realentity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hRealEntity, size, sig); if (!realentity) return DBT_INVALIDPARAM; } entityblock->VParent = hRealEntity; m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(result); if ((realentity->Flags & DBT_NF_HasVirtuals) == 0) { realentity->Flags |= DBT_NF_HasVirtuals; m_BlockManager.UpdateBlock(hRealEntity); } m_Virtuals._InsertVirtual(hRealEntity, result); return result; } TDBTEntityHandle CEntities::compFirstContact() { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); CBlockManager::ReadTransaction trans(m_BlockManager); TEntityKey key = {0,0,0}; iterator i = LowerBound(key); TDBTEntityHandle res = 0; while (i && (res == 0)) { TEntity * tmp = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(i->Entity, size, sig); if (tmp) { if ((tmp->Flags & DBT_NFM_SpecialEntity) == 0) res = i->Entity; } if (res == 0) ++i; } return res; } TDBTEntityHandle CEntities::compNextContact(TDBTEntityHandle hEntity) { uint32_t sig = cEntitySignature; uint32_t size = sizeof(TEntity); CBlockManager::ReadTransaction trans(m_BlockManager); TEntityKey key; key.Entity = hEntity; TDBTEntityHandle res = 0; TEntity * entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(hEntity, size, sig); if (entity) { key.Level = entity->Level; key.Parent = entity->ParentEntity; key.Entity++; iterator i = LowerBound(key); while (i && (res == 0)) { entity = m_BlockManager.ReadBlock<TEntity>(i->Entity, size, sig); if (entity) { if ((entity->Flags & DBT_NFM_SpecialEntity) == 0) res = i->Entity; } if (res == 0) ++i; } } return res; }