/* Exchange notifier plugin for Miranda IM Copyright © 2006 Cristian Libotean, Attila Vajda This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /******************************************************************** created: 2006/04/11 created: 11:4:2006 17:28 filename: MirandaExchange.cpp file base: MirandaExchange file ext: cpp author: Attila Vajda purpose: Miranda Exchange Plugin *********************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "MirandaExchange.h" #include "utils.h" #include #ifndef NO_EXCHANGE_TEST ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT HrMAPIFindDefaultMsgStore( // RETURNS: return code IN LPMAPISESSION lplhSession, // session pointer OUT ULONG *lpcbeid, // count of bytes in entry ID OUT LPENTRYID *lppeid) // entry ID of default store { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; HRESULT hrT = NOERROR; SCODE sc = 0; LPMAPITABLE lpTable = nullptr; LPSRowSet lpRows = nullptr; LPENTRYID lpeid = nullptr; ULONG cbeid = 0; ULONG cRows = 0; ULONG i = 0; SizedSPropTagArray(2, rgPropTagArray)={2,{PR_DEFAULT_STORE,PR_ENTRYID}}; // Get the list of available message stores from MAPI hrT = MAPICALL(lplhSession)->GetMsgStoresTable( 0, &lpTable); if (FAILED(hrT)) goto err_out; // Get the row count for the message recipient table hrT = MAPICALL(lpTable)->GetRowCount(0, &cRows); if (FAILED(hrT)) goto err_out; // Set the columns to return hrT = MAPICALL(lpTable)->SetColumns((LPSPropTagArray)&rgPropTagArray, 0); if (FAILED(hrT)) goto err_out; // Go to the beginning of the recipient table for the envelope hrT = MAPICALL(lpTable)->SeekRow( BOOKMARK_BEGINNING, 0, nullptr); if (FAILED(hrT)) goto err_out; // Read all the rows of the table hrT = MAPICALL(lpTable)->QueryRows( cRows, 0, &lpRows); if (SUCCEEDED(hrT) && lpRows != nullptr && lpRows->cRows == 0) { hrT = MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND; goto err_out; } if (FAILED(hrT)) goto err_out; for (i = 0; i < cRows; i ++) { if (lpRows->aRow[i].lpProps[0].Value.b == FALSE) continue; cbeid = lpRows->aRow[i].lpProps[1].Value.bin.cb; sc = MAPIAllocateBuffer(cbeid, (void **)&lpeid); if (FAILED(sc)) { cbeid = 0; lpeid = nullptr; } else { // Copy entry ID of message store memcpy(lpeid, lpRows->aRow[i].lpProps[1].Value.bin.lpb, cbeid); } break; } err_out: if (lpRows != nullptr) FreeProws(lpRows); UlRelease(lpTable); *lpcbeid = cbeid; *lppeid = lpeid; return hr; } CKeeper::CKeeper( LPTSTR szSender, LPTSTR szSubject, LPSTR szEntryID) { m_szSender = nullptr ; m_szSubject = nullptr ; m_szEntryID = nullptr ; m_nSizeSender = 0 ; m_nSizeSubject = 0 ; m_nSizeEntryID = 0 ; if (nullptr != szSender) { m_nSizeSender = (UINT)mir_wstrlen(szSender)+1; m_szSender = new wchar_t[ m_nSizeSender ]; memset(m_szSender, 0, m_nSizeSender * sizeof(wchar_t)); mir_wstrcpy(m_szSender, szSender); } if (nullptr != szSubject) { m_nSizeSubject = (UINT)mir_wstrlen(szSubject) +1; m_szSubject = new wchar_t[m_nSizeSubject]; memset(m_szSubject, 0, m_nSizeSubject * sizeof(wchar_t)); mir_wstrcpy(m_szSubject, szSubject); } if (nullptr != szEntryID) { m_nSizeEntryID = (UINT)mir_strlen( szEntryID ) +1; m_szEntryID = new char[m_nSizeEntryID]; memset(m_szEntryID, 0, m_nSizeEntryID * sizeof(char)); mir_strcpy(m_szEntryID, szEntryID ); } } CKeeper::~CKeeper() { if ( m_nSizeSender>0 && nullptr != m_szSender ) { m_nSizeSender =0; delete[] m_szSender; m_szSender = nullptr; } if ( m_nSizeSubject>0 && nullptr != m_szSubject ) { m_nSizeSubject =0; delete[] m_szSubject; m_szSubject = nullptr; } if ( m_nSizeEntryID>0 && nullptr != m_szEntryID ) { m_nSizeEntryID = 0; delete[] m_szEntryID; m_szEntryID = nullptr; } } CMirandaExchange::CMirandaExchange() { m_szUsername = nullptr ; m_szPassword = nullptr ; m_szExchangeServer = nullptr ; m_lpMAPISession = nullptr ; m_lpInbox = nullptr ; m_lpMDB = nullptr; m_bLoginOK = false ; m_bFolderInboxOK = false ; m_nNumberOfHeaders = 0 ; } CMirandaExchange::~CMirandaExchange() { if ( nullptr != m_szUsername ) { delete[] m_szUsername; m_szUsername = nullptr; } if ( nullptr != m_szPassword ) { delete[] m_szPassword; m_szPassword = nullptr; } if ( nullptr != m_szExchangeServer ) { delete[] m_szExchangeServer; m_szExchangeServer = nullptr; } if ( nullptr != m_lpInbox ) { UlRelease(m_lpInbox); m_lpInbox = nullptr; } if ( nullptr != m_lpMDB ) { UlRelease(m_lpMDB ); m_lpMDB = nullptr; } if ( nullptr!= m_lpMAPISession ) { m_lpMAPISession->Logoff(NULL,NULL,NULL); UlRelease(m_lpMAPISession ); m_lpMAPISession = nullptr; } if ( m_nNumberOfHeaders>0) { for( UINT i=0; iOpenEntry( cbEntryID, lpEntryID, nullptr,//no interface ulFlags, &ulObjType, &lpUnk); if (MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS == hRes && ulNoCacheFlags) { hRes = S_OK; if (lpUnk) (lpUnk)->Release(); lpUnk = nullptr; (lpMDB->OpenEntry( cbEntryID, lpEntryID, nullptr,//no interface ulNoCacheFlags, &ulObjType, &lpUnk)); } if (FAILED(hRes)) { if (lpUnk) (lpUnk)->Release(); lpUnk = nullptr; } } if (lpAB && !lpUnk) { hRes = S_OK; //Log(L"CallOpenEntry: Calling OpenEntry on AB with ulFlags = 0x%X\n",ulFlags); (lpAB->OpenEntry( cbEntryID, lpEntryID, nullptr,//no interface ulFlags, &ulObjType, &lpUnk)); if (MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS == hRes && ulNoCacheFlags) { hRes = S_OK; if (lpUnk) (lpUnk)->Release(); lpUnk = nullptr; (lpAB->OpenEntry( cbEntryID, lpEntryID, nullptr,//no interface ulNoCacheFlags, &ulObjType, &lpUnk)); } if (FAILED(hRes)) { if (lpUnk) (lpUnk)->Release(); lpUnk = nullptr; } } if (lpContainer && !lpUnk) { hRes = S_OK; //Log(L"CallOpenEntry: Calling OpenEntry on Container with ulFlags = 0x%X\n",ulFlags); (lpContainer->OpenEntry( cbEntryID, lpEntryID, nullptr,//no interface ulFlags, &ulObjType, &lpUnk)); if (MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS == hRes && ulNoCacheFlags) { hRes = S_OK; if (lpUnk) (lpUnk)->Release(); lpUnk = nullptr; (lpContainer->OpenEntry( cbEntryID, lpEntryID, nullptr,//no interface ulNoCacheFlags, &ulObjType, &lpUnk)); } if (FAILED(hRes)) { if (lpUnk) (lpUnk)->Release(); lpUnk = nullptr; } } if (lpMAPISession && !lpUnk) { hRes = S_OK; //Log(L"CallOpenEntry: Calling OpenEntry on Session with ulFlags = 0x%X\n",ulFlags); (lpMAPISession->OpenEntry( cbEntryID, lpEntryID, nullptr,//no interface ulFlags, &ulObjType, &lpUnk)); if (MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FLAGS == hRes && ulNoCacheFlags) { hRes = S_OK; if (lpUnk) (lpUnk)->Release(); lpUnk = nullptr; (lpMAPISession->OpenEntry( cbEntryID, lpEntryID, nullptr,//no interface ulNoCacheFlags, &ulObjType, &lpUnk)); } if (FAILED(hRes)) { if (lpUnk) (lpUnk)->Release(); lpUnk = nullptr; } } if (lpUnk) { //Log(L"OnOpenEntryID: Got object (0x%08X) of type 0x%08X = %s\n",lpUnk,ulObjType,ObjectTypeToString(ulObjType)); *lppUnk = lpUnk; } if (ulObjTypeRet) *ulObjTypeRet = ulObjType; return hRes; } HRESULT CallOpenEntry( LPMDB lpMDB, LPADRBOOK lpAB, LPMAPICONTAINER lpContainer, LPMAPISESSION lpMAPISession, LPSBinary lpSBinary, ULONG ulFlags, ULONG* ulObjTypeRet, LPUNKNOWN* lppUnk) { return CallOpenEntry( lpMDB, lpAB, lpContainer, lpMAPISession, lpSBinary?lpSBinary->cb:0, (LPENTRYID)(lpSBinary?lpSBinary->lpb:nullptr), ulFlags, ulObjTypeRet, lppUnk); } HRESULT CMirandaExchange::InitializeAndLogin( LPCTSTR szUsername, LPCTSTR szPassword, LPCTSTR szExchangeServer ) { _popupUtil(TranslateT("Connecting to Exchange ...")); UINT nSize = 0; short nSizeOfTCHAR = sizeof( wchar_t ); if (m_szUsername == nullptr && nullptr != szUsername) { nSize = (UINT)mir_wstrlen(szUsername); if (nSize > 0) { nSize++; m_szUsername = new wchar_t[nSize]; memset ( m_szUsername, 0, nSize * nSizeOfTCHAR ); mir_wstrcpy( m_szUsername, szUsername ); } } if (m_szPassword == nullptr && nullptr != szPassword) { nSize = (UINT)mir_wstrlen(szPassword); if (nSize > 0) { nSize++; m_szPassword = new wchar_t[nSize]; memset(m_szPassword, 0, nSize * nSizeOfTCHAR); mir_wstrcpy(m_szPassword, szPassword); } } if (m_szExchangeServer == nullptr && nullptr != szExchangeServer) { nSize = (UINT)mir_wstrlen(szExchangeServer); if (nSize > 0) { nSize++; m_szExchangeServer = new wchar_t[nSize]; memset(m_szExchangeServer, 0, nSize * nSizeOfTCHAR); mir_wstrcpy(m_szExchangeServer, szExchangeServer); } } if (!m_bLoginOK || m_lpInbox || nullptr == m_lpMAPISession) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; MAPIINIT_0 mapiInit = { MAPI_INIT_VERSION , MAPI_MULTITHREAD_NOTIFICATIONS }; if ( !m_bNoInitAgain) { m_bNoInitAgain = true; hr = MAPIInitialize( &mapiInit) ; } if ( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { wchar_t szPIDandName[128]; wchar_t szPID[20]; _wstrtime(szPID); wcsncpy(szPIDandName, m_szUsername, _countof(szPIDandName)-1); mir_wstrncat(szPIDandName, szPID, _countof(szPIDandName) - mir_wstrlen(szPIDandName)); hr = CreateProfile(szPIDandName); if ( HR_FAILED(hr)) { //Log("Create profile failed: 0x%08X", hr); return hr; } DWORD dwFlags = MAPI_EXPLICIT_PROFILE|MAPI_EXTENDED|MAPI_NEW_SESSION|MAPI_NO_MAIL ; hr = MAPILogonEx( 0, (LPTSTR)mir_u2a(szPIDandName), (LPTSTR)mir_u2a(m_szPassword), dwFlags, &m_lpMAPISession ); if (FAILED(hr)) { //Log( L"MAPI Logon failed: 0x%08X", hr ); return hr; } LPPROFADMIN pProfAdmin = nullptr; hr = MAPIAdminProfiles( 0, &pProfAdmin ); if ((FAILED(hr)) || (nullptr == pProfAdmin)) { //Log("Admin profile interface creation failed: 0x%08X", hr); } else { hr = pProfAdmin->DeleteProfile( (LPTSTR)mir_u2a(szPIDandName), 0 ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { //Log( "Failed to delete the profile: 0x%08X", hr ); } } if (pProfAdmin) pProfAdmin->Release(); ULONG cbDefStoreEid = 0; CMAPIBuffer< LPENTRYID> pDefStoreEid = NULL; hr = HrMAPIFindDefaultMsgStore(m_lpMAPISession, &cbDefStoreEid, &pDefStoreEid ); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; // Open default message store LPMDB pDefMsgStore = nullptr; hr = m_lpMAPISession->OpenMsgStore(0, cbDefStoreEid, pDefStoreEid, nullptr, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, &pDefMsgStore); HRESULT hRes = S_OK; ULONG cbInboxEID = NULL; CMAPIBuffer< LPENTRYID> lpInboxEID = NULL; if (nullptr == pDefMsgStore ) return hr; hRes = pDefMsgStore->GetReceiveFolder( L"IPM", NULL, &cbInboxEID, &lpInboxEID, nullptr); m_lpMDB = pDefMsgStore; if (cbInboxEID && lpInboxEID) { hRes = CallOpenEntry( pDefMsgStore, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, cbInboxEID, lpInboxEID, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, nullptr, (LPUNKNOWN*)&m_lpInbox); if ( m_lpInbox && hRes == S_OK) m_bFolderInboxOK = true; } } } return S_OK; } HRESULT CMirandaExchange::CreateProfile( LPTSTR szProfileName ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CMAPIInterface pProfAdmin = NULL; CMAPIInterface pMsgSvcAdmin = NULL; CMAPIInterface pMsgSvcTable = NULL; LPSRowSet pRows = nullptr; ULONG ulFlags = 0; SRestriction sres; SIZE_T nSize; wchar_t* szUniqName; enum {iSvcName, iSvcUID, cptaSvc}; SizedSPropTagArray(cptaSvc, sptCols) = { cptaSvc, PR_SERVICE_NAME, PR_SERVICE_UID }; ulFlags &= ~MAPI_UNICODE; hr = MAPIAdminProfiles(ulFlags, &pProfAdmin); if (FAILED(hr) || pProfAdmin == nullptr) return hr; hr = pProfAdmin->CreateProfile((LPTSTR)mir_u2a(szProfileName), nullptr, NULL, ulFlags); if (FAILED(hr)) { pProfAdmin->DeleteProfile((LPTSTR)mir_u2a(szProfileName), ulFlags); return hr; } hr = pProfAdmin->AdminServices( (LPTSTR)mir_u2a(szProfileName), nullptr, NULL, ulFlags, &pMsgSvcAdmin); if (FAILED(hr) || pMsgSvcAdmin == nullptr) return hr; hr = pMsgSvcAdmin->CreateMsgService((LPTSTR)("MSEMS"), (LPTSTR)("")/*"Microsoft Exchange Server"*/, NULL, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = pMsgSvcAdmin->GetMsgServiceTable(0, &pMsgSvcTable); if (FAILED(hr) || pMsgSvcTable == nullptr) return hr; sres.rt = RES_CONTENT; sres.res.resContent.ulFuzzyLevel = FL_FULLSTRING; sres.res.resContent.ulPropTag = PR_SERVICE_NAME_A; SPropValue spv; sres.res.resContent.lpProp = &spv; spv.ulPropTag = PR_SERVICE_NAME_A; spv.Value.lpszA = (LPSTR)"MSEMS"; hr = HrQueryAllRows(pMsgSvcTable, (LPSPropTagArray) &sptCols, &sres, nullptr, 0, &pRows); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; nSize = mir_wstrlen(m_szUsername); szUniqName = (wchar_t*)mir_alloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * (nSize + 4)); if (szUniqName != nullptr) { memcpy(szUniqName, L"=", sizeof(wchar_t)); memcpy((szUniqName + 1), m_szUsername, (sizeof(wchar_t) * (nSize + 1))); // Set values for PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_NAME and PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_SERVER SPropValue spval[2]; spval[0].ulPropTag = PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_NAME; spval[0].Value.lpszA = mir_u2a(szUniqName); spval[1].ulPropTag = PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_SERVER; spval[1].Value.lpszA = mir_u2a(m_szExchangeServer); // Configure msg service /*hr =*/ pMsgSvcAdmin->ConfigureMsgService( (LPMAPIUID) pRows->aRow->lpProps[iSvcUID].Value.bin.lpb, 0, NULL, 2, spval); mir_free(szUniqName); } FreeProws(pRows); return hr; } HRESULT CMirandaExchange::isMapiSessionOK( LPMAPISESSION ) { return S_OK; } HRESULT CMirandaExchange::CheckForNewMails( int &nNewMails) { if ( m_nNumberOfHeaders>0 && nullptr != m_HeadersKeeper ) { for( UINT i=0; iLogoff( NULL, NULL, NULL ); m_lpMAPISession->Release(); m_lpMAPISession = nullptr; } if ( m_nNumberOfHeaders>0 && nullptr != m_HeadersKeeper ) { for( UINT i=0; iSetReadFlag( 0 ); lpMessage->SaveChanges(FORCE_SAVE); lpMessage->Release(); lpMessage = nullptr; } return 0; } HRESULT CMirandaExchange::CheckInFolder( LPMAPIFOLDER lpFolder ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; CMAPIInterface lpTable = NULL; LPSRowSet lpRow = nullptr; LPSPropValue lpRowProp = nullptr; ULONG i = 0L; wchar_t* szSenderName = nullptr; wchar_t* szSubject = nullptr; LPSTR szEntryID = nullptr; if ( lpFolder == nullptr || !m_bFolderInboxOK ) return hr; SizedSPropTagArray(5,sptaDETAILS) = { 5, { PR_ENTRYID, PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS, PR_SENDER_NAME, PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, PR_SUBJECT } }; CMAPIInterface lpMessageTable; hr = lpFolder->GetContentsTable( 0, &lpMessageTable ); if ( HR_FAILED( hr ) ) { return -1; } LPSRowSet lpRowsR = nullptr; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SRestriction srRoot; srRoot.rt = RES_BITMASK; srRoot.res.resBitMask.relBMR = BMR_EQZ; srRoot.res.resBitMask.ulPropTag = PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS; srRoot.res.resBitMask.ulMask = MSGFLAG_READ; SizedSSortOrderSet( 1, sso ) = { 1, 0, 0, { PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME, TABLE_SORT_DESCEND } }; hr = HrQueryAllRows( lpMessageTable, (LPSPropTagArray) &sptaDETAILS,&srRoot,(LPSSortOrderSet) & sso, 0L, &lpRowsR ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (HR_FAILED(hr)) return -1; for( i = 0; ( i < lpRowsR->cRows) && ( m_nNumberOfHeaders < MAX_NUMBER_OF_HEADERS ); ++i ) { if ( !(lpRowsR->aRow[ i ].lpProps[ 1 ].Value.l & MSGFLAG_READ) ) { if ( !FAILED(lpRowsR->aRow[i].lpProps[2].Value.err) ) { szSenderName = lpRowsR->aRow[i].lpProps[2].Value.lpszW; } if ( nullptr == szSenderName) { if ( !FAILED(lpRowsR->aRow[i].lpProps[3].Value.err)) { szSenderName = lpRowsR->aRow[i].lpProps[3].Value.lpszW; } } if ( !FAILED(lpRowsR->aRow[i].lpProps[4].Value.err) ) { szSubject = lpRowsR->aRow[i].lpProps[4].Value.lpszW; } szEntryID = BinToHex( lpRowsR->aRow[i].lpProps[0].Value.bin.cb, lpRowsR->aRow[i].lpProps[0].Value.bin.lpb ); m_HeadersKeeper[m_nNumberOfHeaders] = new CKeeper(szSenderName, szSubject, szEntryID ); m_nNumberOfHeaders++; delete[] szEntryID; szEntryID = nullptr; szSubject = nullptr; szSenderName = nullptr; } } FreeProws(lpRowsR); if (m_nNumberOfHeaders < MAX_NUMBER_OF_HEADERS) { const enum {IDISPNAME, IENTRYID, ICHILDCOUNT}; static SizedSPropTagArray ( 3, rgColProps) = { 3, { PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A, PR_ENTRYID, PR_FOLDER_CHILD_COUNT } }; hr = MAPICALL( lpFolder)->GetHierarchyTable( MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, &lpTable); if (!FAILED(hr)) { hr = HrQueryAllRows( lpTable, (LPSPropTagArray)&rgColProps, nullptr, nullptr, 0L, &lpRow); if (!FAILED(hr)) { for(i = 0; i < lpRow->cRows; i ++) { lpRowProp = lpRow->aRow[i].lpProps; CMAPIInterface lpSubFolder = NULL; hr = CallOpenEntry( m_lpMDB, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, lpRowProp[IENTRYID].Value.bin.cb, (LPENTRYID)lpRowProp[IENTRYID].Value.bin.lpb, MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, nullptr, (LPUNKNOWN*)&lpSubFolder ); if ( !FAILED(hr) ) { hr = CheckInFolder( lpSubFolder ); //if (FAILED(hr) ){//Log("failed checkinfolder for %s\n",lpRowProp[IDISPNAME].Value.lpszA );} } } FreeProws(lpRow); lpRow = nullptr; } } } return hr; } HRESULT CMirandaExchange::OpenTheMessage( LPTSTR ) { //(Default)//// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\mailto\shell\open\command HKEY hTheKey; HRESULT hRes = E_FAIL; wchar_t szRegValue[ 512 ]; DWORD dwLength = 512 ; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; if ( RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, L"mailto\\shell\\open\\command", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS | KEY_EXECUTE | KEY_QUERY_VALUE , &hTheKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LONG lResult = RegQueryValueEx( hTheKey, nullptr, nullptr, (LPDWORD)&dwType, (LPBYTE)szRegValue, &dwLength); RegCloseKey( hTheKey ); if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hRes = E_FAIL; } else { wchar_t* szTheEnd = wcsstr( szRegValue,L".EXE" ); if ( nullptr != szTheEnd ) { szRegValue[ mir_wstrlen(szRegValue) - mir_wstrlen(szTheEnd) +5 ] = '\0'; mir_wstrcat( szRegValue, L" /recycle" ); STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; memset(&si, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); si.cb = sizeof ( STARTUPINFO); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; if ( CreateProcess ( nullptr, szRegValue, nullptr, nullptr, 0, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nullptr, nullptr, &si, &pi )) { hRes = S_OK; } } } } else { hRes = E_FAIL; } return hRes; } #endif //NO_EXCHANGE_TEST