{$IFNDEF M_ANISMILEY} {$DEFINE M_ANISMILEY} const IASF_UNICODE = 1; type TINSERTANISMILEY = record cbSize :size_t; hWnd :HWND; szFilename :TChar; dwBackColor:COLORREF; nHeight :int; dwFlags :dword; end; tagINSERTANISMILEY = TINSERTANISMILEY; const MS_INSERTANISMILEY :PAnsiChar = 'mAnimator/InsertSmiley'; (* function InsertAnimatedSmiley(wnd:HWND;filename:TChar;Back:TCOLORREF;height:int):bool; const bServiceExists:int=-1 var ias:TINSERTANISMILEY; begin if bServiceExists=-1 then bServiceExists:=ServiceExists(MS_INSERTANISMILEY); if bServiceExists=0 then result:=false else begin ias.cbSize :=SizeOf(TINSERTANISMILEY); ias.hWnd :=wnd; ias.tcsFilename:=Filename.w; ias.dwFlags :=IASF_UNICODE; ias.nHeight :=Height; ias.dwBackColor:=Back; result:=CallService(MS_INSERTANISMILEY,WPARAM(@ias),0)<>0; end; end; BOOL InsertAnimatedSmiley(HWND _hwnd, TCHAR * _szFilename, COLORREF _dwBack, int _nHeight) { static int bServiceExists=-1; ias={0}; if (bServiceExists==-1) bServiceExists=ServiceExists(MS_INSERTANISMILEY); if (!bServiceExists) return FALSE; ias.cbSize=sizeof(INSERTANISMILEY); ias.hWnd=_hwnd; ias.tcsFilename=_szFilename; ias.dwFlags=IASF_TCHAR; ias.nHeight=_nHeight; ias.dwBackColor=_dwBack; return (BOOL) CallService(MS_INSERTANISMILEY,(WPARAM)&ias, 0); }; *) { NM_FIREVIEWCHANGE is WM_NOTIFY Message for notify parent of host window about smiley are going to be repaint The proposed action is next: Owner of RichEdit windows received NM_FIREVIEWCHANGE through WM_NOTIFY twice first time before painting|invalidating (FVCN_PREFIRE) and second time - after (FVCN_POSTFIRE). The Owner window may change any values of received FVCNDATA_NMHDR structure in order to raise needed action. For example it may substitute FVCA_INVALIDATE to FVCA_CUSTOMDRAW event to force painting on self offscreen context. It can be: FVCA_CUSTOMDRAW - in this case you need to provide valid HDC to draw on and valid RECT of smiley FVCA_INVALIDATE - to invalidate specified rect of window FVCA_NONE - skip any action. But be aware - animation will be stopped till next repainting of smiley. FVCA_SENDVIEWCHANGE - to notify richedit ole about object changed. Be aware Richedit will fully reconstruct itself Another point is moment of received smiley rect - it is only valid if FVCA_DRAW is initially set, and it is PROBABLY valid if FVCA_INVALIDATE is set. And it most probably invalid in case of FVCA_SENDVIEWCHANGE. The smiley position is relative last full paint HDC. Usually it is relative to top-left corner of host richedit (NOT it client area) in windows coordinates. } const // Type of Event one of FVCN_PREFIRE = 1; FVCN_POSTFIRE = 2; // Action of event are going to be done FVCA_NONE = 0; FVCA_DRAW = 1; // do not modify hdc in case of _DRAW, Use _CUSTOMDRAW FVCA_CUSTOMDRAW = 2; FVCA_INVALIDATE = 3; FVCA_SENDVIEWCHANGE = 4; FVCA_SKIPDRAW = 5; // Extended NMHDR structure for WM_NOTIFY type TFVCNDATA_NMHDR = record //NMHDR structure hwndFrom :HWND; // Window of smiley host idFrom :uint_ptr; // ignored code :uint; // NM_FIREVIEWCHANGE cbSize :size_t; bEvent :byte; // FVCN_ value - pre- or post- painting bAction :byte; // FVCA_ keys hDC :HDC; // Canvas to draw on rcRect :TRECT; // Valid/should be in case of FVCA_DRAW clrBackground:TCOLORREF; // color to fill background if fTransparent is not set fTransparent :bool; // if need to fill back color lParam :LPARAM; // used by host window PreFire and PostFire event end; const // Code of WM_NOTIFY message (code) NM_FIREVIEWCHANGE = NM_FIRST+1; {$ENDIF}