 * The unique plugin interface ID provided by HistoryStats.
 * @version

 * Checks if a specified contact is set to be excluded from the statistics generated
 * by HistoryStats. If you check this for a MetaContact or for subcontacts of a
 * MetaContact you might want to check the subcontacts and the MetaContact itself, too.
 * @version
 * @param   wParam (WPARAM)(HANDLE) of the contact you'd like to query. NULL is not a
 *                 valid value for this parameter.
 * @param   lParam Must be set to 0.
 * @return  Returns 1 if the specified contact is set to be excluded and 0 otherwise.
  MS_HISTORYSTATS_ISEXCLUDED:PAnsiChar = 'HistoryStats/IsExcluded';

 * Sets if a specified contact should be included in or excluded from the statistics
 * generated by HistoryStats. Setting this on a MetaContact or on a subcontact of a
 * MetaContact might have no effect, depending on the users configuration. Setting
 * this for a MetaContact and all its subcontacts at once should always produce the
 * expected result.
 * @version
 * @param   wParam (WPARAM)(HANDLE) of the contact you'd like to manipulate. NULL is
 *                 not a valid value for this parameter.
 * @param   lParam (LPARAM)(int) of 1 if you want to exclude the specified contact or
 *                 0 if you no longer want to exclude the specified contact.
 * @return  Always returns 0.
  MS_HISTORYSTATS_SETEXCLUDE:PAnsiChar = 'HistoryStats/SetExclude';