#ifndef __m_notify_h__ #define __m_notify_h__ #include <m_database.h> /*** Miranda Notify Dispatcher ************************************************\ Notify Dispatcher provides common interface to different notification plugins like osd, popup, ticker etc. \******************************************************************************/ /* Options UI event and service. The same as for miranda options */ #define ME_NOTIFY_OPT_INITIALISE "Notify/Opt/Initialise" #define MS_NOTIFY_OPT_ADDPAGE "Notify/Opt/AddPage" #define UM_MNOTIFY_CHECK (WM_USER+100) typedef struct tagMNOTIFYACTIONINFO { HICON icon; char name[MAXMODULELABELLENGTH]; char service[MAXMODULELABELLENGTH]; DWORD cookie; } MNOTIFYACTIONINFO; // Just like miranda pluginLink... This should work faster then services, // we need some reactivity in notifications. typedef struct tagMNNOTIFYLINK { /* Create a new notification type */ HANDLE (*Register)(const char *name, HICON icon); // Create a new notification object HANDLE (*Create)(HANDLE type); // Check is handle is a valid notification object int (*IsValid)(HANDLE notify); // Set/get information about object, or type defaults int (*Set)(HANDLE notifyORtype, const char *name, DBVARIANT val); int (*Get)(HANDLE notifyORtype, const char *name, DBVARIANT *val); // Set/get actions int (*AddAction)(HANDLE notifyORtype, HICON icon, const char *name, const char *service, DWORD cookie); int (*GetActions)(HANDLE notifyORtype, MNOTIFYACTIONINFO *actions); // pass NULL to get total number of actions // Increment/decrement refer count of notification object. Unreferred objects are destroyed int (*AddRef)(HANDLE notify); int (*Release)(HANDLE notify); // Notify user void (*Show)(HANDLE notify); void (*Update)(HANDLE notify); void (*Remove)(HANDLE notify); } MNOTIFYLINK; // Get the MNOTIFYLINK struct // result = (LRESULT)(MNOTIFYLINK*)notifyLink #define MS_NOTIFY_GETLINK "Notify/GetLink" // Hook this to process corresponding actions #define ME_NOTIFY_SHOW "Notify/Show" #define ME_NOTIFY_UPDATE "Notify/Update" #define ME_NOTIFY_REMOVE "Notify/Remove" #if !defined(MNOTIFY_NOEXTERN) extern #ifdef __cpluplus "C" #endif MNOTIFYLINK *notifyLink; #endif #if !defined(MNOTIFY_NOHELPERS) && !defined(MNOTIFY_NOEXTERN) #define MNotifyRegister(a,b) (notifyLink?notifyLink->Register((a),(b)):0) #define MNotifyCreate(a) (notifyLink?notifyLink->Create((a)):0) #define MNotifyIsValid(a) (notifyLink?notifyLink->IsValid((a)):0) #define MNotifySet(a,b,c) (notifyLink?notifyLink->Set((a),(b),(c)):0) #define MNotifyGet(a,b,c) (notifyLink?notifyLink->Get((a),(b),(c)):0) #define MNotifyAddAction(a,b,c) (notifyLink?notifyLink->AddAction((a),(b),(c)):0) #define MNotifyGetActions(a,b) (notifyLink?notifyLink->GetActions((a),(b)):0) #define MNotifyGet(a,b,c) (notifyLink?notifyLink->Get((a),(b),(c)):0) #define MNotifyAddRef(a) (notifyLink?notifyLink->AddRef((a)):0) #define MNotifyRelease(a) (notifyLink?notifyLink->Release((a)):0) #define MNotifyShow(a) (notifyLink?notifyLink->Show(a):0) #define MNotifyUpdate(a) (notifyLink?notifyLink->Update(a):0) #define MNotifyRemove(a) (notifyLink?notifyLink->Remove(a):0) static void __inline MNotifyGetLink() { notifyLink = ServiceExists(MS_NOTIFY_GETLINK) ? (MNOTIFYLINK *)CallService(MS_NOTIFY_GETLINK,0,0) : nullptr; } // get helpers static __inline BYTE MNotifyGetByte(HANDLE notifyORtype, const char *name, BYTE defValue) { DBVARIANT dbv; MNotifyGet(notifyORtype, name, &dbv); if (dbv.type != DBVT_BYTE) return defValue; return dbv.bVal; } static __inline WORD MNotifyGetWord(HANDLE notifyORtype, const char *name, WORD defValue) { DBVARIANT dbv; MNotifyGet(notifyORtype, name, &dbv); if (dbv.type != DBVT_WORD) return defValue; return dbv.wVal; } static __inline DWORD MNotifyGetDWord(HANDLE notifyORtype, const char *name, DWORD defValue) { DBVARIANT dbv; MNotifyGet(notifyORtype, name, &dbv); if (dbv.type != DBVT_DWORD) return defValue; return dbv.dVal; } static __inline const char *MNotifyGetString(HANDLE notifyORtype, const char *name, const char *defValue) { DBVARIANT dbv; MNotifyGet(notifyORtype, name, &dbv); if (dbv.type != DBVT_ASCIIZ) return defValue; return dbv.pszVal; } static __inline const WCHAR *MNotifyGetWString(HANDLE notifyORtype, const char *name, const WCHAR *defValue) { DBVARIANT dbv; MNotifyGet(notifyORtype, name, &dbv); if (dbv.type != DBVT_WCHAR) return defValue; return dbv.pwszVal; } // set helpers static __inline void MNotifySetByte(HANDLE notifyORtype, const char *name, BYTE value) { DBVARIANT dbv; dbv.type = DBVT_BYTE; dbv.bVal = value; MNotifySet(notifyORtype, name, dbv); } static __inline void MNotifySetWord(HANDLE notifyORtype, const char *name, WORD value) { DBVARIANT dbv; dbv.type = DBVT_WORD; dbv.wVal = value; MNotifySet(notifyORtype, name, dbv); } static __inline void MNotifySetDWord(HANDLE notifyORtype, const char *name, DWORD value) { DBVARIANT dbv; dbv.type = DBVT_DWORD; dbv.dVal = value; MNotifySet(notifyORtype, name, dbv); } static __inline void MNotifySetString(HANDLE notifyORtype, const char *name, const char *value) { DBVARIANT dbv; dbv.type = DBVT_ASCIIZ; dbv.pszVal = (char *)value; MNotifySet(notifyORtype, name, dbv); } static __inline void MNotifySetWString(HANDLE notifyORtype, const char *name, const WCHAR *value) { DBVARIANT dbv; dbv.type = DBVT_WCHAR; dbv.pwszVal = (WCHAR *)value; MNotifySet(notifyORtype, name, dbv); } #endif // Common options for Get/Set actions #define NFOPT_TYPENAME "General/TypeName" #define NFOPT_ICON "General/Icon" #define NFOPT_CONTACT "General/Contact" #define NFOPT_EVENT "General/Event" #define NFOPT_TEXT "General/Text" #define NFOPT_TEXTW "General/TextW" #define NFOPT_TITLE "General/Title" #define NFOPT_TITLEW "General/TitleW" #define NFOPT_BACKCOLOR "General/BackColor" #define NFOPT_TEXTCOLOR "General/TextColor" #define NFOPT_TIMEOUT "General/Timeout" #endif // __m_notify_h__