/* Copyright (C) 2008 Ricardo Pescuma Domenecci This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __M_SKINS_H__ # define __M_SKINS_H__ #include <windows.h> #define MIID_SKINS { 0x917db7a4, 0xd0fe, 0x4b1c, { 0x8c, 0xa3, 0x6d, 0xc1, 0x44, 0x80, 0xf5, 0xcc } } typedef void * SKINNED_DIALOG; typedef void * SKINNED_FIELD; typedef void * SKINNED_DIALOG_STATE; typedef void * SKINNED_FIELD_STATE; typedef void (*SkinOptionsChangedCallback)(void *param, SKINNED_DIALOG dlg); #define SKN_HALIGN_LEFT 1 #define SKN_HALIGN_CENTER 2 #define SKN_HALIGN_RIGHT 3 #define SKN_VALIGN_TOP 1 #define SKN_VALIGN_CENTER 2 #define SKN_VALIGN_BOTTOM 3 /// Some common parameters: /// - name : internal name and name used inside skin file /// - description : name shown to the user /// - module : the module name where the settings will be stored /// Do not translate any parameters. struct SKIN_INTERFACE { int cbSize; // Global methods SKINNED_DIALOG (*RegisterDialog)(const char *name, const char *description, const char *module); void (*DeleteDialog)(SKINNED_DIALOG dlg); void (*SetSkinChangedCallback)(SKINNED_DIALOG dlg, SkinOptionsChangedCallback cb, void *param); void (*FinishedConfiguring)(SKINNED_DIALOG dlg); // Dialog methods SKINNED_FIELD (*AddTextField)(SKINNED_DIALOG dlg, const char *name, const char *description); SKINNED_FIELD (*AddIconField)(SKINNED_DIALOG dlg, const char *name, const char *description); SKINNED_FIELD (*AddImageField)(SKINNED_DIALOG dlg, const char *name, const char *description); SKINNED_FIELD (*GetField)(SKINNED_DIALOG dlg, const char *name); void (*SetDialogSize)(SKINNED_DIALOG dlg, int width, int height); void (*SetInfoInt)(SKINNED_DIALOG dlg, const char *name, int value); void (*SetInfoDouble)(SKINNED_DIALOG dlg, const char *name, double value); void (*SetInfoBool)(SKINNED_DIALOG dlg, const char *name, BOOL value); void (*SetInfoString)(SKINNED_DIALOG dlg, const char *name, const TCHAR *value); void (*RemoveInfo)(SKINNED_DIALOG dlg, const char *name); // Field methods void (*SetEnabled)(SKINNED_FIELD field, BOOL enabled); void (*SetToolTipA)(SKINNED_FIELD field, const char *tooltip); void (*SetToolTipW)(SKINNED_FIELD field, const WCHAR *tooltip); // TextField methods void (*SetTextA)(SKINNED_FIELD field, const char *text); void (*SetTextW)(SKINNED_FIELD field, const WCHAR *text); // IconField methods void (*SetIcon)(SKINNED_FIELD field, HICON hIcon); // ImageField methods void (*SetImage)(SKINNED_FIELD field, HBITMAP hBmp); // Run the skin and get an state from it SKINNED_DIALOG_STATE (*Run)(SKINNED_DIALOG dialog); // Dialog State methods SKINNED_FIELD_STATE (*GetFieldState)(SKINNED_DIALOG_STATE dlg, const char *name); RECT (*GetDialogBorders)(SKINNED_DIALOG_STATE dlg); // Field State methods RECT (*GetRect)(SKINNED_FIELD_STATE field); // With borders RECT (*GetInsideRect)(SKINNED_FIELD_STATE field); // Without borders RECT (*GetRawRect)(SKINNED_FIELD_STATE field); // With borders, without processing to assert inside window RECT (*GetRawInsideRect)(SKINNED_FIELD_STATE field); // Without borders, without processing to assert inside window RECT (*GetBorders)(SKINNED_FIELD_STATE field); BOOL (*IsVisible)(SKINNED_FIELD_STATE field); char * (*GetToolTipA)(SKINNED_FIELD field); // You have to free the result WCHAR * (*GetToolTipW)(SKINNED_FIELD field); // You have to free the result int (*GetHorizontalAlign)(SKINNED_FIELD_STATE field); // one of SKN_HALIGN_* int (*GetVerticalAlign)(SKINNED_FIELD_STATE field); // one of SKN_VALIGN_* // TextField State methods char * (*GetTextA)(SKINNED_FIELD_STATE field); // You have to free the result WCHAR * (*GetTextW)(SKINNED_FIELD_STATE field); // You have to free the result HFONT (*GetFont)(SKINNED_FIELD_STATE field); COLORREF (*GetFontColor)(SKINNED_FIELD_STATE field); // IconField State methods HICON (*GetIcon)(SKINNED_FIELD_STATE field); // ImageField State methods HBITMAP (*GetImage)(SKINNED_FIELD_STATE field); }; /* Skins/GetInterface service Fill the function pointers for a SKIN_INTERFACE struct wparam = 0 lparam = (SKIN_INTERFACE *) struct to be filled returns: 0 on success */ #define MS_SKINS_GETINTERFACE "Skins/GetInterface" static int mir_skins_getInterface(struct SKIN_INTERFACE *dest) { dest->cbSize = sizeof(SKIN_INTERFACE); return CallService(MS_SKINS_GETINTERFACE, 0, (LPARAM) dest); } #endif // __M_SKINS_H__