/* FTP File YM plugin Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Jan Holub This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "common.h" ServerList *ServerList::instance = NULL; ServerList &ftpList = ServerList::getInstance(); extern Options &opt; void ServerList::init() { for (int i = 0; i < FTP_COUNT; i++) { ServerList::FTP *ftp = new ServerList::FTP(i); ftpList.add(ftp); } } void ServerList::deinit() { for (UINT i = 0; i < ftpList.size(); i++) delete ftpList[i]; delete this; } void ServerList::saveToDb() const { ServerList::FTP *ftp = ftpList.getSelected(); char buff[256]; mir_snprintf(buff, "Password%d", opt.selected); DB::setAStringF(0, MODULE, buff, opt.selected, ftp->szPass); DB::setStringF(0, MODULE, "Name%d", opt.selected, ftp->stzName); DB::setAStringF(0, MODULE, "Server%d", opt.selected, ftp->szServer); DB::setAStringF(0, MODULE, "User%d", opt.selected, ftp->szUser); DB::setAStringF(0, MODULE, "Url%d", opt.selected, ftp->szUrl); DB::setAStringF(0, MODULE, "Dir%d", opt.selected, ftp->szDir); DB::setAStringF(0, MODULE, "Chmod%d", opt.selected, ftp->szChmod); DB::setWordF(0, MODULE, "FtpProto%d", opt.selected, ftp->ftpProto); DB::setWordF(0, MODULE, "Port%d", opt.selected, ftp->iPort); DB::setByteF(0, MODULE, "Passive%d", opt.selected, ftp->bPassive); DB::setByteF(0, MODULE, "Enabled%d", opt.selected, ftp->bEnabled); db_set_b(0, MODULE, "Selected", opt.selected); db_set_b(0, MODULE, "Default", opt.defaultFTP); } ServerList::FTP::FTP(int index) { if (DB::getStringF(0, MODULE, "Name%d", index, this->stzName)) mir_sntprintf(this->stzName, _countof(this->stzName), TranslateT("FTP Server %d"), index + 1); DB::getAStringF(0, MODULE, "Password%d", index, this->szPass); DB::getAStringF(0, MODULE, "Server%d", index, this->szServer); DB::getAStringF(0, MODULE, "User%d", index, this->szUser); DB::getAStringF(0, MODULE, "Url%d", index, this->szUrl); DB::getAStringF(0, MODULE, "Dir%d", index, this->szDir); DB::getAStringF(0, MODULE, "Chmod%d", index, this->szChmod); this->ftpProto = (FTP::EProtoType)DB::getWordF(0, MODULE, "FtpProto%d", index, FTP::FT_STANDARD); this->iPort = DB::getWordF(0, MODULE, "Port%d", index, 21); this->bPassive = DB::getByteF(0, MODULE, "Passive%d", index, 0) ? true : false; this->bEnabled = DB::getByteF(0, MODULE, "Enabled%d", index, 0) ? true : false; } ServerList::FTP *ServerList::getSelected() const { return ftpList[opt.selected]; } bool ServerList::FTP::isValid() const { return (this->bEnabled && this->szServer[0] && this->szUser[0] && this->szPass[0] && this->szUrl[0]) ? true : false; } char *ServerList::FTP::getProtoString() const { switch (this->ftpProto) { case FT_STANDARD: case FT_SSL_EXPLICIT: return "ftp://"; case FT_SSL_IMPLICIT: return "ftps://"; case FT_SSH: return "sftp://"; } return NULL; }