#include "stdafx.h" static int CompareItem(const CContactCache::TContactInfo *p1, const CContactCache::TContactInfo *p2) { if (p1->rate > p2->rate) return -1; if (p1->rate < p2->rate) return 1; return 0; } CContactCache::CContactCache() : m_cache(50, CompareItem) { int(__cdecl CContactCache::*pfn)(WPARAM, LPARAM); pfn = &CContactCache::OnDbEventAdded; HookEventObj(ME_DB_EVENT_ADDED, *(MIRANDAHOOKOBJ *)&pfn, this); Rebuild(); } CContactCache::~CContactCache() { for (auto &it : m_cache) delete it; } int __cdecl CContactCache::OnDbEventAdded(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM hEvent) { DBEVENTINFO dbei = {}; db_event_get(hEvent, &dbei); if (dbei.eventType != EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE) return 0; float weight = GetEventWeight(time(nullptr) - dbei.timestamp); float q = GetTimeWeight(time(nullptr) - m_lastUpdate); m_lastUpdate = time(nullptr); if (!weight) return 0; TContactInfo *pFound = nullptr; mir_cslock lck(m_cs); for (auto &it : m_cache.rev_iter()) { it->rate *= q; if (it->hContact == hContact) { it->rate += weight; pFound = it; m_cache.remove(it); // reinsert to maintain the sort order } } if (!pFound) { pFound = new TContactInfo; pFound->hContact = hContact; pFound->rate = weight; } m_cache.insert(pFound); return 0; } float CContactCache::GetEventWeight(unsigned long age) { const float ceil = 1000.f; const float floor = 0.0001f; const int depth = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; if (age > depth) return 0; return exp(log(ceil) - age * (log(ceil) - log(floor)) / depth); } float CContactCache::GetTimeWeight(unsigned long age) { const float ceil = 1000.f; const float floor = 0.0001f; const int depth = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; if (age > depth) return 0; return exp(age * (log(ceil) - log(floor)) / depth); } void CContactCache::Rebuild() { unsigned long timestamp = time(nullptr); m_lastUpdate = time(nullptr); for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { TContactInfo *info = new TContactInfo; info->hContact = hContact; info->rate = 0; for (MEVENT hEvent = db_event_last(hContact); hEvent; hEvent = db_event_prev(hContact, hEvent)) { DBEVENTINFO dbei = {}; if (!db_event_get(hEvent, &dbei)) { if (float weight = GetEventWeight(timestamp - dbei.timestamp)) { if (dbei.eventType == EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE) info->rate += weight; } else break; } } m_cache.insert(info); } } MCONTACT CContactCache::get(int rate) { if (rate >= 0 && rate < m_cache.getCount()) return m_cache[rate]->hContact; return NULL; } float CContactCache::getWeight(int rate) { if (rate >= 0 && rate < m_cache.getCount()) return m_cache[rate]->rate; return -1; } static bool AppendInfo(wchar_t *buf, int size, MCONTACT hContact, int info) { ptrW str(Contact_GetInfo(info, hContact)); if (str != NULL) { mir_wstrncpy(buf, str, size); return true; } return false; } void CContactCache::TContactInfo::LoadInfo() { if (infoLoaded) return; wchar_t *p = info; p[0] = p[1] = 0; static const int items[] = { CNF_FIRSTNAME, CNF_LASTNAME, CNF_NICK, CNF_CUSTOMNICK, CNF_EMAIL, CNF_CITY, CNF_STATE, CNF_COUNTRY, CNF_PHONE, CNF_HOMEPAGE, CNF_ABOUT, CNF_UNIQUEID, CNF_MYNOTES, CNF_STREET, CNF_CONAME, CNF_CODEPT, CNF_COCITY, CNF_COSTATE, CNF_COSTREET, CNF_COCOUNTRY }; for (int i = 0; i < _countof(items); ++i) if (AppendInfo(p, _countof(info) - (p - info), hContact, items[i])) p += mir_wstrlen(p) + 1; *p = 0; infoLoaded = true; } wchar_t *nb_stristr(wchar_t *str, wchar_t *substr) { if (!substr || !*substr) return str; if (!str || !*str) return nullptr; wchar_t *str_up = NEWWSTR_ALLOCA(str); wchar_t *substr_up = NEWWSTR_ALLOCA(substr); CharUpperBuff(str_up, (DWORD)mir_wstrlen(str_up)); CharUpperBuff(substr_up, (DWORD)mir_wstrlen(substr_up)); wchar_t *p = wcsstr(str_up, substr_up); return p ? (str + (p - str_up)) : nullptr; } bool CContactCache::filter(int rate, wchar_t *str) { if (!str || !*str) return true; m_cache[rate]->LoadInfo(); HKL kbdLayoutActive = GetKeyboardLayout(GetCurrentThreadId()); HKL kbdLayouts[10]; int nKbdLayouts = GetKeyboardLayoutList(_countof(kbdLayouts), kbdLayouts); wchar_t buf[256]; BYTE keyState[256] = { 0 }; for (int iLayout = 0; iLayout < nKbdLayouts; ++iLayout) { if (kbdLayoutActive == kbdLayouts[iLayout]) mir_wstrcpy(buf, str); else { int i; for (i = 0; str[i]; ++i) { UINT vk = VkKeyScanEx(str[i], kbdLayoutActive); UINT scan = MapVirtualKeyEx(vk, 0, kbdLayoutActive); ToUnicodeEx(vk, scan, keyState, buf + i, _countof(buf) - i, 0, kbdLayouts[iLayout]); } buf[i] = 0; } for (wchar_t *p = m_cache[rate]->info; p && *p; p = p + mir_wstrlen(p) + 1) if (nb_stristr(p, buf)) return true; } return false; }