/* Favourite Contacts for Miranda IM Copyright 2007 Victor Pavlychko This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "headers.h" HINSTANCE g_hInst; int hLangpack; PLUGININFOEX pluginInfo = { sizeof(PLUGININFOEX), __PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(__MAJOR_VERSION, __MINOR_VERSION, __RELEASE_NUM, __BUILD_NUM), __DESCRIPTION, __AUTHOR, __AUTHOREMAIL, __COPYRIGHT, __AUTHORWEB, UNICODE_AWARE, // {CE2C0401-F9E0-40D7-8E95-1A4197D7AB04} {0xce2c0401, 0xf9e0, 0x40d7, {0x8e, 0x95, 0x1a, 0x41, 0x97, 0xd7, 0xab, 0x4}} }; static IconItem iconList[] = { { LPGEN("Favourite Contact"), "favcontacts_favourite", IDI_FAVOURITE }, { LPGEN("Regular Contact"), "favcontacts_regular", IDI_REGULAR }, }; #define MS_FAVCONTACTS_SHOWMENU "FavContacts/ShowMenu" #define MS_FAVCONTACTS_SHOWMENU_CENTERED "FavContacts/ShowMenuCentered" #define MS_FAVCONTACTS_OPEN_CONTACT "FavContacts/OpenContact" HWND g_hwndMenuHost = NULL; static LRESULT CALLBACK MenuHostWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static INT_PTR CALLBACK OptionsDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static void sttLoadOptions(); static void sttSaveOptions(); int sttShowMenu(bool centered); INT_PTR svcOpenContact(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR svcShowMenu(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR svcShowMenuCentered(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int ProcessSrmmEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int ProcessSrmmIconClick(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); float g_widthMultiplier = 0; int g_maxItemWidth = 0; CContactCache *g_contactCache = NULL; TCHAR g_filter[1024] = {0}; Options g_Options = {0}; BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { g_hInst = hinstDLL; return TRUE; } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) PLUGININFOEX *MirandaPluginInfoEx(DWORD mirandaVersion) { return &pluginInfo; } static __forceinline COLORREF sttShadeColor(COLORREF clLine1, COLORREF clBack) { return RGB( (GetRValue(clLine1) * 66UL + GetRValue(clBack) * 34UL) / 100, (GetGValue(clLine1) * 66UL + GetGValue(clBack) * 34UL) / 100, (GetBValue(clLine1) * 66UL + GetBValue(clBack) * 34UL) / 100 ); } int ProcessTBLoaded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TTBButton ttb = { sizeof(ttb) }; ttb.pszTooltipUp = ttb.name = LPGEN("Favourite Contacts"); ttb.pszService = MS_FAVCONTACTS_SHOWMENU; ttb.dwFlags = TTBBF_SHOWTOOLTIP | TTBBF_VISIBLE; ttb.hIconHandleUp = iconList[0].hIcolib; TopToolbar_AddButton(&ttb); return 0; } int ProcessReloadFonts(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (g_Options.hfntName) DeleteObject(g_Options.hfntName); if (g_Options.hfntSecond) DeleteObject(g_Options.hfntSecond); LOGFONT lf = {0}; FontIDT fontid = {0}; fontid.cbSize = sizeof(fontid); lstrcpy(fontid.group, LPGENT("Favourite Contacts")); lstrcpy(fontid.name, LPGENT("Contact name")); g_Options.clLine1 = CallService(MS_FONT_GETT, (WPARAM)&fontid, (LPARAM)&lf); g_Options.hfntName = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); lstrcpy(fontid.name, LPGENT("Second line")); g_Options.clLine2 = CallService(MS_FONT_GETT, (WPARAM)&fontid, (LPARAM)&lf); g_Options.hfntSecond = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); lstrcpy(fontid.name, LPGENT("Selected contact name (color)")); g_Options.clLine1Sel = CallService(MS_FONT_GETT, (WPARAM)&fontid, (LPARAM)&lf); lstrcpy(fontid.name, LPGENT("Selected second line (color)")); g_Options.clLine2Sel = CallService(MS_FONT_GETT, (WPARAM)&fontid, (LPARAM)&lf); ColourIDT colourid = {0}; colourid.cbSize = sizeof(colourid); lstrcpy(colourid.group, LPGENT("Favourite Contacts")); lstrcpy(colourid.name, LPGENT("Background")); g_Options.clBack = CallService(MS_COLOUR_GETT, (WPARAM)&colourid, (LPARAM)&lf); lstrcpy(colourid.name, LPGENT("Selected background")); g_Options.clBackSel = CallService(MS_COLOUR_GETT, (WPARAM)&colourid, (LPARAM)&lf); return 0; } int ProcessModulesLoaded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HookEvent(ME_TTB_MODULELOADED, ProcessTBLoaded); StatusIconData sid = { sizeof(sid) }; sid.szModule = "FavContacts"; sid.szTooltip = LPGEN("Favourite Contacts"); sid.hIcon = Skin_GetIconByHandle(iconList[0].hIcolib); sid.hIconDisabled = Skin_GetIconByHandle(iconList[1].hIcolib); Srmm_AddIcon(&sid); HookEvent(ME_MSG_ICONPRESSED, ProcessSrmmIconClick); HookEvent(ME_MSG_WINDOWEVENT, ProcessSrmmEvent); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FontIDT fontid = {0}; fontid.cbSize = sizeof(fontid); lstrcpy(fontid.group, LPGENT("Favourite Contacts")); lstrcpyA(fontid.dbSettingsGroup, "FavContacts"); lstrcpy(fontid.backgroundGroup, LPGENT("Favourite Contacts")); fontid.flags = FIDF_DEFAULTVALID; fontid.deffontsettings.charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET; fontid.deffontsettings.size = -11; lstrcpy(fontid.deffontsettings.szFace, _T("MS Shell Dlg")); fontid.deffontsettings.style = 0; lstrcpy(fontid.backgroundName, LPGENT("Background")); lstrcpy(fontid.name, LPGENT("Contact name")); lstrcpyA(fontid.prefix, "fntName"); fontid.deffontsettings.colour = GetSysColor(COLOR_MENUTEXT); fontid.deffontsettings.style = DBFONTF_BOLD; FontRegisterT(&fontid); lstrcpy(fontid.name, LPGENT("Second line")); lstrcpyA(fontid.prefix, "fntSecond"); fontid.deffontsettings.colour = sttShadeColor(GetSysColor(COLOR_MENUTEXT), GetSysColor(COLOR_MENU)); fontid.deffontsettings.style = 0; FontRegisterT(&fontid); lstrcpy(fontid.backgroundName, LPGENT("Selected background")); lstrcpy(fontid.name, LPGENT("Selected contact name (color)")); lstrcpyA(fontid.prefix, "fntNameSel"); fontid.deffontsettings.colour = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); fontid.deffontsettings.style = DBFONTF_BOLD; FontRegisterT(&fontid); lstrcpy(fontid.name, LPGENT("Selected second line (color)")); lstrcpyA(fontid.prefix, "fntSecondSel"); fontid.deffontsettings.colour = sttShadeColor(GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT), GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); fontid.deffontsettings.style = 0; FontRegisterT(&fontid); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ColourIDT colourid = {0}; colourid.cbSize = sizeof(colourid); lstrcpy(colourid.group, LPGENT("Favourite Contacts")); lstrcpyA(colourid.dbSettingsGroup, "FavContacts"); lstrcpy(colourid.name, LPGENT("Background")); lstrcpyA(colourid.setting, "BackColour"); colourid.defcolour = GetSysColor(COLOR_MENU); ColourRegisterT(&colourid); lstrcpy(colourid.name, LPGENT("Selected background")); lstrcpyA(colourid.setting, "SelectedColour"); colourid.defcolour = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); ColourRegisterT(&colourid); HookEvent(ME_FONT_RELOAD, ProcessReloadFonts); HookEvent(ME_COLOUR_RELOAD, ProcessReloadFonts); ProcessReloadFonts(0, 0); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HOTKEYDESC hotkey = {0}; hotkey.cbSize = sizeof(hotkey); hotkey.pszName = "FavContacts/ShowMenu"; hotkey.pszDescription = LPGEN("Show favourite contacts"); hotkey.pszSection = "Contacts"; hotkey.pszService = MS_FAVCONTACTS_SHOWMENU_CENTERED; hotkey.DefHotKey = MAKEWORD('Q', HOTKEYF_EXT); Hotkey_Register(&hotkey); if (ServiceExists(MS_AV_GETAVATARBITMAP)) { for (HANDLE hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) if (db_get_b(hContact, "FavContacts", "IsFavourite", 0)) CallService(MS_AV_GETAVATARBITMAP, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); } return 0; } int ProcessOptInitialise(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { OPTIONSDIALOGPAGE odp = { 0 }; odp.cbSize = sizeof(odp); odp.position = 100000000; odp.hInstance = g_hInst; odp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDD_OPTIONS); odp.pszGroup = LPGEN("Contacts"); odp.pszTitle = LPGEN("Favourites"); odp.groupPosition = 910000000; odp.flags = ODPF_BOLDGROUPS; odp.pfnDlgProc = OptionsDlgProc; Options_AddPage(wParam, &odp); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int Load(void) { mir_getLP(&pluginInfo); g_contactCache = new CContactCache; WNDCLASSEX wcl = {0}; wcl.cbSize = sizeof(wcl); wcl.lpfnWndProc = MenuHostWndProc; wcl.style = 0; wcl.cbClsExtra = 0; wcl.cbWndExtra = 0; wcl.hInstance = g_hInst; wcl.hIcon = NULL; wcl.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wcl.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(LTGRAY_BRUSH); wcl.lpszMenuName = NULL; wcl.lpszClassName = _T("FavContactsMenuHostWnd"); wcl.hIconSm = NULL; RegisterClassEx(&wcl); g_hwndMenuHost = CreateWindow(_T("FavContactsMenuHostWnd"), NULL, 0, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, HWND_DESKTOP, NULL, g_hInst, NULL); SetWindowPos(g_hwndMenuHost, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_DEFERERASE|SWP_NOSENDCHANGING|SWP_HIDEWINDOW); sttLoadOptions(); CreateServiceFunction(MS_FAVCONTACTS_SHOWMENU, svcShowMenu); CreateServiceFunction(MS_FAVCONTACTS_SHOWMENU_CENTERED, svcShowMenuCentered); CreateServiceFunction(MS_FAVCONTACTS_OPEN_CONTACT, svcOpenContact); HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, ProcessOptInitialise); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, ProcessModulesLoaded); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Icon_Register(g_hInst, LPGEN("Favourites"), iconList, SIZEOF(iconList)); LoadHttpApi(); #ifdef _DEBUG CLISTMENUITEM mi = { sizeof(mi) }; mi.icolibItem = LoadSkinnedIconHandle(SKINICON_OTHER_OPTIONS); mi.position = 1900000000; mi.pszName = LPGEN("&Favourite Contacts..."); mi.pszService = MS_FAVCONTACTS_SHOWMENU; Menu_AddMainMenuItem(&mi); #endif return 0; } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int Unload(void) { UnloadHttpApi(); if (g_hwndMenuHost) DestroyWindow(g_hwndMenuHost); if (g_Options.hfntName) DeleteObject(g_Options.hfntName); if (g_Options.hfntSecond) DeleteObject(g_Options.hfntSecond); delete g_contactCache; return 0; } static void sttLoadOptions() { g_Options.bSecondLine = db_get_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "SecondLine", 1); g_Options.bAvatars = db_get_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "Avatars", 1); g_Options.bAvatarBorder = db_get_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "AvatarBorder", 0); g_Options.wAvatarRadius = db_get_w(NULL, "FavContacts", "AvatarRadius", 3); g_Options.bNoTransparentBorder = db_get_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "NoTransparentBorder", !db_get_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "AvatarBorderTransparent", 1)); g_Options.bSysColors = db_get_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "SysColors", 0); g_Options.bCenterHotkey = db_get_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "CenterHotkey", 1); g_Options.bUseGroups = db_get_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "UseGroups", 0); g_Options.bUseColumns = db_get_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "UseColumns", 1); g_Options.bRightAvatars = db_get_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "RightAvatars", 0); g_Options.bDimIdle = db_get_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "DimIdle", 1); g_Options.wMaxRecent = db_get_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "MaxRecent", 10); } static void sttSaveOptions() { db_set_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "SecondLine", g_Options.bSecondLine); db_set_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "Avatars", g_Options.bAvatars); db_set_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "AvatarBorder", g_Options.bAvatarBorder); db_set_w(NULL, "FavContacts", "AvatarRadius", g_Options.wAvatarRadius); db_set_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "NoTransparentBorder", g_Options.bNoTransparentBorder); db_set_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "SysColors", g_Options.bSysColors); db_set_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "CenterHotkey", g_Options.bCenterHotkey); db_set_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "UseGroups", g_Options.bUseGroups); db_set_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "UseColumns", g_Options.bUseColumns); db_set_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "RightAvatars", g_Options.bRightAvatars); db_set_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "DimIdle", g_Options.bDimIdle); db_set_w(NULL, "FavContacts", "MaxRecent", g_Options.wMaxRecent); } static bool sttIsGroup(int id) { if (id == 1) return true; DBVARIANT dbv = {0}; char buf[32]; wsprintfA(buf, "%d", (int)(id-2)); if (!db_get_ts(NULL, "CListGroups", buf, &dbv)) { db_free(&dbv); return true; } return false; } static TCHAR *sttGetGroupName(int id) { if (id == 1) { if (g_Options.bUseGroups) return mir_tstrdup(TranslateT("<No group>")); return mir_tstrdup(TranslateT("Favourite Contacts")); } DBVARIANT dbv = {0}; char buf[32]; wsprintfA(buf, "%d", (int)(id-2)); if (!db_get_ts(NULL, "CListGroups", buf, &dbv)) { TCHAR *res = mir_tstrdup(dbv.ptszVal+1); db_free(&dbv); return res; } return NULL; } static int sttGetGroupId(TCHAR *name) { for (int i = 0; ; ++i) { DBVARIANT dbv = {0}; char buf[32]; wsprintfA(buf, "%d", (int)i); if (!db_get_ts(NULL, "CListGroups", buf, &dbv)) { if (!lstrcmp(dbv.ptszVal+1, name)) { db_free(&dbv); return i+2; } db_free(&dbv); } else { // default is root return 1; } } } static BOOL sttMeasureItem_Group(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpmis, Options *options) { if (true) { HDC hdc = GetDC(g_hwndMenuHost); HFONT hfntSave = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); TCHAR *name = sttGetGroupName(lpmis->itemData); SIZE sz; if (!options->bSysColors) SelectObject(hdc, g_Options.hfntName); GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, name, lstrlen(name), &sz); lpmis->itemHeight = sz.cy + 8; lpmis->itemWidth = sz.cx + 10; mir_free(name); SelectObject(hdc, hfntSave); ReleaseDC(g_hwndMenuHost, hdc); } return TRUE; } static BOOL sttMeasureItem_Contact(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpmis, Options *options) { HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)lpmis->itemData; lpmis->itemHeight = 4; lpmis->itemWidth = 8+10; if (true) { lpmis->itemWidth += 20; } if (true) { SIZE sz; int textWidth = 0; HDC hdc = GetDC(g_hwndMenuHost); HFONT hfntSave = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); if (options->bSecondLine) { DBVARIANT dbv; TCHAR *title; bool bFree = false; if (db_get_ts(hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg", &dbv) || !*dbv.ptszVal) { char *proto = GetContactProto(hContact); int status = db_get_w(hContact, proto, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); title = (TCHAR *)CallService(MS_CLIST_GETSTATUSMODEDESCRIPTION, status, GSMDF_TCHAR); } else { title = dbv.ptszVal; bFree = true; } if (!options->bSysColors) SelectObject(hdc, g_Options.hfntSecond); GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, title, lstrlen(title), &sz); if (bFree) db_free(&dbv); textWidth = sz.cx; lpmis->itemHeight += sz.cy + 3; } TCHAR *name = (TCHAR *)CallService(MS_CLIST_GETCONTACTDISPLAYNAME, (WPARAM)hContact, GCDNF_TCHAR); if (!options->bSysColors) SelectObject(hdc, g_Options.hfntName); GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, name, lstrlen(name), &sz); textWidth = max(textWidth, sz.cx); SelectObject(hdc, hfntSave); ReleaseDC(g_hwndMenuHost, hdc); lpmis->itemWidth += textWidth; lpmis->itemHeight += sz.cy; } if (options->bAvatars) { AVATARCACHEENTRY *ace = (AVATARCACHEENTRY *)CallService(MS_AV_GETAVATARBITMAP, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); if (ace && (ace != (AVATARCACHEENTRY *)CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND)) { int avatarWidth = lpmis->itemHeight; if (ace->bmWidth < ace->bmHeight) avatarWidth = lpmis->itemHeight * ace->bmWidth / ace->bmHeight; lpmis->itemWidth += avatarWidth + 5; } } if (lpmis->itemHeight < 18) lpmis->itemHeight = 18; return TRUE; } static BOOL sttMeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpmis, Options *options=NULL) { if (!options) options = &g_Options; if (!lpmis->itemData) return FALSE; BOOL res = FALSE; if (sttIsGroup(lpmis->itemData)) res = sttMeasureItem_Group(lpmis, options); else if (CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_IS, lpmis->itemData, 0)) res = sttMeasureItem_Contact(lpmis, options); if (res && (lpmis->itemWidth > g_maxItemWidth)) lpmis->itemWidth = g_maxItemWidth; if (res && g_widthMultiplier) lpmis->itemWidth *= g_widthMultiplier; return FALSE; } static BOOL sttDrawItem_Group(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis, Options *options = NULL) { lpdis->rcItem.top++; lpdis->rcItem.bottom--; HFONT hfntSave = (HFONT)SelectObject(lpdis->hDC, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); SetBkMode(lpdis->hDC, TRANSPARENT); if (options->bSysColors) { FillRect(lpdis->hDC, &lpdis->rcItem, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); //FrameRect(lpdis->hDC, &lpdis->rcItem, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); SetTextColor(lpdis->hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)); } else { HBRUSH hbr; hbr = CreateSolidBrush(g_Options.clBackSel); FillRect(lpdis->hDC, &lpdis->rcItem, hbr); DeleteObject(hbr); //hbr = CreateSolidBrush(g_Options.clBackSel); //FrameRect(lpdis->hDC, &lpdis->rcItem, hbr); //DeleteObject(hbr); SetTextColor(lpdis->hDC, g_Options.clLine1Sel); } if (true) { TCHAR *name = sttGetGroupName(lpdis->itemData); if (!options->bSysColors) SelectObject(lpdis->hDC, g_Options.hfntName); DrawText(lpdis->hDC, name, lstrlen(name), &lpdis->rcItem, DT_NOPREFIX|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_VCENTER|DT_CENTER); mir_free(name); } SelectObject(lpdis->hDC, hfntSave); return TRUE; } void ImageList_DrawDimmed(HIMAGELIST himl, int i, HDC hdc, int left, int top, UINT fStyle) { typedef BOOL (WINAPI *TFnAlphaBlend)(HDC, int, int, int, int, HDC, int, int, int, int, BLENDFUNCTION); static TFnAlphaBlend pfnAlphaBlend = NULL; bool load_funcs = true; if (load_funcs) { pfnAlphaBlend = (TFnAlphaBlend)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("msimg32"), "AlphaBlend"); load_funcs = false; } int dx, dy; ImageList_GetIconSize(himl, &dx, &dy); HDC dcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); HBITMAP hbm = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, dx, dy); HBITMAP hbmOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(dcMem, hbm); BitBlt(dcMem, 0, 0, dx, dx, hdc, left, top, SRCCOPY); ImageList_Draw(himl, i, dcMem, 0, 0, fStyle); if (pfnAlphaBlend) { BLENDFUNCTION bf = {0}; bf.SourceConstantAlpha = 180; pfnAlphaBlend(hdc, left, top, dx, dy, dcMem, 0, 0, dx, dy, bf); } else { SetStretchBltMode(hdc, HALFTONE); StretchBlt(hdc, left, top, dx, dy, dcMem, 0, 0, dx, dy, SRCCOPY); } SelectObject(dcMem, hbmOld); DeleteObject(hbm); DeleteDC(dcMem); } static BOOL sttDrawItem_Contact(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis, Options *options = NULL) { HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)lpdis->itemData; HDC hdcTemp = CreateCompatibleDC(lpdis->hDC); HBITMAP hbmTemp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(lpdis->hDC, lpdis->rcItem.right-lpdis->rcItem.left, lpdis->rcItem.bottom-lpdis->rcItem.top); HBITMAP hbmSave = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdcTemp, hbmTemp); RECT rcSave = lpdis->rcItem; OffsetRect(&lpdis->rcItem, -lpdis->rcItem.left, -lpdis->rcItem.top); HFONT hfntSave = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdcTemp, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); SetBkMode(hdcTemp, TRANSPARENT); COLORREF clBack, clLine1, clLine2; if (lpdis->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) { if (options->bSysColors) { FillRect(hdcTemp, &lpdis->rcItem, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); clBack = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); clLine1 = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); } else { clBack = g_Options.clBackSel; clLine1 = g_Options.clLine1Sel; clLine2 = g_Options.clLine2Sel; } } else { if (options->bSysColors) { FillRect(hdcTemp, &lpdis->rcItem, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_MENU)); clBack = GetSysColor(COLOR_MENU); clLine1 = GetSysColor(COLOR_MENUTEXT); } else { clBack = g_Options.clBack; clLine1 = g_Options.clLine1; clLine2 = g_Options.clLine2; } } if (options->bSysColors) { clLine2 = RGB( (GetRValue(clLine1) * 66UL + GetRValue(clBack) * 34UL) / 100, (GetGValue(clLine1) * 66UL + GetGValue(clBack) * 34UL) / 100, (GetBValue(clLine1) * 66UL + GetBValue(clBack) * 34UL) / 100 ); } else { HBRUSH hbr = CreateSolidBrush(clBack); FillRect(hdcTemp, &lpdis->rcItem, hbr); DeleteObject(hbr); } lpdis->rcItem.left += 4; lpdis->rcItem.right -= 4; lpdis->rcItem.top += 2; lpdis->rcItem.bottom -= 2; char *proto = GetContactProto(hContact); if (true) { HIMAGELIST hIml = (HIMAGELIST)CallService(MS_CLIST_GETICONSIMAGELIST, 0, 0); int iIcon = CallService(MS_CLIST_GETCONTACTICON, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); if (db_get_dw(hContact, proto, "IdleTS", 0)) { ImageList_DrawDimmed(hIml, iIcon, hdcTemp, lpdis->rcItem.left, (lpdis->rcItem.top + lpdis->rcItem.bottom - 16) / 2, ILD_TRANSPARENT); } else { ImageList_Draw(hIml, iIcon, hdcTemp, lpdis->rcItem.left, (lpdis->rcItem.top + lpdis->rcItem.bottom - 16) / 2, ILD_TRANSPARENT); } lpdis->rcItem.left += 20; } if (options->wMaxRecent && db_get_b(hContact, "FavContacts", "IsFavourite", 0)) { DrawIconEx(hdcTemp, lpdis->rcItem.right - 18, (lpdis->rcItem.top + lpdis->rcItem.bottom - 16) / 2, Skin_GetIconByHandle(iconList[0].hIcolib), 16, 16, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL); lpdis->rcItem.right -= 20; } if (options->bAvatars) { AVATARCACHEENTRY *ace = (AVATARCACHEENTRY *)CallService(MS_AV_GETAVATARBITMAP, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); if (ace && (ace != (AVATARCACHEENTRY *)CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND)) { int avatarWidth = lpdis->rcItem.bottom - lpdis->rcItem.top; if (ace->bmWidth < ace->bmHeight) avatarWidth = (lpdis->rcItem.bottom - lpdis->rcItem.top) * ace->bmWidth / ace->bmHeight; AVATARDRAWREQUEST avdr = {0}; avdr.cbSize = sizeof(avdr); avdr.hContact = hContact; avdr.hTargetDC = hdcTemp; avdr.rcDraw = lpdis->rcItem; if (options->bRightAvatars) avdr.rcDraw.left = avdr.rcDraw.right - avatarWidth; else avdr.rcDraw.right = avdr.rcDraw.left + avatarWidth; avdr.dwFlags = AVDRQ_FALLBACKPROTO; if (options->bAvatarBorder) { avdr.dwFlags |= AVDRQ_DRAWBORDER; avdr.clrBorder = clLine1; if (options->bNoTransparentBorder) avdr.dwFlags |= AVDRQ_HIDEBORDERONTRANSPARENCY; if (options->wAvatarRadius) { avdr.dwFlags |= AVDRQ_ROUNDEDCORNER; avdr.radius = (unsigned char)options->wAvatarRadius; } } avdr.alpha = 255; CallService(MS_AV_DRAWAVATAR, 0, (LPARAM)&avdr); if (options->bRightAvatars) lpdis->rcItem.right += avatarWidth + 5; else lpdis->rcItem.left += avatarWidth + 5; } } if (true) { TCHAR *name = (TCHAR *)CallService(MS_CLIST_GETCONTACTDISPLAYNAME, (WPARAM)hContact, GCDNF_TCHAR); if (!options->bSysColors) SelectObject(hdcTemp, g_Options.hfntName); SetTextColor(hdcTemp, clLine1); DrawText(hdcTemp, name, lstrlen(name), &lpdis->rcItem, DT_NOPREFIX|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_TOP|DT_LEFT); SIZE sz; GetTextExtentPoint32(hdcTemp, name, lstrlen(name), &sz); lpdis->rcItem.top += sz.cy + 3; } if (options->bSecondLine) { DBVARIANT dbv; TCHAR *title; bool bFree = false; if (db_get_ts(hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg", &dbv) || !*dbv.ptszVal) { int status = db_get_w(hContact, proto, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); title = (TCHAR *)CallService(MS_CLIST_GETSTATUSMODEDESCRIPTION, status, GSMDF_TCHAR); } else { title = dbv.ptszVal; bFree = true; } if (!options->bSysColors) SelectObject(hdcTemp, g_Options.hfntSecond); SetTextColor(hdcTemp, clLine2); DrawText(hdcTemp, title, lstrlen(title), &lpdis->rcItem, DT_NOPREFIX|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_TOP|DT_LEFT); if (bFree) db_free(&dbv); } SelectObject(hdcTemp, hfntSave); BitBlt(lpdis->hDC, rcSave.left, rcSave.top, rcSave.right-rcSave.left, rcSave.bottom-rcSave.top, hdcTemp, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(hdcTemp, hbmSave); DeleteObject(hbmTemp); DeleteDC(hdcTemp); return TRUE; } static BOOL sttDrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis, Options *options=NULL) { if (!options) options = &g_Options; if (!lpdis->itemData) return FALSE; if (sttIsGroup(lpdis->itemData)) return sttDrawItem_Group(lpdis, options); if (CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_IS, lpdis->itemData, 0)) return sttDrawItem_Contact(lpdis, options); return FALSE; } static LRESULT CALLBACK MenuHostWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static HANDLE hContact = NULL; switch (message) { case WM_MEASUREITEM: { LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpmis = (LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT)lParam; if (lpmis->CtlType != ODT_MENU) return FALSE; if ((lpmis->itemID >= CLISTMENUIDMIN) && (lpmis->itemID <= CLISTMENUIDMAX)) return CallService(MS_CLIST_MENUMEASUREITEM, wParam, lParam); return sttMeasureItem(lpmis); } case WM_DRAWITEM: { LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis = (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lParam; if (lpdis->CtlType != ODT_MENU) return FALSE; if ((lpdis->itemID >= CLISTMENUIDMIN) && (lpdis->itemID <= CLISTMENUIDMAX)) return CallService(MS_CLIST_MENUDRAWITEM, wParam, lParam); return sttDrawItem(lpdis); } case WM_MENUCHAR: { while (GetMenuItemCount((HMENU)lParam) > 1) RemoveMenu((HMENU)lParam, 1, MF_BYPOSITION); if (LOWORD(wParam) == VK_BACK) { if (int l = lstrlen(g_filter)) g_filter[l-1] = 0; } else if (_istalnum(LOWORD(wParam))) { if (lstrlen(g_filter) < SIZEOF(g_filter)-1) { TCHAR s[] = { LOWORD(wParam), 0 }; lstrcat(g_filter, s); } } int nRecent = 0; int maxRecent = g_Options.wMaxRecent ? g_Options.wMaxRecent : 10; for (int i = 0; nRecent < maxRecent; ++i) { HANDLE hContact = g_contactCache->get(i); if (!hContact) break; if (!g_contactCache->filter(i, g_filter)) continue; AppendMenu((HMENU)lParam, MF_OWNERDRAW, nRecent+1, (LPCTSTR)hContact); ++nRecent; } return MAKELRESULT(1, MNC_SELECT); } case WM_MENURBUTTONUP: { MENUITEMINFO mii = { sizeof(mii) }; mii.fMask = MIIM_DATA; GetMenuItemInfo((HMENU)lParam, wParam, TRUE, &mii); HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)mii.dwItemData; if (!CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_IS, mii.dwItemData, 0)) return FALSE; HMENU hMenu = (HMENU)CallService(MS_CLIST_MENUBUILDCONTACT, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); HWND hwndSave = GetForegroundWindow(); SetForegroundWindow(g_hwndMenuHost); int res = TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_RECURSE|TPM_RIGHTBUTTON|TPM_RETURNCMD, pt.x, pt.y, 0, g_hwndMenuHost, NULL); SetForegroundWindow(hwndSave); DestroyMenu(hMenu); CallService(MS_CLIST_MENUPROCESSCOMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(res, MPCF_CONTACTMENU), (LPARAM)hContact); return TRUE; } } return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } int sttShowMenu(bool centered) { TFavContacts favList; HMENU hMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); SIZE szMenu = {0}; SIZE szColumn = {0}; TCHAR *prevGroup = NULL; int i, idItem; HANDLE hContact; favList.build(); g_widthMultiplier = 0; g_maxItemWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); if (g_Options.bUseColumns) g_maxItemWidth /= favList.groupCount(); prevGroup = NULL; for (i = 0; i < favList.getCount(); ++i) { hContact = favList[i]->getHandle(); MEASUREITEMSTRUCT mis = {0}; mis.CtlID = 0; mis.CtlType = ODT_MENU; if (!prevGroup || lstrcmp(prevGroup, favList[i]->getGroup())) { if (prevGroup && g_Options.bUseColumns) { szMenu.cx += szColumn.cx; szMenu.cy = max(szMenu.cy, szColumn.cy); szColumn.cx = szColumn.cy = 0; } DWORD groupID = sttGetGroupId(favList[i]->getGroup()); AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_OWNERDRAW|MF_SEPARATOR| ((prevGroup && g_Options.bUseColumns) ? MF_MENUBREAK : 0), ++idItem, (LPCTSTR)groupID); mis.itemData = groupID; mis.itemID = idItem; sttMeasureItem(&mis); szColumn.cx = max(szColumn.cx, mis.itemWidth); szColumn.cy += mis.itemHeight; } AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_OWNERDRAW, ++idItem, (LPCTSTR)hContact); mis.itemData = (DWORD)hContact; mis.itemID = idItem; sttMeasureItem(&mis); szColumn.cx = max(szColumn.cx, mis.itemWidth); szColumn.cy += mis.itemHeight; prevGroup = favList[i]->getGroup(); } szMenu.cx += szColumn.cx; szMenu.cy = max(szMenu.cy, szColumn.cy); szColumn.cx = szColumn.cy = 0; unsigned maxWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) * db_get_b(NULL, "FavContacts", "MenuWidth", 66) / 100; if (szMenu.cx > maxWidth) { g_widthMultiplier = (float)maxWidth / szMenu.cx; szMenu.cx *= g_widthMultiplier; } POINT pt; if (centered) { if ((pt.x = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - szMenu.cx) / 2) < 0) pt.x = 0; if ((pt.y = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - szMenu.cy) / 2) < 0) pt.y = 0; } else GetCursorPos(&pt); HWND hwndSave = GetForegroundWindow(); SetForegroundWindow(g_hwndMenuHost); hContact = NULL; g_filter[0] = 0; if (int res = TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, pt.x, pt.y, 0, g_hwndMenuHost, NULL)) { MENUITEMINFO mii = {0}; mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii); mii.fMask = MIIM_DATA; GetMenuItemInfo(hMenu, res, FALSE, &mii); hContact = (HANDLE)mii.dwItemData; } SetForegroundWindow(hwndSave); DestroyMenu(hMenu); if (hContact) CallService(MS_CLIST_CONTACTDOUBLECLICKED, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); return 0; } INT_PTR svcShowMenu(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { sttShowMenu(false); return 0; } INT_PTR svcShowMenuCentered(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { sttShowMenu(g_Options.bCenterHotkey ? true : false); return 0; } static HANDLE hDialogsList = NULL; static HANDLE hContactToActivate = NULL; INT_PTR svcOpenContact(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { hContactToActivate = (HANDLE)wParam; CallService(MS_CLIST_CONTACTDOUBLECLICKED, (WPARAM)hContactToActivate, 0); return 0; } int ProcessSrmmEvent( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { MessageWindowEventData *event = (MessageWindowEventData *)lParam; if (event->uType == MSG_WINDOW_EVT_OPEN) { if ( !hDialogsList ) hDialogsList = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_UTILS_ALLOCWINDOWLIST, 0, 0); WindowList_Add(hDialogsList, event->hwndWindow, event->hContact); BYTE fav = db_get_b(event->hContact, "FavContacts", "IsFavourite", 0); StatusIconData sid = {0}; sid.cbSize = sizeof(sid); sid.szModule = "FavContacts"; sid.flags = fav ? 0 : MBF_DISABLED; Srmm_ModifyIcon(event->hContact, &sid); if (event->hContact == hContactToActivate) { HWND hwndRoot = event->hwndWindow; while (HWND hwndParent = GetParent(hwndRoot)) hwndRoot = hwndParent; AttachThreadInput(GetWindowThreadProcessId(GetForegroundWindow(), NULL), GetCurrentThreadId(), TRUE); SetForegroundWindow(hwndRoot); SetActiveWindow(hwndRoot); SetFocus(hwndRoot); AttachThreadInput(GetWindowThreadProcessId(GetForegroundWindow(), NULL), GetCurrentThreadId(), FALSE); } hContactToActivate = NULL; } else if ( event->uType == MSG_WINDOW_EVT_CLOSING ) { if (hDialogsList) WindowList_Remove(hDialogsList, event->hwndWindow); } return 0; } int ProcessSrmmIconClick( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { StatusIconClickData *sicd = (StatusIconClickData *)lParam; if (lstrcmpA(sicd->szModule, "FavContacts")) return 0; HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)wParam; if (!hContact) return 0; if (sicd->flags & MBCF_RIGHTBUTTON) { BYTE fav = !db_get_b(hContact, "FavContacts", "IsFavourite", 0); db_set_b(hContact, "FavContacts", "IsFavourite", fav); if (fav) CallService(MS_AV_GETAVATARBITMAP, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); StatusIconData sid = { sizeof(sid) }; sid.szModule = "FavContacts"; sid.flags = fav ? 0 : MBF_DISABLED; Srmm_ModifyIcon(hContact, &sid); } else sttShowMenu(false); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////// // Options static void sttResetListOptions(HWND hwndList) { SendMessage(hwndList,CLM_SETBKBITMAP,0,(LPARAM)(HBITMAP)NULL); SendMessage(hwndList,CLM_SETBKCOLOR,GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW),0); SendMessage(hwndList,CLM_SETGREYOUTFLAGS,0,0); SendMessage(hwndList,CLM_SETLEFTMARGIN,4,0); SendMessage(hwndList,CLM_SETINDENT,10,0); SendMessage(hwndList,CLM_SETHIDEEMPTYGROUPS,1,0); SendMessage(hwndList,CLM_SETHIDEOFFLINEROOT,1,0); for (int i = 0; i <= FONTID_MAX; ++i) SendMessage(hwndList, CLM_SETTEXTCOLOR, i, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)); } static INT_PTR CALLBACK OptionsDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static bool bInitialized = false; static HANDLE hSelectedContact = 0; switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: bInitialized = false; TranslateDialogDefault(hwnd); CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_CHK_GROUPS, g_Options.bUseGroups ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_CHK_GROUPCOLUMS, g_Options.bUseColumns ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_CHK_SECONDLINE, g_Options.bSecondLine ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_CHK_AVATARS, g_Options.bAvatars ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_CHK_AVATARBORDER, g_Options.bAvatarBorder ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_CHK_NOTRANSPARENTBORDER, g_Options.bNoTransparentBorder ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_CHK_SYSCOLORS, g_Options.bSysColors ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_CHK_CENTERHOTKEY, g_Options.bCenterHotkey ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_CHK_RIGHTAVATARS, g_Options.bRightAvatars ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_CHK_DIMIDLE, g_Options.bDimIdle ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); SetDlgItemInt(hwnd, IDC_TXT_RADIUS, g_Options.wAvatarRadius, FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(hwnd, IDC_TXT_MAXRECENT, g_Options.wMaxRecent, FALSE); SetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CLIST), GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CLIST), GWL_STYLE)|CLS_CHECKBOXES|CLS_HIDEEMPTYGROUPS|CLS_USEGROUPS|CLS_GREYALTERNATE|CLS_GROUPCHECKBOXES); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CLIST), CLM_SETEXSTYLE, CLS_EX_DISABLEDRAGDROP|CLS_EX_TRACKSELECT, 0); sttResetListOptions(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CLIST)); hSelectedContact = db_find_first(); { for (HANDLE hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_CLIST, CLM_SETCHECKMARK, SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_CLIST, CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM)hContact, 0), db_get_b(hContact, "FavContacts", "IsFavourite", 0)); } bInitialized = true; PostMessage(hwnd, WM_APP, 0, 0); return TRUE; case WM_APP: { BOOL bGroups = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_GROUPS); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CHK_GROUPCOLUMS), bGroups); BOOL bAvatars = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_AVATARS); BOOL bBorders = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_AVATARBORDER); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CHK_AVATARBORDER), bAvatars); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CHK_RIGHTAVATARS), bAvatars); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CHK_NOTRANSPARENTBORDER), bAvatars && bBorders); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_TXT_RADIUS), bAvatars && bBorders); } return TRUE; case WM_DRAWITEM: { LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis = (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lParam; if (lpdis->CtlID == IDC_CANVAS) { MEASUREITEMSTRUCT mis = {0}; DRAWITEMSTRUCT dis = *lpdis; FillRect(lpdis->hDC, &lpdis->rcItem, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_BTNFACE)); if (hSelectedContact) { Options options; options.bSecondLine = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_SECONDLINE); options.bAvatars = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_AVATARS); options.bAvatarBorder = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_AVATARBORDER); options.bNoTransparentBorder = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_NOTRANSPARENTBORDER); options.bSysColors = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_SYSCOLORS); options.bCenterHotkey = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_CENTERHOTKEY); options.bRightAvatars = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_RIGHTAVATARS); options.bDimIdle = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_DIMIDLE); options.wAvatarRadius = GetDlgItemInt(hwnd, IDC_TXT_RADIUS, NULL, FALSE); options.wMaxRecent = GetDlgItemInt(hwnd, IDC_TXT_MAXRECENT, NULL, FALSE); mis.CtlID = 0; mis.CtlType = ODT_MENU; mis.itemData = (DWORD)hSelectedContact; sttMeasureItem(&mis, &options); dis.rcItem.bottom = dis.rcItem.top + mis.itemHeight; dis.CtlID = 0; dis.CtlType = ODT_MENU; dis.itemData = (DWORD)hSelectedContact; sttDrawItem(&dis, &options); RECT rc = lpdis->rcItem; rc.bottom = rc.top + mis.itemHeight; FrameRect(lpdis->hDC, &rc, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_CHK_SECONDLINE: case IDC_CHK_AVATARS: case IDC_CHK_AVATARBORDER: case IDC_CHK_NOTRANSPARENTBORDER: case IDC_CHK_SYSCOLORS: case IDC_CHK_CENTERHOTKEY: case IDC_CHK_GROUPS: case IDC_CHK_GROUPCOLUMS: case IDC_CHK_RIGHTAVATARS: SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), PSM_CHANGED, 0, 0); RedrawWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CANVAS), NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE); PostMessage(hwnd, WM_APP, 0, 0); break; case IDC_BTN_FONTS: { OPENOPTIONSDIALOG ood = { sizeof(ood) }; ood.pszGroup = "Customize"; ood.pszPage = "Fonts & Colors"; ood.pszTab = NULL; Options_Open(&ood); } break; case IDC_TXT_RADIUS: if ((HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE) && bInitialized) { RedrawWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CANVAS), NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE); SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), PSM_CHANGED, 0, 0); } break; case IDC_TXT_MAXRECENT: if ((HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE) && bInitialized) SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), PSM_CHANGED, 0, 0); break; } break; case WM_NOTIFY: if ((((LPNMHDR)lParam)->idFrom == 0) && (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code == PSN_APPLY)) { g_Options.bSecondLine = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_SECONDLINE); g_Options.bAvatars = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_AVATARS); g_Options.bAvatarBorder = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_AVATARBORDER); g_Options.bNoTransparentBorder = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_NOTRANSPARENTBORDER); g_Options.bSysColors = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_SYSCOLORS); g_Options.bCenterHotkey = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_CENTERHOTKEY); g_Options.bUseGroups = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_GROUPS); g_Options.bUseColumns = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_GROUPCOLUMS); g_Options.bRightAvatars = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_RIGHTAVATARS); g_Options.bDimIdle = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_CHK_DIMIDLE); g_Options.wAvatarRadius = GetDlgItemInt(hwnd, IDC_TXT_RADIUS, NULL, FALSE); g_Options.wMaxRecent = GetDlgItemInt(hwnd, IDC_TXT_MAXRECENT, NULL, FALSE); sttSaveOptions(); for (HANDLE hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { BYTE fav = SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_CLIST, CLM_GETCHECKMARK, SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_CLIST, CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM)hContact, 0), 0); if (fav != db_get_b(hContact, "FavContacts", "IsFavourite", 0)) db_set_b(hContact, "FavContacts", "IsFavourite", fav); if (fav) CallService(MS_AV_GETAVATARBITMAP, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); } } else if (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->idFrom == IDC_CLIST) { int iSelection; switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code) { case CLN_OPTIONSCHANGED: sttResetListOptions(GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_CLIST)); break; case CLN_NEWCONTACT: iSelection = (int)((NMCLISTCONTROL *)lParam)->hItem; for (HANDLE hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { if (SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_CLIST, CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM)hContact, 0) == iSelection) { SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_CLIST, CLM_SETCHECKMARK, iSelection, db_get_b(hContact, "FavContacts", "IsFavourite", 0)); break; } } break; case CLN_CHECKCHANGED: iSelection = (int)((NMCLISTCONTROL *)lParam)->hItem; for (HANDLE hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { if (SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_CLIST, CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM)hContact, 0) == iSelection) { hSelectedContact = hContact; RedrawWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_CANVAS), NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE); } } SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), PSM_CHANGED, 0, 0); } } break; } return FALSE; }