/* Fingerprint NG (client version) icons module for Miranda NG Copyright © 2006-23 ghazan, mataes, HierOS, FYR, Bio, nullbie, faith_healer and all respective contributors. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //Start of header #include "stdafx.h" struct { int idCtrl, defValue; LPCSTR szSetName; } static settings[] = { { IDC_GROUP_MIRANDA, TRUE, "GroupMiranda" }, { IDC_GROUP_MIRANDA_VERSION, FALSE, "GroupMirandaVersion" }, { IDC_GROUP_MIRANDA_PACKS, TRUE, "GroupMirandaPacks" }, { IDC_GROUP_MULTI, TRUE, "GroupMulti" }, { IDC_GROUP_GG, TRUE, "GroupGG" }, { IDC_GROUP_ICQ, TRUE, "GroupICQ" }, { IDC_GROUP_IRC, TRUE, "GroupIRC" }, { IDC_GROUP_JABBER, TRUE, "GroupJabber" }, { IDC_GROUP_RSS, TRUE, "GroupRSS" }, { IDC_GROUP_WEATHER, TRUE, "GroupWeather" }, { IDC_GROUP_FACEBOOK, TRUE, "GroupFacebook" }, { IDC_GROUP_VK, TRUE, "GroupVK" }, { IDC_GROUP_OTHER_PROTOS, TRUE, "GroupOtherProtos" }, { IDC_GROUP_OTHERS, TRUE, "GroupOthers" }, { IDC_GROUP_OVERLAYS_RESOURCE, TRUE, "GroupOverlaysResource" }, { IDC_GROUP_OVERLAYS_PLATFORM, TRUE, "GroupOverlaysPlatform" }, { IDC_GROUP_OVERLAYS_UNICODE, TRUE, "GroupOverlaysUnicode" }, { IDC_GROUP_OVERLAYS_PROTO, TRUE, "GroupOverlaysProtos" }, { IDC_GROUP_OVERLAYS_SECURITY, TRUE, "GroupOverlaysSecurity" }, { IDC_STATUSBAR, TRUE, "StatusBarIcon" } }; class COptDialog : public CDlgBase { CCtrlCheck m_chkMiranda, m_chkMirandaPacks, m_chkMirandaVer, m_chkOverRes, m_chkOverPlatf, m_chkOverProto, m_chkOverUnicode, m_chkOverSecur, m_chkFacebbok, m_chkGG, m_chkICQ, m_chkIRC, m_chkJabber, m_chkRSS, m_chkVK, m_chkWeather, m_chkMulti, m_chkOthersProto, m_chkOthers, m_chkStatusBar; void LoadDBCheckState(int idCtrl, LPCSTR szSetting, uint8_t bDef) { CCtrlCheck &item = *(CCtrlCheck*)FindControl(idCtrl); item.SetState(g_plugin.getByte(szSetting, bDef)); } void StoreDBCheckState(int idCtrl, LPCSTR szSetting) { CCtrlCheck &item = *(CCtrlCheck*)FindControl(idCtrl); g_plugin.setByte(szSetting, item.GetState()); } public: COptDialog() : CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_DIALOG), m_chkMiranda(this, IDC_GROUP_MIRANDA), m_chkMirandaPacks(this, IDC_GROUP_MIRANDA_PACKS), m_chkMirandaVer(this, IDC_GROUP_MIRANDA_VERSION), m_chkOverRes(this, IDC_GROUP_OVERLAYS_RESOURCE), m_chkOverPlatf(this, IDC_GROUP_OVERLAYS_PLATFORM), m_chkOverProto(this, IDC_GROUP_OVERLAYS_PROTO), m_chkOverUnicode(this, IDC_GROUP_OVERLAYS_UNICODE), m_chkOverSecur(this, IDC_GROUP_OVERLAYS_SECURITY), m_chkFacebbok(this, IDC_GROUP_FACEBOOK), m_chkGG(this, IDC_GROUP_GG), m_chkICQ(this, IDC_GROUP_ICQ), m_chkIRC(this, IDC_GROUP_IRC), m_chkJabber(this, IDC_GROUP_JABBER), m_chkRSS(this, IDC_GROUP_RSS), m_chkVK(this, IDC_GROUP_VK), m_chkWeather(this, IDC_GROUP_WEATHER), m_chkMulti(this, IDC_GROUP_MULTI), m_chkOthersProto(this, IDC_GROUP_OTHER_PROTOS), m_chkOthers(this, IDC_GROUP_OTHERS), m_chkStatusBar(this, IDC_STATUSBAR) {} bool OnInitDialog() override { for (auto &it : settings) LoadDBCheckState(it.idCtrl, it.szSetName, it.defValue); return true; } bool OnApply() override { for (auto &it : settings) StoreDBCheckState(it.idCtrl, it.szSetName); ClearFI(); RegisterIcons(); for (auto &hContact : Contacts()) OnExtraImageApply(hContact, 0); return true; } }; int OnOptInitialise(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { OPTIONSDIALOGPAGE odp = {}; odp.szGroup.w = LPGENW("Icons"); odp.szTitle.w = LPGENW("Fingerprint"); odp.pDialog = new COptDialog; odp.flags = ODPF_BOLDGROUPS | ODPF_UNICODE; g_plugin.addOptions(wParam, &odp); return 0; }