/* Copyright (C) 2012-24 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" extern wchar_t g_szSkinLib[MAX_PATH]; /* * Prepare * prepares upperstring masks and registers them in IcoLib */ static wchar_t *getSectionName(int flag) { switch (flag) { case MIRANDA_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupMiranda", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("Miranda clients"); break; case MIRANDA_VERSION_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupMirandaVersion", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("Miranda clients"); break; case MIRANDA_PACKS_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupMirandaPacks", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("Miranda clients") L"/" LPGENW("Pack overlays"); break; case MULTI_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupMulti", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("Multi-proto clients"); break; case GG_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupGG", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("Gadu-Gadu clients"); break; case IRC_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupIRC", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("IRC clients"); break; case JABBER_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupJabber", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("Jabber clients"); break; case RSS_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupRSS", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("RSS clients"); break; case WEATHER_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupWeather", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("Weather clients"); break; case FACEBOOK_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupFacebook", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("Facebook clients"); break; case VK_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupVK", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("VKontakte clients"); break; case OTHER_PROTOS_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupOtherProtos", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("Other protocols"); break; case OTHERS_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupOthers", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("Other icons"); break; case OVERLAYS_RESOURCE_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupOverlaysResource", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("Overlays") L"/" LPGENW("Resource"); break; case OVERLAYS_PLATFORM_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupOverlaysPlatform", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("Overlays") L"/" LPGENW("Platform"); break; case OVERLAYS_UNICODE_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupOverlaysUnicode", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("Overlays") L"/" LPGENW("Platform"); break; case OVERLAYS_SECURITY_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupOverlaysSecurity", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("Overlays") L"/" LPGENW("Security"); break; case OVERLAYS_PROTO_CASE: if (g_plugin.getByte("GroupOverlaysProtos", 1)) return LPGENW("Client icons") L"/" LPGENW("Overlays") L"/" LPGENW("Protocol"); break; default: return LPGENW("Client icons"); } return nullptr; } void Prepare(KN_FP_MASK *mask, bool bEnable, LIST &dest) { mask->szMaskUpper = nullptr; if (mask->hIcolibItem) IcoLib_RemoveIconByHandle(mask->hIcolibItem); mask->hIcolibItem = nullptr; if (!mask->szMask || !bEnable) return; size_t iMaskLen = mir_wstrlen(mask->szMask) + 1; LPTSTR pszNewMask = (LPTSTR)HeapAlloc(hHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, iMaskLen * sizeof(wchar_t)); wcscpy_s(pszNewMask, iMaskLen, mask->szMask); _wcsupr_s(pszNewMask, iMaskLen); mask->szMaskUpper = pszNewMask; wchar_t destfile[MAX_PATH]; if (mask->iIconIndex == IDI_NOTFOUND || mask->iIconIndex == IDI_UNKNOWN || mask->iIconIndex == IDI_UNDETECTED) GetModuleFileName(g_plugin.getInst(), destfile, MAX_PATH); else { wcsncpy_s(destfile, g_szSkinLib, _TRUNCATE); if (0 != _waccess(destfile, 0)) return; } LPTSTR SectName = getSectionName(mask->iSectionFlag); if (SectName == nullptr) return; SKINICONDESC sid = {}; sid.flags = SIDF_ALL_UNICODE; sid.section.w = SectName; sid.pszName = mask->szIconName; sid.description.w = mask->szClientDescription; sid.defaultFile.w = destfile; sid.iDefaultIndex = -mask->iIconIndex; mask->hIcolibItem = g_plugin.addIcon(&sid); mask->idx = dest.getCount(); dest.insert(mask); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static LIST arCustom(10); void UnregisterCustomIcons() { for (auto &it : arCustom) { if (it->hIcolibItem) IcoLib_RemoveIconByHandle(it->hIcolibItem); mir_free(it->szClientDescription); mir_free(it->szIconName); mir_free(it->szMask); mir_free(it); } } void RegisterCustomIcons() { UnregisterCustomIcons(); FILE *in = _wfopen(VARSW(L"%miranda_userdata%\\fingerprint.json"), L"r"); if (in == nullptr) return; int cbSize = filelength(fileno(in)); ptrA szJson((char*)mir_alloc(cbSize+1)); fread(szJson, 1, cbSize, in); fclose(in); JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(szJson); if (!root) return; for (auto &it : root["masks"]) { CMStringA szName = it["name"].as_mstring(); CMStringW wszMask = it["mask"].as_mstring(); CMStringW szDescription = it["descr"].as_mstring(); if (wszMask.IsEmpty() || szName.IsEmpty() || szDescription.IsEmpty()) continue; wchar_t wszFullPath[MAX_PATH]; PathToAbsoluteW(it["iconFile"].as_mstring(), wszFullPath); if (0 != _waccess(wszFullPath, 0)) continue; LPTSTR SectName = getSectionName(it["group"].as_int()); if (SectName == nullptr) continue; auto *pMask = (KN_FP_MASK *)mir_calloc(sizeof(KN_FP_MASK)); int iMaskLen = wszMask.GetLength() + 1; pMask->szMaskUpper = (LPTSTR)HeapAlloc(hHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, iMaskLen * sizeof(wchar_t)); wcscpy_s(pMask->szMaskUpper, iMaskLen, wszMask); _wcsupr_s(pMask->szMaskUpper, iMaskLen); pMask->szMask = pMask->szMaskUpper; pMask->iIconIndex = it["iconIndex"].as_int(); pMask->szIconName = szName.Detach(); pMask->szClientDescription = szDescription.Detach(); SKINICONDESC sid = {}; sid.flags = SIDF_ALL_UNICODE; sid.section.w = SectName; sid.pszName = pMask->szIconName; sid.description.w = pMask->szClientDescription; sid.defaultFile.w = wszFullPath; sid.iDefaultIndex = -pMask->iIconIndex; pMask->hIcolibItem = g_plugin.addIcon(&sid); pMask->idx = g_arCommon.getCount(); g_arCommon.insert(pMask, 0); } }