//This file is part of HTTPServer a Miranda IM plugin //Copyright (C)2002 Kennet Nielsen // //This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or //modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License //as published by the Free Software Foundation; either //version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // //This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. #include "Glob.h" static const char szXmlHeader1[] = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\r\n" "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\""; static const char szXmlHeader2[] = "\"?>\r\n" "<config>\r\n"; static const char szXmlTail[] = "</config>"; static void ReplaceSign(char* pszSrc, int MaxLength, const char pszReplace, const char * pszNew) { static char szBuffer[1024]; char* pszSign = strchr(pszSrc, pszReplace); if (pszSign) { strncpy(szBuffer, pszSrc, _countof(szBuffer) - 1); do { mir_strcpy(szBuffer + (pszSign - pszSrc), pszNew); mir_strcpy(szBuffer + (pszSign - pszSrc) + mir_strlen(pszNew), pszSign + 1); *pszSign = ' '; } while (pszSign = strchr(pszSrc, pszReplace)); strncpy(pszSrc, szBuffer, MaxLength); pszSrc[MaxLength - 1] = '\0'; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Member Function : bCreateIndexXML // Type : Global // Parameters : pszRealPath - ? // Returns : // Description : // // References : - // Remarks : - // Created : 050821, 05 august 2005 // Developer : Houdini ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool bCreateIndexXML(const char * pszRealPath, const char * pszIndexPath, const char * pszSrvPath, DWORD dwRemoteIP) { char szMask[MAX_PATH + 1]; mir_snprintf(szMask, "%s*", pszRealPath); WIN32_FIND_DATAA fdFindFileData; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(szMask, &fdFindFileData); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return FALSE; HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(pszIndexPath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY, nullptr); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(hFind); return FALSE; } const int BUFFER_SIZE = 1000; char szBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; char* pszBuffer = szBuffer; char szFileName[MAX_PATH + 1] = ""; char* pszExt; DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; // Generate Dirname strncpy(szBuffer, pszSrvPath, BUFFER_SIZE); char* pszTemp = strrchr(szBuffer, '/'); if (pszTemp) *pszTemp = '\0'; pszTemp = strrchr(szBuffer, '/'); if (pszTemp) strncpy(szFileName, pszTemp + 1, MAX_PATH); // Write Header WriteFile(hFile, szXmlHeader1, sizeof(szXmlHeader1) - 1, &dwBytesWritten, nullptr); // check if a index.xsl exists in the same directory otherwise use the global mir_snprintf(szMask, "%s%s", pszRealPath, "index.xsl"); HANDLE hFileExists = CreateFile(szMask, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr); if (hFileExists == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { strncpy(szBuffer, "/index.xsl", BUFFER_SIZE); } else { CloseHandle(hFileExists); strncpy(szBuffer, "index.xsl", BUFFER_SIZE); } WriteFile(hFile, szBuffer, (DWORD)mir_strlen(szBuffer), &dwBytesWritten, nullptr); WriteFile(hFile, szXmlHeader2, sizeof(szXmlHeader2) - 1, &dwBytesWritten, nullptr); // Write dirname ReplaceSign(szFileName, MAX_PATH, '&', "&"); pszBuffer += mir_snprintf(pszBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE - (pszBuffer - szBuffer), " <dirname>%s</dirname>\r\n", szFileName); WriteFile(hFile, szBuffer, pszBuffer - szBuffer, &dwBytesWritten, nullptr); // Find files and directories do { if (mir_strcmp(fdFindFileData.cFileName, ".") && strncmp(fdFindFileData.cFileName, "@", 1) && (mir_strcmp(fdFindFileData.cFileName, "..") || mir_strcmp(pszSrvPath, "/"))) { // hide .. in root pszBuffer = szBuffer; mir_strcpy(szFileName, fdFindFileData.cFileName); ReplaceSign(szFileName, MAX_PATH, '&', "&"); if (fdFindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { pszBuffer += mir_snprintf(pszBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE - (pszBuffer - szBuffer), " <item name=\"%s\" isdir=\"true\"/>\r\n", szFileName); } else { pszExt = strrchr(szFileName, '.'); if (pszExt != nullptr) { *pszExt = '\0'; pszExt++; } pszBuffer += mir_snprintf(pszBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE - (pszBuffer - szBuffer), " <item name=\"%s\" ext=\"%s\" size=\"%i\" ", szFileName, (pszExt == nullptr) ? "" : pszExt, fdFindFileData.nFileSizeLow); SYSTEMTIME systemTime; FileTimeToSystemTime(&fdFindFileData.ftCreationTime, &systemTime); pszBuffer += mir_snprintf(pszBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE - (pszBuffer - szBuffer), "created=\"%i/%02i/%02i %i:%02i:%02i\" ", systemTime.wYear, systemTime.wMonth, systemTime.wDay, systemTime.wHour, systemTime.wMinute, systemTime.wSecond); FileTimeToSystemTime(&fdFindFileData.ftLastWriteTime, &systemTime); pszBuffer += mir_snprintf(pszBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE - (pszBuffer - szBuffer), "modified=\"%i/%02i/%02i %i:%02i:%02i\" ", systemTime.wYear, systemTime.wMonth, systemTime.wDay, systemTime.wHour, systemTime.wMinute, systemTime.wSecond); pszBuffer += mir_snprintf(pszBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE - (pszBuffer - szBuffer), "/>\r\n"); } if (!WriteFile(hFile, szBuffer, pszBuffer - szBuffer, &dwBytesWritten, nullptr)) break; } } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &fdFindFileData)); if (hFind != nullptr) FindClose(hFind); // Add other shared files & directories for (CLFileShareNode * pclCur = pclFirstNode; pclCur; pclCur = pclCur->pclNext) { if (!((pclCur->st.dwAllowedIP ^ dwRemoteIP) & pclCur->st.dwAllowedMask) && // hide inaccessible shares (size_t)(pclCur->nGetSrvPathLen()) > mir_strlen(pszSrvPath) && !strstr(pclCur->st.pszRealPath, "\\@") && !strncmp(pclCur->st.pszSrvPath, pszSrvPath, mir_strlen(pszSrvPath))) { pszBuffer = szBuffer; mir_strcpy(szFileName, &pclCur->st.pszSrvPath[mir_strlen(pszSrvPath)]); ReplaceSign(szFileName, MAX_PATH, '&', "&"); if (pclCur->bIsDirectory()) { szFileName[mir_strlen(szFileName) - 1] = '\0'; if (!strchr(szFileName, '/')) { // only one level deeper pszBuffer += mir_snprintf(pszBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE - (pszBuffer - szBuffer), " <item name=\"%s\" isdir=\"true\"/>\r\n", szFileName); if (!WriteFile(hFile, szBuffer, pszBuffer - szBuffer, &dwBytesWritten, nullptr)) break; } } else { if (!strchr(szFileName, '/') && // only one level deeper strncmp(pszRealPath, pclCur->st.pszRealPath, mir_strlen(pszRealPath))) { // no duplicates pszExt = strrchr(szFileName, '.'); if (pszExt != nullptr) { *pszExt = '\0'; pszExt++; } DWORD dwFileSize = 0; FILETIME ftFileCreateTime; FILETIME ftFileAccessTime; FILETIME ftFileModifyTime; HANDLE hFileS = CreateFile(pclCur->st.pszRealPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr); if (hFileS != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwFileSize = GetFileSize(hFileS, nullptr); GetFileTime(hFileS, &ftFileCreateTime, &ftFileAccessTime, &ftFileModifyTime); CloseHandle(hFileS); } pszBuffer += mir_snprintf(pszBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE - (pszBuffer - szBuffer), " <item name=\"%s\" ext=\"%s\" size=\"%i\" ", szFileName, (pszExt == nullptr) ? "" : pszExt, dwFileSize); SYSTEMTIME systemTime; FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftFileCreateTime, &systemTime); pszBuffer += mir_snprintf(pszBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE - (pszBuffer - szBuffer), "created=\"%i/%02i/%02i %i:%02i:%02i\" ", systemTime.wYear, systemTime.wMonth, systemTime.wDay, systemTime.wHour, systemTime.wMinute, systemTime.wSecond); FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftFileModifyTime, &systemTime); pszBuffer += mir_snprintf(pszBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE - (pszBuffer - szBuffer), "modified=\"%i/%02i/%02i %i:%02i:%02i\" ", systemTime.wYear, systemTime.wMonth, systemTime.wDay, systemTime.wHour, systemTime.wMinute, systemTime.wSecond); pszBuffer += mir_snprintf(pszBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE - (pszBuffer - szBuffer), "/>\r\n"); if (!WriteFile(hFile, szBuffer, pszBuffer - szBuffer, &dwBytesWritten, nullptr)) break; } } } } WriteFile(hFile, szXmlTail, sizeof(szXmlTail) - 1, &dwBytesWritten, nullptr); SetEndOfFile(hFile); CloseHandle(hFile); return TRUE; }