; Common strings that belong to many files ;[] ; ../../plugins/HistoryLinkListPlus/linklist.c ;[&Create Linklist] ;[Could not allocate memory!] ;[Could not create window!] ;[Error] ;[History] ;[History Linklist] ;[Processing history...] ;[There are no links in history!] ; ../../plugins/HistoryLinkListPlus/linklist.rc ;[&Clear Search Results] ;[&Close] ;[&File] ;[&Incoming Messages Only] ;[&Mail-Addresses Only] ;[&Options] ;[&Outgoing Messages Only] ;[&Save] ;[&Search] ;[&Webaddresses Only] ;[All directions] ;[All types] ;[Backgroundcolour] ;[Close] ;[Colour Select] ;[Copy to Clipboard] ;[Date] ;[Deep search] ;[Direction] ;[General Settings] ;[Incoming messages] ;[Incoming only] ;[Mail addresses only] ;[Message &Direction] ;[Message &Type] ;[Message direction] ;[Message types] ;[Open] ;[Open in new Window] ;[Open links always in a new window] ;[Outgoing messages] ;[Outgoing only] ;[Parting line] ;[Plugin Default] ;[Preview] ;[Save window position individually for each contact] ;[Search] ;[Search for:] ;[Show Message] ;[Show whole Message on 'mouse over' event] ;[Show...] ;[Static] ;[Textcolour] ;[Timestamp] ;[Type] ;[Update list on new events] ;[Use Miranda Settings] ;[Web addresses only] ;[link] ; ../../plugins/HistoryLinkListPlus/linklist_dlg.c ;[Linklist Plugin] ; ../../plugins/HistoryLinkListPlus/linklist_fct.c ;[Matches for searchtext] ;[No messages found!\nPlease change current filter options.] ;[Processing list...]