// History Linklist Plus // Copyright (C) 2010 Thomas Wendel, gureedo // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #pragma once #ifndef _LINKLIST_H #define _LINKLIST_H #include <richedit.h> // Filter Flags #define WLL_URL 0x01 #define WLL_MAIL 0x02 #define WLL_FILE 0x04 #define WLL_IN 0x08 #define WLL_OUT 0x10 #define WLL_ALL (WLL_URL|WLL_MAIL|WLL_FILE|WLL_IN|WLL_OUT) #define SLL_DEEP 0x20 // String length #define LINK_MAX 1024 #define DIR_SIZE 6 #define TYPE_SIZE 5 #define DATE_SIZE 11 #define TIME_SIZE 15 // Link types #define LINK_UNKNOWN 0x00 #define LINK_URL 0x01 #define LINK_MAIL 0x02 #define LINK_FILE 0x03 // Directions #define DIRECTION_IN 1 #define DIRECTION_OUT 2 #define FILTERTEXT 125 #define IN_COL_DEF 0x005050A0 #define OUT_COL_DEF 0x00206020 #define BG_COL_DEF 0x00EAFFFF #define TXT_COL_DEF 0x00000000 #define LINKLIST_MODULE "HistoryLinklist" #define LINKLIST_IN_COL "InColour" #define LINKLIST_OUT_COL "OutColour" #define LINKLIST_BG_COL "BGColour" #define LINKLIST_TXT_COL "TxtColour" #define LINKLIST_USE_DEF "UseMirandaDefault" #define LINKLIST_OPEN_WINDOW "OpenNewWindow" #define LINKLIST_UPDATE_WINDOW "UpdateWindow" #define LINKLIST_MOUSE_EVENT "MessageView" #define LINKLIST_LEFT "WindowLeft" #define LINKLIST_RIGHT "WindowRight" #define LINKLIST_BOTTOM "WindowBottom" #define LINKLIST_TOP "WindowTop" #define LINKLIST_SPLITPOS "SplitterPos" #define LINKLIST_SAVESPECIAL "SavePosSpecial" #define LINKLIST_FIRST "FirstStartup" #define LINKLIST_SHOW_DATE "ShowDate" #define LINKLIST_SHOW_LINE "ShowLine" #define LINKLIST_SHOW_TIME "ShowTime" #define LINKLIST_SHOW_DIRECTION "ShowMessageDirection" #define LINKLIST_SHOW_TYPE "ShowMessageType" #define MAKE_TXT_COL(BGCol) ((DWORD)~BGCol & 0x00FFFFFF) #define DM_LINKSPLITTER WM_USER+99 struct LISTELEMENT { BYTE direction; BYTE type; TCHAR date[DATE_SIZE]; TCHAR time[TIME_SIZE]; TCHAR link[LINK_MAX]; HANDLE hEvent; int linePos; struct LISTELEMENT *nextElement; } ; typedef struct LISTELEMENT LISTELEMENT; // Dialogbox Parameter typedef struct{ HANDLE hContact; LISTELEMENT *listStart; UINT findMessage; CHARRANGE chrg; int splitterPosNew; int splitterPosOld; SIZE minSize; } DIALOGPARAM; typedef struct{ DWORD incoming; DWORD outgoing; DWORD background; DWORD text; } MYCOLOURSET; typedef struct{ BYTE openNewWindow; BYTE updateWindow; BYTE mouseEvent; BYTE saveSpecial; BYTE showDate; BYTE showLine; BYTE showTime; BYTE showDirection; BYTE showType; }LISTOPTIONS; BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE ,DWORD ,LPVOID ); int __declspec(dllexport) Load(PLUGINLINK*); int __declspec(dllexport) Unload(void); static INT_PTR LinkList_Main(WPARAM, LPARAM); int InitOptionsDlg(WPARAM, LPARAM); #endif //_LINKLIST_H