(* History++ plugin for Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 theMIROn, 2003-2006 Art Fedorov. History+ parts (C) 2001 Christian Kastner This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) { ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GlobalSearch (historypp project) Version: 1.0 Created: 05.08.2004 Author: Oxygen [ Description ] Here we have the form and UI for global searching. Curious can go to hpp_searchthread for internals of searching. [ History ] 1.5 (05.08.2004) First version [ Modifications ] none [ Known Issues ] * When doing HotSearch, and then backspacing to empty search AnsiString grid doesn't return to the first item HotSearch started from unlike in HistoryForm. Probably shouldn't be done, because too much checking to reset LastHotIdx should be done, considering how much filtering & sorting is performed. Contributors: theMIROn, Art Fedorov ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } unit GlobalSearch; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Menus, HistoryGrid, m_api, hpp_global, hpp_searchthread, RichEdit, ImgList, HistoryControls, Buttons, Math, CommCtrl, Contnrs, ToolWin, ShellAPI; const HM_SRCH_CONTACTICONCHANGED = HM_SRCH_BASE + 3; type THPPContactInfo = class(TObject) public Proto: AnsiString; Codepage: Cardinal; RTLMode: TRTLMode; Name: String; ProfileName: String; Handle: THandle; end; TSearchItem = record hDBEvent: THandle; Contact: THPPContactInfo; end; TfmGlobalSearch = class(TForm) paClient: TPanel; paSearch: TPanel; laSearch: TLabel; edSearch: THppEdit; bnSearch: TButton; sb: TStatusBar; paProgress: TPanel; pb: TProgressBar; laProgress: TLabel; pmGrid: TPopupMenu; Open1: TMenuItem; Copy1: TMenuItem; CopyText1: TMenuItem; N1: TMenuItem; N2: TMenuItem; spContacts: TSplitter; ilContacts: TImageList; paContacts: TPanel; lvContacts: TListView; SendMessage1: TMenuItem; ReplyQuoted1: TMenuItem; SaveSelected1: TMenuItem; SaveDialog: TSaveDialog; tiFilter: TTimer; paHistory: TPanel; hg: THistoryGrid; paFilter: TPanel; sbClearFilter: TSpeedButton; edFilter: THppEdit; pbFilter: TPaintBox; Delete1: TMenuItem; N3: TMenuItem; Bookmark1: TMenuItem; ToolBar: THppToolBar; paAdvanced: TPanel; paRange: TPanel; rbAny: TRadioButton; rbAll: TRadioButton; rbExact: TRadioButton; laAdvancedHead: TLabel; sbAdvancedClose: TSpeedButton; sbRangeClose: TSpeedButton; dtRange1: TDateTimePicker; laRange1: TLabel; laRange2: TLabel; dtRange2: TDateTimePicker; laRangeHead: TLabel; tbEventsFilter: THppSpeedButton; tbAdvanced: THppToolButton; tbRange: THppToolButton; ToolButton2: THppToolButton; ilToolbar: TImageList; beRange: TBevel; beAdvanced: TBevel; ToolButton3: THppToolButton; tbSearch: THppToolButton; tbFilter: THppToolButton; pmEventsFilter: TPopupMenu; N4: TMenuItem; Customize1: TMenuItem; pmInline: TPopupMenu; InlineCopy: TMenuItem; InlineCopyAll: TMenuItem; InlineSelectAll: TMenuItem; MenuItem10: TMenuItem; InlineTextFormatting: TMenuItem; MenuItem6: TMenuItem; InlineSendMessage: TMenuItem; InlineReplyQuoted: TMenuItem; pmLink: TPopupMenu; OpenLink: TMenuItem; OpenLinkNW: TMenuItem; MenuItem2: TMenuItem; CopyLink: TMenuItem; mmAcc: TMainMenu; mmToolbar: TMenuItem; mmService: TMenuItem; mmHideMenu: TMenuItem; mmShortcuts: TMenuItem; mmBookmark: TMenuItem; tbBookmarks: THppToolButton; ToolButton1: THppToolButton; TopPanel: TPanel; N5: TMenuItem; SelectAll1: TMenuItem; pmFile: TPopupMenu; FileActions: TMenuItem; BrowseReceivedFiles: TMenuItem; OpenFileFolder: TMenuItem; N6: TMenuItem; CopyFilename: TMenuItem; N7: TMenuItem; paEvents: TPanel; laEvents: TLabel; beEvents: TBevel; laEventsHead: TLabel; sbEventsClose: TSpeedButton; tbEvents: THppToolButton; cbEvents: TComboBox; ToolButton4: THppToolButton; tbCopy: THppToolButton; tbDelete: THppToolButton; tbSave: THppToolButton; procedure pbFilterPaint(Sender: TObject); procedure edFilterKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure tiFilterTimer(Sender: TObject); procedure sbClearFilterClick(Sender: TObject); procedure edPassKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure edSearchKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure hgItemDelete(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer); procedure OnCNChar(var Message: TWMChar); message WM_CHAR; procedure tbSaveClick(Sender: TObject); procedure hgPopup(Sender: TObject); procedure ReplyQuoted1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SendMessage1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure edFilterKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure hgItemFilter(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Show: Boolean); procedure edFilterChange(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure edSearchChange(Sender: TObject); procedure hgKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure hgState(Sender: TObject; State: TGridState); procedure hgSearchFinished(Sender: TObject; const Text: String; Found: Boolean); procedure hgSearchItem(Sender: TObject; Item, ID: Integer; var Found: Boolean); // procedure FormHide(Sender: TObject); procedure FormMouseWheel(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); procedure lvContactsSelectItem(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; Selected: Boolean); procedure hgNameData(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Name: String); procedure hgTranslateTime(Sender: TObject; Time: Cardinal; var Text: String); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure bnSearchClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); procedure hgItemData(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Item: THistoryItem); procedure hgDblClick(Sender: TObject); procedure edSearchEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure edSearchKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure hgProcessRichText(Sender: TObject; Handle: Cardinal; Item: Integer); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure hgKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure hgUrlClick(Sender: TObject; Item: Integer; const URLText: String; Button: TMouseButton); procedure edPassKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure hgSelect(Sender: TObject; Item, OldItem: Integer); procedure tbCopyClick(Sender: TObject); procedure CopyText1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure tbDeleteClick(Sender: TObject); procedure hgRTLEnabled(Sender: TObject; BiDiMode: TBiDiMode); procedure Bookmark1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure hgBookmarkClick(Sender: TObject; Item: Integer); procedure lvContactsContextPopup(Sender: TObject; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); procedure tbAdvancedClick(Sender: TObject); procedure tbRangeClick(Sender: TObject); procedure sbAdvancedCloseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure sbRangeCloseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure tbEventsFilterClick(Sender: TObject); procedure EventsFilterItemClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Customize1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure InlineCopyClick(Sender: TObject); procedure hgInlinePopup(Sender: TObject); procedure hgInlineKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure InlineCopyAllClick(Sender: TObject); procedure InlineSelectAllClick(Sender: TObject); procedure InlineTextFormattingClick(Sender: TObject); procedure InlineReplyQuotedClick(Sender: TObject); procedure CopyLinkClick(Sender: TObject); procedure OpenLinkClick(Sender: TObject); procedure OpenLinkNWClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mmHideMenuClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mmToolbarClick(Sender: TObject); procedure pmEventsFilterPopup(Sender: TObject); procedure tbBookmarksClick(Sender: TObject); procedure SelectAll1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure OpenFileFolderClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BrowseReceivedFilesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure tbEventsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure sbEventsCloseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure lvContactsDblClick(Sender: TObject); procedure hgChar(Sender: TObject; var achar: WideChar; Shift: TShiftState); procedure edFilterKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); private UserMenu: hMenu; UserMenuContact: THandle; WasReturnPressed: Boolean; LastUpdateTime: Cardinal; HotString: String; hHookContactIconChanged: THandle; FContactFilter: THandle; FFiltered: Boolean; IsSearching: Boolean; IsBookmarksMode: Boolean; History: array of TSearchItem; FilterHistory: array of Integer; CurContact: THandle; SearchThread: TSearchThread; stime: DWord; ContactsFound: Integer; AllItems: Integer; AllContacts: Integer; HotFilterString: String; FormState: TGridState; SavedLinkUrl: String; SavedFileDir: String; procedure WMGetMinMaxInfo(var Message: TWMGetMinMaxInfo); message WM_GETMINMAXINFO; procedure WMSysColorChange(var Message: TMessage); message WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE; procedure SMPrepare(var M: TMessage); message HM_STRD_PREPARE; procedure SMProgress(var M: TMessage); message HM_STRD_PROGRESS; procedure SMItemsFound(var M: TMessage); message HM_STRD_ITEMSFOUND; procedure SMNextContact(var M: TMessage); message HM_STRD_NEXTCONTACT; procedure SMFinished(var M: TMessage); message HM_STRD_FINISHED; function FindHistoryItemByHandle(hDBEvent: THandle): Integer; procedure DeleteEventFromLists(Item: Integer); procedure HMEventDeleted(var M: TMessage); message HM_MIEV_EVENTDELETED; procedure HMPreShutdown(var M: TMessage); message HM_MIEV_PRESHUTDOWN; procedure HMContactDeleted(var M: TMessage); message HM_MIEV_CONTACTDELETED; // procedure HMMetaDefaultChanged(var M: TMessage); message HM_MIEV_METADEFCHANGED; procedure HMContactIconChanged(var M: TMessage); message HM_SRCH_CONTACTICONCHANGED; procedure HMIcons2Changed(var M: TMessage); message HM_NOTF_ICONS2CHANGED; procedure HMBookmarksChanged(var M: TMessage); message HM_NOTF_BOOKMARKCHANGED; procedure HMFiltersChanged(var M: TMessage); message HM_NOTF_FILTERSCHANGED; procedure HMAccChanged(var M: TMessage); message HM_NOTF_ACCCHANGED; procedure HMNickChanged(var M: TMessage); message HM_NOTF_NICKCHANGED; procedure TranslateForm; procedure HookEvents; procedure UnhookEvents; procedure ShowContacts(Show: Boolean); procedure SearchNext(Rev: Boolean; Warp: Boolean = True); procedure ReplyQuoted(Item: Integer); procedure StartHotFilterTimer; procedure EndHotFilterTimer; procedure StopSearching; private LastAddedContact: THPPContactInfo; ContactList: TObjectList; // function FindContact(hContact: Integer): THPPContactInfo; function AddContact(hContact: THandle): THPPContactInfo; protected procedure LoadPosition; procedure SavePosition; procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override; function IsFileEvent(Index: Integer): Boolean; procedure ToggleAdvancedPanel(Show: Boolean); procedure ToggleRangePanel(Show: Boolean); procedure ToggleEventsPanel(Show: Boolean); procedure OrganizePanels; procedure ToggleMainMenu(Enabled: Boolean); procedure SetEventFilter(FilterIndex: Integer = -1); procedure CreateEventsFilterMenu; public CustomizeFiltersForm: TForm; procedure SetRecentEventsPosition(OnTop: Boolean); published // fix for splitter baug: procedure AlignControls(Control: TControl; var ARect: TRect); override; function GetSearchItem(GridIndex: Integer): TSearchItem; function GetContactInfo(hContact: THandle): THPPContactInfo; procedure DisableFilter; procedure FilterOnContact(hContact: THandle); procedure LoadButtonIcons; procedure LoadContactsIcons; procedure LoadToolbarIcons; procedure LoadAccMenu; procedure LoadEventFilterButton; public { Public declarations } end; var fmGlobalSearch: TfmGlobalSearch; const DEFAULT_SEARCH_TEXT = 'http: ftp: www. ftp.'; var GlobalSearchAllResultsIcon: Integer = -1; implementation uses hpp_options, hpp_itemprocess, hpp_messages, CustomizeFiltersForm, hpp_database, hpp_eventfilters, hpp_contacts, hpp_events, hpp_richedit, hpp_forms, hpp_services, hpp_bookmarks; {$R *.DFM} function TfmGlobalSearch.AddContact(hContact: THandle): THPPContactInfo; var ci: THPPContactInfo; SubContact: TMCONTACT; SubProtocol: AnsiString; begin ci := THPPContactInfo.Create; ci.Handle := hContact; ci.Proto := GetContactProto(CurContact, SubContact, SubProtocol); ci.Codepage := GetContactCodePage(hContact, ci.Proto); ci.Name := GetContactDisplayName(ci.Handle, ci.Proto, True); ci.ProfileName := GetContactDisplayName(0, SubProtocol); ci.RTLMode := GetContactRTLModeTRTL(ci.Handle, ci.Proto); ContactList.Add(ci); Result := ci; end; // fix for infamous splitter bug! // thanks to Greg Chapman // http://groups.google.com/group/borland.public.delphi.objectpascal/browse_thread/thread/218a7511123851c3/5ada76e08038a75b%235ada76e08038a75b?sa=X&oi=groupsr&start=2&num=3 procedure TfmGlobalSearch.AlignControls(Control: TControl; var ARect: TRect); begin inherited; if paContacts.Width = 0 then paContacts.Left := spContacts.Left; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); // var // NonClientMetrics: TNonClientMetrics; begin // Setting different system font different way. For me works the same // but some said it produces better results than DesktopFont // Leave it here for possible future use. // // NonClientMetrics.cbSize := SizeOf(NonClientMetrics); // SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, 0, @NonClientMetrics, 0); // Font.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(NonClientMetrics.lfMessageFont); // if Scaled then begin // Font.Height := NonClientMetrics.lfMessageFont.lfHeight; // end; Icon.ReleaseHandle; Icon.Handle := CopyIcon(hppIcons[HPP_ICON_GLOBALSEARCH].Handle); DesktopFont := True; MakeFontsParent(Self); DoubleBuffered := True; MakeDoubleBufferedParent(Self); TopPanel.DoubleBuffered := False; hg.DoubleBuffered := False; FormState := gsIdle; ContactList := TObjectList.Create; ilContacts.Handle := Clist_GetImageList(); // delphi 2006 doesn't save toolbar's flat property in dfm if it is True // delphi 2006 doesn't save toolbar's edgeborder property in dfm ToolBar.Flat := True; ToolBar.EdgeBorders := []; LoadToolbarIcons; LoadButtonIcons; LoadContactsIcons; TranslateForm; // File actions from context menu support AddMenuArray(pmGrid, [FileActions], -1); LoadAccMenu; // load accessability menu before LoadToolbar // put here because we want to translate everything // before copying to menu ToggleMainMenu(GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'Accessability', False)); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.SMFinished(var M: TMessage); // var // sbt: WideString; begin stime := GetTickCount - SearchThread.SearchStart; AllContacts := SearchThread.AllContacts; AllItems := SearchThread.AllEvents; IsSearching := False; bnSearch.Caption := TranslateW('Search'); paProgress.Hide; // paFilter.Show; // if change, change also in hg.State: // sbt := WideFormat(TranslateW('%.0n items in %d contacts found. Searched for %.1f sec in %.0n items.'),[Length(History)/1, ContactsFound, stime/1000, AllItems/1]); // sb.SimpleText := sbt; hgState(Self, hg.State); if Length(History) = 0 then ShowContacts(False); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.SMItemsFound(var M: TMessage); var li: TListItem; ci: THPPContactInfo; Buffer: PDBArray; FiltOldSize, OldSize, i, BufCount: Integer; begin // wParam - array of hDBEvent, lParam - array size Buffer := PDBArray(M.wParam); BufCount := Integer(M.LParam); OldSize := Length(History); SetLength(History, OldSize + BufCount); if (LastAddedContact = nil) or (LastAddedContact.Handle <> CurContact) then begin ci := AddContact(CurContact); LastAddedContact := ci; end; for i := 0 to BufCount - 1 do begin History[OldSize + i].hDBEvent := Buffer^[i]; History[OldSize + i].Contact := LastAddedContact; // History[OldSize + i].hContact := CurContact; // History[OldSize + i].ContactName := CurContactName; // History[OldSize + i].ProfileName := CurProfileName; // History[OldSize + i].Proto := CurProto; end; FreeMem(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer^)); if (lvContacts.Items.Count = 0) or (THandle(lvContacts.Items.Item[lvContacts.Items.Count - 1].Data) <> CurContact) then begin if lvContacts.Items.Count = 0 then begin li := lvContacts.Items.Add; li.Caption := TranslateW('All Results'); li.ImageIndex := GlobalSearchAllResultsIcon; li.Selected := True; end; li := lvContacts.Items.Add; if CurContact = 0 then li.Caption := TranslateW('System History') else begin li.Caption := LastAddedContact.Name; Inc(ContactsFound); end; li.ImageIndex := Clist_GetContactIcon(CurContact); li.Data := Pointer(CurContact); end; if FFiltered then begin if CurContact = FContactFilter then begin FiltOldSize := Length(FilterHistory); for i := 0 to BufCount - 1 do FilterHistory[FiltOldSize + i] := OldSize + i; hg.Allocate(Length(FilterHistory)); end; end else hg.Allocate(Length(History)); if (hg.Count > 0) and (hg.Selected = -1) then hg.Selected := 0; paFilter.Visible := True; if not paContacts.Visible then begin ShowContacts(True); hg.Selected := 0; hg.SetFocus; end; tbEventsFilter.Enabled := True; // dirty hack: readjust scrollbars hg.Perform(WM_SIZE, SIZE_RESTORED, MakeLParam(hg.ClientWidth, hg.ClientHeight)); // hg.Repaint; // Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.SMNextContact(var M: TMessage); var CurProto: AnsiString; begin // wParam - hContact, lParam - 0 CurContact := M.wParam; if CurContact = 0 then CurProto := 'ICQ' else CurProto := Proto_GetBaseAccountName(CurContact); laProgress.Caption := Format(TranslateW('Searching "%s"...'), [GetContactDisplayName(CurContact, CurProto, True)]); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.SMPrepare(var M: TMessage); begin LastUpdateTime := 0; ContactsFound := 0; AllItems := 0; AllContacts := 0; FFiltered := False; // hg.Filter := GenerateEvents(FM_EXCLUDE,[]); hg.Selected := -1; hg.Allocate(0); SetLength(FilterHistory, 0); SetLength(History, 0); IsSearching := True; bnSearch.Caption := TranslateW('Stop'); tbEventsFilter.Enabled := False; sb.SimpleText := TranslateW('Searching... Please wait.'); laProgress.Caption := TranslateW('Preparing search...'); pb.Position := 0; paProgress.Show; paFilter.Visible := False; // ShowContacts(False); lvContacts.Items.Clear; ContactList.Clear; LastAddedContact := nil; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.SMProgress(var M: TMessage); begin // wParam - progress; lParam - max if (GetTickCount - LastUpdateTime) < 100 then exit; LastUpdateTime := GetTickCount; pb.Max := M.LParam; pb.Position := M.wParam; // Application.ProcessMessages; // if change, change also in hg.OnState sb.SimpleText := Format(TranslateW('Searching... %.0n items in %d contacts found'), [Length(History) / 1, ContactsFound]); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.StartHotFilterTimer; begin if tiFilter.Interval = 0 then EndHotFilterTimer else begin tiFilter.Enabled := False; tiFilter.Enabled := True; if pbFilter.Tag <> 1 then begin // use Tag to not repaint every keystroke pbFilter.Tag := 1; pbFilter.Repaint; end; end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.tbAdvancedClick(Sender: TObject); begin // when called from menu item handler if Sender <> tbAdvanced then tbAdvanced.Down := not tbAdvanced.Down; ToggleAdvancedPanel(tbAdvanced.Down); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.tbEventsFilterClick(Sender: TObject); var p: TPoint; begin p := tbEventsFilter.ClientOrigin; tbEventsFilter.ClientToScreen(p); pmEventsFilter.Popup(p.X, p.Y + tbEventsFilter.Height); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.tbRangeClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Sender <> tbRange then tbRange.Down := not tbRange.Down; ToggleRangePanel(tbRange.Down); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.tiFilterTimer(Sender: TObject); begin EndHotFilterTimer; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.edFilterChange(Sender: TObject); begin StartHotFilterTimer; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.edFilterKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if Key in [VK_UP, VK_DOWN, VK_NEXT, VK_PRIOR] then begin SendMessage(hg.Handle, WM_KEYDOWN, Key, 0); Key := 0; end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.edFilterKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if Key = VK_RETURN then begin hg.SetFocus; Key := 0; end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin fmGlobalSearch := nil; if Assigned(CustomizeFiltersForm) then CustomizeFiltersForm.Release; ContactList.Free; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.WMGetMinMaxInfo(var Message: TWMGetMinMaxInfo); begin inherited; with Message.MinMaxInfo^ do begin ptMinTrackSize.X := 320; ptMinTrackSize.Y := 240; end end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.FormMouseWheel(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); var Ctrl: TControl; begin Handled := True; Ctrl := paClient.ControlAtPos(paClient.ScreenToClient(MousePos), False, True); {$RANGECHECKS OFF} if Assigned(Ctrl) then begin if Ctrl.Name = 'paContacts' then begin Handled := not TListView(Ctrl).Focused; if Handled then begin // ??? what to do here? // how to tell listview to scroll? end; end else begin hg.Perform(WM_MOUSEWHEEL, MakeLong(MK_CONTROL, WheelDelta), 0); end; end; {$RANGECHECKS ON} end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.ToggleAdvancedPanel(Show: Boolean); var Lock: Boolean; begin Lock := Visible; if Lock then Lock := LockWindowUpdate(Handle); try tbAdvanced.Down := Show; paAdvanced.Visible := Show and tbAdvanced.Enabled; OrganizePanels; finally if Lock then LockWindowUpdate(0); end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.ToggleRangePanel(Show: Boolean); var Lock: Boolean; begin Lock := Visible; if Lock then Lock := LockWindowUpdate(Handle); try tbRange.Down := Show; paRange.Visible := Show and tbRange.Enabled; edSearchChange(Self); OrganizePanels; finally if Lock then LockWindowUpdate(0); end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.ToggleEventsPanel(Show: Boolean); var Lock: Boolean; begin Lock := Visible; if Lock then Lock := LockWindowUpdate(Handle); try tbEvents.Down := Show; paEvents.Visible := Show and tbEvents.Enabled; edSearchChange(Self); OrganizePanels; finally if Lock then LockWindowUpdate(0); end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.mmToolbarClick(Sender: TObject); var i, n: Integer; pm: TPopupMenu; mi: TMenuItem; flag: Boolean; begin for i := 0 to mmToolbar.Count - 1 do begin if mmToolbar.Items[i].Owner is THppToolButton then begin flag := TToolButton(mmToolbar.Items[i].Owner).Enabled end else if mmToolbar.Items[i].Owner is TSpeedButton then begin TMenuItem(mmToolbar.Items[i]).Caption := TSpeedButton(mmToolbar.Items[i].Owner).Hint; flag := TSpeedButton(mmToolbar.Items[i].Owner).Enabled end else flag := True; mmToolbar.Items[i].Enabled := flag; if mmToolbar.Items[i].Tag = 0 then continue; pm := TPopupMenu(Pointer(mmToolbar.Items[i].Tag)); for n := pm.Items.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin mi := TMenuItem(pm.Items[n]); pm.Items.Remove(mi); mmToolbar.Items[i].Insert(0, mi); end; end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.sbAdvancedCloseClick(Sender: TObject); begin ToggleAdvancedPanel(False); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.sbClearFilterClick(Sender: TObject); begin edFilter.Text := ''; EndHotFilterTimer; hg.SetFocus; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.sbRangeCloseClick(Sender: TObject); begin ToggleRangePanel(False); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.TranslateForm; begin Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(Caption); laSearch.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(laSearch.Caption); bnSearch.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(bnSearch.Caption); edSearch.Left := laSearch.Left + laSearch.Width + 5; edSearch.Width := bnSearch.Left - edSearch.Left - 5; laAdvancedHead.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(laAdvancedHead.Caption); rbAny.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(rbAny.Caption); rbAll.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(rbAll.Caption); rbExact.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(rbExact.Caption); laRangeHead.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(laRangeHead.Caption); laRange1.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(laRange1.Caption); laRange2.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(laRange2.Caption); laEventsHead.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(laEventsHead.Caption); laEvents.Caption := TranslateUnicodeString(laEvents.Caption); cbEvents.Left := laEvents.Left + laEvents.Width + 10; sbClearFilter.Hint := TranslateUnicodeString(sbClearFilter.Hint); SaveDialog.Title := TranslateUnicodeString(PWideChar(SaveDialog.Title)); TranslateToolbar(ToolBar); TranslateMenu(pmGrid.Items); TranslateMenu(pmInline.Items); TranslateMenu(pmLink.Items); TranslateMenu(pmFile.Items); TranslateMenu(pmEventsFilter.Items); hg.TxtFullLog := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtFullLog); hg.TxtGenHist1 := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtGenHist1); hg.TxtGenHist2 := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtGenHist2); hg.TxtHistExport := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtHistExport); hg.TxtNoItems := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtNoItems); hg.TxtNoSuch := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtNoSuch); hg.TxtPartLog := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtPartLog); hg.TxtStartUp := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtStartUp); hg.TxtSessions := TranslateUnicodeString(hg.TxtSessions); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.FilterOnContact(hContact: THandle); var i: Integer; begin if FFiltered and (FContactFilter = hContact) then exit; FFiltered := True; FContactFilter := hContact; SetLength(FilterHistory, 0); for i := 0 to Length(History) - 1 do begin if History[i].Contact.Handle = hContact then begin SetLength(FilterHistory, Length(FilterHistory) + 1); FilterHistory[High(FilterHistory)] := i; end; end; hg.Allocate(0); if Length(FilterHistory) > 0 then begin hg.Allocate(Length(FilterHistory)); hg.Selected := 0; end else hg.Selected := -1; // dirty hack: readjust scrollbars hg.Perform(WM_SIZE, SIZE_RESTORED, MakeLParam(hg.ClientWidth, hg.ClientHeight)); end; { function TfmGlobalSearch.FindContact(hContact: Integer): THPPContactInfo; begin Result := nil; end; } function TfmGlobalSearch.FindHistoryItemByHandle(hDBEvent: THandle): Integer; var i: Integer; begin Result := -1; for i := 0 to Length(History) - 1 do begin if History[i].hDBEvent = hDBEvent then begin Result := i; break; end; end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin try Action := caFree; SavePosition; UnhookEvents; except end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.StopSearching; begin bnSearch.Enabled := False; try SearchThread.Terminate(tpHigher); while IsSearching do Application.ProcessMessages; finally bnSearch.Enabled := True; if edSearch.CanFocus then edSearch.SetFocus; end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.bnSearchClick(Sender: TObject); var SearchProtected: Boolean; begin if IsSearching then begin StopSearching; exit; end; // if edSearch.Text = '' then // raise Exception.Create('Enter text to search'); SearchProtected := False; if Assigned(SearchThread) then FreeAndNil(SearchThread); SearchThread := TSearchThread.Create(True); if IsBookmarksMode then SearchThread.SearchMethod := [smBookmarks] else if edSearch.Text = '' then SearchThread.SearchMethod := [] else if rbAny.Checked then SearchThread.SearchMethod := [smAnyWord] else if rbAll.Checked then SearchThread.SearchMethod := [smAllWords] else SearchThread.SearchMethod := [smExact]; if paRange.Visible then begin SearchThread.SearchMethod := SearchThread.SearchMethod + [smRange]; SearchThread.SearchRangeFrom := dtRange1.Date; SearchThread.SearchRangeTo := dtRange2.Date; end; if paEvents.Visible and (cbEvents.ItemIndex <> -1) then begin SearchThread.SearchMethod := SearchThread.SearchMethod + [smEvents]; SearchThread.SearchEvents := hppEventFilters[cbEvents.ItemIndex].Events; end; SearchThread.Priority := tpLower; SearchThread.ParentHandle := Handle; SearchThread.SearchText := edSearch.Text; SearchThread.SearchProtectedContacts := SearchProtected; SearchThread.Resume; end; // takes index from *History* array as parameter procedure TfmGlobalSearch.DeleteEventFromLists(Item: Integer); var i: Integer; EventDeleted: Boolean; begin if Item = -1 then exit; i := High(History); if Item <> i then Move(History[Item + 1], History[Item], (i - Item) * SizeOf(History[0])); SetLength(History, i); if not FFiltered then exit; EventDeleted := False; for i := 0 to Length(FilterHistory) - 1 do begin if EventDeleted then begin if i < Length(FilterHistory) - 1 then FilterHistory[i] := FilterHistory[i + 1]; Dec(FilterHistory[i]); end else if FilterHistory[i] = Item then EventDeleted := True; end; if EventDeleted then SetLength(FilterHistory, Length(FilterHistory) - 1); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.DisableFilter; begin if not FFiltered then exit; FFiltered := False; SetLength(FilterHistory, 0); hg.Allocate(0); if Length(History) > 0 then begin hg.Allocate(Length(History)); hg.Selected := 0; end else hg.Selected := -1; // dirty hack: readjust scrollbars hg.Perform(WM_SIZE, SIZE_RESTORED, MakeLParam(hg.ClientWidth, hg.ClientHeight)); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); var flag: UINT; AppSysMenu: THandle; begin CanClose := (hg.State in [gsIdle, gsInline]); if CanClose and IsSearching then begin // disable close button AppSysMenu := GetSystemMenu(Handle, False); flag := MF_GRAYED; EnableMenuItem(AppSysMenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND or flag); // laProgress.Caption := TranslateW('Please wait while closing the window...'); // laProgress.Font.Style := [fsBold]; // pb.Visible := False; if paProgress.Visible then paProgress.Hide; sb.SimpleText := TranslateW('Please wait while closing the window...'); // terminate thread SearchThread.Terminate(tpHigher); repeat Application.ProcessMessages until not IsSearching; end; if CanClose and Assigned(SearchThread) then FreeAndNil(SearchThread); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgItemData(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Item: THistoryItem); begin Item := ReadEvent(GetSearchItem(Index).hDBEvent, GetSearchItem(Index).Contact.Codepage); Item.Proto := GetSearchItem(Index).Contact.Proto; Item.RTLMode := GetSearchItem(Index).Contact.RTLMode; Item.Bookmarked := BookmarkServer[GetSearchItem(Index).Contact.Handle].Bookmarked [GetSearchItem(Index).hDBEvent]; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgItemDelete(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer); var si: TSearchItem; begin si := GetSearchItem(Index); if (FormState = gsDelete) and (si.hDBEvent <> 0) then db_event_delete(si.hDBEvent); if FFiltered then Index := FilterHistory[Index]; DeleteEventFromLists(Index); hgState(hg, hg.State); Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgItemFilter(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Show: Boolean); begin if HotFilterString = '' then exit; if Pos(WideUpperCase(HotFilterString), WideUpperCase(hg.Items[Index].Text)) = 0 then Show := False; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgBookmarkClick(Sender: TObject; Item: Integer); var val: Boolean; hContact, hDBEvent: THandle; begin hContact := GetSearchItem(Item).Contact.Handle; hDBEvent := GetSearchItem(Item).hDBEvent; val := not BookmarkServer[hContact].Bookmarked[hDBEvent]; BookmarkServer[hContact].Bookmarked[hDBEvent] := val; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgDblClick(Sender: TObject); var oep: TOpenEventParams; begin if hg.Selected = -1 then exit; oep.cbSize := SizeOf(oep); oep.hContact := GetSearchItem(hg.Selected).Contact.Handle; oep.hDBEvent := GetSearchItem(hg.Selected).hDBEvent; CallService(MS_HPP_OPENHISTORYEVENT, wParam(@oep), 0); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.edSearchChange(Sender: TObject); begin bnSearch.Enabled := (edSearch.Text <> '') or paRange.Visible or paEvents.Visible; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.edSearchEnter(Sender: TObject); begin // edSearch.SelectAll; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.LoadAccMenu; var i: Integer; wstr: String; menuitem: TMenuItem; pm: TPopupMenu; begin mmToolbar.Clear; for i := ToolBar.ButtonCount - 1 downto 0 do begin if ToolBar.Buttons[i].Style = tbsSeparator then begin menuitem := TMenuItem.Create(mmToolbar); menuitem.Caption := '-'; end else begin menuitem := TMenuItem.Create(ToolBar.Buttons[i]); wstr := ToolBar.Buttons[i].Caption; if wstr = '' then wstr := ToolBar.Buttons[i].Hint; if wstr <> '' then begin pm := TPopupMenu(ToolBar.Buttons[i].PopupMenu); if pm = nil then menuitem.OnClick := ToolBar.Buttons[i].OnClick else begin menuitem.Tag := THandle(Pointer(pm)); end; menuitem.Caption := wstr; menuitem.ShortCut := TextToShortCut(ToolBar.Buttons[i].HelpKeyword); menuitem.Enabled := ToolBar.Buttons[i].Enabled; menuitem.Visible := ToolBar.Buttons[i].Visible; end; end; mmToolbar.Insert(0, menuitem); end; mmToolbar.RethinkHotkeys; end; procedure LoadHPPIcons(var sb:TSpeedButton;idx:integer); begin with sb.Glyph do begin Width := 16; Height := 16; Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace; Canvas.FillRect(Canvas.ClipRect); DrawiconEx(Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, hppIcons[idx].Handle, 16, 16, 0, Canvas.Brush.Handle, DI_NORMAL); end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.LoadButtonIcons; begin LoadHPPIcons(sbClearFilter,HPP_ICON_HOTFILTERCLEAR); LoadHPPIcons(sbAdvancedClose,HPP_ICON_SESS_HIDE); LoadHPPIcons(sbRangeClose,HPP_ICON_SESS_HIDE); LoadHPPIcons(sbEventsClose,HPP_ICON_SESS_HIDE); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.LoadContactsIcons; begin lvContacts.Items.BeginUpdate; if GlobalSearchAllResultsIcon = -1 then GlobalSearchAllResultsIcon := ImageList_AddIcon(ilContacts.Handle, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SEARCH_ALLRESULTS].Handle) else ImageList_ReplaceIcon(ilContacts.Handle, GlobalSearchAllResultsIcon, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SEARCH_ALLRESULTS].Handle); lvContacts.Items.EndUpdate; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.LoadEventFilterButton; var pad: DWord; PadH, { PadV, } GlyphHeight: Integer; sz: TSize; FirstName, Name: String; PaintRect: TRect; DrawTextFlags: Cardinal; GlyphWidth: Integer; begin FirstName := hppEventFilters[0].Name; Name := hppEventFilters[tbEventsFilter.Tag].Name; tbEventsFilter.Hint := Name; // show hint because the whole name may not fit in button pad := SendMessage(ToolBar.Handle, TB_GETPADDING, 0, 0); // PadV := HiWord(pad); PadH := LoWord(pad); tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Font := tbEventsFilter.Font; sz := tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.TextExtent(FirstName); GlyphHeight := Max(sz.cy, 16); GlyphWidth := 16 + sz.cx + tbEventsFilter.Spacing; tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Height := GlyphHeight; tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Width := GlyphWidth * 2; tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace; tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.FillRect(tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect); DrawiconEx(tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Handle, sz.cx + tbEventsFilter.Spacing, ((GlyphHeight - 16) div 2), hppIcons[HPP_ICON_DROPDOWNARROW].Handle, 16, 16, 0, tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Brush.Handle, DI_NORMAL); DrawState(tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Handle, 0, nil, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_DROPDOWNARROW].Handle, 0, sz.cx + tbEventsFilter.Spacing + GlyphWidth, ((GlyphHeight - 16) div 2), 0, 0, DST_ICON or DSS_DISABLED); PaintRect := Rect(0, ((GlyphHeight - sz.cy) div 2), GlyphWidth - 16 - tbEventsFilter.Spacing, tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Height); DrawTextFlags := DT_END_ELLIPSIS or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_CENTER; tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Font.Color := clWindowText; DrawTextW(tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Handle, @Name[1], Length(Name), PaintRect, DrawTextFlags); OffsetRect(PaintRect, GlyphWidth, 0); tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Font.Color := clGrayText; DrawTextW(tbEventsFilter.Glyph.Canvas.Handle, @Name[1], Length(Name), PaintRect, DrawTextFlags); tbEventsFilter.Width := GlyphWidth + 2 * PadH; tbEventsFilter.NumGlyphs := 2; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.LoadPosition; var n: Integer; begin // if Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(Self.Handle,0,0,hppDBName,'GlobalSearchWindow.') <> 0 then begin // Self.Left := (Screen.Width-Self.Width) div 2; // Self.Top := (Screen.Height - Self.Height) div 2; // end; Utils_RestoreFormPosition(Self, 0, hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.'); n := GetDBInt(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.ContactListWidth', -1); if n <> -1 then begin paContacts.Width := n; end; spContacts.Left := paContacts.Left + paContacts.Width + 1; edFilter.Width := paFilter.Width - edFilter.Left - 2; SetRecentEventsPosition(GetDBInt(hppDBName, 'SortOrder', 0) <> 0); ToggleAdvancedPanel(GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.ShowAdvanced', False)); case GetDBInt(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.AdvancedOptions', 0) of 0: rbAny.Checked := True; 1: rbAll.Checked := True; 2: rbExact.Checked := True else rbAny.Checked := True; end; ToggleRangePanel(GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.ShowRange', False)); ToggleEventsPanel(GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.ShowEvents', False)); dtRange1.Date := Trunc(GetDBDateTime(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.RangeFrom', Now)); dtRange2.Date := Trunc(GetDBDateTime(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.RangeTo', Now)); edSearch.Text := GetDBWideStr(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.LastSearch', DEFAULT_SEARCH_TEXT); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.LoadToolbarIcons; var il: HIMAGELIST; ii: Integer; begin ImageList_Remove(ilToolbar.Handle, -1); // clears image list il := ImageList_Create(16, 16, ILC_COLOR32 or ILC_MASK, 10, 2); if il <> 0 then ilToolbar.Handle := il else il := ilToolbar.Handle; ToolBar.Images := ilToolbar; ii := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SEARCHADVANCED].Handle); tbAdvanced.ImageIndex := ii; ii := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SEARCHRANGE].Handle); tbRange.ImageIndex := ii; ii := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_HOTFILTER].Handle); tbEvents.ImageIndex := ii; ii := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_BOOKMARK].Handle); tbBookmarks.ImageIndex := ii; ii := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_HOTFILTER].Handle); tbFilter.ImageIndex := ii; ii := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_HOTSEARCH].Handle); tbSearch.ImageIndex := ii; ii := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_TOOL_COPY].Handle); tbCopy.ImageIndex := ii; ii := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_TOOL_DELETE].Handle); tbDelete.ImageIndex := ii; ii := ImageList_AddIcon(il, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_TOOL_SAVE].Handle); tbSave.ImageIndex := ii; LoadEventFilterButton; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.lvContactsContextPopup(Sender: TObject; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); var Item: TListItem; hContact: THandle; begin Handled := True; Item := TListItem(lvContacts.GetItemAt(MousePos.X, MousePos.Y)); if Item = nil then exit; hContact := THandle(Item.Data); if hContact = 0 then exit; UserMenu := Menu_BuildContactMenu(hContact); if UserMenu <> 0 then begin UserMenuContact := hContact; MousePos := lvContacts.ClientToScreen(MousePos); Application.CancelHint; TrackPopupMenu(UserMenu, TPM_TOPALIGN or TPM_LEFTALIGN or TPM_LEFTBUTTON, MousePos.X, MousePos.Y, 0, Handle, nil); DestroyMenu(UserMenu); UserMenu := 0; // UserMenuContact := 0; end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.lvContactsSelectItem(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; Selected: Boolean); var hCont: THandle; // i,Index: Integer; begin if not Selected then exit; { Index := -1; hCont := THANDLE(Item.Data); for i := 0 to Length(History) - 1 do if History[i].hContact = hCont then begin Index := i; break; end; if Index = -1 then exit; hg.Selected := Index; } // OXY: try to make selected item the topmost // while hg.GetFirstVisible <> Index do begin // if hg.VertScrollBar.Position = hg.VertScrollBar.Range then break; // hg.VertScrollBar.Position := hg.VertScrollBar.Position + 1; // end; if Item.Index = 0 then DisableFilter else begin hCont := THANDLE(Item.Data); FilterOnContact(hCont); end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.OnCNChar(var Message: TWMChar); // make tabs work! begin if not(csDesigning in ComponentState) then with Message do begin Result := 1; if (Perform(WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0) and DLGC_WANTCHARS = 0) and (GetParentForm(Self).Perform(CM_DIALOGCHAR, CharCode, KeyData) <> 0) then exit; Result := 0; end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.OrganizePanels; var PrevPanel: TPanel; begin PrevPanel := paSearch; if paAdvanced.Visible then begin paAdvanced.Top := PrevPanel.Top + PrevPanel.Width; PrevPanel := paAdvanced; end; if paRange.Visible then begin paRange.Top := PrevPanel.Top + PrevPanel.Width; PrevPanel := paRange; end; if paEvents.Visible then begin paEvents.Top := PrevPanel.Top + PrevPanel.Width; end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.pbFilterPaint(Sender: TObject); var ic: hIcon; begin if tiFilter.Enabled then ic := hppIcons[HPP_ICON_HOTFILTERWAIT].Handle else ic := hppIcons[HPP_ICON_HOTFILTER].Handle; DrawiconEx(pbFilter.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ic, 16, 16, 0, pbFilter.Canvas.Brush.Handle, DI_NORMAL); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.pmEventsFilterPopup(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; pmi, mi: TMenuItem; begin if Customize1.Parent <> pmEventsFilter.Items then begin pmi := TMenuItem(Customize1.Parent); for i := pmi.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin mi := TMenuItem(pmi.Items[i]); pmi.Remove(mi); pmEventsFilter.Items.Insert(0, mi); end; end; Application.CancelHint; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.ReplyQuoted(Item: Integer); begin if (GetSearchItem(Item).Contact.Handle = 0) or (hg.SelCount = 0) then exit; SendMessageTo(GetSearchItem(Item).Contact.Handle, hg.FormatSelected(GridOptions.ReplyQuotedFormat)); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.ReplyQuoted1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if hg.Selected <> -1 then begin if GetSearchItem(hg.Selected).Contact.Handle = 0 then exit; ReplyQuoted(hg.Selected); end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.tbSaveClick(Sender: TObject); var t, t1: String; SaveFormat: TSaveFormat; RecentFormat: TSaveFormat; begin if hg.Selected = -1 then exit; RecentFormat := TSaveFormat(GetDBInt(hppDBName, 'ExportFormat', 0)); SaveFormat := RecentFormat; PrepareSaveDialog(SaveDialog, SaveFormat, True); t1 := TranslateW('Partial History [%s] - [%s]'); t1 := Format(t1, [hg.ProfileName, hg.ContactName]); t := MakeFileName(t1); SaveDialog.FileName := t; if not SaveDialog.Execute then exit; for SaveFormat := High(SaveFormats) downto Low(SaveFormats) do if SaveDialog.FilterIndex = SaveFormats[SaveFormat].Index then break; if SaveFormat <> sfAll then RecentFormat := SaveFormat; hg.SaveSelected(SaveDialog.Files[0], RecentFormat); WriteDBInt(hppDBName, 'ExportFormat', Integer(RecentFormat)); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.SavePosition; begin Utils_SaveFormPosition(Self, 0, hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.'); WriteDBInt(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.ContactListWidth', paContacts.Width); WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.ShowAdvanced', paAdvanced.Visible); if rbAny.Checked then WriteDBInt(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.AdvancedOptions', 0) else if rbAll.Checked then WriteDBInt(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.AdvancedOptions', 1) else WriteDBInt(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.AdvancedOptions', 2); WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.ShowRange', paRange.Visible); WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.ShowEvents', paEvents.Visible); if Trunc(dtRange1.Date) = Trunc(Now) then DBDelete(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.RangeFrom') else WriteDBDateTime(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.RangeFrom', Trunc(dtRange1.Date)); if Trunc(dtRange2.Date) = Trunc(Now) then DBDelete(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.RangeTo') else WriteDBDateTime(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.RangeTo', Trunc(dtRange2.Date)); WriteDBWideStr(hppDBName, 'GlobalSearchWindow.LastSearch', edSearch.Text); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.edSearchKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin // to prevent ** BLING ** when press Enter // to prevent ** BLING ** when press Tab // to prevent ** BLING ** when press Esc if Ord(Key) in [VK_RETURN, VK_TAB, VK_ESCAPE] then Key := #0; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.edSearchKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if (Key = VK_RETURN) and bnSearch.Enabled then bnSearch.Click; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.EndHotFilterTimer; begin tiFilter.Enabled := False; HotFilterString := edFilter.Text; hg.GridUpdate([guFilter]); if pbFilter.Tag <> 0 then begin pbFilter.Tag := 0; pbFilter.Repaint; end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.EventsFilterItemClick(Sender: TObject); begin SetEventFilter(TMenuItem(Sender).Tag); end; function TfmGlobalSearch.IsFileEvent(Index: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := (Index <> -1) and (mtFile in hg.Items[Index].MessageType); if Result then begin SavedLinkUrl := ExtractFileName(String(hg.Items[Index].Extended)); SavedFileDir := ExtractFileDir(String(hg.Items[Index].Extended)); end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgPopup(Sender: TObject); begin Delete1.Visible := False; SaveSelected1.Visible := False; if hg.Selected <> -1 then begin Delete1.Visible := True; SaveSelected1.Visible := (hg.SelCount > 1); if GetSearchItem(hg.Selected).Contact.Handle = 0 then begin SendMessage1.Visible := False; ReplyQuoted1.Visible := False; end; if hg.Items[hg.Selected].Bookmarked then Bookmark1.Caption := TranslateW('Remove &Bookmark') else Bookmark1.Caption := TranslateW('Set &Bookmark'); FileActions.Visible := IsFileEvent(hg.Selected); if FileActions.Visible then OpenFileFolder.Visible := (SavedFileDir <> ''); pmGrid.Popup(Mouse.CursorPos.X, Mouse.CursorPos.Y); end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgProcessRichText(Sender: TObject; Handle: Cardinal; Item: Integer); var ItemRenderDetails: TItemRenderDetails; begin ZeroMemory(@ItemRenderDetails, SizeOf(ItemRenderDetails)); ItemRenderDetails.cbSize := SizeOf(ItemRenderDetails); ItemRenderDetails.hContact := GetSearchItem(Item).Contact.Handle; ItemRenderDetails.hDBEvent := GetSearchItem(Item).hDBEvent; ItemRenderDetails.pProto := PAnsiChar(hg.Items[Item].Proto); ItemRenderDetails.pModule := PAnsiChar(hg.Items[Item].Module); ItemRenderDetails.pText := nil; ItemRenderDetails.pExtended := PAnsiChar(hg.Items[Item].Extended); ItemRenderDetails.dwEventTime := hg.Items[Item].Time; ItemRenderDetails.wEventType := hg.Items[Item].EventType; ItemRenderDetails.IsEventSent := (mtOutgoing in hg.Items[Item].MessageType); if Handle = hg.InlineRichEdit.Handle then ItemRenderDetails.dwFlags := ItemRenderDetails.dwFlags or IRDF_INLINE; if hg.IsSelected(Item) then ItemRenderDetails.dwFlags := ItemRenderDetails.dwFlags or IRDF_SELECTED; ItemRenderDetails.bHistoryWindow := IRDHW_GLOBALSEARCH; NotifyEventHooks(hHppRichEditItemProcess, Handle, LPARAM(@ItemRenderDetails)); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgTranslateTime(Sender: TObject; Time: Cardinal; var Text: String); begin Text := TimestampToString(Time); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.HookEvents; begin hHookContactIconChanged := HookEventMessage(ME_CLIST_CONTACTICONCHANGED, Self.Handle, HM_SRCH_CONTACTICONCHANGED); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.UnhookEvents; begin UnhookEvent(hHookContactIconChanged); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.WndProc(var Message: TMessage); begin case Message.Msg of WM_COMMAND: begin if mmAcc.DispatchCommand(Message.wParam) then exit; inherited; if Message.Result <> 0 then exit; Message.Result := Clist_MenuProcessCommand(Message.WParamLo, MPCF_CONTACTMENU, UserMenuContact); exit; end; WM_MEASUREITEM: if Self.UserMenu <> 0 then begin Message.Result := Menu_MeasureItem(Message.LParam); if Message.Result <> 0 then exit; end; WM_DRAWITEM: if Self.UserMenu <> 0 then begin Message.Result := Menu_DrawItem(Message.LParam); if Message.Result <> 0 then exit; end; end; inherited; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin paFilter.Visible := False; ToggleAdvancedPanel(False); ShowContacts(False); IsSearching := False; SearchThread := nil; hg.Codepage := hppCodepage; hg.RTLMode := hppRTLDefault; hg.TxtStartUp := TranslateW('Ready to search') + #10#13#10#13 + TranslateW('Click Search button to start'); hg.Allocate(0); LoadPosition; HookEvents; edSearch.SetFocus; edSearch.SelectAll; edSearchChange(Self); CreateEventsFilterMenu; // SetEventFilter(0); SetEventFilter(GetShowAllEventsIndex); end; function TfmGlobalSearch.GetSearchItem(GridIndex: Integer): TSearchItem; begin if not FFiltered then Result := History[GridIndex] else Result := History[FilterHistory[GridIndex]]; end; function TfmGlobalSearch.GetContactInfo(hContact: THandle): THPPContactInfo; var i: Integer; begin Result := nil; for i := 0 to ContactList.Count - 1 do if hContact = THPPContactInfo(ContactList.Items[i]).Handle then begin Result := THPPContactInfo(ContactList.Items[i]); break; end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.HMContactDeleted(var M: TMessage); // var // ci: THPPContactInfo; // i: Integer; begin { wParam - hContact; lParam - zero } // do here something because the contact is deleted if IsSearching then exit; // need to remove contact // ci := GetContactInfo(M.WParam); // if ci = nil then exit; // for i := 1 to lvContacts.Items.Count - 1 do // if ci.Handle = THandle(lvContacts.Items[i].Data) then begin // lvContacts.Items.Delete(i); // break; // end; // ContactList.Remove(ci); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.HMNickChanged(var M: TMessage); var ci: THPPContactInfo; i: Integer; SubContact: TMCONTACT; SubProtocol: AnsiString; begin { wParam - hContact; lParam - zero } if IsSearching then exit; ci := GetContactInfo(M.wParam); if ci = nil then exit; GetContactProto(CurContact, SubContact, SubProtocol); ci.ProfileName := GetContactDisplayName(0, SubProtocol); ci.Name := GetContactDisplayName(ci.Handle, ci.Proto, True); for i := 1 to lvContacts.Items.Count - 1 do if M.wParam = THandle(lvContacts.Items[i].Data) then begin lvContacts.Items[i].Caption := ci.Name; break; end; hg.Invalidate; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.HMContactIconChanged(var M: TMessage); var i: Integer; begin { wParam - hContact; lParam - IconID } // contact icon has changed // meTest.Lines.Add(GetContactDisplayName(M.wParam)+' changed icon to '+IntToStr(m.LParam)); if not paContacts.Visible then exit; for i := 0 to lvContacts.Items.Count - 1 do begin if THandle(M.wParam) = THandle(lvContacts.Items[i].Data) then begin lvContacts.Items[i].ImageIndex := Integer(M.LParam); break; end; end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.HMEventDeleted(var M: TMessage); var i: Integer; begin { wParam - hContact; lParam - hDBEvent } if hg.State = gsDelete then exit; // if WPARAM(message.wParam) <> hContact then exit; for i := 0 to hg.Count - 1 do if GetSearchItem(i).hDBEvent = THandle(M.LParam) then begin hg.Delete(i); hgState(hg, hg.State); exit; end; // if event is not in filter, we must search the overall array if FFiltered then begin i := FindHistoryItemByHandle(M.LParam); if i <> -1 then DeleteEventFromLists(i); end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.HMFiltersChanged(var M: TMessage); begin CreateEventsFilterMenu; SetEventFilter(0); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.HMIcons2Changed(var M: TMessage); begin Icon.Handle := CopyIcon(hppIcons[HPP_ICON_GLOBALSEARCH].Handle); LoadToolbarIcons; LoadButtonIcons; LoadContactsIcons; pbFilter.Repaint; // hg.Repaint; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.mmHideMenuClick(Sender: TObject); begin WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'Accessability', False); NotifyAllForms(HM_NOTF_ACCCHANGED, WPARAM(False), 0); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.HMAccChanged(var M: TMessage); begin ToggleMainMenu(Boolean(M.wParam)); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.HMBookmarksChanged(var M: TMessage); var i: Integer; Found: Boolean; begin Found := False; for i := 0 to hg.Count - 1 do if GetSearchItem(i).hDBEvent = THandle(M.LParam) then begin hg.ResetItem(i); Found := True; break; end; if Found then hg.Repaint; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.HMPreShutdown(var M: TMessage); begin Close; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var pm: TPopupMenu; begin if hg.State = gsInline then pm := pmInline else pm := pmGrid; if IsFormShortCut([pm], Key, Shift) then begin Key := 0; exit; end; WasReturnPressed := (Key = VK_RETURN); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if not WasReturnPressed then exit; if (Key = VK_RETURN) and (Shift = []) then begin if hg.Selected <> -1 then hg.EditInline(hg.Selected); end; if (Key = VK_RETURN) and (Shift = [ssCtrl]) then begin hgDblClick(hg); end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgNameData(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Name: String); var si: TSearchItem; begin si := GetSearchItem(Index); if FFiltered then begin if mtIncoming in hg.Items[Index].MessageType then Name := si.Contact.Name else if not GridOptions.ForceProfileName then Name := si.Contact.ProfileName; end else begin if mtIncoming in hg.Items[Index].MessageType then Name := WideFormat(TranslateW('From %s'), [si.Contact.Name]) else Name := WideFormat(TranslateW('To %s'), [si.Contact.Name]); end; // there should be anoter way to use bookmarks names // if IsBookmarksMode then // Name := Name + ' [' + BookmarkServer[si.Contact.Handle].BookmarkName[si.hDBEvent] + ']'; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgUrlClick(Sender: TObject; Item: Integer; const URLText: String; Button: TMouseButton); begin if URLText = '' then exit; if (Button = mbLeft) or (Button = mbMiddle) then OpenUrl(URLText, True) else begin SavedLinkUrl := URLText; pmLink.Popup(Mouse.CursorPos.X, Mouse.CursorPos.Y); end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.edPassKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin // to prevent ** BLING ** when press Enter // to prevent ** BLING ** when press Tab // to prevent ** BLING ** when press Esc if Ord(Key) in [VK_RETURN, VK_TAB, VK_ESCAPE] then Key := #0; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.edPassKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if Key = VK_RETURN then begin bnSearch.Click; Key := 0; end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.ShowContacts(Show: Boolean); begin paContacts.Visible := Show; spContacts.Visible := Show; if (Show) and (paContacts.Width > 0) then spContacts.Left := paContacts.Width + paContacts.Left + 1; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.SearchNext(Rev: Boolean; Warp: Boolean = True); var stext: String; res: Integer; mcase, Down: Boolean; WndHandle: HWND; begin stext := HotString; mcase := False; if stext = '' then exit; Down := not hg.Reversed; if Rev then Down := not Down; res := hg.Search(stext, mcase, not Warp, False, Warp, Down); if res <> -1 then begin // found hg.Selected := res; sb.SimpleText := Format(TranslateW('HotSearch: %s (F3 to find next)'), [stext]); end else begin WndHandle := Handle; // not found if Warp and (Down = not hg.Reversed) then begin // do warp? if HppMessageBox(WndHandle, TranslateW('You have reached the end of the history.') + #10#13 + TranslateW('Do you want to continue searching at the beginning?'), TranslateW('History++ Search'), MB_YESNOCANCEL or MB_DEFBUTTON1 or MB_ICONQUESTION) = ID_YES then SearchNext(Rev, False); end else begin // not warped hgState(Self, gsIdle); HppMessageBox(WndHandle, WideFormat('"%s" not found', [stext]), TranslateW('History++ Search'), MB_OK or MB_DEFBUTTON1 or 0); end; end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.SendMessage1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if hg.Selected <> -1 then begin if GetSearchItem(hg.Selected).Contact.Handle = 0 then exit; SendMessageTo(GetSearchItem(hg.Selected).Contact.Handle); end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.SetEventFilter(FilterIndex: Integer); var i, fi: Integer; mi: TMenuItem; begin if FilterIndex = -1 then begin fi := tbEventsFilter.Tag + 1; if fi > High(hppEventFilters) then fi := 0; end else fi := FilterIndex; tbEventsFilter.Tag := fi; LoadEventFilterButton; // tbEventsFilter.Repaint; mi := TMenuItem(Customize1.Parent); for i := 0 to mi.Count - 1 do if mi[i].RadioItem then mi[i].Checked := (mi[i].Tag = fi); hg.Filter := hppEventFilters[fi].Events; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.SetRecentEventsPosition(OnTop: Boolean); begin hg.Reversed := not OnTop; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var Mask: Integer; begin if (Key = VK_ESCAPE) or ((Key = VK_F4) and (ssAlt in Shift)) then begin if (Key = VK_ESCAPE) and IsSearching then StopSearching else Close; Key := 0; exit; end; if (Key = VK_F10) and (Shift = []) then begin WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'Accessability', True); NotifyAllForms(HM_NOTF_ACCCHANGED, WPARAM(True), 0); Key := 0; exit; end; if (Key = VK_F3) and ((Shift = []) or (Shift = [ssShift])) and (Length(History) > 0) then begin SearchNext(ssShift in Shift, True); Key := 0; end; if hg.State = gsInline then exit; if IsFormShortCut([mmAcc], Key, Shift) then begin Key := 0; exit; end; with Sender as TWinControl do begin if Perform(CM_CHILDKEY, Key, LParam(Sender)) <> 0 then exit; Mask := 0; case Key of VK_TAB: Mask := DLGC_WANTTAB; VK_RETURN, VK_EXECUTE, VK_ESCAPE, VK_CANCEL: Mask := DLGC_WANTALLKEYS; end; if (Mask <> 0) and (Perform(CM_WANTSPECIALKEY, Key, 0) = 0) and (Perform(WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0) and Mask = 0) and (Self.Perform(CM_DIALOGKEY, Key, 0) <> 0) then exit; end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgSearchFinished(Sender: TObject; const Text: String; Found: Boolean); var t: String; begin if Text = '' then begin HotString := Text; hgState(Self, gsIdle); exit; end; HotString := Text; if not Found then t := HotString else t := Text; sb.SimpleText := Format(TranslateW('HotSearch: %s (F3 to find next)'), [t]); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgSearchItem(Sender: TObject; Item, ID: Integer; var Found: Boolean); begin Found := (THandle(ID) = GetSearchItem(Item).hDBEvent); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgSelect(Sender: TObject; Item, OldItem: Integer); { var i,hCont,Index: Integer; } begin tbCopy.Enabled := (Item <> -1); tbDelete.Enabled := (Item <> -1); tbSave.Enabled := (hg.SelCount > 1); if hg.HotString = '' then begin // redraw status bar hgState(hg, gsIdle); end; { if Item = -1 then exit; index := -1; hCont := History[Item].hContact; for i := 0 to lvContacts.Items.Count-1 do if THandle(lvContacts.Items.Item[i].Data) = hCont then begin Index := i; break; end; if Index = -1 then exit; lvContacts.OnSelectItem := nil; lvContacts.Items.Item[index].MakeVisible(false); lvContacts.Items.Item[index].Selected := true; lvContacts.OnSelectItem := self.lvContactsSelectItem; } end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgState(Sender: TObject; State: TGridState); var t: String; begin if csDestroying in ComponentState then exit; if IsSearching then t := Format(TranslateW('Searching... %.0n items in %d contacts found'), [Length(History) / 1, ContactsFound]) else case State of gsIdle: t := Format (TranslateW('%.0n items in %d contacts found. Searched for %.1f sec in %.0n items.'), [Length(History) / 1, ContactsFound, stime / 1000, AllItems / 1]); gsLoad: t := TranslateW('Loading...'); gsSave: t := TranslateW('Saving...'); gsSearch: t := TranslateW('Searching...'); gsDelete: t := TranslateW('Deleting...'); end; sb.SimpleText := t; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.tbCopyClick(Sender: TObject); begin if hg.Selected = -1 then exit; CopyToClip(hg.FormatSelected(GridOptions.ClipCopyFormat), Handle, GetSearchItem(hg.Selected).Contact.Codepage); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.CopyText1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if hg.Selected = -1 then exit; CopyToClip(hg.FormatSelected(GridOptions.ClipCopyTextFormat), Handle, GetSearchItem(hg.Selected).Contact.Codepage); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.CreateEventsFilterMenu; var i: Integer; mi: TMenuItem; ShowAllEventsIndex: Integer; begin for i := pmEventsFilter.Items.Count - 1 downto 0 do if pmEventsFilter.Items[i].RadioItem then pmEventsFilter.Items.Delete(i); cbEvents.Items.Clear; ShowAllEventsIndex := GetShowAllEventsIndex; for i := 0 to High(hppEventFilters) do begin mi := TMenuItem.Create(pmEventsFilter); mi.Caption := StringReplace(hppEventFilters[i].Name, '&', '&&', [rfReplaceAll]); mi.GroupIndex := 1; mi.RadioItem := True; mi.Tag := i; mi.OnClick := EventsFilterItemClick; if i = ShowAllEventsIndex then mi.Default := True; pmEventsFilter.Items.Insert(i, mi); cbEvents.Items.Insert(i, mi.Caption); end; cbEvents.DropDownCount := Length(hppEventFilters); cbEvents.ItemIndex := ShowAllEventsIndex; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.Customize1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if not Assigned(fmCustomizeFilters) then begin CustomizeFiltersForm := TfmCustomizeFilters.Create(Self); CustomizeFiltersForm.Show; end else begin BringFormToFront(fmCustomizeFilters); end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.tbDeleteClick(Sender: TObject); begin if hg.SelCount = 0 then exit; if hg.SelCount > 1 then begin if HppMessageBox(Handle, WideFormat(TranslateW('Do you really want to delete selected items (%.0f)?'), [hg.SelCount / 1]), TranslateW('Delete Selected'), MB_YESNOCANCEL or MB_DEFBUTTON1 or MB_ICONQUESTION) <> IDYES then exit; end else begin if HppMessageBox(Handle, TranslateW('Do you really want to delete selected item?'), TranslateW('Delete'), MB_YESNOCANCEL or MB_DEFBUTTON1 or MB_ICONQUESTION) <> IDYES then exit; end; SetSafetyMode(False); try FormState := gsDelete; hg.DeleteSelected; FormState := gsIdle; finally SetSafetyMode(True); end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgRTLEnabled(Sender: TObject; BiDiMode: TBiDiMode); begin edSearch.BiDiMode := BiDiMode; edFilter.BiDiMode := BiDiMode; dtRange1.BiDiMode := BiDiMode; dtRange2.BiDiMode := BiDiMode; // lvContacts.BiDiMode := BiDiMode; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.Bookmark1Click(Sender: TObject); var val: Boolean; hDBEvent: THandle; begin hDBEvent := GetSearchItem(hg.Selected).hDBEvent; val := not BookmarkServer[GetSearchItem(hg.Selected).Contact.Handle].Bookmarked[hDBEvent]; BookmarkServer[GetSearchItem(hg.Selected).Contact.Handle].Bookmarked[hDBEvent] := val; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgInlinePopup(Sender: TObject); begin InlineCopy.Enabled := hg.InlineRichEdit.SelLength > 0; InlineReplyQuoted.Enabled := InlineCopy.Enabled; InlineTextFormatting.Checked := GridOptions.TextFormatting; if hg.Selected <> -1 then begin InlineSendMessage.Visible := (GetSearchItem(hg.Selected).Contact.Handle <> 0); InlineReplyQuoted.Visible := (GetSearchItem(hg.Selected).Contact.Handle <> 0); end; pmInline.Popup(Mouse.CursorPos.X, Mouse.CursorPos.Y); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.InlineCopyClick(Sender: TObject); begin if hg.InlineRichEdit.SelLength = 0 then exit; hg.InlineRichEdit.CopyToClipboard; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.InlineCopyAllClick(Sender: TObject); var cr: TCharRange; begin hg.InlineRichEdit.Lines.BeginUpdate; hg.InlineRichEdit.Perform(EM_EXGETSEL, 0, LParam(@cr)); hg.InlineRichEdit.SelectAll; hg.InlineRichEdit.CopyToClipboard; hg.InlineRichEdit.Perform(EM_EXSETSEL, 0, LParam(@cr)); hg.InlineRichEdit.Lines.EndUpdate; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.InlineSelectAllClick(Sender: TObject); begin hg.InlineRichEdit.SelectAll; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.InlineTextFormattingClick(Sender: TObject); begin GridOptions.TextFormatting := not GridOptions.TextFormatting; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.InlineReplyQuotedClick(Sender: TObject); begin if hg.Selected <> -1 then begin if GetSearchItem(hg.Selected).Contact.Handle = 0 then exit; if hg.InlineRichEdit.SelLength = 0 then exit; SendMessageTo(GetSearchItem(hg.Selected).Contact.Handle, hg.FormatSelected(GridOptions.ReplyQuotedTextFormat)); end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgInlineKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if IsFormShortCut([mmAcc, pmInline], Key, Shift) then begin Key := 0; exit; end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.OpenLinkClick(Sender: TObject); begin if SavedLinkUrl = '' then exit; OpenUrl(SavedLinkUrl, False); SavedLinkUrl := ''; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.OpenLinkNWClick(Sender: TObject); begin if SavedLinkUrl = '' then exit; OpenUrl(SavedLinkUrl, True); SavedLinkUrl := ''; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.CopyLinkClick(Sender: TObject); begin if SavedLinkUrl = '' then exit; CopyToClip(SavedLinkUrl, Handle, CP_ACP); SavedLinkUrl := ''; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.ToggleMainMenu(Enabled: Boolean); begin if Enabled then begin ToolBar.EdgeBorders := [ebTop]; Menu := mmAcc end else begin ToolBar.EdgeBorders := []; Menu := nil; end; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.WMSysColorChange(var Message: TMessage); begin inherited; LoadToolbarIcons; LoadButtonIcons; Repaint; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.tbBookmarksClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Sender <> tbBookmarks then tbBookmarks.Down := not tbBookmarks.Down; IsBookmarksMode := tbBookmarks.Down; if IsSearching then StopSearching; paSearch.Visible := not IsBookmarksMode; tbAdvanced.Enabled := not IsBookmarksMode; ToggleAdvancedPanel(tbAdvanced.Down); tbRange.Enabled := not IsBookmarksMode; ToggleRangePanel(tbRange.Down); tbEvents.Enabled := not IsBookmarksMode; ToggleEventsPanel(tbEvents.Down); if IsBookmarksMode then bnSearch.Click else if edSearch.CanFocus then edSearch.SetFocus; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.SelectAll1Click(Sender: TObject); begin hg.SelectAll; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.OpenFileFolderClick(Sender: TObject); begin if SavedFileDir = '' then exit; ShellExecuteW(0, 'open', PWideChar(SavedFileDir), nil, nil, SW_SHOW); SavedFileDir := ''; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.BrowseReceivedFilesClick(Sender: TObject); var Path: Array [0 .. MAX_PATH] of WideChar; hContact: THandle; begin hContact := GetSearchItem(hg.Selected).Contact.Handle; CallService(MS_FILE_GETRECEIVEDFILESFOLDER, hContact, LParam(@Path)); ShellExecuteW(0, 'open', Path, nil, nil, SW_SHOW); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.tbEventsClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Sender <> tbEvents then tbEvents.Down := not tbEvents.Down; ToggleEventsPanel(tbEvents.Down); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.sbEventsCloseClick(Sender: TObject); begin ToggleEventsPanel(False); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.lvContactsDblClick(Sender: TObject); var hContact: THandle; begin if lvContacts.Selected = nil then exit; hContact := THandle(lvContacts.Selected.Data); if hContact = 0 then exit; SendMessageTo(hContact); end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.hgChar(Sender: TObject; var achar: WideChar; Shift: TShiftState); var Mes: TWMChar; begin edFilter.SetFocus; edFilter.SelStart := Length(edFilter.Text); edFilter.SelLength := 0; // edFilter.Text := AnsiChar; ZeroMemory(@Mes, SizeOf(Mes)); Mes.Msg := WM_CHAR; Mes.CharCode := Word(achar); Mes.KeyData := ShiftStateToKeyData(Shift); edFilter.Perform(WM_CHAR, TMessage(Mes).wParam, TMessage(Mes).LParam); achar := #0; end; procedure TfmGlobalSearch.edFilterKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin // to prevent ** BLING ** when press Enter // to prevent ** BLING ** when press Tab // to prevent ** BLING ** when press Esc if Ord(Key) in [VK_RETURN, VK_TAB, VK_ESCAPE] then Key := #0; end; initialization fmGlobalSearch := nil; end.