(* History++ plugin for Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 theMIROn, 2003-2006 Art Fedorov. History+ parts (C) 2001 Christian Kastner This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) { ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HistoryGrid (historypp project) Version: 1.4 Created: xx.02.2003 Author: Oxygen [ Description ] THistoryGrid to display history items for History++ plugin [ History ] 1.4 - Fixed bug when Select All, Delete causes crash 1.3 () + Fixed scrollbar! Now scrolling is much better + Added XML export + URL & File Highlighting - Fixed bug with changing System font in options, and TextAuthRequest doesn't get changed 1.2 1.1 1.0 (xx.02.03) First version. [ Modifications ] * (07.03.2006) Added OnFilterData event and UpdateFilter to manually filter messages. Now when filtering, current selection isn't lost (when possible) * (01.03.2006) Added OnNameData event. Now you can supply your own user name for each event separately. * (29.05.2003) Selecting all and then deleting now works without crashing, just added one check at THistoryGrid.DeleteSelected * (31.03.2003) Scrolling now works perfectly! (if you ever can do this with such way of doing scroll) [ Known Issues ] * Some visual bugs when track-scrolling. See WMVScroll for details. * Not very good support of EmailExpress events (togeter with HistoryForm.pas) Contributors: theMIROn, Art Fedorov ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } unit HistoryGrid; interface {$DEFINE CUST_SB} {$IFDEF CUST_SB} {$DEFINE PAGE_SIZE} {$ENDIF} {$DEFINE RENDER_RICH} uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, ComCtrls, CommCtrl, Menus, StrUtils, WideStrUtils, StdCtrls, Math, mmsystem, hpp_global, hpp_richedit, m_api, Contnrs, VertSB, RichEdit, ShellAPI; type TMsgFilter = record nmhdr: nmhdr; msg: UINT; wParam: wParam; lParam: lParam; end; TMouseMoveKey = (mmkControl, mmkLButton, mmkMButton, mmkRButton, mmkShift); TMouseMoveKeys = set of TMouseMoveKey; TGridState = (gsIdle, gsDelete, gsSearch, gsSearchItem, gsLoad, gsSave, gsInline); TXMLItem = record Protocol: AnsiString; Time: AnsiString; Date: AnsiString; Mes: AnsiString; Url: AnsiString; FileName: AnsiString; Contact: AnsiString; From: AnsiString; EventType: AnsiString; ID: AnsiString; end; TMCItem = record Size: Integer; Buffer: PByte; end; TOnSelect = procedure(Sender: TObject; Item, OldItem: Integer) of object; TOnBookmarkClick = procedure(Sender: TObject; Item: Integer) of object; TGetItemData = procedure(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Item: THistoryItem) of object; TGetNameData = procedure(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Name: String) of object; TGetXMLData = procedure(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Item: TXMLItem) of object; TGetMCData = procedure(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Item: TMCItem; Stage: TSaveStage) of object; TOnPopup = TNotifyEvent; TOnTranslateTime = procedure(Sender: TObject; Time: DWord; var Text: String) of object; TOnProgress = procedure(Sender: TObject; Position, Max: Integer) of object; TOnSearchFinished = procedure(Sender: TObject; Text: String; Found: Boolean) of object; TOnSearched = TOnSearchFinished; TOnItemDelete = procedure(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer) of object; TOnState = procedure(Sender: TObject; State: TGridState) of object; TOnItemFilter = procedure(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var Show: Boolean) of object; TOnChar = procedure(Sender: TObject; var achar: WideChar; Shift: TShiftState) of object; TOnRTLChange = procedure(Sender: TObject; BiDiMode: TBiDiMode) of object; TOnProcessInlineChange = procedure(Sender: TObject; Enabled: Boolean) of object; TOnOptionsChange = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object; TOnProcessRichText = procedure(Sender: TObject; Handle: THandle; Item: Integer) of object; TOnSearchItem = procedure(Sender: TObject; Item: Integer; ID: Integer; var Found: Boolean) of object; TOnSelectRequest = TNotifyEvent; TOnFilterChange = TNotifyEvent; THistoryGrid = class; { IFDEF RENDER_RICH } TUrlClickItemEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Item: Integer; Url: String; Button: TMouseButton) of object; { ENDIF } TOnShowIcons = procedure; TOnTextFormatting = procedure(Value: Boolean); TGridHitTest = (ghtItem, ghtHeader, ghtText, ghtLink, ghtUnknown, ghtButton, ghtSession, ghtSessHideButton, ghtSessShowButton, ghtBookmark); TGridHitTests = set of TGridHitTest; TItemOption = record MessageType: TMessageTypes; textFont: TFont; textColor: TColor; end; TItemOptions = array of TItemOption; TGridOptions = class(TPersistent) private FLocks: Integer; Changed: Integer; Grids: array of THistoryGrid; FColorDivider: TColor; FColorSelectedText: TColor; FColorSelected: TColor; FColorSessHeader: TColor; FColorBackground: TColor; FColorLink: TColor; FFontProfile: TFont; FFontContact: TFont; FFontIncomingTimestamp: TFont; FFontOutgoingTimestamp: TFont; FFontSessHeader: TFont; FFontMessage: TFont; FItemOptions: TItemOptions; // FIconMessage: TIcon; // FIconFile: TIcon; // FIconUrl: TIcon; // FIconOther: TIcon; FRTLEnabled: Boolean; // FShowAvatars: Boolean; FShowIcons: Boolean; FOnShowIcons: TOnShowIcons; FBBCodesEnabled: Boolean; FSmileysEnabled: Boolean; FRawRTFEnabled: Boolean; FAvatarsHistoryEnabled: Boolean; FTextFormatting: Boolean; FOnTextFormatting: TOnTextFormatting; FClipCopyTextFormat: String; FClipCopyFormat: String; FReplyQuotedFormat: String; FReplyQuotedTextFormat: String; FSelectionFormat: String; FOpenDetailsMode: Boolean; FForceProfileName: Boolean; FProfileName: String; FDateTimeFormat: String; procedure SetColorDivider(const Value: TColor); procedure SetColorSelectedText(const Value: TColor); procedure SetColorSelected(const Value: TColor); procedure SetColorSessHeader(const Value: TColor); procedure SetColorBackground(const Value: TColor); procedure SetColorLink(const Value: TColor); procedure SetFontContact(const Value: TFont); procedure SetFontProfile(const Value: TFont); procedure SetFontIncomingTimestamp(const Value: TFont); procedure SetFontOutgoingTimestamp(const Value: TFont); procedure SetFontSessHeader(const Value: TFont); procedure SetFontMessage(const Value: TFont); // procedure SetIconOther(const Value: TIcon); // procedure SetIconFile(const Value: TIcon); // procedure SetIconURL(const Value: TIcon); // procedure SetIconMessage(const Value: TIcon); procedure SetRTLEnabled(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetShowIcons(const Value: Boolean); // procedure SetShowAvatars(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetBBCodesEnabled(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetSmileysEnabled(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetRawRTFEnabled(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetAvatarsHistoryEnabled(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetProfileName(const Value: String); procedure SetTextFormatting(const Value: Boolean); function GetLocked: Boolean; procedure SetDateTimeFormat(const Value: String); protected procedure DoChange; procedure AddGrid(Grid: THistoryGrid); procedure DeleteGrid(Grid: THistoryGrid); procedure FontChanged(Sender: TObject); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure StartChange; procedure EndChange(const Forced: Boolean = False); function AddItemOptions: Integer; function GetItemOptions(Mes: TMessageTypes; out textFont: TFont; out textColor: TColor): Integer; property OnShowIcons: TOnShowIcons read FOnShowIcons write FOnShowIcons; property OnTextFormatting: TOnTextFormatting read FOnTextFormatting write FOnTextFormatting; published property ClipCopyFormat: String read FClipCopyFormat write FClipCopyFormat; property ClipCopyTextFormat: String read FClipCopyTextFormat write FClipCopyTextFormat; property ReplyQuotedFormat: String read FReplyQuotedFormat write FReplyQuotedFormat; property ReplyQuotedTextFormat: String read FReplyQuotedTextFormat write FReplyQuotedTextFormat; property SelectionFormat: String read FSelectionFormat write FSelectionFormat; property Locked: Boolean read GetLocked; // property IconOther: TIcon read FIconOther write SetIconOther; // property IconFile: TIcon read FIconFile write SetIconFile; // property IconUrl: TIcon read FIconUrl write SetIconUrl; // property IconMessage: TIcon read FIconMessage write SetIconMessage; // property IconHistory: hIcon read FIconHistory write FIconHistory; // property IconSearch: hIcon read FIconSearch write FIconSearch; property ColorDivider: TColor read FColorDivider write SetColorDivider; property ColorSelectedText: TColor read FColorSelectedText write SetColorSelectedText; property ColorSelected: TColor read FColorSelected write SetColorSelected; property ColorSessHeader: TColor read FColorSessHeader write SetColorSessHeader; property ColorBackground: TColor read FColorBackground write SetColorBackground; property ColorLink: TColor read FColorLink write SetColorLink; property FontProfile: TFont read FFontProfile write SetFontProfile; property FontContact: TFont read FFontContact write SetFontContact; property FontIncomingTimestamp: TFont read FFontIncomingTimestamp write SetFontIncomingTimestamp; property FontOutgoingTimestamp: TFont read FFontOutgoingTimestamp write SetFontOutgoingTimestamp; property FontSessHeader: TFont read FFontSessHeader write SetFontSessHeader; property FontMessage: TFont read FFontMessage write SetFontMessage; property ItemOptions: TItemOptions read FItemOptions write FItemOptions; property RTLEnabled: Boolean read FRTLEnabled write SetRTLEnabled; property ShowIcons: Boolean read FShowIcons write SetShowIcons; // property ShowAvatars: Boolean read FShowAvatars write SetShowAvatars; property BBCodesEnabled: Boolean read FBBCodesEnabled write SetBBCodesEnabled; property SmileysEnabled: Boolean read FSmileysEnabled write SetSmileysEnabled; property RawRTFEnabled: Boolean read FRawRTFEnabled write SetRawRTFEnabled; property AvatarsHistoryEnabled: Boolean read FAvatarsHistoryEnabled write SetAvatarsHistoryEnabled; property OpenDetailsMode: Boolean read FOpenDetailsMode write FOpenDetailsMode; property ForceProfileName: Boolean read FForceProfileName; property ProfileName: String read FProfileName write SetProfileName; property DateTimeFormat: String read FDateTimeFormat write SetDateTimeFormat; property TextFormatting: Boolean read FTextFormatting write SetTextFormatting; end; PRichItem = ^TRichItem; TRichItem = record Rich: THPPRichEdit; Bitmap: TBitmap; BitmapDrawn: Boolean; Height: Integer; GridItem: Integer; end; PLockedItem = ^TLockedItem; TLockedItem = record RichItem: PRichItem; SaveRect: TRect; end; TRichCache = class(TObject) private LogX, LogY: Integer; RichEventMasks: DWord; Grid: THistoryGrid; FRichWidth: Integer; FRichHeight: Integer; FLockedList: TList; function FindGridItem(GridItem: Integer): Integer; procedure PaintRichToBitmap(Item: PRichItem); procedure ApplyItemToRich(Item: PRichItem); procedure OnRichResize(Sender: TObject; Rect: TRect); protected Items: array of PRichItem; procedure MoveToTop(Index: Integer); procedure SetWidth(const Value: Integer); public constructor Create(AGrid: THistoryGrid); overload; destructor Destroy; override; procedure ResetAllItems; procedure ResetItems(GridItems: array of Integer); procedure ResetItem(GridItem: Integer); property Width: Integer read FRichWidth write SetWidth; procedure SetHandles; procedure WorkOutItemAdded(GridItem: Integer); procedure WorkOutItemDeleted(GridItem: Integer); function RequestItem(GridItem: Integer): PRichItem; function CalcItemHeight(GridItem: Integer): Integer; function GetItemRich(GridItem: Integer): THPPRichEdit; function GetItemRichBitmap(GridItem: Integer): TBitmap; function GetItemByHandle(Handle: THandle): PRichItem; function LockItem(Item: PRichItem; SaveRect: TRect): Integer; function UnlockItem(Item: Integer): TRect; end; TGridUpdate = (guSize, guAllocate, guFilter, guOptions); TGridUpdates = set of TGridUpdate; THistoryGrid = class(TScrollingWinControl) private LogX, LogY: Integer; SessHeaderHeight: Integer; CHeaderHeight, PHeaderheight: Integer; IsCanvasClean: Boolean; ProgressRect: TRect; BarAdjusted: Boolean; Allocated: Boolean; LockCount: Integer; ClipRect: TRect; ShowProgress: Boolean; ProgressPercent: Byte; SearchPattern: String; GridUpdates: TGridUpdates; VLineScrollSize: Integer; FSelItems, TempSelItems: array of Integer; FSelected: Integer; FGetItemData: TGetItemData; FGetNameData: TGetNameData; FPadding: Integer; FItems: array of THistoryItem; FClient: TBitmap; FCanvas: TCanvas; FContact: THandle; FProtocol: AnsiString; FLoadedCount: Integer; FContactName: String; FProfileName: String; FOnPopup: TOnPopup; FTranslateTime: TOnTranslateTime; FFilter: TMessageTypes; FDblClick: TNotifyEvent; FSearchFinished: TOnSearchFinished; FOnProcessRichText: TOnProcessRichText; FItemDelete: TOnItemDelete; FState: TGridState; FHideSelection: Boolean; FGridNotFocused: Boolean; FTxtNoItems: String; FTxtStartup: String; FTxtNoSuch: String; FTxtFullLog: String; FTxtPartLog: String; FTxtHistExport: String; FTxtGenHist1: String; FTxtGenHist2: String; FTxtSessions: String; FSelectionString: String; FSelectionStored: Boolean; FOnState: TOnState; FReversed: Boolean; FReversedHeader: Boolean; FOptions: TGridOptions; FMultiSelect: Boolean; FOnSelect: TOnSelect; FOnFilterChange: TOnFilterChange; FGetXMLData: TGetXMLData; FGetMCData: TGetMCData; FOnItemFilter: TOnItemFilter; {$IFDEF CUST_SB} FVertScrollBar: TVertScrollBar; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF RENDER_RICH} FRichCache: TRichCache; FOnUrlClick: TUrlClickItemEvent; FRich: THPPRichEdit; FRichInline: THPPRichEdit; FItemInline: Integer; FRichSave: THPPRichEdit; FRichSaveItem: THPPRichEdit; FRichSaveOLECB: TRichEditOleCallback; FOnInlineKeyDown: TKeyEvent; FOnInlineKeyUp: TKeyEvent; FOnInlinePopup: TOnPopup; FRichHeight: Integer; FRichParamsSet: Boolean; FOnSearchItem: TOnSearchItem; FRTLMode: TRTLMode; FOnRTLChange: TOnRTLChange; FOnOptionsChange: TOnOptionsChange; TopItemOffset: Integer; MaxSBPos: Integer; FShowHeaders: Boolean; FCodepage: Cardinal; FOnChar: TOnChar; WindowPrePainting: Boolean; WindowPrePainted: Boolean; FExpandHeaders: Boolean; FOnProcessInlineChange: TOnProcessInlineChange; FOnBookmarkClick: TOnBookmarkClick; FShowBookmarks: Boolean; FGroupLinked: Boolean; FShowBottomAligned: Boolean; FOnSelectRequest: TOnSelectRequest; FBorderStyle: TBorderStyle; FWheelAccumulator: Integer; FWheelLastTick: Cardinal; FHintRect: TRect; // !! function GetHint: WideString; // !! procedure SetHint(const Value: WideString); // !! function IsHintStored: Boolean; procedure CMHintShow(var Message: TMessage); message CM_HINTSHOW; procedure SetBorderStyle(Value: TBorderStyle); procedure SetCodepage(const Value: Cardinal); procedure SetShowHeaders(const Value: Boolean); function GetIdx(Index: Integer): Integer; // Item offset support // procedure SetScrollBar procedure ScrollGridBy(Offset: Integer; Update: Boolean = True); procedure SetSBPos(Position: Integer); // FRich events // procedure OnRichResize(Sender: TObject; Rect: TRect); // procedure OnMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); {$ENDIF} procedure WMNotify(var Message: TWMNotify); message WM_NOTIFY; procedure WMSetFocus(var Message: TWMSetFocus); message WM_SETFOCUS; procedure WMKillFocus(var Message: TWMKillFocus); message WM_KILLFOCUS; procedure WMGetDlgCode(var Message: TWMGetDlgCode); message WM_GETDLGCODE; procedure WMSetCursor(var Message: TWMSetCursor); message WM_SETCURSOR; procedure WMMouseMove(var Message: TWMMouseMove); message WM_MOUSEMOVE; procedure WMRButtonUp(var Message: TWMRButtonUp); message WM_RBUTTONUP; procedure WMRButtonDown(var Message: TWMRButtonDown); message WM_RBUTTONDOWN; procedure WMLButtonDown(var Message: TWMLButtonDown); message WM_LBUTTONDOWN; procedure WMLButtonUp(var Message: TWMLButtonUp); message WM_LBUTTONUP; procedure WMLButtonDblClick(var Message: TWMLButtonDblClk); message WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK; procedure WMMButtonDown(var Message: TWMRButtonDown); message WM_MBUTTONDOWN; procedure WMMButtonUp(var Message: TWMRButtonDown); message WM_MBUTTONUP; procedure WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT; procedure WMSize(var Message: TWMSize); message WM_SIZE; procedure WMEraseBkgnd(var Message: TWMEraseBkgnd); message WM_ERASEBKGND; procedure WMVScroll(var Message: TWMVScroll); message WM_VSCROLL; procedure CNVScroll(var Message: TWMVScroll); message CN_VSCROLL; procedure WMKeyDown(var Message: TWMKeyDown); message WM_KEYDOWN; procedure WMKeyUp(var Message: TWMKeyUp); message WM_KEYUP; procedure WMSysKeyUp(var Message: TWMSysKeyUp); message WM_SYSKEYUP; procedure WMChar(var Message: TWMChar); message WM_CHAR; procedure WMMouseWheel(var Message: TWMMouseWheel); message WM_MOUSEWHEEL; procedure CMBiDiModeChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_BIDIMODECHANGED; procedure CMCtl3DChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_CTL3DCHANGED; procedure WMCommand(var Message: TWMCommand); message WM_COMMAND; procedure EMGetSel(var Message: TMessage); message EM_GETSEL; procedure EMExGetSel(var Message: TMessage); message EM_EXGETSEL; procedure EMSetSel(var Message: TMessage); message EM_SETSEL; procedure EMExSetSel(var Message: TMessage); message EM_EXSETSEL; procedure WMGetText(var Message: TWMGetText); message WM_GETTEXT; procedure WMGetTextLength(var Message: TWMGetTextLength); message WM_GETTEXTLENGTH; procedure WMSetText(var Message: TWMSetText); message WM_SETTEXT; function GetCount: Integer; procedure SetContact(const Value: THandle); procedure SetPadding(Value: Integer); procedure SetSelected(const Value: Integer); procedure AddSelected(Item: Integer); procedure RemoveSelected(Item: Integer); procedure MakeRangeSelected(FromItem, ToItem: Integer); procedure MakeSelectedTo(Item: Integer); procedure MakeVisible(Item: Integer); procedure MakeSelected(Value: Integer); function GetSelCount: Integer; procedure SetFilter(const Value: TMessageTypes); function GetTime(Time: DWord): String; function GetItems(Index: Integer): THistoryItem; function IsMatched(Index: Integer): Boolean; function IsUnknown(Index: Integer): Boolean; procedure WriteString(fs: TFileStream; Text: AnsiString); procedure WriteWideString(fs: TFileStream; Text: String); procedure CheckBusy; function GetSelItems(Index: Integer): Integer; procedure SetSelItems(Index: Integer; Item: Integer); procedure SetState(const Value: TGridState); procedure SetReversed(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetReversedHeader(const Value: Boolean); procedure AdjustScrollBar; procedure SetOptions(const Value: TGridOptions); procedure SetMultiSelect(const Value: Boolean); {$IFDEF CUST_SB} procedure SetVertScrollBar(const Value: TVertScrollBar); function GetHideScrollBar: Boolean; procedure SetHideScrollBar(const Value: Boolean); {$ENDIF} function GetHitTests(X, Y: Integer): TGridHitTests; {$IFDEF RENDER_RICH} function GetLinkAtPoint(X, Y: Integer): String; function GetHintAtPoint(X, Y: Integer; var ObjectHint: WideString; var ObjectRect: TRect): Boolean; function GetRichEditRect(Item: Integer; DontClipTop: Boolean = False): TRect; {$ENDIF} procedure SetRTLMode(const Value: TRTLMode); procedure SetExpandHeaders(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetProcessInline(const Value: Boolean); function GetBookmarked(Index: Integer): Boolean; procedure SetBookmarked(Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean); procedure SetGroupLinked(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetHideSelection(const Value: Boolean); // FRichInline events { procedure OnInlinePopup(Sender: TObject); procedure OnInlineCopyClick(Sender: TObject); procedure OnInlineCopyAllClick(Sender: TObject); procedure OnInlineSelectAllClick(Sender: TObject); procedure OnInlineToggleProcessingClick(Sender: TObject); procedure OnInlineCancelClick(Sender: TObject); } procedure OnInlineOnExit(Sender: TObject); procedure OnInlineOnKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure OnInlineOnKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure OnInlineOnMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure OnInlineOnMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure OnInlineOnURLClick(Sender: TObject; const URLText: String; Button: TMouseButton); function GetProfileName: String; procedure SetProfileName(const Value: String); procedure SetContactName(const Value: String); function IsLinkAtPoint(RichEditRect: TRect; X, Y, Item: Integer): Boolean; protected DownHitTests: TGridHitTests; HintHitTests: TGridHitTests; procedure CreateWindowHandle(const Params: TCreateParams); override; procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; // procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override; property Canvas: TCanvas read FCanvas; procedure Paint; procedure PaintHeader(Index: Integer; ItemRect: TRect); procedure PaintItem(Index: Integer; ItemRect: TRect); procedure DrawProgress; procedure DrawMessage(Text: String); procedure LoadItem(Item: Integer; LoadHeight: Boolean = True; Reload: Boolean = False); procedure DoOptionsChanged; procedure DoKeyDown(var Key: Word; ShiftState: TShiftState); procedure DoKeyUp(var Key: Word; ShiftState: TShiftState); procedure DoChar(var Ch: WideChar; ShiftState: TShiftState); procedure DoLButtonDblClick(X, Y: Integer; Keys: TMouseMoveKeys); procedure DoLButtonDown(X, Y: Integer; Keys: TMouseMoveKeys); procedure DoLButtonUp(X, Y: Integer; Keys: TMouseMoveKeys); procedure DoMouseMove(X, Y: Integer; Keys: TMouseMoveKeys); procedure DoRButtonDown(X, Y: Integer; Keys: TMouseMoveKeys); procedure DoRButtonUp(X, Y: Integer; Keys: TMouseMoveKeys); procedure DoMButtonDown(X, Y: Integer; Keys: TMouseMoveKeys); procedure DoMButtonUp(X, Y: Integer; Keys: TMouseMoveKeys); // procedure DoUrlMouseMove(Url: WideString); procedure DoProgress(Position, Max: Integer); function CalcItemHeight(Item: Integer): Integer; procedure ScrollBy(DeltaX, DeltaY: Integer); procedure DeleteItem(Item: Integer); procedure SaveStart(Stream: TFileStream; SaveFormat: TSaveFormat; Caption: String); procedure SaveItem(Stream: TFileStream; Item: Integer; SaveFormat: TSaveFormat); procedure SaveEnd(Stream: TFileStream; SaveFormat: TSaveFormat); procedure GridUpdateSize; function GetSelectionString: String; procedure URLClick(Item: Integer; const URLText: String; Button: TMouseButton); dynamic; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property Count: Integer read GetCount; property Contact: THandle read FContact write SetContact; property Protocol: AnsiString read FProtocol write FProtocol; property LoadedCount: Integer read FLoadedCount; procedure Allocate(ItemsCount: Integer; Scroll: Boolean = True); property Selected: Integer read FSelected write SetSelected; property SelCount: Integer read GetSelCount; function FindItemAt(X, Y: Integer; out ItemRect: TRect): Integer; overload; function FindItemAt(P: TPoint; out ItemRect: TRect): Integer; overload; function FindItemAt(P: TPoint): Integer; overload; function FindItemAt(X, Y: Integer): Integer; overload; function GetItemRect(Item: Integer): TRect; function IsSelected(Item: Integer): Boolean; procedure BeginUpdate; procedure EndUpdate; procedure GridUpdate(Updates: TGridUpdates); function IsVisible(Item: Integer; Partially: Boolean = True): Boolean; procedure Delete(Item: Integer); procedure DeleteSelected; procedure DeleteAll; procedure SelectRange(FromItem, ToItem: Integer); procedure SelectAll; property Items[Index: Integer]: THistoryItem read GetItems; property Bookmarked[Index: Integer]: Boolean read GetBookmarked write SetBookmarked; property SelectedItems[Index: Integer]: Integer read GetSelItems write SetSelItems; function Search(Text: String; CaseSensitive: Boolean; FromStart: Boolean = False; SearchAll: Boolean = False; FromNext: Boolean = False; Down: Boolean = True): Integer; function SearchItem(ItemID: Integer): Integer; procedure AddItem; procedure SaveSelected(FileName: String; SaveFormat: TSaveFormat); procedure SaveAll(FileName: String; SaveFormat: TSaveFormat); function GetNext(Item: Integer; Force: Boolean = False): Integer; function GetDown(Item: Integer): Integer; function GetPrev(Item: Integer; Force: Boolean = False): Integer; function GetUp(Item: Integer): Integer; function GetTopItem: Integer; function GetBottomItem: Integer; property State: TGridState read FState write SetState; function GetFirstVisible: Integer; procedure UpdateFilter; procedure EditInline(Item: Integer); procedure CancelInline(DoSetFocus: Boolean = True); procedure AdjustInlineRichedit; function GetItemInline: Integer; property InlineRichEdit: THPPRichEdit read FRichInline write FRichInline; property RichEdit: THPPRichEdit read FRich write FRich; property Options: TGridOptions read FOptions write SetOptions; property HotString: String read SearchPattern; property RTLMode: TRTLMode read FRTLMode write SetRTLMode; procedure MakeTopmost(Item: Integer); procedure ScrollToBottom; procedure ResetItem(Item: Integer); procedure ResetAllItems; procedure IntFormatItem(Item: Integer; var Tokens: TWideStrArray; var SpecialTokens: TIntArray); procedure PrePaintWindow; property Codepage: Cardinal read FCodepage write SetCodepage; property Filter: TMessageTypes read FFilter write SetFilter; property SelectionString: String read GetSelectionString; published procedure SetRichRTL(RTL: Boolean; RichEdit: THPPRichEdit; ProcessTag: Boolean = True); function GetItemRTL(Item: Integer): Boolean; // procedure CopyToClipSelected(const Format: WideString; ACodepage: Cardinal = CP_ACP); procedure ApplyItemToRich(Item: Integer; RichEdit: THPPRichEdit = nil; ForceInline: Boolean = False); function FormatItem(Item: Integer; Format: String): String; function FormatItems(ItemList: array of Integer; Format: String): String; function FormatSelected(const Format: String): String; property ShowBottomAligned: Boolean read FShowBottomAligned write FShowBottomAligned; property ShowBookmarks: Boolean read FShowBookmarks write FShowBookmarks; property MultiSelect: Boolean read FMultiSelect write SetMultiSelect; property ShowHeaders: Boolean read FShowHeaders write SetShowHeaders; property ExpandHeaders: Boolean read FExpandHeaders write SetExpandHeaders default True; property GroupLinked: Boolean read FGroupLinked write SetGroupLinked default False; property ProcessInline: Boolean write SetProcessInline; property TxtStartup: String read FTxtStartup write FTxtStartup; property TxtNoItems: String read FTxtNoItems write FTxtNoItems; property TxtNoSuch: String read FTxtNoSuch write FTxtNoSuch; property TxtFullLog: String read FTxtFullLog write FTxtFullLog; property TxtPartLog: String read FTxtPartLog write FTxtPartLog; property TxtHistExport: String read FTxtHistExport write FTxtHistExport; property TxtGenHist1: String read FTxtGenHist1 write FTxtGenHist1; property TxtGenHist2: String read FTxtGenHist2 write FTxtGenHist2; property TxtSessions: String read FTxtSessions write FTxtSessions; // property Filter: TMessageTypes read FFilter write SetFilter; property ProfileName: String read GetProfileName write SetProfileName; property ContactName: String read FContactName write SetContactName; property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent read FDblClick write FDblClick; property OnItemData: TGetItemData read FGetItemData write FGetItemData; property OnNameData: TGetNameData read FGetNameData write FGetNameData; property OnPopup: TOnPopup read FOnPopup write FOnPopup; property OnTranslateTime: TOnTranslateTime read FTranslateTime write FTranslateTime; property OnSearchFinished: TOnSearchFinished read FSearchFinished write FSearchFinished; property OnItemDelete: TOnItemDelete read FItemDelete write FItemDelete; property OnKeyDown; property OnKeyUp; property OnInlineKeyDown: TKeyEvent read FOnInlineKeyDown write FOnInlineKeyDown; property OnInlineKeyUp: TKeyEvent read FOnInlineKeyUp write FOnInlineKeyUp; property OnInlinePopup: TOnPopup read FOnInlinePopup write FOnInlinePopup; property OnProcessInlineChange: TOnProcessInlineChange read FOnProcessInlineChange write FOnProcessInlineChange; property OnOptionsChange: TOnOptionsChange read FOnOptionsChange write FOnOptionsChange; property OnChar: TOnChar read FOnChar write FOnChar; property OnState: TOnState read FOnState write FOnState; property OnSelect: TOnSelect read FOnSelect write FOnSelect; property OnXMLData: TGetXMLData read FGetXMLData write FGetXMLData; property OnMCData: TGetMCData read FGetMCData write FGetMCData; property OnRTLChange: TOnRTLChange read FOnRTLChange write FOnRTLChange; { IFDEF RENDER_RICH } property OnUrlClick: TUrlClickItemEvent read FOnUrlClick write FOnUrlClick; { ENDIF } property OnBookmarkClick: TOnBookmarkClick read FOnBookmarkClick write FOnBookmarkClick; property OnItemFilter: TOnItemFilter read FOnItemFilter write FOnItemFilter; property OnProcessRichText: TOnProcessRichText read FOnProcessRichText write FOnProcessRichText; property OnSearchItem: TOnSearchItem read FOnSearchItem write FOnSearchItem; property OnSelectRequest: TOnSelectRequest read FOnSelectRequest write FOnSelectRequest; property OnFilterChange: TOnFilterChange read FOnFilterChange write FOnFilterChange; property Reversed: Boolean read FReversed write SetReversed; property ReversedHeader: Boolean read FReversedHeader write SetReversedHeader; property TopItem: Integer read GetTopItem; property BottomItem: Integer read GetBottomItem; property ItemInline: Integer read GetItemInline; property HideSelection: Boolean read FHideSelection write SetHideSelection default False; property Align; property Anchors; property TabStop; property Font; property Color; property ParentColor; property BiDiMode; property ParentBiDiMode; property BevelEdges; property BevelInner; property BevelKind; property BevelOuter; property BevelWidth; property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle read FBorderStyle write SetBorderStyle default bsSingle; property BorderWidth; property Ctl3D; property ParentCtl3D; property Padding: Integer read FPadding write SetPadding; {$IFDEF CUST_SB} property VertScrollBar: TVertScrollBar read FVertScrollBar write SetVertScrollBar; property HideScrollBar: Boolean read GetHideScrollBar write SetHideScrollBar; {$ENDIF} // !! property Hint: String read GetHint write SetHint stored IsHintStored; property ShowHint; end; procedure Register; implementation uses hpp_options, hpp_arrays, hpp_strparser, hpp_contacts, hpp_itemprocess, hpp_events, hpp_eventfilters, hpp_olesmileys, ComObj; type TMCHeader = packed record Signature: array [0 .. 1] of AnsiChar; Version: Integer; DataSize: Integer; end; const HtmlStop = [#0, #10, #13, '<', '>', '[', ']', ' ', '''', '"']; var mcHeader: TMCHeader = (Signature: 'HB'; Version: - 1; DataSize: 0;); function UrlHighlightHtml(Text: AnsiString): AnsiString; var UrlStart, UrlCent, UrlEnd: Integer; UrlStr: String; begin Result := Text; UrlCent := AnsiPos('://', string(Text)); while UrlCent > 0 do begin Text[UrlCent] := '!'; UrlStart := UrlCent; UrlEnd := UrlCent + 2; while UrlStart > 0 do begin if (Text[UrlStart - 1] in HtmlStop) then break; Dec(UrlStart); end; while UrlEnd < Length(Text) do begin if (Text[UrlEnd + 1] in HtmlStop) then break; Inc(UrlEnd); end; if (UrlEnd - 2 - UrlCent > 0) and (UrlCent - UrlStart - 1 > 0) then begin UrlStr := '<a class=url href="' + Copy(Result, UrlStart, UrlEnd - UrlStart + 1) + '">'; Insert(UrlStr, Result, UrlStart); Insert('</a>', Result, UrlEnd + Length(UrlStr) + 1); UrlStr := StringReplace(UrlStr, '://', '!//', [rfReplaceAll]); Insert(UrlStr, Text, UrlStart); Insert('</a>', Text, UrlEnd + Length(UrlStr) + 1); end; UrlCent := AnsiPos('://', Text); end; end; function MakeTextHtmled(T: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin Result := T; // change & to & Result := StringReplace(Result, '&', '&', [rfReplaceAll]); Result := StringReplace(Result, '>', '>', [rfReplaceAll]); Result := StringReplace(Result, '<', '<', [rfReplaceAll]); Result := StringReplace(Result, #9, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]); Result := StringReplace(Result, #13#10, '<br>', [rfReplaceAll]); end; function PointInRect(Pnt: TPoint; Rct: TRect): Boolean; begin Result := (Pnt.X >= Rct.Left) and (Pnt.X <= Rct.Right) and (Pnt.Y >= Rct.Top) and (Pnt.Y <= Rct.Bottom); end; function DoRectsIntersect(R1, R2: TRect): Boolean; begin Result := (Max(R1.Left, R2.Left) < Min(R1.Right, R2.Right)) and (Max(R1.Top, R2.Top) < Min(R1.Bottom, R2.Bottom)); end; function TranslateKeys(const Keys: Integer): TMouseMoveKeys; begin Result := []; if Keys and MK_CONTROL > 0 then Result := Result + [mmkControl]; if Keys and MK_LBUTTON > 0 then Result := Result + [mmkLButton]; if Keys and MK_MBUTTON > 0 then Result := Result + [mmkMButton]; if Keys and MK_RBUTTON > 0 then Result := Result + [mmkRButton]; if Keys and MK_SHIFT > 0 then Result := Result + [mmkShift]; end; function NotZero(X: DWord): DWord; // used that array doesn't store 0 for already loaded data begin if X = 0 then Result := 1 else Result := X; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents(hppName, [THistoryGrid]); end; { THistoryGrid } constructor THistoryGrid.Create(AOwner: TComponent); const GridStyle = [csCaptureMouse, csClickEvents, csDoubleClicks, csReflector, csOpaque, csNeedsBorderPaint]; var dc: HDC; begin inherited; ShowHint := True; HintHitTests := []; {$IFDEF RENDER_RICH} FRichCache := TRichCache.Create(Self); { tmp FRich := TRichEdit.Create(Self); FRich.Name := 'OrgFRich'; FRich.Visible := False; // just a dirty hack to workaround problem with // SmileyAdd making richedit visible all the time FRich.Height := 1000; FRich.Top := -1001; // </hack> // Don't give him grid as parent, or we'll have // wierd problems with scroll bar FRich.Parent := nil; // on 9x wrong sizing //FRich.PlainText := True; FRich.WordWrap := True; FRich.BorderStyle := bsNone; FRich.OnResizeRequest := OnRichResize; FRich.OnMouseMove := OnMouseMove; // we cann't set specific params to FRich because // it's handle is unknown yet. We do it in WMSize, but // to prevent setting it multiple times // we have this variable } FRichParamsSet := False; // Ok, now inlined richedit FRichInline := THPPRichEdit.Create(Self); // workaround of SmileyAdd making richedit visible all the time FRichInline.Top := -MaxInt; FRichInline.Height := -1; FRichInline.Name := 'FRichInline'; FRichInline.Visible := False; // FRichInline.Parent := Self.Parent; // FRichInline.PlainText := True; FRichInline.WordWrap := True; FRichInline.BorderStyle := bsNone; FRichInline.ReadOnly := True; FRichInline.ScrollBars := ssVertical; FRichInline.HideScrollBars := True; FRichInline.OnExit := OnInlineOnExit; FRichInline.OnKeyDown := OnInlineOnKeyDown; FRichInline.OnKeyUp := OnInlineOnKeyUp; FRichInline.OnMouseDown := OnInlineOnMouseDown; FRichInline.OnMouseUp := OnInlineOnMouseUp; FRichInline.OnUrlClick := OnInlineOnURLClick; FRichInline.Brush.Style := bsClear; FItemInline := -1; {$ENDIF} FCodepage := CP_ACP; // FRTLMode := hppRTLDefault; CHeaderHeight := -1; PHeaderheight := -1; FExpandHeaders := False; TabStop := True; MultiSelect := True; TxtStartup := 'Starting up...'; TxtNoItems := 'History is empty'; TxtNoSuch := 'No such items'; TxtFullLog := 'Full History Log'; TxtPartLog := 'Partial History Log'; TxtHistExport := hppName + ' export'; TxtGenHist1 := '### (generated by ' + hppName + ' plugin)'; TxtGenHist2 := '<h6>Generated by <b dir="ltr">' + hppName + '</b> Plugin</h6>'; TxtSessions := 'Conversation started at %s'; FReversed := False; FReversedHeader := False; FState := gsIdle; IsCanvasClean := False; BarAdjusted := False; Allocated := False; ShowBottomAligned := False; ProgressPercent := 255; ShowProgress := False; if NewStyleControls then ControlStyle := GridStyle else ControlStyle := GridStyle + [csFramed]; LockCount := 0; // fill all events with unknown to force filter reset FFilter := GenerateEvents(FM_EXCLUDE, []) + [mtUnknown, mtCustom]; FSelected := -1; FContact := 0; FProtocol := ''; FPadding := 4; FShowBookmarks := True; FClient := TBitmap.Create; FClient.Width := 1; FClient.Height := 1; FCanvas := FClient.Canvas; FCanvas.Font.Name := 'MS Shell Dlg'; // get line scroll size depending on current dpi // default is 13px for standard 96dpi dc := GetDC(0); LogX := GetDeviceCaps(dc, LOGPIXELSX); LogY := GetDeviceCaps(dc, LOGPIXELSY); ReleaseDC(0, dc); VLineScrollSize := MulDiv(LogY, 13, 96); {$IFDEF CUST_SB} FVertScrollBar := TVertScrollBar.Create(Self, sbVertical); {$ENDIF} VertScrollBar.Increment := VLineScrollSize; FBorderStyle := bsSingle; FHideSelection := False; FGridNotFocused := True; FSelectionString := ''; FSelectionStored := False; end; destructor THistoryGrid.Destroy; begin {$IFDEF CUST_SB} FVertScrollBar.Free; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF RENDER_RICH} FRichInline.Free; // it gets deleted autmagically because FRich.Owner = Self // FRich.Free; FRich := nil; FRichCache.Free; {$ENDIF} if Assigned(Options) then Options.DeleteGrid(Self); FCanvas := nil; FClient.Free; Finalize(FItems); inherited; end; { //!! function THistoryGrid.IsHintStored: Boolean; begin Result := TntControl_IsHintStored(Self) end; function THistoryGrid.GetHint: String; begin Result := TntControl_GetHint(Self) end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetHint(const Value: String); begin TntControl_SetHint(Self, Value); end; } procedure THistoryGrid.CMHintShow(var Message: TMessage); var Item: Integer; tempHint: WideString; tempRect: TRect; begin With TCMHintShow(Message).HintInfo^ do begin if ghtButton in HintHitTests then begin CursorRect := FHintRect; if ghtBookmark in HintHitTests then begin Item := FindItemAt(CursorPos); if FItems[Item].Bookmarked then Hint := TranslateW('Remove Bookmark') else Hint := TranslateW('Set Bookmark') end else if ghtSessHideButton in HintHitTests then Hint := TranslateW('Hide headers') else if ghtSessShowButton in HintHitTests then Hint := TranslateW('Show headers'); Message.Result := 0; end else if (ghtUnknown in HintHitTests) and GetHintAtPoint(CursorPos.X, CursorPos.Y, tempHint, tempRect) then begin Hint := WideStringReplace(tempHint, '|', '�', [rfReplaceAll]); CursorRect := tempRect; Message.Result := 0; end else Message.Result := 1; end; // !! ProcessCMHintShowMsg(Message); inherited; end; function THistoryGrid.GetBookmarked(Index: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := Items[Index].Bookmarked; end; function THistoryGrid.GetBottomItem: Integer; begin if Reversed then Result := GetUp(-1) else Result := GetUp(Count); end; function THistoryGrid.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := Length(FItems); end; procedure THistoryGrid.Allocate(ItemsCount: Integer; Scroll: Boolean = True); var i: Integer; PrevCount: Integer; begin PrevCount := Length(FItems); SetLength(FItems, ItemsCount); for i := PrevCount to ItemsCount - 1 do begin FItems[i].Height := -1; FItems[i].MessageType := [mtUnknown]; FRichCache.ResetItem(i); end; {$IFDEF PAGE_SIZE} VertScrollBar.Range := ItemsCount + FVertScrollBar.PageSize - 1; {$ELSE} VertScrollBar.Range := ItemsCount + ClientHeight; {$ENDIF} BarAdjusted := False; Allocated := True; // if ItemsCount > 0 then SetSBPos(GetIdx(0)); if Scroll then begin if Reversed xor ReversedHeader then SetSBPos(GetIdx(GetBottomItem)) else SetSBPos(GetIdx(GetTopItem)); end else AdjustScrollBar; Invalidate; end; procedure THistoryGrid.LoadItem(Item: Integer; LoadHeight: Boolean = True; Reload: Boolean = False); begin if Reload or IsUnknown(Item) then if Assigned(FGetItemData) then OnItemData(Self, Item, FItems[Item]); if LoadHeight then if FItems[Item].Height = -1 then FItems[Item].Height := CalcItemHeight(Item); end; procedure THistoryGrid.Paint; var TextRect, HeaderRect: TRect; Ch, cw: Integer; idx, cnt: Integer; SumHeight: Integer; begin if csDesigning in ComponentState then exit; if not Allocated then begin DrawMessage(TxtStartup); exit; end else if ShowProgress then begin DrawProgress; exit; end; cnt := Count; if cnt = 0 then begin DrawMessage(TxtNoItems); exit; end; idx := GetFirstVisible; { REV idx := GetNext(VertScrollBar.Position-1); } if idx = -1 then begin DrawMessage(TxtNoSuch); exit; end; if WindowPrePainted then begin WindowPrePainted := False; exit; end; SumHeight := -TopItemOffset; Ch := ClientHeight; cw := ClientWidth; while (SumHeight < Ch) and (idx >= 0) and (idx < cnt) do begin LoadItem(idx); TextRect := Bounds(0, SumHeight, cw, FItems[idx].Height); if DoRectsIntersect(ClipRect, TextRect) then begin Canvas.Brush.Color := Options.ColorDivider; Canvas.FillRect(TextRect); if (FItems[idx].HasHeader) and (ShowHeaders) and (ExpandHeaders) then begin if Reversed xor ReversedHeader then begin HeaderRect := Rect(0, TextRect.Top, cw, TextRect.Top + SessHeaderHeight); Inc(TextRect.Top, SessHeaderHeight); end else begin HeaderRect := Rect(0, TextRect.Bottom - SessHeaderHeight, cw, TextRect.Bottom); Dec(TextRect.Bottom, SessHeaderHeight); end; PaintHeader(idx, HeaderRect); end; PaintItem(idx, TextRect); end; Inc(SumHeight, FItems[idx].Height); idx := GetNext(idx); if idx = -1 then break; end; if SumHeight < Ch then begin TextRect := Rect(0, SumHeight, cw, Ch); if DoRectsIntersect(ClipRect, TextRect) then begin Canvas.Brush.Color := Options.ColorBackground; Canvas.FillRect(TextRect); end; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.PaintHeader(Index: Integer; ItemRect: TRect); var Text: String; RTL: Boolean; RIconOffset, IconOffset, IconTop: Integer; TextOffset: Integer; // ArrIcon: Integer; // BackColor: TColor; // TextFont: TFont; begin RTL := GetItemRTL(Index); // Options.GetItemOptions(FItems[Index].MessageType,textFont,BackColor); if not(RTL = ((Canvas.TextFlags and ETO_RTLREADING) > 0)) then begin if RTL then Canvas.TextFlags := Canvas.TextFlags or ETO_RTLREADING else Canvas.TextFlags := Canvas.TextFlags and not ETO_RTLREADING; end; // leave divider lines: // Inc(ItemRect.Top); Dec(ItemRect.Bottom, 1); Canvas.Brush.Color := Options.ColorSessHeader; Canvas.FillRect(ItemRect); InflateRect(ItemRect, -3, -3); IconOffset := 0; RIconOffset := 0; IconTop := ((ItemRect.Bottom - ItemRect.Top - 16) div 2); if (ShowHeaders) and (FItems[Index].HasHeader) and (ExpandHeaders) then begin if RTL then DrawIconEx(Canvas.Handle, ItemRect.Left, ItemRect.Top + IconTop, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SESS_HIDE].Handle, 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL) else DrawIconEx(Canvas.Handle, ItemRect.Right - 16, ItemRect.Top + IconTop, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SESS_HIDE].Handle, 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL); Inc(RIconOffset, 16 + Padding); end; if hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SESS_DIVIDER].Handle <> 0 then begin if RTL then DrawIconEx(Canvas.Handle, ItemRect.Right - 16 - IconOffset, ItemRect.Top + IconTop, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SESS_DIVIDER].Handle, 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL) else DrawIconEx(Canvas.Handle, ItemRect.Left + IconOffset, ItemRect.Top + IconTop, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SESS_DIVIDER].Handle, 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL); Inc(IconOffset, 16 + Padding); end; Text := Format(TxtSessions, [GetTime(Items[Index].Time)]); // Canvas.Font := Options.FontSessHeader; Canvas.Font.Assign(Options.FontSessHeader); Inc(ItemRect.Left, IconOffset); Dec(ItemRect.Right, RIconOffset); if RTL then begin TextOffset := Canvas.TextExtent(Text).cX; Canvas.TextRect(ItemRect, ItemRect.Right - TextOffset, ItemRect.Top, Text); end else Canvas.TextRect(ItemRect, ItemRect.Left, ItemRect.Top, Text); end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetBookmarked(Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean); var r: TRect; begin // don't set unknown items, we'll got correct bookmarks when we load them anyway if IsUnknown(Index) then exit; if Bookmarked[Index] = Value then exit; FItems[Index].Bookmarked := Value; if IsVisible(Index) then begin r := GetItemRect(Index); InvalidateRect(Handle, @r, False); Update; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetCodepage(const Value: Cardinal); begin if FCodepage = Value then exit; FCodepage := Value; ResetAllItems; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetContact(const Value: THandle); begin if FContact = Value then exit; FContact := Value; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetExpandHeaders(const Value: Boolean); var i: Integer; begin if FExpandHeaders = Value then exit; FExpandHeaders := Value; for i := 0 to Length(FItems) - 1 do begin if FItems[i].HasHeader then begin FItems[i].Height := -1; FRichCache.ResetItem(i); end; end; BarAdjusted := False; AdjustScrollBar; Invalidate; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetGroupLinked(const Value: Boolean); var i: Integer; begin if FGroupLinked = Value then exit; FGroupLinked := Value; for i := 0 to Length(FItems) - 1 do begin if FItems[i].LinkedToPrev then begin FItems[i].Height := -1; FRichCache.ResetItem(i); end; end; BarAdjusted := False; AdjustScrollBar; Invalidate; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetProcessInline(const Value: Boolean); // var // cr: CHARRANGE; begin if State = gsInline then begin FRichInline.Lines.BeginUpdate; // FRichInline.Perform(EM_EXGETSEL,0,LPARAM(@cr)); ApplyItemToRich(Selected, FRichInline); // FRichInline.Perform(EM_EXSETSEL,0,LPARAM(@cr)); // FRichInline.Perform(EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0); FRichInline.SelStart := 0; FRichInline.Lines.EndUpdate; end; if Assigned(FOnProcessInlineChange) then FOnProcessInlineChange(Self, Value); end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMEraseBkgnd(var Message: TWMEraseBkgnd); begin Message.Result := 1; end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); var ps: TagPaintStruct; dc: HDC; begin if (LockCount > 0) or (csDestroying in ComponentState) then begin Message.Result := 1; exit; end; dc := BeginPaint(Handle, ps); ClipRect := ps.rcPaint; try Paint; BitBlt(dc, ClipRect.Left, ClipRect.Top, ClipRect.Right - ClipRect.Left, ClipRect.Bottom - ClipRect.Top, Canvas.Handle, ClipRect.Left, ClipRect.Top, SRCCOPY); finally EndPaint(Handle, ps); Message.Result := 0; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMSize(var Message: TWMSize); // var // re_mask: Longint; begin BeginUpdate; if not FRichParamsSet then begin FRichCache.SetHandles; FRichParamsSet := True; FRichInline.ParentWindow := Handle; // re_mask := SendMessage(FRichInline.Handle,EM_GETEVENTMASK,0,0); // SendMessage(FRichInline.Handle,EM_SETEVENTMASK,0,re_mask or ENM_LINK); // SendMessage(FRichInline.Handle,EM_AUTOURLDETECT,1,0); // SendMessage(FRichInline.Handle,EM_SETMARGINS,EC_LEFTMARGIN or EC_RIGHTMARGIN,0); end; // Update; GridUpdate([guSize]); EndUpdate; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetPadding(Value: Integer); begin if Value = FPadding then exit; FPadding := Value; end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMVScroll(var Message: TWMVScroll); var r: TRect; Item1, Item2, SBPos: Integer; off, idx, first, ind: Integer; begin CheckBusy; if Message.ScrollCode = SB_ENDSCROLL then begin Message.Result := 0; exit; end; BeginUpdate; try if Message.ScrollCode in [SB_LINEUP, SB_LINEDOWN, SB_PAGEDOWN, SB_PAGEUP] then begin Message.Result := 0; case Message.ScrollCode of SB_LINEDOWN: ScrollGridBy(VLineScrollSize); SB_LINEUP: ScrollGridBy(-VLineScrollSize); SB_PAGEDOWN: ScrollGridBy(ClientHeight); SB_PAGEUP: ScrollGridBy(-ClientHeight); end; exit; end; idx := VertScrollBar.Position; ind := idx; first := GetFirstVisible; // OXY: This code prevents thumb from staying "between" filtered items // but it leads to thumb "jumping" after user finishes thumbtracking // uncomment if this "stuck-in-between" seems to produce bug { if Message.ScrollCode = SB_THUMBPOSITION then begin Message.Pos := GetIdx(first); VertScrollBar.ScrollMessage(Message); exit; end; } {$IFDEF CUST_SB} if (Message.ScrollBar = 0) and FVertScrollBar.Visible then FVertScrollBar.ScrollMessage(Message) else inherited; {$ELSE} inherited; {$ENDIF} SBPos := VertScrollBar.Position; off := SBPos - idx; // if (VertScrollBar.Position > MaxSBPos) and (off=0) then begin // SetSBPos(VertScrollBar.Position); // exit; // end; { if (off=0) and (VertScrollBar.Position > MaxSBPos) then begin SetSBPos(VertScrollBar.Position); Invalidate; exit; end; } if not(VertScrollBar.Position > MaxSBPos) then TopItemOffset := 0; if off = 0 then exit; if off > 0 then begin idx := GetNext(GetIdx(VertScrollBar.Position - 1)); if (idx = first) and (idx <> -1) then begin idx := GetNext(idx); if idx = -1 then idx := first; end; if idx = -1 then begin idx := GetPrev(GetIdx(VertScrollBar.Position + 1)); if idx = -1 then idx := ind; end; end; if off < 0 then begin idx := GetPrev(GetIdx(VertScrollBar.Position + 1)); if (idx = first) and (idx <> -1) then begin idx := GetPrev(idx); // if idx := -1 then idx := Count-1; end; if (idx <> first) and (idx <> -1) then begin first := idx; idx := GetPrev(idx); if idx <> -1 then idx := first else idx := GetIdx(0); end; if idx = -1 then begin idx := GetNext(GetIdx(VertScrollBar.Position - 1)); if idx = -1 then idx := ind; end; end; { BUG HERE (not actually here, but..) If you filter by (for example) files and you have several files and large history, then when tracking throu files, you'll see flicker, like constantly scrolling up & down by 1 event. That's because when you scroll down by 1, this proc finds next event and scrolls to it. But when you continue your move, your track position becomes higher then current pos, and we search backwards, and scroll to prev event. That's why flicker takes place. Need to redesign some things to fix it } // OXY 2006-03-05: THIS BUG FIXED!.! // Now while thumbtracking we look if we are closer to next item // than to original item. If we are closer, then scroll. If not, then // don't change position and wait while user scrolls futher. // With this we have ONE MORE bug: when user stops tracking, // we leave thumb were it left, while we need to put it on the item Item1 := GetIdx(first); Item2 := GetIdx(idx); if not(Message.ScrollCode in [SB_THUMBTRACK, SB_THUMBPOSITION]) then SetSBPos(Item2) else begin if (SBPos >= Item1) and (Item2 > MaxSBPos) then SetSBPos(Item2) else if Abs(Item1 - SBPos) > Abs(Item2 - SBPos) then SetSBPos(Item2); end; AdjustScrollBar; r := ClientRect; InvalidateRect(Handle, @r, False); finally EndUpdate; Update; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.PaintItem(Index: Integer; ItemRect: TRect); var TimeStamp, HeaderName: String; OrgRect, ItemClipRect: TRect; TopIconOffset, IconOffset, TimeOffset: Integer; // icon: TIcon; BackColor: TColor; nameFont, timestampFont, textFont: TFont; Sel: Boolean; RTL: Boolean; FullHeader: Boolean; RichBMP: TBitmap; ic: HICON; HeadRect: TRect; dtf: Integer; er: PEventRecord; begin // leave divider line Dec(ItemRect.Bottom); OrgRect := ItemRect; Sel := IsSelected(Index); Options.GetItemOptions(FItems[Index].MessageType, textFont, BackColor); if Sel then BackColor := Options.ColorSelected; IntersectRect(ItemClipRect, ItemRect, ClipRect); Canvas.Brush.Color := BackColor; Canvas.FillRect(ItemClipRect); InflateRect(ItemRect, -Padding, -Padding); FullHeader := not(FGroupLinked and FItems[Index].LinkedToPrev); if FullHeader then begin HeadRect := ItemRect; HeadRect.Top := HeadRect.Top - Padding + (Padding div 2); if mtIncoming in FItems[Index].MessageType then HeadRect.Bottom := HeadRect.Top + CHeaderHeight else HeadRect.Bottom := HeadRect.Top + PHeaderheight; ItemRect.Top := HeadRect.Bottom + Padding - (Padding div 2); end; if FullHeader and DoRectsIntersect(HeadRect, ClipRect) then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} OutputDebugString(PWideChar('Paint item header ' + intToStr(Index) + ' to screen')); {$ENDIF} if mtIncoming in FItems[Index].MessageType then begin nameFont := Options.FontContact; timestampFont := Options.FontIncomingTimestamp; HeaderName := ContactName; end else begin nameFont := Options.FontProfile; timestampFont := Options.FontOutgoingTimestamp; HeaderName := ProfileName; end; if Assigned(FGetNameData) then FGetNameData(Self, Index, HeaderName); HeaderName := HeaderName + ':'; TimeStamp := GetTime(FItems[Index].Time); RTL := GetItemRTL(Index); if not(RTL = ((Canvas.TextFlags and ETO_RTLREADING) > 0)) then begin if RTL then Canvas.TextFlags := Canvas.TextFlags or ETO_RTLREADING else Canvas.TextFlags := Canvas.TextFlags and not ETO_RTLREADING; end; TopIconOffset := ((HeadRect.Bottom - HeadRect.Top) - 16) div 2; if (FItems[Index].HasHeader) and (ShowHeaders) and (not ExpandHeaders) then begin if RTL then begin DrawIconEx(Canvas.Handle, HeadRect.Right - 16, HeadRect.Top + TopIconOffset, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SESS_DIVIDER].Handle, 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL); Dec(HeadRect.Right, 16 + Padding); end else begin DrawIconEx(Canvas.Handle, HeadRect.Left, HeadRect.Top + TopIconOffset, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_SESS_DIVIDER].Handle, 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL); Inc(HeadRect.Left, 16 + Padding); end; end; if Options.ShowIcons then begin er := GetEventRecord(FItems[Index]); if er.i = -1 then ic := 0 else if er.iSkin = -1 then ic := hppIcons[er.i].Handle else ic := skinIcons[er.i].Handle; if ic <> 0 then begin // canvas. draw here can sometimes draw 32x32 icon (sic!) if RTL then begin DrawIconEx(Canvas.Handle, HeadRect.Right - 16, HeadRect.Top + TopIconOffset, ic, 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL); Dec(HeadRect.Right, 16 + Padding); end else begin DrawIconEx(Canvas.Handle, HeadRect.Left, HeadRect.Top + TopIconOffset, ic, 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL); Inc(HeadRect.Left, 16 + Padding); end; end; end; // Canvas.Font := nameFont; Canvas.Font.Assign(nameFont); if Sel then Canvas.Font.Color := Options.ColorSelectedText; dtf := DT_NOPREFIX or DT_SINGLELINE or DT_VCENTER; if RTL then dtf := dtf or DT_RTLREADING or DT_RIGHT else dtf := dtf or DT_LEFT; DrawTextW(Canvas.Handle, PWideChar(HeaderName), Length(HeaderName), HeadRect, dtf); // Canvas.Font := timestampFont; Canvas.Font.Assign(timestampFont); if Sel then Canvas.Font.Color := Options.ColorSelectedText; TimeOffset := Canvas.TextExtent(TimeStamp).cX; dtf := DT_NOPREFIX or DT_SINGLELINE or DT_VCENTER; if RTL then dtf := dtf or DT_RTLREADING or DT_LEFT else dtf := dtf or DT_RIGHT; DrawTextW(Canvas.Handle, PWideChar(TimeStamp), Length(TimeStamp), HeadRect, dtf); if ShowBookmarks and (Sel or FItems[Index].Bookmarked) then begin IconOffset := TimeOffset + Padding; if FItems[Index].Bookmarked then ic := hppIcons[HPP_ICON_BOOKMARK_ON].Handle else ic := hppIcons[HPP_ICON_BOOKMARK_OFF].Handle; if RTL then DrawIconEx(Canvas.Handle, HeadRect.Left + IconOffset, HeadRect.Top + TopIconOffset, ic, 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL) else DrawIconEx(Canvas.Handle, HeadRect.Right - IconOffset - 16, HeadRect.Top + TopIconOffset, ic, 16, 16, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL); end; end; if DoRectsIntersect(ItemRect, ClipRect) then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} OutputDebugString(PWideChar('Paint item body ' + intToStr(Index) + ' to screen')); {$ENDIF} ApplyItemToRich(Index); RichBMP := FRichCache.GetItemRichBitmap(Index); ItemClipRect := Bounds(ItemRect.Left, ItemRect.Top, RichBMP.Width, RichBMP.Height); IntersectRect(ItemClipRect, ItemClipRect, ClipRect); BitBlt(Canvas.Handle, ItemClipRect.Left, ItemClipRect.Top, ItemClipRect.Right - ItemClipRect.Left, ItemClipRect.Bottom - ItemClipRect.Top, RichBMP.Canvas.Handle, ItemClipRect.Left - ItemRect.Left, ItemClipRect.Top - ItemRect.Top, SRCCOPY); end; // if (Focused or WindowPrePainting) and (Index = Selected) then begin if (not FGridNotFocused or WindowPrePainting) and (Index = Selected) then begin DrawFocusRect(Canvas.Handle, OrgRect); end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.PrePaintWindow; begin ClipRect := Rect(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight); WindowPrePainting := True; Paint; WindowPrePainting := False; WindowPrePainted := True; end; procedure THistoryGrid.MakeSelected(Value: Integer); var OldSelected: Integer; begin OldSelected := FSelected; FSelected := Value; if Value <> -1 then MakeVisible(FSelected); if Assigned(FOnSelect) then begin if IsVisible(FSelected) then FOnSelect(Self, FSelected, OldSelected) else FOnSelect(Self, -1, OldSelected); end; FSelectionStored := False; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetSelected(const Value: Integer); begin // if IsSelected(Value) then exit; FRichCache.ResetItem(Value); // FRichCache.ResetItem(FSelected); FRichCache.ResetItems(FSelItems); if Value <> -1 then begin SetLength(FSelItems, 1); FSelItems[0] := Value; end else SetLength(FSelItems, 0); MakeSelected(Value); Invalidate; Update; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetShowHeaders(const Value: Boolean); var i: Integer; begin if FShowHeaders = Value then exit; FShowHeaders := Value; for i := 0 to Length(FItems) - 1 do begin if FItems[i].HasHeader then begin FItems[i].Height := -1; FRichCache.ResetItem(i); end; end; BarAdjusted := False; AdjustScrollBar; Invalidate; end; procedure THistoryGrid.AddSelected(Item: Integer); begin if IsSelected(Item) then exit; if IsUnknown(Item) then LoadItem(Item, False); if not IsMatched(Item) then exit; IntSortedArray_Add(TIntArray(FSelItems), Item); FRichCache.ResetItem(Item); end; function THistoryGrid.FindItemAt(X, Y: Integer; out ItemRect: TRect): Integer; var SumHeight: Integer; idx: Integer; begin Result := -1; ItemRect := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); if Count = 0 then exit; SumHeight := TopItemOffset; if Y < 0 then begin idx := GetFirstVisible; while idx >= 0 do begin if Y > -SumHeight then begin Result := idx; break; end; idx := GetPrev(idx); if idx = -1 then break; LoadItem(idx, True); Inc(SumHeight, FItems[idx].Height); end; exit; end; idx := GetFirstVisible; SumHeight := -TopItemOffset; while (idx >= 0) and (idx < Length(FItems)) do begin LoadItem(idx, True); if Y < SumHeight + FItems[idx].Height then begin Result := idx; break; end; Inc(SumHeight, FItems[idx].Height); idx := GetDown(idx); if idx = -1 then break; end; { FIX: 2004-08-20, can have AV here, how could I miss this line? } if Result = -1 then exit; ItemRect := Rect(0, SumHeight, ClientWidth, SumHeight + FItems[Result].Height); end; function THistoryGrid.FindItemAt(P: TPoint; out ItemRect: TRect): Integer; begin Result := FindItemAt(P.X, P.Y, ItemRect); end; function THistoryGrid.FindItemAt(P: TPoint): Integer; var r: TRect; begin Result := FindItemAt(P.X, P.Y, r); end; function THistoryGrid.FindItemAt(X, Y: Integer): Integer; var r: TRect; begin Result := FindItemAt(X, Y, r); end; function THistoryGrid.FormatItem(Item: Integer; Format: String): String; var tok: TWideStrArray; toksp: TIntArray; i: Integer; begin TokenizeString(Format, tok, toksp); LoadItem(Item, False); IntFormatItem(Item, tok, toksp); Result := ''; for i := 0 to Length(tok) - 1 do Result := Result + tok[i]; end; function THistoryGrid.FormatItems(ItemList: array of Integer; Format: String): String; var ifrom, ito, step, i, n: Integer; linebreak: String; tok2, tok: TWideStrArray; toksp, tok_smartdt: TIntArray; prevdt, dt: TDateTime; begin // array of items MUST be a sorted list! Result := ''; linebreak := #13#10; TokenizeString(Format, tok, toksp); // detect if we have smart_datetime in the tokens // and cache them if we do for n := 0 to Length(toksp) - 1 do if tok[toksp[n]] = '%smart_datetime%' then begin SetLength(tok_smartdt, Length(tok_smartdt) + 1); tok_smartdt[High(tok_smartdt)] := toksp[n]; end; dt := 0; prevdt := 0; // start processing all items // if Reversed then begin // from older to newer, excluding external grid if not ReversedHeader then begin ifrom := High(ItemList); ito := 0; step := -1; end else begin ifrom := 0; ito := High(ItemList); step := 1; end; i := ifrom; while (i >= 0) and (i <= High(ItemList)) do begin LoadItem(ItemList[i], False); if i = ito then linebreak := ''; // do not put linebr after last item tok2 := Copy(tok, 0, Length(tok)); // handle smart dates: if Length(tok_smartdt) > 0 then begin dt := TimestampToDateTime(FItems[ItemList[i]].Time); if prevdt <> 0 then if Trunc(dt) = Trunc(prevdt) then for n := 0 to Length(tok_smartdt) - 1 do tok2[tok_smartdt[n]] := '%time%'; end; // end smart dates IntFormatItem(ItemList[i], tok2, toksp); for n := 0 to Length(tok2) - 1 do Result := Result + tok2[n]; Result := Result + linebreak; prevdt := dt; Inc(i, step); end; end; function THistoryGrid.FormatSelected(const Format: String): String; begin if SelCount = 0 then Result := '' else Result := FormatItems(FSelItems, Format); end; var // WasDownOnGrid hack was introduced // because I had the following problem: when I have // history of contact A opened and have search results // with messages from A, and if the history is behind the // search results window, when I double click A's message // I get hisory to the front with sometimes multiple messages // selected because it 1) selects right message; // 2) brings history window to front; 3) sends wm_mousemove message // to grid saying that left button is pressed (???) and because // of that shit grid thinks I'm selecting several items. So this // var is used to know whether mouse button was down down on grid // somewhere else WasDownOnGrid: Boolean = False; procedure THistoryGrid.DoLButtonDown(X, Y: Integer; Keys: TMouseMoveKeys); var Item: Integer; begin WasDownOnGrid := True; SearchPattern := ''; CheckBusy; if Count = 0 then exit; DownHitTests := GetHitTests(X, Y); // we'll hide/show session headers on button up, don't select item if (ghtButton in DownHitTests) or (ghtLink in DownHitTests) then exit; Item := FindItemAt(X, Y); if Item <> -1 then begin if (mmkControl in Keys) then begin if IsSelected(Item) then RemoveSelected(Item) else AddSelected(Item); MakeSelected(Item); Invalidate; end else if (Selected <> -1) and (mmkShift in Keys) then begin MakeSelectedTo(Item); MakeSelected(Item); Invalidate; end else Selected := Item; end; end; function THistoryGrid.GetItemRect(Item: Integer): TRect; var tmp, idx, SumHeight: Integer; succ: Boolean; begin Result := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); SumHeight := -TopItemOffset; if Item = -1 then exit; if not IsMatched(Item) then exit; if GetIdx(Item) < GetIdx(GetFirstVisible) then begin idx := GetFirstVisible; tmp := GetUp(idx); if tmp <> -1 then idx := tmp; { .TODO: fix here, don't go up, go down from 0 } if Reversed then succ := (idx <= Item) else succ := (idx >= Item); while succ do begin LoadItem(idx); Inc(SumHeight, FItems[idx].Height); idx := GetPrev(idx); if idx = -1 then break; if Reversed then succ := (idx <= Item) else succ := (idx >= Item); end; { for i := VertScrollBar.Position-1 downto Item do begin LoadItem(i); Inc(SumHeight,FItems[i].Height); end; } Result := Rect(0, -SumHeight, ClientWidth, -SumHeight + FItems[Item].Height); exit; end; idx := GetFirstVisible; // GetIdx(VertScrollBar.Position); while GetIdx(idx) < GetIdx(Item) do begin LoadItem(idx); Inc(SumHeight, FItems[idx].Height); idx := GetNext(idx); if idx = -1 then break; end; Result := Rect(0, SumHeight, ClientWidth, SumHeight + FItems[Item].Height); end; function THistoryGrid.GetItemRTL(Item: Integer): Boolean; begin if FItems[Item].RTLMode = hppRTLDefault then begin if RTLMode = hppRTLDefault then Result := Options.RTLEnabled else Result := (RTLMode = hppRTLEnable); end else Result := (FItems[Item].RTLMode = hppRTLEnable) end; function THistoryGrid.IsSelected(Item: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := False; if FHideSelection and FGridNotFocused then exit; if Item = -1 then exit; Result := IntSortedArray_Find(TIntArray(FSelItems), Item) <> -1; end; function THistoryGrid.GetSelCount: Integer; begin Result := Length(FSelItems); end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMLButtonDown(var Message: TWMLButtonDown); begin inherited; if FGridNotFocused then Windows.SetFocus(Handle); DoLButtonDown(Message.XPos, Message.YPos, TranslateKeys(Message.Keys)); end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMLButtonUp(var Message: TWMLButtonUp); begin inherited; DoLButtonUp(Message.XPos, Message.YPos, TranslateKeys(Message.Keys)); end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMMButtonDown(var Message: TWMMButtonDown); begin inherited; if FGridNotFocused then Windows.SetFocus(Handle); DoMButtonDown(Message.XPos, Message.YPos, TranslateKeys(Message.Keys)); end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMMButtonUp(var Message: TWMMButtonUp); begin inherited; DoMButtonUp(Message.XPos, Message.YPos, TranslateKeys(Message.Keys)); end; {$IFDEF RENDER_RICH} procedure THistoryGrid.ApplyItemToRich(Item: Integer; RichEdit: THPPRichEdit = nil; ForceInline: Boolean = False); var reItemInline: Boolean; reItemSelected: Boolean; reItemUseFormat: Boolean; reItemUseLinkColor: Boolean; textFont: TFont; textColor, BackColor: TColor; RichItem: PRichItem; RTF, Text: AnsiString; cf, cf2: CharFormat2; begin if RichEdit = nil then begin RichItem := FRichCache.RequestItem(Item); FRich := RichItem^.Rich; FRichHeight := RichItem^.Height; exit; end; reItemInline := ForceInline or (RichEdit = FRichInline); reItemSelected := (not reItemInline) and IsSelected(Item); reItemUseFormat := not(reItemInline and (not Options.TextFormatting)); reItemUseLinkColor := not(Options.ColorLink = clBlue); if not reItemInline then FRich := RichEdit; Options.GetItemOptions(FItems[Item].MessageType, textFont, BackColor); if reItemSelected then begin textColor := Options.ColorSelectedText; BackColor := Options.ColorSelected; end else begin textColor := textFont.Color; BackColor := BackColor; end; // RichEdit.Perform(WM_SETTEXT,0,0); RichEdit.Clear; SetRichRTL(GetItemRTL(Item), RichEdit); // for use with WM_COPY RichEdit.Codepage := FItems[Item].Codepage; if reItemUseFormat and Options.RawRTFEnabled and IsRTF(FItems[Item].Text) then begin // stored text seems to be RTF RTF := WideToAnsiString(FItems[Item].Text, FItems[Item].Codepage) + #0 end else begin RTF := '{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl '; // RTF := Format('{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg%u\deff0\deflang%u{\fonttbl ',[FItems[Item].Codepage,GetLCIDfromCodepage(CodePage)]); RTF := RTF + Format('{\f0\fnil\fcharset%u %s}', [textFont.CharSet, textFont.Name]); RTF := RTF + '}{\colortbl'; RTF := RTF + Format('\red%u\green%u\blue%u;', [textColor and $FF, (textColor shr 8) and $FF, (textColor shr 16) and $FF]); RTF := RTF + Format('\red%u\green%u\blue%u;', [BackColor and $FF, (BackColor shr 8) and $FF, (BackColor shr 16) and $FF]); // add color table for BBCodes if Options.BBCodesEnabled then begin // link color ro [url][/url], [img][/img] RTF := RTF + Format('\red%u\green%u\blue%u;', [Options.ColorLink and $FF, (Options.ColorLink shr 8) and $FF, (Options.ColorLink shr 16) and $FF]); if reItemUseFormat then RTF := RTF + rtf_ctable_text; end; RTF := RTF + '}\li30\ri30\fi0\cf0'; if GetItemRTL(Item) then RTF := RTF + '\rtlpar\ltrch\rtlch ' else RTF := RTF + '\ltrpar\rtlch\ltrch '; RTF := RTF + AnsiString(Format('\f0\b%d\i%d\ul%d\strike%d\fs%u', [Integer(fsBold in textFont.Style), Integer(fsItalic in textFont.Style), Integer(fsUnderline in textFont.Style), Integer(fsStrikeOut in textFont.Style), Integer(textFont.Size shl 1)])); Text := FormatString2RTF(FItems[Item].Text); { if FGroupLinked and FItems[Item].LinkedToPrev then Text := FormatString2RTF(GetTime(FItems[Item].Time)+': '+FItems[Item].Text) else Text := FormatString2RTF(FItems[Item].Text); } if Options.BBCodesEnabled and reItemUseFormat then Text := DoSupportBBCodesRTF(Text, 3, not reItemSelected); RTF := RTF + Text + '\par }'; end; SetRichRTF(RichEdit.Handle, RTF, False, False, True); (* smart date time in linked item if FGroupLinked and FItems[Item].LinkedToPrev then begin if mtIncoming in FItems[Item].MessageType then textFont := Options.FontIncomingTimestamp else textFont := Options.FontOutgoingTimestamp; if NoDefaultColors then tsColor := textFont.Color else tsColor := Options.ColorSelectedText; RTF := '{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl'; RTF := RTF + Format('{\f0\fnil\fcharset%u %s}',[textFont.Charset,textFont.Name]); RTF := RTF + '}{\colortbl'; RTF := RTF + Format('\red%u\green%u\blue%u;',[tsColor and $FF,(tsColor shr 8) and $FF,(tsColor shr 16) and $FF]); RTF := RTF + '}'; RTF := RTF + Format('\f0\b%d\i%d\ul%d\strike%d\fs%u', [Integer(fsBold in textFont.Style), Integer(fsItalic in textFont.Style), Integer(fsUnderline in textFont.Style), Integer(fsStrikeOut in textFont.Style), Integer(textFont.Size shl 1)]); Text := FormatString2RTF(GetTime( FItems[Item].Time)); RTF := RTF + Text + '\par }'+#0; SetRichRTF(RichEdit.Handle,RTF,True,False,True); end; *) RichEdit.Perform(EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR, 0, BackColor); if reItemUseFormat and Assigned(FOnProcessRichText) then begin try FOnProcessRichText(Self, RichEdit.Handle, Item); except end; if reItemUseLinkColor or reItemSelected or reItemInline then begin ZeroMemory(@cf, SizeOf(cf)); cf.cbSize := SizeOf(cf); ZeroMemory(@cf2, SizeOf(cf2)); cf2.cbSize := SizeOf(cf2); // do not allow change backcolor of selection if reItemSelected then begin // change CFE_LINK to CFE_REVISED cf.dwMask := CFM_LINK; cf.dwEffects := CFE_LINK; cf2.dwMask := CFM_LINK or CFM_REVISED; cf2.dwEffects := CFE_REVISED; RichEdit.ReplaceCharFormat(cf, cf2); cf.dwMask := CFM_COLOR; cf.crTextColor := textColor; RichEdit.Perform(EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR, 0, BackColor); RichEdit.Perform(EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_ALL, lParam(@cf)); end else if reItemInline then begin // change CFE_REVISED to CFE_LINK cf.dwMask := CFM_REVISED; cf.dwEffects := CFE_REVISED; cf2.dwMask := CFM_LINK or CFM_REVISED; cf2.dwEffects := CFM_LINK; RichEdit.ReplaceCharFormat(cf, cf2); end else begin // change CFE_REVISED to CFE_LINK and its color cf.dwMask := CFM_LINK; cf.dwEffects := CFE_LINK; cf2.dwMask := CFM_LINK or CFM_REVISED or CFM_COLOR; cf2.dwEffects := CFE_REVISED; cf2.crTextColor := Options.ColorLink; RichEdit.ReplaceCharFormat(cf, cf2); end; end; end; {$IFDEF DEBUG} OutputDebugString(PWideChar('Applying item ' + intToStr(Item) + ' to rich')); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF} procedure THistoryGrid.DoRButtonUp(X, Y: Integer; Keys: TMouseMoveKeys); var Item: Integer; ht: TGridHitTests; begin SearchPattern := ''; CheckBusy; Item := FindItemAt(X, Y); ht := GetHitTests(X, Y); if (ghtLink in ht) then begin URLClick(Item, GetLinkAtPoint(X, Y), mbRight); exit; end; if Selected <> Item then begin if IsSelected(Item) then begin FSelected := Item; MakeVisible(Item); Invalidate; end else begin Selected := Item; end; end; if Assigned(FOnPopup) then OnPopup(Self); end; procedure THistoryGrid.DoLButtonUp(X, Y: Integer; Keys: TMouseMoveKeys); var Item: Integer; ht: TGridHitTests; begin ht := GetHitTests(X, Y) * DownHitTests; DownHitTests := []; WasDownOnGrid := False; if ((ghtSessHideButton in ht) or (ghtSessShowButton in ht)) then begin ExpandHeaders := (ghtSessShowButton in ht); exit; end; if (ghtBookmark in ht) then begin if Assigned(FOnBookmarkClick) then begin Item := FindItemAt(X, Y); FOnBookmarkClick(Self, Item); end; exit; end; if (ghtLink in ht) then begin Item := FindItemAt(X, Y); URLClick(Item, GetLinkAtPoint(X, Y), mbLeft); exit; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.DoMButtonDown(X, Y: Integer; Keys: TMouseMoveKeys); begin WasDownOnGrid := True; if Count = 0 then exit; DownHitTests := GetHitTests(X, Y); end; procedure THistoryGrid.DoMButtonUp(X, Y: Integer; Keys: TMouseMoveKeys); var Item: Integer; ht: TGridHitTests; begin ht := GetHitTests(X, Y) * DownHitTests; DownHitTests := []; WasDownOnGrid := False; if (ghtLink in ht) then begin Item := FindItemAt(X, Y); URLClick(Item, GetLinkAtPoint(X, Y), mbMiddle); exit; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMMouseMove(var Message: TWMMouseMove); begin inherited; if Focused then DoMouseMove(Message.XPos, Message.YPos, TranslateKeys(Message.Keys)) end; procedure THistoryGrid.DoMouseMove(X, Y: Integer; Keys: TMouseMoveKeys); var Item: Integer; SelectMove: Boolean; begin CheckBusy; if Count = 0 then exit; // do we need to process control here? SelectMove := ((mmkLButton in Keys) and not((mmkControl in Keys) or (mmkShift in Keys))) and (MultiSelect) and (WasDownOnGrid); SelectMove := SelectMove and not((ghtButton in DownHitTests) or (ghtLink in DownHitTests)); if SelectMove then begin if SelCount = 0 then exit; Item := FindItemAt(X, Y); if Item = -1 then exit; // do not do excessive relisting of items if (not((FSelItems[0] = Item) or (FSelItems[High(FSelItems)] = Item))) or (FSelected <> Item) then begin MakeSelectedTo(Item); MakeSelected(Item); Invalidate; end; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMLButtonDblClick(var Message: TWMLButtonDblClk); begin DoLButtonDblClick(Message.XPos, Message.YPos, TranslateKeys(Message.Keys)); end; function THistoryGrid.CalcItemHeight(Item: Integer): Integer; var hh, h: Integer; begin Result := -1; if IsUnknown(Item) then exit; ApplyItemToRich(Item); Assert(FRichHeight > 0, 'CalcItemHeight: rich is still <= 0 height'); // rude hack, but what the fuck??? First item with rtl chars is 1 line heighted always // probably fixed, see RichCache.ApplyItemToRich if FRichHeight <= 0 then exit else h := FRichHeight; if FGroupLinked and FItems[Item].LinkedToPrev then hh := 0 else if mtIncoming in FItems[Item].MessageType then hh := CHeaderHeight else hh := PHeaderheight; { If you change this, be sure to check out DoMouseMove, DoLButtonDown, DoRButtonDown where I compute offset for clicking & moving over invisible off-screen rich edit control } // compute height = // 1 pix -- border // 2*padding // text height // + HEADER_HEIGHT header Result := 1 + 2 * Padding + h + hh; if (FItems[Item].HasHeader) and (ShowHeaders) then begin if ExpandHeaders then Inc(Result, SessHeaderHeight) else Inc(Result, 0); end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetFilter(const Value: TMessageTypes); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} OutputDebugString('Filter'); {$ENDIF} if (Filter = Value) or (Value = []) or (Value = [mtUnknown]) then exit; FFilter := Value; GridUpdate([guFilter]); if Assigned(FOnFilterChange) then FOnFilterChange(Self); { CheckBusy; SetLength(FSelItems,0); FSelected := 0; FFilter := Value; ShowProgress := True; State := gsLoad; try VertScrollBar.Range := Count-1+ClientHeight; if Reversed then Selected := GetPrev(-1) else Selected := GetNext(-1); BarAdjusted := False; AdjustScrollBar; finally State := gsIdle; end; Repaint; } end; procedure THistoryGrid.DrawMessage(Text: String); var cr, r: TRect; begin // Canvas.Font := Screen.MenuFont; // Canvas.Brush.Color := clWindow; // Canvas.Font.Color := clWindowText; Canvas.Font := Options.FontMessage; Canvas.Brush.Color := Options.ColorBackground; r := ClientRect; cr := ClientRect; Canvas.FillRect(r); // make multiline support // DrawText(Canvas.Handle,PAnsiChar(Text),Length(Text), // r,DT_CENTER or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_VCENTER or DT_SINGLELINE); DrawTextW(Canvas.Handle, PWideChar(Text), Length(Text), r, DT_NOPREFIX or DT_CENTER or DT_CALCRECT); OffsetRect(r, ((cr.Right - cr.Left) - (r.Right - r.Left)) div 2, ((cr.Bottom - cr.Top) - (r.Bottom - r.Top)) div 2); DrawTextW(Canvas.Handle, PWideChar(Text), Length(Text), r, DT_NOPREFIX or DT_CENTER); end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMKeyDown(var Message: TWMKeyDown); begin DoKeyDown(Message.CharCode, KeyDataToShiftState(Message.KeyData)); inherited; end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMKeyUp(var Message: TWMKeyUp); begin DoKeyUp(Message.CharCode, KeyDataToShiftState(Message.KeyData)); inherited; end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMSysKeyUp(var Message: TWMSysKeyUp); begin DoKeyUp(Message.CharCode, KeyDataToShiftState(Message.KeyData)); inherited; end; procedure THistoryGrid.DoKeyDown(var Key: Word; ShiftState: TShiftState); var NextItem, Item: Integer; r: TRect; begin if Count = 0 then exit; if ssAlt in ShiftState then exit; CheckBusy; Item := Selected; if Item = -1 then begin if Reversed then Item := GetPrev(-1) else Item := GetNext(-1); end; if (Key = VK_HOME) or ((ssCtrl in ShiftState) and (Key = VK_PRIOR)) then begin SearchPattern := ''; NextItem := GetNext(GetIdx(-1)); if (not(ssShift in ShiftState)) or (not MultiSelect) then begin Selected := NextItem; end else if NextItem <> -1 then begin MakeSelectedTo(NextItem); MakeSelected(NextItem); Invalidate; end; AdjustScrollBar; Key := 0; end else if (Key = VK_END) or ((ssCtrl in ShiftState) and (Key = VK_NEXT)) then begin SearchPattern := ''; NextItem := GetPrev(GetIdx(Count)); if (not(ssShift in ShiftState)) or (not MultiSelect) then begin Selected := NextItem; end else if NextItem <> -1 then begin MakeSelectedTo(NextItem); MakeSelected(NextItem); Invalidate; end; AdjustScrollBar; Key := 0; end else if Key = VK_NEXT then begin // PAGE DOWN SearchPattern := ''; NextItem := Item; r := GetItemRect(NextItem); NextItem := FindItemAt(0, r.Top + ClientHeight); if NextItem = Item then begin NextItem := GetNext(NextItem); if NextItem = -1 then NextItem := Item; end else if NextItem = -1 then begin NextItem := GetPrev(GetIdx(Count)); if NextItem = -1 then NextItem := Item; end; if (not(ssShift in ShiftState)) or (not MultiSelect) then begin Selected := NextItem; end else if NextItem <> -1 then begin MakeSelectedTo(NextItem); MakeSelected(NextItem); Invalidate; end; AdjustScrollBar; Key := 0; end else if Key = VK_PRIOR then begin // PAGE UP SearchPattern := ''; NextItem := Item; r := GetItemRect(NextItem); NextItem := FindItemAt(0, r.Top - ClientHeight); if NextItem <> -1 then begin if FItems[NextItem].Height < ClientHeight then NextItem := GetNext(NextItem); end else NextItem := GetNext(NextItem); if NextItem = -1 then begin if IsMatched(GetIdx(0)) then NextItem := GetIdx(0) else NextItem := GetNext(GetIdx(0)); end; if (not(ssShift in ShiftState)) or (not MultiSelect) then begin Selected := NextItem; end else if NextItem <> -1 then begin MakeSelectedTo(NextItem); MakeSelected(NextItem); Invalidate; end; AdjustScrollBar; Key := 0; end else if Key = VK_UP then begin if ssCtrl in ShiftState then ScrollGridBy(-VLineScrollSize) else begin SearchPattern := ''; if GetIdx(Item) > 0 then Item := GetPrev(Item); if Item = -1 then exit; if (ssShift in ShiftState) and (MultiSelect) then begin MakeSelectedTo(Item); MakeSelected(Item); Invalidate; end else Selected := Item; AdjustScrollBar; end; Key := 0; end else if Key = VK_DOWN then begin if ssCtrl in ShiftState then ScrollGridBy(VLineScrollSize) else begin SearchPattern := ''; if GetIdx(Item) < Count - 1 then Item := GetNext(Item); if Item = -1 then exit; if (ssShift in ShiftState) and (MultiSelect) then begin MakeSelectedTo(Item); MakeSelected(Item); Invalidate; end else Selected := Item; AdjustScrollBar; end; Key := 0; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.DoKeyUp(var Key: Word; ShiftState: TShiftState); begin if Count = 0 then exit; if (ssAlt in ShiftState) or (ssCtrl in ShiftState) then exit; if (Key = VK_APPS) or ((Key = VK_F10) and (ssShift in ShiftState)) then begin CheckBusy; if Selected = -1 then begin if Reversed then Selected := GetPrev(-1) else Selected := GetNext(-1); end; if Assigned(FOnPopup) then OnPopup(Self); Key := 0; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMGetDlgCode(var Message: TWMGetDlgCode); type PWMMsgKey = ^TWMMsgKey; TWMMsgKey = packed record hwnd: hwnd; msg: Cardinal; CharCode: Word; Unused: Word; KeyData: Longint; Result: Longint; end; begin inherited; Message.Result := DLGC_WANTALLKEYS; if (TMessage(Message).lParam <> 0) then begin with PWMMsgKey(TMessage(Message).lParam)^ do begin if (msg = WM_KEYDOWN) or (msg = WM_CHAR) or (msg = WM_SYSCHAR) then case CharCode of VK_TAB: Message.Result := DLGC_WANTARROWS; end; end; end; Message.Result := Message.Result or DLGC_HASSETSEL; end; function THistoryGrid.GetSelectionString: String; begin if FSelectionStored then begin Result := FSelectionString; exit; end else Result := ''; if csDestroying in ComponentState then exit; if Count = 0 then exit; if State = gsInline then Result := GetRichString(FRichInline.Handle, True) else if Selected <> -1 then begin FSelectionString := FormatSelected(Options.SelectionFormat); FSelectionStored := True; Result := FSelectionString; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.EMGetSel(var Message: TMessage); var M: TWMGetTextLength; begin WMGetTextLength(M); Puint_ptr(Message.wParam)^ := 0; Puint_ptr(Message.lParam)^ := M.Result; end; procedure THistoryGrid.EMExGetSel(var Message: TMessage); var M: TWMGetTextLength; begin Message.wParam := 0; if Message.lParam = 0 then exit; WMGetTextLength(M); TCharRange(Pointer(Message.lParam)^).cpMin := 0; TCharRange(Pointer(Message.lParam)^).cpMax := M.Result; end; procedure THistoryGrid.EMSetSel(var Message: TMessage); begin FSelectionStored := False; if csDestroying in ComponentState then exit; if Assigned(FOnSelectRequest) then FOnSelectRequest(Self); end; procedure THistoryGrid.EMExSetSel(var Message: TMessage); begin FSelectionStored := False; if csDestroying in ComponentState then exit; if Assigned(FOnSelectRequest) then FOnSelectRequest(Self); end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMGetText(var Message: TWMGetText); var len: Integer; str: String; begin str := SelectionString; len := Min(Message.TextMax - 1, Length(str)); if len >= 0 then { W } StrLCopy(PChar(Message.Text), PChar(str), len); Message.Result := len; end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMGetTextLength(var Message: TWMGetTextLength); var str: String; begin str := SelectionString; Message.Result := Length(str); end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMSetText(var Message: TWMSetText); begin // inherited; FSelectionStored := False; end; procedure THistoryGrid.MakeRangeSelected(FromItem, ToItem: Integer); var i: Integer; StartItem, EndItem: Integer; len: Integer; Changed: TIntArray; begin // detect start and end if FromItem <= ToItem then begin StartItem := FromItem; EndItem := ToItem; end else begin StartItem := ToItem; EndItem := FromItem; end; // fill selected items list len := 0; for i := StartItem to EndItem do begin if IsUnknown(i) then LoadItem(i, False); if not IsMatched(i) then continue; Inc(len); SetLength(TempSelItems, len); TempSelItems[len - 1] := i; end; // determine and update changed items Changed := IntSortedArray_NonIntersect(TIntArray(FSelItems), TIntArray(TempSelItems)); FRichCache.ResetItems(Changed); // set selection FSelItems := TempSelItems; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SelectRange(FromItem, ToItem: Integer); begin if (FromItem = -1) or (ToItem = -1) then exit; MakeRangeSelected(FromItem, ToItem); if SelCount = 0 then MakeSelected(-1) else MakeSelected(FSelItems[0]); Invalidate; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SelectAll; begin if Count = 0 then exit; MakeRangeSelected(0, Count - 1); if SelCount = 0 then MakeSelected(-1) else MakeSelected(FSelected); Invalidate; end; procedure THistoryGrid.MakeSelectedTo(Item: Integer); var first: Integer; begin if (FSelected = -1) or (Item = -1) then exit; if FSelItems[0] = FSelected then first := FSelItems[High(FSelItems)] else if FSelItems[High(FSelItems)] = FSelected then first := FSelItems[0] else first := FSelected; MakeRangeSelected(first, Item); end; procedure THistoryGrid.MakeTopmost(Item: Integer); begin if (Item < 0) or (Item >= Count) then exit; SetSBPos(GetIdx(Item)); end; procedure THistoryGrid.MakeVisible(Item: Integer); var first: Integer; SumHeight: Integer; BottomAlign: Boolean; begin BottomAlign := ShowBottomAligned and Reversed; ShowBottomAligned := False; if Item = -1 then exit; // load it to make positioning correct LoadItem(Item, True); if not IsMatched(Item) then exit; first := GetFirstVisible; if Item = first then begin if FItems[Item].Height > ClientHeight then begin if BottomAlign or (TopItemOffset > FItems[Item].Height - ClientHeight) then begin TopItemOffset := FItems[Item].Height - ClientHeight; end; ScrollGridBy(0, False); end else ScrollGridBy(-TopItemOffset, False); end else if GetIdx(Item) < GetIdx(first) then SetSBPos(GetIdx(Item)) else begin // if IsVisible(Item) then exit; if IsVisible(Item, False) then exit; SumHeight := 0; first := Item; while (Item >= 0) and (Item < Count) do begin LoadItem(Item, True); if (SumHeight + FItems[Item].Height) >= ClientHeight then break; Inc(SumHeight, FItems[Item].Height); Item := GetUp(Item); end; if GetIdx(Item) >= MaxSBPos then begin SetSBPos(GetIdx(Item) + 1); // strange, but if last message is bigger then client, // it always scrolls to down, but grid thinks, that it's // aligned to top (when entering inline mode, for ex.) if Item = first then TopItemOffset := 0; end else begin SetSBPos(GetIdx(Item)); if Item <> first then TopItemOffset := (SumHeight + FItems[Item].Height) - ClientHeight; end; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.DoRButtonDown(X, Y: Integer; Keys: TMouseMoveKeys); begin; end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMRButtonDown(var Message: TWMRButtonDown); begin inherited; if FGridNotFocused then Windows.SetFocus(Handle); DoRButtonDown(Message.XPos, Message.YPos, TranslateKeys(Message.Keys)); end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMRButtonUp(var Message: TWMRButtonDown); begin inherited; DoRButtonUp(Message.XPos, Message.YPos, TranslateKeys(Message.Keys)); end; procedure THistoryGrid.BeginUpdate; begin Inc(LockCount); end; procedure THistoryGrid.EndUpdate; begin if LockCount > 0 then Dec(LockCount); if LockCount > 0 then exit; try if guSize in GridUpdates then GridUpdateSize; if guOptions in GridUpdates then DoOptionsChanged; if guFilter in GridUpdates then UpdateFilter; finally GridUpdates := []; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.GridUpdate(Updates: TGridUpdates); begin BeginUpdate; GridUpdates := GridUpdates + Updates; EndUpdate; end; function THistoryGrid.GetTime(Time: DWord): String; begin if Assigned(FTranslateTime) then OnTranslateTime(Self, Time, Result) else Result := ''; end; function THistoryGrid.GetTopItem: Integer; begin if Reversed then Result := GetDown(Count) else Result := GetDown(-1); end; function THistoryGrid.GetUp(Item: Integer): Integer; begin Result := GetPrev(Item, False); end; procedure THistoryGrid.GridUpdateSize; var w, h: Integer; NewClient: TBitmap; i: Integer; WidthWasUpdated: Boolean; begin if State = gsInline then CancelInline; w := ClientWidth; h := ClientHeight; WidthWasUpdated := (FClient.Width <> w); // avatars!.! // FRichCache.Width := ClientWidth - 3*FPadding - 64; FRichCache.Width := ClientWidth - 2 * FPadding; if (w <> 0) and (h <> 0) then begin NewClient := TBitmap.Create; NewClient.Width := w; NewClient.Height := h; NewClient.Canvas.Font.Assign(Canvas.Font); NewClient.Canvas.TextFlags := Canvas.TextFlags; FClient.Free; FClient := NewClient; FCanvas := FClient.Canvas; end; IsCanvasClean := False; if WidthWasUpdated then for i := 0 to Count - 1 do FItems[i].Height := -1; BarAdjusted := False; if Allocated then AdjustScrollBar; end; function THistoryGrid.GetDown(Item: Integer): Integer; begin Result := GetNext(Item, False); end; function THistoryGrid.GetItems(Index: Integer): THistoryItem; begin if (Index < 0) or (Index > High(FItems)) then exit; if IsUnknown(Index) then LoadItem(Index, False); Result := FItems[Index]; end; // Call this function to get the link url at given point in grid // Call it when you are sure that the point has a link, // if no link at a point, the result is '' // To know if there's a link, use GetHitTests and look for ghtLink function THistoryGrid.GetLinkAtPoint(X, Y: Integer): String; var P: TPoint; cr: CHARRANGE; cf: CharFormat2; res: DWord; RichEditRect: TRect; cp, Max, Item: Integer; begin Result := ''; Item := FindItemAt(X, Y); if Item = -1 then exit; RichEditRect := GetRichEditRect(Item, True); P := Point(X - RichEditRect.Left, Y - RichEditRect.Top); ApplyItemToRich(Item); cp := FRich.Perform(EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, lParam(@P)); if cp = -1 then exit; // out of richedit area cr.cpMin := cp; cr.cpMax := cp + 1; FRich.Perform(EM_EXSETSEL, 0, lParam(@cr)); ZeroMemory(@cf, SizeOf(cf)); cf.cbSize := SizeOf(cf); cf.dwMask := CFM_LINK or CFM_REVISED; res := FRich.Perform(EM_GETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, lParam(@cf)); // no link under point if (((res and CFM_LINK) = 0) or ((cf.dwEffects and CFE_LINK) = 0)) and (((res and CFM_REVISED) = 0) or ((cf.dwEffects and CFE_REVISED) = 0)) then exit; while cr.cpMin > 0 do begin Dec(cr.cpMin); FRich.Perform(EM_EXSETSEL, 0, lParam(@cr)); cf.cbSize := SizeOf(cf); cf.dwMask := CFM_LINK or CFM_REVISED; res := FRich.Perform(EM_GETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, lParam(@cf)); if (((res and CFM_LINK) = 0) or ((cf.dwEffects and CFE_LINK) = 0)) and (((res and CFM_REVISED) = 0) or ((cf.dwEffects and CFE_REVISED) = 0)) then begin Inc(cr.cpMin); break; end; end; Max := FRich.GetTextLength; while cr.cpMax < Max do begin Inc(cr.cpMax); FRich.Perform(EM_EXSETSEL, 0, lParam(@cr)); cf.cbSize := SizeOf(cf); cf.dwMask := CFM_LINK or CFM_REVISED; res := FRich.Perform(EM_GETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, lParam(@cf)); if (((res and CFM_LINK) = 0) or ((cf.dwEffects and CFE_LINK) = 0)) and (((res and CFM_REVISED) = 0) or ((cf.dwEffects and CFE_REVISED) = 0)) then begin Dec(cr.cpMax); break; end; end; Result := FRich.GetTextRange(cr.cpMin, cr.cpMax); if (Length(Result) > 10) and (Pos('HYPERLINK', Result) = 1) then begin cr.cpMin := PosEx('"', Result, 10); if cr.cpMin > 0 then Inc(cr.cpMin) else exit; cr.cpMax := PosEx('"', Result, cr.cpMin); if cr.cpMin = 0 then exit; Result := Copy(Result, cr.cpMin, cr.cpMax - cr.cpMin); end; end; function THistoryGrid.GetHintAtPoint(X, Y: Integer; var ObjectHint: WideString; var ObjectRect: TRect): Boolean; var P: TPoint; RichEditRect: TRect; cp, Item: Integer; textDoc: ITextDocument; textRange: ITextRange; iObject: IUnknown; iTooltipCtrl: ITooltipData; Size: TPoint; begin ObjectHint := ''; Result := False; Item := FindItemAt(X, Y); if Item = -1 then exit; RichEditRect := GetRichEditRect(Item, True); P := Point(X - RichEditRect.Left, Y - RichEditRect.Top); ApplyItemToRich(Item); if not Assigned(FRich.RichEditOle) then exit; repeat if FRich.RichEditOle.QueryInterface(IID_ITextDocument, textDoc) <> S_OK then break; P := FRich.ClientToScreen(P); textRange := textDoc.RangeFromPoint(P.X, P.Y); if not Assigned(textRange) then break; iObject := textRange.GetEmbeddedObject; if not Assigned(iObject) then begin cp := textRange.Start; textRange.Start := cp - 1; textRange.End_ := cp; iObject := textRange.GetEmbeddedObject; end; if not Assigned(iObject) then break; if iObject.QueryInterface(IID_ITooltipData, iTooltipCtrl) = S_OK then OleCheck(iTooltipCtrl.GetTooltip(ObjectHint)) else if Supports(iObject, IID_IGifSmileyCtrl) then ObjectHint := TranslateW('Running version of AniSmiley is not supported') else if Supports(iObject, IID_ISmileyAddSmiley) then ObjectHint := TranslateW('Running version of SmileyAdd is not supported') else if Supports(iObject, IID_IEmoticonsImage) then ObjectHint := TranslateW('Running version of Emoticons is not supported') else break; if ObjectHint = '' then break; textRange.GetPoint(tomStart + TA_TOP + TA_LEFT, Size.X, Size.Y); Size := FRich.ScreenToClient(Size); ObjectRect.TopLeft := Size; textRange.GetPoint(tomStart + TA_BOTTOM + TA_RIGHT, Size.X, Size.Y); Size := FRich.ScreenToClient(Size); ObjectRect.BottomRight := Size; OffsetRect(ObjectRect, RichEditRect.Left, RichEditRect.Top); InflateRect(ObjectRect, 1, 1); Result := PtInRect(ObjectRect, Point(X, Y)); until True; if not Result then ObjectHint := ''; ReleaseObject(iTooltipCtrl); ReleaseObject(iObject); ReleaseObject(textRange); ReleaseObject(textDoc); end; const Substs: array [0 .. 3] of array [0 .. 1] of String = (('\n', #13#10), ('\t', #9), ('\\', '\'), ('\%', '%')); procedure THistoryGrid.IntFormatItem(Item: Integer; var Tokens: TWideStrArray; var SpecialTokens: TIntArray); var i, n: Integer; tok: TWideStrArray; toksp: TIntArray; subst: String; from_nick, to_nick, nick: String; dt: TDateTime; Mes, selmes: String; begin // item MUST be loaded before calling IntFormatItem! tok := Tokens; toksp := SpecialTokens; for i := 0 to Length(toksp) - 1 do begin subst := ''; if tok[toksp[i]][1] = '\' then begin for n := 0 to Length(Substs) - 1 do if tok[toksp[i]] = Substs[n][0] then begin subst := Substs[n][1]; break; end; end else begin Mes := FItems[Item].Text; if Options.RawRTFEnabled and IsRTF(Mes) then begin ApplyItemToRich(Item); Mes := GetRichString(FRich.Handle, False); end; if State = gsInline then selmes := GetRichString(FRichInline.Handle, True) else selmes := Mes; if mtIncoming in FItems[Item].MessageType then begin from_nick := ContactName; to_nick := ProfileName; end else begin from_nick := ProfileName; to_nick := ContactName; end; nick := from_nick; if Assigned(FGetNameData) then FGetNameData(Self, Item, nick); dt := TimestampToDateTime(FItems[Item].Time); // we are doing many if's here, because I don't want to pre-compose all the // possible tokens into array. That's because some tokens take some time to // be generated, and if they're not used, this time would be wasted. if tok[toksp[i]] = '%mes%' then subst := Mes else if tok[toksp[i]] = '%adj_mes%' then subst := WrapText(Mes, #13#10, [' ', #9, '-'], 72) else if tok[toksp[i]] = '%quot_mes%' then begin subst := WideStringReplace('� ' + Mes, #13#10, #13#10 + '� ', [rfReplaceAll]); subst := WrapText(subst, #13#10 + '� ', [' ', #9, '-'], 70) end else if tok[toksp[i]] = '%selmes%' then subst := selmes else if tok[toksp[i]] = '%adj_selmes%' then subst := WrapText(selmes, #13#10, [' ', #9, '-'], 72) else if tok[toksp[i]] = '%quot_selmes%' then begin subst := WideStringReplace('� ' + selmes, #13#10, #13#10 + '� ', [rfReplaceAll]); subst := WrapText(subst, #13#10 + '� ', [' ', #9, '-'], 70) end else if tok[toksp[i]] = '%nick%' then subst := nick else if tok[toksp[i]] = '%from_nick%' then subst := from_nick else if tok[toksp[i]] = '%to_nick%' then subst := to_nick else if tok[toksp[i]] = '%datetime%' then subst := DateTimeToStr(dt) else if tok[toksp[i]] = '%smart_datetime%' then subst := DateTimeToStr(dt) else if tok[toksp[i]] = '%date%' then subst := DateToStr(dt) else if tok[toksp[i]] = '%time%' then subst := TimeToStr(dt); end; tok[toksp[i]] := subst; end; end; function THistoryGrid.IsMatched(Index: Integer): Boolean; var mts: TMessageTypes; begin mts := FItems[Index].MessageType; Result := ((MessageTypesToDWord(FFilter) and MessageTypesToDWord(mts)) >= MessageTypesToDWord(mts)); if Assigned(FOnItemFilter) then FOnItemFilter(Self, Index, Result); end; function THistoryGrid.IsUnknown(Index: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := (mtUnknown in FItems[Index].MessageType); end; function THistoryGrid.GetItemInline: Integer; begin if State = gsInline then Result := FItemInline else Result := -1; end; procedure THistoryGrid.AdjustInlineRichedit; var r: TRect; begin if (ItemInline = -1) or (ItemInline > Count) then exit; r := GetRichEditRect(ItemInline); if IsRectEmpty(r) then exit; // variant 1: move richedit around // variant 2: adjust TopItemOffset // variant 3: made logic changes in adjust toolbar to respect TopItemOffset // FRichInline.Top := r.top; Inc(TopItemOffset, r.Top - FRichInline.Top); end; procedure THistoryGrid.AdjustScrollBar; var maxidx, SumHeight, ind, idx: Integer; R1, R2: TRect; begin if BarAdjusted then exit; MaxSBPos := -1; if Count = 0 then begin VertScrollBar.Range := 0; exit; end; SumHeight := 0; idx := GetFirstVisible; if idx >= 0 then repeat LoadItem(idx); if IsMatched(idx) then Inc(SumHeight, FItems[idx].Height); idx := GetDown(idx); until ((SumHeight > ClientHeight) or (idx < 0) or (idx >= Length(FItems))); maxidx := idx; // see if the idx is the last if maxidx <> -1 then if GetDown(maxidx) = -1 then maxidx := -1; // if we are at the end, look up to find first visible if (maxidx = -1) and (SumHeight > 0) then begin SumHeight := 0; maxidx := GetIdx(Length(FItems)); // idx := 0; repeat idx := GetUp(maxidx); if idx = -1 then break; maxidx := idx; LoadItem(maxidx, True); if IsMatched(maxidx) then Inc(SumHeight, FItems[maxidx].Height); until ((SumHeight >= ClientHeight) or (maxidx < 0) or (maxidx >= Length(FItems))); BarAdjusted := True; VertScrollBar.Visible := (idx <> -1); {$IFDEF PAGE_SIZE} VertScrollBar.Range := GetIdx(maxidx) + VertScrollBar.PageSize - 1 + 1; {$ELSE} VertScrollBar.Range := GetIdx(maxidx) + ClientHeight + 1; {$ENDIF} MaxSBPos := GetIdx(maxidx); // if VertScrollBar.Position > MaxSBPos then SetSBPos(VertScrollBar.Position); AdjustInlineRichedit; exit; end; if SumHeight = 0 then begin VertScrollBar.Range := 0; exit; end; VertScrollBar.Visible := True; {$IFDEF PAGE_SIZE} VertScrollBar.Range := Count + VertScrollBar.PageSize - 1; {$ELSE} VertScrollBar.Range := Count + ClientHeight; {$ENDIF} MaxSBPos := Count - 1; exit; //!!!!! if SumHeight < ClientHeight then begin idx := GetPrev(GetIdx(Count)); if idx = -1 then Assert(False); R1 := GetItemRect(idx); idx := FindItemAt(0, R1.Bottom - ClientHeight); if idx = -1 then begin idx := GetIdx(0); end else begin ind := idx; R2 := GetItemRect(idx); if R1.Bottom - R2.Top > ClientHeight then begin idx := GetNext(idx); if idx = -1 then idx := ind; end; end; BarAdjusted := True; {$IFDEF PAGE_SIZE} VertScrollBar.Range := GetIdx(idx) + VertScrollBar.PageSize - 1; {$ELSE} VertScrollBar.Range := GetIdx(idx) + ClientHeight; {$ENDIF} MaxSBPos := GetIdx(idx) - 1; SetSBPos(VertScrollBar.Range); end else begin {$IFDEF PAGE_SIZE} VertScrollBar.Range := Count + VertScrollBar.PageSize - 1; {$ELSE} VertScrollBar.Range := Count + ClientHeight; {$ENDIF} MaxSBPos := Count - 1; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.CreateWindowHandle(const Params: TCreateParams); begin // CreateUnicodeHandle(Self, Params, ''); inherited; end; procedure THistoryGrid.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); const BorderStyles: array [TBorderStyle] of DWord = (0, WS_BORDER); ReadOnlys: array [Boolean] of DWord = (0, ES_READONLY); begin inherited CreateParams(Params); with Params do begin Style := dword(Style) or BorderStyles[FBorderStyle] or ReadOnlys[True]; if NewStyleControls and Ctl3D and (FBorderStyle = bsSingle) then begin Style := Style and not WS_BORDER; ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; end; with WindowClass do // style := style or CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW or CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT or CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW; Style := Style or CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW; end; end; function THistoryGrid.GetNext(Item: Integer; Force: Boolean = False): Integer; var Max: Integer; WasLoaded: Boolean; begin Result := -1; { REV } if not Force then if Reversed then begin Result := GetPrev(Item, True); exit; end; Inc(Item); Max := Count - 1; WasLoaded := False; { AF 31.03.03 } if Item < 0 then Item := 0; while (Item >= 0) and (Item < Count) do begin if ShowProgress then WasLoaded := not IsUnknown(Item); LoadItem(Item, False); if (State = gsLoad) and ShowProgress and (not WasLoaded) then DoProgress(Item, Max); if IsMatched(Item) then begin Result := Item; break; end; Inc(Item); end; if (State = gsLoad) and ShowProgress then begin ShowProgress := False; DoProgress(0, 0); end; end; function THistoryGrid.GetPrev(Item: Integer; Force: Boolean = False): Integer; begin Result := -1; if not Force then if Reversed then begin Result := GetNext(Item, True); exit; end; Dec(Item); { AF 31.03.03 } if Item >= Count then Item := Count - 1; while (Item < Count) and (Item >= 0) do begin LoadItem(Item, False); if IsMatched(Item) then begin Result := Item; break; end; Dec(Item); end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.CNVScroll(var Message: TWMVScroll); begin; end; (* Return is item is visible on client area EVEN IF IT IS *PARTIALLY* VISIBLE *) function THistoryGrid.IsVisible(Item: Integer; Partially: Boolean = True): Boolean; var idx, SumHeight: Integer; begin Result := False; if Item = -1 then exit; if GetIdx(Item) < GetIdx(GetFirstVisible) then exit; if not IsMatched(Item) then exit; SumHeight := -TopItemOffset; idx := GetFirstVisible; LoadItem(idx, True); while (SumHeight < ClientHeight) and (Item <> -1) and (Item < Count) do begin if Item = idx then begin if Partially then Result := True else Result := (SumHeight + FItems[idx].Height <= ClientHeight); break; end; Inc(SumHeight, FItems[idx].Height); idx := GetNext(idx); if idx = -1 then break; LoadItem(idx, True); end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.DoLButtonDblClick(X, Y: Integer; Keys: TMouseMoveKeys); var Item: Integer; ht: TGridHitTests; begin SearchPattern := ''; CheckBusy; ht := GetHitTests(X, Y); if (ghtSessShowButton in ht) or (ghtSessHideButton in ht) or (ghtBookmark in ht) then exit; if ghtLink in ht then begin DownHitTests := ht; DoLButtonUp(X, Y, Keys); exit; end; Item := FindItemAt(X, Y); if Item <> Selected then begin Selected := Item; exit; end; if Assigned(OnDblClick) then OnDblClick(Self); end; procedure THistoryGrid.DrawProgress; var r: TRect; begin r := ClientRect; // Canvas.Brush.Color := clWindow; // Canvas.Font.Color := clWindowText; Canvas.Font := Options.FontMessage; Canvas.Brush.Color := Options.ColorBackground; Canvas.Pen.Color := Options.FontMessage.Color; if not IsCanvasClean then begin Canvas.FillRect(r); ProgressRect := r; InflateRect(r, -30, -((ClientHeight - 17) div 2)); IsCanvasClean := True; end else begin InflateRect(r, -30, -((ClientHeight - 17) div 2)); ProgressRect := r; end; Canvas.FrameRect(r); // Canvas.FillRect(r); InflateRect(r, -1, -1); // InflateRect(r,-30,-((ClientHeight - 15) div 2)); Canvas.Rectangle(r); InflateRect(r, -2, -2); // Canvas.Brush.Color := clHighlight; // Canvas.Brush.Color := Options.ColorSelected; Canvas.Brush.Color := Options.FontMessage.Color; if ProgressPercent < 100 then r.Right := r.Left + Round(((r.Right - r.Left) * ProgressPercent) / 100); Canvas.FillRect(r); // t := IntToStr(ProgressPercent)+'%'; // DrawTExt(Canvas.Handle,PAnsiChar(t),Length(t), // r,DT_CENTER or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_VCENTER or DT_SINGLELINE); end; procedure THistoryGrid.DoProgress(Position, Max: Integer); var dc: HDC; newp: Byte; begin if not ShowProgress then begin IsCanvasClean := False; Invalidate; // InvalidateRect(Handle,@ProgressRect,False); ProgressPercent := 255; exit; end; if Max = 0 then exit; newp := (Position * 100 div Max); if newp = ProgressPercent then exit; ProgressPercent := newp; if Position = 0 then exit; Paint; dc := GetDC(Handle); try BitBlt(dc, ProgressRect.Left, ProgressRect.Top, ProgressRect.Right - ProgressRect.Left, ProgressRect.Bottom - ProgressRect.Top, Canvas.Handle, ProgressRect.Left, ProgressRect.Top, SRCCOPY); finally ReleaseDC(Handle, dc); end; Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMSetCursor(var Message: TWMSetCursor); var P: TPoint; NewCursor: TCursor; begin inherited; if State <> gsIdle then exit; if Message.HitTest = SmallInt(HTERROR) then exit; NewCursor := crDefault; P := ScreenToClient(Mouse.CursorPos); HintHitTests := GetHitTests(P.X, P.Y); if HintHitTests * [ghtButton, ghtLink] <> [] then NewCursor := crHandPoint; if Windows.GetCursor <> Screen.Cursors[NewCursor] then begin Windows.SetCursor(Screen.Cursors[NewCursor]); Message.Result := 1; end else Message.Result := 0; end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMSetFocus(var Message: TWMSetFocus); var r: TRect; begin if not((csDestroying in ComponentState) or IsChild(Handle, Message.FocusedWnd)) then begin CheckBusy; if FHideSelection and FGridNotFocused then begin if SelCount > 0 then begin FRichCache.ResetItems(FSelItems); Invalidate; end; end else if (FSelected <> -1) and IsVisible(FSelected) then begin r := GetItemRect(Selected); InvalidateRect(Handle, @r, False); end; end; FGridNotFocused := False; inherited; end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMKillFocus(var Message: TWMKillFocus); var r: TRect; begin if not((csDestroying in ComponentState) or IsChild(Handle, Message.FocusedWnd)) then begin if FHideSelection and not FGridNotFocused then begin if SelCount > 0 then begin FRichCache.ResetItems(FSelItems); Invalidate; end; end else if (FSelected <> -1) and IsVisible(FSelected) then begin r := GetItemRect(Selected); InvalidateRect(Handle, @r, False); end; FGridNotFocused := True; end; inherited; end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMCommand(var Message: TWMCommand); begin inherited; {$IFDEF RENDER_RICH} if csDestroying in ComponentState then exit; if Message.Ctl = FRichInline.Handle then begin case Message.NotifyCode of EN_SETFOCUS: begin if State <> gsInline then begin FGridNotFocused := False; Windows.SetFocus(Handle); FGridNotFocused := True; PostMessage(Handle, WM_SETFOCUS, Handle, 0); end; end; EN_KILLFOCUS: begin if State = gsInline then begin CancelInline(False); PostMessage(Handle, WM_KILLFOCUS, Handle, 0); end; Message.Result := 0; end; end; end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMNotify(var Message: TWMNotify); var nmh: PFVCNDATA_NMHDR; RichItem: PRichItem; reRect, smRect: TRect; begin {$IFDEF RENDER_RICH} if Message.nmhdr^.code = NM_FIREVIEWCHANGE then begin if csDestroying in ComponentState then exit; if Message.nmhdr^.hwndFrom = FRichInline.Handle then exit; nmh := PFVCNDATA_NMHDR(Message.nmhdr); if (nmh.bEvent = FVCN_PREFIRE) and (nmh.bAction = FVCA_DRAW) then begin RichItem := FRichCache.GetItemByHandle(Message.nmhdr^.hwndFrom); nmh.bAction := FVCA_NONE; if Assigned(RichItem) then begin if RichItem.GridItem = -1 then exit; if not RichItem.BitmapDrawn then exit; if (LockCount > 0) or (RichItem.GridItem = FItemInline) or (not IsVisible(RichItem^.GridItem)) then begin RichItem.BitmapDrawn := False; exit; end; nmh.bAction := FVCA_SKIPDRAW; if (State = gsIdle) or (State = gsInline) then begin reRect := GetRichEditRect(RichItem.GridItem, True); smRect := nmh.rcRect; OffsetRect(smRect, reRect.Left, reRect.Top); ClipRect := Canvas.ClipRect; if DoRectsIntersect(smRect, ClipRect) then begin nmh.bAction := FVCA_CUSTOMDRAW; nmh.HDC := RichItem.Bitmap.Canvas.Handle; nmh.clrBackground := RichItem.Bitmap.TransparentColor; nmh.fTransparent := False; nmh.lParam := FRichCache.LockItem(RichItem, smRect); end; end; end; end else if (nmh.bEvent = FVCN_POSTFIRE) and (nmh.bAction = FVCA_CUSTOMDRAW) then begin smRect := FRichCache.UnlockItem(nmh.lParam); IntersectRect(smRect, smRect, ClipRect); if not IsRectEmpty(smRect) then InvalidateRect(Handle, @smRect, False); end else if (nmh.bEvent = FVCN_GETINFO) and (nmh.bAction = FVCA_NONE) then begin RichItem := FRichCache.GetItemByHandle(Message.nmhdr^.hwndFrom); if not Assigned(RichItem) then exit; if (RichItem.GridItem = -1) or (RichItem.GridItem = FItemInline) then exit; if not RichItem.BitmapDrawn then exit; // if (State = gsIdle) or (State = gsInline) then nmh.bAction := FVCA_INFO; nmh.rcRect := GetRichEditRect(RichItem.GridItem, True); nmh.clrBackground := RichItem.Bitmap.TransparentColor; nmh.fTransparent := False; end; end else {$ENDIF} inherited; end; procedure THistoryGrid.ScrollBy(DeltaX, DeltaY: Integer); begin inherited; end; procedure THistoryGrid.ScrollGridBy(Offset: Integer; Update: Boolean = True); var previdx, idx, first: Integer; Pos, SumHeight: Integer; function SmoothScrollWindow(hwnd: hwnd; XAmount, YAmount: Integer; Rect, ClipRect: PRect): BOOL; begin Result := ScrollWindow(hwnd, XAmount, YAmount, Rect, ClipRect); UpdateWindow(Handle); end; begin first := GetFirstVisible; if first = -1 then exit; SumHeight := -TopItemOffset; idx := first; while (Offset > 0) do begin LoadItem(idx, True); if SumHeight + FItems[idx].Height > Offset + ClientHeight then break; Inc(SumHeight, FItems[idx].Height); idx := GetDown(idx); if idx = -1 then begin // we scroll to the last item, let's SetSBPos do the job SetSBPos(MaxSBPos + 1); Repaint; exit; end; end; SumHeight := -TopItemOffset; idx := first; while (Offset > 0) and (idx <> -1) and (idx >= 0) and (idx < Count) do begin LoadItem(idx, True); if SumHeight + FItems[idx].Height > Offset then begin Pos := GetIdx(idx); VertScrollBar.Position := Pos; TopItemOffset := Offset - SumHeight; if Update then SmoothScrollWindow(Handle, 0, -Offset, nil, nil); break; end; Inc(SumHeight, FItems[idx].Height); idx := GetDown(idx); end; SumHeight := -TopItemOffset; while (Offset < 0) and (idx <> -1) and (idx >= 0) and (idx < Count) do begin previdx := idx; idx := GetUp(idx); if SumHeight <= Offset then begin if idx = -1 then VertScrollBar.Position := 0 else VertScrollBar.Position := GetIdx(previdx); TopItemOffset := Offset - SumHeight; if Update then SmoothScrollWindow(Handle, 0, -Offset, nil, nil); break; end; if idx = -1 then begin if previdx = first then VertScrollBar.Position := 0 else VertScrollBar.Position := GetIdx(previdx); TopItemOffset := 0; // to lazy to calculate proper offset if Update then Repaint; break; end; LoadItem(idx, True); Dec(SumHeight, FItems[idx].Height); end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.ScrollToBottom; begin if not BarAdjusted then AdjustScrollBar; SetSBPos(Count); end; procedure THistoryGrid.Delete(Item: Integer); var NextItem, Temp, PrevSelCount: Integer; begin if Item = -1 then exit; State := gsDelete; NextItem := 0; // to avoid compiler warning try PrevSelCount := SelCount; if Selected = Item then begin // NextItem := -1; if Reversed then NextItem := GetNext(Item) else NextItem := GetPrev(Item); end; DeleteItem(Item); if Selected = Item then begin FSelected := -1; if Reversed then Temp := GetPrev(NextItem) else Temp := GetNext(NextItem); if Temp <> -1 then NextItem := Temp; if PrevSelCount = 1 then // rebuild FSelItems Selected := NextItem else if PrevSelCount > 1 then begin // don't rebuild, just change focus FSelected := NextItem; // check if we're out of SelItems if FSelected > Math.Max(FSelItems[High(FSelItems)], FSelItems[Low(FSelItems)]) then FSelected := Math.Max(FSelItems[High(FSelItems)], FSelItems[Low(FSelItems)]); if FSelected < Math.Min(FSelItems[High(FSelItems)], FSelItems[Low(FSelItems)]) then FSelected := Math.Min(FSelItems[High(FSelItems)], FSelItems[Low(FSelItems)]); end; end else begin if SelCount > 0 then begin if Item <= FSelected then Dec(FSelected); end; end; BarAdjusted := False; AdjustScrollBar; Invalidate; finally State := gsIdle; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.DeleteAll; var cur, Max: Integer; begin State := gsDelete; try BarAdjusted := False; FRichCache.ResetAllItems; SetLength(FSelItems, 0); FSelected := -1; Max := Length(FItems) - 1; // cur := 0; ShowProgress := True; for cur := 0 to Max do begin if Assigned(FItemDelete) then FItemDelete(Self, -1); DoProgress(cur, Max); if cur = 0 then Invalidate; end; SetLength(FItems, 0); AdjustScrollBar; ShowProgress := False; DoProgress(0, 0); Invalidate; Update; finally State := gsIdle; end; end; const MIN_ITEMS_TO_SHOW_PROGRESS = 10; procedure THistoryGrid.DeleteSelected; var NextItem: Integer; Temp: Integer; s, { e, } Max, cur: Integer; begin if SelCount = 0 then exit; State := gsDelete; try Max := Length(FSelItems) - 1; cur := 0; s := Math.Min(FSelItems[0], FSelItems[High(FSelItems)]); // e := Math.Max(FSelItems[0],FSelItems[High(FSelItems)]); // nextitem := -1; if Reversed then NextItem := GetNext(s) else NextItem := GetPrev(s); ShowProgress := (Length(FSelItems) >= MIN_ITEMS_TO_SHOW_PROGRESS); while Length(FSelItems) <> 0 do begin DeleteItem(FSelItems[0]); if ShowProgress then DoProgress(cur, Max); if (ShowProgress) and (cur = 0) then Invalidate; Inc(cur); end; BarAdjusted := False; AdjustScrollBar; if NextItem < 0 then NextItem := -1; FSelected := -1; if Reversed then Temp := GetPrev(NextItem) else Temp := GetNext(NextItem); if Temp = -1 then Selected := NextItem else Selected := Temp; if ShowProgress then begin ShowProgress := False; DoProgress(0, 0); end else Invalidate; Update; finally State := gsIdle; end; end; function THistoryGrid.Search(Text: String; CaseSensitive: Boolean; FromStart: Boolean = False; SearchAll: Boolean = False; FromNext: Boolean = False; Down: Boolean = True): Integer; var StartItem: Integer; C, Item: Integer; begin Result := -1; if not CaseSensitive then Text := WideUpperCase(Text); if Selected = -1 then begin FromStart := True; FromNext := False; end; if FromStart then begin if Down then StartItem := GetTopItem else StartItem := GetBottomItem; end else if FromNext then begin if Down then StartItem := GetNext(Selected) else StartItem := GetPrev(Selected); if StartItem = -1 then begin StartItem := Selected; end; end else begin StartItem := Selected; if Selected = -1 then StartItem := GetNext(-1, True); end; Item := StartItem; C := Count; CheckBusy; State := gsSearch; try while (Item >= 0) and (Item < C) do begin if CaseSensitive then begin // need to strip bbcodes if Pos(Text, FItems[Item].Text) <> 0 then begin Result := Item; break; end; end else begin // need to strip bbcodes if Pos(Text, string(WideUpperCase(FItems[Item].Text))) <> 0 then begin Result := Item; break; end; end; if SearchAll then Inc(Item) else if Down then Item := GetNext(Item) else Item := GetPrev(Item); if Item <> -1 then begin // prevent GetNext from drawing progress IsCanvasClean := True; ShowProgress := True; DoProgress(Item, C - 1); ShowProgress := False; end; end; ShowProgress := False; DoProgress(0, 0); finally State := gsIdle; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMChar(var Message: TWMChar); var Key: WideChar; begin Key := WideChar(Message.CharCode); // GetWideCharFromWMCharMsg(Message); DoChar(Key, KeyDataToShiftState(Message.KeyData)); Message.CharCode := Word(Key); // SetWideCharForWMCharMsg(Message,Key); inherited; end; const // #9 -- TAB // #13 -- ENTER // #27 -- ESC ForbiddenChars: array [0 .. 2] of WideChar = (#9, #13, #27); procedure THistoryGrid.DoChar(var Ch: WideChar; ShiftState: TShiftState); var ForbiddenChar: Boolean; i: Integer; begin CheckBusy; ForbiddenChar := ((ssAlt in ShiftState) or (ssCtrl in ShiftState)); i := 0; While (not ForbiddenChar) and (i <= High(ForbiddenChars)) do begin ForbiddenChar := (Ch = ForbiddenChars[i]); Inc(i); end; if ForbiddenChar then exit; if Assigned(FOnChar) then FOnChar(Self, Ch, ShiftState); end; procedure THistoryGrid.AddItem; var i: Integer; begin SetLength(FItems, Count + 1); FRichCache.WorkOutItemAdded(0); // for i := Length(FItems)-1 downto 1 do // FItems[i] := FItems[i-1]; Move(FItems[0], FItems[1], (Length(FItems) - 1) * SizeOf(FItems[0])); FillChar(FItems[0], SizeOf(FItems[0]), 0); FItems[0].MessageType := [mtUnknown]; FItems[0].Height := -1; FItems[0].Text := ''; // change selected here if Selected <> -1 then Inc(FSelected); // change inline edited item if ItemInline <> -1 then Inc(FItemInline); for i := 0 to SelCount - 1 do Inc(FSelItems[i]); BarAdjusted := False; AdjustScrollBar; // or window in background isn't repainted. weired // if IsVisible(0) then begin Invalidate; // end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.WMMouseWheel(var Message: TWMMouseWheel); var Lines, code: Integer; FWheelCurrTick: Cardinal; begin if State = gsInline then begin with TMessage(Message) do FRichInline.Perform(WM_MOUSEWHEEL, wParam, lParam); exit; end; if (Cardinal(Message.WheelDelta) = WHEEL_PAGESCROLL) or (Mouse.WheelScrollLines < 0) then begin Lines := 1; if Message.WheelDelta < 0 then code := SB_PAGEDOWN else code := SB_PAGEUP; end else begin Lines := Mouse.WheelScrollLines; if Message.WheelDelta < 0 then code := SB_LINEDOWN else code := SB_LINEUP; end; // some kind of acceleraion. mb the right place is in WM_VSCROLL? FWheelCurrTick := GetTickCount; if FWheelCurrTick - FWheelLastTick < 10 then begin Lines := Lines shl 1; end; FWheelLastTick := FWheelCurrTick; FWheelAccumulator := FWheelAccumulator + Message.WheelDelta * Lines; while Abs(FWheelAccumulator) >= WHEEL_DELTA do begin FWheelAccumulator := Abs(FWheelAccumulator) - WHEEL_DELTA; PostMessage(Self.Handle, WM_VSCROLL, code, 0); end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.DeleteItem(Item: Integer); var i: Integer; SelIdx: Integer; begin // find item pos in selected array if it is there // and fix other positions becouse we have // to decrease some after we delete the item // from main array SelIdx := -1; FRichCache.WorkOutItemDeleted(Item); for i := 0 to SelCount - 1 do begin if FSelItems[i] = Item then SelIdx := i else if FSelItems[i] > Item then Dec(FSelItems[i]); end; // delete item from main array // for i := Item to Length(FItems)-2 do // FItems[i] := FItems[i+1]; if Item <> High(FItems) then begin Finalize(FItems[Item]); Move(FItems[Item + 1], FItems[Item], (High(FItems) - Item) * SizeOf(FItems[0])); FillChar(FItems[High(FItems)], SizeOf(FItems[0]), 0); end; SetLength(FItems, High(FItems)); // if it was in selected array delete there also if SelIdx <> -1 then begin // for i := SelIdx to SelCount-2 do // FSelItems[i] := FSelItems[i+1]; if SelIdx <> High(FSelItems) then Move(FSelItems[SelIdx + 1], FSelItems[SelIdx], (High(FSelItems) - SelIdx) * SizeOf(FSelItems[0])); SetLength(FSelItems, High(FSelItems)); end; // move/delete inline edited item if ItemInline = Item then FItemInline := -1 else if ItemInline > Item then Dec(FItemInline); // tell others they should clear up that item too if Assigned(FItemDelete) then FItemDelete(Self, Item); end; procedure THistoryGrid.SaveAll(FileName: String; SaveFormat: TSaveFormat); var i: Integer; fs: TFileStream; begin if Count = 0 then raise Exception.Create('History is empty, nothing to save'); State := gsSave; try fs := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate or fmShareExclusive); SaveStart(fs, SaveFormat, TxtFullLog); ShowProgress := True; if ReversedHeader then for i := 0 to SelCount - 1 do begin SaveItem(fs, FSelItems[i], SaveFormat); DoProgress(i, Count - 1); end else for i := Count - 1 downto 0 do begin SaveItem(fs, i, SaveFormat); DoProgress(Count - 1 - i, Count - 1); end; SaveEnd(fs, SaveFormat); fs.Free; ShowProgress := False; DoProgress(0, 0); finally State := gsIdle; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SaveSelected(FileName: String; SaveFormat: TSaveFormat); var fs: TFileStream; i: Integer; begin Assert((SelCount > 0), 'Save Selection is available when more than 1 item is selected'); State := gsSave; try fs := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate or fmShareExclusive); SaveStart(fs, SaveFormat, TxtPartLog); ShowProgress := True; if (FSelItems[0] > FSelItems[High(FSelItems)]) xor ReversedHeader then for i := 0 to SelCount - 1 do begin SaveItem(fs, FSelItems[i], SaveFormat); DoProgress(i, SelCount); end else for i := SelCount - 1 downto 0 do begin SaveItem(fs, FSelItems[i], SaveFormat); DoProgress(SelCount - 1 - i, SelCount); end; SaveEnd(fs, SaveFormat); fs.Free; ShowProgress := False; DoProgress(0, 0); finally State := gsIdle; end; end; const css = 'h3 { color: #666666; text-align: center; font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16pt; }' + #13#10 + 'h4 { text-align: center; font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14pt; }' + #13#10 + 'h6 { font-weight: normal; color: #000000; text-align: center; font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 8pt; }' + #13#10 + '.mes { border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px;' + 'border-left-width: 0px; border-top-style: solid; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; ' + 'border-left-style: solid; border-top-color: #666666; border-bottom-color: #666666; ' + 'padding: 4px; }' + #13#10 + '.text { clear: both; }' + #13#10; xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>' + #13#10 + '<!DOCTYPE IMHISTORY [' + #13#10 + '<!ELEMENT IMHISTORY (EVENT*)>' + #13#10 + '<!ELEMENT EVENT (CONTACT, FROM, TIME, DATE, PROTOCOL, ID?, TYPE, FILE?, URL?, MESSAGE?)>' + #13#10 + '<!ELEMENT CONTACT (#PCDATA)>' + #13#10 + '<!ELEMENT FROM (#PCDATA)>' + #13#10 + '<!ELEMENT TIME (#PCDATA)>' + #13#10 + '<!ELEMENT DATE (#PCDATA)>' + #13#10 + '<!ELEMENT PROTOCOL (#PCDATA)>' + #13#10 + '<!ELEMENT ID (#PCDATA)>' + #13#10 + '<!ELEMENT TYPE (#PCDATA)>' + #13#10 + '<!ELEMENT FILE (#PCDATA)>' + #13#10 + '<!ELEMENT URL (#PCDATA)>' + #13#10 + '<!ELEMENT MESSAGE (#PCDATA)>' + #13#10 + '<!ENTITY ME "%s">' + #13#10 + '%s' + '<!ENTITY UNK "UNKNOWN">' + #13#10 + ']>' + #13#10 + '<IMHISTORY>' + #13#10; function ColorToCss(Color: TColor): AnsiString; var first2, mid2, last2: AnsiString; begin // Result := IntToHex(ColorToRGB(Color),6); Result := IntToHex(Color, 6); if Length(Result) > 6 then SetLength(Result, 6); // rotate for HTML color format from AA AB AC to AC AB AA first2 := Copy(Result, 1, 2); mid2 := Copy(Result, 3, 2); last2 := Copy(Result, 5, 2); Result := '#' + last2 + mid2 + first2; end; function FontToCss(Font: TFont): AnsiString; begin Result := 'color: ' + ColorToCss(Font.Color) + '; font: '; // color if fsItalic in Font.Style then // font-style Result := Result + 'italic ' else Result := Result + 'normal '; Result := Result + 'normal '; // font-variant if fsBold in Font.Style then // font-weight Result := Result + 'bold ' else Result := Result + 'normal '; Result := Result + intToStr(Font.Size) + 'pt '; // font-size Result := Result + 'normal '; // line-height Result := Result + // font-family Font.Name + ', Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; '; Result := Result + 'text-decoration: none;'; // decoration end; procedure THistoryGrid.SaveStart(Stream: TFileStream; SaveFormat: TSaveFormat; Caption: String); var ProfileID, ContactID, Proto: String; procedure SaveHTML; var title, head1, head2: AnsiString; i: Integer; begin title := UTF8Encode(WideFormat('%s [%s] - [%s]', [Caption, ProfileName, ContactName])); head1 := UTF8Encode(WideFormat('%s', [Caption])); head2 := UTF8Encode(WideFormat('%s (%s: %s) - %s (%s: %s)', [ProfileName, Proto, ProfileID, ContactName, Proto, ContactID])); WriteString(Stream, '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">' + #13#10); // if Options.RTLEnabled then WriteString(Stream,'<html dir="rtl">') if (RTLMode = hppRTLEnable) or ((RTLMode = hppRTLDefault) and Options.RTLEnabled) then WriteString(Stream, '<html dir="rtl">') else WriteString(Stream, '<html dir="ltr">'); WriteString(Stream, '<head>' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, '<title>' + MakeTextHtmled(title) + '</title>' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, '<style type="text/css"><!--' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, css); // if Options.RTLEnabled then begin if (RTLMode = hppRTLEnable) or ((RTLMode = hppRTLDefault) and Options.RTLEnabled) then begin WriteString(Stream, '.nick { float: right; }' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, '.date { float: left; clear: left; }' + #13#10); end else begin WriteString(Stream, '.nick { float: left; }' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, '.date { float: right; clear: right; }' + #13#10); end; WriteString(Stream, '.nick#inc { ' + FontToCss(Options.FontContact) + ' }' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, '.nick#out { ' + FontToCss(Options.FontProfile) + ' }' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, '.date#inc { ' + FontToCss(Options.FontIncomingTimestamp) + ' }' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, '.date#out { ' + FontToCss(Options.FontOutgoingTimestamp) + ' }' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, '.url { color: ' + ColorToCss(Options.ColorLink) + '; }' + #13#10); for i := 0 to High(Options.ItemOptions) do WriteString(Stream, AnsiString('.mes#event' + intToStr(i) + ' { background-color: ' + ColorToCss(Options.ItemOptions[i].textColor) + '; ' + FontToCss(Options.ItemOptions[i].textFont) + ' }' + #13#10)); if ShowHeaders then WriteString(Stream, '.mes#session { background-color: ' + ColorToCss(Options.ColorSessHeader) + '; ' + FontToCss(Options.FontSessHeader) + ' }' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, '--></style>' + #13#10 + '</head><body>' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, '<h4>' + MakeTextHtmled(head1) + '</h4>' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, '<h3>' + MakeTextHtmled(head2) + '</h3>' + #13#10); end; procedure SaveXML; var mt: TMessageType; Messages, enc: String; begin // enc := 'windows-'+IntToStr(GetACP); enc := 'utf-8'; Messages := ''; for mt := Low(EventRecords) to High(EventRecords) do begin if not(mt in EventsDirection + EventsExclude) then Messages := Messages + Format('<!ENTITY %s "%s">' + #13#10, [EventRecords[mt].xml, UTF8Encode(TranslateUnicodeString(EventRecords[mt].Name)) ] { TRANSLATE-IGNORE } ); end; WriteString(Stream, AnsiString(Format(xml, [enc, UTF8Encode(ProfileName), Messages]))); end; procedure SaveUnicode; begin WriteString(Stream, #255#254); WriteWideString(Stream, '###'#13#10); if Caption = '' then Caption := TxtHistExport; WriteWideString(Stream, WideFormat('### %s'#13#10, [Caption])); WriteWideString(Stream, WideFormat('### %s (%s: %s) - %s (%s: %s)'#13#10, [ProfileName, Proto, ProfileID, ContactName, Proto, ContactID])); WriteWideString(Stream, TxtGenHist1 + #13#10); WriteWideString(Stream, '###'#13#10#13#10); end; procedure SaveText; begin WriteString(Stream, '###'#13#10); if Caption = '' then Caption := TxtHistExport; WriteString(Stream, WideToAnsiString(WideFormat('### %s'#13#10, [Caption]), Codepage)); WriteString(Stream, WideToAnsiString(WideFormat('### %s (%s: %s) - %s (%s: %s)'#13#10, [ProfileName, Proto, ProfileID, ContactName, Proto, ContactID]), Codepage)); WriteString(Stream, WideToAnsiString(TxtGenHist1 + #13#10, Codepage)); WriteString(Stream, '###'#13#10#13#10); end; procedure SaveRTF; begin FRichSaveItem := THPPRichEdit.CreateParented(Handle); FRichSave := THPPRichEdit.CreateParented(Handle); FRichSaveOLECB := TRichEditOleCallback.Create(FRichSave); FRichSave.Perform(EM_SETOLECALLBACK, 0, lParam(TRichEditOleCallback(FRichSaveOLECB) as IRichEditOleCallback)); end; procedure SaveMContacts; begin mcHeader.DataSize := 0; Stream.Write(mcHeader, SizeOf(mcHeader)) end; begin Proto := AnsiToWideString(Protocol, Codepage); ProfileID := AnsiToWideString(GetContactID(0, Protocol, False), Codepage); ContactID := AnsiToWideString(GetContactID(Contact, Protocol, True), Codepage); case SaveFormat of sfHTML: SaveHTML; sfXML: SaveXML; sfMContacts: SaveMContacts; sfRTF: SaveRTF; sfUnicode: SaveUnicode; sfText: SaveText; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SaveEnd(Stream: TFileStream; SaveFormat: TSaveFormat); procedure SaveHTML; begin WriteString(Stream, '<div class=mes></div>' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, UTF8Encode(TxtGenHist2) + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, '</body></html>'); end; procedure SaveXML; begin WriteString(Stream, '</IMHISTORY>'); end; procedure SaveUnicode; begin; end; procedure SaveText; begin; end; procedure SaveRTF; begin FRichSave.Lines.SaveToStream(Stream); FRichSave.Perform(EM_SETOLECALLBACK, 0, 0); FRichSave.Destroy; FRichSaveItem.Destroy; FRichSaveOLECB.Free; end; procedure SaveMContacts; begin Stream.Seek(SizeOf(mcHeader) - SizeOf(mcHeader.DataSize), soFromBeginning); Stream.Write(mcHeader.DataSize, SizeOf(mcHeader.DataSize)); end; begin case SaveFormat of sfHTML: SaveHTML; sfXML: SaveXML; sfRTF: SaveRTF; sfMContacts: SaveMContacts; sfUnicode: SaveUnicode; sfText: SaveText; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SaveItem(Stream: TFileStream; Item: Integer; SaveFormat: TSaveFormat); procedure MesTypeToStyle(mt: TMessageTypes; out mes_id, type_id: AnsiString); var i: Integer; Found: Boolean; begin mes_id := 'unknown'; if mtIncoming in mt then type_id := 'inc' else type_id := 'out'; i := 0; Found := False; while (not Found) and (i <= High(Options.ItemOptions)) do if (MessageTypesToDWord(Options.ItemOptions[i].MessageType) and MessageTypesToDWord(mt)) >= MessageTypesToDWord(mt) then Found := True else Inc(i); mes_id := 'event' + intToStr(i); end; procedure SaveHTML; var mes_id, type_id: AnsiString; nick, Mes, Time: String; txt: AnsiString; FullHeader: Boolean; begin MesTypeToStyle(FItems[Item].MessageType, mes_id, type_id); FullHeader := not(FGroupLinked and FItems[Item].LinkedToPrev); if FullHeader then begin Time := GetTime(Items[Item].Time); if mtIncoming in FItems[Item].MessageType then nick := ContactName else nick := ProfileName; if Assigned(FGetNameData) then FGetNameData(Self, Item, nick); nick := nick + ':'; end; Mes := FItems[Item].Text; if Options.RawRTFEnabled and IsRTF(FItems[Item].Text) then begin ApplyItemToRich(Item); Mes := GetRichString(FRich.Handle, False); end; txt := MakeTextHtmled(UTF8Encode(Mes)); try txt := UrlHighlightHtml(txt); except end; if Options.BBCodesEnabled then begin try txt := DoSupportBBCodesHTML(txt); except end; end; if ShowHeaders and FItems[Item].HasHeader then begin WriteString(Stream, '<div class=mes id=session>' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, #9 + '<div class=text>' + MakeTextHtmled(UTF8Encode(WideFormat(TxtSessions, [Time]))) + '</div>' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, '</div>' + #13#10); end; WriteString(Stream, '<div class=mes id=' + mes_id + '>' + #13#10); if FullHeader then begin WriteString(Stream, #9 + '<div class=nick id=' + type_id + '>' + MakeTextHtmled(UTF8Encode(nick)) + '</div>' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, #9 + '<div class=date id=' + type_id + '>' + MakeTextHtmled(UTF8Encode(Time)) + '</div>' + #13#10); end; WriteString(Stream, #9 + '<div class=text>' + #13#10#9 + txt + #13#10#9 + '</div>' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, '</div>' + #13#10); end; procedure SaveXML; var XmlItem: TXMLItem; begin if not Assigned(FGetXMLData) then exit; FGetXMLData(Self, Item, XmlItem); WriteString(Stream, '<EVENT>' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, #9 + '<CONTACT>' + XmlItem.Contact + '</CONTACT>' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, #9 + '<FROM>' + XmlItem.From + '</FROM>' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, #9 + '<TIME>' + XmlItem.Time + '</TIME>' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, #9 + '<DATE>' + XmlItem.Date + '</DATE>' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, #9 + '<PROTOCOL>' + XmlItem.Protocol + '</PROTOCOL>' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, #9 + '<ID>' + XmlItem.ID + '</ID>' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, #9 + '<TYPE>' + XmlItem.EventType + '</TYPE>' + #13#10); if XmlItem.Mes <> '' then WriteString(Stream, #9 + '<MESSAGE>' + XmlItem.Mes + '</MESSAGE>' + #13#10); if XmlItem.FileName <> '' then WriteString(Stream, #9 + '<FILE>' + XmlItem.FileName + '</FILE>' + #13#10); if XmlItem.Url <> '' then WriteString(Stream, #9 + '<URL>' + XmlItem.Url + '</URL>' + #13#10); WriteString(Stream, '</EVENT>' + #13#10); end; procedure SaveUnicode; var nick, Mes, Time: String; FullHeader: Boolean; begin FullHeader := not(FGroupLinked and FItems[Item].LinkedToPrev); if FullHeader then begin Time := GetTime(FItems[Item].Time); if mtIncoming in FItems[Item].MessageType then nick := ContactName else nick := ProfileName; if Assigned(FGetNameData) then FGetNameData(Self, Item, nick); end; Mes := FItems[Item].Text; if Options.RawRTFEnabled and IsRTF(Mes) then begin ApplyItemToRich(Item); Mes := GetRichString(FRich.Handle, False); end; if Options.BBCodesEnabled then Mes := DoStripBBCodes(Mes); if FullHeader then WriteWideString(Stream, WideFormat('[%s] %s:'#13#10, [Time, nick])); WriteWideString(Stream, Mes + #13#10 + #13#10); end; procedure SaveText; var Time: AnsiString; nick, Mes: String; FullHeader: Boolean; begin FullHeader := not(FGroupLinked and FItems[Item].LinkedToPrev); if FullHeader then begin Time := WideToAnsiString(GetTime(FItems[Item].Time), Codepage); if mtIncoming in FItems[Item].MessageType then nick := ContactName else nick := ProfileName; if Assigned(FGetNameData) then FGetNameData(Self, Item, nick); end; Mes := FItems[Item].Text; if Options.RawRTFEnabled and IsRTF(Mes) then begin ApplyItemToRich(Item); Mes := GetRichString(FRich.Handle, False); end; if Options.BBCodesEnabled then Mes := DoStripBBCodes(Mes); if FullHeader then WriteString(Stream, AnsiString(Format('[%s] %s:'#13#10, [Time, nick]))); WriteString(Stream, WideToAnsiString(Mes, Codepage) + #13#10 + #13#10); end; procedure SaveRTF; var RTFStream: AnsiString; Text: String; FullHeader: Boolean; begin FullHeader := not(FGroupLinked and FItems[Item].LinkedToPrev); if FullHeader then begin if mtIncoming in FItems[Item].MessageType then Text := ContactName else Text := ProfileName; if Assigned(FGetNameData) then FGetNameData(Self, Item, Text); Text := Text + ' [' + GetTime(FItems[Item].Time) + ']:'; RTFStream := '{\rtf1\par\b1 ' + FormatString2RTF(Text) + '\b0\par}'; SetRichRTF(FRichSave.Handle, RTFStream, True, False, False); end; ApplyItemToRich(Item, FRichSaveItem, True); GetRichRTF(FRichSaveItem.Handle, RTFStream, False, False, False, False); SetRichRTF(FRichSave.Handle, RTFStream, True, False, False); end; procedure SaveMContacts; var MCItem: TMCItem; begin if not Assigned(FGetMCData) then exit; FGetMCData(Self, Item, MCItem, ssInit); Stream.Write(MCItem.Buffer^, MCItem.Size); FGetMCData(Self, Item, MCItem, ssDone); Inc(mcHeader.DataSize, MCItem.Size); end; begin LoadItem(Item, False); case SaveFormat of sfHTML: SaveHTML; sfXML: SaveXML; sfRTF: SaveRTF; sfMContacts: SaveMContacts; sfUnicode: SaveUnicode; sfText: SaveText; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.WriteString(fs: TFileStream; Text: AnsiString); begin fs.Write(Text[1], Length(Text)); end; procedure THistoryGrid.WriteWideString(fs: TFileStream; Text: String); begin fs.Write(Text[1], Length(Text) * SizeOf(Char)); end; procedure THistoryGrid.CheckBusy; begin if State = gsInline then CancelInline; if State <> gsIdle then raise EAbort.Create('Grid is busy'); end; function THistoryGrid.GetSelItems(Index: Integer): Integer; begin Result := FSelItems[Index]; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetSelItems(Index: Integer; Item: Integer); begin AddSelected(Item); end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetState(const Value: TGridState); begin FState := Value; if Assigned(FOnState) then FOnState(Self, FState); end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetReversed(const Value: Boolean); var vis_idx: Integer; begin if FReversed = Value then exit; if not Allocated then begin FReversed := Value; exit; end; if Selected = -1 then begin vis_idx := GetFirstVisible; end else begin vis_idx := Selected; end; FReversed := Value; // VertScrollBar.Position := getIdx(0); BarAdjusted := False; SetSBPos(GetIdx(0)); AdjustScrollBar; MakeVisible(vis_idx); Invalidate; Update; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetReversedHeader(const Value: Boolean); begin if FReversedHeader = Value then exit; FReversedHeader := Value; if not Allocated then exit; Invalidate; Update; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetRichRTL(RTL: Boolean; RichEdit: THPPRichEdit; ProcessTag: Boolean = True); var pf: PARAFORMAT2; ExStyle: DWORD; begin // we use RichEdit.Tag here to save previous RTL state to prevent from // reapplying same state, because SetRichRTL is called VERY OFTEN // (from ApplyItemToRich) if (RichEdit.Tag = Integer(RTL)) and ProcessTag then exit; ZeroMemory(@pf, SizeOf(pf)); pf.cbSize := SizeOf(pf); pf.dwMask := PFM_RTLPARA; ExStyle := DWORD(GetWindowLongPtr(RichEdit.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE)) and not(WS_EX_RTLREADING or WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR or WS_EX_RIGHT or WS_EX_LEFT); if RTL then begin ExStyle := ExStyle or (WS_EX_RTLREADING or WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR or WS_EX_LEFT); pf.wReserved := PFE_RTLPARA; end else begin ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_RIGHT; pf.wReserved := 0; end; RichEdit.Perform(EM_SETPARAFORMAT, 0, lParam(@pf)); SetWindowLongPtr(RichEdit.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, ExStyle); if ProcessTag then RichEdit.Tag := Integer(RTL); end; (* Index to Position *) function THistoryGrid.GetIdx(Index: Integer): Integer; begin if Reversed then Result := Count - 1 - Index else Result := Index; end; function THistoryGrid.GetFirstVisible: Integer; var Pos: Integer; begin Pos := VertScrollBar.Position; if MaxSBPos > -1 then Pos := Min(MaxSBPos, VertScrollBar.Position); Result := GetDown(GetIdx(Pos - 1)); if Result = -1 then Result := GetUp(GetIdx(Pos + 1)); end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetMultiSelect(const Value: Boolean); begin FMultiSelect := Value; end; { ThgVertScrollBar } procedure THistoryGrid.DoOptionsChanged; var i: Integer; Ch, ph, pth, cth, sh: Integer; // pf: PARAFORMAT2; begin // recalc fonts for i := 0 to Length(FItems) - 1 do begin FItems[i].Height := -1; end; FRichCache.ResetAllItems; // pf.cbSize := SizeOf(pf); // pf.dwMask := PFM_RTLPARA; // RTLEnabled := Options.RTLEnabled; // if Options.RTLEnabled then begin { if (RTLMode = hppRTLEnable) or ((RTLMode = hppRTLDefault) and Options.RTLEnabled) then begin // redundant, we do it in ApplyItemToRich //SetRichRTL(True); //pf.wReserved := PFE_RTLPARA; // redundant, we do it PaintItem // Canvas.TextFlags := Canvas.TextFlags or ETO_RTLREADING; end else begin // redundant, we do it in ApplyItemToRich // SetRichRTL(False); //pf.wReserved := 0; // redundant, we do it PaintItem // Canvas.TextFlags := Canvas.TextFlags and not ETO_RTLREADING; end; } // SendMessage(FRich.Handle,EM_SETPARAFORMAT,0,LPARAM(@pf)); // SendMessage(FRichInline.Handle,EM_SETPARAFORMAT,0,LPARAM(@pf)); // FRich.Perform(EM_SETPARAFORMAT,0,LPARAM(@pf)); // FRichInline.Perform(EM_SETPARAFORMAT,0,LPARAM(@pf)); Canvas.Font := Options.FontProfile; ph := Canvas.TextExtent('Wy').cY; Canvas.Font := Options.FontContact; Ch := Canvas.TextExtent('Wy').cY; Canvas.Font := Options.FontOutgoingTimestamp; pth := Canvas.TextExtent('Wy').cY; Canvas.Font := Options.FontIncomingTimestamp; cth := Canvas.TextExtent('Wy').cY; Canvas.Font := Options.FontSessHeader; sh := Canvas.TextExtent('Wy').cY; // find heighest and don't forget about icons PHeaderheight := Max(ph, pth); CHeaderHeight := Max(Ch, cth); SessHeaderHeight := sh + 1 + 3 * 2; if Options.ShowIcons then begin CHeaderHeight := Max(CHeaderHeight, 16); PHeaderheight := Max(PHeaderheight, 16); end; Inc(CHeaderHeight, Padding); Inc(PHeaderheight, Padding); SetRTLMode(RTLMode); if Assigned(Self.FOnOptionsChange) then FOnOptionsChange(Self); BarAdjusted := False; AdjustScrollBar; Invalidate; Update; // cos when you change from Options it updates with lag end; { ThgVertScrollBar } procedure THistoryGrid.SetOptions(const Value: TGridOptions); begin BeginUpdate; { disconnect from options } if Assigned(Options) then Options.DeleteGrid(Self); FOptions := Value; { connect to options } if Assigned(Options) then Options.AddGrid(Self); GridUpdate([guOptions]); EndUpdate; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetRTLMode(const Value: TRTLMode); var NewBiDiMode: TBiDiMode; begin if FRTLMode <> Value then begin FRTLMode := Value; FRichCache.ResetAllItems; Repaint; end; if (RTLMode = hppRTLEnable) or ((RTLMode = hppRTLDefault) and Options.RTLEnabled) then NewBiDiMode := bdRightToLeft else NewBiDiMode := bdLeftToRight; if NewBiDiMode <> BiDiMode then begin BiDiMode := NewBiDiMode; if Assigned(FOnRTLChange) then OnRTLChange(Self, NewBiDiMode); end; // no need in it? // cause we set rich's RTL in ApplyItemToRich and // canvas'es RTL in PaintItem // DoOptionsChanged; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetSBPos(Position: Integer); var SumHeight: Integer; // DoAdjust: Boolean; idx: Integer; begin TopItemOffset := 0; VertScrollBar.Position := Position; AdjustScrollBar; if GetUp(GetIdx(VertScrollBar.Position)) = -1 then VertScrollBar.Position := 0; if MaxSBPos = -1 then exit; if VertScrollBar.Position > MaxSBPos then begin SumHeight := 0; idx := GetIdx(Length(FItems) - 1); repeat LoadItem(idx, True); if IsMatched(idx) then Inc(SumHeight, FItems[idx].Height); idx := GetUp(idx); if idx = -1 then break; until ((SumHeight >= ClientHeight) or (idx < 0) or (idx >= Length(FItems))); if SumHeight > ClientHeight then begin TopItemOffset := SumHeight - ClientHeight; // Repaint; end; end; { if Allocated and VertScrollBar.Visible then begin idx := GetFirstVisible; SumHeight := -TopItemOffset; DoAdjust := False; while (idx <> -1) do begin DoAdjust := True; LoadItem(idx,True); if SumHeight + FItems[idx].Height >= ClientHeight then begin DoAdjust := False; break; end; Inc(Sumheight,FItems[idx].Height); idx := GetDown(idx); end; if DoAdjust then begin AdjustScrollBar; ScrollGridBy(-(ClientHeight-SumHeight),False); end; //TopItemOffset := TopItemOffset + (ClientHeight-SumHeight); end; } end; {$IFDEF CUST_SB} procedure THistoryGrid.SetVertScrollBar(const Value: TVertScrollBar); begin FVertScrollBar.Assign(Value); end; function THistoryGrid.GetHideScrollBar: Boolean; begin Result := FVertScrollBar.Hidden; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetHideScrollBar(const Value: Boolean); begin FVertScrollBar.Hidden := Value; end; {$ENDIF} procedure THistoryGrid.UpdateFilter; begin if not Allocated then exit; CheckBusy; FRichCache.ResetItems(FSelItems); SetLength(FSelItems, 0); State := gsLoad; try VertScrollBar.Visible := True; {$IFDEF PAGE_SIZE} VertScrollBar.Range := Count + FVertScrollBar.PageSize - 1; {$ELSE} VertScrollBar.Range := Count + ClientHeight; {$ENDIF} BarAdjusted := False; if (FSelected = -1) or (not IsMatched(FSelected)) then begin ShowProgress := True; try if FSelected <> -1 then begin FSelected := GetDown(FSelected); if FSelected = -1 then FSelected := GetUp(FSelected); end else begin // FSelected := 0; // SetSBPos(GetIdx(FSelected)); if Reversed then // we have multiple selection sets FSelected := GetPrev(-1) else // we have multiple selection sets FSelected := GetNext(-1); end; finally ShowProgress := False; end; end; AdjustScrollBar; finally State := gsIdle; Selected := FSelected; end; Repaint; end; function THistoryGrid.IsLinkAtPoint(RichEditRect: TRect; X, Y, Item: Integer): Boolean; var P: TPoint; cr: CHARRANGE; cf: CharFormat2; cp: Integer; res: DWord; begin Result := False; P := Point(X - RichEditRect.Left, Y - RichEditRect.Top); ApplyItemToRich(Item); cp := FRich.Perform(EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, lParam(@P)); if cp = -1 then exit; // out of richedit area cr.cpMin := cp; cr.cpMax := cp + 1; FRich.Perform(EM_EXSETSEL, 0, lParam(@cr)); ZeroMemory(@cf, SizeOf(cf)); cf.cbSize := SizeOf(cf); cf.dwMask := CFM_LINK; res := FRich.Perform(EM_GETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, lParam(@cf)); // no link under point Result := (((res and CFM_LINK) > 0) and ((cf.dwEffects and CFE_LINK) > 0)) or (((res and CFM_REVISED) > 0) and ((cf.dwEffects and CFE_REVISED) > 0)); end; function THistoryGrid.GetHitTests(X, Y: Integer): TGridHitTests; var Item: Integer; ItemRect: TRect; HeaderHeight: Integer; HeaderRect, SessRect: TRect; ButtonRect: TRect; P: TPoint; RTL: Boolean; Sel: Boolean; FullHeader: Boolean; TimestampOffset: Integer; begin Result := []; FHintRect := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); Item := FindItemAt(X, Y); if Item = -1 then exit; Include(Result, ghtItem); FullHeader := not(FGroupLinked and FItems[Item].LinkedToPrev); ItemRect := GetItemRect(Item); RTL := GetItemRTL(Item); Sel := IsSelected(Item); P := Point(X, Y); if FullHeader and (ShowHeaders) and (ExpandHeaders) and (FItems[Item].HasHeader) then begin if Reversed xor ReversedHeader then begin SessRect := Rect(ItemRect.Left, ItemRect.Top, ItemRect.Right, ItemRect.Top + SessHeaderHeight); Inc(ItemRect.Top, SessHeaderHeight); end else begin SessRect := Rect(ItemRect.Left, ItemRect.Bottom - SessHeaderHeight - 1, ItemRect.Right, ItemRect.Bottom - 1); Dec(ItemRect.Bottom, SessHeaderHeight); end; if PtInRect(SessRect, P) then begin Include(Result, ghtSession); InflateRect(SessRect, -3, -3); if RTL then ButtonRect := Rect(SessRect.Left, SessRect.Top, SessRect.Left + 16, SessRect.Bottom) else ButtonRect := Rect(SessRect.Right - 16, SessRect.Top, SessRect.Right, SessRect.Bottom); if PtInRect(ButtonRect, P) then begin Include(Result, ghtSessHideButton); Include(Result, ghtButton); FHintRect := ButtonRect; end; end; end; Dec(ItemRect.Bottom); // divider InflateRect(ItemRect, -Padding, -Padding); // paddings if FullHeader then begin Dec(ItemRect.Top, Padding); Inc(ItemRect.Top, Padding div 2); if mtIncoming in FItems[Item].MessageType then HeaderHeight := CHeaderHeight else HeaderHeight := PHeaderheight; HeaderRect := Rect(ItemRect.Left, ItemRect.Top, ItemRect.Right, ItemRect.Top + HeaderHeight); Inc(ItemRect.Top, HeaderHeight + (Padding - (Padding div 2))); if PtInRect(HeaderRect, P) then begin Include(Result, ghtHeader); if (ShowHeaders) and (not ExpandHeaders) and (FItems[Item].HasHeader) then begin if RTL then ButtonRect := Rect(HeaderRect.Right - 16, HeaderRect.Top, HeaderRect.Right, HeaderRect.Bottom) else ButtonRect := Rect(HeaderRect.Left, HeaderRect.Top, HeaderRect.Left + 16, HeaderRect.Bottom); if PtInRect(ButtonRect, P) then begin Include(Result, ghtSessShowButton); Include(Result, ghtButton); FHintRect := ButtonRect; end; end; if ShowBookmarks and (Sel or FItems[Item].Bookmarked) then begin // TimeStamp := GetTime(FItems[Item].Time); // Canvas.Font.Assign(Options.FontTimeStamp); if mtIncoming in FItems[Item].MessageType then Canvas.Font.Assign(Options.FontIncomingTimestamp) else Canvas.Font.Assign(Options.FontOutgoingTimestamp); TimestampOffset := Canvas.TextExtent(GetTime(FItems[Item].Time)).cX + Padding; if RTL then ButtonRect := Rect(HeaderRect.Left + TimestampOffset, HeaderRect.Top, HeaderRect.Left + TimestampOffset + 16, HeaderRect.Bottom) else ButtonRect := Rect(HeaderRect.Right - 16 - TimestampOffset, HeaderRect.Top, HeaderRect.Right - TimestampOffset, HeaderRect.Bottom); if PtInRect(ButtonRect, P) then begin Include(Result, ghtBookmark); Include(Result, ghtButton); FHintRect := ButtonRect; end; end; end; end; if PtInRect(ItemRect, P) then begin Include(Result, ghtText); FHintRect := ItemRect; if IsLinkAtPoint(ItemRect, X, Y, Item) then Include(Result, ghtLink) else Include(Result, ghtUnknown); end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.EditInline(Item: Integer); var r: TRect; // cr: CHARRANGE; begin if State = gsInline then CancelInline(False); MakeVisible(Item); r := GetRichEditRect(Item); if IsRectEmpty(r) then exit; // dunno why, but I have to fix it by 1 pixel // or positioning will be not perfectly correct // who knows why? i want to know! I already make corrections of margins! // Dec(r.left,1); Inc(r.Right, 1); // below is not optimal way to show rich edit // (ie me better show it after applying item), // but it's done because now when we have OnProcessItem // event grid state is gsInline, which is how it should be // and you can't set it inline before setting focus // because of CheckBusy abort exception // themiron 03.10.2006. don't need to, 'cose there's check // if inline richedit got the focus // FRichInline.Show; // FRichInline.SetFocus; // State := gsInline; State := gsInline; FItemInline := Item; ApplyItemToRich(Item, FRichInline); // set bounds after applying to avoid vertical scrollbar FRichInline.SetBounds(r.Left, r.Top, r.Right - r.Left, r.Bottom - r.Top); FRichInline.SelLength := 0; FRichInline.SelStart := 0; FRichInline.Show; FRichInline.SetFocus; end; procedure THistoryGrid.CancelInline(DoSetFocus: Boolean = True); begin if State <> gsInline then exit; FRichInline.Hide; State := gsIdle; FRichInline.Clear; FRichInline.Top := -MaxInt; FRichInline.Height := -1; FItemInline := -1; if DoSetFocus then Windows.SetFocus(Handle); end; procedure THistoryGrid.RemoveSelected(Item: Integer); begin IntSortedArray_Remove(TIntArray(FSelItems), Item); FRichCache.ResetItem(Item); end; procedure THistoryGrid.ResetItem(Item: Integer); begin // we need to adjust scrollbar after ResetItem if GetIdx(Item) >= MaxSBPos // as it's currently used to handle deletion with headers, adjust // is run after deletion ends, so no point in doing it here if IsUnknown(Item) then exit; FItems[Item].Height := -1; FItems[Item].MessageType := [mtUnknown]; FRichCache.ResetItem(Item); end; procedure THistoryGrid.ResetAllItems; var DoChanges: Boolean; i: Integer; begin if not Allocated then exit; BeginUpdate; DoChanges := False; for i := 0 to Length(FItems) - 1 do if not IsUnknown(i) then begin DoChanges := True; // cose it's faster :) FItems[i].MessageType := [mtUnknown]; end; if DoChanges then GridUpdate([guOptions]); EndUpdate; end; procedure THistoryGrid.OnInlineOnExit(Sender: TObject); begin CancelInline; end; procedure THistoryGrid.OnInlineOnKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if ((Key = VK_ESCAPE) or (Key = VK_RETURN)) then begin CancelInline; Key := 0; end else if Assigned(FOnInlineKeyDown) then FOnInlineKeyDown(Sender, Key, Shift); end; procedure THistoryGrid.OnInlineOnKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if not FRichInline.Visible then begin CancelInline; Key := 0; end else if (Key = VK_APPS) or ((Key = VK_F10) and (ssShift in Shift)) then begin if Assigned(FOnInlinePopup) then FOnInlinePopup(Sender); Key := 0; end else if Assigned(FOnInlineKeyUp) then FOnInlineKeyUp(Sender, Key, Shift); end; procedure THistoryGrid.OnInlineOnMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin; end; procedure THistoryGrid.OnInlineOnMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if (Button = mbRight) and Assigned(FOnInlinePopup) then FOnInlinePopup(Sender); end; procedure THistoryGrid.OnInlineOnURLClick(Sender: TObject; const URLText: String; Button: TMouseButton); var P: TPoint; Item: Integer; begin if Button = mbLeft then begin P := ScreenToClient(Mouse.CursorPos); Item := FindItemAt(P.X, P.Y); URLClick(Item, URLText, Button); end; end; function THistoryGrid.GetRichEditRect(Item: Integer; DontClipTop: Boolean): TRect; var res: TRect; hh: Integer; begin Result := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); if Item = -1 then exit; Result := GetItemRect(Item); Inc(Result.Left, Padding); Dec(Result.Right, Padding); /// avatars!.! // Dec(Result.Right,64+Padding); if FGroupLinked and FItems[Item].LinkedToPrev then hh := 0 else if mtIncoming in FItems[Item].MessageType then hh := CHeaderHeight else hh := PHeaderheight; Inc(Result.Top, hh + Padding); Dec(Result.Bottom, Padding + 1); if (Items[Item].HasHeader) and (ShowHeaders) and (ExpandHeaders) then begin if Reversed xor ReversedHeader then Inc(Result.Top, SessHeaderHeight) else Dec(Result.Bottom, SessHeaderHeight); end; res := ClientRect; {$IFDEF DEBUG} OutputDebugString (PWideChar(Format('GetRichEditRect client: Top:%d Left:%d Bottom:%d Right:%d', [res.Top, res.Left, res.Bottom, res.Right]))); OutputDebugString (PWideChar(Format('GetRichEditRect item_2: Top:%d Left:%d Bottom:%d Right:%d', [Result.Top, Result.Left, Result.Bottom, Result.Right]))); {$ENDIF} if DontClipTop and (Result.Top < res.Top) then res.Top := Result.Top; IntersectRect(Result, res, Result); end; function THistoryGrid.SearchItem(ItemID: Integer): Integer; var i { ,FirstItem } : Integer; Found: Boolean; begin if not Assigned(OnSearchItem) then raise Exception.Create('You must handle OnSearchItem event to use SearchItem function'); Result := -1; State := gsSearchItem; try // FirstItem := GetNext(-1,True); State := gsSearchItem; ShowProgress := True; for i := 0 to Count - 1 do begin if IsUnknown(i) then LoadItem(i, False); Found := False; OnSearchItem(Self, i, ItemID, Found); if Found then begin Result := i; break; end; DoProgress(i + 1, Count); end; ShowProgress := False; finally State := gsIdle; end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetBorderStyle(Value: TBorderStyle); var Style, ExStyle: DWORD; begin if FBorderStyle = Value then exit; FBorderStyle := Value; if HandleAllocated then begin Style := DWORD(GetWindowLongPtr(Handle, GWL_STYLE)) and WS_BORDER; ExStyle := DWORD(GetWindowLongPtr(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE)) and not WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; if Ctl3D and NewStyleControls and (FBorderStyle = bsSingle) then begin Style := Style and not WS_BORDER; ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; end; SetWindowLongPtr(Handle, GWL_STYLE, Style); SetWindowLongPtr(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, ExStyle); end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.CMBiDiModeChanged(var Message: TMessage); var ExStyle: DWORD; begin // inherited; if HandleAllocated then begin ExStyle := DWORD(GetWindowLongPtr(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE)) and not(WS_EX_RTLREADING or WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR or WS_EX_RIGHT or WS_EX_LEFT); AddBiDiModeExStyle(ExStyle); SetWindowLongPtr(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, ExStyle); end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.CMCtl3DChanged(var Message: TMessage); var Style, ExStyle: DWORD; begin if HandleAllocated then begin Style := DWORD(GetWindowLongPtr(Handle, GWL_STYLE)) and WS_BORDER; ExStyle := DWORD(GetWindowLongPtr(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE)) and not WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; if Ctl3D and NewStyleControls and (FBorderStyle = bsSingle) then begin Style := Style and not WS_BORDER; ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; end; SetWindowLongPtr(Handle, GWL_STYLE, Style); SetWindowLongPtr(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, ExStyle); end; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetHideSelection(const Value: Boolean); begin if FHideSelection = Value then exit; FHideSelection := Value; if FGridNotFocused and (SelCount > 0) then begin FRichCache.ResetItems(FSelItems); Invalidate; end; end; function THistoryGrid.GetProfileName: String; begin if Assigned(Options) and Options.ForceProfileName then Result := Options.ProfileName else Result := FProfileName; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetProfileName(const Value: String); begin if FProfileName = Value then exit; FProfileName := Value; if Assigned(Options) and Options.ForceProfileName then exit; Update; end; procedure THistoryGrid.SetContactName(const Value: String); begin if FContactName = Value then exit; FContactName := Value; Update; end; procedure THistoryGrid.URLClick(Item: Integer; const URLText: String; Button: TMouseButton); begin Application.CancelHint; Cursor := crDefault; if Assigned(OnUrlClick) then OnUrlClick(Self, Item, URLText, Button); end; { TGridOptions } procedure TGridOptions.AddGrid(Grid: THistoryGrid); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to Length(Grids) - 1 do if Grids[i] = Grid then exit; SetLength(Grids, Length(Grids) + 1); Grids[High(Grids)] := Grid; end; constructor TGridOptions.Create; begin inherited; FRTLEnabled := False; FShowIcons := False; // FShowAvatars := False; FSmileysEnabled := False; FBBCodesEnabled := False; FRawRTFEnabled := False; FAvatarsHistoryEnabled := False; FOpenDetailsMode := False; FProfileName := ''; FForceProfileName := False; FTextFormatting := True; FLocks := 0; Changed := 0; // FIconOther := TIcon.Create; // FIconOther.OnChange := FontChanged; // FIconFile := TIcon.Create; // FIconFile.OnChange := FontChanged; // FIconUrl := TIcon.Create; // FIconUrl.OnChange := FontChanged; // FIconMessage := TIcon.Create; // FIconMessage.OnChange := FontChanged; FFontContact := TFont.Create; FFontContact.OnChange := FontChanged; FFontProfile := TFont.Create; FFontProfile.OnChange := FontChanged; FFontIncomingTimestamp := TFont.Create; FFontIncomingTimestamp.OnChange := FontChanged; FFontOutgoingTimestamp := TFont.Create; FFontOutgoingTimestamp.OnChange := FontChanged; FFontSessHeader := TFont.Create; FFontSessHeader.OnChange := FontChanged; FFontMessage := TFont.Create; FFontMessage.OnChange := FontChanged; // FItemFont := TFont.Create; end; procedure TGridOptions.DeleteGrid(Grid: THistoryGrid); var i: Integer; idx: Integer; begin idx := -1; for i := 0 to Length(Grids) - 1 do if Grids[i] = Grid then begin idx := i; break; end; if idx = -1 then exit; for i := idx to Length(Grids) - 2 do Grids[i] := Grids[i + 1]; SetLength(Grids, Length(Grids) - 1); end; destructor TGridOptions.Destroy; var i: Integer; begin FFontContact.Free; FFontProfile.Free; FFontIncomingTimestamp.Free; FFontOutgoingTimestamp.Free; FFontSessHeader.Free; FFontMessage.Free; // FIconUrl.Free; // FIconMessage.Free; // FIconFile.Free; // FIconOther.Free; for i := 0 to Length(FItemOptions) - 1 do begin FItemOptions[i].textFont.Free; end; // SetLength(FItemOptions,0); Finalize(FItemOptions); // SetLength(Grids,0); Finalize(Grids); inherited; end; procedure TGridOptions.DoChange; var i: Integer; begin Inc(Changed); if FLocks > 0 then exit; for i := 0 to Length(Grids) - 1 do Grids[i].GridUpdate([guOptions]); Changed := 0; end; procedure TGridOptions.EndChange(const Forced: Boolean = False); begin if FLocks = 0 then exit; Dec(FLocks); if Forced then Inc(Changed); if (FLocks = 0) and (Changed > 0) then DoChange; end; procedure TGridOptions.FontChanged(Sender: TObject); begin DoChange; end; function TGridOptions.AddItemOptions: Integer; var i: Integer; begin i := Length(FItemOptions); SetLength(FItemOptions, i + 1); FItemOptions[i].MessageType := [mtOther]; FItemOptions[i].textFont := TFont.Create; // FItemOptions[i].textFont.Assign(FItemFont); // FItemOptions[i].textColor := clWhite; Result := i; end; function TGridOptions.GetItemOptions(Mes: TMessageTypes; out textFont: TFont; out textColor: TColor): Integer; var i: Integer; begin i := 0; Result := 0; while i <= High(FItemOptions) do if (MessageTypesToDWord(FItemOptions[i].MessageType) and MessageTypesToDWord(Mes)) >= MessageTypesToDWord(Mes) then begin textFont := FItemOptions[i].textFont; textColor := FItemOptions[i].textColor; Result := i; break; end else begin if mtOther in FItemOptions[i].MessageType then begin textFont := FItemOptions[i].textFont; textColor := FItemOptions[i].textColor; Result := i; end; Inc(i); end; end; function TGridOptions.GetLocked: Boolean; begin Result := (FLocks > 0); end; procedure TGridOptions.SetColorDivider(const Value: TColor); begin if FColorDivider = Value then exit; FColorDivider := Value; DoChange; end; procedure TGridOptions.SetColorSelectedText(const Value: TColor); begin if FColorSelectedText = Value then exit; FColorSelectedText := Value; DoChange; end; procedure TGridOptions.SetColorSelected(const Value: TColor); begin if FColorSelected = Value then exit; FColorSelected := Value; DoChange; end; procedure TGridOptions.SetColorSessHeader(const Value: TColor); begin if FColorSessHeader = Value then exit; FColorSessHeader := Value; DoChange; end; procedure TGridOptions.SetDateTimeFormat(const Value: String); var NewValue: String; begin NewValue := Value; try FormatDateTime(NewValue, Now); except NewValue := DEFFORMAT_DATETIME; end; if FDateTimeFormat = NewValue then exit; FDateTimeFormat := NewValue; DoChange; end; procedure TGridOptions.SetTextFormatting(const Value: Boolean); var i: Integer; begin if FTextFormatting = Value then exit; FTextFormatting := Value; if FLocks > 0 then exit; try for i := 0 to Length(Grids) - 1 do Grids[i].ProcessInline := Value; finally if Assigned(FOnTextFormatting) then FOnTextFormatting(Value); end; end; procedure TGridOptions.SetColorBackground(const Value: TColor); begin if FColorBackground = Value then exit; FColorBackground := Value; DoChange; end; procedure TGridOptions.SetColorLink(const Value: TColor); begin if FColorLink = Value then exit; FColorLink := Value; DoChange; end; // procedure TGridOptions.SetIconOther(const Value: TIcon); // begin // FIconOther.Assign(Value); // FIconOther.OnChange := FontChanged; // DoChange; // end; // procedure TGridOptions.SetIconFile(const Value: TIcon); // begin // FIconFile.Assign(Value); // FIconFile.OnChange := FontChanged; // DoChange; // end; // procedure TGridOptions.SetIconMessage(const Value: TIcon); // begin // FIconMessage.Assign(Value); // FIconMessage.OnChange := FontChanged; // DoChange; // end; // procedure TGridOptions.SetIconUrl(const Value: TIcon); // begin // FIconUrl.Assign(Value); // FIconUrl.OnChange := FontChanged; // DoChange; // end; procedure TGridOptions.SetShowIcons(const Value: Boolean); begin if FShowIcons = Value then exit; FShowIcons := Value; Self.StartChange; try if Assigned(FOnShowIcons) then FOnShowIcons; DoChange; finally Self.EndChange; end; end; procedure TGridOptions.SetRTLEnabled(const Value: Boolean); begin if FRTLEnabled = Value then exit; FRTLEnabled := Value; Self.StartChange; try DoChange; finally Self.EndChange; end; end; { procedure TGridOptions.SetShowAvatars(const Value: Boolean); begin if FShowAvatars = Value then exit; FShowAvatars := Value; Self.StartChange; try DoChange; finally Self.EndChange; end; end; } procedure TGridOptions.SetBBCodesEnabled(const Value: Boolean); begin if FBBCodesEnabled = Value then exit; FBBCodesEnabled := Value; Self.StartChange; try DoChange; finally Self.EndChange; end; end; procedure TGridOptions.SetSmileysEnabled(const Value: Boolean); begin if FSmileysEnabled = Value then exit; FSmileysEnabled := Value; Self.StartChange; try DoChange; finally Self.EndChange; end; end; procedure TGridOptions.SetRawRTFEnabled(const Value: Boolean); begin if FRawRTFEnabled = Value then exit; FRawRTFEnabled := Value; Self.StartChange; try DoChange; finally Self.EndChange; end; end; procedure TGridOptions.SetAvatarsHistoryEnabled(const Value: Boolean); begin if FAvatarsHistoryEnabled = Value then exit; FAvatarsHistoryEnabled := Value; Self.StartChange; try DoChange; finally Self.EndChange; end; end; procedure TGridOptions.SetFontContact(const Value: TFont); begin FFontContact.Assign(Value); FFontContact.OnChange := FontChanged; DoChange; end; procedure TGridOptions.SetFontProfile(const Value: TFont); begin FFontProfile.Assign(Value); FFontProfile.OnChange := FontChanged; DoChange; end; procedure TGridOptions.SetFontIncomingTimestamp(const Value: TFont); begin FFontIncomingTimestamp.Assign(Value); FFontIncomingTimestamp.OnChange := FontChanged; DoChange; end; procedure TGridOptions.SetFontOutgoingTimestamp(const Value: TFont); begin FFontOutgoingTimestamp.Assign(Value); FFontOutgoingTimestamp.OnChange := FontChanged; DoChange; end; procedure TGridOptions.SetFontSessHeader(const Value: TFont); begin FFontSessHeader.Assign(Value); FFontSessHeader.OnChange := FontChanged; DoChange; end; procedure TGridOptions.SetFontMessage(const Value: TFont); begin FFontMessage.Assign(Value); FFontMessage.OnChange := FontChanged; DoChange; end; procedure TGridOptions.StartChange; begin Inc(FLocks); end; procedure TGridOptions.SetProfileName(const Value: String); begin if Value = FProfileName then exit; FProfileName := Value; FForceProfileName := (Value <> ''); DoChange; end; { TRichCache } procedure TRichCache.ApplyItemToRich(Item: PRichItem); begin // force to send the size: FRichHeight := -1; // Item^.Rich.HandleNeeded; Item^.Rich.Perform(EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, 0); Grid.ApplyItemToRich(Item^.GridItem, Item^.Rich); Item^.Rich.Perform(EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, ENM_REQUESTRESIZE); Item^.Rich.Perform(EM_REQUESTRESIZE, 0, 0); Assert(FRichHeight > 0, 'RichCache.ApplyItemToRich: rich is still <= 0 height'); Item^.Rich.Perform(EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, RichEventMasks); end; function TRichCache.CalcItemHeight(GridItem: Integer): Integer; var Item: PRichItem; begin Item := RequestItem(GridItem); Assert(Item <> nil); Result := Item^.Height; end; constructor TRichCache.Create(AGrid: THistoryGrid); var i: Integer; RichItem: PRichItem; dc: HDC; begin inherited Create; FRichWidth := -1; FRichHeight := -1; Grid := AGrid; // cache size SetLength(Items, 20); RichEventMasks := ENM_LINK; dc := GetDC(0); LogX := GetDeviceCaps(dc, LOGPIXELSX); LogY := GetDeviceCaps(dc, LOGPIXELSY); ReleaseDC(0, dc); FLockedList := TList.Create; for i := 0 to Length(Items) - 1 do begin New(RichItem); RichItem^.Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; RichItem^.Height := -1; RichItem^.GridItem := -1; RichItem^.Rich := THPPRichEdit.Create(nil); RichItem^.Rich.Name := 'CachedRichEdit' + intToStr(i); // workaround of SmileyAdd making richedit visible all the time RichItem^.Rich.Top := -MaxInt; RichItem^.Rich.Height := -1; RichItem^.Rich.Visible := False; { Don't give him grid as parent, or we'll have wierd problems with scroll bar } RichItem^.Rich.Parent := nil; RichItem^.Rich.WordWrap := True; RichItem^.Rich.BorderStyle := bsNone; RichItem^.Rich.OnResizeRequest := OnRichResize; Items[i] := RichItem; end; end; destructor TRichCache.Destroy; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to FLockedList.Count - 1 do Dispose(PLockedItem(FLockedList.Items[i])); FLockedList.Free; for i := 0 to Length(Items) - 1 do begin FreeAndNil(Items[i]^.Rich); FreeAndNil(Items[i]^.Bitmap); Dispose(Items[i]); end; Finalize(Items); inherited; end; function TRichCache.FindGridItem(GridItem: Integer): Integer; var i: Integer; begin Result := -1; if GridItem = -1 then exit; for i := 0 to Length(Items) - 1 do if Items[i].GridItem = GridItem then begin Result := i; break; end; end; function TRichCache.GetItemRich(GridItem: Integer): THPPRichEdit; var Item: PRichItem; begin Item := RequestItem(GridItem); Assert(Item <> nil); Result := Item^.Rich; end; function TRichCache.GetItemRichBitmap(GridItem: Integer): TBitmap; var Item: PRichItem; begin Item := RequestItem(GridItem); Assert(Item <> nil); if not Item^.BitmapDrawn then PaintRichToBitmap(Item); Result := Item^.Bitmap; end; function TRichCache.GetItemByHandle(Handle: THandle): PRichItem; var i: Integer; begin Result := nil; for i := 0 to High(Items) do if Items[i].Rich.Handle = Handle then begin if Items[i].Height = -1 then break; Result := Items[i]; break; end; end; function TRichCache.LockItem(Item: PRichItem; SaveRect: TRect): Integer; var LockedItem: PLockedItem; begin Result := -1; Assert(Item <> nil); try New(LockedItem); except LockedItem := nil; end; if Assigned(LockedItem) then begin Item.Bitmap.Canvas.Lock; LockedItem.RichItem := Item; LockedItem.SaveRect := SaveRect; Result := FLockedList.Add(LockedItem); end; end; function TRichCache.UnlockItem(Item: Integer): TRect; var LockedItem: PLockedItem; begin Result := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); if Item = -1 then exit; LockedItem := FLockedList.Items[Item]; if not Assigned(LockedItem) then exit; if Assigned(LockedItem.RichItem) then LockedItem.RichItem.Bitmap.Canvas.Unlock; Result := LockedItem.SaveRect; Dispose(LockedItem); FLockedList.Delete(Item); end; procedure TRichCache.MoveToTop(Index: Integer); var i: Integer; Item: PRichItem; begin if Index = 0 then exit; Assert(Index < Length(Items)); Item := Items[Index]; for i := Index downto 1 do Items[i] := Items[i - 1]; // Move(Items[0],Items[1],Index*SizeOf(Items[0])); Items[0] := Item; end; procedure TRichCache.OnRichResize(Sender: TObject; Rect: TRect); begin FRichHeight := Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top; end; procedure TRichCache.PaintRichToBitmap(Item: PRichItem); var BkColor: TCOLORREF; Range: TFormatRange; begin if (Item^.Bitmap.Width <> Item^.Rich.Width) or (Item^.Bitmap.Height <> Item^.Height) then begin // to prevent image copy Item^.Bitmap.Assign(nil); Item^.Bitmap.SetSize(Item^.Rich.Width, Item^.Height); end; // because RichEdit sometimes paints smaller image // than it said when calculating height, we need // to fill the background BkColor := Item^.Rich.Perform(EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR, 0, 0); Item^.Rich.Perform(EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR, 0, BkColor); Item^.Bitmap.TransparentColor := BkColor; Item^.Bitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := BkColor; Item^.Bitmap.Canvas.FillRect(Item^.Bitmap.Canvas.ClipRect); with Range do begin HDC := Item^.Bitmap.Canvas.Handle; hdcTarget := HDC; rc := Rect(0, 0, MulDiv(Item^.Bitmap.Width, 1440, LogX), MulDiv(Item^.Bitmap.Height, 1440, LogY)); rcPage := rc; chrg.cpMin := 0; chrg.cpMax := -1; end; SetBkMode(Range.hdcTarget, TRANSPARENT); Item^.Rich.Perform(EM_FORMATRANGE, 1, lParam(@Range)); Item^.Rich.Perform(EM_FORMATRANGE, 0, 0); Item^.BitmapDrawn := True; end; function TRichCache.RequestItem(GridItem: Integer): PRichItem; var idx: Integer; begin Assert(GridItem > -1); idx := FindGridItem(GridItem); if idx <> -1 then begin Result := Items[idx]; end else begin idx := High(Items); Result := Items[idx]; Result.GridItem := GridItem; Result.Height := -1; end; if Result.Height = -1 then begin ApplyItemToRich(Result); Result.Height := FRichHeight; Result.Rich.Height := FRichHeight; Result.BitmapDrawn := False; MoveToTop(idx); end; end; procedure TRichCache.ResetAllItems; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to High(Items) do begin Items[i].Height := -1; end; end; procedure TRichCache.ResetItem(GridItem: Integer); var idx: Integer; begin if GridItem = -1 then exit; idx := FindGridItem(GridItem); if idx = -1 then exit; Items[idx].Height := -1; end; procedure TRichCache.ResetItems(GridItems: array of Integer); var i: Integer; idx: Integer; ItemsReset: Integer; begin ItemsReset := 0; for i := 0 to Length(GridItems) - 1 do begin idx := FindGridItem(GridItems[i]); if idx <> -1 then begin Items[idx].Height := -1; Inc(ItemsReset); end; // no point in searching, we've reset all items if ItemsReset >= Length(Items) then break; end; end; procedure TRichCache.SetHandles; var i: Integer; ExStyle: DWord; begin for i := 0 to Length(Items) - 1 do begin Items[i].Rich.ParentWindow := Grid.Handle; // make richedit transparent: ExStyle := GetWindowLongPtr(Items[i].Rich.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE); ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_TRANSPARENT; SetWindowLongPtr(Items[i].Rich.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, ExStyle); Items[i].Rich.Brush.Style := bsClear; end; end; procedure TRichCache.SetWidth(const Value: Integer); var i: Integer; begin if FRichWidth = Value then exit; FRichWidth := Value; for i := 0 to Length(Items) - 1 do begin Items[i].Rich.Width := Value; Items[i].Height := -1; end; end; procedure TRichCache.WorkOutItemAdded(GridItem: Integer); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to Length(Items) - 1 do if Items[i].Height <> -1 then begin if Items[i].GridItem >= GridItem then Inc(Items[i].GridItem); end; end; procedure TRichCache.WorkOutItemDeleted(GridItem: Integer); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to Length(Items) - 1 do if Items[i].Height <> -1 then begin if Items[i].GridItem = GridItem then Items[i].Height := -1 else if Items[i].GridItem > GridItem then Dec(Items[i].GridItem); end; end; initialization Screen.Cursors[crHandPoint] := LoadCursor(0, IDC_HAND); if Screen.Cursors[crHandPoint] = 0 then Screen.Cursors[crHandPoint] := LoadCursor(hInstance, 'CR_HAND'); end.