(* History++ plugin for Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 theMIROn, 2003-2006 Art Fedorov. History+ parts (C) 2001 Christian Kastner This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) {$WEAKLINKRTTI ON} {.$RTTI EXPLICIT METHODS([]) PROPERTIES([]) FIELDS([])} library historypp; {$IMAGEBASE $02630000} {$R 'hpp_resource.res' 'hpp_resource.rc'} {$R 'hpp_res_ver.res' 'hpp_res_ver.rc'} {$R 'hpp_opt_dialog.res' 'hpp_opt_dialog.rc'} uses Windows, SysUtils, CommCtrl, m_api, Forms, hpp_global in 'hpp_global.pas', hpp_contacts in 'hpp_contacts.pas', hpp_database in 'hpp_database.pas', hpp_events in 'hpp_events.pas', hpp_services in 'hpp_services.pas', hpp_itemprocess in 'hpp_itemprocess.pas', hpp_options in 'hpp_options.pas', hpp_messages in 'hpp_messages.pas', HistoryGrid in 'HistoryGrid.pas', VertSB in 'VertSB.pas', HistoryForm in 'HistoryForm.pas' {HistoryFrm}, EventDetailForm in 'EventDetailForm.pas' {EventDetailsFrm}, EmptyHistoryForm in 'EmptyHistoryForm.pas' {EmptyHistoryFrm}, GlobalSearch in 'GlobalSearch.pas' {fmGlobalSearch}, hpp_searchthread in 'hpp_searchthread.pas', hpp_bookmarks in 'hpp_bookmarks.pas', hpp_sessionsthread in 'hpp_sessionsthread.pas', hpp_arrays in 'hpp_arrays.pas', hpp_strparser in 'hpp_strparser.pas', hpp_forms in 'hpp_forms.pas', hpp_opt_dialog in 'hpp_opt_dialog.pas', hpp_eventfilters in 'hpp_eventfilters.pas', hpp_mescatcher in 'hpp_mescatcher.pas', CustomizeFiltersForm in 'CustomizeFiltersForm.pas' {fmCustomizeFilters}, CustomizeToolbar in 'CustomizeToolbar.pas' {fmCustomizeToolbar}, hpp_external in 'hpp_external.pas', hpp_externalgrid in 'hpp_externalgrid.pas', hpp_richedit in 'hpp_richedit.pas', hpp_olesmileys in 'hpp_olesmileys.pas', HistoryControls in 'HistoryControls.pas', Checksum in 'Checksum.pas', hpp_JclSysUtils in 'hpp_JclSysUtils.pas', hpp_puny in 'hpp_puny.pas'; type TMenuHandles = record Handle: THandle; Name: pWideChar; end; const miContact = 0; miSystem = 1; miSearch = 2; miEmpty = 3; miSysEmpty = 4; var MenuCount: Integer = -1; PrevShowHistoryCount: Boolean = False; MenuHandles: array[0..4] of TMenuHandles = ( (Handle:0; Name:'View &History'), (Handle:0; Name:'&System History'), (Handle:0; Name:'His&tory Search'), (Handle:0; Name:'&Empty History'), (Handle:0; Name:'&Empty System History')); const hLangpack:THANDLE = 0; var HookModulesLoad, HookOptInit, HookSettingsChanged, HookSmAddChanged, HookIconChanged, HookIcon2Changed, //hookContactChanged, HookContactDelete, HookFSChanged, HookTTBLoaded, HookBuildMenu, HookEventAdded, HookEventDeleted, HookMetaDefaultChanged, HookPreshutdown: THandle; function OnModulesLoad(awParam:WPARAM; alParam:LPARAM):int; cdecl; forward; function OnSettingsChanged(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; forward; function OnSmAddSettingsChanged(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; forward; function OnIconChanged(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; forward; function OnIcon2Changed(awParam: WPARAM; alParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; forward; function OnOptInit(awParam: WPARAM; alParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; forward; function OnContactChanged(wParam: wParam; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; forward; function OnContactDelete(wParam: wParam; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; forward; function OnFSChanged(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; forward; function OnTTBLoaded(awParam: WPARAM; alParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; forward; function OnBuildContactMenu(hContact: WPARAM; alParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; forward; function OnEventAdded(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; forward; function OnEventDeleted(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; forward; function OnMetaDefaultChanged(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; forward; function OnPreshutdown(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; forward; // tell Miranda about this plugin ExVersion function MirandaPluginInfoEx(mirandaVersion:DWORD): PPLUGININFOEX; cdecl; begin PluginInfo.cbSize:= SizeOf(TPLUGININFOEX); PluginInfo.shortName:= hppShortNameV; PluginInfo.version:= hppVersion; PluginInfo.description:= hppDescription; PluginInfo.author:= hppAuthor; PluginInfo.authorEmail:= hppAuthorEmail; PluginInfo.copyright:= hppCopyright; PluginInfo.homepage:= hppHomePageURL; PluginInfo.flags:= UNICODE_AWARE; PluginInfo.uuid:= MIID_HISTORYPP; Result := @PluginInfo; end; var PluginInterfaces: array[0..1] of TGUID; // tell Miranda about supported interfaces function MirandaPluginInterfaces:PMUUID; cdecl; begin PluginInterfaces[0]:=MIID_UIHISTORY; PluginInterfaces[1]:=MIID_LAST; Result := @PluginInterfaces; end; // load function called by miranda function Load():Integer; cdecl; begin Langpack_Register(); // Getting langpack codepage for ansi translation hppCodepage := Langpack_GetDefaultCodePage; if hppCodepage = CP_ACP then hppCodepage := GetACP(); // Checking the version of richedit is available, need 2.0+ hppRichEditVersion := InitRichEditLibrary; if hppRichEditVersion < 20 then begin hppMessagebox(hppMainWindow, FormatCString( // single line to translation script TranslateW ('History++ module could not be loaded, richedit 2.0+ module is missing.\nPress OK to continue loading Miranda.') ), hppName + ' Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION); Result := 1; exit; end; // init history functions later HookModulesLoad := HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, OnModulesLoad); HookOptInit := HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, OnOptInit); hppRegisterServices; {$IFNDEF NO_EXTERNALGRID} RegisterExtGridServices; {$ENDIF} hppRegisterMainWindow; Result := 0; end; // unload function Unload:Integer; cdecl; begin Result:=0; // unhook events UnhookEvent(hookOptInit); UnhookEvent(HookPreshutdown); UnhookEvent(HookModulesLoad); UnhookEvent(HookEventAdded); UnhookEvent(HookEventDeleted); UnhookEvent(HookSettingsChanged); UnhookEvent(HookIconChanged); UnhookEvent(HookContactDelete); UnhookEvent(HookBuildMenu); if SmileyAddEnabled then UnhookEvent(HookSmAddChanged); UnhookEvent(HookIcon2Changed); UnhookEvent(HookFSChanged); UnhookEvent(HookMetaDefaultChanged); try // destroy hidden main window hppUnregisterMainWindow; {$IFNDEF NO_EXTERNALGRID} UnregisterExtGridServices; {$ENDIF} // unregistering events hppUnregisterServices; // unregister bookmarks hppDeinitBookmarkServer; except on E: Exception do HppMessageBox(hppMainWindow, 'Error while closing '+hppName+':'+#10#13+E.Message, hppName+' Error',MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); end; end; // init plugin function OnModulesLoad(awParam{0}:WPARAM; alParam{0}:LPARAM):integer; cdecl; var menuItem:TCLISTMENUITEM; begin // register hppRegisterGridOptions; // pretranslate strings hppPrepareTranslation; LoadIcons; LoadIcons2; // TopToolBar support HookTTBLoaded := HookEvent(ME_TTB_MODULELOADED,OnTTBLoaded); hppInitBookmarkServer; InitEventFilters; ReadEventFilters; // create contact item in contact menu ZeroMemory(@menuitem,SizeOf(menuItem)); menuItem.flags := CMIF_UNICODE; menuItem.Position := 1000090000; menuItem.szName.w := MenuHandles[miContact].Name; menuItem.pszService := MS_HISTORY_SHOWCONTACTHISTORY; menuItem.hIcon := hppIcons[HPP_ICON_CONTACTHISTORY].handle; MenuHandles[miContact].Handle := Menu_AddContactMenuItem(@menuItem); //create empty item in contact menu menuItem.Position := 1000090001; menuItem.szName.w := MenuHandles[miEmpty].Name; menuItem.pszService := MS_HPP_EMPTYHISTORY; menuItem.hIcon := hppIcons[HPP_ICON_TOOL_DELETEALL].handle; MenuHandles[miEmpty].Handle := Menu_AddContactMenuItem(@menuItem); //create menu item in main menu for system history menuItem.Position:=500060000; menuItem.szName.w:=MenuHandles[miSystem].Name; menuItem.pszService := MS_HISTORY_SHOWCONTACTHISTORY; menuItem.hIcon := hppIcons[HPP_ICON_CONTACTHISTORY].handle; MenuHandles[miSystem].Handle := Menu_AddMainMenuItem(@menuitem); //create menu item in main menu for history search menuItem.Position:=500060001; menuItem.szName.w:=MenuHandles[miSearch].Name; menuItem.pszService := MS_HPP_SHOWGLOBALSEARCH; menuItem.hIcon := hppIcons[HPP_ICON_GLOBALSEARCH].handle; MenuHandles[miSearch].Handle := Menu_AddMainMenuItem(@menuItem); //create menu item in main menu for empty system history menuItem.Position:=500060002; menuItem.szName.w:=MenuHandles[miSysEmpty].Name; menuItem.pszService := MS_HPP_EMPTYHISTORY; menuItem.hIcon := hppIcons[HPP_ICON_TOOL_DELETEALL].handle; MenuHandles[miSysEmpty].Handle := Menu_AddMainMenuItem(@menuItem); LoadGridOptions; HookSettingsChanged := HookEvent(ME_DB_CONTACT_SETTINGCHANGED,OnSettingsChanged); HookIconChanged := HookEvent(ME_SKIN_ICONSCHANGED,OnIconChanged); HookContactDelete := HookEvent(ME_DB_CONTACT_DELETED,OnContactDelete); HookBuildMenu := HookEvent(ME_CLIST_PREBUILDCONTACTMENU,OnBuildContactMenu); HookEventAdded := HookEvent(ME_DB_EVENT_ADDED,OnEventAdded); HookEventDeleted := HookEvent(ME_DB_EVENT_DELETED,OnEventDeleted); HookPreshutdown := HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_PRESHUTDOWN,OnPreshutdown); if SmileyAddEnabled then HookSmAddChanged := HookEvent(ME_SMILEYADD_OPTIONSCHANGED,OnSmAddSettingsChanged); HookIcon2Changed := HookEvent(ME_SKIN2_ICONSCHANGED,OnIcon2Changed); HookFSChanged := HookEvent(ME_FONT_RELOAD,OnFSChanged); HookMetaDefaultChanged := HookEvent(ME_MC_DEFAULTTCHANGED,OnMetaDefaultChanged); // return successfully Result:=0; end; // Called when the toolbar services are available // wParam = lParam = 0 function OnTTBLoaded(awParam: WPARAM; alParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; var ttb: TTBButton; begin if Boolean(ServiceExists(MS_TTB_ADDBUTTON)) then begin ZeroMemory(@ttb,SizeOf(ttb)); ttb.cbSize := SizeOf(ttb); ttb.hIconUp := hppIcons[HPP_ICON_GLOBALSEARCH].handle; ttb.pszService := MS_HPP_SHOWGLOBALSEARCH; ttb.dwFlags := TTBBF_VISIBLE or TTBBF_SHOWTOOLTIP; ttb.name := 'Global History Search'; ttb.pszTooltipUp := ttb.name; CallService(MS_TTB_ADDBUTTON,WPARAM(@ttb), 0); UnhookEvent(HookTTBLoaded); end; Result := 0; end; // Called when setting in DB have changed // wParam = hContact, lParam = PDbContactWriteSetting function OnSettingsChanged(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; var cws: PDBContactWriteSetting; szProto: PAnsiChar; begin Result := 0; // Log('OnSettChanged','Started. wParam: '+IntToStr(wParam)+', lParam: '+IntToStr(lParam)); cws := PDBContactWriteSetting(lParam); if wParam = 0 then begin // check for own nick changed if (StrPos('Nick,yahoo_id', cws.szSetting) <> nil) then begin NotifyAllForms(HM_NOTF_NICKCHANGED, 0, 0) end else // check for history++ setings changed if StrComp(cws.szModule, hppDBName) = 0 then begin if GridOptions.Locked then exit; if StrComp(cws.szSetting, 'FormatCopy') = 0 then GridOptions.ClipCopyFormat := GetDBWideStr(hppDBName, 'FormatCopy', DEFFORMAT_CLIPCOPY) else if StrComp(cws.szSetting, 'FormatCopyText') = 0 then GridOptions.ClipCopyTextFormat := GetDBWideStr(hppDBName, 'FormatCopyText', DEFFORMAT_CLIPCOPYTEXT) else if StrComp(cws.szSetting, 'FormatReplyQuoted') = 0 then GridOptions.ReplyQuotedFormat := GetDBWideStr(hppDBName, 'FormatReplyQuoted', DEFFORMAT_REPLYQUOTED) else if StrComp(cws.szSetting, 'FormatReplyQuotedText') = 0 then GridOptions.ReplyQuotedTextFormat := GetDBWideStr(hppDBName, 'FormatReplyQuotedText', DEFFORMAT_REPLYQUOTEDTEXT) else if StrComp(cws.szSetting, 'FormatSelection') = 0 then GridOptions.SelectionFormat := GetDBWideStr(hppDBName, 'FormatSelection', DEFFORMAT_SELECTION) else if StrComp(cws.szSetting, 'ProfileName') = 0 then GridOptions.ProfileName := GetDBWideStr(hppDBName, 'ProfileName', '') else if StrComp(cws.szSetting, 'DateTimeFormat') = 0 then GridOptions.DateTimeFormat := GetDBWideStr(hppDBName, 'DateTimeFormat', DEFFORMAT_DATETIME); end; exit; end; szProto := Proto_GetProtoName(wParam); if (StrComp(cws.szModule, 'CList') <> 0) and ((szProto = nil) or (StrComp(cws.szModule, szProto) <> 0)) then exit; if (StrComp(cws.szModule, META_PROTO) = 0) and (StrComp(cws.szSetting, 'Nick') = 0) then exit; // check for contact nick changed if (StrPos('MyHandle,Nick', cws.szSetting) <> nil) then NotifyAllForms(HM_NOTF_NICKCHANGED, wParam, 0); end; // Called when smilayadd settings have changed //wParam = Contact handle which options have changed, NULL if global options changed //lParam = (LPARAM) 0; not used function OnSmAddSettingsChanged(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; begin Result := 0; if GridOptions.Locked then exit; LoadGridOptions; end; // Called when setting in FontService have changed // wParam = 0, lParam = 0 function OnFSChanged(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; begin Result := 0; if GridOptions.Locked then exit; LoadGridOptions; end; // Called when setting in DB have changed // wParam = hContact, lParam = PDbContactWriteSetting function OnContactChanged(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; begin Result := 0; if GridOptions.Locked then exit; LoadGridOptions; end; // Called when contact is deleted // wParam - hContact function OnContactDelete(wParam: wParam; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; begin Result := 0; NotifyAllForms(HM_MIEV_CONTACTDELETED,wParam,lParam); end; function OnOptInit(awParam: WPARAM; alParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; var odp: TOPTIONSDIALOGPAGE; begin ZeroMemory(@odp,SizeOf(odp)); odp.hInstance := hInstance; odp.pszTemplate := MakeIntResourceA(IDD_OPT_HISTORYPP); odp.szTitle.a := 'History'; odp.szGroup.a := nil; odp.pfnDlgProc := @OptDialogProc; odp.flags := ODPF_BOLDGROUPS; Options_AddPage(awParam,@odp); Result:=0; end; //sent when the icons DLL has been changed in the options dialog, and everyone //should re-make their image lists //wParam=lParam=0 function OnIconChanged(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; begin Result := 0; if not GridOptions.ShowIcons then exit; LoadIcons; NotifyAllForms(HM_NOTF_ICONSCHANGED,0,0); end; function OnIcon2Changed(awParam: WPARAM; alParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; begin Result := 0; LoadIcons2; NotifyAllForms(HM_NOTF_ICONS2CHANGED,0,0); //change menu icons Menu_ModifyItem(MenuHandles[miContact].Handle, nil, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_CONTACTHISTORY].handle); Menu_ModifyItem(MenuHandles[miSystem].Handle, nil, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_CONTACTHISTORY].handle); Menu_ModifyItem(MenuHandles[miSearch].Handle, nil, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_GLOBALSEARCH].handle); Menu_ModifyItem(MenuHandles[miEmpty].Handle, nil, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_TOOL_DELETEALL].handle); Menu_ModifyItem(MenuHandles[miSysEmpty].Handle, nil, hppIcons[HPP_ICON_TOOL_DELETEALL].handle); end; //the context menu for a contact is about to be built v0.1.0.1+ //wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hContact //lParam=0 //modules should use this to change menu items that are specific to the //contact that has them function OnBuildContactMenu(hContact: WPARAM; alParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; var hLast: THandle; count: Integer; text: PWideChar; begin Result := 0; count := db_event_count(hContact); hLast := db_event_last(hContact); if (PrevShowHistoryCount xor ShowHistoryCount) or (count <> MenuCount) then begin if hLast = 0 then Menu_ShowItem(MenuHandles[miEmpty].Handle, 0); if ShowHistoryCount then text := pWideChar(Format('%s [%u]',[TranslateW(MenuHandles[miContact].Name),count])) else if PrevShowHistoryCount then text := TranslateW(MenuHandles[miContact].Name) else text := nil; Menu_ModifyItem(MenuHandles[miContact].Handle, text, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0); MenuCount := count; PrevShowHistoryCount := ShowHistoryCount; end; end; //wParam : MCONTACT //lParam : HDBCONTACT //Called when a new event has been added to the event chain //for a contact, MCONTACT contains the contact who added the event, //HDBCONTACT a handle to what was added. function OnEventAdded(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; begin Result := 0; NotifyAllForms(HM_MIEV_EVENTADDED,wParam,lParam); end; //wParam : MCONTACT //lParam : HDBEVENT //Affect : Called when an event is about to be deleted from the event chain //for a contact, see notes function OnEventDeleted(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; begin Result := 0; NotifyAllForms(HM_MIEV_EVENTDELETED,wParam,lParam); end; //wParam : hMetaContact //lParam : hDefaultContact //Affect : Called when a metacontact's default contact changes function OnMetaDefaultChanged(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; begin Result := 0; NotifyAllForms(HM_MIEV_METADEFCHANGED,wParam,lParam); end; //wParam=0 //lParam=0 //This hook is fired just before the thread unwind stack is used, //it allows MT plugins to shutdown threads if they have any special //processing to do, etc. function OnPreshutdown(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; begin Result := 0; NotifyAllForms(HM_MIEV_PRESHUTDOWN,0,0); end; exports MirandaPluginInfoEx, MirandaPluginInterfaces, Load, Unload; begin DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hInstance); // decreasing ref count to oleaut32.dll as said // in plugins doc FreeLibrary(GetModuleHandle('oleaut32.dll')); // to use RTL on LTR systems SysLocale.MiddleEast := true; // shadow is back again... Forms.HintWindowClass := THppHintWindow; end.