(* History++ plugin for Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 theMIROn, 2003-2006 Art Fedorov. History+ parts (C) 2001 Christian Kastner This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- hpp_events (historypp project) Version: 1.5 Created: 05.08.2004 Author: Oxygen [ Description ] Some refactoring we have here, so now all event reading routines are here. By event reading I mean getting usefull info out of DB and translating it into human words, like reading different types of messages and such. [ History ] 1.5 (05.08.2004) First version [ Modifications ] none [ Known Issues ] none Contributors: theMIROn, Art Fedorov -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} unit hpp_events; interface {$I compilers.inc} uses Windows, SysUtils, m_api, hpp_global, hpp_contacts; type TTextFunction = procedure(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); TEventTableItem = record EventType: Word; MessageType: TMessageType; TextFunction: TTextFunction; end; PEventRecord = ^TEventRecord; TEventRecord = record Name: String; XML: AnsiString; i: SmallInt; iName: PAnsiChar; iSkin: SmallInt; end; const EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE = 25368; // from srmm's EVENTTYPE_SMTPSIMPLE = 2350; // from SMTP Simple EVENTTYPE_NICKNAMECHANGE = 9001; // from pescuma EVENTTYPE_STATUSMESSAGECHANGE = 9002; // from pescuma EVENTTYPE_AVATARCHANGE = 9003; // from pescuma EVENTTYPE_CONTACTLEFTCHANNEL = 9004; // from pescuma EVENTTYPE_VOICE_CALL = 8739; // from pescuma EventRecords: array[TMessageType] of TEventRecord = ( (Name:'Unknown'; XML:''; i:-1; iSkin:-1), (Name:'Incoming events'; XML:''; i:HPP_ICON_EVENT_INCOMING; iName:'hppevn_inc'; iSkin:-1), (Name:'Outgoing events'; XML:''; i:HPP_ICON_EVENT_OUTGOING; iName:'hppevn_out'; iSkin:-1), (Name:'Message'; XML:'MSG'; i:HPP_SKIN_EVENT_MESSAGE; iSkin: SKINICON_EVENT_MESSAGE), (Name:'Link'; XML:'URL'; i:HPP_SKIN_EVENT_URL; iSkin:SKINICON_EVENT_URL), (Name:'File transfer'; XML:'FILE'; i:HPP_SKIN_EVENT_FILE; iSkin:SKINICON_EVENT_FILE), (Name:'System message'; XML:'SYS'; i:HPP_ICON_EVENT_SYSTEM; iName:'hppevn_sys'; iSkin:-1), (Name:'Contacts'; XML:'ICQCNT'; i:HPP_ICON_EVENT_CONTACTS; iName:'hppevn_icqcnt'; iSkin:-1), (Name:'SMS message'; XML:'SMS'; i:HPP_ICON_EVENT_SMS; iName:'hppevn_sms'; iSkin:-1), (Name:'Webpager message'; XML:'ICQWP'; i:HPP_ICON_EVENT_WEBPAGER; iName:'hppevn_icqwp'; iSkin:-1), (Name:'EMail Express message'; XML:'ICQEX'; i:HPP_ICON_EVENT_EEXPRESS; iName:'hppevn_icqex'; iSkin:-1), (Name:'Status changes'; XML:'STATUSCNG'; i:HPP_ICON_EVENT_STATUS; iName:'hppevn_status'; iSkin:-1), (Name:'SMTP Simple Email'; XML:'SMTP'; i:HPP_ICON_EVENT_SMTPSIMPLE; iName:'hppevn_smtp'; iSkin:-1), (Name:'Other events (unknown)'; XML:'OTHER'; i:HPP_SKIN_OTHER_MIRANDA; iSkin:SKINICON_OTHER_MIRANDA), (Name:'Nick changes'; XML:'NICKCNG'; i:HPP_ICON_EVENT_NICK; iName:'hppevn_nick'; iSkin:-1), (Name:'Avatar changes'; XML:'AVACNG'; i:HPP_ICON_EVENT_AVATAR; iName:'hppevn_avatar'; iSkin:-1), (Name:'WATrack notify'; XML:'WATRACK'; i:HPP_ICON_EVENT_WATRACK; iName:'hppevn_watrack'; iSkin:-1), (Name:'Status message changes'; XML:'STATUSMSGCHG'; i:HPP_ICON_EVENT_STATUSMES; iName:'hppevn_statuschng'; iSkin:-1), (Name:'Voice call'; XML:'VCALL'; i:HPP_ICON_EVENT_VOICECALL; iName:'hppevn_vcall'; iSkin:-1), (Name:'Custom'; XML:''; i:-1; iSkin:-1) ); // General timstamp function function UnixTimeToDateTime(const UnixTime: DWord): TDateTime; function DateTimeToUnixTime(const DateTime: TDateTime): DWord; // Miranda timestamp to TDateTime function TimestampToDateTime(const Timestamp: DWord): TDateTime; function TimestampToString(const Timestamp: DWord): String; // general routine function ReadEvent(hDBEvent: THandle; UseCP: Cardinal = CP_ACP): THistoryItem; function GetEventInfo(hDBEvent: DWord): TDBEventInfo; function GetEventTimestamp(hDBEvent: THandle): DWord; function GetEventMessageType(hDBEvent: THandle): TMessageTypes; function GetEventDateTime(hDBEvent: THandle): TDateTime; function GetEventRecord(const Hi: THistoryItem): PEventRecord; function GetMessageType(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var EventIndex: Integer): TMessageTypes; // global routines function GetEventCoreText(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem): Boolean; function GetEventModuleText(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem): Boolean; // specific routines procedure GetEventTextForMessage(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForFile(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForUrl(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForAuthRequest(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForYouWereAdded(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForSms(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForContacts(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForWebPager(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForEmailExpress(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForStatusChange(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForAvatarChange(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForICQAuthGranted(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForICQAuthDenied(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForICQSelfRemove(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForICQFutureAuth(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForICQClientChange(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForICQCheckStatus(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForICQIgnoreCheckStatus(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForICQBroadcast(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForJabberChatStates(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextWATrackRequest(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextWATrackAnswer(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextWATrackError(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); procedure GetEventTextForOther(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); // service routines function TextHasUrls(var Text: String): Boolean; function Utf8ToWideChar(Dest: PWideChar; MaxDestChars: Integer; Source: PAnsiChar; SourceBytes: Integer; CodePage: Cardinal = CP_ACP): Integer; implementation uses hpp_options; {$include inc\m_music.inc} const // registered Jabber db event types (not public) JABBER_DB_EVENT_TYPE_CHATSTATES = 2000; // JS_DB_GETEVENTTEXT_CHATSTATES = '/GetEventText2000'; JABBER_DB_EVENT_CHATSTATES_GONE = 1; const // ICQ db events (didn't found anywhere) //auth //db event added to NULL contact //blob format is: //ASCIIZ text //DWORD uin //HANDLE hContact ICQEVENTTYPE_AUTH_GRANTED = 2004; //database event type ICQEVENTTYPE_AUTH_DENIED = 2005; //database event type ICQEVENTTYPE_SELF_REMOVE = 2007; //database event type ICQEVENTTYPE_FUTURE_AUTH = 2008; //database event type ICQEVENTTYPE_CLIENT_CHANGE = 2009; //database event type ICQEVENTTYPE_CHECK_STATUS = 2010; //database event type ICQEVENTTYPE_IGNORECHECK_STATUS = 2011;//database event type //broadcast from server //ASCIIZ text //ASCIIZ from name //ASCIIZ from e-mail ICQEVENTTYPE_BROADCAST = 2006; //database event type type TModuleEventRecord = record EventDesc: PDBEVENTTYPEDESCR; EventRecord: TEventRecord; end; // OXY: // Routines UnixTimeToDate and DateTimeToUnixTime are taken // from JclDateTime.pas // See JclDateTime.pas for copyright and license information // JclDateTime.pas is part of Project JEDI Code Library (JCL) // [http://www.delphi-jedi.org], [http://jcl.sourceforge.net] const // 1970-01-01T00:00:00 in TDateTime UnixTimeStart = 25569; SecondsPerDay = 60* 24 * 60; var EventTable: array[0..28] of TEventTableItem = ( // must be the first item in array for unknown events (EventType: MaxWord; MessageType: mtOther; TextFunction: GetEventTextForOther), // events definitions (EventType: EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE; MessageType: mtMessage; TextFunction: GetEventTextForMessage), (EventType: EVENTTYPE_FILE; MessageType: mtFile; TextFunction: GetEventTextForFile), (EventType: EVENTTYPE_URL; MessageType: mtUrl; TextFunction: GetEventTextForUrl), (EventType: EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST; MessageType: mtSystem; TextFunction: GetEventTextForAuthRequest), (EventType: EVENTTYPE_ADDED; MessageType: mtSystem; TextFunction: GetEventTextForYouWereAdded), (EventType: EVENTTYPE_CONTACTS; MessageType: mtContacts; TextFunction: GetEventTextForContacts), (EventType: EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE; MessageType: mtStatus; TextFunction: GetEventTextForStatusChange), (EventType: EVENTTYPE_SMTPSIMPLE; MessageType: mtSMTPSimple; TextFunction: GetEventTextForMessage), (EventType: ICQEVENTTYPE_SMS; MessageType: mtSMS; TextFunction: GetEventTextForSMS), (EventType: ICQEVENTTYPE_WEBPAGER; MessageType: mtWebPager; TextFunction: GetEventTextForWebPager), (EventType: ICQEVENTTYPE_EMAILEXPRESS; MessageType: mtEmailExpress; TextFunction: GetEventTextForEmailExpress), (EventType: EVENTTYPE_NICKNAMECHANGE; MessageType: mtNickChange; TextFunction: GetEventTextForMessage), (EventType: EVENTTYPE_STATUSMESSAGECHANGE; MessageType: mtStatusMessage; TextFunction: GetEventTextForMessage), (EventType: EVENTTYPE_AVATARCHANGE; MessageType: mtAvatarChange; TextFunction: GetEventTextForAvatarChange), (EventType: ICQEVENTTYPE_AUTH_GRANTED; MessageType: mtSystem; TextFunction: GetEventTextForICQAuthGranted), (EventType: ICQEVENTTYPE_AUTH_DENIED; MessageType: mtSystem; TextFunction: GetEventTextForICQAuthDenied), (EventType: ICQEVENTTYPE_SELF_REMOVE; MessageType: mtSystem; TextFunction: GetEventTextForICQSelfRemove), (EventType: ICQEVENTTYPE_FUTURE_AUTH; MessageType: mtSystem; TextFunction: GetEventTextForICQFutureAuth), (EventType: ICQEVENTTYPE_CLIENT_CHANGE; MessageType: mtSystem; TextFunction: GetEventTextForICQClientChange), (EventType: ICQEVENTTYPE_CHECK_STATUS; MessageType: mtSystem; TextFunction: GetEventTextForICQCheckStatus), (EventType: ICQEVENTTYPE_IGNORECHECK_STATUS; MessageType: mtSystem; TextFunction: GetEventTextForICQIgnoreCheckStatus), (EventType: ICQEVENTTYPE_BROADCAST; MessageType: mtSystem; TextFunction: GetEventTextForICQBroadcast), (EventType: JABBER_DB_EVENT_TYPE_CHATSTATES; MessageType: mtStatus; TextFunction: GetEventTextForJabberChatStates), (EventType: EVENTTYPE_CONTACTLEFTCHANNEL; MessageType: mtStatus; TextFunction: GetEventTextForMessage), (EventType: EVENTTYPE_WAT_REQUEST; MessageType: mtWATrack; TextFunction: GetEventTextWATrackRequest), (EventType: EVENTTYPE_WAT_ANSWER; MessageType: mtWATrack; TextFunction: GetEventTextWATrackAnswer), (EventType: EVENTTYPE_WAT_ERROR; MessageType: mtWATrack; TextFunction: GetEventTextWATrackError), (EventType: EVENTTYPE_VOICE_CALL; MessageType: mtVoiceCall; TextFunction: GetEventTextForMessage) ); var ModuleEventRecords: array of TModuleEventRecord; RecentEvent: THandle = 0; RecentEventInfo: TDBEventInfo; const SHRINK_ON_CALL = 50; SHRINK_TO_LEN = 512; var EventBuffer: THppBuffer; TextBuffer: THppBuffer; function UnixTimeToDateTime(const UnixTime: DWord): TDateTime; begin Result:= UnixTimeStart + (UnixTime / SecondsPerDay); end; function DateTimeToUnixTime(const DateTime: TDateTime): DWord; begin Result := Trunc((DateTime-UnixTimeStart) * SecondsPerDay); end; // Miranda timestamp to TDateTime function TimestampToDateTime(const Timestamp: DWord): TDateTime; begin Result := UnixTimeToDateTime(CallService(MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOLOCAL,WPARAM(Timestamp),0)); end; // should probably add function param to use // custom grid options object and not the global one function TimestampToString(const Timestamp: DWord): String; begin Result := FormatDateTime(GridOptions.DateTimeFormat,TimestampToDateTime(Timestamp)); end; function GetEventTimestamp(hDBEvent: THandle): DWord; begin if RecentEvent <> hDBEvent then begin ZeroMemory(@RecentEventInfo, SizeOf(RecentEventInfo)); RecentEventInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(RecentEventInfo); RecentEventInfo.cbBlob := 0; CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GET, hDBEvent, LPARAM(@RecentEventInfo)); RecentEvent := hDBEvent; end; Result := RecentEventInfo.timestamp; end; function GetEventMessageType(hDBEvent: THandle): TMessageTypes; var EventIndex: Integer; begin if RecentEvent <> hDBEvent then begin ZeroMemory(@RecentEventInfo, SizeOf(RecentEventInfo)); RecentEventInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(RecentEventInfo); RecentEventInfo.cbBlob := 0; CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GET, hDBEvent, LPARAM(@RecentEventInfo)); RecentEvent := hDBEvent; end; Result := GetMessageType(RecentEventInfo,EventIndex); end; function GetEventDateTime(hDBEvent: THandle): TDateTime; begin Result := TimestampToDateTime(GetEventTimestamp(hDBEvent)); end; function GetEventRecord(const Hi: THistoryItem): PEventRecord; var MesType: TMessageTypes; mt: TMessageType; etd: PDBEVENTTYPEDESCR; i,count: integer; begin MesType := Hi.MessageType; exclude(MesType, mtIncoming); exclude(MesType, mtOutgoing); exclude(MesType, mtOther); for mt := Low(EventRecords) to High(EventRecords) do begin if mt in MesType then begin Result := @EventRecords[mt]; exit; end; end; etd := Pointer(CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GETTYPE, WPARAM(PAnsiChar(Hi.Module)), LPARAM(Hi.EventType))); if etd = nil then begin Result := @EventRecords[mtOther]; exit; end; count := Length(ModuleEventRecords); for i := 0 to count - 1 do if ModuleEventRecords[i].EventDesc = etd then begin Result := @ModuleEventRecords[i].EventRecord; exit; end; SetLength(ModuleEventRecords, count + 1); ModuleEventRecords[count].EventDesc := etd; ModuleEventRecords[count].EventRecord := EventRecords[mtOther]; ModuleEventRecords[count].EventRecord.Name := AnsiToWideString(etd.descr, CP_ACP); Result := @ModuleEventRecords[count].EventRecord; end; function Utf8ToWideChar(Dest: PWideChar; MaxDestChars: Integer; Source: PAnsiChar; SourceBytes: Integer; CodePage: Cardinal = CP_ACP): Integer; const MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS = 8; var Src,SrcEnd: PAnsiChar; Dst,DstEnd: PWideChar; begin if (Source = nil) or (SourceBytes <= 0) then begin Result := 0; end else if (Dest = nil) or (MaxDestChars <= 0) then begin Result := -1; end else begin Src := Source; SrcEnd := Source + SourceBytes; Dst := Dest; DstEnd := Dst + MaxDestChars; while (PAnsiChar(Src) < PAnsiChar(SrcEnd)) and (Dst < DstEnd) do begin if (Byte(Src[0]) and $80) = 0 then begin Dst[0] := WideChar(Src[0]); Inc(Src); end else if (Byte(Src[0]) and $E0) = $E0 then begin if Src + 2 >= SrcEnd then break; if (Src[1] = #0) or ((Byte(Src[1]) and $C0) <> $80) then break; if (Src[2] = #0) or ((Byte(Src[2]) and $C0) <> $80) then break; Dst[0] := WideChar(((Byte(Src[0]) and $0F) shl 12) + ((Byte(Src[1]) and $3F) shl 6) + ((Byte(Src[2]) and $3F))); Inc(Src, 3); end else if (Byte(Src[0]) and $E0) = $C0 then begin if Src + 1 >= SrcEnd then break; if (Src[1] = #0) or ((Byte(Src[1]) and $C0) <> $80) then break; Dst[0] := WideChar(((Byte(Src[0]) and $1F) shl 6) + ((Byte(Src[1]) and $3F))); Inc(Src, 2); end else begin if MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, Src, 1, Dst, 1) = 0 then Dst[0] := '?'; Inc(Src); end; Inc(Dst); end; Dst[0] := #0; Inc(Dst); Result := Dst - Dest; end; end; function TextHasUrls(var Text: String): Boolean; var i,len,lenW: Integer; pText,pPos: PChar; begin Result := False; len := Length(Text); if len=0 then exit; pText := PChar(Text); for i := 0 to High(UrlPrefix) do begin pPos := StrPos(pText, PChar(UrlPrefix[i])); if not Assigned(pPos) then continue; Result := ((uint_ptr(pPos) = uint_ptr(pText)) or not IsWideCharAlphaNumeric((pPos - 1)^)) and IsWideCharAlphaNumeric((pPos + Length(UrlPrefix[i]))^); if Result then exit; end; if not Assigned(StrPos(PChar(Text),':/')) then exit; lenW := (len+1)*SizeOf(Char); TextBuffer.Lock; TextBuffer.Allocate(lenW); Move(Text[1],TextBuffer.Buffer^,lenW); CharLowerBuffW(PChar(TextBuffer.Buffer),len); for i := 0 to High(UrlProto) do begin pPos := StrPos(PChar(TextBuffer.Buffer), PChar(UrlProto[i].proto)); if not Assigned(pPos) then continue; Result := ((uint_ptr(pPos) = uint_ptr(TextBuffer.Buffer)) or not IsWideCharAlphaNumeric((pPos - 1)^)); if Result then break; end; TextBuffer.Unlock; end; function GetEventInfo(hDBEvent: DWord): TDBEventInfo; var BlobSize: integer; begin ZeroMemory(@Result, SizeOf(Result)); Result.cbSize := SizeOf(Result); BlobSize := CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GETBLOBSIZE, hDBEvent, 0); if BlobSize > 0 then begin EventBuffer.Allocate(BlobSize); Result.pBlob := EventBuffer.Buffer; end else BlobSize := 0; Result.cbBlob := BlobSize; if CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GET, hDBEvent, LPARAM(@Result)) = 0 then Result.cbBlob := BlobSize else Result.cbBlob := 0; end; function GetMessageType(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var EventIndex: Integer): TMessageTypes; var i: Integer; begin EventIndex := 0; for i := 1 to High(EventTable) do if EventTable[i].EventType = EventInfo.EventType then begin EventIndex := i; break; end; Result := [EventTable[EventIndex].MessageType]; if (EventInfo.flags and DBEF_SENT) = 0 then include(Result, mtIncoming) else include(Result, mtOutgoing); end; // reads event from hDbEvent handle // reads all THistoryItem fields // *EXCEPT* Proto field. Fill it manually, plz function ReadEvent(hDBEvent: THandle; UseCP: Cardinal = CP_ACP): THistoryItem; var EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; EventIndex: integer; Handled: Boolean; begin ZeroMemory(@Result,SizeOf(Result)); Result.Height := -1; EventBuffer.Lock; EventInfo := GetEventInfo(hDBEvent); try Result.Module := EventInfo.szModule; Result.proto := ''; Result.Time := EventInfo.Timestamp; Result.EventType := EventInfo.EventType; Result.IsRead := Boolean(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_READ); // enable autoRTL feature if Boolean(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_RTL) then Result.RTLMode := hppRTLEnable; Result.MessageType := GetMessageType(EventInfo, EventIndex); Result.CodePage := UseCP; // Handled := true; // if Handled then Handled := GetEventCoreText(EventInfo,Result); { if Handled then } Handled := GetEventModuleText(EventInfo, Result); if not Handled then EventTable[EventIndex].TextFunction(EventInfo, Result); Result.Text := AdjustLineBreaks(Result.Text); Result.Text := TrimRight(Result.Text); if mtMessage in Result.MessageType then if TextHasUrls(Result.Text) then begin exclude(Result.MessageType, mtMessage); include(Result.MessageType, mtUrl); end; finally EventBuffer.Unlock; end; end; procedure ReadStringTillZeroA(Text: PAnsiChar; Size: LongWord; var Result: AnsiString; var Pos: LongWord); begin while (Pos < Size) and ((Text+Pos)^ <> #0) do begin Result := Result + (Text+Pos)^; Inc(Pos); end; Inc(Pos); end; procedure ReadStringTillZeroW(Text: PChar; Size: LongWord; var Result: String; var Pos: LongWord); begin while (Pos < Size) and ((Text+Pos)^ <> #0) do begin Result := Result + (Text+Pos)^; Inc(Pos,SizeOf(Char)); end; Inc(Pos,SizeOf(Char)); end; function GetEventCoreText(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem): Boolean; var dbegt: TDBEVENTGETTEXT; msg: Pointer; begin Result := False; dbegt.dbei := @EventInfo; dbegt.datatype := DBVT_WCHAR; dbegt.codepage := hi.Codepage; msg := nil; try msg := Pointer(CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GETTEXT,0,LPARAM(@dbegt))); Result := Assigned(msg); except if Assigned(msg) then mir_free(msg); end; if Result then begin SetString(hi.Text,PChar(msg),StrLen(PChar(msg))); mir_free(msg); end; end; function GetEventModuleText(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem): Boolean; const maxServiceLength = 99; var dbegt: TDBEVENTGETTEXT; msg: Pointer; szServiceName: array[0..maxServiceLength] of AnsiChar; begin Result := False; dbegt.dbei := @EventInfo; dbegt.datatype := DBVT_WCHAR; dbegt.codepage := hi.Codepage; try StrLFmt(szServiceName,maxServiceLength,'%s/GetEventText%u',[EventInfo.szModule,EventInfo.eventType]); Result := Boolean(ServiceExists(szServiceName)); except end; if not Result then exit; msg := nil; try msg := Pointer(CallService(szServiceName,0,LPARAM(@dbegt))); Result := Assigned(msg); except if Assigned(msg) then mir_free(msg); end; if Result then begin SetString(hi.Text,PChar(msg),StrLen(PChar(msg))); mir_free(msg); end; end; procedure GetEventTextForMessage(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); var msgA: PAnsiChar; msgW: PChar; msglen,lenW: Cardinal; i: integer; begin msgA := PAnsiChar(EventInfo.pBlob); msgW := nil; msglen := lstrlenA(PAnsiChar(EventInfo.pBlob)) + 1; if msglen > Cardinal(EventInfo.cbBlob) then msglen := EventInfo.cbBlob; if Boolean(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_UTF) then begin SetLength(Hi.Text, msglen); lenW := Utf8ToWideChar(PChar(Hi.Text), msglen, msgA, msglen - 1, Hi.CodePage); if Integer(lenW) > 0 then SetLength(Hi.Text, lenW - 1) else Hi.Text := AnsiToWideString(msgA, Hi.CodePage, msglen - 1); end else begin lenW := 0; if Cardinal(EventInfo.cbBlob) >= msglen * SizeOf(Char) then begin msgW := PChar(msgA + msglen); for i := 0 to ((Cardinal(EventInfo.cbBlob) - msglen) div SizeOf(Char)) - 1 do if msgW[i] = #0 then begin lenW := i; break; end; end; if (lenW > 0) and (lenW < msglen) then SetString(Hi.Text, msgW, lenW) else Hi.Text := AnsiToWideString(msgA, Hi.CodePage, msglen - 1); end; end; procedure GetEventTextForUrl(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); var BytePos:LongWord; Url,Desc: AnsiString; cp: Cardinal; begin BytePos:=0; ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob),EventInfo.cbBlob,Url,BytePos); ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob),EventInfo.cbBlob,Desc,BytePos); if Boolean(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_UTF) then cp := CP_UTF8 else cp := Hi.CodePage; hi.Text := Format(TranslateW('URL: %s'),[AnsiToWideString(url+#13#10+desc,cp)]); hi.Extended := Url; end; procedure GetEventTextForFile(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); var BytePos: LongWord; FileName,Desc: AnsiString; cp: Cardinal; begin //blob is: sequenceid(DWORD),filename(ASCIIZ),description(ASCIIZ) BytePos := 4; ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob), EventInfo.cbBlob, FileName, BytePos); ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob), EventInfo.cbBlob, Desc, BytePos); if Boolean(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_SENT) then Hi.Text := 'Outgoing file transfer: %s' else Hi.Text := 'Incoming file transfer: %s'; if Boolean(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_UTF) then cp := CP_UTF8 else cp := Hi.CodePage; Hi.Text := Format(TranslateUnicodeString(Hi.Text), [AnsiToWideString(FileName + #13#10 + Desc, cp)]); Hi.Extended := FileName; end; procedure GetEventTextForAuthRequest(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); var BytePos: LongWord; uin:integer; hContact: THandle; Nick,Name,Email,Reason: AnsiString; NickW,ReasonW,ReasonUTF,ReasonACP: String; begin // blob is: uin(DWORD), hContact(THANDLE), nick(ASCIIZ), first(ASCIIZ), last(ASCIIZ), email(ASCIIZ) uin := PDWord(EventInfo.pBlob)^; hContact := PInt_ptr(int_ptr(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob)) + SizeOf(dword))^; BytePos := SizeOf(dword) + SizeOf(THandle); // !! // read nick ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob), EventInfo.cbBlob, Nick, BytePos); if Nick = '' then NickW := GetContactDisplayName(hContact, '', true) else NickW := AnsiToWideString(Nick, CP_ACP); // read first name ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob), EventInfo.cbBlob, Name, BytePos); Name := Name + ' '; // read last name ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob), EventInfo.cbBlob, Name, BytePos); Name := AnsiString(Trim(String(Name))); if Name <> '' then Name := Name + ', '; // read Email ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob), EventInfo.cbBlob, Email, BytePos); if Email <> '' then Email := Email + ', '; // read reason ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob), EventInfo.cbBlob, Reason, BytePos); ReasonUTF := AnsiToWideString(Reason, CP_UTF8); ReasonACP := AnsiToWideString(Reason, hppCodepage); if (Length(ReasonUTF) > 0) and (Length(ReasonUTF) < Length(ReasonACP)) then ReasonW := ReasonUTF else ReasonW := ReasonACP; Hi.Text := Format(TranslateW('Authorisation request by %s (%s%d): %s'), [NickW, AnsiToWideString(Name + Email, hppCodepage), uin, ReasonW]); end; procedure GetEventTextForYouWereAdded(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); var BytePos: LongWord; uin: integer; hContact:THandle; Nick,Name,Email: AnsiString; NickW: String; begin // blob is: uin(DWORD), hContact(THANDLE), nick(ASCIIZ), first(ASCIIZ), last(ASCIIZ), email(ASCIIZ) uin := PDWord(EventInfo.pBlob)^; hContact := PInt_ptr(int_ptr(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob)) + SizeOf(dword))^; BytePos := SizeOf(dword) + SizeOf(THandle); // !! // read nick ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob), EventInfo.cbBlob, Nick, BytePos); if Nick = '' then NickW := GetContactDisplayName(hContact, '', true) else NickW := AnsiToWideString(Nick, CP_ACP); // read first name ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob), EventInfo.cbBlob, Name, BytePos); Name := Name + ' '; // read last name ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob), EventInfo.cbBlob, Name, BytePos); Name := AnsiString(Trim(String(Name))); if Name <> '' then Name := Name + ', '; ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob), EventInfo.cbBlob, Email, BytePos); if Email <> '' then Email := Email + ', '; Hi.Text := Format(TranslateW('You were added by %s (%s%d)'), [NickW, AnsiToWideString(Name + Email, hppCodepage), uin]); end; procedure GetEventTextForSms(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); var cp: Cardinal; begin if Boolean(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_UTF) then cp := CP_UTF8 else cp := Hi.CodePage; Hi.Text := AnsiToWideString(PAnsiChar(EventInfo.pBlob), cp); end; procedure GetEventTextForContacts(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); var BytePos: LongWord; Contacts: AnsiString; cp: Cardinal; begin BytePos := 0; Contacts := ''; While BytePos < Cardinal(EventInfo.cbBlob) do begin Contacts := Contacts + #13#10; ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob), EventInfo.cbBlob, Contacts, BytePos); Contacts := Contacts + ' (ICQ: '; ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob), EventInfo.cbBlob, Contacts, BytePos); Contacts := Contacts + ')'; end; if Boolean(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_SENT) then Hi.Text := 'Outgoing contacts: %s' else Hi.Text := 'Incoming contacts: %s'; if Boolean(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_UTF) then cp := CP_UTF8 else cp := Hi.CodePage; hi.Text := Format(TranslateUnicodeString(hi.Text),[AnsiToWideString(Contacts,cp)]); end; procedure GetEventTextForWebPager(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); var BytePos: LongWord; Body,Name,Email: AnsiString; cp: Cardinal; begin BytePos := 0; ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob),EventInfo.cbBlob,Body,BytePos); ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob),EventInfo.cbBlob,Name,BytePos); ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob),EventInfo.cbBlob,Email,BytePos); if Boolean(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_UTF) then cp := CP_UTF8 else cp := hppCodepage; hi.Text := Format(TranslateW('Webpager message from %s (%s): %s'), [AnsiToWideString(Name,cp), AnsiToWideString(Email,cp), AnsiToWideString(#13#10+Body,cp)]); end; procedure GetEventTextForEmailExpress(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); var BytePos: LongWord; Body,Name,Email: AnsiString; cp: Cardinal; begin BytePos := 0; ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob),EventInfo.cbBlob,Body,BytePos); ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob),EventInfo.cbBlob,Name,BytePos); ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob),EventInfo.cbBlob,Email,BytePos); if Boolean(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_UTF) then cp := CP_UTF8 else cp := hppCodepage; Hi.Text := Format(TranslateW('Email express from %s (%s): %s'), [AnsiToWideString(Name, cp), AnsiToWideString(Email, cp), AnsiToWideString(#13#10 + Body, cp)]); end; procedure GetEventTextForStatusChange(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); var tmp: THistoryItem; begin tmp.Codepage := hppCodepage; GetEventTextForMessage(EventInfo,tmp); hi.Text := Format(TranslateW('Status change: %s'),[tmp.Text]); end; procedure GetEventTextForAvatarChange(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); var msgA: PAnsiChar; msgW: PWideChar; msglen,lenW: Cardinal; i: integer; begin msgA := PAnsiChar(EventInfo.pBlob); msgW := nil; msglen := lstrlenA(PAnsiChar(EventInfo.pBlob)) + 1; if msglen > Cardinal(EventInfo.cbBlob) then msglen := EventInfo.cbBlob; if Boolean(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_UTF) then begin SetLength(Hi.Text, msglen); lenW := Utf8ToWideChar(PWideChar(Hi.Text), msglen, msgA, msglen - 1, Hi.CodePage); if Integer(lenW) > 0 then SetLength(Hi.Text, lenW - 1) else Hi.Text := AnsiToWideString(msgA, Hi.CodePage, msglen - 1); end else begin lenW := 0; if Cardinal(EventInfo.cbBlob) >= msglen * SizeOf(WideChar) then begin msgW := PWideChar(msgA + msglen); for i := 0 to ((Cardinal(EventInfo.cbBlob) - msglen) div SizeOf(WideChar)) - 1 do if msgW[i] = #0 then begin lenW := i; break; end; end; if (lenW > 0) and (lenW < msglen) then SetString(Hi.Text, msgW, lenW) else Hi.Text := AnsiToWideString(msgA, Hi.CodePage, msglen - 1); msglen := msglen + (lenW + 1) * SizeOf(WideChar); end; if msglen < Cardinal(EventInfo.cbBlob) then begin msgA := msgA + msglen; if lstrlenA(msgA) > 0 then Hi.Extended := msgA; end; end; function GetEventTextForICQSystem(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; Template: String): String; var BytePos: LongWord; Body: AnsiString; uin: Integer; Name: WideString; cp: Cardinal; begin BytePos := 0; ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob), EventInfo.cbBlob, Body, BytePos); if Cardinal(EventInfo.cbBlob) < (BytePos + 4) then uin := 0 else uin := PDWord(PAnsiChar(EventInfo.pBlob) + BytePos)^; if Cardinal(EventInfo.cbBlob) < (BytePos + 8) then Name := TranslateW('''(Unknown Contact)''' { TRANSLATE-IGNORE } ) else Name := GetContactDisplayName(PDWord(PAnsiChar(EventInfo.pBlob) + BytePos + 4)^, '', true); if Boolean(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_UTF) then cp := CP_UTF8 else cp := hppCodepage; Result := Format(Template, [Name, uin, AnsiToWideString(#13#10 + Body, cp)]); end; procedure GetEventTextForICQAuthGranted(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); begin hi.Text := GetEventTextForICQSystem(EventInfo, TranslateW('Authorization request granted by %s (%d): %s')); end; procedure GetEventTextForICQAuthDenied(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); begin hi.Text := GetEventTextForICQSystem(EventInfo, TranslateW('Authorization request denied by %s (%d): %s')); end; procedure GetEventTextForICQSelfRemove(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); begin hi.Text := GetEventTextForICQSystem(EventInfo, TranslateW('User %s (%d) removed himself from your contact list: %s')); end; procedure GetEventTextForICQFutureAuth(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); begin hi.Text := GetEventTextForICQSystem(EventInfo, TranslateW('Authorization future request by %s (%d): %s')); end; procedure GetEventTextForICQClientChange(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); begin hi.Text := GetEventTextForICQSystem(EventInfo, TranslateW('User %s (%d) changed icq client: %s')); end; procedure GetEventTextForICQCheckStatus(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); begin hi.Text := GetEventTextForICQSystem(EventInfo, TranslateW('Status request by %s (%d):%s')); end; procedure GetEventTextForICQIgnoreCheckStatus(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); begin hi.Text := GetEventTextForICQSystem(EventInfo, TranslateW('Ignored status request by %s (%d):%s')); end; procedure GetEventTextForICQBroadcast(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); var BytePos: LongWord; Body,Name,Email: AnsiString; cp: Cardinal; begin BytePos := 0; ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob),EventInfo.cbBlob,Body,BytePos); ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob),EventInfo.cbBlob,Name,BytePos); ReadStringTillZeroA(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob),EventInfo.cbBlob,Email,BytePos); hi.Text := TranslateW('Broadcast message from %s (%s): %s'); if Boolean(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_UTF) then cp := CP_UTF8 else cp := hppCodepage; hi.Text := Format(hi.Text,[AnsiToWideString(Name,cp), AnsiToWideString(Email,cp), AnsiToWideString(#13#10+Body,cp)]); end; procedure GetEventTextForJabberChatStates(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); begin if EventInfo.cbBlob = 0 then exit; case PByte(EventInfo.pBlob)^ of JABBER_DB_EVENT_CHATSTATES_GONE: hi.Text := TranslateW('closed chat session'); end; end; procedure GetEventTextWATrackRequest(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); begin hi.Text := TranslateW('WATrack: information request'); end; procedure GetEventTextWATrackAnswer(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); var BytePos: LongWord; Artist,Title,Album,Template: String; begin BytePos := 0; ReadStringTillZeroW(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob),EventInfo.cbBlob,Artist,BytePos); ReadStringTillZeroW(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob),EventInfo.cbBlob,Title,BytePos); ReadStringTillZeroW(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob),EventInfo.cbBlob,Album,BytePos); ReadStringTillZeroW(Pointer(EventInfo.pBlob),EventInfo.cbBlob,Template,BytePos); if (Artist <> '') or (Title <> '') or (Album <> '') then begin if Template <> '' then Template := Template + #13#10; Template := Template + WideFormat (FormatCString(TranslateW('Artist: %s\r\nTitle: %s\r\nAlbum: %s')), [Artist, Title, Album]); end; hi.Text := Format(TranslateW('WATrack: %s'),[Template]); end; procedure GetEventTextWATrackError(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); begin hi.Text := TranslateW('WATrack: request denied'); end; procedure GetEventTextForOther(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; var Hi: THistoryItem); var cp: Cardinal; begin TextBuffer.Allocate(EventInfo.cbBlob+1); StrLCopy(TextBuffer.Buffer,PAnsiChar(EventInfo.pBlob),EventInfo.cbBlob); if Boolean(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_UTF) then cp := CP_UTF8 else cp := Hi.CodePage; hi.Text := AnsiToWideString(PAnsiChar(TextBuffer.Buffer),cp); end; initialization EventBuffer := THppBuffer.Create; TextBuffer := THppBuffer.Create; finalization EventBuffer.Destroy; TextBuffer.Destroy; SetLength(ModuleEventRecords,0); end.