(* History++ plugin for Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 theMIROn, 2003-2006 Art Fedorov. History+ parts (C) 2001 Christian Kastner This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- hpp_itemprocess (historypp project) Version: 1.5 Created: 05.08.2004 Author: Oxygen [ Description ] Module for people to help get aquanted with ME_HPP_RICHEDIT_ITEMPROCESS Has samples for SmileyAdd, TextFormat, Math Module and new procedure called SeparateDialogs. It makes message black if previous was hour ago, kinda of conversation separation [ History ] 1.5 (05.08.2004) First version [ Modifications ] none [ Known Issues ] none Contributors: theMIROn, Art Fedorov -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} unit hpp_itemprocess; interface uses Windows; var rtf_ctable_text: AnsiString; function DoSupportBBCodesHTML(const S: Utf8String): Utf8String; function DoSupportBBCodesRTF(const S: AnsiString; StartColor: integer; doColorBBCodes: boolean): AnsiString; function DoStripBBCodes(const S: String): String; function DoSupportSmileys(awParam:WPARAM; alParam: LPARAM): Integer; function DoSupportAvatarHistory(awParam:WPARAM; alParam: LPARAM): Integer; implementation uses Messages, SysUtils, StrUtils, m_api, hpp_global, hpp_richedit, hpp_events{, RichEdit -- used for CHARRANGE and EM_EXTSETSEL}; const EM_EXSETSEL = WM_USER + 55; // from RichEdit type TRTFColorTable = record sz: PAnsiChar; col: COLORREF; end; TBBCodeClass = (bbStart,bbEnd); TBBCodeType = (bbSimple, bbColor, bbSize, bbUrl, bbImage); TBBCodeString = record ansi: PAnsiChar; wide: String; end; TBBCodeInfo = record prefix: TBBCodeString; suffix: TBBCodeString; bbtype: TBBCodeType; rtf: PAnsiChar; html: PAnsiChar; end; const rtf_ctable: array[0..7] of TRTFColorTable = ( // BBGGRR (sz:'black'; col:$000000), (sz:'blue'; col:$FF0000), (sz:'green'; col:$00FF00), (sz:'red'; col:$0000FF), (sz:'magenta';col:$FF00FF), (sz:'cyan'; col:$FFFF00), (sz:'yellow'; col:$00FFFF), (sz:'white'; col:$FFFFFF)); const bbCodesCount = 7; var bbCodes: array[0..bbCodesCount,bbStart..bbEnd] of TBBCodeInfo = ( ((prefix:(ansi:'[b]'); suffix:(ansi:nil); bbtype:bbSimple; rtf:'{\b '; html:'<b>'), (prefix:(ansi:'[/b]'); suffix:(ansi:nil); bbtype:bbSimple; rtf:'}'; html:'</b>')), ((prefix:(ansi:'[i]'); suffix:(ansi:nil); bbtype:bbSimple; rtf:'{\i '; html:'<i>'), (prefix:(ansi:'[/i]'); suffix:(ansi:nil); bbtype:bbSimple; rtf:'}'; html:'</i>')), ((prefix:(ansi:'[u]'); suffix:(ansi:nil); bbtype:bbSimple; rtf:'{\ul '; html:'<u>'), (prefix:(ansi:'[/u]'); suffix:(ansi:nil); bbtype:bbSimple; rtf:'}'; html:'</u>')), ((prefix:(ansi:'[s]'); suffix:(ansi:nil); bbtype:bbSimple; rtf:'{\strike '; html:'<s>'), (prefix:(ansi:'[/s]'); suffix:(ansi:nil); bbtype:bbSimple; rtf:'}'; html:'</s>')), ((prefix:(ansi:'[color='); suffix:(ansi:']'); bbtype:bbColor; rtf:'{\cf%u '; html:'<font style="color:%s">'), (prefix:(ansi:'[/color]'); suffix:(ansi:nil); bbtype:bbSimple; rtf:'}'; html:'</font>')), ((prefix:(ansi:'[url='); suffix:(ansi:']'); bbtype:bbUrl; rtf:'{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ":%s"}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf%u'; html:'<a href="%s">'), (prefix:(ansi:'[/url]'); suffix:(ansi:nil); bbtype:bbSimple; rtf:'}}}'; html:'</a>')), ((prefix:(ansi:'[size='); suffix:(ansi:']'); bbtype:bbSize; rtf:'{\fs%u '; html:'<font style="font-size:%spt">'), (prefix:(ansi:'[/size]'); suffix:(ansi:nil); bbtype:bbSimple; rtf:'}'; html:'</font>')), ((prefix:(ansi:'[img]'); suffix:(ansi:nil); bbtype:bbImage; rtf:'[{\revised\ul\cf%u '; html:'['), (prefix:(ansi:'[/img]'); suffix:(ansi:nil); bbtype:bbSimple; rtf:'}]'; html:']')) ); const MAX_FMTBUF = 4095; var TextBuffer: THppBuffer; function GetColorRTF(const code: AnsiString; colcount: integer): integer; var i: integer; begin Result := 0; if colcount >= 0 then for i := 0 to High(rtf_ctable) do if rtf_ctable[i].sz = code then begin Result := colcount + i; break; end; end; function StrReplace(strStart, str, strEnd: PAnsiChar; var strTrail: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; var len,delta: integer; tmpStartPos,tmpEndPos,tmpTrailPos: Integer; tmpStart,tmpEnd,tmpTrail: PAnsiChar; begin if str = nil then len := 0 else len := StrLen(str); delta := len - (strTrail - strStart); tmpStartPos := strStart - TextBuffer.Buffer; tmpTrailPos := strTrail - TextBuffer.Buffer; tmpEndPos := strEnd - TextBuffer.Buffer; TextBuffer.Reallocate(tmpEndPos + delta + 1); tmpStart := PAnsiChar(TextBuffer.Buffer) + tmpStartPos; tmpTrail := PAnsiChar(TextBuffer.Buffer) + tmpTrailPos; tmpEnd := PAnsiChar(TextBuffer.Buffer) + tmpEndPos; strTrail := tmpTrail + delta; StrMove(strTrail, tmpTrail, tmpEnd - tmpTrail + 1); if len > 0 then StrMove(tmpStart, str, len); Result := tmpEnd + delta; end; function StrAppend(str, strEnd: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; var len: integer; tmpEndPos: integer; tmpEnd: PAnsiChar; begin if str = nil then begin Result := strEnd; exit; end; len := StrLen(str); tmpEndPos := strEnd - TextBuffer.Buffer; TextBuffer.Reallocate(tmpEndPos + len + 1); tmpEnd := PAnsiChar(TextBuffer.Buffer) + tmpEndPos; StrMove(tmpEnd, str, len + 1); Result := tmpEnd + len; end; function StrSearch(str,prefix,suffix: PAnsiChar; var strStart,strEnd,strCode: PAnsiChar; var lenCode: integer): Boolean; begin Result := false; strStart := StrPos(str, prefix); if strStart = nil then exit; strCode := strStart + StrLen(prefix); if suffix = nil then begin lenCode := 0; strEnd := strCode end else begin strEnd := StrPos(strCode, suffix); if strEnd = nil then exit; lenCode := strEnd - strCode; strEnd := strEnd + StrLen(suffix); end; Result := true; end; (* commented out fo future use function ParseLinksInRTF(S: AnsiString): AnsiString; const urlStopChars = [' ','{','}','\','[',']']; url41fmt = '{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "%s"}}{\fldrslt{{\v #}\ul\cf1 %0:s}}}'; var bufPos,bufEnd: PAnsiChar; urlStart,urlEnd: PAnsiChar; newCode: PAnsiChar; fmt_buffer: array[0..MAX_FMTBUF] of AnsiChar; code: AnsiString; begin ShrinkTextBuffer; AllocateTextBuffer(Length(S)+1); bufEnd := StrECopy(buffer,PAnsiChar(S)); bufPos := StrPos(buffer,'://'); while Assigned(bufPos) do begin urlStart := bufPos; urlEnd := bufPos+3; while urlStart > buffer do begin Dec(urlStart); if urlStart[0] in urlStopChars then begin Inc(urlStart); break; end; end; while urlEnd < bufEnd do begin Inc(UrlEnd); if urlEnd[0] in urlStopChars then break; end; if (urlStart<bufPos) and (urlEnd>bufPos+3) then begin SetString(code,urlStart,urlEnd-urlStart); newCode := StrLFmt(fmt_buffer,MAX_FMTBUF,url41fmt,[code]); bufEnd := StrReplace(urlStart,newCode,bufEnd,urlEnd); bufPos := urlEnd; end; bufPos := StrPos(bufPos,'://'); end; SetString(Result,buffer,bufEnd-buffer); end; *) function DoSupportBBCodesRTF(const S: AnsiString; StartColor: integer; doColorBBCodes: boolean): AnsiString; var bufPos,bufEnd: PAnsiChar; strStart,strTrail: PAnsiChar; strCode,newCode: PAnsiChar; i,n,lenCode: Integer; sfound,efound: Boolean; fmt_buffer: array[0..MAX_FMTBUF] of AnsiChar; code: AnsiString; begin TextBuffer.Lock; TextBuffer.Allocate(Length(S)+1); bufEnd := StrECopy(TextBuffer.Buffer,PAnsiChar(S)); for i := 0 to High(bbCodes) do begin bufPos := TextBuffer.Buffer; repeat newCode := nil; sfound := StrSearch(TextBuffer.Buffer, bbCodes[i, bbStart].prefix.ansi, bbCodes[i, bbStart].suffix.ansi, strStart, strTrail, strCode, lenCode); if sfound then begin case bbCodes[i, bbStart].bbtype of bbSimple: newCode := bbCodes[i, bbStart].rtf; bbColor: begin if doColorBBCodes then begin SetString(code, strCode, lenCode); n := GetColorRTF(code, StartColor); newCode := StrLFmt(fmt_buffer, MAX_FMTBUF, bbCodes[i, bbStart].rtf, [n]); end; end; bbSize: begin SetString(code, strCode, lenCode); if TryStrToInt(String(code), n) then newCode := StrLFmt(fmt_buffer, MAX_FMTBUF, bbCodes[i, bbStart].rtf, [n shl 1]); end; bbUrl: begin SetString(code, strCode, lenCode); if doColorBBCodes then n := 2 else // link color n := 0; newCode := StrLFmt(fmt_buffer, MAX_FMTBUF, bbCodes[i, bbStart].rtf, [PAnsiChar(code), n]); end; bbImage: begin if doColorBBCodes then n := 2 else // link color n := 0; newCode := StrLFmt(fmt_buffer, MAX_FMTBUF, bbCodes[i, bbStart].rtf, [n]); end; end; bufEnd := StrReplace(strStart, newCode, bufEnd, strTrail); bufPos := strTrail; end; repeat efound := StrSearch(bufPos, bbCodes[i, bbEnd].prefix.ansi, bbCodes[i, bbEnd].suffix.ansi, strStart, strTrail, strCode, lenCode); if sfound and (newCode <> nil) then strCode := bbCodes[i, bbEnd].rtf else strCode := nil; if efound then begin bufEnd := StrReplace(strStart, strCode, bufEnd, strTrail); bufPos := strTrail; end else bufEnd := StrAppend(strCode, bufEnd); until sfound or not efound; until not sfound; end; SetString(Result, PAnsiChar(TextBuffer.Buffer), bufEnd - TextBuffer.Buffer); TextBuffer.Unlock; end; function DoSupportBBCodesHTML(const S: Utf8String): Utf8String; var bufPos,bufEnd: PAnsiChar; strStart,strTrail,strCode: PAnsiChar; i,lenCode: Integer; sfound,efound: Boolean; fmt_buffer: array[0..MAX_FMTBUF] of AnsiChar; code: AnsiString; begin TextBuffer.Lock; TextBuffer.Allocate(Length(S) + 1); bufEnd := StrECopy(TextBuffer.Buffer, PAnsiChar(S)); for i := 0 to High(bbCodes) do begin bufPos := TextBuffer.Buffer; repeat sfound := StrSearch(TextBuffer.Buffer, bbCodes[i, bbStart].prefix.ansi, bbCodes[i, bbStart].suffix.ansi, strStart, strTrail, strCode, lenCode); if sfound then begin if bbCodes[i, bbStart].bbtype = bbSimple then strCode := bbCodes[i, bbStart].html else begin SetString(code, strCode, lenCode); strCode := StrLFmt(fmt_buffer, MAX_FMTBUF, bbCodes[i, bbStart].html, [PAnsiChar(code)]); end; bufEnd := StrReplace(strStart, strCode, bufEnd, strTrail); bufPos := strTrail; end; repeat efound := StrSearch(bufPos, bbCodes[i, bbEnd].prefix.ansi, bbCodes[i, bbEnd].suffix.ansi, strStart, strTrail, strCode, lenCode); if sfound then strCode := bbCodes[i, bbEnd].html else strCode := nil; if efound then begin bufEnd := StrReplace(strStart, strCode, bufEnd, strTrail); bufPos := strTrail; end else bufEnd := StrAppend(strCode, bufEnd); until sfound or not efound; until not sfound; end; SetString(Result,PAnsiChar(TextBuffer.Buffer),bufEnd-TextBuffer.Buffer); TextBuffer.Unlock; end; function DoStripBBCodes(const S: String): String; var WideStream: String; i,spos,epos,cpos,slen: integer; trail: String; bbClass: TBBCodeClass; begin WideStream := S; for i := 0 to High(bbCodes) do for bbClass := bbStart to bbEnd do begin if bbCodes[i, bbClass].bbtype = bbSimple then WideStream := StringReplace(WideStream, bbCodes[i, bbClass].prefix.wide, '', [rfReplaceAll]) else repeat spos := Pos(bbCodes[i, bbClass].prefix.wide, WideStream); epos := 0; if spos > 0 then begin cpos := spos + Length(bbCodes[i, bbClass].prefix.wide); slen := Length(bbCodes[i, bbClass].suffix.wide); if slen = 0 then epos := cpos else epos := PosEx(bbCodes[i, bbClass].suffix.wide, WideStream, cpos); if epos > 0 then begin cpos := epos + slen; trail := Copy(WideStream, cpos, Length(WideStream) - cpos + 1); SetLength(WideStream, spos - 1); WideStream := WideStream + trail; end; end; until (spos = 0) or (epos = 0); end; Result := WideStream; end; function DoSupportSmileys(awParam{hRichEdit}:WPARAM; alParam{PItemRenderDetails}: LPARAM): Integer; const mesSent: Array[False..True] of Integer = (0,SAFLRE_OUTGOING); var sare: TSMADD_RICHEDIT3; ird: PItemRenderDetails; begin ird := Pointer(alParam); sare.cbSize := SizeOf(sare); sare.hwndRichEditControl := awParam; sare.rangeToReplace := nil; sare.ProtocolName := ird^.pProto; //sare.flags := SAFLRE_INSERTEMF + mesSent[ird^.IsEventSent]; sare.flags := mesSent[ird^.IsEventSent] or SAFLRE_FIREVIEW; sare.disableRedraw := True; sare.hContact := ird^.hContact; CallService(MS_SMILEYADD_REPLACESMILEYS,0,LPARAM(@sare)); Result := 0; end; function DoSupportAvatarHistory(awParam:WPARAM; alParam: LPARAM): int; const crlf: AnsiString = '{\rtf1{\line }}'; var ird: PItemRenderDetails; Link: AnsiString; hBmp: hBitmap; cr: CHARRANGE; hppProfileDir:AnsiString; begin Result := 0; ird := Pointer(alParam); if ird.wEventType <> EVENTTYPE_AVATARCHANGE then exit; if (ird.pExtended = nil) or (lstrlenA(ird.pExtended) < 4) then exit; if ((ird.pExtended[0] = '\') and (ird.pExtended[1] = '\')) or ((ird.pExtended[0] in ['A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z']) and (ird.pExtended[1] = ':') and (ird.pExtended[2] = '\')) then Link := ird.pExtended else begin // Get profile dir SetLength(hppProfileDir, MAX_PATH); Profile_GetPathA(MAX_PATH, @hppProfileDir[1]); SetLength(hppProfileDir, StrLen(pAnsiChar(@hppProfileDir[1]))); Link := AnsiString(hppProfileDir) + '\' + ird.pExtended; //!! end; hBmp := CallService(MS_UTILS_LOADBITMAP, 0, LPARAM(@Link[1])); if hBmp <> 0 then begin cr.cpMin := SendMessage(awParam, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0); cr.cpMax := cr.cpMin; SendMessage(awParam, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, LPARAM(@cr)); SetRichRTF(awParam, crlf, true, false, true); RichEdit_InsertBitmap(awParam, hBmp, Cardinal(-1)); end; end; procedure Filltables; var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to High(rtf_ctable) do begin rtf_ctable_text := rtf_ctable_text + AnsiString(format('\red%d\green%d\blue%d;', [rtf_ctable[i].col and $FF, (rtf_ctable[i].col shr 8) and $FF, (rtf_ctable[i].col shr 16) and $FF])); end; for i := 0 to High(bbCodes) do begin bbCodes[i, bbStart].prefix.wide := String(bbCodes[i, bbStart].prefix.ansi); bbCodes[i, bbStart].suffix.wide := String(bbCodes[i, bbStart].suffix.ansi); bbCodes[i, bbEnd ].prefix.wide := String(bbCodes[i, bbEnd ].prefix.ansi); bbCodes[i, bbEnd ].suffix.wide := String(bbCodes[i, bbEnd ].suffix.ansi); end; end; initialization rtf_ctable_text := ''; FillTables; TextBuffer := THppBuffer.Create; finalization TextBuffer.Destroy; end.