(* History++ plugin for Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 theMIROn, 2003-2006 Art Fedorov. History+ parts (C) 2001 Christian Kastner This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- hpp_options (historypp project) Version: 1.0 Created: 31.03.2003 Author: Oxygen [ Description ] Options module which has one global options variable and manages all options throu all history windows [ History ] 1.0 (31.03.2003) - Initial version [ Modifications ] [ Knows Inssues ] None Contributors: theMIROn, Art Fedorov -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} unit hpp_options; interface uses Graphics, SysUtils, Windows, Dialogs, m_api, HistoryGrid, hpp_global, hpp_contacts, hpp_events, hpp_mescatcher; type ThppIntIconsRec = record Handle: hIcon; case boolean of true: (name: PAnsiChar); false: (id: SmallInt); end; ThppIconsRec = record name: PAnsiChar; desc: PAnsiChar; group: PAnsiChar; i: shortint; end; ThppFontType = set of (hppFont, hppColor); ThppFontsRec = record _type: ThppFontType; name: PAnsiChar; nameColor: PAnsiChar; Mes: TMessageTypes; style: byte; size: Integer; color: TColor; back: TColor; end; TSaveFilter = record Index: Integer; Filter: String; DefaultExt: String; Owned: TSaveFormats; OwnedIndex: Integer; end; const DEFFORMAT_CLIPCOPY = '%nick%, %smart_datetime%:\n%mes%\n'; DEFFORMAT_CLIPCOPYTEXT = '%mes%\n'; DEFFORMAT_REPLYQUOTED = '%nick%, %smart_datetime%:\n%quot_mes%\n'; DEFFORMAT_REPLYQUOTEDTEXT = '%quot_selmes%\n'; DEFFORMAT_SELECTION = '%selmes%\n'; DEFFORMAT_DATETIME = 'c'; // ShortDateFormat + LongTimeFormat hppIconsDefs : array[0..33] of ThppIconsRec = ( (name:'historypp_01'; desc:'Contact history'; group: nil; i:HPP_ICON_CONTACTHISTORY), (name:'historypp_02'; desc:'History search'; group: nil; i:HPP_ICON_GLOBALSEARCH), (name:'historypp_03'; desc:'Conversation divider'; group: 'Conversations'; i:HPP_ICON_SESS_DIVIDER), (name:'historypp_04'; desc:'Conversation icon'; group: 'Conversations'; i:HPP_ICON_SESSION), (name:'historypp_05'; desc:'Conversation summer'; group: 'Conversations'; i:HPP_ICON_SESS_SUMMER), (name:'historypp_06'; desc:'Conversation autumn'; group: 'Conversations'; i:HPP_ICON_SESS_AUTUMN), (name:'historypp_07'; desc:'Conversation winter'; group: 'Conversations'; i:HPP_ICON_SESS_WINTER), (name:'historypp_08'; desc:'Conversation spring'; group: 'Conversations'; i:HPP_ICON_SESS_SPRING), (name:'historypp_09'; desc:'Conversation year'; group: 'Conversations'; i:HPP_ICON_SESS_YEAR), (name:'historypp_10'; desc:'Filter'; group: 'Toolbar'; i:HPP_ICON_HOTFILTER), (name:'historypp_11'; desc:'In-place filter wait'; group: 'Search panel'; i:HPP_ICON_HOTFILTERWAIT), (name:'historypp_12'; desc:'Search All Results'; group: nil; i:HPP_ICON_SEARCH_ALLRESULTS), (name:'historypp_13'; desc:'Save All'; group: 'Toolbar'; i:HPP_ICON_TOOL_SAVEALL), (name:'historypp_14'; desc:'Search'; group: 'Toolbar'; i:HPP_ICON_HOTSEARCH), (name:'historypp_15'; desc:'Search Up'; group: 'Search panel'; i:HPP_ICON_SEARCHUP), (name:'historypp_16'; desc:'Search Down'; group: 'Search panel'; i:HPP_ICON_SEARCHDOWN), (name:'historypp_17'; desc:'Delete All'; group: 'Toolbar'; i:HPP_ICON_TOOL_DELETEALL), (name:'historypp_18'; desc:'Delete'; group: 'Toolbar'; i:HPP_ICON_TOOL_DELETE), (name:'historypp_19'; desc:'Conversations'; group: 'Toolbar'; i:HPP_ICON_TOOL_SESSIONS), (name:'historypp_20'; desc:'Save'; group: 'Toolbar'; i:HPP_ICON_TOOL_SAVE), (name:'historypp_21'; desc:'Copy'; group: 'Toolbar'; i:HPP_ICON_TOOL_COPY), (name:'historypp_22'; desc:'End of page'; group: 'Search panel'; i:HPP_ICON_SEARCH_ENDOFPAGE), (name:'historypp_23'; desc:'Phrase not found'; group: 'Search panel'; i:HPP_ICON_SEARCH_NOTFOUND), (name:'historypp_24'; desc:'Clear in-place filter'; group: 'Search panel'; i:HPP_ICON_HOTFILTERCLEAR), (name:'historypp_25'; desc:'Conversation hide'; group: 'Conversations'; i:HPP_ICON_SESS_HIDE), (name:'historypp_26'; desc:'Drop down arrow'; group: 'Toolbar'; i:HPP_ICON_DROPDOWNARROW), (name:'historypp_27'; desc:'User Details'; group: 'Toolbar'; i:HPP_ICON_CONTACDETAILS), (name:'historypp_28'; desc:'User Menu'; group: 'Toolbar'; i:HPP_ICON_CONTACTMENU), (name:'historypp_29'; desc:'Bookmarks'; group: 'Toolbar'; i:HPP_ICON_BOOKMARK), (name:'historypp_30'; desc:'Bookmark enabled'; group: nil; i:HPP_ICON_BOOKMARK_ON), (name:'historypp_31'; desc:'Bookmark disabled'; group: nil; i:HPP_ICON_BOOKMARK_OFF), (name:'historypp_32'; desc:'Advanced Search Options'; group: 'Toolbar'; i:HPP_ICON_SEARCHADVANCED), (name:'historypp_33'; desc:'Limit Search Range'; group: 'Toolbar'; i:HPP_ICON_SEARCHRANGE), (name:'historypp_34'; desc:'Search Protected Contacts'; group: 'Toolbar'; i:HPP_ICON_SEARCHPROTECTED) ); hppFontItems: array[0..29] of ThppFontsRec = ( (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Incoming nick'; nameColor: 'Divider'; Mes: []; style:DBFONTF_BOLD; size: -11; color: $6B3FC8; back: clGray), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Outgoing nick'; nameColor: 'Selected text'; Mes: []; style:DBFONTF_BOLD; size: -11; color: $BD6008; back: clHighlightText), (_type:[hppColor]; nameColor: 'Selected background'; Mes: []; back: clHighlight), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Incoming message'; Mes: [mtMessage,mtIncoming]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $DBDBDB), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Outgoing message'; Mes: [mtMessage,mtOutgoing]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $EEEEEE), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Incoming file'; Mes: [mtFile,mtIncoming]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $9BEEE3), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Outgoing file'; Mes: [mtFile,mtOutgoing]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $9BEEE3), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Incoming url'; Mes: [mtUrl,mtIncoming]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $F4D9CC), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Outgoing url'; Mes: [mtUrl,mtOutgoing]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $F4D9CC), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Incoming SMS Message'; Mes: [mtSMS,mtIncoming]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $CFF4FE), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Outgoing SMS Message'; Mes: [mtSMS,mtOutgoing]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $CFF4FE), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Incoming contacts'; Mes: [mtContacts,mtIncoming]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $FEF4CF), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Outgoing contacts'; Mes: [mtContacts,mtOutgoing]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $FEF4CF), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'System message'; Mes: [mtSystem,mtIncoming,mtOutgoing]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $CFFEDC), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Status changes'; Mes: [mtStatus,mtIncoming,mtOutgoing]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $F0F0F0), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'SMTP Simple Email'; Mes: [mtSMTPSimple,mtIncoming,mtOutgoing]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $FFFFFF), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Other events (unknown)'; Mes: [mtOther,mtIncoming,mtOutgoing]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $FFFFFF), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Conversation header'; Mes: []; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $00D7FDFF), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Nick changes'; Mes: [mtNickChange,mtIncoming,mtOutgoing]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $00D7FDFF), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Avatar changes'; Mes: [mtAvatarChange,mtIncoming,mtOutgoing]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $00D7FDFF), (_type:[hppFont]; name: 'Incoming timestamp'; Mes: []; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000), (_type:[hppFont]; name: 'Outgoing timestamp'; Mes: []; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Grid messages'; nameColor: 'Grid background'; Mes: []; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $E9EAEB), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Incoming WATrack notify'; Mes: [mtWATrack,mtIncoming]; style:0; size: -11; color: $C08000; back: $C8FFFF), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Outgoing WATrack notify'; Mes: [mtWATrack,mtOutgoing]; style:0; size: -11; color: $C08000; back: $C8FFFF), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Status message changes'; Mes: [mtStatusMessage,mtIncoming,mtOutgoing]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $F0F0F0), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Voice calls'; Mes: [mtVoiceCall,mtIncoming,mtOutgoing]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $E9DFAB), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'Webpager message'; Mes: [mtWebPager,mtIncoming,mtOutgoing]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $FFFFFF), (_type:[hppFont,hppColor]; name: 'EMail Express message'; Mes: [mtEmailExpress,mtIncoming,mtOutgoing]; style:0; size: -11; color: $000000; back: $FFFFFF), (_type:[hppColor]; nameColor: 'Link'; Mes: []; back: clBlue) ); SaveFormatsDef: array[TSaveFormat] of TSaveFilter = ( (Index: -1; Filter:'All files'; DefaultExt:'*.*'; Owned:[]; OwnedIndex: -1), (Index: 1; Filter:'HTML file'; DefaultExt:'*.html'; Owned:[]; OwnedIndex: -1), (Index: 2; Filter:'XML file'; DefaultExt:'*.xml'; Owned:[]; OwnedIndex: -1), (Index: 3; Filter:'RTF file'; DefaultExt:'*.rtf'; Owned:[]; OwnedIndex: -1), (Index: 4; Filter:'mContacts files'; DefaultExt:'*.dat'; Owned:[]; OwnedIndex: -1), (Index: 5; Filter:'Unicode text file'; DefaultExt:'*.txt'; Owned:[sfUnicode,sfText]; OwnedIndex: 1), (Index: 6; Filter:'Text file'; DefaultExt:'*.txt'; Owned:[sfUnicode,sfText]; OwnedIndex: 2)); var hppIntIcons: array[0..0] of ThppIntIconsRec = ( (handle: 0; name:'z_password_protect') ); var GridOptions: TGridOptions; SmileyAddEnabled: Boolean; MathModuleEnabled: Boolean; MetaContactsEnabled: Boolean; MetaContactsProto: AnsiString; MeSpeakEnabled: Boolean; ShowHistoryCount: Boolean; hppIcons: array of ThppIntIconsRec; skinIcons: array of ThppIntIconsRec; SaveFormats: array[TSaveFormat] of TSaveFilter; procedure LoadGridOptions; procedure SaveGridOptions; procedure LoadIcons; procedure LoadIcons2; procedure LoadIntIcons; procedure OnShowIcons; procedure OnTextFormatting(Value: Boolean); procedure hppRegisterGridOptions; procedure hppPrepareTranslation; procedure PrepareSaveDialog(SaveDialog: TSaveDialog; SaveFormat: TSaveFormat; AllFormats: Boolean = False); implementation uses hpp_database, ShellAPI; {$include inc\m_mathmodule.inc} {$include inc\m_speak.inc} procedure RegisterFont(Name:PAnsiChar; Order:integer; const defFont:TFontSettings); var fid: TFontID; begin fid.cbSize := sizeof(fid); fid.group := hppName; fid.dbSettingsGroup := hppDBName; fid.flags := FIDF_DEFAULTVALID+FIDF_ALLOWEFFECTS; fid.order := Order; lstrcpya(fid.name,Name); lstrcpya(fid.prefix,PAnsiChar(AnsiString('Font')+AnsiString(intToStr(Order)))); fid.deffontsettings := defFont; fid.deffontsettings.size := hppFontItems[Order].size; fid.deffontsettings.style := hppFontItems[Order].style; fid.deffontsettings.colour := ColorToRGB(hppFontItems[Order].color); FontRegister(@fid); end; procedure RegisterColor(Name:PAnsiChar; Order:integer; defColor:TColor); var cid: TColourID; begin cid.cbSize := sizeof(cid); cid.group := hppName; cid.dbSettingsGroup := hppDBName; cid.order := Order; lstrcpya(cid.name,Name); lstrcpya(cid.setting,PAnsiChar('Color'+AnsiString(intToStr(Order)))); cid.defcolour := ColorToRGB(defColor); ColourRegister(@cid); end; procedure OnShowIcons; begin if GridOptions.ShowIcons then LoadIcons; end; procedure OnTextFormatting(Value: Boolean); begin WriteDBBool(hppDBName,'InlineTextFormatting',Value); end; {function LoadIconFromDB(ID: Integer; Icon: TIcon): Boolean; var hic: HIcon; begin Result := False; hic := LoadSkinnedIcon(ID); if (hic <> 0) then begin hic := CopyIcon(hic); Icon.Handle := hic; Result := True; end; end;} procedure LoadIcons; var i: Integer; ic: hIcon; Changed: Boolean; begin Changed := false; GridOptions.StartChange; try // LoadIconFromDB(SKINICON_EVENT_MESSAGE,GridOptions.IconMessage); // LoadIconFromDB(SKINICON_EVENT_URL,GridOptions.IconUrl); // LoadIconFromDB(SKINICON_EVENT_FILE,GridOptions.IconFile); // LoadIconFromDB(SKINICON_OTHER_MIRANDA,GridOptions.IconOther); for i := 0 to High(skinIcons) do begin ic := LoadSkinnedIcon(skinIcons[i].id); if skinIcons[i].handle <> ic then begin skinIcons[i].handle := ic; Changed := true; end; end; finally GridOptions.EndChange(Changed); end; end; procedure LoadIntIcons; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to High(hppIntIcons) do hppIntIcons[i].handle := LoadIconA(hInstance,hppIntIcons[i].name); end; procedure LoadIcons2; var i: integer; ic: hIcon; Changed: Boolean; begin Changed := false; GridOptions.StartChange; try for i := 0 to High(hppIcons) do begin ic := CallService(MS_SKIN2_GETICON, 0, LPARAM(hppIcons[i].name)); if hppIcons[i].handle <> ic then begin hppIcons[i].handle := ic; Changed := true; end; end; finally GridOptions.EndChange(Changed); end; end; function LoadColorDB(Order: integer): TColor; begin Result := GetDBInt(hppDBName,PAnsiChar(AnsiString('Color'+intToStr(Order))), ColorToRGB(hppFontItems[Order].back)); end; function LoadFont(Order: Integer; F: TFont): TFont; const size: Integer = -11; var fid: TFontID; lf: TLogFontA; col: TColor; begin fid.cbSize := sizeof(fid); fid.group := hppName; lstrcpya(fid.name, hppFontItems[Order].name { TRANSLATE-IGNORE } ); col := CallService(MS_FONT_GETA, WPARAM(@fid), LPARAM(@lf)); F.handle := CreateFontIndirectA(lf); F.color := col; Result := F; end; procedure LoadGridOptions; var i,index: integer; begin GridOptions.StartChange; try // load fonts LoadFont(0, GridOptions.FontContact); // GridOptions.FontSelected := LoadFont(2,GridOptions.FontSelected); GridOptions.FontProfile := LoadFont(1, GridOptions.FontProfile); GridOptions.FontSessHeader := LoadFont(17, GridOptions.FontSessHeader); GridOptions.FontIncomingTimestamp := LoadFont(20, GridOptions.FontIncomingTimestamp); GridOptions.FontOutgoingTimestamp := LoadFont(21, GridOptions.FontOutgoingTimestamp); GridOptions.FontMessage := LoadFont(22, GridOptions.FontMessage); // load colors GridOptions.ColorDivider := LoadColorDB(0); GridOptions.ColorSelectedText := LoadColorDB(1); GridOptions.ColorSelected := LoadColorDB(2); GridOptions.ColorSessHeader := LoadColorDB(17); GridOptions.ColorBackground := LoadColorDB(22); GridOptions.ColorLink := LoadColorDB(29); // load mestype-related index := 0; for i := 0 to High(hppFontItems) do begin if hppFontItems[i].Mes <> [] then begin if index > High(GridOptions.ItemOptions) then GridOptions.AddItemOptions; with GridOptions.ItemOptions[index] do begin MessageType := hppFontItems[i].Mes; textFont := LoadFont(i, GridOptions.ItemOptions[index].textFont); textColor := LoadColorDB(i); end; Inc(index); end; end; // for i := 3 to High(hppFontItems)-1 do begin // if (i-3) > High(GridOptions.ItemOptions) then GridOptions.AddItemOptions; // GridOptions.ItemOptions[i-3].MessageType := hppFontItems[i].Mes; // LoadFont(i,GridOptions.ItemOptions[i-3].textFont); // GridOptions.ItemOptions[i-3].textColor := LoadColorDB(i); // end; // load others GridOptions.ShowIcons := GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'ShowIcons', true); GridOptions.RTLEnabled := GetContactRTLMode(0, ''); // we have no per-proto rtl setup ui, use global instead // GridOptions.ShowAvatars := GetDBBool(hppDBName,'ShowAvatars',False); GridOptions.SmileysEnabled := GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'Smileys', SmileyAddEnabled); GridOptions.BBCodesEnabled := GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'BBCodes', true); GridOptions.MathModuleEnabled := GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'MathModule', MathModuleEnabled); GridOptions.RawRTFEnabled := GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'RawRTF', true); GridOptions.AvatarsHistoryEnabled := GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'AvatarsHistory', true); GridOptions.OpenDetailsMode := GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'OpenDetailsMode', false); GridOptions.ProfileName := GetDBWideStr(hppDBName, 'ProfileName', ''); GridOptions.ClipCopyFormat := GetDBWideStr(hppDBName, 'FormatCopy', DEFFORMAT_CLIPCOPY); GridOptions.ClipCopyTextFormat := GetDBWideStr(hppDBName, 'FormatCopyText', DEFFORMAT_CLIPCOPYTEXT); GridOptions.ReplyQuotedFormat := GetDBWideStr(hppDBName, 'FormatReplyQuoted', DEFFORMAT_REPLYQUOTED); GridOptions.ReplyQuotedTextFormat := GetDBWideStr(hppDBName, 'FormatReplyQuotedText', DEFFORMAT_REPLYQUOTEDTEXT); GridOptions.SelectionFormat := GetDBWideStr(hppDBName, 'FormatSelection', DEFFORMAT_SELECTION); GridOptions.DateTimeFormat := GetDBWideStr(hppDBName, 'DateTimeFormat', DEFFORMAT_DATETIME); GridOptions.TextFormatting := GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'InlineTextFormatting', true); ShowHistoryCount := GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'ShowHistoryCount', false); finally GridOptions.EndChange; end; end; procedure SaveGridOptions; begin GridOptions.StartChange; try WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'ShowIcons', GridOptions.ShowIcons); WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'RTL', GridOptions.RTLEnabled); // WriteDBBool(hppDBName,'ShowAvatars',GridOptions.ShowAvatars); WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'BBCodes', GridOptions.BBCodesEnabled); WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'Smileys', GridOptions.SmileysEnabled); WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'MathModule', GridOptions.MathModuleEnabled); WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'RawRTF', GridOptions.RawRTFEnabled); WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'AvatarsHistory', GridOptions.AvatarsHistoryEnabled); WriteDBBool(hppDBName, 'OpenDetailsMode', GridOptions.OpenDetailsMode); // WriteDBWideStr(hppDBName,'FormatCopy',GridOptions.ClipCopyFormat); // WriteDBWideStr(hppDBName,'FormatCopyText',GridOptions.ClipCopyTextFormat); finally GridOptions.EndChange; end; end; function FindIconsDll(ForceCheck: boolean): String; var hppIconsDir: String; hppMessage: WideString; CountIconsDll: Integer; DoCheck: boolean; begin DoCheck := ForceCheck or GetDBBool(hppDBName, 'CheckIconPack', true); hppIconsDir := ExpandFileName(hppPluginsDir + '..\Icons\'); if FileExists(hppIconsDir + hppIPName) then Result := hppIconsDir + hppIPName else if FileExists(hppPluginsDir + hppIPName) then Result := hppPluginsDir + hppIPName else begin Result := hppPluginsDir + hppDllName; if DoCheck then begin DoCheck := false; hppMessage := WideFormat (FormatCString (TranslateW ('Cannot load icon pack (%s) from:\r\n%s\r\nThis can cause no icons will be shown.')), [hppIPName, hppIconsDir + #13#10 + hppPluginsDir]); HppMessageBox(hppMainWindow, hppMessage, hppName + ' Error', MB_ICONERROR or MB_OK); end; end; if DoCheck then begin CountIconsDll := ExtractIconExW(PWideChar(Result), -1, hIcon(nil^), hIcon(nil^), 0); if CountIconsDll < HppIconsCount then begin hppMessage := WideFormat (FormatCString (TranslateW ('You are using old icon pack from:\r\n%s\r\nThis can cause missing icons, so update the icon pack.')), [Result]); HppMessageBox(hppMainWindow, hppMessage, hppName + ' Warning', MB_ICONWARNING or MB_OK); end; end; end; procedure hppRegisterGridOptions; var sid: TSKINICONDESC; defFont: TFontSettings; // sarc: SMADD_REGCAT; i: Integer; mt: TMessageType; str: PAnsiChar; begin // Register in IcoLib hppIconPack := FindIconsDll(false); ZeroMemory(@sid, sizeof(sid)); sid.cbSize := sizeof(sid); sid.szDefaultFile.a := PAnsiChar(AnsiString(hppIconPack)); // !! for i := 0 to High(hppIconsDefs) do begin hppIcons[hppIconsDefs[i].i].name := hppIconsDefs[i].name; sid.pszName := hppIconsDefs[i].name; sid.szDescription.a := hppIconsDefs[i].desc; if hppIconsDefs[i].group = nil then sid.szSection.a := hppName else sid.szSection.a := PAnsiChar(hppName + '/' + hppIconsDefs[i].group); sid.iDefaultIndex := hppIconsDefs[i].i; Skin_AddIcon(@sid); end; for mt := Low(EventRecords) to High(EventRecords) do begin if EventRecords[mt].i = -1 then continue; if EventRecords[mt].iSkin = -1 then begin hppIcons[EventRecords[mt].i].name := EventRecords[mt].iName; sid.pszName := hppIcons[EventRecords[mt].i].name; sid.szDescription.a := PAnsiChar(WideToAnsiString(EventRecords[mt].name, hppCodepage)); sid.szSection.a := PAnsiChar(hppName + '/' +'Events'); sid.iDefaultIndex := EventRecords[mt].i; Skin_AddIcon(@sid); end else skinIcons[EventRecords[mt].i].id := EventRecords[mt].iSkin; end; // Register in FontService defFont.szFace := 'Tahoma'; defFont.charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET; for i := 0 to High(hppFontItems) do begin if hppFontItems[i].Mes <> [] then GridOptions.AddItemOptions; if hppFont in hppFontItems[i]._type then begin RegisterFont(hppFontItems[i].name, i, defFont { TRANSLATE-IGNORE } ); end; if hppColor in hppFontItems[i]._type then begin if hppFontItems[i].nameColor = '' then RegisterColor(hppFontItems[i].name, i, hppFontItems[i].back { TRANSLATE-IGNORE } ) else RegisterColor(hppFontItems[i].nameColor, i, hppFontItems[i].back { TRANSLATE-IGNORE } ); end; end; // Register in SmileyAdd SmileyAddEnabled := boolean(ServiceExists(MS_SMILEYADD_REPLACESMILEYS)); { if SmileyAddEnabled then begin ZeroMemory(@sarc,SizeOf(sarc)); sarc.cbSize := SizeOf(sarc); sarc.name := hppName; sarc.dispname := hppName; CallService(MS_SMILEYADD_REGISTERCATEGORY,0,LPARAM(@sarc)); end; } // Register in MathModule MathModuleEnabled := boolean(ServiceExists(MATH_RTF_REPLACE_FORMULAE)); // Checking MetaContacts MetaContactsEnabled := boolean(ServiceExists(MS_MC_GETMOSTONLINECONTACT)); if MetaContactsEnabled then begin str := PAnsiChar(CallService(MS_MC_GETPROTOCOLNAME, 0, 0)); if Assigned(str) then MetaContactsProto := AnsiString(str) else MetaContactsEnabled := false; end; // Checking presence of speech api MeSpeakEnabled := boolean(ServiceExists(MS_SPEAK_SAY_W)) or boolean(ServiceExists(MS_SPEAK_SAY_A)); end; procedure PrepareSaveDialog(SaveDialog: TSaveDialog; SaveFormat: TSaveFormat; AllFormats: boolean = false); var sf: TSaveFormat; begin SaveDialog.Filter := ''; if SaveFormat = sfAll then SaveFormat := Succ(SaveFormat); if AllFormats then begin for sf := Low(SaveFormats) to High(SaveFormats) do if sf <> sfAll then SaveDialog.Filter := SaveDialog.Filter + SaveFormats[sf].Filter + '|'; SaveDialog.FilterIndex := SaveFormats[SaveFormat].Index; end else begin if SaveFormats[SaveFormat].Owned = [] then begin SaveDialog.Filter := SaveFormats[SaveFormat].Filter + '|'; SaveDialog.Filter := SaveDialog.Filter + SaveFormats[sfAll].Filter; SaveDialog.FilterIndex := 1; end else begin for sf := Low(SaveFormats) to High(SaveFormats) do if sf in SaveFormats[SaveFormat].Owned then SaveDialog.Filter := SaveDialog.Filter + SaveFormats[sf].Filter + '|'; SaveDialog.FilterIndex := SaveFormats[SaveFormat].OwnedIndex; end; end; SaveDialog.DefaultExt := SaveFormats[SaveFormat].DefaultExt; end; procedure hppPrepareTranslation; var sf: TSaveFormat; begin for sf := Low(SaveFormatsDef) to High(SaveFormatsDef) do begin SaveFormats[sf] := SaveFormatsDef[sf]; SaveFormats[sf].Filter := Format('%s (%s)|%s', [TranslateWideString(SaveFormatsDef[sf].Filter { TRANSLATE-IGNORE } ), SaveFormatsDef[sf].DefaultExt, SaveFormatsDef[sf].DefaultExt]); end; end; procedure LocalFreeIcons; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to High(hppIntIcons) do if hppIntIcons[i].handle <> 0 then DestroyIcon(hppIntIcons[i].handle); end; initialization GridOptions := TGridOptions.Create; GridOptions.OnShowIcons := OnShowIcons; GridOptions.OnTextFormatting := OnTextFormatting; SetLength(hppIcons, HppIconsCount); SetLength(skinIcons, SkinIconsCount); finalization LocalFreeIcons; Finalize(hppIcons); Finalize(skinIcons); GridOptions.Free; end.