// Punycode Kovertierung // // Punycode: A Bootstring encoding of Unicode for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) // http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3492.txt // // Delphi-Unit von Daniel Mitte (2005) // Original-Code von http://www.activevb.de // // Beispiel: // pc := TPunyClass.Create; // e := pc.Encode('m�ller'); // Verschl�sselt 'm�ller' zu 'mller-kva' // d := pc.Decode(e); // Entschl�sselt 'mller-kva' zu 'm�ller' // pc.Free; unit hpp_puny; interface const BASE: Longint = 36; TMIN: Longint = 1; TMAX: Longint = 26; SKEW: Longint = 38; DAMP: Longint = 700; INITIAL_BIAS: Longint = 72; INITIAL_N: Longint = 128; Delimiter: String = '-'; MAX_INT: Longint = 2147483647; type TPunyClass = class private function GetMinCodePoint(const n: Longint; const data: String): Longint; function IsBasic(const c: String; const n: Longint): Boolean; function Adapt(const delta, numpoints: Longint; const firsttime: Boolean): Longint; function Digit2Codepoint(const d: Longint): Longint; function Codepoint2Digit(const c: Longint): Longint; function UInt(i: Longint): Longint; function Asc(const s: String): Longint; function AscW(const s: String): Longint; function PosRev(const sub, text: String): Longint; public function Encode(const input: String): String; function Decode(const input: String): String; end; implementation function TPunyClass.Encode(const input: String): String; var n, delta, bias, b, l, h, q, m, k, t: Longint; text, output, c: String; first: Boolean; begin text := input; output := ''; try n := INITIAL_N; bias := INITIAL_BIAS; b := 0; for l := 1 to Length(text) do begin c := Copy(text, l, 1); if IsBasic(c, INITIAL_N) then begin output := output + c; b := b + 1; end; end; if Length(output) < Length(text) then if Length(output) > 0 then output := output + Delimiter; h := b; delta := 0; while h < Length(text) do begin m := GetMinCodePoint(n, text); delta := delta + UInt(m - n) * (h + 1); n := m; for l := 1 to Length(text) do begin c := Copy(text, l, 1); if IsBasic(c, n) then delta := delta + 1 else if UInt(AscW(c)) = n then begin q := delta; k := BASE; while k <= MAX_INT do begin if k <= (bias + TMIN) then t := TMIN else if k >= (bias + TMAX) then t := TMAX else t := k - bias; if q < t then break; output := output + Chr(Digit2Codepoint(t + ((q - t) Mod (BASE - t)))); q := (q - t) div (BASE - t); k := k + BASE; end; output := output + Chr(Digit2Codepoint(q)); first := False; if h = b then first := True; bias := Adapt(delta, h + 1, first); delta := 0; h := h + 1; end; end; delta := delta + 1; n := n + 1; end; except output := input; end; Result := output; end; function TPunyClass.Decode(const input: String): String; var n, i, bias, l, ps, oldi, w, k, t: Longint; digit: Byte; text, output, c: String; first: Boolean; begin text := input; output := ''; try n := INITIAL_N; bias := INITIAL_BIAS; i := 0; ps := PosRev(Delimiter, text); if ps > 0 then begin for l := 1 to (ps - 1) do begin c := Copy(text, l, 1); if IsBasic(c, INITIAL_N) then output := output + c else begin Result := ''; Exit; end; end; end; ps := ps + 1; while ps <= Length(text) do begin oldi := i; w := 1; k := BASE; while ((k <= MAX_INT) and (ps <= Length(text))) do begin c := Copy(text, ps, 1); ps := ps + 1; digit := Codepoint2Digit(Asc(c)); if ((digit >= BASE) or (digit > ((MAX_INT - i) / w))) then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; i := i + digit * w; if k <= bias then t := TMIN else if k >= (bias + TMAX) then t := TMAX else t := k - bias; if digit < t then break; if w > (maxint / (BASE - t)) then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; w := w * (BASE - t); k := k + BASE; end; first := False; if oldi = 0 then first := True; bias := Adapt(i - oldi, Length(output) + 1, first); if (i / (Length(output) + 1)) > (MAX_INT - n) then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; n := n + i div (Length(output) + 1); i := i mod (Length(output) + 1); if IsBasic(Char(n), INITIAL_N) then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; output := Copy(output, 1, i) + Char(n) + Copy(output, i + 1, Length(output) - (i + 1) + 1); i := i + 1; end; except output := input; end; Result := output; end; function TPunyClass.GetMinCodePoint(const n: Longint; const data: String): Longint; var t, a, res: Longint; begin res := 2147483647; for t := 1 to Length(data) do begin a := UInt(AscW(Copy(data, t, 1))); if ((a >= n) and (a < res)) then res := a; end; Result := res; end; function TPunyClass.IsBasic(const c: String; const n: Longint): Boolean; begin Result := False; if UInt(AscW(c)) < n then Result := True; end; function TPunyClass.Adapt(const delta, numpoints: Longint; const firsttime: Boolean): Longint; var k, dt: Longint; begin dt := delta; if firsttime then dt := dt div DAMP else dt := dt div 2; dt := dt + (dt div numpoints); k := 0; while dt > (((BASE - TMIN) * TMAX) div 2) do begin dt := dt div (BASE - TMIN); k := k + BASE; end; Result := k + (((BASE - TMIN + 1) * dt) div (dt + SKEW)); end; function TPunyClass.Digit2Codepoint(const d: Longint): Longint; begin Result := 0; if d < 26 then Result := d + 97 else if d < 36 then Result := d - 26 + 48; end; function TPunyClass.Codepoint2Digit(const c: Longint): Longint; begin Result := BASE; if (c - 48) < 10 then Result := c - 22 else if (c - 65) < 26 then Result := c - 65 else if (c - 97) < 26 then Result := c - 97; end; function TPunyClass.UInt(i: Longint): Longint; begin Result := i; if i < 0 then Result := 65536 + i; end; function TPunyClass.Asc(const s: String): Longint; var c: Char; begin Result := 0; if Length(s) > 0 then begin c := s[1]; Result := Word(c); end; end; function TPunyClass.AscW(const s: String): Longint; var c: Char; begin Result := 0; if Length(s) > 0 then begin c := s[1]; Result := Longint(c); end; end; function TPunyClass.PosRev(const sub, text: String): Longint; var p: Longint; s: String; begin Result := 0; s := ''; for p := 1 to Length(text) do s := s + Copy(text, Length(text) - p + 1, 1); p := Pos(sub, s); if p > 0 then Result := Length(s) - p + 1; end; end.